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为推动危化品企业开展安全风险分级管控和隐患排查治理双重预防机制数字化建设工作,防范重大安全风险,提出了基于企业主要负责人牵头的工作推进机制、有全面覆盖的安全风险分级管控措施、有全员参与和周期明确的隐患排查治理制度、有线上线下融合的数字化系统、有持续推进的激励约束机制的“五有”建设模式,建立了双重预防机制运行效果评估标准。结果表明通过重点管控可能造成严重事故后果的风险事件以及数字化技术应用,可有效解决以往风险管控措施不落实、隐患排查不精准、全员参与不充分、整改情况难追溯等难点问题。  相似文献   

曹金莉  张维兵 《安全》2023,(2):77-80
为了构建适合于烟草行业的双重预防机制,云南省大理州烟草专卖局(公司)在国家、烟草行业和云南省烟草专卖局(公司)的要求下,创新全员网格化安全管理,并将全员网格化安全管理与双重预防机制有机融合,建立起安全生产工作“层层负责、人人有责、各负其职”的工作体系。结果表明:这种融合既能够解决风险分级管控“落实难”、隐患排查治理“不及时”、欠缺专业知识“干不好”等问题,也能有效落实全员安全生产责任制,持续推进双重预防机制建设。  相似文献   

近年来频繁发生的危化品领域典型安全生产事故暴露出现阶段安全风险管控手段仍存在诸多问题,实践证明,推进危化品企业双重预防机制建设是大势所趋,能够显著提升企业整体安全管理水平,而先进的安全文化理念可有效助力企业危化品安全风险管控数字化智能化建设。本文结合危化品企业双重预防机制建设过程中成立领导机构、编制实施方案、开展全员培训、完善管理制度、开发信息化系统等各阶段的具体工作,融入突出组织引领、强化顶层设计、重视全员培训、持续与时俱进的先进安全文化理念,为双重预防机制建设提供强有力支撑。  相似文献   

郑毛景  刘欣  佟瑞鹏 《安全》2014,35(9):58-59
《安全社区建设基本要求》规定:“社区应建立事故和伤害预防的全员参与机制,建立社区内各职能部门、各单位和组织间的有效协商机制和合作伙伴关系,建立群众组织和志愿者组织并充分发挥其作用,提高全员参与率。全员参与机制强调人的力量,侧重于动态的共建过程”。因此,  相似文献   

正为全面推进焦作市安全生产风险隐患双重预防体系建设,焦作市安委会办公室研究制定了《焦作市2021年持续深化安全生产风险隐患双重预防体系建设工作方案》。经过一系列的推动,焦作市基本建成信息通畅、全员参与、规范有效和可考核、可智控、可追溯的双重预防体系,提升安全生产风险管控和隐患治理保障能力,夯实遏制重特大事故的坚实基础。  相似文献   

<正>"双控"机制指安全生产风险分级管控和隐患排查治理双重预防机制,简称为"双重预防机制"。2016年10月,国务院安委会办公室下发了《关于实施遏制重特大事故工作指南构建双重预防机制的意见》(安委办[2016]11号),提出"构建安全风险分级管控和隐患排查治理双重预防机制,是遏制重特大事故的重要举措",要求各地区、各有关单位按照安全生产"关口前移,源头管控"原则,迅速贯彻、积极行动,结合实际大胆探索、扎实推进双重预防机制建设。  相似文献   

为有效开展电力施工企业双重预防机制建设工作,本文基于电力施工企业双重预防机制建设实际,探讨电力施工企业在双重预防机制建设方面存在的问题,提出符合电力施工企业特点的双重预防机制构建思路及关键内容,按照该构建思路及关键内容可有效提升电力施工企业双重预防工作机制建设水平,提高企业本质安全水平.  相似文献   

为有效遏制大型水电工程中重特大事故的发生,探索并构建双重预防机制。以白鹤滩水电站为例,系统介绍双重预防机制构建流程,在大量工程项目风险控制实践的基础上,总结提炼出“以安全设计减少风险源头、以本质安全强化风险管控、以安全隐患微信系统深化隐患排查治理”作为重要途径和手段。结果表明:以建设单位为主导,在参建单位主动参与的管理模式下,使用反馈分析并持续改进的方法,可形成统一、规范、高效的双重预防机制。  相似文献   

