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 The spawning patterns of two penaeid prawns, Metapenaeus endeavouri (Schmitt) and M. ensis (De Haan), were examined from data collected at 45 stations between March 1986 and March 1992. An index of population fecundity based on the abundance, proportion and fecundity of sexually mature females was used as a measure of spawning output of the prawn stock. The population fecundity index for M. ensis was higher than that for M. endeavouri. The monthly population fecundity index for M. endeavouri varied markedly among years, while that for M. ensis was consistent among years. Spawning of M. endeavouri occurred year-round, while that of M. ensis was concentrated mainly in spring (September to November). For M. endeavouri, a minor spawning, derived from a relatively small number of summer spawners, occurred in the 20 to 30 m offshore waters in summer. In early summer (after May), the major spawning group consisted of large females from the winter-spawning cohort, and the spawning area shifted to depths of 30 to 60 m. In winter (July), the major spawning, derived from the winter-spawning cohort, occurred at depths of 20 to 40 m. For M. ensis, the major spawning, derived from the spring-spawning cohort, was observed in depths <50 m and was concentrated particularly in inshore waters (<20 m) in spring. In autumn, the spawning output was mainly from the autumn-spawning cohort, which comprised but a small number of individuals. In winter, the major spawning group again consisted of the large females from the spring-spawning cohort, and spawning increased in the oceanic waters (>50 m). These results suggest that mature female M. endeavouri and M. ensis move offshore (>40 m) by May and July, respectively, and return to shallow waters (<35 m) in July and November, respectively. The monthly reproduction patterns of both species in the “effective spawning” area showed that the major spawning season for M. endeavouri is August to October and that for M. ensis is September to December. Received: 19 February 1999 / Accepted: 18 June 2000  相似文献   

The changes in a tropical demersal fish community in the southeast Gulf of Carpentaria, Australia, were examined by comparing the results of a survey undertaken in 1964 before the area was fished, with two surveys in 1985 and 1986 after 20 yr of commercial trawl fishing. The numerical abundance of 52 of the 82 fish taxa had not changed significantly, but that of 18 had decreased while 12 had increased. One taxon (Paramonacanthus spp.) had decreased by more than 500 times and another (Saurida micropectoralis) had increased substantially in abundance. The changes occurred throughout the area surveyed, but the largest changes were offshore. In the pre-trawling community most taxa were caught mainly during the night, while in the post-trawling community most were caught in the same numbers during day and night. In 10 of the 30 taxa that changed in abundance, changes were within a family and could not be explained. For the remaining 20, the changes could be related to their position in the water column: benthic taxa decreased and bentho-pelagic taxa increased. The changes were assessed in relation to fishing effort, and changes in the mud content of the substrate in the study area. Although the changes did not correlate with the fishing effort among three zones in the study area, it is suggested that fishing effort and discarding of the by-catch caused the change in 18 taxa. The magnitude of the decreases of some species might be related to changes in the sediment or possibly other long-term environmental change. There was also a change in the diel behaviour in the fish community that perhaps may be related to the effects of fishing on a tropical multispecies fish community.  相似文献   

