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The person–environment (P-E) fit approach to stress has gained widespread acceptance in the organizational stress literature. However, current research into the P-E fit approach to stress is repeatedly plagued with serious theoretical and methodological problems. Taken together, these problems severely threaten the conclusivness of available empirical evidence and suggest that the current widespread acceptance of the P-E fit approach may be unwarranted. This article highlights theoretical and methodological problems characteristic of much P-E fit research and offers some solutions to these problems.  相似文献   

Drawing on historical data we show that the international community of process engineers has not been good at learning lessons from their past accidents. We call for a paradigm change in the way we approach this and the creation of a single new, multi-national, multilingual accident database that is free at the point of use and that includes immediate and underlying causes as well as “lessons learned”. It must be user-friendly and provide links to key source documents. The purpose of this paper is to challenge those in authority, and with the power to do so, to make this happen. We give some preliminary views on what may be required. In countries that so choose this could include an element of compulsion to consult the database in specific circumstances and a sign-off procedure to verify that this has been done.  相似文献   

目前,安全评价工作越来越受到企业和监管部门的重视。在安全评价报告编制完毕后,为了保证安全评价报告的质量,还需要有关部门组织专家对报告进行评审。当前,对安全评价报告的组织评审,没有统一的规范和标准,通过与否使人感到不太明确,而且随意性大。为此,本文着重探讨,安全评价报告评审时合理的组织形式及应该制定的一些标准。从而使安全评价报告的评审工作走向正规化,标准化。  相似文献   

面向2020年我国安全生产的若干战略问题思考   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:5  
本文简要论述了我国现代化进程中安全生产工作的现状、发展趋势和面临的主要问题;围绕2020年实现全国安全生产状况根本性好转,安全生产水平达到或接近世界中等发达国家水平的中长期目标,分析探讨了安全专业人才、科技兴安、安全生产标准、安全培训、安全文化、中小企业安全生产与职业危害预防、土地使用安全规划与厂房选址安全、农业生产安全、公共安全与应急救援保障体系建设等若干战略问题。  相似文献   

Not surprisingly it has been shown that there are higher accident rates and larger magnitudes in Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) if compared with the case of the larger ones. Some studies suggest that SMEs have serious problems aggravated by limited access to human, economic and technological resources. Moreover, it is now acknowledged that methods developed specifically for Large Enterprises (LEs) cannot be simply transferred to smaller enterprises. Although the debate concerning essentially the size of the enterprises and their corresponding accident rates is ongoing, very little attention is paid to the difference between the Micro- (MiEs), the Small- (SEs), and the Medium-sized Enterprises (MEs). Indeed, in most of the cases, SMEs are bundled together and considered as a whole, in opposition to LEs. In some cases SEs and MEs are studied separately, but only the difference in terms of accident rates is highlighted. Instead, important information in terms of performance and organizational, cultural and economic differences between MiEs, SEs and MEs exist. Within the implementation of the E-merging project (financed by the Italian National Institute for Insurance against Occupational Accidents – INAIL), some differences have been identified on the basis of two existing data sources.  相似文献   

Al_2O_3熟料烟气具有含尘浓度高、水分大,CO含量不稳定,粉尘粘结性强、含碱量高等特点,本文结合多年Al_2O_3熟料电收尘器设计改造和运行的经验,对电收尘器设计中的相关问题进行探讨。  相似文献   

