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Many species of marine organisms go through ontogenetic shifts that occur in unknown or inaccessible locations. Finding these areas is crucial to understand connectivity and resilience of populations, both of which have conservation implications. When extrinsic markers are not suitable to track organisms, intrinsic markers can be useful to infer the location of inaccessible areas where these cryptic stages occur. Our study focuses on the location of oceanic foraging areas of the cryptic early juvenile stage of green turtles, Chelonia mydas, in the Atlantic. Due to the small size of hatchlings, the use of telemetry is limited to short periods of time and small spatial ranges, which do not allow determining the location of oceanic foraging areas. We used lead (Pb) stable isotopes to determine the possible location of oceanic foraging areas of small green turtles in the Atlantic Ocean. Pb stable isotope ratios in the scute tissue deposited when turtles were in the oceanic habitat were compared to ratios of major sources of lead in the Atlantic and oceanic areas in the Atlantic to determine the location of oceanic foraging grounds. The Pb isotope ratios in the scute of oceanic-stage green turtles indicated that turtles use different regions in the Atlantic and that they are capable of transatlantic migrations. We compare the oceanic locations identified by this study with those suggested by two previous studies.  相似文献   

We investigate the phylogeography of California (Zalophus californianus) and Galápagos (Z. wollebaeki) sea lions and describe within-population structure for the California sea lion based on mitochondrial DNA. Fifty control-region haplotypes were found, 41 from Z. californianus and 9 from Z. wollebaeki, with three fixed differences between the two species. Ranked population boundaries along the range of Z. californianus were defined based on the Monmonier Maximum Difference Algorithm, resulting in five genetically distinct populations, two in the Pacific Ocean and three inside the Gulf of California. A Minimum Spanning Network showed a strong phylogeographic signal with two well-defined clusters, Z. californianus and Z. wollebaeki, separated by six base-pair differences, supporting the existence of two genetically distinct species with an estimated divergence time of ~0.8 Ma. Results are discussed in the context of the historical geologic and paleoceanographic events of the last 1 Ma in the eastern Pacific.  相似文献   

A. Hunt  D. J. Ayre 《Marine Biology》1989,102(4):537-544
The intertidal sea anemone Oulactis muscosa (Drayton) is dioecious and most individuals are sexually mature throughout the year. Biochemical genetic evidence was used to determine the genetic structure of populations and to infer the relative contributions of sexual and asexual reproduction to recruitment. Data were collected for six enzyme-encoding loci from local populations spread along 735 km of the south east coast of Australia. The genetic structure of each of the nine local populations studied was consistent with recruitment by sexually produced individuals. In almost all cases, the observed single-locus genotypic frequencies closely matched those expected for hardy-Weinberg equilibria, however, consistent deficits of heterozygotes were detected for all loci. No apparent subdivision of the population was detected within the sampling area. Low levels of genetic differentiation were found between local populations and standardised variance (F ST ) values were similar to those for other species with widespread planktonic dispersal of larvae.Contribution No. 60 from the Ecology and Genetics Group of the University of Wollongong  相似文献   

Populations of the sea anemone Metridium senile (L.) were sampled from several locations in eastern North America in two series, one collected from 1977–1979 and the other from 1981–1985. Fourteen populations were sampled twice at one- to six-year intervals. Samples were analyzed for temporal differences in genetic composition at both the single locus and multiple locus levels. Overall patterns of geographic variation in allele frequency did not change between series. Regressions describing clines did not differ significantly, and loci not showing clinal variation in the first series remained similar in the second. Analysis of populations sampled twice produced no systematic evidence of change in allele frequency with time for any of four polymorphic loci. Comparisons with computer simulations of repeated sampling of multiple locus genotypes from panmictic populations with free recombination also revealed little temporal change at this level. One population showed possible evidence of recruitment from a different gene pool. Other significant departures from expectations reflected more reproducibility of genotype distributions between samples than expected for sexual populations. This excess stability likely results jointly from clonal reproduction and little sexual recruitment. Despite these indications of genetic stability in adult populations, newly settled juveniles were genetically different from resistant adults in one population, demonstrating the potential for genetic change by immigration. Successful sexual recruitment seems to be rare, even though larvae regularly settle from the plankton. Although interpretation of these results is somewhat limited by lack of knowledge of longevities and generation times, to the extent that they reflect longer-term trends, they suggest that at least some of the observed patterns of geographic variation in allele frequency probably result from natural selection.  相似文献   

