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Model estimates of NOy and NHx deposition across Britain for 1996 (5 km square resolution) were applied as explanatory variables to account for national-scale, fine-grained changes in plant species composition between 1990 and 1998. Plant species data were recorded from up to 27 fixed plots located within a stratified random sample of 596 1 km2. The response variable was a cover-weighted Ellenberg fertility score for each plot. Analyses were carried out separately for woodlands, semi-natural grasslands and heaths/bogs. Most of the variation in the botanical response variable occurred between plots within squares and so could not be explained by the model deposition data. NHx deposition estimates accounted for significant, but small components of between 1 km2 variation in the change in Ellenberg score in grasslands (5.6%) and heath/bogs (9.8%) but not woodlands. NOy deposition estimates were not significantly associated with vegetation change. Linear models provided the best fit and the slope of the relationship was lower for heath/bogs than grasslands. Further signal attribution at sub-kilometre square scales requires the development of fine-grained models of N deposition that can be generalised across regional sampling domains.  相似文献   

The deposition of atmospheric N to soils provides sources of available N to the nitrifying and denitrifying microbial community and subsequently influences the rate of NO and N2O emissions from soil. We have investigated the influence of three different sources of enhanced N deposition on NO and N2O emissions 1) elevated NH3 deposition to woodlands downwind of poultry and pig farms, 2) increased wet cloud and occult N deposition to upland forest and moorland and 3) enhanced N deposition to trees as NO? 3 and NH+ 4 aerosol. Flux measurements of NO and N2O were made using static chambers in the field or intact and repacked soil cores in the laboratory and determination of N2O by gas chromatography and of NO by chemiluminescence analysis. Rates of N deposition to our study sites were derived from modelled estimates of N deposition, NH3 concentrations measured by passive diffusion and inference from measurements of the 210Pb inventory of soils under tree canopies compared with open grassland. NO and N2O emissions and KCl-extractable soil NH+ 4 and NO? 3 concentrations all increased with increasing N deposition rate. The extent of increase did not appear to be influenced by the chemical form of the N deposited. Systems dominated by dry-deposited NH3 downwind of intensive livestock farms or wet-deposited NH+ 4and NO? 3 in the upland regions of Britain resulted in approximately the same linear response. Emissions of NO and N2O from these soils increased with both N deposition and KCl extractable NH+ 4, but the relationship between NH+ 4 and N deposition (ln NH+ 4 = 0.62 ln Ndeposition+0.21, r 2 = 0.33, n = 43) was more robust than the relationship between N deposition and soil NO and N2O fluxes.  相似文献   

Critical N loads for ombrotrophic bogs, which often contain rare and N-sensitive plants (especially those in lower plant groups: lichens, mosses and liverworts), are based on very few experimental data from measured, low background N deposition areas. Additionally the relative effects of reduced versus oxidised N are largely unknown. This paper describes an automated field exposure system (30 km S. of Edinburgh, Scotland) for treating ombrotrophic bog vegetation with fine droplets of oxidised N (NaNO3) and reduced N (NH4Cl). Whim Moss exists in an area of low ambient N deposition (ca. 8 kg N ha?1 y?1), the sources and quantification of which are described. The wet N treatment system is run continuously, and is controlled/activated by wind speed and rainfall to provide a unique simulation of “real worl” treatment patterns (no rain=no treatment). Simulated precipitation is supplied at ionic concentrations below 4 mM in rainwater collected on site. Treatments provide a replicated dose response to 16, 32 and 64 kg N ha?1 y?1 adjusted for ambient deposition (8 kg N ha?1 y?1). The 16 and 64 kg N ha?1 y?1 are duplicated with a P+K supplement. Baseline soil chemistry and foliar nutrient status was established for all 44 plots for Calluna vulgaris, Sphagnum capillifolium, Hypnum jutlandicum and Cladonia portentosa.  相似文献   

Critical N loads for ombrotrophic bogs, which often contain rare and N-sensitive plants (especially those in lower plant groups: lichens, mosses and liverworts), are based on very few experimental data from measured, low background N deposition areas. Additionally the relative effects of reduced versus oxidised N are largely unknown. This paper describes an automated field exposure system (30 km S. of Edinburgh, Scotland) for treating ombrotrophic bog vegetation with fine droplets of oxidised N (NaNO3) and reduced N (NH4Cl). Whim Moss exists in an area of low ambient N deposition (ca. 8 kg N ha–1 y–1), the sources and quantification of which are described. The wet N treatment system is run continuously, and is controlled/activated by wind speed and rainfall to provide a unique simulation of real world treatment patterns (no rain=no treatment). Simulated precipitation is supplied at ionic concentrations below4mMin rainwater collected on site. Treatments provide a replicated dose response to 16, 32 and 64 kg N ha–1 y–1 adjusted for ambient deposition (8 kg N ha–1 y–1). The 16 and 64 kg N ha–1 y–1 are duplicated with a P+K supplement. Baseline soil chemistry and foliar nutrient status was established for all 44 plots for Calluna vulgaris, Sphagnum capillifolium, Hypnum jutlandicum and Cladonia portentosa.  相似文献   

