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为研究环氧乙烷在不同因素影响下扩散规律及其毒性影响范围,以某厂环氧乙烷储罐泄漏事故为背景,对环氧乙烷泄漏扩散规律进行模拟分析。运用FLUENT软件,模拟环氧乙烷随泄漏速率、自然风速和地面粗糙度变化时的动态扩散变化规律。模拟结果表明:1)泄漏速率越快,毒害范围越大,并且在一定条件下,泄漏速率每增加2.5 kg/s,特别严重毒害范围(灰区)最远距离会在下风向增加60~80 m,比较严重毒害范围(黑区)最远距离会在下风向增加20~40 m;2)自然风速越快,灰区范围会变得越来越小,但黑区的毒害范围会扩散得更大,当风速为8 m/s时达到最大值,风速超过8 m/s时,风速的增加反而会使黑区范围变小;3)地面粗糙度越大,对环氧乙烷扩散的阻碍作用越大,黑区范围变小,但地面粗糙度大于4 m后,其对扩散作用的影响与4 m时近乎一致。研究结果对环氧乙烷储罐泄漏事故的预防,应急疏散和救援具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

为了减少事故发生,以苯储罐为例,对危险化学品储罐区的事故后果进行研究.总结了目前一些典型事故后果模型——火灾、泄漏事故后果模型,选定了相适应的应用模型,然后建立适当的几何模型,通过设定各个边界条件,模拟出毒气扩散的范围以及池火灾的热辐射范围,进而采用Statistical软件拟合出泄漏后浓度以及热辐射量与距离之间的关系,为安全间距的设定奠定了良好的基础,对储罐区的本质安全化管理具有很好的指导作用.  相似文献   

为动态模拟有毒气体储罐泄漏扩散事故(toxic gas vessel leakage and dispersion,以下简称为TLD)的扩散过程,基于高斯点源瞬时泄漏模型,添加时间因子,将TLD的泄漏过程转换为一系列瞬时点源泄漏的叠加过程,从而获得任意时刻、任意位置的有毒气体浓度分布方程。以某氯气泄漏事故为例,模拟了有毒气体的扩散过程。结果表明,在初始阶段有毒气体储罐泄漏扩散的影响范围是逐步增大的;泄漏持续到一定时间,扩散过程趋于稳定;若假设泄漏条件不变,则此后的扩散过程类似于连续泄漏,影响范围保持不变。经与ALOHA软件的计算结果对比,两者在泄漏5分钟以后的模拟结果基本一致,本文所述模型模拟计算结果可信。  相似文献   

工厂三维建模及其事故模拟   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
利用Microstation软件对某化工厂区进行三维建模,在考虑实际外界风向、风速,不同点火源位置等重要影响因素的条件下,运用计算流体动力学(CFD)软件FLACS,研究了有毒、易燃易爆的氯乙烯液化气体储罐安全阀气体泄漏和储罐底部物料管线液态氯乙烯的泄漏、蒸发、扩散和爆炸作用等过程,计算结果可以给出氯乙烯火灾、爆炸或扩散中毒等事故后果的影响范围和相关精确物理量。模拟结果表明,对于常温下的氯乙烯液化气体球罐,球罐安全阀泄漏后罐区及周边不会有燃烧或爆炸危险;而物料管线在特定的液相泄漏情景下,蒸发扩散的氯乙烯气云则有可能发生气云爆炸;但在弱约束条件下,爆炸冲击波作用比较微弱。该研究方法及其结果可以为石油化工企业选址、设计布局、安全规划、风险分析、应急救援及事故调查等提供更加准确的依据。  相似文献   

以天津市某化工厂液氨罐泄漏为背景,在氨泄漏后果分析的基础上,用ALOHA(有害大气区域定位)模拟软件对事故影响范围进行模拟,得到可能事故场景下的氨气扩散区域、闪火可燃区域和蒸气云爆炸超压影响区域,以及射火和BLEVE火球热辐射影响.结果表明,液氨爆炸和火灾事故中BLEVE事故造成的危害范围最大,其次是蒸气云、闪火,最后是射火.液氨泄漏扩散事故影响范围可达几千米,应针对不同伤害区域采取不同方式和不同程度的救援措施.  相似文献   

