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Weldon Spring is consistently enriched in 18 O relative to other karst springs in east-central Missouri and western Illinois, suggesting an evaporated source component. Regional potentiometric head maps of the shallow aquifer suggest that Prairie Lake, an artificial lake built between 1954 and 1982, could represent this component. Isotopic, biological and chemical tracing of the spring conclusively verify the hypothesis that this lake has impacted Weldon Spring. Mixing calculations indicate that Weldon Spring is now comprised of approximately 80% lake water and 20% groundwater. Recent measurements indicate that the discharge rate of the spring is now approximately 10 times the rate prior to the construction of the lake, confirming the augmentation of flow by a new source. Analysis of the isotopic trends indicates that the subsurface travel time is short, and suggests that the conduits connecting the lake and the spring may be progressively enlarging.  相似文献   

Artificial leaf packs were used to determine the effects of an oil spill on stream macroinvertebrate communities in the Chariton River, Missouri. Plastic mesh leaf retainers with approximately 10 g of leaves from five tree species were deployed at five sites (two upstream of the spill and three downstream) immediately after the spill and one year later. Four macroinvertebrate species dominating the community at upstream sites were virtually eliminated below the spill, including the stonefly Isoperla bilineata, the caddisfly Potamyia flava, the midge Thienemanniella xena, and blackfly larvae (Simulium sp.). Density of collector and shredder functional groups, and number of shredder taxa differed between upstream sites and the two furthest downstream sites during the 1990 sample period (Kruskal-Wallis w/Bonferroni paired comparisons, experiment wise error rate = 0.05). With one exception, no differences between sites were detected in the 1991-1992 sample period, indicating that the benthic community had at least partially recovered from the oil spill after one year. The odds of obtaining a sample with a small abundance of shredders (abundance < median) in 1990 was significantly greater downstream of the spill than upstream, and the odds of obtaining a sample with a small abundance of shredders at downstream sites was greater in 1990 than in 1991-1992. A similar pattern was observed in abundance and taxa richness of the collector functional group. No significant differences between the two sampling periods were detected at upstream sites. Observed effects appeared to be associated with oil sorption and substrate coating, creating conditions unsuitable for successful colonization.  相似文献   

《Environmental Forensics》2013,14(4):255-269
This is the first in a three-article series in this volume of Environmental Forensics describing the framework that was developed to quantitatively allocate mass loading of metals to the Pinal Creek alluvial aquifer. This article describes geochemical fingerprinting, followed by spatial and temporal analysis of Pinal Creek monitoring well data (more than 600,000 records from hundreds of locations), which identified three distinct source areas and plumes on the basis of facility-specific differences in process geochemistry, ore mineralogy, and solution handling. The primary Webster Lake/Gulch source originated in 1926 (700 mg/L chlorine, 200 mg/L copper, 3000–9000 mg/L iron). Secondary contributions from the Bluebird/Oxhide/Live Oak Gulch/Davis Canyon leach complex in Upper Bloody Tanks Wash began circa 1962 (30–200 mg/L chlorine, 1500–3500 mg/L copper, <500 mg/L iron), and recent (1992–2001) contributions came from Miami Unit hydromining releases to Bloody Tanks Wash (30–70 mg/L chlorine, ~1000 mg/L copper, ~2000 mg/L iron). In Kiser Basin, where the plumes commingle, temporal evolution of the plume chemistry is reflected in a shift from a predominantly iron:copper-rich solution (10:1) to an increasingly copper-dominated signature (1:1) with the arrival of the secondary plume. Based on historical records and geochemical fingerprints, the original acid front migrated through the alluvium at ~0.5 m/day; however, later acidic releases traveled at ~2.3 m/day due to exhaustion of the available buffering capacity. The divisible nature of the plume supports quantitative allocation of contributions to the aquifer.  相似文献   