This paper reports data from a field study investigating the impacts of elevated ammonia (NH3) deposition on Calluna vulgaris growing on an ombrotrophic peat bog in S.E. Scotland. Shoot extension, foliar N concentrations, chlorophyll concentration and chlorophyll fluorescence were measured during the second growing season of exposure to a gradient of ammonia concentrations. Results indicate that NH3 increases growth between 150–200 kg N ha?1y?1 cumulative deposition. Foliar N content increased significantly in response to NH3 cumulative deposition up to 400 kg N ha?1 y?1 whereas chlorophyll a content significantly decreased. Measurements of Fv/Fm suggest that although NH3 exposure altered the growth and reduced chlorophyll a, the efficiency of photosystem II was insensitive to NH3–N deposition at this stage.  相似文献   

Measurements of the concentrations of nitrogen compounds in air and precipitation in the UK have been made since the mid-19th century, but no networks operating to common protocols and having traceable analytical procedures were established until the 1950s. From 1986 onwards, a high-quality network of sampling stations for precipitation chemistry was established across the UK. In the following decade, monitoring networks provided measurement of NO2, NH3, HNO3 and a satisfactory understanding of the dry deposition process for these gases allowed dry deposition to be quantified. Maps of N deposition for oxidized and reduced compounds at a spatial scale of 5 km × 5 km are available from 1986 to 2000. Between 1950 and 1985, the more limited measurements, beginning with those of the European Air Chemistry Network (EACN) provide a reasonable basis to estimate wet deposition of NO? 3?N and NH+ 4?N. For the first half of the century, estimates of deposition were scaled with emissions assuming a constant relationship between emission and deposition for each of the components of the wet and dry deposition budget at the country scale. Emissions of oxidized N, which dominated total nitrogen emissions throughout the century, increased from 312 kt N annually in 1900 to a peak of 787 kt for the decade 1980–1990 and then declined to 460 kt in 2000. Emissions of reduced N, largely from coal combustion were about 168 kt N in 1900, increasing to a peak of 263 kt N in 2000 and by now dominated by agricultural sources. Reduced N dominated the deposition budget at the country scale, increasing from 163 kt N in 1900 to 211 kt N in 2000, while deposition of oxidized N was 66 kt N in 1900 and 191 kt N in 2000. Over the century, 68 Mt (Tg) of fixed N was emitted within the UK, 78% as NO x , while 29 Mt of nitrogen was deposited (43% of emissions), equivalent to 1.2 t N ha?1, on average, with 60% in the reduced form. Deposition to semi-natural ecosystems is approximately 15 Tg N, equivalent to between 1 and 5 t N ha?1, over the century and appears to be accumulating in soil. The N deposition over the century is similar in magnitude to the total soil N inventory in surface horizons.  相似文献   

Regular additions of NH4NO3 (35–140 kg N ha−1 yr−1) and (NH4)2SO4 (140 kg N ha−1 yr−1) to a calcareous grassland in northern England over a period of 12 years have resulted in a decline in the frequency of the indigenous bryophyte species and the establishment of non-indigenous calcifuge species, with implications for the structure and composition of this calcareous bryophyte community. The lowest NH4NO3 additions of 35 kg N ha−1 yr−1 produced significant declines in frequency of Hypnum cupressiforme, Campylium chrysophyllum, and Calliergon cuspidatum. Significant reductions in frequency at higher NH4NO3 application rates were recorded for Pseudoscleropodium purum, Ctenidum molluscum, and Dicranum scoparium. The highest NH4NO3 and (NH4)2SO4 additions provided conditions conducive for the establishment of two typical calcifuges – Polytrichum spp. and Campylopus introflexus, respectively. Substrate-surface pH measurements showed a dose-related reduction in pH with increasing NH4NO3 deposition rates of 1.6 pH units between the control and highest deposition rate, and a further significant fall in pH, of >1 pH unit, between the NH4NO3 and (NH4)2SO4 treatments. These results suggest that indigenous bryophyte composition may be at risk from nitrogen deposition rates of 35 kg N ha−1 yr−1 or less. These effects are of particular concern for rare or endangered species of low frequency.  相似文献   

