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环境影响后评价的最新进展与建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合《中华人民共和国环境影响评价法》的有关条款,探讨了环境影响后评价的概念、分类、适用对象、意义和内容,提出了环境影响后评价的管理和实施程序.结合多年的实践,分析了目前环境影响后评价工作在理论、方法和管理上存在的问题,提出了改进和完善的建议.案例实践表明,开展环境影响后评价有助于提高环境影响评价制度的有效性.  相似文献   

环境影响后评价的作用及实施   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
从加强规划、建设项目环境管理,完善环境影响评价机制的角度出发,分析了我国当前环境影响评价制度、存在的不足和完善的必要性,研究了环境影响后评价的作用,提出了实施后评价的具体内容。  相似文献   

环境影响跟踪评价实施机制初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从环境影响跟踪评价的适用范围和目标两方面对跟踪评价的定义进行了深入的分析,在此基础上,以实现环境影响跟踪评价的目标为原则,制定了环境影响跟踪评价的工作程序;以实现环境影响跟踪评价与规划实施前编制的环境影响报告书的有机衔接为原则,确定了环境影响跟踪评价的工作内容.  相似文献   

建设项目环境影响评价的管理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在借鉴国外经验的基础上,我国的环境影响评价工作逐步发展起来,并且已自成体系。目前,环境影响评价工作已遍布全国,环境影响评价制度日趋完善,评价技术日臻成熟,评价队伍日益壮大,它已成为我国环境管理的重要内容。1环境影响评价的法律依据中华人民共和国环境保护法第十三条提供了建设项目需提交环境影响报告书的法律依据。第十三条中规定:“建设污染环境的项目,必须遵守国家有关建设项目环境保护管理的规定。建设项目的环境影响报告书,必须对建设项目产生的污染和对环境的影响作出评价,规定防治措施,经项目主管部门预审并依照…  相似文献   

浅析建设项目公众参与   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
概述了建设项目公众参与在我国的发展过程,分析了9月1日《中华人民共和国环境影响评价法》正式实施后公众参与的前景。  相似文献   

工业类建设项目在国民经济中占有重要地位,由于其污染物主要集中在(试)运行期排放,近年来与工业类建设项目有关的环境污染纠纷事件逐渐增多,环境管理的工作压力不断增大。随着国家环境管理要求的日益提高,通过开展环境监理全程控制工业类建设项目的建设,可以满足管理部门和建设单位的双重需求,对实现工业类建设项目的污染物稳定达标排放有着很大的促进作用。根据大量实践经验构建了建设项目环境监理(工业类)体系,提出了建设项目环境监理(工业类)的工作时段、工作定位、工作流程和工作重点等内容,并通过进一步的实践深化总结了具体的行动细则。  相似文献   

规划环境影响跟踪评价初探   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
2003年开始实施的<中华人民共和国环境影响评价法>对跟踪评价提出了明确规定.对跟踪评价方法在规划环境影响评价中的运作程序进行了分析,包括判别规划是否需跟踪评价、现状调查、环境影响识别、回顾性评价、有效性分析、预测评价和战略调整7个步骤.并基于压力-状态-响应(PSR)模型建立了指标体系,采用指标体系法有效简化了跟踪评价工作的复杂性.并以<上海市某区国民经济和社会发展第十一个五年规划纲要>跟踪评价为例,进行了规划环境影响跟踪评价的案例研究.通过回顾性评价和预测评价,识别出了主要环境问题以及环境制约因素,并根据规划总目标、阶段目标和环境保护规划、环境功能区划,进一步提出环境保护对策和措施,且对规划目标进行了调整.  相似文献   

根据委托代理理论,分析了中国环境影响评价制度中存在的问题,立足于绿色招商的理念,理顺建设项目环评委托代理关系,明确了建设单位、环评单位、招商部门、环保部门等相互之间的关系和职责,以使中国的环境影响评价制度更适应新型工业化道路发展的要求。  相似文献   

可持续发展的城市交通环境影响评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分析了传统环境评价方法的局限性;论述了面向可持续发展城市的交通环境影响评价的出发点、价值观;并提出了面向可持续发展城市交通环境影响评价体系的基本构想,包括评价原则、对象、要素、指标、程序、内容及方法等。  相似文献   

