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We investigated the ontogeny of responses to scent marks in immature terrestrial salamanders (Salamandra lanzai) that inhabit the southwest Alps. In this species, sexual maturity is usually reached at about 8 years, and adults exhibit territoriality. One should expect territoriality to take place largely before the acquisition of sexual maturity if sexual competition is not the main force driving territoriality. However, both the difficulties for inexperienced animals to find a suitable territory and size-related competition may delay the acquisition of territoriality in juveniles. We performed choice tests with juveniles belonging to two age groups (1±1 years old versus 4±1 years old). Each focal animal was offered, in random order, the choice between two shelters, one without scent and the other containing one of the following scents: own, same-aged animal, a juvenile belonging to the other age group, or adult female. We also performed choice tests with adult females for which the scents of two juveniles belonging to a different age group were successively offered in a random order. Older juveniles were strongly attracted toward their own shelter and mostly avoided the shelters that contained the scent of juveniles of about the same age and of adult females. Adult females avoided the scents of older juveniles but not younger juveniles. These results therefore suggest that older juveniles use territorial marking. Conversely, young juveniles behaved randomly with respect to their own scents and to those of a same-aged juvenile, and they were significantly attracted towards the odor of an older animal, especially adult females. Both older juveniles and adult females displayed a random behavior toward the scents of young juveniles. Our results suggest that young juveniles do not defend territories but use spaces occupied by older individuals.Communicated by A. Mathis  相似文献   

The structure of social animal groups can be dynamic, characterized by high rates of group fission and fusion. Despite this, group composition is often well ordered by factors such as species, body size and by numerous other phenotypic traits. Research in shoaling fishes has revealed that individuals refine group membership decisions still further and are capable of assimilating chemical cues pertaining to recent habitat and prey use by prospective group mates, preferring to associate with others whose recent resource use history closely matches their own. In this study, we firstly examined the dynamics of the formation and breakdown of these preferences, revealing that they can be acquired and replaced in a matter of just a few hours. Using such cues enables individuals to accurately assess the resource use of conspecifics, allowing them to indirectly sample the local environment while reducing the chances of acquiring outdated information that can precipitate maladaptive behaviors. Secondly, we found that shoals composed of individuals with shared recent habitat use history were more cohesive compared to those where the constituent individuals differed in recent habitat use. Increased shoal cohesion may reduce predation risk, and could enhance the ability of individuals to detect and use social information.  相似文献   

Sociality is poorly understood in the context of population processes. We used wild, female elk (Cervus canadensis) equipped with proximity-logging radio collars (n?=?62) from Manitoba, Canada (2007–2009), to test for modifying effects of population density (two areas: 0.42 and 0.22 animals/km2) on the relationship between two measures of sociality. This included the rate at which collared individuals encountered one another per year (encounters logged as animals ranging to within 1.4 m of each other) and the extent to which animals overlapped in annual home range (proportion of shared minimum convex polygon ranges). Overlap was significantly greater in the high density area compared to that of the low, but not if we only considered individuals that directly encountered each other, implying that familiar individuals will maintain a constant degree of range overlap regardless of density. Encounter rate was nonlinearly related to home range overlap. This relationship was also density-dependent, exhibiting negative density dependence at high proportions of overlap, primarily in the high density subpopulation. Sociality, as defined by two interacting measures of behaviour—encounter rate and home range overlap—exhibits a complex nonlinear relationship; we discuss the implications of these results as they pertain to sociobiology, resource competition, and pathogen transmission.  相似文献   

Summary. Recent studies indicate that amphibian eggs are capable of hatching plasticity in response to chemical cues released by predators feeding on conspecific eggs or larvae. However, information is scarce on the relative importance of predator and conspecific cues in such a process. In particular, no attempt has been made to compare the effects of embryonic exposures to chemical cues indicative of a predation risk for eggs and larvae, although both life stages can co-occur in natural habitats. In this context, common frog embryos (Rana temporaria) were raised until hatching in the presence of crushed conspecific extracts from eggs and tadpoles to assess their respective influences on some hatching and larval traits. While a significant delay in hatching time was observed in embryos exposed to chemical cues from tadpole extract, this life-history shift appeared unaffected by embryonic exposure to egg extract. Hatchlings derived from eggs incubated in the presence of both conspecific extracts showed a significantly greater weight than unexposed controls. However, such an effect was no longer apparent 15, 30 and 50 days after hatching, suggesting that embryonic exposure to chemical cues from damaged conspecific eggs and tadpoles has no influence on larval growth. Lastly, morphological measurements performed on hatchlings and older tadpoles (15, 30 and 50 days old) revealed no significant effect of embryonic treatments on the shape of body and tail.  相似文献   