以某石油化工厂区为工程应用背景,通过对环氧乙烷储罐区计算模型的建立,应用池火灾评价法对环氧乙烷储罐发生池火灾的热辐射伤害区域进行了定量计算,得出环氧乙烷罐区发生池火灾的各级影响半径和造成的伤害程度。结果表明,只有当人员撤离罐区67.35 m范围外方可避免受到热辐射伤害。从环氧乙烷罐区的整体安全性出发,提出了具体的防护措施和建议,为企业的安全管理工作提供参考依据。  相似文献   

CAMEO在突发性环境污染事故应急中的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以化工和石化企业危险品储罐区突发性泄漏事故为背景,介绍了CAMEO模型的基本原理和毒性关注浓度的确定原则,并利用ALOHA对某储罐区苯泄漏的情况进行了模拟计算.通过指定苯毒性风险的ERPGs浓度,得出发生泄漏时泄漏点下风向苯毒性风险的撤离区、躲藏区和关注区的半径以及蒸气云的可燃半径.通过增加工作场所有害因素职业接触限值质量浓度和居民区大气中有害物质的最高允许质量浓度,得出安全区和达标区范围,并在电子地图上标出了风险范围.最后比较了ALOHA与ARCHIE的异同点.指出CAMEO是集化学物质性质数据库、扩散模型和图形表达于一体的快速污染事故应急模型,并可以通过自定义的浓度数值扩大ALOHA的使用范围,为环境风险分析、指导事故现场应急救援以及采取有效防护措施以减少事故损失提供依据.  相似文献   

为了研究LPG储罐泄漏危害范围的变化规律,本文在分析LPG储罐结构类型的基础上,针对LPG泄漏事故后果类型,结合危害范围的模拟方法,借助ALOHA软件,对常温压力储存和低温常压储存条件下LPG储罐泄漏事故及泄漏可能导致的火灾爆炸事故的危害范围进行模拟。结果表明:LPG储罐发生泄漏或泄漏导致火灾爆炸事故,常温压力储存条件下的危害范围大于低温常压储存条件下的危害范围;在同种储存条件下,蒸气云爆炸、沸腾液体扩展蒸气爆炸、泄漏扩散、喷射火所造成的危害范围依次变小。研究结果为现场指挥员制定决策提供量化依据,为国家综合性消防救援队现场处置提供数据支持,同时也为应急管理部制定预案提供参考。  相似文献   

本文以北京某冷库输氨管道为背景,在对液氨泄漏事故结果进行分析的基础上,运用ALOHA(有害大气区域定位)的仿真软件对事故发生影响范围进行了仿真,并得出危险发生情景下的液氨扩散范围、蒸气云爆炸影响范围、闪火影响范围、射火热辐射影响范围和BLEVE火球热辐射影响范围.结果表明BLEVE事故影响范围最大可能对半径119 m环...  相似文献   

1事故概况 3月5日3点15分,九江化工厂租赁给九江大洋公司的环氧丙烷生产线上用于储存环氧乙烷的储罐,在停产三个月的情况下突然发生爆炸,爆炸导致现场两台环氧乙烷储罐及阀门、管道、仪表的损坏,其中爆炸那台储罐从顶部裂开,断裂位置全都在母材和热影响区。断口成45度斜口,后封头飞出离罐体33米,筒体部份展开。碎片击穿邻近一台同规格环氧乙烷储罐。  相似文献   

Release of chlorine gas causes deaths and injuries to workers and the public, resulting in the evacuation of communities and adversely affecting the environment as a whole. The off-site emergency plan is an integral part of any major hazard control system. This paper highlights some salient features of the emergency scenario from a chemical plant, which ultimately lead to fatal consequences all around upon releases of toxic chlorine gas. A typical scenario illustrating the dispersion model of chlorine (for three isopleths concentration) has been estimated by Complex Hazards Air Release Model (CHARM) software package. The enlarged form of this model diagram has been outlined on the area map of the study area for contingency planning. As a broad guide line to the district authorities for contingency planning, evacuation time has also been calculated with reference to a concentration level of 3 ppm chlorine.  相似文献   

