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Ammonia emissions from two contrasting seabird colonies in Scotland were measured, based on the determination of atmospheric concentrations downwind of the colonies. Atmospheric concentrations of ammonia (NH3) across the downwind plume were compared with the inverse application of a Gaussian dispersion model (ID) to calculate the modelled NH3 emission that would generate the measured cross-wind-integrated plume concentration. In parallel, a tracer gas (sulphur hexafluoride, SF6) was released from the colonies with air samples taken to allow determination of SF6 concentrations. On the basis of the known emission rate of SF6, the magnitude of ammonia emissions was estimated by the cross-wind-integrated tracer ratio (TR) of NH3/SF6 concentrations. Coupled with data on annual bird attendance, the measurements indicate annual emissions from the Isle of May and the Bass Rock of 18 and 132 tonnes NH3-N year–1, respectively. The measured NH3 emissions were compared with estimates of seabird nitrogen excretion to estimate the proportion of excreted N that is volatilised as NH3 (FNr). The emission estimates of the two methods compared favourably, giving 4 and 6 kg NH3-N h–1 (FNr = 15%) for the Isle of May for the ID and TR methods, respectively, and 21 and 25 kg NH3-N h–1 (FNr = 50%) for the Bass Rock for the ID and TR methods, respectively. The results provide the first measurement-based estimates to allow regional up scaling of ammonia emissions from seabirds.  相似文献   

An inverse dispersion technique in conjunction with Open-Path Tunable-Diode-Laser-Spectroscopy (OP-TDLS) and meteorological measurements was applied to characterise methane (CH4) emissions from an Austrian open-windrow composting plant treating source-separated biowaste. Within the measurement campaigns from July to September 2012 different operating conditions (e.g. before, during and after turning and/or sieving events) were considered to reflect the plant-specific process efficiency. In addition, the tracer technique using acetylene (C2H2) was applied during the measurement campaigns as a comparison to the dispersion model. Plant-specific methane emissions varied between 1.7 and 14.3 g CH4/m3d (1.3–10.7 kg CH4/h) under real-life management assuming a rotting volume of 18,000 m3. In addition, emission measurements indicated that the turning frequency of the open windrows appears to be a crucial factor controlling CH4 emissions when composting biowaste. The lowest CH4 emission was measured at a passive state of the windrows without any turning event (“standstill” and “sieving of matured compost”). Not surprisingly, higher CH4 emissions occurred during turning events, which can be mainly attributed to the instant release of trapped CH4. Besides the operation mode, the meteorological conditions (e.g. wind speed, atmospheric stability) may be further factors that likely affect the release of CH4 emissions at an open windrow system. However, the maximum daily CH4 emissions of 1 m3 rotting material of the composting plant are only 0.7–6.5% of the potential daily methane emissions released from 1 m3 of mechanically–biologically treated (MBT) waste being landfilled according to the required limit values given in the Austrian landfill ordinance.  相似文献   

The amounts of harmful gas emissions from the process of composting swine waste were determined using an experimental composting apparatus. Forced aeration (19.2–96.1 l/m3/min) was carried out continuously, and exhaust gases were collected and analyzed periodically. With weekly turning and the addition of a bulking agent in order to decrease the moisture content and increase air permeability, the temperature of most of the contents rose to 70°C and composting was complete within 3–5 weeks. NH3, CH4, and N2O emissions were high in the early stage of composting. About 10%–25% of the nitrogen in the raw material was lost as NH3 gas during composting. The emission rate of NH3 mainly depended on the aeration rate, so that as the aeration rate rose, the level of NH3 emissions increased. The CH4 and N2O emissions could be kept lower with adequate treatment at more than 40 l/m3/min aeration. N2O may be mainly the result of the denitrification of NO x -N in the additional matured compost used as a composting accelerator. Received: September 11, 1998 / Accepted: November 8, 1999  相似文献   

