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通过分析温度和地应力对深部煤体瓦斯运移规律的影响,建立了瓦斯渗流热流固耦合模型,以贵州省松和煤矿15#煤层12150采煤工作面为例,利用ComsolMultiphysics软件对深部煤层工作面前方瓦斯渗流进行数值模拟。研究结果表明:受采动影响,在工作面前方“三带”中,卸压区存在大量新裂隙和通道,瓦斯压力梯度最大;在应力集中区至卸压区过渡段瓦斯压力下降速度最快,解释了在该区容易导致瓦斯突出的原因;在应力集中区,瓦斯压力和有效应力较高,压缩煤体,导致煤颗粒排列紧密,渗透率降低;在卸压区,煤体体积形变逐渐变大,产生了很多新裂隙,发生扩容,渗流通道贯通,导致渗透率急剧增加,因此在应力最大处形成了煤层渗透率最低点,随着时间的推移,渗透率最低点逐步远离工作面;在采煤工作面前方,虽然温度升高后瓦斯热运动加剧,有促进瓦斯渗透率的趋势,但由于工作面前方有效应力较大,煤体受热膨胀应力小于有效应力,导致煤体内膨胀,渗流空间减小,造成渗透率降低。  相似文献   

Ranking of workplaces with respect to working conditions is very significant for each company. It indicates the positions where employees are most exposed to adverse effects resulting from the working environment, which endangers their health. This article presents the results obtained for 12 different production workplaces in the copper mining and smelting complex RTB Bor – ‘Veliki Krivelj’ open pit, based on six parameters measured regularly which defined the following working environment conditions: air temperature, light, noise, dustiness, chemical hazards and vibrations. The ranking of workplaces has been performed by PROMETHEE/GAIA. Additional optimization of workplaces is done by PROMETHEE V with the given limits related to maximum permitted values for working environment parameters. The obtained results indicate that the most difficult workplace is on the excavation location (excavator operator). This method can be successfully used for solving similar kinds of problems, in order to improve working conditions.  相似文献   

Initial results are presented of a survey in 14 countries into the training of six professional groups in the area of working conditions. The groups are occupational physicians, occupational hygienists, safety advisors/engineers, ergonomists, occupational health nurses and health and safety/labour/ (social) insurance inspectors.The paper concentrates on the diversity of the professional groups involved in working conditions, the level, length and certification of their training, and, for a limited number of the countries surveyed, the overlap in training content between groups.Conclusions are drawn in respect of the potential for sharing of training content and materials.  相似文献   

为了分析实际作业的叉车排放特征,基于VDI2198循环,采用车载排放测试系统(PEMS)对某基本型配备非道路国Ⅲ柴油发动机叉车进行前进、后退、货物举升、货物下降4种作业工况下的实车道路排放测试。结果表明,各排放物的排放速率在前进、货物举升和货物下降工况下处于较高水平,在后退工况下处于较低水平。CO_2、NO_x基于时间的排放因子在前进工况下最高,其原因是在前进工况下发动机处于合理转速工作区,进气充足,燃料燃烧较为充分,达到了高温富氧条件;CO、PN基于时间的排放因子在货物举升工况下最高,其原因是举升工况下发动机转速过高,进气不足、喷油量增加导致大量燃料不完全燃烧。后退工况下较低的CO_2基于时间排放因子,使得各污染物基于CO_2当量排放因子在后退工况下较高。与美国NONROAD模型中同类叉车排放水平对比,试验叉车的CO排放水平远低于Tier4A之前的排放水平,远高于Tier4排放水平;NO_x的排放水平低于Tier4A之前的排放水平,稍高于Tier4的排放水平。适度超载对排放影响较小,冷起动对排放影响较大。坡度增加对排放影响显著,坡度从0(平地)增至10%,CO、NO_x、PN、CO_2基于里程的排放因子分别增加了54%、19%、100%、27%;坡度从10%增加至15%,CO、NO_x、PN、CO_2基于里程的排放因子分别增加了41%、50%、51%、56%。  相似文献   

