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The Guttalgor method has been used to determine the chemical species concentrations in size-selected raindrops in nine rain events at Hong Kong from 1999 to 2001. The curve (concentration against raindrop radius) patterns for all the species are similar but depend on the starting time of sampling within a rain event. In these plots, the maximum concentration occurs at the same range of droplet radius, irrespective of the species, and this indicates the importance of coalescence and breakup processes. The maximum is located at a smaller droplet radius than was found in previous studies in Germany. All results show almost constant concentrations with size for large raindrops, and these indicate the in-cloud contributions. The pH of raindrops of similar size is linearly correlated with a function of the sulfate, nitrate, acetate, formate, calcium and ammonium ion species concentrations. Within a single raindrop, chloride depletion is not significant, and sulfate, ammonium and hydrogen ions are found in ratios compatible with the precursor solid-phase mixture of ammonium sulfate and ammonium bisulphate. When simulated by a below-cloud model, good agreement between the modeled and measured sodium and sulfate concentrations has been found. Below-cloud sulfur dioxide scavenging contributes at most 60% of the sulfate concentration in a single raindrop.  相似文献   

The scavenging of atmospheric particles was studied by allowing natural snow flakes to fall through a known aerosol, with subsequent recovery of the individual flakes to determine size, shape, and number of particles caught. Five aerosol materials (B. Subtilis, P1600 pigment, zinc sulfide, polystyrene latex, and anthracene) were used, covering the size range 0.25–3.5 μm. The particulate catch by individual flakes was determined by microscope examination.The observed scavenging efficiencies, E, for the 268 snow flakes exposed and examined was 5.5 × 10−6–0.38 (0.00055-38%), ignoring the two flakes with zero catch. A related measure, the effective scavenging cross-section, ranged from 1.1 × 10−6to 0.020 cm2.Dimensionless-variable plots of the data indicate that the primary capture mechanism is simple interception. The plot of logEvs logI, where I is the interception parameter, yielded a band of points lying just above the line logE = log3 + logI, which is the theory line for spheres in potential flow. The regression line was log10E = 2.477 + 1.366 log10I, with correlation coefficient 0.79. No systematic effect due to snow crystal habit could be detected.The data, together with theoretical estimates, indicate that electrostatic scavenging effects were insignificant in the tests. It was established that the chamber scavenging data for particles larger than ~ 0.8 μm is directly applicable to scavenging in the open atmosphere. For smaller particles, this applicability could not be established due to the possibility that thermophoretic forces unrepresentative of the open atmosphere may have been active in the chamber tests.A primitive-variables regression equation was derived. This equation is recommended for prediction purposes.  相似文献   

Maia CM  Piccolo A  Mangrich AS 《Chemosphere》2008,73(8):1162-1166
Conformational changes in the structures of humic acids (HA) extracted from compost with varying degrees of maturity were monitored by high performance size exclusion chromatography (HPSEC). The molecular size distribution of HA was compared in solutions containing sodium or ammonium counterions at pH 7 and pH 4.5. These findings indicate that the humates' molecular size depended not only on the nature of the counterions but also on their concentration in the solution. The physicochemical nature of sodium counterions determined smaller molecular sizes than those of the more hydrated ammonium counterions, at low concentrations of humates. Conversely, at higher humate concentrations, the more compact conformation of sodium humates produced larger molecular sizes than those of ammonium humates due to the aggregation of more hydrophobic surfaces in the sodium humates. Composting led to the degradation of labile microbial components with accumulation of hydrophobic constituents. This caused self-association of hydrophobic compounds into humic superstructures of larger molecular size over composting time. At lower pH, changes in conformational stability by the addition of acetic acid to humate solutions were explained by the supramolecular model of humified organic matter.  相似文献   