This paper reports data from a field study investigating the impacts of elevated ammonia (NH3) deposition on Calluna vulgaris growing on an ombrotrophic peat bog in S.E. Scotland. Shoot extension, foliar N concentrations, chlorophyll concentration and chlorophyll fluorescence were measured during the second growing season of exposure to a gradient of ammonia concentrations. Results indicate that NH3 increases growth between 150–200 kg N ha–1y–1 cumulative deposition. Foliar N content increased significantly in response to NH3 cumulative deposition up to 400 kg N ha–1 y–1 whereas chlorophyll a content significantly decreased. Measurements of Fv/Fm suggest that although NH3 exposure altered the growth and reduced chlorophyll a, the efficiency of photosystem II was insensitive to NH3-N deposition at this stage.  相似文献   

Providing an accurate estimate of the dry component of N deposition to low N background, semi-natural habitats, such as bogs and upland moors dominated by Calluna vulgaris is difficult, but essential to relate nitrogen deposition to effects in these communities. To quantify the effects of NH3 inputs to moorland vegetation growing on a bog at a field scale, a field release NH3 fumigation system was established at Whim Moss (Scottish Borders) in 2002. Gaseous NH3 from a line source was released along of a 60 m transect, when meteorological conditions (wind speed >2.5 m s?1 and wind direction in the sector 180–215°) were met, thereby providing a profile of decreasing NH3 concentration with distance from the source. In a complementary study, using a NH3 flux chamber system, the relationships between NH3 concentrations and cuticular resistances were quantified for a range of NH3 concentrations and micrometeorological conditions for moorland vegetation. Cuticular resistances increased with NH3 concentration from 11 s m?1 at 3.0 μg m?3 to 30 s m?1 at 30 μg m?3. The NH3 concentration data and the concentration-dependent canopy resistance are used to calculate NH3 deposition taking into account leaf surface wetness. The implications of using an NH3 concentration-dependent cuticular resistance and the importance for refining critical loads are discussed.  相似文献   

During recent decades heathlands havechanged into grasslands in regions with high atmosphericnitrogen deposition. In regions with intermediatedeposition level (e.g., Denmark) changes have been lesspronounced which may be due to delay or decrease inresponse of the ecosystem. The mor layer (O horizon) mayplay an important role for this delay due to high sinkstrength for N. In this study, the capacity for netNH4 + immobilization and mineralization wasstudied during short- and long-term incubations (2–36 days)of mor samples from Danish dry inland heaths. High short-term capacity for net NH4 + immobilization wasfound to be a general characteristic of Danish heath morlayers both under heather (Calluna vulgaris) andcrowberry (Empetrum nigrum ssp nigrum), the latterdominating late stages in heathland succession. The netNH4 + immobilization was higher under youngcompared to old or dead vegetation, and higher on lessnutrient poor soils than on extremely nutrient poor soils.The addition of N, P and C stimulated CO2 productionand net NH4 + immobilization, but not net Nmineralization. The immobilization of 15NH4 +caused release of dissolved organic N, increased N anddecreased C/N ratio in the microbial biomass, and indicatedgrowth of microorganisms with other metabolic abilitiesthan the indigenous population. No evidence was obtained ofstabilization of immobilized 15NH4 + intosoil organic matter during the experiment. On background ofthe results and current knowledge it was concluded that therecognition of the high capacity for net NH4 +immobilization in mor layers does not allow for a raiseof critical loads for N for northern dry inland heaths.  相似文献   

A new version (v1.7) of the Integrated Nitrogen in CAtchments model(INCA) was applied to the northern boreal Simojoki river basin (3160 km2) in Finland. The INCA model is a semi-distributed, dynamic nitrogen (N) process model which simulates N transport and processes in catchments. The INCA model was applied to model flow and seasonal inorganic N dynamics of the river Simojoki basin over the period 1994–1996, and validated for two more years. Both calibration and validation of the model were successful. The model was able to simulate annual dynamics of inorganic N concentrations in the river. The effects of forest management and atmospheric deposition on inorganic N fluxes to the sea in 2010 were studied. Three scenarios were applied for forestry practices and two for deposition. The effects of forest cutting scenarios and atmospheric deposition scenarios on inorganic N flux to the sea were small. The combination of the maximum technically possible reduction of N deposition and a decrease of 100% in forest cutting and peat mining areas decreased NO3 --N flux by 6.0% and NH4 +-N flux by 3.1%.  相似文献   