孤岛工作面覆岩空间结构复杂多变,受开采和地质等因素的影响在开采过程中面临冲击地压、煤与瓦斯突出、自燃发火以及采空区突水等复合动力灾害。留设合理宽度的区段煤柱是确保工作面安全开采的关键,以陕西某矿特厚煤层孤岛工作面开采为工程案例,通过分析工作面覆岩空间结构,理论计算了工作面应力分布;采用应力动态监测等方法确定了该工作采空区侧向覆岩运动,并综合考虑冲击地压灾害防治、次生灾害控制以及巷道支护等因素,确定了该工作面区段煤柱的合理宽度为5~7 m。  相似文献   

为了研究“U+I”型工作面进风量和顶板巷抽采负压对工作面瓦斯浓度与采空区氧化带宽度的影响,协调瓦斯抽采和浮煤自燃之间的关系。以2306综放面为工程背景,基于“U”型冒落岩层孔隙率分布公式和流体通用控制方程建立采空区数值模拟解算模型。采用CFD软件对不同进风量、不同抽采负压下的工作面瓦斯浓度和采空区氧化带宽度进行模拟,结果表明:随着工作面风量的增加,工作面和顶板巷瓦斯浓度减小,但工作面处浓度减幅逐渐变小而顶板巷浓度减幅几乎不变;提高顶板巷抽采负压,对减少工作面瓦斯浓度效果明显,顶板巷自身瓦斯浓度先增加再减小,采空区进风侧氧化带宽度变窄,回风侧和采空区中部氧化带宽度增加,总体上增加了采空区浮煤自燃的危险性但影响程度有限。  相似文献   

近年来,随着社会的不断发展进步,消防部队工作职能不断拓展,承担了越来越多的灾害事故应急救援工作。在这个不断发展的过程中,应急救援的安全问题不断凸显,暴露出了应急救援安全管理跟不上救援工作发展及更新速度这一突出问题。面对这一新形势、新任务及新要求,我们必须分析研究有针对性的安全管理对策,以科学发展、求真务实的管理态度来组织消防部队应急救援工作。本文从分析消防部队应急救援安全管理现状入手,提出并总结了一些预防事故发生以及建立健全管理制度的对策。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: While there is some evidence of the influences of personal knowledge and organizational factors on workers' hearing protection, a causal model examining relationships between these variables is lacking. METHOD: To create and test such a model, this study collected data from 1,701 workers in Hong Kong through a random sample telephone survey. RESULTS: Fitting the model to the data revealed that organizational regulation of occupational noise protection was a root cause of workers' protective behavior, whereas workers knowledge about the protection exhibited only a minimal effect. CONCLUSIONS: These findings cast doubt on the significance of personal knowledge as a unique factor contributing to noise protection. The study also finds that organizational regulation was predictable by a number of organizational and industrial factors. IMPACT ON INDUSTRY: To prevent occupational deafness, organizational regulation accompanied by regular inspection and a norm of noise protection is important.  相似文献   

李昌厚  陈颖  李思成 《火灾科学》2014,23(4):195-202
高层建筑发生火灾后,火灾烟气会在多种驱动力的作用下从着火房间迅速蔓延扩散至整栋建筑,严重威胁建筑内人员的生命安全。因此,控制建筑内烟气蔓延是建筑消防安全的一项重要内容。该文对热浮力、烟囱效应和室外风作用下建筑内火灾烟气输运规律进行分析,较系统地总结了这三种驱动力作用下火灾烟气输运的国内外研究成果,指出了以往研究的一些不足之处。根据国内外相关工作的研究进展及当前需要,对今后高层建筑火灾烟气输运规律的主要研究内容提出了几点展望。  相似文献   

