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The modelling reconstruction of the processes determining the transport and mixing of ozone and its precursors in complex terrain areas is a challenging task, particularly when local-scale circulations, such as sea breeze, take place. Within this frame, the ESCOMPTE European campaign took place in the vicinity of Marseille (south-east of France) in summer 2001. The main objectives of the field campaign were to document several photochemical episodes, as well as to constitute a detailed database for chemistry transport models intercomparison.CAMx model has been applied on the largest intense observation periods (IOP) (June 21–26, 2001) in order to evaluate the impacts of two state-of-the-art meteorological models, RAMS and MM5, on chemical model outputs. The meteorological models have been used as best as possible in analysis mode, thus allowing to identify the spread arising in pollutant concentrations as an indication of the intrinsic uncertainty associated to the meteorological input.Simulations have been deeply investigated and compared with a considerable subset of observations both at ground level and along vertical profiles. The analysis has shown that both models were able to reproduce the main circulation features of the IOP. The strongest discrepancies are confined to the Planetary Boundary Layer, consisting of a clear tendency to underestimate or overestimate wind speed over the whole domain.The photochemical simulations showed that variability in circulation intensity was crucial mainly for the representation of the ozone peaks and of the shape of ozone plumes at the ground that have been affected in the same way over the whole domain and all along the simulated period. As a consequence, such differences can be thought of as a possible indicator for the uncertainty related to the definition of meteorological fields in a complex terrain area.  相似文献   

Diurnal variations of wind field and pollutant dispersion in a complex terrain with a shoreline were investigated under the insolation conditions of summer and winter. The area is located in the south of the Korean Peninsula and includes a large petrochemical industrial complex. The Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (RAMS) was used in the simulation study. Initially, horizontally homogeneous wind fields were assumed on the basis of sounding data at the nearby upper-air station for days with morning wind speeds below 2 m s−1. On these days, the sea breeze prevailed in summer while the land breeze lasted for a few hours in the morning; the effect of synoptic winds was strong in winter with some inclusion of wind variations owing to the interaction between sea and land. The predicted wind direction at the location of the weather station captured an important change of the sea/land breeze of the observed one. In the morning, both in summer and winter, complicated wind fields with low wind speeds resulted in high pollutant concentrations almost all over the area. On the other hand, in the afternoon, the wind field was rather uniform and the terrain effects were not significant even in the mountainous area with the development of a mixing layer.  相似文献   

One hundred ninety-five chemically speciated samples were collected from March 2003 to February 2005 in the Seoul Metropolitan area to investigate the characteristics of the major components in PM2.5 and to characterize the chemical variations between smog and non-smog events. The annual average PM2.5 concentration was 43 μg m−3 that is almost three times higher than the US NAAQS annual PM2.5 standard of 15 μg m−3. During this sampling period, smog and yellow sand events were observed on 27 and 10 days, respectively. The PM2.5 concentrations and its constituents during smog events were about two–three times higher than those during non-smog and yellow sand events. In particular, the mass fractions of secondary aerosols such as sulfate, nitrate, and ammonium during the smog events were higher than those of the other constituents. The mean concentration and mass fraction of secondary organic carbon (SOC) were highest during the winter smog events. Sulfate, nitrate and SOC that can have long residence times were important species during the smog events suggesting that regional scale sources rather than local sources were important. Five-day backward air trajectory analysis showed that the air parcels during smog events passed through the major industrial areas in China more often than those during non-smog events.  相似文献   

ADMS and AERMOD are the two most widely used dispersion models for regulatory purposes. It is, therefore, important to understand the differences in the predictions of the models and the causes of these differences. The treatment by the models of flat terrain has been discussed previously; in this paper the focus is on their treatment of complex terrain. The paper includes a discussion of the impacts of complex terrain on airflow and dispersion and how these are treated in ADMS and AERMOD, followed by calculations for two distinct cases: (i) sources above a deep valley within a relatively flat plateau area (Clifty Creek power station, USA); (ii) sources in a valley in hilly terrain where the terrain rises well above the stack tops (Ribblesdale cement works, England). In both cases the model predictions are markedly different. At Clifty Creek, ADMS suggests that the terrain markedly increases maximum surface concentrations, whereas the AERMOD complex terrain module has little impact. At Ribblesdale, AERMOD predicts very large increases (a factor of 18) in the maximum hourly average surface concentrations due to plume impaction onto the neighboring hill; although plume impaction is predicted by ADMS, the increases in concentration are much less marked as the airflow model in ADMS predicts some lateral deviation of the streamlines around the hill.  相似文献   

