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“国家水专项(07526-007)太湖流域水生态功能分区与质量目标管理技术示范课题(以下简称太湖课题)研讨会”于2009年4月2~3日在杭州召开,会议由课题负责人中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所闵庆文研究员主持,浙江省环境保护局监科处陈爱民处长、浙江省环境保护科学设计研究院陈德全副院长、江苏省环境科学研究院程炜副院长及各子课题负责人和研究骨干共计28人到会。陈德全作为浙江片区水环境质量目标管理示范子课题负责人向会议作了工作汇报。浙江省环境保护科学设计研究院环境政策与标准研究所、浙江省环境监测中心和湖州市环境监测站相关人员也参加了会议。  相似文献   

浙江省环境监测质量控制和水质网络会议十一月初在温州市召开。会议特邀中国环境监测总站高级工程师章亚麟作了分析质量控制的学术报告,省站有关同志就实验室基础、数据处理和数理统计、永质监测质量保证、实验室质量控制程序等基础知识作  相似文献   

质量控制是实验室化学分析的一种有效的科学管理方法,它包括外部质量控制和内部质量控制。外部质量控制一般每年作一次或两次参考样品的分析,以了解或证实该实验室提供可信数据的能力;内部质量控制系指分析未知样品时作控制样品的分析,以鉴别未知样品的分析结果的可靠性。本文结合实际工作,重点介绍实验室内部质量控制的方法。现将水质分析中质量控制的方法、影响质量控制的基本因素等分述如下。  相似文献   

在实施ISO/IEC 17025:1999标准《检测和校准实验室能力的通用要求》过程中,通过实验室质量管理体系内部审核的实践与系统分析,识别出内部审核策划阶段的关键环节,提出审核范围确定、审核计划和抽样方案制订的质量控制要求,为有序高效地实施内部审核提供了技术方法。  相似文献   

詹姆士·潘可最近获得了J·W·波威尔美国地理调查奖.奖励他在地下水中挥发性有机化合物采样装置的开发工作和他有关水中汽油反应的研究.他还协助重新组建了国际水质量实验室,帮助该实验室创立和组织了  相似文献   

质量控制和质量保证是水环境监测工作的重要组成部分,质量体系是实验室内部实施质量管理的法规,覆盖了监测样品、监测过程、仪器设备、人员素质、设施与环境、量值溯源与校准、检验方法和化学试剂等全部质量控制要求。能够准确地反应水环境质量现状和预测污染的发展趋势。  相似文献   

正环境保护部和国土资源部4月17日向媒体发布了全国土壤污染状况调查公报。调查结果显示,全国土壤环境状况总体不容乐观,部分地区土壤污染较重,耕地土壤环境质量堪忧,工矿业废弃地土壤环境问题突出。为全面认识和正确理解公报内容,环境保护部和国土资源部等相关负责人回答了记者提问。问:全国土壤污染状况调查成果有什么重要意义?  相似文献   

介绍了扬中市环境监测站在创建实验室认可的过程中,将环境监测全过程的质量保证措施纳入质量体系文件,并通过检查实施情况,实现对环境监测全过程的质量管理。  相似文献   

Seres2000型高锰酸盐指数仪器监测数据质量分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
水质自动站测定的高锰酸盐指数(CODMn)数据与实验室标准方法测定结果常常产生较大的偏差。作者旨在通过自动仪器与实验室标准方法的比对测试,查找自动监测结果的偏差原因,同时分析和探讨如何保障仪器的正常运行,保持自动仪器监测的数据质量,达到与实验室标准监测结果的统一。  相似文献   

环境监测实验室质量控制足环境监测质量保汪的蘑要组成部分。山于实验室内质量控制工作量大,质控工作往往流于形式。因此,有必要建立一套完整又便捷的实验室内质量控制体系,在质控质量上发挥重要作用。对体系建立前提条件和体系建立的,思路进行了阐述。对体系设计基础——计算机网络技术的运用。实验室内质量评价高效、便捷的数字化应用平台的建口进行了设想。  相似文献   

California Air Resources Board (CARB) staff developed a phased integrated approach to implement the Standing Air Monitoring Work Group’s (SAMWG) quality assurance requirements. This approach separates quality assurance requirements into a single project with a management plan and manager, and assigns each requirement to one of three key task areas—standardized methods and procedures measurement standards and tests, and audits. Tasks are assigned priorities and a detailed management plan is developed with SAMWG dates as milestones.