The demersal fish fauna of Albatross Bay, in the eastern Gulf of Carpentaria, northern Australia, was sampled on seven cruises from August 1986 to November 1988, using a random stratified trawl survey. Four depth zones between 7 and 45 m were sampled during both day and night. The mean biomass of fish from all seven cruises was 297 kg ha–1 for days trawls and 128 kg ha–1 for night trawls. The overall mean catch rates were 922 kg h–1 for day trawls and 412 kg h–1 for night trawls. There were marked differences between cruises in both the biomass and catch rate. Approx 890 000 fish of 237 species were collected. Of these, 25 species comprised 82% of the total biomass and 74% of the overall catch rate. The dominant families were Leiognathidae, Haemulidae and Clupeidae, with Sciaenidae and Dasyatidae important at night.Leiognathus bindus was the most abundant species. Twenty-five species occurred in more than 50% of trawls, withCaranx bucculentus the most frequently caught (96% of all trawls). Thirty four species were predators on prawns; their absolute mean biomass was 50 kg ha–1 during the day and 39 kg ha–1 at night. The corresponding catch rates were 171 and 125 kg h–1. Multiple-regression analyses were used to discriminate the effects of diel, seasonal, depth and cruise patterns. Of the 31 most abundant species, 15 showed diel patterns of abundance; 11 species showed seasonal patterns of abundance; 23 species had differential depth distribution; and 13 species showed significant cruise-to-cruise variation in abundance. Cruise variations in abundance were tested against salinity, temperature, tidal exchange, plankton biomass and prawn abundances as well as periods (and lags) of total rainfall prior to sampling. Only total rainfall showed any significant correlation. Total rainfall over a period of 6 wk immediately prior to sampling showed significant positive correlations with the abundances of five species, with overall daytime catch rates, and with the suite of 34 prawn predators. Rainfall and river runoff into Albatross Bay were significantly correlated. In Albatross Bay, the complex of factors affecting fish abundances and the magnitude of between-cruise differences indicate that such tropical communities may be unpredictable and are not seasonally constant. The high catch rates in Albatross Bay relative to similar tropical areas elsewhere are discussed and attributed to the light exploitation of the Albatross Bay stocks. Other than a prawn fishery, there is no commercial trawling in Albatross Bay. Hence, the only fishing mortality is a result of by-catch from prawn trawling. The annual total of such fish by-catch is probably less than 10% of the estimated standing stock of 93 000 tonnes.  相似文献   

Fishes were trawled from Albatross Bay, on the west coast of Cape York, north Queensland (12°45S; 141°30E) during 4 yr, from August 1986 to April 1989. Penaeids were the first or second most important prey item by dry weight in 14 of the 34 penaeid-eating fish species, and in 12 of the species by frequency of occurrence. Eighteen species of Penaeidae were identified in fish stomachs. The five commercially important species comprised over 70% by dry weight of all the penaeids eaten by all the fishes;Metapenaeus ensis, Penaeus semisulcatus andP. merguiensis comprised 22, 28 and 11%, respectively. Commercially unimportant penaeids comprised 85% by numbers of all penaeids eaten. Larger fishes ate larger penaeids, mainly commercially important species, while smaller fishes ate smaller penaeids, mainly commercially unimportant species. All penaeid-eating fishes also ate some teleost prey and many were primarily piscivorous. Most penaeid-eating fish species took more benthic prey than bentho-pelagic and pelagic prey combined. The fishes with the strongest predation impact on commercially important penaeids wereCaranx bucculentus and four species of elasmobranchs. The highest impact on commercially unimportant penaeids was made by several species of smaller but abundant fishes. An overall annual estimate of 2950 t yr–1 of commercially important penaeids is eaten by all fishes, a much higher figure than the average 870 t yr–1 taken by the fishery. This study highlights the need for accurate measurement of the abundance of penaeid predators as well as analyses of their diets when assessing the impact of predators on prawn stocks.  相似文献   

A universal law of animal group size distribution correlates well to observed fish school size distribution from fisheries catch data. I applied the law to fisheries independent aerial survey data of southern bluefin tuna (Thunnus maccoyii) collected over a 10-year period in the Great Australian Bight. The law does not correlate to the observed school size distribution. A computer model originally demonstrated the formation of the universal law from simple rules. I redesigned this model as an individual-based simulation model calibrated from acoustic tag observations and state a mathematical formula for a resultant new family of transient group size distributions. The new formula correlates accurately to the simulation and to the aerial survey data. I use the mathematical model to estimate area of aggregation and total abundance. This approach is new as it does not seek stationary states of group size distribution and because it demonstrates a quantitative relationship between individual behaviour and group size distribution. This work elevates the pattern of group size distribution from a curiosity to a useful tool, and introduces a new family of transient distributions that may have a general application to other grouping phenomena.  相似文献   