环氧乙烷生产安全——热力学效应中的温度控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从化工热力学角度出发,讨论当前工业生产常用的氧气氧化法制环氧乙烷工艺中,乙烯氧化反应单元氧化反应器易发生"飞温",而导致火灾爆炸等重大事故的原因:主副反应均为放热反应;副反应为完全氧化反应,反应热为主反应的十几倍;温度升高将导致反应选择性下降,速率加快,系统进入"自热"状况,进而导致热失控,甚至引发火灾爆炸事故。进而提出温度控制是保证氧气氧化法制环氧乙烷生产安全的关键,并建议工业生产中采用改善反应器结构、改良催化剂、改进换热方式、加入抑制剂以及采用比热容更大的甲烷气致稳等控温措施。  相似文献   

Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations have been conducted for dense gas dispersion of liquefied natural gas (LNG). The simulations have taken into account the effects of gravity, time-dependent downwind and crosswind dispersion, and terrain. Experimental data from the Burro series field tests, and results from integral model (DEGADIS) have been used to assess the validity of simulation results, which were found to compare better with experimental data than the commonly used integral model DEGADIS. The average relative error in maximum downwind gas concentration between CFD predictions and experimental data was 19.62%.The validated CFD model was then used to perform risk assessment for most-likely-spill scenario at LNG stations as described in the standard of NFPA 59A (2009) “Standard for the Production, Storage and Handling of Liquefied Natural Gas”. Simulations were conducted to calculate the gas dispersion behaviour in the presence of obstacles (dikes walls). Interestingly for spill at a higher elevation, e.g., tank top, the effect of impounding dikes on the affected area was minimal. However, the impoundment zone did affect the wind velocity field in general, and generated a swirl inside it, which then played an important function in confining the dispersion cloud inside the dike. For most cases, almost 75% of the dispersed vapour was retained inside the impoundment zone. The finding and analysis presented here will provide an important tool for designing LNG plant layout and site selection.  相似文献   

Mathematical models used to optimize the process plant layout (PPL) with risk reduction have four primary objectives, which are related to the minimization of land, pumping (pipe system), protection system devices, and risk costs. Moreover, these models are of two types: continuous plane models (CPM) and grid-based models (GBM); however, the nonconvexity of the CPM models makes difficult to achieve the global optimum, because it is formulated as Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Programming (MINLP). Thus, the risk map approach has been implemented with the grid-based models to solve problems of process plant layout focused on finding the best possible solution. However, these risk map formulations present important limitations, mainly related with the use of protection devices and the occupied area. Therefore, a new GBM-MILP formulation is proposed to optimize the selection of protection devices and minimize the occupied area. The risk is reduced through the investment on safety devices instead of considering the increase of separation distances. The proposed model was used to solve the layout problem of an ethylene oxide process, and the results was compared with a process layout reported in the literature. The results show that the model can provide the best possible solution; however, the time spent in the calculation is considerably greater than that reported for continuous plane models. Finally, the model can be used by decision-makers to evaluate different layout options for several explosion scenarios, during the early stages of the plant design.  相似文献   

HAZOP analysis is a process hazard analysis method that has been widely applied both within and outside the chemical processing industries. This paper presents a design method for a process safety data management program for petrochemical plants based on HAZOP analysis and demonstrates the steps of application involved in building a process safety data management system for an ethylene oxide/ethylene glycol production plant. Firstly, the production data files and relevant documents of the plants should be classified and stored in the program database as reference documents and treatment schemes for coping with abnormal situations should be collected and summarized as guidance documents. Secondly, the HAZOP analysis method is employed to identify all the dangerous deviations possibly existing in the production process of the ethylene oxide/ethylene glycol plant. Then, the relationships among the deviations, the reference documents and the guidance documents should be considered and evaluated. Finally, each dangerous deviation will be given a corresponding reference document and guidance document. The reference documents and guidance documents stored in the expert system can be utilized to help operators solve the corresponding technical problems and cope with abnormal situations. The process safety data management program will contribute to the identification, analysis and resolution of operation problems. When an abnormal situation occurs, according to the deviations exhibited in the system, the necessary reference documents and guidance documents will be quickly consulted by the operators, and an appropriate decision will be made to address the abnormal situation. Therefore, by using the process safety data management program, plant security and human safety in the petrochemical industries will be improved.  相似文献   