Sampling and physico-chemical analysis of precipitation: a review   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Wet deposition is one of two processes governing the transfer of beneficial and toxic chemicals from the atmosphere on to surfaces. Since the early 1970s, numerous investigators have sampled and analyzed precipitation for their chemical constituents, in the context of "acidic rain" and related atmospheric processes. Since then, significant advances have been made in our understanding of how to sample rain, cloud and fog water to preserve their physico-chemical integrity prior to analyses. Since the 1970s large-scale precipitation sampling networks have been in operation to broadly address regional and multi-regional issues. However, in examining the results from such efforts at a site-specific level, concerns have been raised about the accuracy and precision of the information gathered. There is mounting evidence to demonstrate the instability of precipitation samples (e.g. with N species) that have been subjected to prolonged ambient or field conditions. At the present time precipitation sampling procedures allow unrefrigerated or refrigerated collection of wet deposition from individual events, sequential fractions within events, in situ continuous chemical analyses in the field and even sampling of single or individual rain, cloud and fog droplets. Similarly analytical procedures of precipitation composition have advanced from time-consuming methods to rapid and simultaneous analyses of major anions and cations, from bulk samples to single droplets. For example, analytical techniques have evolved from colorimetry to ion chromatography to capillary electrophoresis. Overall, these advances allow a better understanding of heterogeneous reactions and atmospheric pollutant scavenging processes by precipitation. In addition, from an environmental perspective, these advances allow better quantification of semi-labile (e.g. NH4+, frequently its deposition values are underestimated) or labile species [e.g. S (IV)] in precipitation and measurements of toxic chemicals such as Hg and PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls). Similarly, methods now exist for source-receptor studies, using for example, the characterization of reduced elemental states and/or the use of stable isotopes in precipitation as tracers. Future studies on the relationship between atmospheric deposition and environmental impacts must exploit these advances. This review provides a comprehensive and comparative treatment of the state of the art sampling methods of precipitation and its physico-chemical analysis.  相似文献   

The extreme particle size range and enormous heterogeneity of airborne biological particles make sampling a significant challenge. Three major sampler types available include gravity devices, impactors and suction samplers. Gravity methods, while most commonly used, are neither qualitatively or quantitatively accurate and of very limited use. Impaction samplers (rotating, centrifugal) accelerate air by rotating the collecting surface or with a fan. Particles are collected from measured volumes of air but these devices preferentially sample particles larger than 10 μm. Suction samplers, which efficiently collect particles of a wide size range from measured volumes of air, include slit samplers, cascade impactors, filtration devices and liquid impingers. Suction samplers can retrieve viable particles by direct impaction on culture media, or by subsequent culture of impinger fluid or filter eluates. Nonviable particles can often be identified by microscopic examination of slides, filters or filtrates of impinger fluids. Immunoassays and biochemical assays can be used with impinger fluid and filter eluates to assess antigen and toxin levels in measured air samples.  相似文献   

Cho J  Annable MD 《Chemosphere》2005,61(7):899-908
In this study, we investigate pore scale morphology of nonaqueous phase liquids (NAPLs) trapped in different pore sizes using tracer techniques. Specific interfacial area and saturation of NAPL trapped in homogeneous sands were measured using the interfacial and partitioning tracer techniques. The observed NAPL-water interfacial areas increased in a log-linear fashion with decreasing sand grain size, but showed no clear trend with residual NAPL saturation formed in the various grain sizes. The measured values were used to calculate the NAPL morphology index, which characterizes the spatial NAPL distribution within the pore space. The NAPL morphology indices, increased exponentially with decreasing grain size, indicating that the NAPL becomes smaller, but more blobs. For a fixed grain size, the specific interfacial area and saturation of the NAPL were measured following changes caused by dissolution using alcohol. The observed interfacial areas showed a decrease linearly as a function of the NAPL saturation.  相似文献   

