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为了研究九龙江流域河流中溶解碳变化规律,分别于2017年7月与2018年1月对九龙江河水溶解无机碳(DIC)与溶解有机碳(DOC)进行了分析。丰水季河水DIC浓度为7.50~49.04 mg/L,平均值为22.12 mg/L,枯水季DIC浓度为8.84~84.91 mg/L,平均浓度41.17 mg/L,丰水季河水中的DOC浓度为0.54~2.89 mg/L,平均值为1.04 mg/L,枯水季河水中DOC浓度变化在1.34~3.56 mg/L之间,平均值为2.34 mg/L,据此计算了九龙江河水DOC、DIC的入海通量。研究结果表明九龙江河水中溶解碳具有显著的时空变化特征,通过与中国其他河流溶解碳数据对比,解释了碳酸盐岩的风化、气候变化、河流中浮游植物以及人类活动对九龙江河流溶解碳浓度的影响。  相似文献   

关于我国水价、水权和水市场改革的评论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在市场经济条件下,如何让市场在水资源配置领域发挥作用,是水管理改革面临的重要问题。引入经济手段管理水资源。已经成为当代中国水管理改革的重要内容。水资源管理的经济手段主要包括水价、水权和水市场,本文逐一对兰个方面的改革进展进行回顾和评价,揭示我国水价、水权和水市场的制度变迁轨迹。随着我国水价和水权制度的推进,水权市场的事例会越来越多涌现。尽管水市场在长期将有较大的发展。但是由于水市场线入涉及到一系列复杂的经济、社会和生态问题。决定了短期内水市场的发展空间相对有限。  相似文献   

The utilization of reclaimed water could be an efficient tool to alleviate water scarcity, especially for dry river augmentation. However, it is crucial to monitor water quality to ensure safety to human health and to avoid negative effects on the environment. Reclaimed water samples were collected bimonthly from May to November in 2010 in Chaobai River, and the physiochemical parameters were determined. The main results are as follows: The parameters exceeding the threshold value of the water guidelines are mainly nutrition related to nitrogen and phosphorus, which are known to increase the risk of eutrophication in surface waters. Additionally, nitrite and nitrate can be detrimental to human health. The majority of the parameters have a peaking concentration in May, whereas others either show significant temporal variation over the entire period or remain relatively constant in all four months. Correlation analysis shows that some parameters (pH, T and B) have no significant correlation with others, whereas significant positive correlation was found for Sr with EC and TDS, for Cl with TDS, for SiO2 with TP and for NO3–N with TN and a significant negative correlation between SO4 and Ba. According to principal component analysis, 60.108% of the total data is represented by dominant solutes, and the second principal component with a percentage of 31.876 comprises parameters related to nitrogen. Subsequent cluster analysis of parameters identified four groups, which represent different compositions, and samples in May differ from others.  相似文献   

The utilization of reclaimed water could be an efficient tool to alleviate water scarcity,especially for dry river augmentation.However,it is crucial to monitor water quality to ensure safety to human health and to avoid negative effects on the environment.Reclaimed water samples were collected bimonthly from May to November in 2010 in Chaobai River,and the physiochemical parameters were determined.The main results are as follows:The parameters exceeding the threshold value of the water guidelines are mainly nutrition related to nitrogen and phosphorus,which are known to increase the risk of eutrophication in surface waters.Additionally,nitrite and nitrate can be detrimental to human health.The majority of the parameters have a peaking concentration in May,whereas others either show significant temporal variation over the entire period or remain relatively constant in all four months.Correlation analysis shows that some parameters(pH,T and B) have no significant correlation with others,whereas significant positive correlation was found for Sr with EC and TDS,for CI with TDS,for Si02 with TP and for NO3-N with TN and a significant negative correlation between SO4 and Ba.According to principal component analysis,60.108%of the total data is represented by dominant solutes,and the second principal component with a percentage of 31.876 comprises parameters related to nitrogen.Subsequent cluster analysis of parameters identified four groups,which represent different compositions,and samples in May differ from others.  相似文献   

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