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The diet of cavity sponges on the narrow fringing reefs of Curaçao, Caribbean was studied. The origin and resources of the bulk food of these sponges, i.e., dissolved organic matter (DOM), were identified using stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes and fatty acid biomarkers. We found that phytoplankton and its derived DOM from the adjacent open sea and from reef overlying water is not the main source of food for most of the sponges examined nor is bacterioplankton. Interestingly, dual stable isotope signatures (δ13Corg, δ15Norg) and fatty acid biomarkers appoint coral mucus and organic matter derived from crustose coralline algae (CCA) as probable food sources for encrusting sponges. Mucus-derived DOM may contribute up to 66% to the diet of examined sponges based on results of dual isotope mixing model analysis. The contribution of CCA (as purported representative for benthic algae) was smaller with values up to 31%. Together, mucus- and CCA-derived substrates contributed for 48–73% to the diet of sponges. The presence of the exogenous fatty acid 20:4ω6 in sponges, which is abundant in coral mucus of Madracis mirabilis and in CCA, highlights these reef-derived resources as sources of nutrition for DOM feeding cavity sponges. The relatively high concentrations of exogenous 20:4ω6 in all sponges examined supports our hypothesis that the bulk of the food of the cavity sponge community is reef-derived. Our results imply that cavity sponges play an important role in conserving food and energy produced within the reef.  相似文献   

The pattern of resource partitioning vs depth by corals collected in February 1983 from Jamaica and the Red Sea was determined from their stable carbon isotope composition. Observations were made on isolated zooxanthellae and corresponding algae-free animal tissue from eight species at four depths over a 50 m bathymetric range. Zooxanthellae 13C was high in shallow water and became lower as depth increased. This trend correlated significantly with the anual integrated photosynthetic rate. The trend is interpreted according to a depletion-diffusion hypothesis; in shallow water, at high rates of photosynthesis, metabolic CO2 is nearly depleted and the supply of CO2 from seawater bicarbonate is limited by diffusion. Since most of the available CO2 is fixed, isotope fractionation is minimal. In deeper water, at lower rates of photosynthesis, metabolic CO2 is ample, and isotope fractionation is greater. Animal tissue 13C was slightly lower than corresponding zooxanthellae values in shallow water. As depth increased the difference between zooxanthellae and animal tissue 13C increased and the latter approached the 13C of oceanic particulate organic carbon. These data suggest that carbon is translocated at all depths and that deep-water corals draw significantly on allocthonous sources of carbon.Contribution No. 436 of the Discovery Bay Marine Laboratory of the University of the West Indies  相似文献   

Epizoic worms were found to occur on certain coral colonies from reefs off the coast of Eilat (Red Sea). We identified 14 coral species infested by acoelomorph worms at a depth range of 2–50 m. The host corals were all zooxanthellate and included both massive and branching stony corals and a soft coral. Worms from all hosts were identified as belonging to the genus Waminoa and contained two distinct algal symbionts differing in size. The smaller one was identified as Symbiodinium sp. and the larger one is presumed to belong to the genus Amphidinium. Worm-infested colonies of the soft coral, Stereonephthya cundabiluensis, lacked a mucus layer and exhibited distinct cell microvilli, a phenotype not present in colonies lacking Waminoa sp. In most cases, both cnidarian and Acoelomorph hosts displayed high specificity for genetically distinctive Symbiodinium spp. These observations show that the epizoic worms do not acquire their symbionts from the “host” coral.  相似文献   

东江流域土壤、植被和悬浮物的碳、氮同位素组成   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
碳、氮同位素值对监测流域植被组成、环境变迁是一种非常有效的指标,为中短时间尺度环境变化研究提供了一条新的途径。以亚热带山区的东江流域为例,以流域内的植被、土壤及水体悬浮物为研究对象,应用其有机质同位素组成(δ13C、δ15N),揭示流域植被的成分和环境变化的信息。研究发现:东江流域土壤碳同位素、C/N比值差值不大;植被的氮同位素差值明显,C/N比值差异较大。对东江流域悬浮物δ13C值近20年的监测表明:其值在早期逐年升高,近10年来转趋稳定并呈明显下降趋势,变化范围在-17.8‰~-26.1‰之间,反映了该流域植被破坏和恢复的过程以及土壤侵蚀状况的变化趋势。  相似文献   