The deposition of atmospheric N to soils provides sources of available N to the nitrifying and denitrifying microbial community and subsequently influences the rate of NO and N2O emissions from soil. We have investigated the influence of three different sources of enhanced N deposition on NO and N2O emissions 1) elevated NH3 deposition to woodlands downwind of poultry and pig farms, 2) increased wet cloud and occult N deposition to upland forest and moorland and 3) enhanced N deposition to trees as NO 3 and NH 4 + aerosol. Flux measurements of NO and N2O were made using static chambers in the field or intact and repacked soil cores in the laboratory and determination of N2O by gas chromatography and of NO by chemiluminescence analysis. Rates of N deposition to our study sites were derived from modelled estimates of N deposition, NH3 concentrations measured by passive diffusion and inference from measurements of the 210Pb inventory of soils under tree canopies compared with open grassland. NO and N2O emissions and KCl-extractable soil NH 4 + and NO 3 concentrations all increased with increasing N deposition rate. The extent of increase did not appear to be influenced by the chemical form of the N deposited. Systems dominated by dry-deposited NH3 downwind of intensive livestock farms or wet-deposited NH 4 + and NO 3 in the upland regions of Britain resulted in approximately the same linear response. Emissions of NO and N2O from these soils increased with both N deposition and KCl extractable NH 4 + , but the relationship between NH 4 + and N deposition (ln NH 4 + = 0.62 ln Ndeposition + 0.21, r 2 = 0.33, n = 43) was more robust than the relationship between N deposition and soil NO and N2O fluxes.  相似文献   

Two models, N_EXRET and INCA, were applied to the Simojoki river basin (3160 km2) in northern Finland in order to assess nitrogen retention in wetlands and lakes. N_EXRET is a spatial, export coefficient-based N export and retention model developed for large river basins. It utilizes remote sensing-based land use and forest classification, evaluated export coefficients, and data on areal N deposition and point sources of N. A new version (v1.7) of the Integrated Nitrogen in CAtchments model (INCA) is a semi-distributed, dynamic nitrogen process model, which simulates and predicts nitrogen transport and processes within catchments. Average retention of the gross total N load of 700 t a-1 to the river system was estimated using N_EXRET model as 17 t N a-1 to the wetlands and 77 t N a-1 to the lakes. A good fit was found between modeled and measured values along the river. Inorganic N fluxes simulated by the INCA model were compared with measured fluxes along the river Simojoki, with a good fit between modeled and measured NH4 +-N fluxes, and an adequate fit for NO3 --N fluxes. Both fluxes were overestimated at the first reach, below Lake Simojärvi. High percentage of peatlands led to high NH4 +-N/NO3 --N ratios derived from data, indicating negligible nitrification in large river subbasins and particularly in small research catchments.  相似文献   

Providing an accurate estimate of the dry component of N deposition to low N background, semi-natural habitats, such as bogs and upland moors dominated by Calluna vulgaris is difficult, but essential to relate nitrogen deposition to effects in these communities. To quantify the effects of NH3 inputs to moorland vegetation growing on a bog at a field scale, a field release NH3 fumigation system was established at Whim Moss (Scottish Borders) in 2002. Gaseous NH3 from a line source was released along of a 60 m transect, when meteorological conditions (wind speed >2.5 m s–1 and wind direction in the sector 180–215°) were met, thereby providing a profile of decreasing NH3 concentration with distance from the source. In a complementary study, using a NH3 flux chamber system, the relationships between NH3 concentrations and cuticular resistances were quantified for a range of NH3 concentrations and micrometeorological conditions for moorland vegetation. Cuticular resistances increased with NH3 concentration from 11 s m–1 at 3.0 g m–3 to 30 s m–1 at 30 g m–3. The NH3 concentration data and the concentration-dependent canopy resistance are used to calculate NH3 deposition taking into account leaf surface wetness. The implications of using an NH3 concentration-dependent cuticular resistance and the importance for refining critical loads are discussed.  相似文献   