煤炭在构造应力的作用下会产生不同形状的裂隙,不同的裂隙会对煤层内的流动与传热产生影响。以阜新市高德煤矿为例,建立二维物理模型,采用两区域方法构造控制方程组,运用计算机软件对四种裂隙下煤层的流场和温度场进行数值计算。计算结果表明:不同裂隙对煤层流场的影响主要在空气流动侧,对煤层区域影响很小;不同裂隙对煤层温度场的影响主要在裂隙界面上,对外界空气和煤层内部的影响均很小;不同裂隙条件下煤层壁面平均努谢尔特数曲线的契合度随着瑞利数的增加而不断降低,相比标准界面,其他三种界面的煤层壁面平均努谢尔特数值基本一致。研究结果可为煤矿的安全开采提供理论性指导。  相似文献   

为研究临近断层工作面采动诱冲规律,首先对开采与断层应力之间的影响进行理论分析,再利用正交实验设计合理的实验方案,采用有限元软件FLAC3D对各方案进行数值模拟实验,提取25组数值模拟实验数据,最后基于层次分析法对各影响因素的组合权重进行理论计算,分析各影响因素对断层冲击地压的影响大小.结果表明:开采深度对断层冲击地压的...  相似文献   

为识别装配式建筑施工并行作业之间的空间冲突,分析装配式建筑施工项目现场各类作业空间占用需求,利用BIM技术模拟作业空间占用,引入混合轴向包围盒(AABB)与有向包围盒(OBB)算法,建立施工现场并行作业空间冲突检测模型。结果表明:所建立的模型可有效预测施工现场并行作业之间的空间冲突,为进一步的空间资源优化与项目安全管理提供支撑。  相似文献   

Objective: Anthropomorphic test devices (ATDs) are used to assess real injury risk to occupants of vehicles during injurious events. In the lower leg, values from load cells are compared to injury criteria developed in cadaveric studies. These criteria are typically developed with the leg in a neutral posture, whereas the ATD may assume a wide range of postures during safety evaluation tests. The degree to which the initial posture of an ATD has an effect on the measured forces and moments in the lower leg is unknown.

Methods: A Hybrid III ATD lower leg was impacted in a range of postures under conditions representing a crash test, and peak axial force and adjusted tibia index injury measures were evaluated. Ankle posture was varied in 5° increments using a custom-made footplate, and dorsi/plantarflexion (20° DF to 20° PF) and in/eversion (20° IV to 5° EV) were evaluated. Tibia angle was also varied (representing knee flexion/extension) by ±10° from neutral.

Results: Peak axial force was not affected by ankle flexion or tibia angulation. Adjusted tibia index was lowest for plantarflexion, as well as for tibia angles representative of knee extension. Both peak axial force and adjusted tibia index were lowest for postures of great inversion and were highest in neutral or near-neutral postures.

Conclusions: The range of postures tested herein spanned published injury criteria and thus would have made the difference between pass and fail in a safety evaluation. In/eversion had the largest influence on injury metrics, likely due to the change in axial stiffness and altered impact durations in these postures. Results suggest increased injury risk at neutral or near-neutral postures, whereas previous cadaveric studies have suggested that in/eversion does not influence injury risk. It is unclear whether the ATD appropriately represents the natural lower leg for impacts in out-of-position testing. Great care must be taken when initially positioning ATDs for safety evaluations, because small perturbations in posture were shown herein to have large effects on the measured injury risk using this tool.  相似文献   

Introduction. Musculoskeletal symptoms related to using traditional computer workstations are common. Quantitative methods for measuring muscle stress and strain are needed to improve ergonomics of workstations. We hypothesize that infrared thermography (IRT) is suited for this purpose. Methods. This hypothesis was evaluated by estimating muscle activity in upright and traditional working postures with IRT and surface electromyography (sEMG). IRT and sEMG measurements were conducted in 14 female participants with both working postures. First, measurements with the traditional posture were performed. Later, participants had 1?month to adjust to the upright working posture before repeating the measurements. IRT images were acquired before and after a full working day, with sEMG recordings being conducted throughout the measurement days. Participants evaluated their neck pain severity using neck disability index (NDI) questionnaires before the first and after the second measurement day. Results. Spatial variation in upper back temperature was higher (p?=?0.008) when working in traditional posture and the upright working posture reduced (p?p?=?0.003) after working in the upright posture. Conclusion. IRT was found suitable for evaluating muscle activity and upright working posture to reduce the NDI and muscle activity in the upper back.  相似文献   