J. M. Leis 《Marine Biology》1991,108(1):157-166
To investigate the natural defenses of Antarctic marine organisms against exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation (280 to 320 nm), 57 species (1 fish, 48 invertebrates, and 8 algae) were collected during austral spring 1988 in the vicinity of Palmer Station (Anvers Island, Antarctic Peninsula) and were analyzed for the presence of mycosporine-like amino acids (MAAs), compounds that absorb UV radiation and may provide shielding from these biologically hazardous wavelengths. Nearly 90% of the 57 species examined contained MAAs, and eight specific MAA compounds were identified. Seven of these (palythine, porphyra-334, shinorine, mycosporineglycine, palythene, asterina-330, and palythinol) have been observed previously in marine organisms from temperate and tropical latitudes. A new MAA, mycosporineglycine: valine, was found in the Antarctic fish and in 38 of the invertebrate species examined. This study confirms widespread occurrence of MAAs in Antarctic marine organisms and suggests that these species have some degree of natural biochemical protection from UV exposure.Contribution No. 502 from the Australian Institute of Marine Science  相似文献   

Zooplankton abundance and grazing on autotrophic and heterotrophic particulate matter were measured along a transect across Davis Reef (18°5S; 147°39E) and in the back-reef lagoon over tidal and diel cycles during austral winter (August 1984). Zooplankton entering the reef from the surrounding shelf waters decreased in abundance over the reef flat, presumably because of predation. Within the reef lagoon, maximum daytime densities of pelagic copepods occurred during high water, suggesting an external input. At night, water-column zooplankton biomass increased by a factor of 2 to 3 due to the emergence of demersal reef zooplankton. Zooplankton grazing rates on heterotrophic particulate matter (bacteria + detritus and Protozoa) compared to phytoplankton were higher on the reef flat than on the fore-reef or lagoon. Within the lagoon, zooplankton grazing rates on heterotrophic material were maximum during high water, coincident with maximum tidal concentrations of particulate organic carbon. The combined demersal and pelagic zooplankton community were often able to crop 30% of the daily primary production by >2µm phytoplankton. However, >50% of phytoplankton biomass was in cells <2µm, presumably unavailable to these zooplankton. Our particulate production and ingestion measurements, together with zooplankton carbon demand extrapolated from respiration estimates, suggest that the zooplankton community of Davies Reef derives much of its nutrition from detritus.Joint contribution from the University of Maryland, Center for Environmental and Estuarine Studies (No. 2015), and the Microbial Ecology on a Coral Reef Workshop (MECOR No. 19)  相似文献   

Closing the Gulf between Botanists and Conservationists   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Quantifying the distribution and habitat use of sharks is critical for understanding their ecological role and for establishing appropriate conservation and management regimes. On coral reefs, particularly the Great Barrier Reef (GBR), little is known regarding the distribution of sharks across major reef habitat types. In this study, we surveyed shark populations across outer-shelf reefs of the GBR in order to determine the diversity, abundance, and distribution of reef sharks across three major coral reef habitats: (1) the reef slope, (2) the back reef and (3) the reef flat. Model selection revealed that habitat was the principal factor influencing shark distribution and abundance. Specifically, overall shark abundance and diversity were significantly higher on the reef slope (and to a lesser degree, the back reef) than the reef flat. This confirms that shark populations are not homogeneously distributed across coral reefs. Thus, the results presented herein have important implications for shark population assessments. In addition, our results highlight the potential importance of the reef slope, with high levels of live coral cover and structural complexity, for sustaining reef shark populations. As this habitat is highly susceptible to disturbance events, this study provides a useful context for predicting and understanding how environmental degradation may influence reef shark populations in the future.  相似文献   