In 1998 fresh surface snow samples were collected, no more than 2 days after the snowfall, along the Khumbu valley, and its lateral valleys (Kongmala and Changri Nup), at the end of the summer monsoon period. Samples from the Island Peak and Pumori slopes were also collected by climbers during pre- and post-monsoon season at altitudes ranging from 5300 to 6100 m a.s.l. Conductivity, pH and major inorganic ions were measured in samples and relative field blanks. Chemical results were subjected to principal component analysis (PCA) in order to distinguish different sources of ions and study spatial and temporal distribution of ion concentrations. Two main factors, accounting for more than 80% of the total variance, were found. The two factors were correlated to two different sources, one representing local transport and background contribution, and the other related to monsoon circulation. Concentrations of the main ions were compared to those measured in other remote areas, with particular regard to elevated areas in Central Asia.  相似文献   

Large-eddy simulation (LES) is used to simulate neutral turbulent boundary-layer flow over a rough two-dimensional sinusoidal hill. Three different subgrid-scale (SGS) models are tested: (a) the standard Smagorinsky model with a wall-matching function, (b) the Lagrangian dynamic model, and (c) the recently developed scale-dependent Lagrangian dynamic model [Stoll, R., Porté-Agel, F., 2006. Dynamic subgrid-scale models for momentum and scalar fluxes in large-eddy simulation of neutrally stratified atmospheric boundary layers over heterogeneous terrain. Water Resources Research 42, W01409. doi:10.1029/2005WR003989]. The simulation results obtained with the different models are compared with turbulence statistics obtained from experiments conducted in the meteorological wind tunnel of the AES (Atmospheric Environment Service, Canada) [Gong, W., Taylor, P.A., Dörnbrack, A., 1996. Turbulent boundary-layer flow over fixed aerodynamically rough two-dimensional sinusoidal waves. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 312, 1–37]. We find that the scale-dependent dynamic model is able to account, without any tuning, for the local changes in the eddy-viscosity model coefficient. It can also capture the scale dependence of the coefficient associated with regions of the flow with strong mean shear and flow anisotropy. As a result, the scale-dependent dynamic model yields results that are more realistic than the ones obtained with the scale-invariant Lagrangian dynamic model.  相似文献   

The COMPLEX I and COMPLEX II Gaussian dispersion models for complex terrain applications have been made available by EPA. Various terrain treatment options under IOPT(25) can be selected for a particular application, one of which [IOPT(25) = 1] is an algorithm similar to that of the VALLEY model. A model performance evaluation exercise involving three of the available options with both COMPLEX models was carried out using SF6 tracer measurements taken during worst-case stable impaction conditions in complex terrain at the Harry Allen Plant site in southern Nevada. The models did not reproduce observed concentrations on an event by event basis, as correlation coefficients for 1-h concentrations of 0-0.3 were exhibited. When observed and calculated cumulative frequency distributions for 1-h and 3-h concentrations were compared, a close correspondence between observations and concentrations calculated with COMPLEX I, IOPT(25) = 2 or 3 was noted; both options consistently overestimated observed concentrations. With IOPT(25) = 1, upper percentile (maximum) values in the calculated frequency distribution exceeded the corresponding IOPT(25) = 2 or 3 value by roughly a factor of 2, and observed values by 2.5-5. COMPLEX II typically produced maximum values 2-4 times as great as COMPLEX I for the same terrain treatment option. From these results it is concluded that: 1) the physically unrealistic sector-spread approach used in VALLEY and COMPLEX I under stable impaction conditions is a surrogate for wind direction variation, and 2) the doubling of the plume centerline concentration due to ground reflection under terrain impingement conditions that is included in IOPT(25) = 1 is inappropriate.