Introduction: Night work requires inversion of the natural, diurnal human activity-rest cycle and is associated with decreased alertness and some measures of performance, reduced safety, adverse health effects, and chronic disruption of the melatonin cycle that has been associated with increased risk for several major diseases. Previous studies show that red light exposures at night can promote alertness and improve performance while not negatively affecting melatonin secretion. Method: This ongoing crossover, mixed (within- and between-subjects) design field study is testing the efficacy and acceptance of red light delivered to day-shift and night-shift workers using personal light glasses while they are at work. Each participant experienced three lighting interventions at the eyes: red light (50 lx, 630 nm, the treatment intervention), blue light (50 lx, 460 nm, the positive control intervention), and dim white light (10 lx, 3,000 K, the placebo control). During the interventions, participants underwent visual performance testing, submitted salivary melatonin and cortisol samples, and provided subjective reports of sleepiness, sleep disturbance, and general health over the 20-week protocol. Due to the ongoing nature of the study, only the performance and subjective reports are presented here. Results: Preliminary results indicate that response times were improved by the red and blue interventions, but not accuracy and hit rates. Blue light was associated with improvements to self-reported sleep disturbances compared to dim light. Conclusions: These field results partially support our laboratory results that showed a positive effect of red light for promoting alertness and certain performance outcomes during the day and at night. Practical Applications: Red light may be used to improve response times in shift workers. Continued research will elucidate the lighting interventions’ effects on melatonin and objective sleep measures (actigraphy).  相似文献   

介绍了天宏焦化公司锅炉在燃烧荒煤气过程中出现的技术问题,提出了解决这些问题的措施,取得了良好的效果.  相似文献   



A substantial proportion of drivers arrested for DUI refuse the BAC test, thereby reducing the likelihood that they will be convicted and potentially increasing the number of high-risk multiple offenders contributing to alcohol-related crashes.


This paper reviews the information on the current status of implied-consent laws (which impose a sanction on offenders who refuse the BAC test) in the 50 states and the other relevant traffic safety laws and policies that may influence state refusal rates.


Although there appears to be only a weak relationship between state refusal rates and crash rates, there is strong evidence that BAC test refusals significantly compromise the arrest, prosecution, and sentencing of DUI suspects and the overall enforcement of DUI laws in the United States.


Laws and policies that may reduce the number of refusals are discussed.

Impact on industry

Alcohol-related crash injuries are an important cost problem for U.S. industry because of property damage from crashes, crash injuries to employees that raise health costs, or the reduction of time on the job resulting from a highway injury.  相似文献   

Direct liquefaction of lignocellulosic waste (sawdust) has been conducted in hot-compressed ethanol at temperatures from 150 to 250 °C. It was found that polyols such as glycerol, glycol and polyethylene glycol (PEG) promoted liquefaction process assisted with hot ethanol treatments seemed promising for production of bio-oils from lignocellulosic materials. Effects of different solvents and catalysts on liquefaction of sawdust were investigated. The results showed that the optimum operating condition for catalytic liquefaction is at 250 °C, 1 h of reaction time using glycerol and ethanol as solvent where operating at this condition realized the highest conversion of sawdust which is 97.8%. After reaction, the liquified product was separated by vacuum distillation. Two fractions were obtained, namely light oil and heavy oil. The properties and compositions of these two fractions were characterized in terms of Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS), size exclusion chromatography (SEC) and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR).  相似文献   

编者按去年底,国家安全生产专家组召开第三届全体会议.会上,我们归纳了部分专家对我国安全生产工作各方面提出的建议,对我们当前的安全生产工作很有启发,特摘登出来,以飨读者.  相似文献   

连日来,新疆北部阿勒泰地区遭暴雪袭击。持续降雪降温对当地农牧民的生产生活造成严重影响。持续的寒冷低温以及雨雪冰冻天气已对中国部分地区的交通运输、农牧业、城市运行、疾病防控等造成不利影响。而大风降温带来的寒意还未散去,新一轮冷空气又将自西向东影响大部地区,使我国近期气温回暖无望。对此,国务院领导同志高度重视,就防范应对灾害性天气工作作出重要批示。国务院应急办为此下发通知,对贯彻落实国务院领导同志重要批示精神,做好灾害性天气防范应对工作作出部署。  相似文献   

