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With the collectivization of the Chinese oil industry, oil companies have been expanding in size. However, the intensified differences in the safety performance of subsidiaries have severely hindered the collaborative management of the headquarters. Understanding the safety status of each member is urgent for parent companies and their subsidiaries to identify gaps and make improvements. A unified set of safety performance indicators and a practical measurement tool are essential for the Chinese oil industry. Hence, this study identified a set of safety performance indicators encompassing both leading and lagging indicators using data envelopment analysis (DEA) and entropy weight method (EWM) to reveal the critical factors affecting the safety performance of the oil industry. A total of 300 front-line workers from eight subsidiaries of an oil company participated in the survey. The identified indicators were preliminarily weighted using EWM. Then, DEA was employed to measure the safety performance of the eight subsidiaries, demonstrating that management commitment was the most crucial factor in distinguishing safety performance; safety culture was more differentiated than risk management. Safety performance was not entirely positively correlated with safety investments, but the reasonable allocation of safety resources played a vital role. In addition, the weaknesses in each subsidiary's safety management were identified, and the quantitative effects of each leading indicator on safety performance were obtained.  相似文献   

Past research has identified a research gap regarding studies of the reliability and validity of OHS management audit methods. This study describes 17 audit methods used by OHS auditing organizations in the broader public sector in the province of Ontario, emphasizing aspects relevant to audit reliability and validity. Wide variation was found in pertinent characteristics of the audit methods and in their corresponding programs. In addition, some discrepancies were found between actual auditing practices and international standards on management system auditing. Further research is needed to precisely determine the impact of these variations and discrepancies on the measurement properties of audit data and on the performance of audit programs. This study determined that such research is feasible with some, but not all, auditing programs.  相似文献   

IntroductionThis study establishes the correlations between performance of a set of key safety factors and the actual lagging performance of oil platforms in Malaysia, hence the relevance of the key safety factors in evaluating and predicting the safety performance of oil and gas platforms. The key factors are crucial components of a safety performance evaluation framework and each key safety factor corresponds to a list of underlying safety indicators.MethodIn this study, participating industrial practitioners rated the compliance status of each indicator using a numbering system adapted from the traffic light system, based on the actual performance of 10 oil platforms in Malaysia. Safety scores of the platforms were calculated based on the ratings and compared with the actual lagging performance of the platforms. Safety scores of two platforms were compared with the facility status reports' findings of the respective platforms.ResultsThe platforms studied generally had good performance. Total recordable incident rates of the platforms were found to show significant negative correlations with management and work engagement on safety, compliance score for number of incident and near misses, personal safety, and management of change. Lost time injury rates, however, correlated negatively with hazard identification and risk assessment. The safety scores generally agreed with findings of the facility status reports with substandard process containment found as a contributor of hydrocarbon leaks.ConclusionsThis study proves the criterion validity of the safety performance evaluation framework and demonstrates its usability for benchmarking and continuous improvement of safety practices on the Malaysian offshore oil and gas platforms.Practical applicationsThis study reveals the applicability of the framework and the potential of extending safety reporting beyond the few conventional lagging safety performance indicators used. The study also highlights the synergy between correlating safety factors to streamline safety management on offshore platforms.  相似文献   

Improvement of occupational safety and health (OSH) management is closely related to the development of OSH performance measurement, which should include OSH outcomes (e.g., occupational accidents), OSH inputs (including working conditions) and OSH-related activities. The indicators used to measure the OSH outcomes are often called lagging indicators, and the indicators of inputs and OSH activities are leading indicators. A study was conducted in 60 companies in order to determine what kinds of indicators were used for OSH performance measurement by companies with different levels of OSH performance. The results reveal that the indicators most commonly used in all of the companies are those related to ensuring compliance with the statutory requirements. At the same time, the leading indicators are much more often adopted in companies with a higher performance level. These companies also much more often monitor on a regular basis the indicators adopted for the evaluation of their OSH performance.  相似文献   

Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security Science & Technology (DHS S&T) Chemical Security Analysis Center (CSAC), the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA), Transport Canada, and Defence Research and Development Canada (DRDC), the Jack Rabbit II tests were designed to release liquid chlorine at ambient temperature in quantities of 5–20 T for the purpose of quantifying the behavior and hazards of catastrophic chlorine releases at scales represented by rail and truck transport vessels. In 2015, five successful field trials were conducted in which chlorine was released in quantities of 5–10 tons through a 6-inch circular breach in the tank and directed vertically downward at 1 m elevation over a concrete pad. In 2016, three additional trials were conducted with releases of 10 tons also through 6-inch circular breaches at different release orientations. A final 20 ton test was conducted in 2016. Data from the test program is available. This paper summarizes an analysis of the available data from the concrete pad including analysis of the temperature measurements above and below grade in the concrete pad. Assessment of the chlorine rainout is estimated based on temperature measurements and available video data analysis.  相似文献   