Individuals and populations of Odontaster validus Koehler differed markedly among different habitats, as revealed in a study from October 1984 through January 1986 in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica. At McMurdo Station, individual sizes (wet weight) and population biomass (g wet wt m-2 and kJ m-2) decreased significantly with increasing depth. Individuals from shallow (10 to 20 m) habitats were in superior nutritional condition to those from deeper water (30 and 165 m), as shown by higher gonad and pyloric cecum indexes, and by higher lipid and energetic levels in the pyloric ceca. Moreover, gonadal output (reproductive output) was higher in shallow-water individuals. Higher levels of chlorophyll in the pyloric ceca and richer yellow to red coloration of the body wall in the shallow-water individuals indicate that they utilize the higher levels of primary production at shallow depths. At East Cape Armitage, where nearly permanent, thick, snow-covered ice most of the year resulted in very low levels of benthic primary production, the lowdensity sea stars were all very small and nutritionally similar to the deep-water individuals at McMurdo Station. At Cape Evans, where the generally snow-free sea-ice that broke up in mid-summer resulted in a luxurient benthic cover of diatoms and macroalgae, the sea stars were smaller than at McMurdo Station at comparable depths, but population densities were higher, resulting in 4 to 9 times greater biomass. Growth rates of sea stars fed in the laboratory were very low, especially compared to laboratory-reared temperate and tropical species; well-fed individuals need about 9 yr to reach 30 g wet weight, near the mean size of shallowwater individuals at McMurdo Station. No growth was detected in individuals caged at McMurdo Station for one year, suggesting even lower growth rates in the field. The stable size-frequency distributions at the different sites and depths throughout the year-long study suggest highly stable populations with low temporal variability in recruitment, migration and mortality. These data indicate that individuals and populations of O. validus quantitatively and qualitatively reflect the general level of productivity of a habitat. Differences noted in size, coloration, nutrition, and reproductive effort may be the result of long-term integration of local levels of primary production. These ubiquitous sea stars may serve as a biotic indicator of productivity in localized habitats around the continental shelf of Antarctica.  相似文献   

Temporal changes in abundance and biomass of picophytoplankton, heterotrophic pico-eukaryotes, and nanoplankton assemblages were investigated along a transect crossing the Adriatic Sea, from the Italian to the Croatian coast. This 15-months (June 1999-August 2000) investigation allowed comparing microbial parameters during summer 1999 (year without mucilage) and summer 2000 when a major mucilage event occurred. Pico- and nanoplankton assemblages displayed significant differences between the 2 summer periods. The main differences can be summarized as: (i) presence of cyanobacterial blooms (up to 108 cells l-1) in summer 2000, absent in summer 1999; (ii) an increasing fraction of heterotrophic pico-eukaryotes (up to 5.0 × 106 cells l-1) and heterotrophic nanoplankton (size 2-5 µm) during mucilage event; (iii) a reduced abundance of small-sized (2-3 µm) phototrophic nanoplankton in summer 2000. Changes in community structure were signals of changes in trophic condition of the system, which resulted in a competitive advantage for small sized pico- and nanoheterotrophs. Data presented here indicated that mucilage events are associated with changes in microbial community structure and functioning in ambient water and induced the amplification of 3-step microbial food chain. The potential use of the heterotrophic pico-eukaryotes for describing alterations of the trophic pathways during mucilage events is discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Not all species are likely to be equally affected by habitat fragmentation; thus, we evaluated the effects of size of forest remnants on trophically linked communities of plants, leaf-mining insects, and their parasitoids. We explored the possibility of differential vulnerability to habitat area reduction in relation to species-specific and food-web traits by comparing species–area regression slopes. Moreover, we searched for a synergistic effect of these traits and of trophic level . We collected mined leaves and recorded plant, leaf miner, and parasitoid species interactions in five 100-m2 transects in 19 Chaco Serrano woodland remnants in central Argentina. Species were classified into extreme categories according to body size, natural abundance, trophic breadth, and trophic level . Species–area slopes differed between groups with extreme values of natural abundance or trophic specialization. Nevertheless, synergistic effects of life-history and food-web traits were only found for trophic level and trophic breadth: area-related species loss was highest for specialist parasitoids. It has been suggested that species position within interaction webs could determine their vulnerability to extinction. Our results provide evidence that food-web parameters, such as trophic level and trophic breadth, affect species sensitivity to habitat fragmentation .  相似文献   