A Chronology of Nitrogen Deposition in the UK Between 1900 and 2000   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Measurements of the concentrations of nitrogen compounds in air and precipitation in the UK have been made since the mid-19th century, but no networks operating to common protocols and having traceable analytical procedures were established until the 1950s. From 1986 onwards, a high-quality network of sampling stations for precipitation chemistry was established across the UK. In the following decade, monitoring networks provided measurement of NO2, NH3, HNO3 and a satisfactory understanding of the dry deposition process for these gases allowed dry deposition to be quantified. Maps of N deposition for oxidized and reduced compounds at a spatial scale of 5 km × 5 km are available from 1986 to 2000. Between 1950 and 1985, the more limited measurements, beginning with those of the European Air Chemistry Network (EACN) provide a reasonable basis to estimate wet deposition of NO 3 –N and NH 4 + –N. For the first half of the century, estimates of deposition were scaled with emissions assuming a constant relationship between emission and deposition for each of the components of the wet and dry deposition budget at the country scale. Emissions of oxidized N, which dominated total nitrogen emissions throughout the century, increased from 312 kt N annually in 1900 to a peak of 787 kt for the decade 1980–1990 and then declined to 460 kt in 2000. Emissions of reduced N, largely from coal combustion were about 168 kt N in 1900, increasing to a peak of 263 kt N in 2000 and by now dominated by agricultural sources. Reduced N dominated the deposition budget at the country scale, increasing from 163 kt N in 1900 to 211 kt N in 2000, while deposition of oxidized N was 66 kt N in 1900 and 191 kt N in 2000. Over the century, 68 Mt (Tg) of fixed N was emitted within the UK, 78% as NO x , while 29 Mt of nitrogen was deposited (43% of emissions), equivalent to 1.2 t N ha–1, on average, with 60% in the reduced form. Deposition to semi-natural ecosystems is approximately 15 Tg N, equivalent to between 1 and 5 t N ha–1, over the century and appears to be accumulating in soil. The N deposition over the century is similar in magnitude to the total soil N inventory in surface horizons.  相似文献   

The impact of nitrogen fertilizers on gaseous emissions duringwinter and spring-thaw is not well understood and was the objective of this research. Using a micrometeorological method,N2O, NO and NOx fluxes from ryegrass were measured from November 1997 to March 1998. Three different mineralfertilizers were applied in November: urea (U), slow-release urea(SRU) and ammonium nitrate (AN). N2O emissions during the winter were small, increasing significantly in March. Total losses of N2O-N were significantly higher from SRU and U plots, with winter N2O emissions accounting for 50% of annual losses. Nitric oxide fluxes from all plots weresmall during the measurement period (<0.9 ng N m-2 s-1). The NO fluxes from U and AN fertilized plots were significantly higher than from SRU and control plots. NO2 fluxes were always negative (–6 ng N m-2 s-1)indicating deposition, but decreased to –2 ng N m-2s-1 when snow was present on the soil surface. Our resultsindicate that the form of inorganic N applied has an effect on NO+ N2O emissions but not on NO2 fluxes.Sponsored by CAPES – Brasília, Brazil  相似文献   

Beier  C.  Rasmussen  L.  Pilegaard  K.  Ambus  P.  Mikkelsen  T.  Jensen  N. O.  Kjøller  A.  Priemé  A.  Ladekarl  U. L. 《Water, Air, & Soil Pollution: Focus》2001,1(1-2):187-195
The fluxes of the major nitrogen compounds havebeen investigated in many ecosystem studies over the world.However, only in few studies has attention been drawn to theimportance of the fluxes of minor gaseous nitrogen compoundsto complete the nitrogen cycle. In Denmark a detailed study onthe nitrogen cycle in an old beech forest has been implementedin 1997 at Gyrstinge near Sorø, Zealand. The study includesthe fluxes of the gases NO, N2O and water mediatedtransport of NO3 - and NH4 +. Measurementsof the fluxes of the gaseous compounds are performed withmicro-meteorological methods (eddy-correlation and gradient)and with chambers. Water mediated fluxes encompass rain,throughfall, stem-flow and leaching from the root zone. Thehydrological model is verified by TDR measurements. The findings show that the total water mediated N input tothe forest floor with throughfall and stemflow was 25.6 kg Nha-1 yr -1, and open field wet deposition withprecipitation was 19.0 kg N ha-1 yr -1. The internalcycling of N in the ecosystem measured as turnover oflitterfall and plant uptake was 100 kg N ha-1 yr -1and 14 kg N ha-1 yr -1, respectively. The fluxes ofthe gaseous N compounds NO and N2O were of minorimportance for the total N turnover in the forest, NOxemission being <1 kg N ha-1 yr -1 and N2Oemission from the soil being 0.5 kg N ha-1 yr -1 withno significant difference between wet and dry soils.Concentrations of NO3 - and NH4 + in thesoil solution beneath the rooting zone are very small andconsequently the N leaching is almost negligible. It isconcluded that the nitrogen mass balance of this old beechforest ecosystem mainly is controlled by the input by dry andwet deposition and a large internal N cycle with a fast litterturnover. The nitrogen input tothe forest ecosystem which currently exceeds the critical loadby 5 kg N ha-1 yr -1is mainly accumulated in the soil and no significant nitrateleaching is occurring.  相似文献   