<正>近年来,重特大事故时有发生,对于企业而言,如何在发展经济的同时,加强风险管控,遏制重特大事故发生,成为了企业面临的重要问题。本文针对油气化工码头经营企业安全管理,就安全风险分级管控和隐患排查治理双重预防机制(简称双重预防机制)建设的工作思路及实施程序进行了阐述,希望能为油气化工码头经营企业双重预防机制建设提供参考。背景近年来,国家高度重视安全生产工作,2021年修订的《中华人民共和国安全生产法》  相似文献   

正为全面推进安全风险分级管控和隐患排查治理双重预防体系机制(简称"双重预防机制")建设。近日,泉州市政府安委会出台了《关于全面推进安全风险分级管控和隐患排查治理双重预防机制建设的通知》。据悉,2016年11月以来,泉州市各级各有关部门认真制定双重预防机制建设方案、编制标准规范、培育标杆企业、强化教  相似文献   

为了减少安全事故的发生,进一步加强和规范企业生产现场的安全管理,探索双重预防机制在企业安全管理中的应用,结合家具制造企业安全生产现状,运用风险分级管控与隐患排查的相关理论,详细论述了企业构建双重预防体系的要点及方法,并提出了双重预防体系的监督与考核机制。实践结果证明,双重预防机制是一个统一的有机结合体,只有将风险分级管控体系和隐患排查治理体系有机结合,才能将导致事故发生的根源性因素进行有效识别和管控,双重预防机制建设也是一个动态管理的过程,需要及时进行监督、考核和调整。  相似文献   

为解决双重预防机制基本概念不清晰、创建方法不明确等问题,采用理论研究和实践相结合的方式,首先分析了国内外关于危险源、危险和有害因素、安全风险、隐患等基本概念,完善了安全风险的定义,研究了危险源与“危险和有害因素”、危险源与隐患、危险源与安全风险之间的关系。其次通过分析安全风险管控与隐患排查治理的内在关系,表明了开展双重预防机制的实际意义。最后提出了双重预防机制的创建程序和方法。  相似文献   



As the evidence-based movement has advanced in public health, changes in public health practices have lagged far behind creating a science to service gap. For example, science has produced effective falls prevention interventions for older adults. It now is clearer WHAT needs to be done to reduce injury and death related to falls. However, issues have arisen regarding HOW to assure the full and effective uses of evidence-based programs in practice.


Lessons learned from the science and practice of implementation provide guidance for how to change practices by developing new competencies, how to change organizations to support evidence-based practices, and how to change public health systems to align system functions with desired practices. The combination of practice, organization, and system change likely will produce the public health benefits that are the promise of evidence-based falls prevention interventions.

Impact on public health

For the past several decades, the emphasis has been solely on evidence-based interventions. Public health will benefit from giving equal emphasis to evidence-based implementation.

Impact on Industry

We now have over two decades of research on the effectiveness of fall prevention interventions. The quality of this research is judged by a number of credible international organizations, including the Cochrane Collaboration (http://www.cochrane.org/), the American and British Geriatrics Societies, and the Campbell Collaboration (http://www.campbellcollaboration.org/). These international bodies were formed to ponder and answer questions related to the quality and relevance of research. These developments are a good first step. However, while knowing WHAT to do (an evidence-based intervention) is critical, we also need to know HOW to effectively implement the evidence. Implementation, organization change, and system change methods produce the conditions that allow and support the full and effective use of evidence-based interventions. It is time to focus on utilization of implementation knowledge in public health. Without this focus the vast amount on new evidence being generated on the prevention of falls and related injuries among older adults will have little impact on their health and safety.  相似文献   

我国建筑工程领域生产事故频发,建筑工人相比其他行业也显著表现出了高流动性的特点。研究目的在于分析建筑工人流动性对施工安全水平的影响机理。采用文献阅读法,引入安全沟通和安全参与两个中介变量,初步构建了建筑工人流动性影响施工安全水平的理论模型;运用问卷调查法收集数据,采用结构方程(SEM)进行理论验证。结果表明,建筑工人流动性对安全沟通、安全参与和施工安全水平都有显著负向影响,流动性越高,施工安全水平越低。  相似文献   

为降低危化品相关的化工事故造成的人员伤亡和财产损失,以化工多米诺事故为研究对象,探讨由初始事故引发1个或多个次生事故的连锁反应机理与风险评估方法。提出应用蒙特卡洛模拟对多米诺事故风险进行动态量化的方法,梳理化工多米诺事故风险的识别、分析、评定、处理全周期管理流程,并以1个天然气压气站为案例,验证基于蒙卡模拟的化工多米诺事故风险量化方法的有效性。结果表明:该方法可以更准确地对化工多米诺事故风险进行定量评估。多米诺事故风险全周期管理流程的梳理能够有效指导化工企业开展安全管理、事故预防等工作。  相似文献   