Documenting the scale of movement among populations is an important challenge for marine ecology. Using nine microsatellite markers, evidence of genetic structure in a marine kelp, the sea palm Postelsia palmaeformis Ruprecht, was examined in the vicinity of Cape Flattery, Washington state, USA (48° 24′ N, 124°44′ W). Genetic clustering analysis implemented without reference to geographic structure strongly suggested that a number of distinct genetic clusters existed among the 245 plants sampled in August in the years 1997–2001. Subsequent analysis showed that clustering was associated with geographically defined populations both among (km scale) and within (m scale) sampling sites. F st analysis of geographically defined populations revealed significant genetic differentiation among populations of plants as little as 5 m apart, evidence of genetic structuring at even smaller scales, and a sharp increase in F st across populations separated by up to 23 m. F st values were also high and approximately unchanging (F st=0.470) for populations separated by greater distances (up to 11 km), consistent with a scenario of rare dispersal by detached, floating plants carried by variable currents. The results corroborate natural history observations suggesting that P. palmaeformis has extremely short (1–3 m) spore dispersal distances, and indicate that the dynamics of sea palm populations are more affected by local processes than recruitment from distant populations.  相似文献   

Understanding the scale of marine population connectivity is critical for the conservation and sustainable management of marine resources. For many marine species adults are benthic and relatively immobile, so patterns of larval dispersal and recruitment provide the key to understanding marine population connectivity. Contrary to previous expectations, recent studies have often detected unexpectedly low dispersal and fine-scale population structure in the sea, leading to a paradigm shift in how marine systems are viewed. Nonetheless, the link between fine-scale marine population structure and the underlying physical and biological processes has not been made. Here we show that patterns of genetic structure and population connectivity in the broadcast-spawning and long-distance dispersing sea urchin Centrostephanus rodgersii are influenced by physical oceanographic and geographic variables. Despite weak genetic differentiation and no isolation-by-distance over thousands of kilometers among samples from eastern Australia and northern New Zealand, fine-scale genetic structure was associated with sea surface temperature (SST) variability and geography along the southeastern Australian coast. The zone of high SST variability is characterized by periodic shedding of eddies from the East Australian Current, and we suggest that ocean current circulation may, through its influence on larval transport and recruitment, interact with the genetic consequences of large variance in individual reproductive success to generate patterns of fine-scale patchy genetic structure. If proven consistent across species, our findings suggest that the optimal scale for fisheries management and reserve design should vary among localities in relation to regional oceanographic variability and coastal geography.  相似文献   

鹰潭地区大气降水中氢氧稳定同位素特征研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
降水中氢氧稳定同位素组成与降水地区各种气象因素变化密切相关。同时,降水中氢氧稳定同位素关系是水同位素应用的主要基础,对深入研究降水中水汽来源,地下水补给等水循环过程具有重要意义。根据江西鹰潭地区2012年4月至2013年3月大气降水中氢氧稳定同位素组成和气象资料,研究了该地区大气降水中氢氧稳定同位素关系及降水量,温度等气象因素对氢氧稳定同位素组成的影响。研究表明,该地区大气降水线方程为δD=8.61δ18O+18.34(n=72,R2=0.98),与全球大气降水线方程(δD=8δ18O+10)相比,鹰潭地区大气降水线的斜率和截距均偏大,这与凝结物在未饱和大气中降落时重同位素的蒸发富集作用有关,同时反映了该地区湿润多雨,降水过程中受二次蒸发影响较小的气候特点。该地区降水中δD (-113.3‰~7.5‰)、δ18O(-14.9‰~-0.9‰)和氘盈余(3.8‰~23.2‰)变化幅度很大并呈现出明显的季节性变化,夏半年(4-9月)δD、δ18O与氘盈余均显著低于冬半年(10-3月)(P<0.01),反映出不同季节降水的水汽来源及蒸发条件的差异。对该地区降水同位素与降水量和温度相关性的分析表明,降水中δ18O 与降水量和温度存在显著负相关关系,方程式分别为:y=-0.056x-4.7(R2=0.39,P<0.01)和y=-0.203x-2.99(R2=0.23,P<0.01),说明该地区降水中氢氧稳定同位素存在显著的降水量效应和反温度效应。  相似文献   