把信息化技术用于油气田安全领域,用采集的现场数据评估安全生产环境,实现油气田安全信息化是近年来的新课题。为了有效地监测和预防油三高气田(高含硫、高产量、高压力)井喷事故造成的灾害,讨论了基于网络架构的重大事故现场监测数据采集管理系统软件的研究与设计,包括气象数据,传感器数据,监测设备GPS数据与视频信息的实时采集、处理、分析与显示,并且分段说明了该系统各部分的设计和实现的重点.该系统具有友好的人机界面,并且引入了流媒体技术、无线传感器技术等多种先进技术,能够最大程度地得到全面的表征油气田安全的数据与信息;该系统已经在研究实例龙岗油气田的实验中证明了具有安全生产方面的现实意义。  相似文献   

South Australian organizations assess their OHSMS through audits as evidence of risk control and to help make workplaces healthy and safe. Auditing is an evaluative process regarded as an important step in the cycle of continuous improvement in OHS. Auditing began with financial audits conducted for reasons of corporate governance: for accountability, to inform management decisions and to provide market confidence. Society expects audits to be a tool of regulation, governance and accountability, but celebrated failures of audits to warn of impending financial collapse in organizations in recent years appears to have led to an increased fervour for auditing, rather than a decline. Social audits, including auditing of OHSMS, are intended to determine that an organization is meeting its corporate social responsibilities; but what is audited is often contested and requires subjective analysis. Financial and social audits are subject to failure: unintentional errors, deliberate fraud, financial interests causing undue influence, and undue influence from personal relationships between the auditor and client. We identify five further categories of failure: lack of worker participation; paperwork for the sake of the audit; goal displacement of audit scoring; confusion of audit criteria; and lack of auditor independence and skill. There has been a shift in focus: the current demand and preparation for auditing distracts organizations from the primary goal of making the workplace healthy and safe. We argue that auditing OHSMS has become a ritual rather than a means of improving workplace health and safety and should at least be treated with caution.  相似文献   

Introduction: Studies thus far have focused on automobile accidents that involve driver distraction. However, it is hard to discern whether distraction played a role if fault designation is missing because an accident could be caused by an unexpected external event over which the driver has no control. This study seeks to determine the effect of distraction in driver-at-fault events. Method: Two generalized linear mixed models, one with at-fault safety critical events (SCE) and the other with all-cause SCEs as the outcomes, were developed to compare the odds associated with common distraction types using data from the SHRP2 naturalistic driving study. Results: Adjusting for environment and driver variation, 6 of 10 common distraction types significantly increased the risk of at-fault SCEs by 20-1330%. The three most hazardous sources of distraction were handling in-cabin objects (OR = 14.3), mobile device use (OR = 2.4), and external distraction (OR = 1.8). Mobile device use and external distraction were also among the most commonly occurring distraction types (10.1% and 11.0%, respectively). Conclusions: Focusing on at-fault events improves our understanding of the role of distraction in potentially avoidable automobile accidents. The in-cabin distraction that requires eye-hand coordination presents the most danger to drivers’ ability in maintaining fault-free, safe driving. Practical Applications: The high risk of at-fault SCEs associated with in-cabin distraction should motivate the smart design of the interior and in-vehicle information system that requires less visual attention and manual effort.  相似文献   

An integrated approach for performance assessment and management of safety barriers in a systemic manner is needed concerning the prevention and mitigation of major accidents in chemical process industries. Particularly, the effects of safety barriers on system risk reduction should be assessed in a dynamic manner to support the decision-making on safety barrier establishments and improvements. A simulation approach, named Simulink-based Safety Barrier Modeling (SSBM), is proposed in this paper to conduct dynamic risk assessment of chemical facilities with the consideration of the degradation of safety barriers. The main functional features of the SSBM include i) the basic model structures of SSBM can be determined based on bow-tie diagrams, ii) multiple data (periodic proof test data, continuous condition-monitoring data, and accident precursor data) may be combined to update barrier failure probabilities and initiating event probabilities, iii) SSBM is able to handle uncertainty propagation in probabilistic risk assessment by using Monte Carlo simulations, and iv) cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA) and optimization algorithms are integrated to support the decision-making on safety barrier establishments and improvements. An illustrative case study is demonstrated to show the procedures of applying the SSBM on dynamic risk-informed safety barrier management and validate the feasibility of implementing the SSBM for cost-effective safety barrier optimization.  相似文献   