Methane (CH4) diffuse emissions from Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) landfills represent one of the most important anthropogenic sources of greenhouse gas. CH4 is produced by anaerobic biodegradation of organic matter in landfilled MSW and constitutes a major component of landfill gas (LFG). Gas recovery is a suitable method to effectively control CH4 emissions from landfill sites and the quantification of CH4 emissions represents a good tool to evaluate the effectiveness of a gas recovery system in reducing LFG emissions. In particular, LFG emissions can indirectly be evaluated from mass balance equations between LFG production, recovery and oxidation in the landfill, as well as by a direct approach based on LFG emission measurements from the landfill surface. However, up to now few direct measurements of landfill CH4 diffuse emissions have been reported in the technical literature. In the present study, both modeling and direct emission measuring methodologies have been applied to the case study of Bellolampo landfill located in Palermo, Italy. The main aim of the present study was to evaluate CH4 diffuse emissions, based on direct measurements carried out with the flux accumulation chamber (static, non-stationary) method, as well as to obtain the CH4 contoured flux map of the landfill. Such emissions were compared with the estimate achieved by means of CH4 mass balance equations. The results showed that the emissions obtained by applying the flux chamber method are in good agreement with the ones derived by the application of the mass balance equation, and that the evaluated contoured flux maps represent a reliable tool to locate areas with abnormal emissions in order to optimize the gas recovery system efficiency.  相似文献   

Micrometeorological measurements of methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions were made at the decommissioned Park Road Landfill in Grimsby, Ontario, Canada between June and August 2002. The influence of precipitation, air temperature, wind speed and barometric pressure on the temporal variability of landfill biogas emissions was assessed. Gas flux measurements were obtained using a micrometeorological mass balance measurement technique [integrated horizontal flux (IHF)] in conjunction with two tunable diode laser trace gas analyser (TDLTGA) systems. This method allows for continuous, non-intrusive measurements of gas flux at high temporal resolution. Mean fluxes of N2O were negligible over the duration of the study (-0.23 to 0.02 microg m(-2) s(-1)). In contrast, mean emissions of CH4 were much greater (80.4 to 450.8 microg m(-2) s(-1)) and varied both spatially and temporally. Spatial variations in CH4 fluxes were observed between grass kill areas (biogas 'hot spots') and the densely grass-covered areas of the landfill. Temporal variations in CH4 fluxes were also observed, due at least in part to barometric pressure, wind speed and precipitation effects.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine whether or not young hybrid poplar (Populus deltoides x Populus nigra) could transport landfill biogas internally from the root zone to the atmosphere, thereby acting as conduits for landfill gas release. Fluxes of methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) from the seedlings to the atmosphere were measured under controlled conditions using dynamic flux chambers and a tunable diode laser trace gas analyser (TDLTGA). Nitrous oxide was emitted from the seedlings, but only when extremely high soil N2O concentrations were applied to the root zone. In contrast, no detectable emissions of CH4 were measured in a similar experimental trial. Visible plant morphological responses, characteristic of flood-tolerant trees attempting to cope with the negative effects of soil hypoxia, were observed during the CH4 experiments. Leaf chlorosis, leaf abscission and adventitious roots were all visible plant responses. In addition, seedling survival was observed to be highest in the biogas 'hot spot' areas of a local municipal solid waste landfill involved in this study. Based on the available literature, these observations suggest that CH4 can be transported internally by Populus deltoides x Populus nigra seedlings in trace amounts, although future research is required to fully test this hypothesis.  相似文献   

Fly ash and stack gases from municipal waste and industrial incinerators in the F.R.G. have been analyzed for dioxins (PCDD and PCDF). Most of the currently used procedures of stack gas sampling for PCDD/PCDF have been compared and were found to be equally effective. Differences are found, however, in the recovery of surrogates added to the sampling train before sampling, which makes it difficult to validate the sampling procedure. The analysis for PCDD%PCDF in stack gas or fly ash samples from municipal waste incinerators can no longer be considered an analytical problem. Thirty samples of stack gas from a single (old) municipal waste incinerator showed wide variation in PCDD/PCDF emission, indicating that single measurements are not useful in characterizing a plant for average PCDD/PCDF emission. It will be extremely difficult to correlate plant operating conditions to PCDD/PCDF stack gas emissions or PCDD/PCDF fly ash concentrations, because the effects produced by changing conditions are obscured by the variations which occur in PCDD/PCDF concentrations during steady conditions. The variations found under steady conditions can be explained by the proposed mechanisms of PCDD/PCDF formation and decomposition at low temperatures catalyzed by fly ash. Incineration of hospital waste and pyrolytic reclamation of copper in cables and aluminium produced significant emission of PCDD/PCDF. A major noncombustion source of higher chlorinated PCDD/PCDF (tetra- to octa-isomers) is pentachlorophenol, a widespread preservative which contributes to the PCDD/PCDF concentrations found, for example, in sewage sludge, river sediments and house dust.  相似文献   