The rapidly growing capacity and scale of the world's petrochemical industries have forced many plants to have an even larger amount of hazardous substances. Once a serious leak occurs, the outcome of the effect zone could be very large or even uncontrollable just like the Bhopal disaster. In order to assess the risk of a cross-regional damage, this study aims to develop a model that can combine the benefits of both CFD model of the microscale simulation and the Gaussian dispersion model of the mesoscale simulation.The developed integrated model is employed on a toxic chemical tank leak accident of a process plant within an industrial park in order to explore the consequences and the risk of the toxic gas dispersion on three different scopes; one is the accident site, the second is the long-distance transmission route of the mesoscale area and the third is a target city. According to the simulation's results, it is obvious that the complexity of the structure surrounding the leaking tank will eventually affect the maximum ground concentration, the cloud shapes and cloud dilution rate, while the released gas is under dispersion. On the other hand, since the simple Gaussian dispersion model doesn't consider the above impacts, its calculation results will have many differences as compared to the realistic situation. This integrated model can be used as a tool for estimating the risk on a microscale or mesoscale areas and it can produce better results when an environmental impact analysis is required for a larger hazardous chemical process.  相似文献   

以液氯储罐泄漏为研究对象,运用ALOHA软件进行模拟分析。结果表明,泄漏后相同地点室外浓度均远高于室内浓度,室内气体的浓度随距离的增加而减小,浓度峰值的出现在时间上较室外有延迟。研究了液氯室外泄漏情况下影响室内气体浓度的各种因素。随着换气次数的增加,室内气体的最高浓度不断增加,浓度下降的速率也增大。风速和地面粗糙度的增加均会降低室内气体的最高浓度。室内气体的最高浓度随温度的上升而有所增加,但影响并不显著。连续泄漏时,室内外浓度均低于瞬时泄漏时的浓度。连续泄漏时室内浓度上升到最高值时需要的时间较长。  相似文献   

The release of chemicals due to road transportation accidents could have adverse consequences such as fatality, physical and financial loss and environmental damage. The purpose of this study was to determine the suitable margin of safety/survival of individuals in HAZMAT road transportation accidents for use in Emergency Response Planning (ERP). In this study, at first, the safety margin and survival margin were defined and proposed. Then, as a case study, the chemical tanker trucks in Iran's road transport fleet were investigated and the full bore rupture of the tanker trucks was considered as the selective scenario. Eventually, safety margin and survival margin were determined using ALOHA and PHAST software and the Chemical Exposure Index (CEI). The results showed that using the CEI, among the selected chemicals, ammonia, chlorine and 1,3-butadiene had the highest chemical release potential with the exposure indices of 597, 548 and 284, respectively, and need further investigation. The possible safety margin obtained in this study was distances over 5100 m (using ALOHA software for ammonia) and 10,983 m (using PHAST software for chlorine). On the other hand, the survival margin was distances over 980 m away from the accident area (using ALOHA software for ammonia) and 620 m away from the accident area (using the PHAST software for chlorine). The results of this study indicate that determining the safety and survival margins surrounding the tanker trucks and containers of chemicals is a critical issue for the emergency response planning and determining the standards of road's safety and survival margins. On the other hand, due to the obtainment of different results by various methods and software, in road accidents, the highest hazard distance is suggested to be considered to determine the safety margin (distances longer than 10,983 m) and survival margin (distances longer than 980 m) for ERP, regardless of the type of used material and software.  相似文献   

The article focuses on analyzing risks associated with the gas transfer operation in a liquified petroleum gas (LPG) bottling plant in India. The transfer operations involve transferring liquified gas from the transport tanker to the underground storage tank. Due to the rapid expansion of the cities, many LPG bottling plants in India got surrounded by residential areas and business centers. Moreover, to maintain the supply chain, the frequency of the transfer operations at the bottling plant also increased. In this scenario, an accidental release of LPG during the transfer operation may lead to various consequences such as a pool fire, a fireball, and even a catastrophic rupture of the tank with a successive explosion of its contents. In the study, the operations involved in bottling plants are classified into different hazard zones and analyzed. The probability of occurrence of events leading to an accident is modeled using modeling tools such as ALOHA and PHAST. The consequences of an accident following various events, such as jet fire, fireball, etc., are modeled, and the simulation results are compared. The thermal radiation has been estimated as 4–40 kW/m2, which could adversely affect the nearby population and could result in damaging plant machinery and equipment.  相似文献   

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