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根据日本废弃物管理的基本原则与存在的问题,介绍了目前日本废弃物的管理制度与现状。  相似文献   

日本地下水环境质量标准及监测方法   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
在大量查阅日本法律法规、质量报告书和专题报告书的基础上,论述了日本地下水质量标准构成及监测方法.  相似文献   

<正>人民日报报道近年来,在全球垃圾排放量不断攀升的大背景下,日本却出现了垃圾排放量连年下降的趋势。2015年日本垃圾排放总量已经从2000年峰值的5 483万t降至4 398万t。日本人均垃圾排放量同样呈下行趋势,早在2008年就已降至每天千克以下。其实,日本也曾有遭遇垃圾围城、甚至造成严重环境污染的痛苦经历。为解决垃圾问题,日本在上世纪90年代导入循环经济理念。1991年,日本颁布实施了《资源有效利用促进法》,该法提出要把垃圾当作资源来对待,倡导把自主回收和循环利用作为垃圾处理的重要手段。2000年,日本又提出构建"循环型社会"的目标,即从可持续视角出发,把垃圾处理贯彻到社会生产的源流、过程及最终处置等整个过程,推行实施"减少原料、再利用及循环利用"等三大解决方案。  相似文献   

伴随着日本经济的高速发展,其水环境污染问题十分严峻,防治水污染成为日本政府在20—21世纪的重要工作之一。经过几十年的努力,日本水污染治理取得长足进展。目前日本水环境监测已经形成由水和土壤等方面组成的水循环监测体系,包括地表水、近海、湖泊、地下水和土壤等。在日本的重要环保法律法规中均有涉及水环境监测工作内容的明确法律条文,国家行政机关、地方政府和公立的科研单位在具体实施水环境质量监测过程中的职责和义务不同,水环境质量监测管理的国家行政机关以环境省为主,地方政府根据环境省制定的水环境质量标准、监测技术方法及规范,制定所辖地域的监测方案并实施监测,公立的环境科研机构在环境质量监测工作中起到重要的支撑作用。笔者概述了日本开展水环境质量监测的法律依据和监测管理情况等。  相似文献   

日本环境省目前进行筹备,预计将自2010年开始,执行一项长达12年的儿童生长环境风险研究计划。该计划将在2010年以日本6万名孕妇为对象,追踪在该年出生的日本新一代,从胎儿到12岁期间,受环境中毒性化学物影响所产生的健康变化,以确立儿童发展受环境物质影响之因素,建立适当的国民健康环境风险管理标准。  相似文献   

新华网消息正举行亚太经合组织领导人非正式会议的日本横滨市,在城市低碳化建设方面取得许多成绩,并因此获得日本环境模范城市称号。不过,横滨市的“低碳经”不是靠念出来的,而是靠做出来的。  相似文献   

日本水产厅最近制订了一项新的环保技术开发项目,旨在应用微生物分解处理海洋石油污染,在为期五年的计划包括室内实验、微生物培养和实用化实验。根据日本专家的意见,假单细胞菌属的200种以上的微生物可以将海面漂浮油垢分解成水等无害物质。日本加强生物清理石油污染技术的研究@吕璜~~  相似文献   

北京日报消息 一些科学家14日提醒,日本福岛县所在地区再遭高级别地震的风险大,发生事故的福岛第一核电站必须加强安全措施,以防二次遭灾。同一天,日本原子能委员会委员长近藤骏介承认,福岛第一核电站存在设计缺陷,但他认为,核电站再次失控的可能性不大。  相似文献   