全国人大常委会环境影响评价法执法检查组于2008年7月2日在北京召开第一次全体会议,听取有关部门执行环境影响评价法情况的汇报。全国人大常委会副委员长陈至立、周铁农出席会议。听取汇报后,陈至立指出,环境影响评价法是一部旨在实现从源头控制环境污染、促进经济发展与环境保护相协调的重要法律。开展这次执法检查,就是要进一步提高全社会对实施这部法律重要性的认识,推进环境影响评价工作的深入开展,推动解决法律实施中存在的问题,从源头上抓好环境污染防治,促进资源节约型、环境友好型社会建设,推动科学发展观的全面落实。  相似文献   

论入世后我国防止外国污染行业转移的法律对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
加入WTO后,受到“国民待遇”原则的限制,国内原本所依靠的以行政审批制度为主的防范外国污染行业转移的措施将不再适用。在不违反国民待遇原则的前提下,依托于国内现行法律体系,通过调整产业结构、严格控制环境污染行业;完善环境影响评价制度、提高环境标准;促成防止外国污染行业转移的国际条约的签订等法律措施得以解决。  相似文献   

Denys S  Gombert D  Tack K 《Chemosphere》2012,88(7):806-812
Fires might be the source of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) such as dioxins, furans (PCDD/Fs) and/or polychlorobiphenyls (PCBs) in the environment. In the perspective of defining legal responsibilities a thorough characterization of the impact of such an event should be carried out. However, such characterization is not easy as the environment integrates both local and diffuse sources of such molecules. Thus, a combined approach, which includes gathering field surveys, modeling and laboratory experiments, should be conducted. The objective of this work is to illustrate different approaches to give sufficient insight to determine the actual impact of wood fire on the environment. The work was carried out at the vicinity of a burnt down parcel. The fired material was a mixture of wood and PCB-contaminated soils as the site was a former pyralene-disposal site. Modeling, soil and lichen sampling and experimental combustion were carried out to delineate the contamination for each chemical and to define the area within the fire that was responsible for the environmental contamination. Concentrations of PCDD/F and PCBs were very high on the burnt plot. The combined approach determined that the furans were the predominant compounds in the smoke emitted by the fire. Based on this tracer, it was possible to demonstrate that in terms of environmental contamination of PCDD/F, the impact of the fire was restricted to a 2 km radius from the burnt down plot. For PCBs, no specific tracer was identified. In this case, the delineation of the impact could only be empirical, based on the total concentration of the chemicals.  相似文献   

水深对表面流人工湿地污染河水处理系统运行效果的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
基于中试系统一年的连续运行监测,研究了水深对芦苇表面流人工湿地污染河水处理系统的影响。结果表明,水深对表面流人工湿地污染河水处理系统运行效果有很大影响,在进水COD、氨氮、总氮和总磷等分别为36±4.46、0.92±0.47、6.27±2.01和0.13±0.05 mg/L条件下,水深50 cm时处理效果最好,COD、氨氮、总氮和总磷去除率分别达到42.75%、58.42%、56.94%和43.24%。综合污染物去除效果和人工湿地建设工程量,芦苇表面流人工湿地的水深宜采用50 cm。人工湿地系统中植物光合生理和溶解氧等研究表明,水深主要通过影响植物生长和溶解氧等而影响人工湿地的水质净化效果。  相似文献   

为评价道路交通噪声影响情况,以美国联邦公路管理局(FHWA)噪声预测模型为主,各国相继开发了基于当地实际情况的道路交通噪声预测模型,中国也以导则和规范等形式相继发布了各种交通噪声预测模型。中国进行噪声环境影响评价中,用得较多的主要有《环境影响评价技术导则声环境》(HJ 2.4—2009)、《公路建设项目环境影响评价规范》(JTG B03—2006)推荐的噪声预测模型,此外也有部分评价工作采用了德国的Cadna A软件。通过对比分析,HJ 2.4—2009的衰减及修正因素在综合考虑FH-WA噪声预测模型及JTG B03—2006基础上更加全面,而JTG B03—2006和Cadna A软件在源强和车速确定方面则均较成熟。有必要根据区域道路特点,选择适合特征区域的道路交通噪声预测模型,并结合实际情况对模型参数进行合理修正,最终形成一些可供区域参考的统一的模型修正参数,积极推动中国的声环境评价工作的发展。  相似文献   