为进一步改善快速接头受连续相作用易失效、内壁冲蚀磨损严重的问题,采用CFD软件中的Realizable k-ε湍流模型,对不同入口速度下的快速接头冲蚀磨损情况运用数值模拟方法分析,得到快速接头内部的流场分布及其冲蚀磨损情况.结果表明:快速接头的冲蚀主要集中在管径缩小段的大小管道交界处,且在管径突变处流体的压力、速度会发...  相似文献   

为解决大流量工序定点短时测尘结果与工人实际接尘情况存在差距的问题,本文以山西潞安集团漳村煤矿的综采、综掘、炮掘工作面为主要监测点,应用全工班呼吸性粉尘监测方法进行测尘。采用平均数、标准差、累计百分比等统计学方法对监测结果进行了深入的分析。对现有防尘措施从改善工人实际接尘情况的角度进行了评价,提出了合理化建议。从而有利于矿山管理者有的放矢地采取防尘措施,减少投资,提高效率,确保劳动者健康。  相似文献   

为明晰海底隧道交通系统内部风险因素之间的耦合关联和事故演化机理,从驾驶人、道路、车辆、环境和管理5方面阐释海底隧道风险因素内涵,定性分析风险因素之间的耦合作用,建立海底隧道交通事故风险演化立体网络模型,提出海底隧道风险因素量化评价标准;并构建海底隧道交通事故风险耦合尖点突变模型,深入分析海底隧道交通系统风险状态演化的主要形式;结合应用实例,对海底隧道风险因素耦合进行计算评价。结果表明:多因素耦合对海底隧道交通系统产生的风险影响大于单因素耦合,驾驶人因素风险相对最大,车辆因素风险相对最小,并从人、物2个因素方面提出针对性的事故风险预防措施。研究结果可为海底隧道交通安全管控提供理论参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

为研究冻结煤层温度场演化规律,针对煤层注液冷冻防治煤与瓦斯突出方法,建立热流固(THM)耦合方程,应用COMSOL软件分析冻结过程中渗透率、温度场、有效冻结半径等参数的时空演化规律,并对不同布孔方式冻结效果进行对比。研究结果表明:冻结过程中渗透率与有效冻结半径均先快速增加后缓慢增加,有效冻结半径随冻结时间增加呈幂函数关系;多孔布置冻结孔时,随冻结时间增加,有效冻结范围增大;同一冻结时间,距冻结孔越远,温度变化越缓慢,研究结果可为冻结煤层防治煤与瓦斯突出提供理论指导。  相似文献   

为评估煤矿井下工人面临的职业健康风险,采用特征化分析和货币化法,提出煤矿井下不同作业场所职业健康风险的定量评价方法。对井下主要作业场所进行划分,收集各作业场所粉尘、噪声和热环境的清单数据,进行特征化分析,将粉尘、噪声和热环境对工人的健康风险影响量化,最后进行货币化,使评价结果赋予经济意义。结果表明:平煤某矿的职业健康风险为715.47万元,主要作业场所职业健康风险由大到小依次为回采、掘进、煤仓口、锚喷作业点和胶带运输转载,评价结果可为煤矿职业健康管理提供更全面的决策依据。  相似文献   

为解决低透气性回采工作面采煤过程中,瓦斯抽采困难、施工周期长等问题,提出了利用深孔预裂爆破技术,增加煤层裂隙,提高煤层透气性的方法,并研究了深孔预裂爆破技术的作用机理,阐述了深孔预裂爆破技术的工艺流程,对增透效果进行了现场考察.研究表明:深孔预裂爆破后与爆破前相比,平均瓦斯抽采量提高了2.32倍,平均煤层透气性系数提高了5.6倍,最大提高了11.5倍,有效提高了瓦斯抽采率;工作面回采周期大幅度缩短,为安全、快速回采提供了保障.  相似文献   

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