Benefits of the phased integrated approach are a streamlined, flexible quality assurance program; maximum utilization of personnel and resources; timely implementation of SAMWG requirements; a uniform quality assurance program applied to state, local, and private industry monitoring programs; and data with documented precision and accuracy. Additionally, peculiarities of procedures and analyzers that lead to data inaccuracies are quickly identified and corrected.  相似文献   


The importance of quality control procedures to the collection of pesticide residue data is discussed. The equipment requirements of an adequate, safe pesticide residue laboratory are presented. Equipment maintenance, personnel training, and preservation of samples is also reviewed. Appropriate objectives for an intra‐laboratory quality control program are outlined.  相似文献   

A great urgency has developed in the past few years within the U.S. EPA remediation program to perform treatability studies at Superfund (CERCLA) sites. The major reasons for this urgency is to ensure the selected treatment technology is applicable to the waste characteristics, and that Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) cleanup goals can be achieved. However, prior to conducting a treatability study, three critical issues must be resolved by the site manager. First, what scale and timing are appropriate? Second, should the treatability study be performed by a treatment technology vendor using proprietary equipment and processes, or can a generic study be performed? Third, should the study be performed in the field or should the waste be taken to the laboratory for testing? The objectives of the treatability study will have a major impact on how these issues are resolved. This paper discusses these major issues and provides information for the design and conduct of Superfund treatability programs.  相似文献   

Populations of white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) are in decline in North America. This is attributed, primarily, to poor recruitment, and white sturgeon are listed as threatened or endangered in several parts of British Columbia, Canada, and the United States. In the Columbia River, effects of metals have been hypothesized as possible contributing factors. Previous work has demonstrated that early life stage white sturgeon are particularly sensitive to certain metals, and concerns over the level of protectiveness of water quality standards are justified. Here we report results from acute (96-h) toxicity tests for copper (Cu), cadmium (Cd), zinc (Zn), and lead (Pb) from parallel studies that were conducted in laboratory water and in the field with Columbia River water. Water effect ratios (WERs) and sensitivity parameters (i.e., median lethal accumulations, or LA50s) were calculated to assess relative bioavailability of these metals in Columbia River water compared to laboratory water, and to elucidate possible differences in sensitivity of early life stage white sturgeon to the same concentrations of metals when tested in the different water sources. For Cu and Pb, white sturgeon toxicity tests were initiated at two life stages, 8 and 40 days post-hatch (dph), and median lethal concentrations (LC50s) ranged between 9–25 μg Cu/L and 177–1,556 μg Pb/L. LC50s for 8 dph white sturgeon exposed to Cd in laboratory water and river water were 14.5 and 72 μg/L, respectively. Exposure of 8 dph white sturgeon to Zn in laboratory and river water resulted in LC50s of 150 and 625 μg/L, respectively. Threshold concentrations were consistently less in laboratory water compared with river water, and as a result, WERs were greater than 1 in all cases. In addition, LA50s were consistently greater in river water exposures compared with laboratory exposures in all paired tests. These results, in combination with results from the biotic ligand model, suggest that the observed differences in toxicity between river water exposures and laboratory water exposures were not entirely due to differences in water quality and metal bioavailability but rather in combination with differences in fish sensitivity. It is hypothesized that differences in concentrations of calcium in the different water sources might have resulted in differences in acquired sensitivity of sturgeon to metals. Canadian water quality guidelines, US national criteria for the protection of aquatic life, and water quality criteria for the state of Washington were less than LC50 values for all metals and life stages tested in laboratory and Columbia River water. With the exception, however, that 40 dph white sturgeon exposed to Cu in laboratory water resulted in threshold values that bordered US national criteria and criteria for the state of Washington.  相似文献   