From the 1960s, Korean industries have been encouraged by the government to nurture heavy and chemical industry and to modernize the economics and industrial structures. The development of chemical industry particularly became the turning point in industrial development, and played a major role in the construction of a new industrialized country. However, the process systems in the chemical industry have become more complex and larger, and the inventories of dangerous chemicals that are produced or consumed have continuously increased. Therefore, the hazards from potential accidents such as fire and explosion or release of toxic chemicals have also increased. In fact, from the end of 1980s to the beginning of 1990s in Korea, a number of major industrial accidents such as ABS extruder explosion, TDI release and dryer explosion, etc. Occurred and caused many fatalities. As the chemical companies recognized the importance of preventing major hazards, PSM system, the prevention of major industrial accidents, was introduced in January 1995 by amending Industrial Safety and Health Act, and it has been enforced from January 1, 1996. According to the law, the business owner of a workplace with hazardous or dangerous equipment shall submit a process safety report to the Government to prevent any accidents, which could inflict an immediate damage on workers or on areas in the vicinity of the workplaces. As a result of PSM implementation for 19 years, chemical accident prevention system has been stabilized and various kinds of effectiveness and desirable customer satisfaction have been made.  相似文献   

A new-generation safety campaign has been taking place in southern Finland since 1997. The Finnish Construction Employer’s Association together with trade unions, safety inspectorates, and other institutions have been organising a safety contest based on the standardised TR-observation method. Safety inspectors conduct evaluation visits without previous notice to the sites, and best performing companies and sites are rewarded at annually held public seminars. Even though participation is voluntary, more than 70% of the total number of construction sites in the target area have participated in the contest, and the results have been successful. Deficiencies in protection against falling have decreased by 63%, in order and tidiness by 69%, and in working habits by 51%. The effectiveness is also evident in the accident figures. An estimated 4000 accidents and three fatalities are prevented each year, while other parts of the country during the same period show no improvement in accident risk. A key success factor may be the adoption among firms of a new, standardised safety monitoring method which has been used effectively by senior management teams. The method employs a combination of penalties and incentives in order to set and enforce new safety targets. Another success factor is the close co-operation between the construction industry, labour organisations and safety authorities.  相似文献   

通过构建健康体检、健康分析、健康宣传、健康维护、健康保障"五位一体"的"健康兰铁"管理体系,从横向、深度层面开展职工健康维护和慢性病防治,以期达到降低健康风险、提高健康水平的目的。从广泛开展职工慢性病防治、实施重点人群全覆盖等方面阐述健康行动计划的实施,分析3年健康维护管理的效果和存在的不足,提出应加大宣传力度、进行长期探索努力。  相似文献   

IntroductionFalls are the leading cause of death and third leading cause of non-fatal injuries in construction. In an effort to combat these numbers, The National Campaign to Prevent Falls in Construction began in April 2012. As the campaign gained momentum, a week called the National Safety Stand-Down to Prevent Falls was launched to draw attention to the campaign and its goals. The purpose of this paper is to examine the reach of the Stand-Down and lessons learned from its implementation.MethodsThe Occupational Safety & Health Administration offered a certificate of participation during the Stand-Down. To print the certificate, respondents provided information about their company and stand-down event. CPWR - The Center for Construction Research and Training conducted analyses on the data collected to assess reach and extent of participation.ResultsIn 2014, 4,882 stand-downs were reported. The total number reported in 2015 was 3,759. The number of participants, however, increased from 770,193 in 2014 to 1,041,307 in 2015.DiscussionThe Stand-Down successfully reached the construction industry and beyond. Respondents were enthusiastic and participated nationally and internationally in variety of activities. They also provided significant feedback that will be influential in future campaign planning.ConclusionNumbers of Stand-Downs and participants for both years are estimated to be substantially higher than the data recorded from the certificate database. While we cannot determine impact, the reach of the Stand-Down has surpassed expectations.Practical applicationsThe data gathered provide support for the continuation of the Stand-Down. Campaign planners incorporated findings into future Stand-Down planning, materials creation, and promotion. This analysis also provides insight on how organizations can partner to create targeted national campaigns that include activities stakeholders in the construction industry respond to, and can be used to replicate our efforts for other safety and health initiatives in construction and other industries.  相似文献   

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