A method for the analysis of 10 perfluorinated compounds (PFCs) in whole fish homogenate is presented and applied to 60 fish samples collected from the Ohio, Missouri, and upper Mississippi Rivers in 2005. Method accuracy ranged between 86 and 125% with limits of quantitation between 0.2 and 10 ng/g wet weight. Intra- and inter-batch precision was generally ±20%. Perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) was the predominant compound identified in these samples, contributing over 80% of total PFC composition in the fish from these rivers, with median PFOS concentrations of 24.4, 31.8, and 53.9 ng/g wet wt in the Missouri, Ohio, and Mississippi Rivers, respectively. Median PFOS levels were significantly (p = 0.01) elevated in piscivorous fish (88.0 ng/g) when compared with non-piscivorous fish (15.9 ng/g). The 10 samples with PFOS concentrations above 200 ng/g were broadly scattered across all three rivers, providing evidence of the widespread presence of this compound in these US waterways.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Chemical contaminants are released from mining, domestic and industrial effluents into an aquatic environment. Sediments (n?=?10) were...  相似文献   

This field study was conducted to explore the spatial and seasonal changes in total phosphorus and fraction distribution in relation to land uses. Water samples were collected biweekly at four sampling locations, which represented different potential phosphorus sources along the Upper Peruque Creek in Eastern Missouri. Total phosphorus concentrations of > 0.8 mg/L appeared sporadically at site 2, downstream of a small community, with an average of 0.82 +/- 0.14 mg/L in fall. Particulate phosphorus accounted for approximately 80% of total phosphorus at all sampling sites, except for site 2, where approximately 50 to 75% of dissolved phosphorus was often observed. Approximately 71 and 85% of total phosphorus in the sediment was in the form of iron (III) phosphate at the headwaters and downstream sites, respectively; 29 and 15% was in the form of phytic acid at the two sites. Land uses affect the total phosphorus concentration and alternate phosphorus fraction and speciation in the creek.  相似文献   

Mercury levels in sediment and predatory fish were measured for 53 localities in Suriname. The average mercury level in bottom sediment surpassed the Canadian standard for sediment in most localities, except the coastal plains. Of the predatory fish, 41 % had a mercury level above the European Union standard for human consumption of 0.5 μg g−1. Highest mercury levels were found in fish from the Brokopondo Reservoir and from the Upper Coppename River. High levels of mercury in fish in pristine areas are explained by atmospheric transportation of mercury with the northeastern trade winds followed by wet deposition. Contrary to gold mining areas, where mercury is bound to drifting sediments, in “pristine” areas the mercury is freely available for bio-accumulation and uptake. Impacts on piscivorous reptiles, birds, and mammals are unknown, but likely to be negative.  相似文献   

This article reviews interactions and health impacts of physical, chemical, and biological weather. Interactions and synergistic effects between the three types of weather call for integrated assessment, forecasting, and communication of air quality. Today’s air quality legislation falls short of addressing air quality degradation by biological weather, despite increasing evidence for the feasibility of both mitigation and adaptation policy options. In comparison with the existing capabilities for physical and chemical weather, the monitoring of biological weather is lacking stable operational agreements and resources. Furthermore, integrated effects of physical, chemical, and biological weather suggest a critical review of air quality management practices. Additional research is required to improve the coupled modeling of physical, chemical, and biological weather as well as the assessment and communication of integrated air quality. Findings from several recent COST Actions underline the importance of an increased dialog between scientists from the fields of meteorology, air quality, aerobiology, health, and policy makers.  相似文献   

The geochemical processes of mercury in Dongfeng (DF) and Wujiangdu (WJD) reservoirs, which were constructed in 1992 and 1979, respectively in Wujiang River, which is the upper branch of Yangtze River were investigated. One sampling site was chosen upriver of 1 km from the dam for each reservoir. Three sampling campaigns were conducted at these sampling sites in December 2003, April 2004 and July 2004, respectively. The distributions of different mercury species in the water column, sediment, and sediment pore water were studied. We found that the sediment is the net source of both inorganic and MeHg to the water column for both reservoirs. The MeHg diffusion fluxes in WJD reservoir at all sampling campaigns were significantly higher than those in DF reservoir. Our study demonstrated that the high primary productivity in the reservoir produced elevated organic matter content that would favor the methylmercury production in sediment.  相似文献   

Atmospheric gaseous elemental mercury [GEM] at 1.8, 4, and 59 m above ground, in parking lots, and in indoor and outdoor air was measured in Toronto City, Canada from May 2008-July 2009. The average GEM value at 1.8 m was 1.89 ± 0.62 ng m(-3). The GEM values increased with elevation. The average GEM in underground parking lots ranged from 1.37 to 7.86 ng m(-3) and was higher than those observed from the surface parking lots. The GEM in the indoor air ranged from 1.21 to 28.50 ng m(-3), was higher in the laboratories than in the offices, and was much higher than that in the outdoor air. All these indicate that buildings serve as sources of mercury to the urban atmosphere. More studies are needed to estimate the contribution of urban areas to the atmospheric mercury budget and the impact of indoor air on outdoor air quality and human health.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The correct equations are presented below.  相似文献   