These findings were found to be consistent with an analysis of noncurrent observed and calculated SO2 χ/Q frequency distributions for 1, 3, and 24 hours near the Four Corners Plant in New Mexico. The comparison involved a four-year calculated χ/Q data set and a two-year observed χ/Q data set at the worst-case high terrain impact location near the plant.  相似文献   

To simulate the transport and diffusion of airborne contaminants across a metropolitan region, point-source releases of fluorescent tracer material were made near various urban centers and some 50 samplers were arrayed in expected downwind directions. The effects of land-water, hill-valley, and urban-rural differences on airflow and diffusion were observed in their existing interrelationships during these experiments. Since the tracer could be assessed with high sensitivity over great distances, tracer results provided a quantitative indicator of pollutant dispersion across an extensive metropolitan complex.

From July 1967 through June 1968, the test series included typical seasonal weather patterns, with emphasis on those conducive to the travel and accumulation of pollutants. In each test about 15 kilograms of tracer material were released during two-hour periods, and significant dosages were found at downwind distances up to 80 kilometers. All tests were conducted during daylight hours, to coincide better with the oxidant-type pollution important in this region.

Dispersion characteristics showed much greater complexity than predictable from classical models, thus limiting the applicability of such models in this region. Built-up urban areas increased the initial dispersion rates of tracer clouds, and travel over water tended to decrease them. Hilly terrain resulted in increased dispersion, but channeling associated with such terrain caused locally higher concentrations. The complex horizontal dosage patterns obtained did confirm previously observed airflow patterns as aids in predicting pollutant distributions.  相似文献   

The transport and diffusion processes of a tracer gas released near the ground in the Rhine valley region, in Central Europe, during the 1992 TRACT field experiment, are simulated by a computational model system for complex terrain. This system (RMS) is composed of the prognostic mesoscale model RAMS, the Lagrangian stochastic dispersion model SPRAY and the interface code MIRS, which links RAMS to SPRAY. Three flow simulations were performed, with different initialisations and the one showing the best agreement with the measured flow was selected for the simulation of the TRACT tracer experiment. Tracer concentrations measured by an array of samplers at ground level and by an airplane aloft, are used to evaluate the 3-D concentration field simulated by the model system. The analysis of the simulation results generated by RMS shows that our model system very well reproduces the general behaviour of the contaminant plume, the temporal and spatial distribution of the concentration and the location of the concentration maxima.  相似文献   

The activity of microorganisms often plays an important role in dynamic natural attenuation or engineered bioremediation of subsurface contaminants, such as chlorinated solvents, metals, and radionuclides. To evaluate and/or design bioremediated systems, quantitative reactive transport models are needed. State-of-the-art reactive transport models often ignore the microbial effects or simulate the microbial effects with static growth yield and constant reaction rate parameters over simulated conditions, while in reality microorganisms can dynamically modify their functionality (such as utilization of alternative respiratory pathways) in response to spatial and temporal variations in environmental conditions. Constraint-based genome-scale microbial in silico models, using genomic data and multiple-pathway reaction networks, have been shown to be able to simulate transient metabolism of some well studied microorganisms and identify growth rate, substrate uptake rates, and byproduct rates under different growth conditions. These rates can be identified and used to replace specific microbially-mediated reaction rates in a reactive transport model using local geochemical conditions as constraints. We previously demonstrated the potential utility of integrating a constraint-based microbial metabolism model with a reactive transport simulator as applied to bioremediation of uranium in groundwater. However, that work relied on an indirect coupling approach that was effective for initial demonstration but may not be extensible to more complex problems that are of significant interest (e.g., communities of microbial species and multiple constraining variables). Here, we extend that work by presenting and demonstrating a method of directly integrating a reactive transport model (FORTRAN code) with constraint-based in silico models solved with IBM ILOG CPLEX linear optimizer base system (C library). The models were integrated with BABEL, a language interoperability tool. The modeling system is designed in such a way that constraint-based models targeting different microorganisms or competing organism communities can be easily plugged into the system. Constraint-based modeling is very costly given the size of a genome-scale reaction network. To save computation time, a binary tree is traversed to examine the concentration and solution pool generated during the simulation in order to decide whether the constraint-based model should be called. We also show preliminary results from the integrated model including a comparison of the direct and indirect coupling approaches and evaluated the ability of the approach to simulate field experiment.  相似文献   