This paper reports data on 28 allozyme loci in wild and artificially reared sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) samples, originating from either coastal lagoon or marine sites in the Mediterranean Sea. F ST analysis (θ estimator) indicated strong genetic structuring among populations; around 34% of the overall genetic variation is due to interpopulation variation. Pairwise θ estimates showed that, on average, the degree of genetic structuring was much higher between marine populations than between samples from lagoons. Six polymorphic loci showed differences in allele frequencies between marine and lagoon samples. Multivariate analyses of individual allozymic profiles and of allele frequencies suggested that different arrays of genotypes prevail in lagoons compared to marine samples, particularly at those loci that, on the basis of previous acclimation experiments, had been implicated in adaptation to freshwater. On the other hand, variation at “neutral” allozyme loci reflects to a greater extent the geographic location of populations. Allozyme differentiation was also studied in a D. labrax population from the Portuguese coast. Average genetic distance between this population and the Mediterranean populations was quite high (Nei's D = 0.236) and calls into question the taxonomic status of the Portuguese population. Finally, genetic relationships between D. labrax and D. punctatus were evaluated. Average Nei's D was 0.648, revealing high genetic differentiation between the two species, even for two sympatric populations of these species in Egypt; thus gene flow was not indicated between species. Received: 24 October 1996 / Accepted: 27 November 1996  相似文献   

Predicting the dynamics of ecosystems requires an understanding of how trophic interactions respond to environmental change. In Antarctic marine ecosystems, food web dynamics are inextricably linked to sea ice conditions that affect the nature and magnitude of primary food sources available to higher trophic levels. Recent attention on the changing sea ice conditions in polar seas highlights the need to better understand how marine food webs respond to changes in such broad-scale environmental drivers. This study investigated the importance of sea ice and advected primary food sources to the structure of benthic food webs in coastal Antarctica. We compared the isotopic composition of several seafloor taxa (including primary producers and invertebrates with a variety of feeding modes) that are widely distributed in the Antarctic. We assessed shifts in the trophic role of numerically dominant benthic omnivores at five coastal Ross Sea locations. These locations vary in primary productivity and food availability, due to their different levels of sea ice cover, and proximity to polynyas and advected primary production. The delta15N signatures and isotope mixing model results for the bivalves Laternula elliptica and Adamussium colbecki and the urchin Sterechinus neumeyeri indicate a shift from consumption of a higher proportion of detritus at locations with more permanent sea ice in the south to more freshly produced algal material associated with proximity to ice-free water in the north and east. The detrital pathways utilized by many benthic species may act to dampen the impacts of large seasonal fluctuations in the availability of primary production. The limiting relationship between sea ice distribution and in situ primary productivity emphasizes the role of connectivity and spatial subsidies of organic matter in fueling the food web. Our results begin to provide a basis for predicting how benthic ecosystems will respond to changes in sea ice persistence and extent along environmental gradients in the high Antarctic.  相似文献   

This paper shows that gas/particulate phase partitioning of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) can be monitored using lichens. Anthropogenic sources are responsible for the release of PAHs, which are bioaccumulated in plants at various spatial scales based on their physicochemical properties. Atmospheric PAHs are distributed both in the gaseous and particulate states. Here, a lichen species, Dermatocarpon vellereum Zschacke, has been collected at different altitudes in and around the Rudraprayag valley, located in Central Himalayan region of India, in order to study the spatial distribution of PAHs in the valley. Results show that PAH concentration ranged from 0.136 to 4.96 μg g?1. Findings reveal that the bioaccumulation of 2- and 3-ringed PAHs was higher in high-altitude samples, whereas bioaccumulation of fluoranthene, a 4-ringed PAH, showed higher concentration in samples from localities away from town centre. 5- and 6-ring PAHs were then confined to the lower altitude at the base of the valley, thus justifying their particulate-bound nature. This is the first report showing the utility of lichen to biomonitor PAHs in the Himalayan ecosystem.  相似文献   

Larvae of sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) and sea bream (Sparus aurata) were transferred to normal or glucose-enriched sea water immediately after mouth opening to assess their ability to absorb and assimilate glucose at the beginning of the larval period. Assimilation was monitored by histological and cytochemical analysis of the liver. The results showed that (1) the larvae of both species regularly ingested water, (2) glucose absorption resulted in glycogen accumulation in the hepatocytes (this was more marked in sea bass than in sea bream), and (3) glucose delayed the pathological effects of fasting. Consideration of metabolic derivatives indicates that hepatic glycogen probably arises from neoglucogenesis.  相似文献   