Field and laboratory studies were conducted to investigate the persistence of chlordane in the aquatic and terrestrial environment. The laboratory data show that the transformation and loss of the chlordane constituents is dependent on soil characteristics. The overall rate of loss is also dependent on the depth of application, being significantly lower at greater depths. The field data show a strong correlation between urban development and residue concentration levels.  相似文献   


As an odorless, nontoxic, and inert compound, sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) is one of the most widely used tracer gases in indoor air quality studies in both controlled and uncontrolled environments. This compound may be subject to reactions with water vapor under elevated temperature to form acidic inorganic compounds such as HF and H2SO4. Thus, in the presence of unvented combustion sources such as kerosene heaters, natural gas heaters, gas log fireplaces, candles, and lamps, the SF6 dissociation may interfere with measurements of the emissions from these sources. Tests were conducted in a research house with a vent-free natural gas heater to investigate these potential interferences. It was observed that the heater operation caused about a 5% reduction of SF6 concentration, which can be an error source for the ventilation rate measurement and consequently the estimated pollutant emission rates. Further analysis indicates that this error can be much greater than the observed 5% under certain test conditions because it is a function of the ventilation flow rate. Reducing the tracer gas concentration has no effect on this error. A simple theoretical model is proposed to estimate the magnitude of this error.

The second type of interference comes from the primary and secondary products of the SF6 dissociation, mainly H2SO4, SO2, HF, and fine particulate matter (PM). In the presence of ~5 ppm SF6, the total airborne concentrations of these species increased by a factor of 4-10. The tests were performed at relatively high SF6 concentrations, which is necessary to determine the interferences quantitatively. The second type of interference can be significantly reduced if the SF6 concentration is kept at a low ppb level.  相似文献   

The partitioning of Co, Cr, Fe, Sc and Zn into three fractions (reducible by acidified hydroxylamine hydrochloride, oxidizable by acidified hydrogen peroxide, and the residual after the previous extractions) of Saronikos Gulf surface sediments was determined by using a sequential extraction technique. The metal concentrations were determined by Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis. With the exception of Sc, the metal content in the reducible and oxidizable fractions increases in the polluted sediments near the Athens Sewage Outfall (ASO) and a Fertilizer Plant (FP). In the non-polluted sediments, the residual fraction is the most important carrier for all metals examined. Oxidizable Cr and Zn correlate well with the organic carbon content of the sediments, but the reducible fraction (mainly Fe/Mn hydroxides) is the most important sink for Co, Cr, Fe and Zn in the polluted sediments near the ASO. The pyrite-rich wastes from the FP are influencing the geochemical partitioning of the metals examined in the sediments in front of the FP and, partially, in the sediments near the ASO.  相似文献   

Air pollution emission inventories are the basis for air quality assessment and management strategies. The quality of the inventories is of great importance since these data are essential for air pollution impact assessments using dispersion models. In this study, the quality of the emission inventory for fine particulates (PM2.5) is assessed: first, using the calculated source contributions from a receptor model; second, using source apportionment from a dispersion model; and third, by applying a simple inverse modelling technique which utilises multiple linear regression of the dispersion model source contributions together with the observed PM2.5 concentrations. For the receptor modelling the chemical composition of PM2.5 filter samples from a measurement campaign performed between January 2004 and April 2005 are analysed. Positive matrix factorisation is applied as the receptor model to detect and quantify the various source contributions. For the same observational period and site, dispersion model calculations using the Air Quality Management system, AirQUIS, are performed. The results identify significant differences between the dispersion and receptor model source apportionment, particularly for wood burning and traffic induced suspension. For wood burning the receptor model calculations are lower, by a factor of 0.54, but for the traffic induced suspension they are higher, by a factor of 7.1. Inverse modelling, based on regression of the dispersion model source contributions and the PM2.5 concentrations, indicates similar discrepancies in the emissions inventory. In order to assess if the differences found at the one site are generally applicable throughout Oslo, the individual source category emissions are rescaled according to the receptor modelling results. These adjusted PM2.5 concentrations are compared with measurements at four independent stations to evaluate the updated inventory. Statistical analysis shows improvement in the estimated concentrations for PM2.5 at all sites. Similarly, inverse modelling is applied at these independent sites and this confirms the validity of the receptor model results.  相似文献   