为保证同忻煤矿安全、高效开采,采用应力解除法对大同矿区同忻井田3-5#煤层的地应力场进行了测量,结合理论分析、数值模拟与现场监测,分析了在该类型应力场中不同巷道布置方向与巷道围岩稳定性之间的关系。测得同忻井田最大主应力为20.42 MPa,方位角为245.18°,确定了同忻井田地应力场属于σHv型。理论计算和数值模拟的结果表明,有利于回采巷道稳定性的布置方向为与最大水平主应力方向成30°,并采用巷道顶板离层监测仪对其进行了验证。  相似文献   

In the literature on the relationship between participation in decision making and performance, a tell‐and‐sell strategy is considered a viable alternative to participation. In contrast, we argue that in organizational settings, when a sensitive and important issue is at stake, participation of a form to be characterized as formal, long term, direct, and with a high degree of participant influence is more effective than a tell‐and‐sell strategy. Using a quasi‐experimental design with a participation, a tell‐and‐sell, and a control condition, a ProMES performance management system was implemented in the field service department of a Dutch supplier of photocopiers. Outcome feedback to individual technicians resulted in an average performance increase in the participation condition that was significantly higher than the increase found in the tell‐and‐sell condition. Satisfaction with the program, and the perceived usefulness of the feedback, were significantly higher in the participation condition. In both experimental conditions, the performance increase was significant compared to the control condition. An explanation for these findings is discussed, as are implications for theory and practice. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The stress associated with labor-management negotiations is investigated in two longitudinal studies. In Study 1, changes in anxiety and blood pressure following a simulated negotiation exercise are assessed. The sample consisted of 49 advanced undergraduate Industrial Psychology students, divided into experimental (n = 24) and control (n = 25) groups. The experimental group engaged in a simulated labor–management negotiation, whereas the control group participated in a class discussion session. Anxiety and blood pressure levels of both groups were tested before and after the manipulation. Statistically controlling for pretest differences, the experimental group yielded more negative changes in anxiety and blood pressure levels than the control group from pretesting at posttesting. In Study 2, moderators and psychological consequences of participation during in vivo labor–management negotiations were studied. Data were collected from 96 industrial relations (IR) practitioners immediately before negotiations and three months later. Using moderated multiple regression, negatively perceived IR stress predicted negative changes in psychological well-being. Family support moderated the relationship, while personality hardiness yielded a negative buffering effect on this relationship. Explanations of the findings are discussed and implications for future research are suggested.  相似文献   

The measurement properties of the Rizzo, House and Lirtzman (1970) role conflict and role ambiguity scales have been debated in the research literature for several years. The criticisms are that the scales do not measure separate constructs and are contaminated by method variance. However, some researchers have presented evidence supporting the scales' continued use as independent measures. We attempted to clarify the running debate by re-examining these issues and presenting additional data, which focused on the item level of analysis. Using confirmatory factor analyses and item statistics, we show discriminant validity for the role conflict and ambiguity scales across three diverse samples of workers. We also contend that the evidence for method bias is not as strong as previously argued.  相似文献   

Many researchers have been interested in the nondestructive measurement methods for estimating components damage in order to assure the safe service of steel structures. It is recognized that the evaluating techniques based on magnetic measurement can offer a great potential because of high susceptibility to the change of several metallurgical factors. Magnetic property such as coercive force was measured. The coercive force at room temperature monotonously increased with the increase of frequency. The correlation between the magnetic properties of used material and that of un-used material was studied. The coercive force gradient at room temperature increased with the increase of aging. Hence the estimating method using magnetic properties allows one to evaluate the extent of material aging for reactor pressure vessel.  相似文献   


Objective: The amount of collected field data from naturalistic driving studies is quickly increasing. The data are used for, among others, developing automated driving technologies (such as crash avoidance systems), studying driver interaction with such technologies, and gaining insights into the variety of scenarios in real-world traffic. Because data collection is time consuming and requires high investments and resources, questions like “Do we have enough data?,” “How much more information can we gain when obtaining more data?,” and “How far are we from obtaining completeness?” are highly relevant. In fact, deducing safety claims based on collected data—for example, through testing scenarios based on collected data—requires knowledge about the degree of completeness of the data used. We propose a method for quantifying the completeness of the so-called activities in a data set. This enables us to partly answer the aforementioned questions.

Method: In this article, the (traffic) data are interpreted as a sequence of different so-called scenarios that can be grouped into a finite set of scenario classes. The building blocks of scenarios are the activities. For every activity, there exists a parameterization that encodes all information in the data of each recorded activity. For each type of activity, we estimate a probability density function (pdf) of the associated parameters. Our proposed method quantifies the degree of completeness of a data set using the estimated pdfs.

Results: To illustrate the proposed method, 2 different case studies are presented. First, a case study with an artificial data set, of which the underlying pdfs are known, is carried out to illustrate that the proposed method correctly quantifies the completeness of the activities. Next, a case study with real-world data is performed to quantify the degree of completeness of the acquired data for which the true pdfs are unknown.