Meteorological variables such as temperature, wind speed, wind directions, and Planetary Boundary Layer (PBL) heights have critical implications for air quality simulations. Sensitivity simulations with five different PBL schemes associated with three different Land Surface Models (LSMs) were conducted to examine the impact of meteorological variables on the predicted ozone concentrations using the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) version 4.5 with local perspective. Additionally, the nudging analysis for winds was adopted with three different coefficients to improve the wind fields in the complex terrain at 4-km grid resolution. The simulations focus on complex terrain having valley and mountain areas at 4-km grid resolution. The ETA M–Y (Mellor–Yamada) and G–S (Gayno–Seaman) PBL schemes are identified as favorite options and promote O3 formation causing the higher temperature, slower winds, and lower mixing height among sensitivity simulations in the area of study. It is found that PX (Pleim–Xiu) simulation does not always give optimal meteorological model performance. We also note that the PBL scheme plays a more important role in predicting daily maximum 8-h O3 than land surface models. The results of nudging analysis for winds with three different increased coefficients' values (2.5, 4.5, and 6.0 × 10?4 s?1) over seven sensitivity simulations show that the meteorological model performance was enhanced due to improved wind fields, indicating the FDDA nudging analysis can improve model performance considerably at 4-km grid resolution. Specifically, the sensitivity simulations with the coefficient value (6.0 × 10?4) yielded more substantial improvements than with the other values (2.5 and 4.5 × 10?4). Hence, choosing the nudging coefficient of 6.0 × 10?4 s?1 for winds in MM5 may be the best choice to improve wind fields as an input, as well as, better model performance of CMAQ in the complex terrain area. As a result, a finer grid resolution is necessary to evaluate and access of CMAQ results for giving a detailed representation of meteorological and chemical processes in the regulatory modeling. A recommendation of optimal scheme options for simulating meteorological variables in the complex terrain area is made.  相似文献   

A modelling study with the on-line coupled Eulerian chemical-weather model WRF/Chem for the Southern Italian region around Cosenza (Calabria) was conducted to identify the influences of synoptic scale meteorology, local scale wind systems and local emissions on ozone concentrations in this orographically complex region. Four periods of 5–7 days were chosen, one from each season, which had wind pattern characteristics representative of typical local climatological conditions, in order to study the local versus non-local impacts on ozone transport and formation. To account for the complex terrain, the horizontal resolution of the smallest modelling domain was 3 km. Model results were compared with measurements to demonstrate the capability of the model to reproduce ozone concentrations in the region. The comparison was favourable with a mean bias of ?1.1 ppb. The importance of local emissions on ozone formation and destruction was identified with the use of three different emission scenarios. Generally the influence of regional emissions on the average ozone concentration was small. However during periods when mountain-sea wind systems were well developed and synoptic scale winds were weak, the influence of local emissions from the urban area was at its greatest. The maximum influence of local emissions on ozone concentrations was 18 ppb.  相似文献   


The sigma (SIG) coordinate system in ocean circulation simulation models results inevitably in horizontal pressure gradient error. This problem also emerges in models of deep lakes or reservoirs with the same characteristics of underwater terrain mutation. SIG coordinates reflect vertical relative stratification but cannot be used to calculate horizontal pressure gradient force in places with drastic topographic changes; this results in vertical water temperature and circulation errors. In deep lakes or reservoirs, differences in water density caused by the temperature difference between upper and lower water bodies is the primary cause of thermal stratification phenomena. Lake Mead was used as a case study on steep topography based on Environmental Fluid Dynamics Code (EFDC) model in this study. SIG coordinates result in close agreement between the calibrated temperature time series at the top and middle water layers, but disparity in the bottom water layer. The error emerges in the horizontal pressure gradient error due to the SIG coordinate transformation. Neither increasing the vertical resolution nor adjusting the horizontal viscosity coefficient resolve this error. We test the sigma-zed (SGZ) coordinate which combines Z coordinate and SIG coordinate as a replacement for the SIG coordinate to find that they effectively reduce the model’s runtime and simulation efficiency. The vertical temperature distribution in SGZ coordinate mode is more accurate than the distribution in SIG coordinate mode. The Navier-Stokes horizontal gradient and advection diffusion equation results under SIG coordinates are very sensitive to the pressure gradient. The replacement also enhances resolution near the thermocline, facilitates reclosing of the water bottom and the equal sigma surface, lends significant advantages in terms of vertical temperature in the simulation for local deep water with steep terrain, and shortens runtime for 0.14 h. SGZ mixed coordinates are recommended in the simulation of deep lakes or reservoirs wherein the underwater topography is large (with abundant continuous deep trenches or reefs).