In situations where groundwater supplies have been impacted by volatile organic compounds (VOCs), such as tetrachloroethene (PCE), and the source has not been identified, the costs to identify the source and plume migration patterns may be extremely high. The costs for an investigation increase with the number and depth of borings and the number of samples that are collected and analyzed. An environmental investigator and the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) have successfully utilized passive soil gas (PSG) surveys in Arizona to cost‐effectively investigate VOC impacts to groundwater and identify potential sources of impact. PSG surveys are minimally intrusive, and more samples can be collected for the same cost when compared to active soil gas surveys and conventional soil and groundwater sampling programs. The result is a surficial representation of the contaminant plume and the location of “hot spots,'' which are the potential sources. This provides a better understanding of the nature and extent of the impact and allows for a focused subsurface investigation, which subsequently reduces drilling and sampling costs. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The current study focus on the determination of dust emissions from piles in open storage yards of a municipal solid waste (MSW) composting site and the subsequent atmospheric dust dispersion. The ISC3-ST (Industrial Source Complex Version 3 – Short Term) model was used for the evaluation of the PM10 ambient concentrations associated with the dispersion of MSW compost dust emissions in air. Dust emission rates were calculated using the United States Environmental Protection Agency proposed dust resuspension formulation from open storage piles using local meteorological data. The dispersion modelling results on the spatial distribution of PM10 source depletion showed that the maximum concentrations were observed at a distance 25–75 m downwind of the piles in the prevailing wind direction. Sensitivity calculations were performed also to reveal the effect of the compost pile height, the friction velocity and the receptor height on the ambient PM10 concentration. It was observed that PM10 concentrations (downwind in the prevailing wind direction) increased with increasing the friction velocity, increasing the pile height (for distances greater than 125 m from the source) and decreasing the receptor height (for distances greater than 125 m from the source). Furthermore, the results of ISC3-ST were analysed with the ExDoM (Exposure Dose Model) human exposure model. The ExDoM is a model for calculating the human exposure and the deposition dose, clearance, and finally retention of aerosol particles in the human respiratory tract (RT). PM10 concentration at the composting site was calculated as the sum of the concentration from compost pile dust resuspension and the background concentration. It was found that the exposure to PM10 and deposited lung dose for an adult Caucasian male who is not working at the composting site is less by 20–74% and 29–84%, respectively, compared to those for a worker exposed to PM concentrations at the composting site.  相似文献   

Simple bioenergetics models were used to derive annual nitrogen excretion rates of each seabird species occurring at colonies in the UK. These were combined with population distribution data and an estimated fraction of nitrogen volatilized to estimate the spatial distribution of NH3 emissions from seabird colonies at a 1 km resolution. The effect of these emissions on atmospheric NH3 concentrations and nitrogen deposition in the UK was assessed using the FRAME atmospheric chemistry and transport model. The total emission of NH3 from the UK seabird colonies is estimated at 2.7 kt yr–1. Emissions from seabirds are largely concentrated in remote parts of Britain, where agricultural and other anthropogenic emissions are minimal. Although seabirds account for less than 1% of total UK NH3 emissions (370 kt yr–1), their occurrence in remote areas and frequently large colony sizes results in seabirds providing a major fraction of the atmospheric nitrogen deposition for many remote ecosystems.  相似文献   