基于2020年高精度遥感解译数据,选择贵阳市观山湖区和日本福知山市为典型山地代表,比较中日山地城市生产—生活—生态空间(三生空间)的景观格局。结果表明:日本福知山市“三生空间”的景观连通度和聚集度高于观山湖区,但景观破碎度和多样性程度低于贵阳观山湖区。在较低地形梯度带,日本福知山市“三生空间”的景观破碎化程度、连通度、多样性程度均高于贵阳观山湖区,但在较高地形梯度带,日本福知山市与观山湖区的景观指数呈相反特点。通过比较中日山地城市“三生空间”的景观格局,以期为中国山地城市空间优化提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Research on biological indicators of soil pollution is hampered by soil variability and temporal and spatial fluctuations of numbers of soil animals. These characters on the other hand promote a high biological diversity in the soil. A high diversity combined with persistent soil pollutants increases the chance to select good indicators. However research on these topics is still limited. Examples of specific indicators are the changed arthropod species patterns due to pesticide influence and the changed soil enzyme activity under the influence of specific heavy metals. Another approach is to look for organisms that give a general indication of soil pollution. In this respect the earthworm species Allolobophora caliginosa proved to be sensitive for different types of manure especially pig manure with copper, for sewage sludge, for municipal waste compost and for fly ash. A third way of indication is by organisms accumulating pollutants. For some heavy metals (Cd, Zn), earthworms are very efficient accumulators. More research is needed especially on the specific relation between biological responses and abiotic soil characteristics.  相似文献   

Desertification involves the loss of soil productive potential, but a means of assessing and monitoring the progress of desertification on the soil has been elusive. Soil is so varied and complex that methods of assessing condition are too slow, tedious, and expensive for routine use. Moreover, differences in soil type can be confused with soil condition. This paper presents a structured method of assessing soil condition. This method is based on recognizing and classifying soil surface features and examining soil properties that reflect the status of the processes of erosion, infiltration, and nutrient cycling. Published in the form of a user manual, the method has the following three stages: (1) defining the geomorphic setting of the site, (2) recognizing patch/interpatch associations and the mode of erosion at the landscape scale, and (3) assessing soil surface condition ratings in quadrats sited within the landscape pattern patches. Stage 3 is achieved by observing each of 11 features in the field and classifying their status according to detailed fieldnotes and photographs. The method applies to a wide range of soil types and biogeographical regimes and has proven to be repeatable among observers and quickly transferred to new observers.  相似文献   

Soil degradation associated with soil erosion and land use is a critical problem in Iran and there is little or insufficient scientific information in assessing soil quality indicator. In this study, factor analysis (FA) and discriminant analysis (DA) were used to identify the most sensitive indicators of soil quality for evaluating land use and soil erosion within the Hiv catchment in Iran and subsequently compare soil quality assessment using expert opinion based on soil surface factors (SSF) form of Bureau of Land Management (BLM) method. Therefore, 19 soil physical, chemical, and biochemical properties were measured from 56 different sampling sites covering three land use/soil erosion categories (rangeland/surface erosion, orchard/surface erosion, and rangeland/stream bank erosion). FA identified four factors that explained for 82 % of the variation in soil properties. Three factors showed significant differences among the three land use/soil erosion categories. The results indicated that based upon backward-mode DA, dehydrogenase, silt, and manganese allowed more than 80 % of the samples to be correctly assigned to their land use and erosional status. Canonical scores of discriminant functions were significantly correlated to the six soil surface indices derived of BLM method. Stepwise linear regression revealed that soil surface indices: soil movement, surface litter, pedestalling, and sum of SSF were also positively related to the dehydrogenase and silt. This suggests that dehydrogenase and silt are most sensitive to land use and soil erosion.  相似文献   

Geochemistry in the modern soil survey program   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Elemental analysis has played an important role in the characterization of soils since inception of the soil survey in the US. Recent efforts in analysis of trace and major elements (geochemistry) have provided necessary data to soil survey users in a variety of areas. The first part of this paper provides a brief overview of elemental sources, forms, mobility, and bioavailability; critical aspects important to users of soil survey geochemical data for appropriate use and interpretations. Examples are provided based on data gathered as part of the US soil survey program. The second part addresses the organization of sample collection in soil survey and how soil surveys are ideally suited as a sampling strategy for soil geochemical studies. Geochemistry is functional in characterization of soil types, determining soil processes, ecological evaluation, or issues related to soil quality and health, such as evaluating suitability of soils for urban or agricultural land use. Applications of geochemistry are on-going across the US and are documented herein. This analytical direction of soil survey complements historic efforts of the National Cooperative Soil Survey Program and addresses the increasing need of soil survey users for data that assists in understanding the influence of human activities on soil properties.  相似文献   