Two blennies, Ecsenius lineatus Klausewitz and Ecsenius namiyei (Jordan and Evermann), and a cohabiting territorial damselfish, the Pacific gregory, Stegastes fasciolatus (Ogilby), were collected from shallow reefs in northern Taiwan between September and November 2004, and in October 2005 for stomach content and δ 13C and δ 15N analyses in an effort to study how extensively their food sources overlapped and to delineate the pattern of cohabiting interactions. These analyses showed differences in food use between the Ecsenius blennies and S. fasciolatus. However, there were inconsistencies. Epiphytic algae were their major food items of E. namiyei and E. lineatus. Macroalgae were rarely taken. Nevertheless, δ 13C and δ 15N signatures suggested that E. namiyei and E. lineatus might have assimilated mainly macroalgae-derived detritus instead of epiphytic algae. In contrast, macroalgae were the major food items of S. fasciolatus, followed by epiphytic algae. Differences in both δ 13C and 15N values indicated that for S. fasciolatus, algae (both macroalgae and epiphytic algae) might not be as important as the stomach contents showed. Instead, polychaetes were possibly its major food source. Differences between stomach contents and evidence from the separation of stable isotope signatures between blennies and the Pacific gregory indicate that some of the interspecific interactions derived from exploitative competition may have been alleviated. Moreover, their widespread territory overlap is possibly a sign of mutualism: S. fasciolatus allows territory sharing, while Ecsenius blennies, in return, clean up the algal mat by removing sand and detritus.  相似文献   

Jellyfish are increasingly topical within studies of marine food webs. Stable isotope analysis represents a valuable technique to unravel the complex trophic role of these long-overlooked species. In other taxa, sample preservation has been shown to alter the isotopic values of species under consideration, potentially leading to misinterpretation of trophic ecology. To identify potential preservation effects in jellyfish, we collected Aurelia aurita from Strangford Lough (54o22′44.73″N, 5o32′53.44″W) during May 2009 and processed them using three different methods prior to isotopic analysis (unpreserved, frozen and preserved in ethanol). A distinct preservation effect was found on δ15N values: furthermore, preservation also influenced the positive allometric relationship between individual size and δ15N values. Conversely, δ13C values remained consistent between the three preservation methods, conflicting with previous findings for other invertebrate, fish and mammalian species. These findings have implications for incorporation of jellyfish into marine food webs and remote sampling regimes where preservation of samples is unavoidable.  相似文献   

稳定同位素分析被认为是环境污染物溯源和转化途径探究的有效工具.针对氯/溴稳定同位素研究已经开发了一些较为可靠的分析技术,被广泛应用于氯乙烯、氯苯、溴酚、多溴二苯醚和有机氯农药等有机污染物的研究.本文综述了近年来氯/溴同位素分析技术的最新进展,介绍了稳定同位素分析技术在含氯/溴有机污染物的溯源分析和降解途径识别等方面的应...  相似文献   