A total of 34 zooplanktonic taxa were common in emergence trap, reentry trap, and net-tow samples taken in the lagoon of Heron Reef, Great Barrier Reef, between 27 February and 22 March and between 11 June and 4 July 1985. Twenty-nine of these taxa were classified as demersal (17 taxa), meroplanktonic and larval (10 taxa), or incidental (2 taxa). The remaining five multispecific groups yielded variable results. Differences were observed between two locations separated by 200 m, with emergence 2 to 62 times greater for 22 taxa at a deeper site with larger coral formations. Most zooplankters were more common (2 to 122 times) in samples from 1 m2 areas around 0.25 to 0.5 m2 patches of branching coral. However, two species of copepods, Pseudodiaptomus colefaxi and Metis holothuriae, were taken in greater numbers (3 to 12 times) from open sand. Seasonal increases (2 to 322 times) were observed for 13 adult taxa and 8 classes of larvae or juveniles in the summer and for 10 adult taxa and one larval group in the winter. Fourteen of the 17 demersal taxa and 4 groups of large larvae or juveniles emerged in numbers 2 to 323 times greater during lunar quarters or new moons. In contrast, 6 larval taxa and 4 groups of small or transparent adults displayed significant emergence during full moons. Five diurnal emergence patterns were shown by 27 taxa, with patterns varying primarily among lunar periods. The variety of taxon-specific patterns observed in this study highlight a need for caution when generalizing about demersal zooplankton.  相似文献   

To investigate which physical processes contribute most in moulding zooplankton community structure in the waters close to coral reefs, light traps moored in a grid pattern were used to collect zooplankton from the sea surface at 16 stations on the downstream side of Helix Reef during three time periods (2100-2200, 2400-0100, and 0300-0400 hours) over three consecutive nights covering the new moon period in January 1992. Two distinct zooplankton communities were present: a community composed primarily of reef-resident, demersal plankton immediately to the south of the reef in an area of reduced flushing, and a community containing coastal and shelf-seas taxa at the more exposed sites in the open flow field. The fauna composition at a number of exposed stations was as rich as that at sheltered stations both in terms of number of taxa and diversity indices but was almost an order of magnitude less abundant. The reef-resident, demersal plankton community was dominated by gammarid amphipods, mysids, and polychaetes, whereas only transient, meroplanktonic forms such as echinoderm and echinopluteus larvae and shelf-seas, holoplanktonic forms such as doliolids and larvaceans were significantly more abundant in the exposed community. Zooplankton associations were apparently formed by a combination of hydrodynamic processes, spatial and temporal distribution patterns of individual taxa, specific behaviours of certain taxa, and the interactions among taxa at different trophic levels.  相似文献   

Nitrogen excretion rates of demersal macrozooplankton were measured together with nitrogen concentrations in the water column and sediments in lagoons of Heron Reef and One Tree Reef, Great Barrier Reef, Australia, during August and November 1991. Excretion rates increased with body weight, and weight-specific excretion rates of the demersal macrozooplankton were comparable to those of pelagic zooplankton and meiofauna in the Great Barrier Reef. Values of demersal macrozooplankton abundance from previous studies and excretion rates from this study were combined to estimate fluxes of ammonium from demersal macrozooplankton in coral reef lagoons. The estimated fluxes in the water column and sediments were 12 M NH4 m-2 d-1 and 34 M NH4 m-2d-1, respectively. These fluxes were compared with reported fluxes of ammonium in coral reef lagoons in the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. The estimated flux from the demersal macrozooplankton in the water column was 29 and 9% of those reported for microheterotroph regeneration and phytoplankton utilization, respectively. It was 10% of the reported advective flux during periods of low advection and 13% of the maximum efflux from sediments computed from diffusion models. The estimated flux from the demersal macrozooplankton in the sediments exceeded those reported for meiofauna, and was 5 to 32% and 2 to 13% of those reported for ammonification and utilization in sediments, respectively. The potential importance of demersal macrozooplankton in mediating sediment-water column exchanges in the absence of diffusive effluxes and when they swarm is discussed.  相似文献   