Multiwavelength optical measurements of atmospheric extinction and sky brightness in the solar aureole were made at Ross Island and at South Pole Station, Antarctica, to derive the column-integrated size distribution and mass loading of suspended aerosol. In addition, the composition and particle size distribution near the surface at South Pole, the Ross Ice Shelf and from the summit of Mt Erebus volcano were derived by electron microscopic analysis and X-ray spectrometry.The aerosol over the ice sheet has a bimodal size distribution with modal radii in dn/dr at < 0.05 μm and at 0.14 ± 0.02 μm. The number concentration and mass loading for the large mode are 40cm−3 and 300 ng m−3, respectively, while the number concentration of particles in the smaller mode is ~ 103 cm−3. The particles over the polar ice sheet are dominated by ammonium sulfate and hydrated droplets of sulfuric acid (60–80% by mass) although trace amounts of oceanic and crustal-derived material have also been detected. Aerosols on the Ross Ice Shelf are relatively large and consist mainly of crustal material, presumably from the exposed land within 20 km distance. Submicron particles collected at the fuming vent of Mt Erebus volcano contained 34% Cl, 22% K and only 18%S.The sulfur aerosol residing over the ice cap shows evidence of being produced by nucleation of trace sulfurbearing gases; the most likely source is organic compounds, possibly CS2 and COS, released by the oceans. These compounds have long lifetimes (3 and 20, respectively), hence they can be transported to the central polar ice cap and converted to sulfates. It is estimated that downwelling air from the stratosphere is probably not an important source for sulfate particles. The rate of removal of particles to the snow and ice surface of the continentis −300 × 10−16g cm−2s−1; ninety percent of the removal is by nucleation of snow flakes and ice crystals.  相似文献   

Sampling and analysis of ambient dioxins in northern Taiwan   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Chang MB  Weng YM  Lee TY  Chen YW  Chang SH  Chi KH 《Chemosphere》2003,51(10):1103-1110
In this study, ambient air samples were taken concurrently in the vicinity area of a large-scale municipal waste incinerator (MWI) and the background area for measuring polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and furans (PCDD/Fs) concentrations from November 1999 through July 2000 in northern Taiwan. The results obtained from eighteen ambient air samples indicate that the mean PCDD/F concentration of seventeen 2,3,7,8-substituted congeners in wintertime (188–348 fg-I-TEQ/m3) is significantly higher than that measured in summertime (56–166 fg-I-TEQ/m3). In addition, the seasonal PCDD/F concentrations are compared with the ambient air quality data including CO, NO2, PM10 and TSP sampled from Taipei area to gain better insights. It indicates that the variation of ambient air PCDD/F concentrations is closely correlated with that of PM10 concentrations. Besides, the results indicate that the I-TEQ concentration of ambient air in sampling site B (directly downwind of the MWI) is of the highest while the sampling site A (upwind of MWI) is of the lowest among all sampling sites. This implies that existing MWI can be a significant emitter of PCDD/Fs in this area. Furthermore, the patterns of the PCDD/F congener distribution at all sampling sites (including the background site in Taoyuan) are quite similar. OCDD concentration is of the highest among seventeen PCDD/F congeners investigated and accounts for about 35% of the total concentration. As for the I-TEQ concentrations, 2,3,4,7,8-PeCDF is the most significant contributor, generally being responsible for 30–45% of the total I-TEQ values depending on the sampling sites and seasons.  相似文献   

Water-soluble organic carbon (WSOC) and atmospheric humic-like substances (HULIS) were investigated for urban PM2.5-fraction aerosol samples, which were collected with the tandem filter method on quartz fibre filters over a non-heating spring season. Sampling artefacts were of importance for all organic chemical fractions, and the back-to-front-filter concentration ratios were on average 28% for WSOC and 17% for HULIS and organic carbon (OC). The difference in the ratios indicates that the water-soluble organics play a more important role in adsorptive artefacts than the organic matter (OM) in general. The results emphasize the need for an appropriate sampling and/or correction method for measuring particulate organic substances in urban environments. The corrected atmospheric concentration of HULIS, obtained by subtracting the back-filter from the front-filter data, was on average 2 μg m−3; which represented 6% of the mean PM2.5 particulate mass, and it made up 45% of the secondary OC. The HULIS carbon accounted for 20% of the OC and 62% of the WSOC, while WSOC made up 32% of OC. The major element composition of HULIS, expressed in molar ratios, was C:H:O:N=22:32:10:1. The molar H/C ratio of 1.49 implies the presence of unsaturated organic compounds, although these were depleted in comparison with rural aerosol or standard fulvic acids. The molar O/C ratio of 0.47 indicates the existence of oxygenated functional groups; comparison to rural aerosol suggests that the (fresh) urban-type aerosol is less oxidized (and, therefore, less water soluble as well) than the rural one. The OM/OC mass conversion factor for the isolated (water-soluble) HULIS was derived to be 1.81. It was inferred from comparisons with published data that there are substantial differences in abundance and chemical composition of HULIS for different environments.  相似文献   