Simple bioenergetics models were used to derive annual nitrogen excretion rates of each seabird species occurring at colonies in the UK. These were combined with population distribution data and an estimated fraction of nitrogen volatilized to estimate the spatial distribution of NH3 emissions from seabird colonies at a 1 km resolution. The effect of these emissions on atmospheric NH3 concentrations and nitrogen deposition in the UK was assessed using the FRAME atmospheric chemistry and transport model. The total emission of NH3 from the UK seabird colonies is estimated at 2.7 kt yr?1. Emissions from seabirds are largely concentrated in remote parts of Britain, where agricultural and other anthropogenic emissions are minimal. Although seabirds account for less than 1% of total UK NH3 emissions (~370 kt yr?1), their occurrence in remote areas and frequently large colony sizes results in seabirds providing a major fraction of the atmospheric nitrogen deposition for many remote ecosystems.  相似文献   

The objective of the present paper has been to study the effect of pig slurry waste type, fresh or anaerobically digested, and the effect of initial pH on ammonia air stripping from pig slurry waste at high temperature (80 degrees C). Stripping process as pre- or post-treatment to anaerobic digestion has been also evaluated. Treatment performances differ according to pig slurry type. When fresh pig slurry is used, despite working at 80 degrees C, a high initial pH (11.5) is required for complete ammonia removal. On the other hand, for digested pig slurry, complete ammonia removal without pH modification is possible and organic matter significantly less contaminates recovered ammonia salt. Batch anaerobic tests showed that ammonia air stripping is not an advisable pre-treatment to pig slurry anaerobic digestion.  相似文献   

Biochemical methane potentials (BMP) of two different substrates from macroalgae (MA) and market place wastes (MPW) were investigated using anaerobic granulated sludge from food industry with different ratios of substrate to inoculum (S/X). The substrates were used as MA only, MPW only, MA–MPW mixture, pretreated MA, and pretreated MA–MPW mixture. Research involved investigation of the effects of parameters such as temperature (35, 45, and 55 °C), substrate to inoculum ratio (S/X = 0.5, 2.0, 4.0, and 6.0 as g VSsubstrate/g VSinoculum), and the type of pretreatment (by microwave, thermal, and ultrasonic) on BMP. BMP assays were performed for all substrates. The highest cumulative biogas production (and BMP) were obtained for MA only at an S/X ratio of 4.0 g VS/g VS as 357 Lbiogas/kg VS (197 L CH4/kg VS) and 33 Lbiogas/kg VS (17 L CH4/kg VS), respectively, at 35 and 55 °C. For pretreated substrates, the highest cumulative biogas production and BMP were observed as 287 Lbiogas/kg VS and 146 L CH4/kg VS using pretreated macroalgae at 35 °C. Results suggested that MA only and MA–MPW mixtures are suitable substrates for biogas production. It is also concluded that any type of pretreatment has adverse effects on biogas and methane productions.  相似文献   

Mineralogical and geochemical techniques can be used successfully to characterize and evaluate bottom ashes produced in waste incineration. At the present time, it is not quite clear to what extent the mineral phase compositions and the content of main elements and heavy metal concentrations of bottom ashes are influenced by the conditions of combustion. Once the location of heavy metals in or with specific minerals is known, it may be considered, in the light of technical possibilities, whether a change in temperature or in the residence time of waste in the combustion chamber could be sufficient to remove these components from their mineral phases.  相似文献   

Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management - We focused on incineration of solid waste and resource recycling, when clarifying how to achieve carbon neutrality (CN) by 2050; we describe how...  相似文献   


Phosphorus (P) recovery and recycling play a crucial role in improving resource efficiency, sustainable nutrient management and moving toward circular economy. Increasing demand for fertilizers, signs of geopolitical constraints, and high discharge of P to waterbodies are the other reasons to pursue the circularity of P. Various research have been carrying out and several processes have been developed for P-recovery from different resources. However, there is still a huge unexplored potential for P-recovery specially in the regional framework from the four main P-rich waste resources: food waste, manure, mining waste, and sewage sludge. This study reviews recovery methods of P from these secondary resources comprehensively. Additionally, it analyzes the Nordic viewpoint of P-cycle by evaluating Nordic reserves, demands, and secondary resources to gain a systematic assessment of how Nordic countries could move toward circular economy of P. Results of this study show that secondary resources of P in Nordic countries have the potential of replacing mineral fertilizer in these countries to a considerable extent. However, to overcome the challenges of P-recovery from studied resources, policymakers and researchers need to take decisions and make innovation along each other to open the new possibilities for Nordic economy.


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