Although birds have recently been shown to possess olfactory abilities and to use chemical cues in communication, limited effort has been made to demonstrate the use of odorants in social contexts. Even less is known regarding the use of odorants in species recognition. The ability to recognize conspecifics should be more pronounced in social species. This study investigated the importance of olfactory cues in species recognition in females of two estrildid finch species with different levels of sociality. Combining odor preference tests with chemical analyses, we surveyed whether female zebra finches and diamond firetails are able to distinguish between the species based on volatile traits and whether individuals exhibit species-specific differences in body odorants. Zebra finches are more social than diamond firetails; nevertheless, both species have an overlapping distribution area. Applying an experimental Y-maze paradigm, we showed that zebra finches can use differences in their species odor fingerprints and displayed a significant preference for the odor of conspecifics over that of heterospecifics, whereas diamond firetails did not reveal a preference. Using gas chromatography and mass spectrometry, we demonstrated that body odorants of the two species were significantly different in relative composition. This finding demonstrates the potential importance of olfactory cues in species recognition, at least in social bird species. Even these two closely related species displayed remarkable differences in their responsiveness to similar chemical cues, which might be caused by species-specific differences in ecology, physiology, or evolution.  相似文献   

Six Tridacna gigas populations were sampled in 1990 from locations throughout the central and northern Great Barrier Reef (GBR). Despite separations in excess of 1000 km, mean Nei's unbiased genetic distances among the populations was 0.0007. The complete lack of spatial variation observed among populations did not results from lack of genetic variability. Genetic variation within populations was high, with mean heterozygosities from 0.221 to 0.250. Gene frequencies were consistent with expectations under conditions of Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. These data suggest panmixis, or random mating, throughout the highly connected reef system of the central and northern GBR. The large gene exchange among the giant clam populations has important implications for conservation management of one of the few large populations of T. gigas in the world. Small local effects are likely to be overcome in time by inputs from other sources. However, large genetic perturbations, particularly from up-current sources, may spread rapidly through the population.Contribution No. 561 from the Australian Institute of Marine Science  相似文献   

Sediment produced by parrotfishes (family Scaridae) may comprise new bioeroded material and/or reworked sediment. The relative contribution of the two components was examined in two bioeroding Chlorurus species, C. gibbus and C. sordidus, from Lizard Island in the Northern Great Barrier Reef. The relative importance of reworked sediment was determined based on direct estimates of sediment ingestion. In C. gibbus, 2.4% of the sediment produced is reworked. In C. sordidus, reworking contributes 27.2%. Comparisons of sediment size-distributions in epilithic algal communities, gut contents and defaecation sites suggest that both C. gibbus and C. sordidus markedly decrease the particle size of sediment as a result of ingestion and trituration in the pharyngeal apparatus.  相似文献   

The occurrence of unusual symbiotic microorganisms was examined in the intestines of a range of fish from the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. The fish taxa examined included 26 species of the family Acanthuridae, as well as representatives of phylogenetically related and herbivorous taxa. The microorganisms, referred to as protists, were only found in herbivorous and detritivorous members of the Acanthuridae. Protists were not found in planktivorous acanthurids, nor in any members of the families Kyphosidae, Pomacentridae, Scaridae, Zanclidae, Siganidae and Bleniidae we examined. In addition, protists were absent from the herbivorous acanthurids A. xanthopterus and A. nigricans. A range of protist forms, characterized by differences in size (8 to 417 m), shape and mode of cell division (daughter-cell production and binary fission), was observed. The occurrence of these forms appeared to be correlated with host feedingecology. Large forms (>100 m) of the protists were only found in acanthurids which fed over hard-reef substrata. Smaller forms were found in sand-grazing and detritivorous species. One of the protist forms appears identical to protists previously reported from Red Sea acanthurids.  相似文献   

Seabirds were systematically censused during more than 6 000 transect counts from research vessels in the North Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea during the summers of 1975 to 1984. Density indices were calculated for 1o latitude-longitude blocks for 71 species. Blocks were assigned to oceanographic regions (current systems and domains) on the bases of geography, sea surface temperature and salinity. Bird abundances across regions were patchy; concentrations occurred at boundaries. Regional avifaunas overlapped as a function of three factors: similarity of water-types, geographic adjacency, and proximity to nesting areas. Four major avifaunas were apparent: the Bering Sea (and adjacent regions), the Subarctic Current System/Transition Domain (and adjacent regions), Upwelling Domain, and North Pacific Central Water. The subarctic boundary sharply separated different avifaunas. Ocean productivity may be the factor that ultimately affects avifaunal composition.  相似文献   

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