Uptake of aromatic hydrocarbons (AH) by ice crystals during vapor deposit growth was investigated in a walk-in cold chamber at temperatures of 242, 251, and 260 K, respectively. Ice crystals were grown from ambient air in the presence of gaseous AH namely: benzene (C6H6), toluene (methylbenzene, C7H8), the C8H10 isomers ethylbenzene, o-, m-, p-xylene (dimethylbenzenes), the C9H12 isomers n-propylbenzene, 4-ethyltoluene, 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene (1,3,5-TMB), 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene (1,2,4-TMB), 1,2,3-trimethylbenzene (1,2,3-TMB), and the C10H14 compound tert.-butylbenzene. Gas-phase concentrations calculated at 295 K were 10.3–20.8 μg m−3. Uptake of AH was detected by analyzing vapor deposited ice with a very sensitive method composed of solid-phase micro-extraction (SPME), followed by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS).Ice crystal size was lower than 1 cm. At water vapor extents of 5.8, 6.0 and 8.1 g m−3, ice crystal shape changed with decreasing temperatures from a column at a temperature of 260 K, to a plate at 251 K, and to a dendrite at 242 K. Experimentally observed ice growth rates were between 3.3 and 13.3×10−3 g s−1 m−2 and decreased at lower temperatures and lower value of water vapor concentration. Predicted growth rates were mostly slightly higher.Benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes (BTEX) were not detected in ice above their detection limits (DLs) of 25 pg gice−1 (toluene, ethylbenzene, xylenes) and 125 pg gice−1 (benzene) over the entire temperature range. Median concentrations of n-propylbenzene, 4-ethyltoluene, 1,3,5-TMB, tert.-butylbenzene, 1,2,4-TMB, and 1,2,3-TMB were between 4 and 176 pg gice−1 at gas concentrations of 10.3–10.7 μg m−3 calculated at 295 K. Uptake coefficients (K) defined as the product of concentration of AH in ice and density of ice related to the product of their concentration in the gas phase and ice mass varied between 0.40 and 10.23. K increased with decreasing temperatures. Values of Gibbs energy (ΔG) were between −4.5 and 2.4 kJ mol−1 and decreased as temperatures were lowered. From the uptake experiments, the uptake enthalpy (ΔH) could be determined between −70.6 and −33.9 kJ mol−1. The uptake entropy (ΔS) was between −281.3 and −126.8 J mol−1 K−1. Values of ΔH and ΔS were rather similar for 4-ethlytoluene, 1,3,5-TMB and tert.-butylbenzene, whereas 1,2,3-TMB showed much higher values.  相似文献   