Group foragers may be able to assess patch quality more efficiently by paying attention to the sampling activities of conspecifics foraging in the same patch. In a previous field experiment, we showed that starlings foraging on patches of hidden food could use the successful foraging activities of others to help them assess patch quality. In order to determine whether a starling could also use another individual’s lack of foraging success to assess and depart from empty patches more quickly, we carried out two experimental studies which compared the behaviour of captive starlings sampling artificial patches both when alone and when in pairs. Solitary starlings were first trained to assess patch quality in our experimental two-patch system, and were then tested on an empty patch both alone and with two types of partner bird. One partner sampled very few holes and thus provided a low amount of public information; the other sampled numerous holes and thus provided a high amount of public information. In experiment 1, we found no evidence of vicarious sampling. Subjects sampled a similar number of empty holes when alone as when with the low and high information partners; thus they continued to rely on their own personal information to make their patch departure decisions. In experiment 2, we modified the experimental patches, increasing the ease with which a bird could watch another’s sampling activities, and increasing the difficulty of acquiring accurate personal sampling information. This time, subjects apparently did use public information, sampling fewer empty holes before departure when with the high-information partner than when with the low-information partner, and sampling fewer holes when with the low-information partner than when alone. We suggest that the degree to which personal and public information are used is likely to depend both on a forager’s ability to remember where it has already sampled and on the type of environment in which foraging takes place. Received: 31 January 1995/Accepted after revision: 11 September 1995  相似文献   

A 17-month research programme focused on development of an Education for Sustainability (EFS) Global Media Network at Ball State University Indiana was recently concluded. The study results include some surprising conclusions related to the contradictions between the benefits of education for global sustainability and the use of technology to facilitate that educational process in achieving a more sustainable world. This article provides an overview of the EFS Network research programme and a discussion of some of the key results and conclusions related to advantages and disadvantages of technology-based learning. The article then addresses the environmental impact of computer technology manufacturing, use, and after-use. Research findings are utilized to illustrate the ecological footprint of computer-based education. The article concludes with a discussion about achieving a balance between the need for global-to-local sustainable education and the environmental impact of technology use for sustainable education.  相似文献   

Public information (PI), a form of indirect social information, is used by individuals to estimate the quality of environmental parameters. It can be acquired in two ways. One way is by noting the performance of others. The other way it can be acquired is by noting the behavioral decisions of other individuals. Performance-based PI has been observed most often in the context of food and breeding patch estimation, as well as by individuals eavesdropping on contests between others in the context of assessing the fighting ability of opponents and the quality of mates. Evidence for the acquisition of PI from behavioral decisions of others comes mostly from studies of copying behavior, although recent work suggests that it also occurs when individuals estimate the tendency of others to be altruistic. PI use appears to be widespread across many taxa, although most work has been conducted on birds and fish. Absent from the literature are clear examples of PI use in mammals. The use of PI appears to often depend on its cost of acquisition and whether it contradicts an individual’s personal prior experience. PI can be an important benefit of associating with others.  相似文献   

It is well documented that poor early nutrition can have profound negative effects on adult life-history traits. However, it has also been demonstrated that organisms can undergo compensatory resource allocation strategies (such as an accelerated growth rate) if food availability improves, so as to mitigate the effects of the poor early conditions. Previous research has indicated that elevated growth rates can incur costs in the longer term, such as an increased rate of senescence and shorter lifespan. We tested whether a phase of compensatory growth after a period of reduced food availability earlier in life affected the sexual attractiveness of adult male green swordtails Xiphophorus helleri, a species in which it has previously been documented that females prefer larger-bodied and longer-tailed males. The experiment compared the attractiveness of size-matched brothers that had experienced contrasting growth trajectories as juveniles; the experiments were initially conducted in the middle of a male’s sexually reproductive life and were then repeated towards the very end of life. At both ages, males that had undergone compensatory growth were equally as attractive as their brothers that had grown normally. These results suggest that the growth compensation benefits males through an increase in their attractiveness over that which they would have had if they had remained on their original growth trajectory. The lack of change in relative attractiveness with age indicates that the compensation does not cause greater deterioration in secondary sexual characters at older ages than in continuously well-fed males.  相似文献   

Reintroduction programs for conservation purposes suffer from low post-release survival of captive-bred animals, especially so with fish reintroductions. High mortality is most often due to weakened antipredator skills, which could be enhanced through direct experience with predators and social learning. As yet, the relative efficiency of these learning methods has not been tested, and the significance of the factors determining how efficiently antipredator responses are transmitted socially from experienced (demonstrator) to predator naive (observer) individuals is largely unknown. Using hatchery-bred stock of the endangered Saimaa Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus), we show for the first time that: (1) contrary to theoretical predictions, acquired predator recognition was only socially transmitted from predator-experienced to predator-naive fish in groups with a smaller proportion of experienced than naive individuals, and that (2) socially acquired avoidance of the predator odors was as strong as in those fish conditioned with a combination of odors and predator exposure. We conclude that using social transmission procedures in training fish for reintroduction programs may provide considerable ecological, economical and ethical advantages.Communicated by J. Krause  相似文献   

In this study, key ecological modelling limitations of a process-based simulation model and a Bayesian network were reduced by combining the two approaches. We demonstrate the combined modelling approach with a case study investigating increases in woody vegetation density in northern Australia's tropical savannas. We found that by utilising the strengths of a simulation model and a Bayesian network we could both forecast future change in woody vegetation density and diagnose the reasons for current vegetation states. The local conditions of climate, soil characteristics and the starting population of trees were found to be more important in explaining the likelihood of change in woody vegetation density compared to management practices such as grazing pressure and fire regimes. We conclude that combining the strengths of a process and BN model allowed us to produce a simple model that utilised the ability of the process model to simulate ecosystem processes in detail and over long time periods, and the ability of the BN to capture uncertainty in ecosystem response and to conduct scenario, sensitivity and diagnostic analysis. The overall result was a model that has the potential to provide land managers with a better understanding of the behaviour of a complex ecosystem than simply utilising either modelling approach in isolation.  相似文献   

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