2008年在北京林业大学对9个毛白杨(Populus tomentosa)杂种无性系苗木生长不同时期的叶片、小枝、根的碳同位素δ~(13)C和瞬时水分利用效率WUEi的差异进行研究,分析不同无性系间δ~(13)C与瞬时水分利用效率WUEi的相互关系,目的在于探求δ~(13)C在筛选高水分利用效率毛白杨杂种无性系中的应用价值.结果表明:不同生长时期叶片δ~(13)C值表现为7月<8月<10月<9月,小枝δ~(13)C值表现为8月<9月<10月,叶片δ~(13)C值、小枝δ~(13)C值在不同时期和不同无性系间的差异均达显著水平,无性系间的差异是引起δ~(13)C值变化的主要因素.不同部位碳同位素比值表现为叶片<小枝<根,毛白杨杂种无性系δ~(13)C值在不同部位和无性系间差异均达显著水平,部位间的差异是引起δ~(13)C值变化的主要因素.δ~(13)C值较高的无性系30、83、BL5的WUEi也较高,δ~(13)C值较低的无性系42、26、BT17的WUEi也较低,且不同时期δ~(13)C和WUEi呈较强的正相关,相关系数分别为0.766、0.872、0.675,高δ~(13)C可以作为筛选高WUEi毛白杨的有效指标,且在苗木生长旺盛时期选育能得到更为可靠的结果.  相似文献   

In an intertidal Zostera noltii Hornem seagrass bed, food sources used by sediment meiofauna were determined seasonally by comparing stable isotope signatures (δ13C, δ15N) of sources with those of nematodes and copepods. Proportions of different carbon sources used by consumers were estimated using the SIAR mixing model on δ13C values. Contrary to δ15N values, food source mean δ13C values encompassed a large range, from −22.1 ‰ (suspended particulate organic matter) to −10.0 ‰ (Z. noltii roots). δ13C values of copepods (from −22.3 to −12.3 ‰) showed that they use many food sources (benthic and phytoplanktonic microalgae, Z. noltii matter). Nematode δ13C values ranged from −14.6 to −11.4 ‰, indicating a strong role of microphytobenthos and/or Z. noltii matter as carbon sources. The difference of food source uses between copepods and nematodes is discussed in light of source accessibility and availability.  相似文献   

We studied the winter dietary characteristics of two sympatric mysid species, Mysis mixta and M. relicta, which exploit both benthic and pelagic habitats during diel vertical migrations. Samples collected before and after the ice-covered period in the northern Baltic Sea were investigated using both stomach content analyses and stable isotope analyses of carbon and nitrogen. Both of the mysid species were omnivorous during winter and utilised both benthic and pelagic food sources. The main food source before the ice period was calanoid copepods (40 and 36% for M. mixta and M. relicta, respectively), and after ice-out calanoid copepods (23%) and zooplankton resting eggs (23%) for M. mixta and diatoms (44%) and calanoids (25%) for M. relicta. Their patterns of food utilisation broadly followed seasonal fluctuations in the abundance of the main prey groups. Although pelagic food availability is low in winter both mysid species utilised pelagic prey widely. We also show that when combining these different diet analysis methods it is important to take into account the time lag in isotopic signatures, otherwise the obtained results do not correspond but instead show the feeding history at different times.  相似文献   

Considerable attention has focused on inter- and intraspecific variation in trophic niches of marine predators. Although this has revealed evidence for sexual segregation in distribution in some species, few studies have been able to address sex-related dietary specialisation. Stable isotope analysis of blood cells collected from albatrosses and petrels at South Georgia during chick-rearing indicated a difference in δ13C, suggesting that females fed to the north of males, only in two species with male-biased sexual size dimorphism; in no species did sexes differ in trophic level (δ15N). Based on a wider review, significant differences between sexes in isotope signatures were much more common in seabirds during the pre-laying or breeding than the nonbreeding period, presumably reflecting greater between-sex partitioning of resources when foraging ranges are more constrained and competition is greater. Sex differences, or their absence, were usually consistent across successive stages during the pre-laying and breeding periods, but not necessarily year-round nor between populations. Significant differences in isotope signatures between males and females were extremely rare in monomorphic species, suggesting a link between sexual size dimorphism and segregation in diet or distribution. Among the Southern Ocean albatrosses, sex differences in δ13C suggested the underlying mechanism was related to habitat specialisation, whereas in other size-dimorphic taxa (both male- and female-biased), sex differences were more common in δ15N than δ13C and therefore more consistent with size-mediated competitive exclusion or dietary specialisation.  相似文献   