Firn core methanesulphonic acid (MSA) stratigraphy from Talos Dome (East Antarctica) was compared with anomalies of the satellite-measured sea ice extent (1973–1995) in the Ross Sea and Wilkes Land oceanic sector. In spite of the sparseness of sea ice data, the MSA maxima fit with many positive sea ice anomalies in the Ross Sea. This evidence suggests that marine biogenic activity enhanced by large sea ice cover is an important, but not exclusive, factor in controlling MSA concentration in snow precipitation at Talos Dome. Other than source intensity, differences in regional atmospheric transport mechanisms affect the arrival of MSA-rich aerosol at Talos Dome. To clarify the role of transport processes in bringing biogenic aerosol to Talos Dome, a spectral analysis was applied to the MSA, SOI (South Oscillation Index), and SAM (Southern Annular Mode) record. Synchronicity or phase shift between the chemical signature and atmospheric circulation modes were tested. The variations in the MSA profile have a periodicity of 6.9, 4.9, 3.5, and 2.9 years. The 6.9 and 2.9 year periodicities show a strong positive correlation and are synchronous with corresponding SOI periodicity. This variability could be related to an increase in MSA source intensity (by dimethylsulphide from phytoplanktonic activity) linked to the sea ice extent in the Ross Sea area, but also to an increased strength in transport processes. Both of these factors are correlated with La Niña events (SOI positive values). Furthermore, SAM positive values are related to an increased sea ice extent in the Ross Sea sector and show two main periodicities 3.3 and 3.8 years. These periodicities determine the MSA variability at 3.5 years. However, the effect of intensification of the polar vortex and the consequent reduction in transport process intensity, which reduce the delivery of air masses enriched in MSA from oceanic areas to Talos Dome, make the effect of the SAM on the MSA concentration at Talos Dome less active than the SOI. In this way, snow deposition at the Talos Dome records larger MSA concentration by the combined effects of increased source emissions and more efficient transport processes. The MSA record from Talos Dome can therefore be considered a reliable proxy of sea ice extent when the effect of changes in transport processes in this region of Antarctica is considered. Over the previous 140 years, these conditions occur with a periodicity of 6.9 years.  相似文献   

The effects of bacteria acting as immersion ice nuclei were investigated in numerical sensitivity studies and compared to the efforts of other ice nuclei such as mineral dust and soot particles. An adiabatic air parcel model was employed simulating convective situations with different initial aerosol particle distributions. The maximum fractions of active ice nuclei were based on field measurements of the proportioning of atmospheric aerosol particle types in continental and marine air masses. Recent field measurements of bacteria concentrations in cloud water and in snow samples were used. From the concentrations in bulk samples the concentration in mean sized cloud droplets was estimated. Immersion freezing was described based on laboratory measurements to constrain the freezing fraction versus temperature. The results indicated that the effects of diminutive amounts of bacteria on ice formation in convective clouds, while being significantly less than the effects of mineral dust particles, might be comparable to the expected effects of soot particles acting as ice nuclei. It can be predicted that bacterial ice nuclei would have to be enriched by at least 104 times reported concentrations in cloud water in order to equate to the impact of mineral dust ice nuclei present in 20–25% of all cloud droplets.  相似文献   

Pesticides and other organic species are adsorbed by soil via different mechanisms, with bond strengths that depend on the properties of both the soil and the pesticide. Since the clay fraction in soil is a preferential sorbent for organic matter, reference kaolinite and montmorillonite are useful models for studying the mechanism and the strength of sorption. This paper presents the results of batch experiments to investigate the interactions of kaolinite KGa-1 and montmorillonite SWy-1 with the following pesticides and organic species resulting from the natural degradation of pesticides in the environment: atrazine (1-chloro-3-ethylamino-5-isopropylamino-2,4,6-triazine), simazine (1-chloro-3,5-bisethylamino-2,4,6-triazine), diuron [1,1-dimethyl-3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)urea], aniline, 4-chlorophenol, 2,4-dichlorophenol, and 2,4,6-trichlorophenol. Each of these chemicals has different hydrophilicity. Systems containing 2.0 g of clay were put in contact with 100.0 mL of solutions of the pesticides at known concentration ranging from 1.0 to 5.0 mg/L, and the amount of solute adsorbed was evaluated through RP-HPLC analysis of the pesticide still present in the aqueous suspension. To test for electrostatic interactions between the clay surface and the pesticides, potentiometric titration was used to determine the permanent surface charge of clays. Experiments were performed at different pH values. The results indicate that, for the chemicals studied, neutral molecules are preferentially retained relative to ionized ones, and that montmorillonite is a more effective sorbent than kaolinite.  相似文献   