Concentrations of NO2, NO, and O3 from a rooftop monitoring station in Gothenburg, Sweden (2002–2006) were analysed to characterise NO2 pollution. [NO2] was shown to correlate strongly and non-linearly with [NO x ] (NO x ?=?NO?+?NO2), in line with observations in other cities. The [NO2] to [NO x ] fraction fell initially with increasing [NO x ]. At [NO x ] levels >200 ppb, the decline in [NO2]/[NO x ] with increasing [NO x ] levelled out and [NO2]/[NO x ] converged towards approximately 0.15–0.16, independent of [NO x ]. Data from a traffic route site showed the same pattern. This value of [NO2]/[NO x ] at high [NO x ] can be interpreted as the NO2 fraction of the NO x emissions from vehicle exhaust. Situations with high NO x pollution and minimum [NO2]/[NO x ] were always associated with [O3] close to zero. Plotting [Ox] (Ox?=?NO2?+?O3) vs. [NO x ] provided a strong linear correlation for situations dominated by local pollution ([NO]/[NO2]>1). The slope of the regression, a measure of the primary NO2 fraction in NO x emissions, was 0.13 during the day and 0.14 during the night. With stronger winds, the rooftop monitoring station became more similar, in terms of NO2 pollution, to a city street site and a traffic route site, although [NO2] was almost always higher at the street/traffic route locations. The EU standard for the annual average of [NO2] (40 μg m?3) was exceeded, while the hourly standard (200 μg m?3, not to be exceeded more than 18 times per year by 2010) was not exceeded at any of the sites.  相似文献   

Nitrate leaching was measured over seven years of nitrogen (N) addition in a paired-catchment experiment in Alptal, central Switzerland (altitude: 1200 m, bulk N deposition: 12 kg ha-1 a-1). Two forested catchments (1500 m2 each) dominated by Picea abies) were delimited by trenches in the Gleysols. NH4NO3 was added to one of the catchments using sprinklers. During the first year, the N addition was labelled with 15N. Additionally, soil N transformationswere studied in replicated plots. Pre-treatment NO3 --N leaching was 4 kg ha-1 a-1 from both catchments, and remained between 2.5 and 4.8 kg ha-1 a-1 in the control catchment. The first year of treatment induced an additional leaching of 3.1 kg ha-1, almost 90% of which was labelled with 15N, indicating that it did not cycle through the large N pools of the ecosystem (soil organic matter and plants). These losses partly correspond to NO3 - from precipitation bypassing the soil due to preferential flow. During rain or snowmelt events, NO3 - concentration peaks as the water table is rising, indicating flushing from the soil. Nitrification occurs temporarily along the water flow paths in the soil and can be the source of NO3 - flushing. Its isotopic signature however, shows that this release mainly affects recently applied N, stored only between runoff events or up to a few weeks. At first, the ecosystem retained 90% of the added N (2/3 in the soil), but NO3 - losses increased from 10 to 30% within 7 yr, indicating that the ecosystem became progressively N saturated.  相似文献   

This study presents the chemical composition of bulk deposition during the period of February 1996–May 1997 and the chemical composition of sub-event wet deposition on 13 August 1997 in Gebze. Samples were analyzed for SO4 2-, NO3 -, Cl-,Ca2+, Mg2+, K+, Na+, and NH4 + in addition to pH. The source of some ionic components in the bulk deposition such as K+ and Ca2+ were found to be the terrestrial regions, as expected. The (non-sea Cl-)/Cl- ratio of 0.05 suggests that the very large portion of Cl- in the bulkdeposition was of marine origin. The ratio of (non-sea SO4 2-)/SO4 2- varied between 0.86 and 0.99,indicating that the main source of sulfate was not the sea. It is found that the sulfate and calcium concentrations were highest in summer and lowest in fall. The analysis of bulk deposition also indicated that nearly 24% of the events were acidic (pH < 5.6). During sub-event wet deposition collectedon the same site pH decreased continually, and during the passageof cold front concentrations of Cl-, SO4 2- and NO3 - increased.  相似文献   

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