刘爱华  吴超  蔡康旭 《火灾科学》2003,12(4):230-233
综述了国内外喷注型浆体防煤自燃技术的现状和发展趋势,通过实验,得出塑性石膏浆的配制方案和堵漏风效果。结果表明:在井下高湿环境中,塑性石膏浆不仅具有良好的附着性、充填性和保塑性,而且用料单一、成本较低、无毒无害,满足防治煤炭自燃对喷注型材料的基本要求,有利于提高煤矿生产的安全保障程度。  相似文献   

为研究压缩空气泡沫与4.65 m2汽油池火作用过程中隧道内温度、热辐射强度、高温烟气等的变化规律,采用30 m×6 m×6 m公路隧道实验模型,考察公路隧道压缩空气泡沫系统对油池火的灭火性能。结果表明:在供给强度为5.1 L/(min·m2)、气液比14∶1条件下,公路隧道压缩空气泡沫系统对于汽油池火具有优异的控灭火能力,控火时间为21 s,灭火时间为27 s,且泡沫性能稳定,抗复燃能力强;压缩空气泡沫对于隧道内高温烟气层扰动很小,不会导致高温烟气下降到隧道下部,故不影响人员逃生疏散;在压缩空气泡沫作用下,隧道顶部及侧壁100 ℃以上高温持续时间均不超过150 s,并且可在30 s内将油池火周围的热辐射强度降至安全范围。  相似文献   

郝志强 《林业劳动安全》2000,13(1):22-23,27
通过论述生产淡季与生产旺季之间的关系。计划性工作与突发性工作之间的关系、安全管理的“主旋律”与“辅助音符”之间的关系,提出了安全管理工作要注意轻重缓急,因时制宜,这样才能事半功倍。  相似文献   

Prior organizational shift work research has focused on studying either nurses or blue collar manufacturing employees, and been somewhat limited by shift size limitations. Using a unique sample of 705 full‐time medical technologists (MTs), across distinct fixed day, evening, night and rotating shifts, this study found that day shift MTs had lower job content routinization (more task enrichment) than evening, night and rotating shift MTs. Contrary to previous research, rotating shift MTs did not have lower work attitudes than fixed shift MTs. Results are further discussed. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

水溶性液体火灾具有较大的火灾危险性,使用抗溶泡沫灭火剂通过吸气式泡沫产生方式形成灭火泡沫是目前常用的灭火方式,而压缩空气泡沫抑制水溶性液体火的性能则有待评估.通过标准压缩空气泡沫系统的油盘火试验,对抗溶水成膜泡沫灭火剂和合成抗溶泡沫灭火剂的灭火性能进行评估.试验结果表明,抗溶泡沫灭火剂在压缩空气泡沫系统中使用时具有抑制水溶液性液体火的性能,当发泡倍数在20倍以上时,灭火时间和抗烧时间等灭火性能指标有一定提升,而泡沫稳定性的提升则是压缩空气泡沫产生方式具有优异灭火性能的重要原因.  相似文献   

We theorized that organization–environment adaptation, the interaction between external demands and personnel resources, predicts distress and morale. We tested this hypothesis in 29 stations within one state police department, and combined three data sources. We measured environmental demands for policing via census data pertaining to the station precinct (e.g., per cent unemployed; per cent in public housing). We assessed resources via personnel numbers within stations. Outcomes were employee's perceptions of staff distress and morale at the station (N = 247), assessed twice, 14 months apart. Using hierarchical linear modeling, we found that environmental demands predicted perceptions of workgroup distress and morale and that the relationships were moderated by personnel resources. For distress, when resources were low, demands were positively associated with distress; when resources were high, demands were negatively associated with distress. For morale, when resources were high, demands were positively associated with morale; there was no relationship when resources were low. Results show that aversive and pleasurable reactions at work may be traced to how resources are employed to manage external demands. Results support a macro‐level shift in modeling distress and morale, incorporating external demands, and strategic management decisions regarding personnel resourcing. Our research suggests that rather than being a result of individual failure to adapt, compromised work ability may result from an organizational failure to adapt to the environmental context. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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