The physico-chemical characteristics of granulated sludge lead us to develop its use as a packing material in air biofiltration. Then, the aim of this study is to investigate the potential of unit systems packed with this support in terms of ammonia and hydrogen sulfide emissions treatment. Two laboratory scale pilot biofilters were used. A volumetric load of 680 g H2S m(-3) empty bed day(-1) and 85 g NH3 m(-3) empty bed day(-1) was applied for eight weeks to a unit called BGSn (column packed with granulated sludge and mainly supplied with hydrogen sulfide); a volumetric load of 170 g H2S m(-3) empty bed day(-1) and 340 g NH3 m(-3) empty bed day(-1) was applied for eight weeks to the other called BGNs (column packed with granulated sludge and mainly supplied with ammonia). Ammonia and hydrogen sulfide elimination occur in the biofilters simultaneously. The hydrogen sulphide and ammonia removal efficiencies reached are very high: 100% and 80% for BGSn; 100% and 80% for BGNs respectively. Hydrogen sulfide is oxidized into sulphate and sulfur. The ammonia oxidation products are nitrite and nitrate. The nitrogen error mass balance is high for BGSn (60%) and BGNs (36%). This result could be explained by the denitrification process which would have occurred in anaerobic zones. High percentages of ammonia or hydrogen sulfide are oxidized on the first half of the column. The oxidation of high amounts of hydrogen sulfide would involve some environmental stress on nitrifying bacterial growth and activity.  相似文献   

In order to elucidate the arsenic source and its release mechanism into groundwater in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam, groundwater samples were collected from wells at different depths (20 to 440 m) and core samples (from 20 to 265 m depth) were analyzed. Based on the analytical results for groundwater and core samples, the As source in groundwater is considered to be pyrite (FeS(2)) in acid sulfate soil (ASS) under oxidizing conditions and hydrous ferric oxide (Fe(OH)(3)) under reducing conditions. Geochemical modeling demonstrated that As(III) is the dominant species and the presence of As-bearing sulfides, Fe-bearing sulfides and oxides phases may locally act as potential sinks for As. From variation between Fe and As concentrations in groundwater samples, the release mechanism of As is: dissolution of Fe(OH)(3) containing As under reducing conditions and oxidative decomposition of FeS(2) containing As under oxidizing conditions.  相似文献   

Four river water samples (R) and three sewage samples (S) were collected at different points in the Jarama River, Spain. Organic concentrates were tested on the RTG-2 in vitro cytotoxicity test and analyzed by HPLC and GC/MS. The cytotoxicity assessment demonstrated a progressive increase in the toxicity of the river water when moving downstream. A wide range, from slightly harmful to highly toxic, was observed for sewage samples. The most toxic samples produced decreases of 95% to 100% in the ATP content, cell viability and cell detachment (a parameter to estimate mortality). The most toxic organic concentrates (the sewage from an urban + industrial effluent collected in Paracuellos, Madrid, Spain, and the river 100 m downstream from the discharge of this effluent) were fractioned by an HPLC system. Each chromatographic peak was collected as a fraction of the whole concentrate. The cytotoxicity of each fraction was also assessed on RTG-2 cells. A toxic peak with a retention time of 38.3 min was detected in both samples; this time belongs to the PAHs retention time interval under our chromatographic conditions. Analytical procedures identified fluorene (0.62 microg/l) and benz(a)anthracene (0.44 microg/l) in the sewage and anthracene (0.40 microg/l) and benz(a)anthracene (0.14 microg/l) in the river water. However, the observed cytotoxicity could not be explained by the PAH concentrations. Five additional toxic peaks were observed in each sample. Results suggest that the combination of HPLC with cost-effective toxicity tests produces a useful tool to define environmental management decisions when the chemical analysis cannot identify the substances responsible for the environmental risk.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The primary goal of this study is to evaluate the groundwater quality and conduct a non-carcinogenic risk assessment of nitrate contamination in an...  相似文献   

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