Conclusion: The presented case studies illustrate that the proposed method is able to quantify the degree of completeness of a small set of field data and can be used to deduce whether sufficient data have been collected for the purpose of the field study. Future work will focus on applying the proposed method to larger data sets. The proposed method will be used to evaluate the level of completeness of the data collection on Singaporean roads, aimed at defining relevant test cases for the autonomous vehicle road approval procedure that is being developed in Singapore.  相似文献   

Management of safety, and barriers in particular, includes using information expressing performance, i.e. use of safety performance indicators. For this information to be useful, the indicators should demonstrate adequate quality. In other words, they should satisfy some predefined set of quality criteria. Without showing adequate quality, the indicators are generally unable to provide sufficient support for barrier management, which could result in poor decisions. In this article, the use of the SMART criteria is considered to assess the quality of safety performance indicators in process industries. SMART being an acronym for ‘specificity’, ‘measurability’ or ‘manageability’, ‘achievability’, ‘relevancy’ and ‘time-based’, covering five key aspects and criteria for assessing the quality of an indicator. A discussion on whether the indicators are able to demonstrate adequate quality by satisfying these criteria has been conducted. The finding is that all of the SMART criteria should be satisfied for a safety performance indicator to demonstrate acceptable quality and to be regarded as useful to support barrier management decision-making. However, it has also been observed that including the ‘M’ criterion in the assessment of quality is not needed. When all the other criteria are satisfied there is no way the conclusions could be misleading as a result of measurability or manageability aspects. Hence, for safety performance indicator quality, only four of the criteria are assessed and suggested for such situations to shorten the acronym to ‘STAR’. A key safety indicator used in downstream process facilities, i.e. ‘dangerous fluid overfilling events’, motivated from the 2005 Texas City refinery accident, is used to illustrate the situation. The indicator is also applied to another incident, the Buncefield oil storage depot's accident in 2005, to provide a broader context for using it. The findings in this article could also be applied beyond the context studied. This means that, despite focusing on safety indicators in the process industries, the findings are considered as relevant and applicable to other types of performance indicators and to other energy industries.  相似文献   

为了更好管控吊装施工安全和质量,针对大型构件吊装存在的问题,将基于信息共享的协同管理理论应用于大型构件吊装管理。首先,分析了协同管理理论在大型构件吊装管理中的必要性和可行性。其次,通过基于双机抬吊递送法研究协同管理视角下的大型构件吊装过程中的空间布局、安全管控、施工技术等的应用效果,形成了精细化的吊装管理一体化流程。对进一步实施推进工程项目的精细化管理和提高大型构件吊装的安全管理和质量控制水平提供借鉴意义和参考价值。  相似文献   

我国职业安全健康领域人力资源管理存在管理理念落后,激励因素不足,培训开发力度不足等问题,制约我国职业安全健康事业的发展。为盘活现有的人力资源,实现职业安全健康领域人力资源创新管理,笔者认为一是要进行观念创新;二是要进行机制创新;三是要营造有利于职业安全健康领域人力资源管理创新的环境。本文就职业安全健康领域人力资源管理创新提出三点建议:(1)提升职业安全健康领域人力资源管理战略高度;(2)提高职业安全健康领域人力资源管理专业水平;(3)加强职业安全健康领域人力资源管理权力约束机制建设。  相似文献   

从安全科学的本质看安全专业教育的发展趋势   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
笔者从安全科学的本质分析入手,剖析安全专业教育的公共性、伦理性、综合性、复合性、实践性等本质属性,指出当前我国安全专业教育存在的问题,如公共性的缺失、忽视安全伦理教育、本质安全人的失落、实践能力的降低、通识教育的滑坡等等。并提出我国安全专业教育的发展趋势:走向公共性的复位;安全本质人的重塑;在课程开设中增加安全哲学、安全教育学、安全文化学等人学课程;重视学生工程实践能力的培养,向工程实践的回归;强调学生的综合素养教育,使其加大职业的适应度,走向通识教育的归位;重视伦理道德教育,将增设工程伦理与安全伦理学课程,并在每门课程的实际教学层面融入伦理方面的教育。  相似文献   

针对国内成品油库生产作业中易发生事故的作业类型及管理现状,结合行业内油库生产作业分类现状,分析了当前油库生产作业管理存在的主要问题及原因,明确地提出了临时性常规作业的概念.通过全面梳理油库临时性常规作业,分析临时性常规作业的主要特征,进一步确定了临时性常规作业管理薄弱的主要原因,同时在管理意识、危险源及环境因素辨识、风险评价、设备选型及管理、现场监管、培训教育、应急管理等方面提出了强化临时性常规作业管理的若干措施和建议,对于强化成品油库生产作业管理、减少安全环境事故发生具有一定的指导意义.  相似文献   

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