This paper describes a methodology for estimating the effect of local source emissions on dry deposition of sulfur dioxide in regions of complex terrain. Airflow in complex terrain is simulated by a time-dependent dynamical model for the meteorological fields. The results of the dynamical model are used to drive a semi-stochastic Lagrangian dispersion model in order to evaluate concentrations resulting from local source emissions. The Lagrangian dispersion model is coupled with a dry deposition treatment which includes the effects of both surface properties and micrometeoroiogical factors on deposition.

A sample application is discussed for a source in the Shenandoah Valley. The largest concentrations and deposition rates were obtained shortly after sunrise, during the transition from the nocturnal to the daytime flow regime. These results suggest that dry deposition may be episodic.  相似文献   

An air quality simulation model that is simple, yet capable of accurately estimating concentrations under unsteady meteorological conditions, has been developed. This trajectory plume model uses the Gaussian plume equation, but has an applicability that is approximately as wide as the Lagrangian puff model. The plume axis is represented by a series of straight-line plume segments. The performance of this model was evaluated by comparing it with other diffusion models. A comparison between simulation results using the present model and those using integrated puff and Eulerian diffusion models for three different metropolitan areas (one in Japan and two in the U.S.) has indicated that a simple trajectory plume model performs as well as the two other more complex models in simulating pollutant dispersion under complicated meteorological conditions such as those which occur during the transition period from a sea breeze to a land breeze.  相似文献   

Frequent smog episodes occur during spring, summer, and autumn in Insubria, Northern Italy. On a test site in this area the atmospheric concentration of the photo-oxidants ozone and peroxyacetyl nitrate has been monitored over a year (2000) together with ozone precursors listed in the European Union Air Quality Directive 2002/3/EC, such as nitrous oxides (NOX) and volatile organic compounds (VOC) including hydrocarbons and carbonyls. The results of this study revealed a strong impact of biogenic isoprene on the air quality.In winter isoprene was detected at the ppt level and correlated with anthropogenic VOC. However, during the growing season isoprene exhibited a distinct diurnal variation with maximum concentrations late in the afternoon reaching up 70 ppbC attributed to strong emissions from the abundant vegetation of broad-leaf deciduous trees in this area. A new HPLC-MS method was developed for the determination of isoprene's primary atmospheric oxidation products methacrolein as its 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazone and methyl vinyl ketone as an unusual double derivative with 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine. Methacrolein and methyl vinyl ketone followed the same diurnal and annual trends as isoprene. The average monthly concentration of isoprene and these products ranged from around 10 ppbC in June, July and September to 20 ppbC in August, which constitutes 15–30% of C3–C9 VOCs. The contribution from isoprene photo-oxidation to the ambient air formaldehyde concentrations was also found to be high during this period ranging from 30% to 60% in May, June, July and August.From the atmospheric VOC and NOX concentrations the local photochemical ozone formation was estimated by the incremental reactivity approach. The calculations showed that in summer isoprene's contribution to the local ozone formation was as high as 50–75%.  相似文献   

Part II presents a comprehensive evaluation of CMAQ for August of 2002 on twenty-one sensitivity simulations (detailed in Part I) in MM5 to investigate the model performance for O3 SIPs (State Implementation Plans) in the complex terrain. CMAQ performance was quite consistent with the results of MM5, meaning that accurate meteorological fields predicted in MM5 as an input resulted in good model performance of CMAQ. In this study, PBL scheme plays a more important role than its land surface models (LSMs) for the model performance of CMAQ. Our results have shown that the outputs of CMAQ on eighteen sensitivity simulations using two different nudging coefficients for winds (2.5 and 4.5 × 10?4 s?1, respectively) tend to under predict daily maximum 8-h ozone concentrations at valley areas except the TKE PBL sensitivity simulations (ETA M-Y PBL scheme with Noah LSMs and 5-layer soil model and Gayno-Seaman PBL) using 6.0 × 10?4 s?1 with positive MB (Mean Bias). At mountain areas, none of the sensitivity simulations has presented over predictions for 8-h O3, due to relatively poor meteorological model performance. When comparing 12-km and 4-km grid resolutions for the PX simulation in CMAQ statistics analysis, the CMAQ results at 12-km grid resolution consistently show under predictions of 8-h O3 at both of valley and mountain areas and particularly, it shows relatively poor model performance with a 15.1% of NMB (Normalized Mean Bias). Based on our sensitivity simulations, the TKE PBL sensitivity simulations using a maximum value (6 × 10?4) among other sensitivity simulations yielded better model performance of CMAQ at all areas in the complex terrain. As a result, the sensitivity of RRFs to the PBL scheme may be considerably significant with about 1–3 ppb in difference in determining whether the attainment test is passed or failed. Furthermore, we found that the result of CMAQ model performance depending on meteorological variations is affected on estimating RRFs for attainment demonstration, indicating that it is necessary to improve model performance. Overall, G_c (Gayo-Seaman PBL scheme) using the coefficient for winds, 6 × 10?4 s?1, sensitivity simulation predicts daily maximum 8-h ozone concentration closer to observations during a typical summer period from May to September and provides generally low future design values (DVFs) at valley and mountain areas compared to other simulations.  相似文献   