A set of bioluminescent tests was developed to monitor water quality in natural and laboratory ecosystems. It consisted of four bioluminescent systems: luminous bacteria, coupled enzyme system NADH:FMN-oxidoreductase-luciferase and triplet enzyme systems with alcohol dehydrogenase and trypsin. The set of biotests was applied for a small forest pond (Siberia, Russia), laboratory microecosystems polluted with benzoquinone and a batch culture of blue-green algae. Thereby effects of natural water compared to those of models of heavy pollution and “bloom” of blue-greens on the bioluminescent tests were revealed. The set of biotests was not affected by a natural seasonal variability of water quality in the unpolluted pond, but responded to the heavy pollution and the “bloom” of blue-greens. The set of biotests could be recommended as the alarm test to control the acute toxicity of natural water bodies.  相似文献   

Determining human exposure to suspended particulate concentrations requires measurements that quantify different particle properties in microenvironments where people live, work, and play. Particle mass, size, and chemical composition are important exposure variables, and these are typically measured with time-integrated samples on filters that are later submitted to laboratory analyses. This requires substantial sample handling, quality assurance, and data reduction. Newer technologies are being developed that allow in-situ, time-resolved measurements for mass, carbon, sulfate, nitrate, particle size, and other variables. These are large measurement systems that are more suitable for fixed monitoring sites than for personal applications. Human exposure studies need to be designed to accomplish specific objectives rather than to serve too many purposes. Resources need to be divided among study design, field sampling, laboratory analysis, quality assurance, data management, and data analysis phases. Many exposure projects allocated too little to the non-measurement activities.  相似文献   

在实验室和现场对电厂柠檬酸酸洗废水进行生石灰前处理和后续可拆卸式三级矿化垃圾生物反应床的生物处理,主要研究了以往采用矿化垃圾反应床处理废水未涉及的反应床级数对废水处理效果的影响,比较了现场试验和实验室试验中的废水处理效果,并探讨了其原因。试验结果表明,本研究中的矿化垃圾反应床的适宜级数为3,第一级反应床的贡献最大,无论是实验室试验还是现场试验,采用本法处理电厂柠檬酸酸洗废水,均可使废水COD达到一级排放标准。  相似文献   

Several approaches have been used to evaluate biological impairment in aquatic ecosystems which can be categorized as either laboratory or field. In the recent years, the laboratory toxicity test approach has been extended to field exposures where ambient factors are allowed to influence the test response. Field exposures of laboratory test organisms require method modifications. In this paper, a novel in situ method is described which measures growth, survival and emergence of sediment inhabiting insects (Diptera: Chironomidae) that are used in standardized laboratory toxicity testing. Two standard chironomid species (Chironomus riparius and Chironomus tentans) were used to test the suitability of the approach and to compare the performance of the species. The larvae were transferred to the laboratory for emergence after 7 days in situ exposure which was compared to laboratory responses. Growth, survival and emergence were significantly lower in the in situ pre-exposure than in the laboratory. Also, emergence success was significantly lower in one reference sediment (LMR) than in the other test sediments in both in situ and the laboratory treatment. These lower response levels likely resulted from sediment characteristics and artifacts related to the exposure in the in situ chamber. Feeding and water quality within the exposure chamber appear to be factors that may differ markedly from the laboratory exposure and may affect organism responses. C. riparius developed (growth, emergence time) faster than C. tentans in all treatments, otherwise the species responded similarly. C. riparius may be a better alternative for the chronic in situ exposures because of shorter exposure times and reduced feeding requirements.  相似文献   

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