To determine the habitat and resource use of Dosidicus gigas in the Northern Humboldt Current System, we analysed carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes of 234 individuals collected during 2008–2010. Large variations in mantle stable isotope ratios were recorded, with values ranging from −19.1 to −15.1 ‰ (δ13C) and from 7.4 to 20.5 ‰ (δ15N). Most of the variation was explained by latitude, followed by distance to shelf break for carbon and by squid size for nitrogen. Latitudinal variations with increasing values from north to south were also found in zooplankton samples and were related to changes in isotope baseline values probably due to oxygen minimum zones that occur off Peru. This similar latitudinal trend in both zooplankton and D. gigas samples reveals that D. gigas is a relatively resident species at the scale of its isotopic turnover rate (i.e. a few weeks), even if this is not necessarily the case at the scale of its life. A small but significant size effect on δ13C values suggests that jumbo squid perform offshore–onshore ontogenic migration, with juveniles distributed offshore. For nitrogen, the high inter-individual variability observed with mantle length indicates that D. gigas can prey on a high variety of resources at any stage of their life cycle. This large-scale study off the coast of Peru provides further evidence that D. gigas have the capability to explore a wide range of habitats and resources at any stage of their life.  相似文献   

Loss of macroalgae habitats has been widespread on rocky marine coastlines of the eastern Korean peninsula, and efforts for restoration and creation of macroalgal beds have increasingly been made to mitigate these habitat losses. Deploying artificial reefs of concrete pyramids with kelps attached has been commonly used and applied in this study. As a part of an effort to evaluate structural and functional recovery of created and restored habitat, the macroalgal community and food web structure were studied about a year after the establishment of the artificial macroalgal bed, making comparisons with nearby natural counterparts and barren ground communities. Dominant species, total abundance, and community structure of macroalgal assemblage at the restored macroalgal bed recovered to the neighboring natural bed levels during the study period. The main primary producers (phytoplankton and macroalgae) were isotopically well separated. δ13C and δ15N values of consumers were very similar between restored and natural beds but varied greatly among functional feeding groups. The range of consumer δ13C was as wide as that of primary producers, indicating the trophic importance of both producers. There was a stepwise trophic enrichment in δ15N with increasing trophic level. A comparison of isotope signatures between primary producers and consumers showed that, while suspension feeders are highly dependent on pelagic sources, invertebrates of other feeding guilds and fishes mainly use macroalgae-derived organic matter as their ultimate nutritional sources in both macroalgal beds, emphasizing the high equivalency of trophic structure between both beds. Isotopic signatures of a few mollusks and sea urchins showed that they use different dietary items in macroalgal-barren grounds compared with macroalgal beds, probably reflecting their feeding plasticity according to the low macroalgal biomass. However, isotopic signatures of most of the consumers at the barren ground were consistent with those at the macroalgal beds, supporting the important trophic role of drifting algae. Our results revealed the recoveries of the macroalgal community and trophic structure at the restored habitat. Further studies on colonization of early settlers and the following succession progress are needed to better understand the process and recovery rate in the developing benthic community.  相似文献   

Male fiddler crabs Uca musica sometimes build sand hoods and male Uca beebei sometimes build mud pillars next to their burrows to which they attract females for mating. Mate-searching females preferentially approach these structures and subsequently mate with structure builders. Here we show that the preference for structures is not species-specific and argue that it may not have evolved for mate choice. When not near burrows, many species of fiddler crabs approach and temporarily hide near objects, suggesting that hoods and pillars may attract females because they elicit this general predator-avoidance behavior. To test this sensory trap hypothesis we individually released female U. musica, U. beebei and Uca stenodactylus, a non-builder, in the center of a circular array of empty burrows to which we added hoods and pillars and then moved a model predator toward the females. All species ran to structures to escape the predator and the two builders preferred hoods. Next, we put hood replicas on male U. beebei burrows and pillar replicas on male U. musica burrows. When courted, females of both species preferentially approached hoods as they did when chased with a predator. However, males of both species with hoods did not have higher mating rates than males with pillars perhaps because hoods block more of a male's visual field so he sees and courts fewer females. Sexual selection may often favor male signals that attract females because they facilitate general orientation or navigation mechanisms that reduce predation risk in many contexts, including during mate search.  相似文献   