The use of formulation adjuvants to increase the drop size of pesticide sprays has followed a practice which has evolved through many years of experimentation and development. The earliest materials used were simply designed to make the spray mix viscous on the premise that a mayonnaise‐like fluid would produce larger drops and hence increase the deposit efficiency. These viscomer materials, emulsions and water soluble thickeners such as starch and agars, as well as more complex cellulose materials, produced thick non‐Newtonian fluids which were difficult to mix, pump and spray, and provided questionable results. First, the larger drops reduced target coverage from a given volume of spray; and second, field tests with these definitely showed that a large volume of small drops were still being produced even with the thickest of formulations.

The next step in adjuvant evolution was the introduction of polyvinyl, polyacrylamide and polyamide elastomer materials. These polymers are also non‐Newtonian, but due to their peculiar molecular bonding, they have the capability of forming long string‐like streams which when atomized can retract into a spray of large drops. Pure forms of these polymers are blended by commercial producers to enable compatibility with pesticide chemicals. We have conducted a series of laboratory and wind tunnel tests; first, to try and establish some physical parameters identifying their characteristics and second, to determine how these adjuvants affect atomization and the production of small drift‐prone drops (i.e., those smaller than 120 μm in diameter).

Our results with the laboratory studies of physical properties and of the wind tunnel drop size tests have been inconclusive. The elastomer materials have relatively low viscosity (1.5 to 6 mPa.s) and reduced surface tension (50 to 60 mN/m) but our stream‐flow extension tests were non‐productive. The drop size studies comparing water sprays with polymer‐water mixtures gave us a mixed picture. Generally drop size was increased for all of the fan (deflector and milled orifice) and cone type atomizers. But an increase was also indicated of the volume of spray in drops less than 120 μm showing that the polymer did not fully control the production of these small drops under all of the testing procedures we studied.

It is difficult to evaluate the capability of these additives for controlling or reducing production of the drift‐prone small drops. While the pure solutions of the water soluble polymers would appear to be capable of this desirable effect, it is also evident that in order to make these formulations compatible with pesticide spray solutions, several other solvents, emulsifiers and surface active chemicals are added to the formulation, thus affecting the atomization characteristics and hence their drift‐control capability.  相似文献   

Aerosol light scattering measurements as a function of relative humidity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The hygroscopic nature of atmospheric fine aerosol was investigated at a rural site in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park during July and August 1995. Passing the sample aerosol through an inlet, which housed an array of Perma Pure diffusion dryers, controlled the sample aerosol's relative humidity (RH). After conditioning the aerosol sample in the inlet, the light scattering coefficient and the aerosol size distribution were simultaneously measured. During this study, the conditioned aerosol's humidity ranged between 5% < RH < 95%. Aerosol response curves were produced using the ratio bspw/bspd; where bspw is the scattering coefficient measured at some RH greater than 20% and bspd is the scattering coefficient of the "dry" aerosol. For this work, any sample RH values below 15% were considered dry. Results of this investigation showed that the light scattering ratio increased continuously and smoothly over the entire range of relative humidity. The magnitude of the ratio at a particular RH value, however, varied considerably in time, particularly for RH values greater than approximately 60%. Curves of the scattering coefficient ratios as a function of RH were generated for each day and compared to the average 12-hour chemical composition of the aerosol. This comparison showed that for any particular RH value the ratio was highest during time periods of high sulfate concentrations and lowest during time periods of high soil or high organic carbon concentrations.  相似文献   

Hypodermic needles are useful as convenient low-cost critical orifices to control the flow rate in air sampling. Variations in flow rate were less than five per cent for 41 needle gauge-length combinations. To provide maximum accuracy, a simple calibration procedure is described. Needles may be reused more than six times, if protected. Types of protectors are described. Resistances of protector, collector, and prefilter combinations affect criticality at nine liters/min. Simple sampling devices using needles as orifices are described.  相似文献   

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