Size fractionation and characterization of nanocolloidal particles in soils   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A protocol was developed to fractionate soil particles down to the nanocolloid scale by combining sieving, sedimentation, centrifugation, and cross-flow filtration (CFF). The validity of the method and the performance of the CFF system were tested by characterizing fractions using laser granulometry, electron microscopy, and chemical analysis. The 0.1-μm-pore-size membrane CFF system effectively retained nanocolloids (<0.1 μm) as shown by laser granulometry and observed directly by transmission electron microscopy. However, environmental scanning electron microscopy images of freeze-dried colloids were very different from their TEM counterparts, suggesting that sample preparation influenced microscopy imaging. Chemical analysis of Cu, Cd, and organic carbon in each fraction showed that the concentrations of these components increased as particle size decreased, indicating colloids and nanocolloids play an important role in retaining trace metals. Particle-size fractionation combined with chemical analysis and electron microscopy can provide insight into the nature and properties of nanocolloids in soil.  相似文献   

Adult sea lampreys (Petromyzon marinus) migrating upstream to spawn follow a pheromone released by instream larvae. The size (i.e. flow) of a tributary dilutes the concentration of this pheromone, such that the downstream propagation pattern of larval pheromone must be influenced by patterns in the relative sizes and numbers of confluent tributaries. We developed an individual-based model to explicitly test the resulting hypothesis that river network structure influences the migration decisions of adult lampreys following the larval pheromone, and in turn the distribution of larvae. First, we initialized the model using randomly generated river networks, and found a strong positive relationship between network diameter and larval aggregation. Larvae aggregated over time, and the degree and rate of this aggregation depended on network diameter. Second, we initialized the model using a river network based on the Muskegon River, Michigan, and compared model-generated larval distribution to available field survey data. We found a significant correlation between model-generated larval abundance and field-measured larval densities (r2 = 0.54; p < 0.0001). We also found an inverse relationship between subwatershed area and the degree to which path-dependent effects influenced larval abundance in that subwatershed. Our results overall suggest that larval distribution across a watershed results from a system of context-dependent interannual feedbacks shaped by network structure and the past migratory and spawning behavior of adults.  相似文献   

K. Swadling 《Marine Biology》2001,139(3):597-603
The spatial distribution and population structure of two dominant ice-associated copepods, Drescheriella glacialis and Paralabidocera antarctica, were studied during winter at nine locations in east Antarctic fast ice. These species accounted for at least 90% of the total metazoan abundance at each location. Abundances were high, reaching 175 individuals l-1 (190,000 m-2) for D. glacialis and 660 l-1 (901,000 m-2) for P. antarctica. These abundances were probably partly supported by the high biomass of ice-algae (Pearson correlation coefficient, r=0.75), as indicated by chlorophyll-a concentrations (1.7-10.1 µg l-1). The population structures of each species suggested very different life-history strategies. All developmental stages of D. glacialis were isolated from the ice cores, including females with egg sacs, supporting the hypothesis that this species reproduces in the sea ice during winter. This strategy might assist D. glacialis in leading a continually colonising existence, whereby it responds opportunistically to the availability of favourable habitat patches. The populations of P. antarctica were composed primarily of nauplii (>99%), consistent with past observations of a synchronised life cycle for this species. The strong coupling of the developmental cycle of P. antarctica to the growth and decay of sea ice suggests that local extinctions might occur in areas where ice break-out is unpredictable.  相似文献   

A simple, rapid and sensitive method of microbiological assay for the determination of biotin in seawater has been developed by using a marine bacterium, Achromobacter sp. (Strain yH-51) as an assay organism. When the organism was incubated at 25°C for 48 h in a synthetic medium with constant shaking, a standard reference curve of bioassay was obtained. The organism is sensitive in the range 0.1 to 8.0 ng/l biotin. The distribution of biotin has been determined in the East China Sea, the North Pacific Ocean, and the bays and inlets along the Pacific coast of Japan. Biotin concentrations in surface waters were in the range from less than 0.1 ng/l up to 57.9 ng/l; generally high in coastal waters and low in deep open waters. The concentrations were generally high in surface waters, and rapidly decreased with depth down to 50 m, below which values were generally low. The vertical distribution of biotin followed closely the concentration of chlorophyll a, with high concentrations of biotin restricted to the euphotic layer of high chlorophyll a contents at most stations observed. Biotin concentrations in surface waters were generally high during summer, but in autumn and winter the concentrations decreased markedly.  相似文献   

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