This study evaluates carbon emissions of construction and demolition (C&D) waste generated by building refurbishment, using a life cycle assessment approach through a case study project in China. Three waste management scenarios were developed for a building refurbishment project in the city of Suzhou. Scenario 1 is under the business-as-usual C&D waste management practice in China; scenario 2 is based on the open-ended 3R strategy, which focuses on the downstream impact of waste; and scenario 3 considers both the upstream and downstream impact of waste. The results reveal that the composition of the waste generated from building refurbishment projects is different from construction and demolition projects. In the life cycle of C&D waste management of building refurbishment projects, the refurbishment material stage generates the highest carbon emissions compared to the dismantlement, refurbishment construction, and refurbishment material end of life stages. Scenario 1 produces higher carbon emissions than scenario 2, but the difference is not significant in the whole life cycle of the building refurbishment project, whereas carbon emissions for scenario 3 are significantly less than both scenario 1 and scenario 2. The study finds the reason for this difference is that scenario 1 and scenario 2 are based on a linear economy that relies on unsustainable demand for raw materials, whereas scenario 3 is based on a circular economy that uses upcycled materials to substitute for raw materials and considers waste management from a cradle to cradle perspective. This study fills a research gap by evaluating carbon emissions of different waste management strategies for building refurbishment projects, which are expected to be an increasing portion of overall construction activity in China for the foreseeable future.


Occupational exposures to lead are characterised for a number of different lead-based paint abatement techniques in two work settings: residential renovation and structural steel demolition. Exposure levels reported during heavy structural steel demolition work involving acetylene torch cutting, welding, and abrasive blasting can be more than 100 times greater than the permissible exposure limit (PEL) set by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) for construction (200 µg/m³), which was in effect at the time of this study (the PEL was reduced to 50 µg/m³ in 1993). Surveillance data from an OSHA database for those standard industry classification (SIC) codes with a potential for exposure to lead-based paint in construction show that 49% of the air samples collected by OSHA were greater than 200 µg/m³, suggesting widespread non-compliance. New occupational exposure data from lead-based paint abatement work in public and private housing are also presented. In one public housing development, personal exposures to lead particulates measured during open flame burning and uncontained powered sanding were found to be more than 5000 µg/m³. These findings are contrasted with exposures measured during lead-based paint abatement work performed in accordance with the lead-based paint guidelines released by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development, where exposures were all lower than 25 µg/m³. Data from another public housing abatement project, involving work on 400 dwelling units over a 15-month period, show that workers' blood lead levels did not increase by more than 5 µg/dl above the pre-employment baseline. Abatement techniques studied here include interior and exterior building component replacement and exterior paint-stripping using a needle gun equipped with a high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) vacuum dust containment system. The data presented here show that it is feasible to keep airborne lead exposures below 20 µg/m³ in residential lead hazard control work, and to establish medical removal protection at blood lead levels of 25 µg/dl. These findings should be considered as OSHA finalises its interim final rule for lead exposure in construction work.  相似文献   

根据城市初期雨水径流的污染负荷初始冲刷效应以及主要污染物COD和N/P与SS成线性相关性的污染特点,对初期雨水的主要污染物COD和N/P开展了控制技术研究。以示范工程为基础,研究城市初期雨水径流污染控制的强化处理技术即沸石渗滤床技术,运行结果表明,对NH3-N、TP、COD都有较好的去除效果,其中对NH3-N的去除效果较为明显,进水氨氮浓度在2~5 mg/L,出水都能达到地表IV类水标准(NH3-N≤0.5 mg/L)。  相似文献   

城市固体废物优化管理模型及管理成本影响因素研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用不确定性多目标动态优化模型,以优化环境和经济为目标,对中国佛山市固体废物管理进行规划.结果表明,该模型能大幅度降低固体废物管理与处理成本,节省财政支出.研究得出影响固体废物总处理费用的3个重要影响因素为产生量、回收量、处理容量.针对以上3个因素深入分析比较,提出了广义和狭义的综合处理技术,这是经济、环保、可行的技术策略:首先,将广义综合处理应用到实际中,采用分类回收、压缩收集、优化模型对废物进行合理配置,尽量降低经济成本和环境影响;其次,从狭义角度出发,采用多种技术组合,达到处理率高、资源化程度高、环境影响小的目的.  相似文献   

中国现有的生态环境建设的立法,缺乏对生态环境建设基本法律制度系统而明确的规定,无法满足生态环境建设的实际需要.针对现状,就中国生态环境建设的基本法律制度加以探讨,以期完善生态环境建设的立法规定.  相似文献   

化工项目的环境影响评价应严格执行有关的法律、法规和导则,并结合行业特点执行特定的条例和规范。在其评价过程中应确保工程分析数据的可靠性和措施的可行性,对是否符合清洁生产进行详细阐述,针对事故风险进行评价并提出防范措施,最后对有毒废渣的处理提出要求。  相似文献   

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