The phosphorus metabolism of Pyrocystis noctiluca Murray (Schuett) 1886 has characteristics which may enhance its potential for success in orthophosphate impoverished waters. The steady-state phosphate uptake rates were equal in the light and dark, and were directly proportional to both the phosphorus cell quota and the cell division rate. In contrast, nutrient-saturated uptake rates were multiphasic, faster in the light than the dark, 2 to 4 orders of magnitude greater than steady-state rates, and were inversely proportional to both the phosphorus cell quota and the cell division rate. These uptake characteristics suggest that P. noctiluca may take up phosphate coincidently at their typically low ambient concentrations as well as to exploit episodic nutrient events in nature. Cell division rates were a hyperbolic function of the ambient orthophosphate concentration. The shortest doubling time was 8.7 d, the phosphate concentration at half the maximum division rate was 0.15 M and the threshold, concentration for cell division was ca 0.05 M PO 4 3- . Division rates of P. noctiluca in the ocean are much faster than predicted from the measured ambient orthophosphate concentrations. Since this dinoflagellate has high naturally occurring alkaline phosphatase activities, and can utilize organic-P compounds, we suggest that organic-P can be as important as orthophosphate in supporting the observed division rates of P. noctiluca in the sea.  相似文献   

Ambient formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, and acetone are harmful air pollutants with potential carcinogenic effects on human health. They are considered as important photochemical products from photo-oxidation of atmospheric hydrocarbons. However, little is known on the effet of photodegradation of air pollutants on δ13C values. Here, we report the first 13C isotope evidence for the photochemical production of ambient formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, and acetone. Air samples were collected each day during early morning, noon, early afternoon, and late afternoon on 17–19 September 2008 in Guangzhou by drawing air through 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine-coated cartridges. The samples were analyzed using high-performance liquid chromatography for concentration analysis and then using gas chromatography-combustion-isotope ratio mass spectrometry for δ13C analysis. Our results show that ambient formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, and acetone were enriched by 1–5 ‰ in 13C in the early afternoon relative to other sampling durations, and they also exhibited the highest concentrations in the early afternoon. Measured δ13C values of formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, and acetone were in the range from ?37.15 to ?29.01 ‰. The observed enrichment in 13C implied important photochemical production together with the highest concentrations in the early afternoon. Especially, measured δ13C range from ?37.15 to ?29.01 ‰ was in accordance with forecasted δ13C range from ?43 to ?28 ‰ based on the mass balance in 13C between the carbonyls and its major hydrocarbon precursors, providing important 13C isotope evidence for the photochemical production of ambient formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, and acetone.  相似文献   

Seabird populations contain large numbers of immatures––in some instances comprising >50% of the fully grown adults in the population. These birds are significant components of marine food webs and may contribute to compensatory recruitment and dispersal, but remain severely understudied. Here, we use GPS-PTTs, radio-tracking and analysis of stable carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) isotopes to investigate the movements and foraging ecology of immature seabirds. Our study focussed on immature northern gannets Morus bassanus aged 2–4 attending non-breeding aggregations alongside a large breeding colony. GPS-PTT tracking of five birds revealed that immatures have the ability to disperse widely during the breeding season, with some individuals potentially prospecting at other colonies. Overall, however, immatures were faithful to the colony of capture. During returns to the focal colony, immatures acted as central place foragers, conducted looping and commuting flights, and analysis of the variance in first-passage time revealed evidence of area-restricted search (ARS) behaviour. In addition, stable carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) isotope analyses indicate that immatures were isotopically segregated from breeders. Our findings provide insights into the foraging, prospecting and dispersal behaviour of immature seabirds, which may have important implications for understanding seabird ecology and conservation.  相似文献   

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