Most atmospheric transport and diffusion models within emergency response systems have very limited physics and are forced to rely on the assumption that wind and turbulence conditions at the time of the release will be representative over the period for which dispersion must be predicted. For releases where the principal concern is about the first few kilometers of travel, such an assumption is appropriate. However, for large accidental releases during stable conditions, the plume may travel for several hours before it is diluted to safe levels and the assumption of persistence may be inappropriate, particularly for transport in complex terrain. Under these circumstances, a model that can forecast changes in wind and turbulence conditions is required. We have installed such a model on microcomputers and tested it in complex terrain near Salt Lake City. One-hour tracer releases produced surface concentrations that remain high for much longer times than that expected based on one hour’ travel time with the mean wind at the source height. Furthermore, relatively large concentrations were found at distances of over 40 km from the source. The model was generally able to reproduce the principal features described by the measurements, although some effects of subgrid scale terrain were missed.  相似文献   

The CIT/UCD three-dimensional source-oriented externally mixed air quality model is tested during a severe photochemical smog episode (Los Angeles, 7–9 September 1993) using two different chemical mechanisms that describe the formation of ozone and secondary reaction products. The first chemical mechanism is the secondary organic aerosol mechanism (SOAM) that is based on SAPRC90 with extensions to describe the formation of condensable organic products. The second chemical mechanism is the caltech atmospheric chemistry mechanism (CACM) that is based on SAPRC99 with more detailed treatment of organic oxidation products.The predicted ozone concentrations from the CIT/UCD/SOAM and the CIT/UCD/CACM models agree well with the observations made at most monitoring sites with a mean normalized error of approximately 0.4–0.5. Good agreement is generally found between the predicted and measured NOx concentrations except during morning rush hours of 6–10 am when NOx concentrations are under-predicted at most locations. Total VOC concentrations predicted by the two chemical mechanisms agree reasonably well with the observations at three of the four sites where measurements were made. Gas-phase concentrations of phenolic compounds and benzaldehyde predicted by the UCD/CIT/CACM model are higher than the measured concentrations whereas the predicted concentrations of other aromatic compounds approximately agree with the measured values.The fine airborne particulate matter mass concentrations (PM2.5) predicted by the UCD/CIT/SOAM and UCD/CIT/CACM models are slightly greater than the observed values during evening hours and lower than observed values during morning rush hours. The evening over-predictions are driven by an excess of nitrate, ammonium ion and sulfate. The UCD/CIT/CACM model predicts higher nighttime concentrations of gaseous precursors leading to the formation of particulate nitrate than the UCD/CIT/SOAM model. Elemental carbon and total organic mass are under-predicted by both models during morning rush hour periods. When this latter finding is combined with the NOx under-predictions that occur at the same time, it suggests a systematic bias in the diesel engine emissions inventory. The mass of particulate total organic carbon is under-predicted by both the UCD/CIT/SOAM and UCD/CIT/CACM models during afternoon hours. Elemental carbon concentrations generally agree with the observations at this time. Both the UCD/CIT/SOAM and UCD/CIT/CACM models predict low concentrations of secondary organic aerosol (SOA) (<3.5 μg m−3) indicating that both models could be missing SOA formation pathways. The representation of the aerosol as an internal mixture vs. a source-oriented external mixture did not significantly affect the predicted concentrations during the current study.  相似文献   

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