The properties of nanoparticles and their increased use have raised concerns about their possible harmful effects within the environment. Most studies on their effects have been in aqueous systems. Here we investigated the effect of TiO(2) and ZnO nanoparticles on wheat growth and soil enzyme activities under field conditions. Both of the nanoparticles reduced the biomass of wheat. The TiO(2) nanoparticles were retained in the soil for long periods and primarily adhered to cell walls of wheat. The ZnO nanoparticles dissolved in the soil, thereby enhancing the uptake of toxic Zn by wheat. The nanoparticles also induced significant changes in soil enzyme activities, which are bioindicators of soil quality and health. Soil protease, catalase, and peroxidase activities were inhibited in the presence of the nanoparticles; urease activity was unaffected. The nanoparticles themselves or their dissolved ions were clearly toxic for the soil ecosystem.  相似文献   

The Korean government recently proposed expanding the number of soil-quality standards to 30 by 2015. The objectives of our study were to construct a reasonable protocol for screening priority soil contaminants for inclusion in the planned soil quality standard expansion. The chemical ranking system of soil pollution substances (CROSS) was first developed to serve as an analytical tool in chemical scoring and ranking of possible soil pollution substances. CROSS incorporates important parameters commonly used in several previous chemical ranking and scoring systems and the new soil pollution parameters. CROSS uses soil-related parameters in its algorithm, including information related to the soil environment, such as soil ecotoxicological data, the soil toxic release inventory (TRI), and soil partitioning coefficients. Soil TRI and monitoring data were incorporated as local specific parameters. In addition, CROSS scores the transportability of chemicals in soil because soil contamination may result in groundwater contamination. Dermal toxicity was used in CROSS only to consider contact with soil. CROSS uses a certainty score to incorporate data uncertainty. CROSS scores the importance of each candidate substance and assigns rankings on the basis of total scores. Cadmium was the most highly ranked. Generally, metals were ranked higher than other substances. Pentachlorophenol, phenol, dieldrin, and methyl tert-butyl ether were ranked the highest among chlorinated compounds, aromatic compounds, pesticides, and others, respectively. The priority substance list generated from CROSS will be used in selecting substances for possible inclusion in the Korean soil quality standard expansion; it will also provide important information for designing a soil-environment management scheme.  相似文献   

This study investigates the ability of different digital soil mapping (DSM) approaches to predict some of physical and chemical topsoil properties in the Shahrekord plain of Chaharmahal-Va-Bakhtiari province, Iran. According to a semi-detailed soil survey, 120 soil samples were collected from 0 to 30 cm depth with approximate distance of 750 m. Particle size distribution, coarse fragments (CFs), electrical conductivity (EC), pH, organic carbon (OC), and calcium carbonate equivalent (CCE) were determined. Four machine learning techniques, namely, artificial neural networks (ANNs), boosted regression tree (BRT), generalized linear model (GLM), and multiple linear regression (MLR), were used to identify the relationship between soil properties and auxiliary information (terrain attributes, remote sensing indices, geology map, existing soil map, and geomorphology map). Root-mean-square error (RMSE) and mean error (ME) were considered to determine the performance of the models. Among the studied models, GLM showed the highest performance to predict pH, EC, clay, silt, sand, and CCE, whereas the best model is not necessarily able to make accurate estimation. According to RMSE%, DSM has a good efficiency to predict soil properties with low and moderate variabilities. Terrain attributes were the main predictors among different studied auxiliary information. The accuracy of the estimations with more observations is recommended to give a better understanding about the performance of DSM approach over low-relief areas.  相似文献   

Soil degradation has caused various problems on the planet. Human disturbance and land use changes always negatively affect soil quality. In this study, we used a modified soil quality index (SQI) to assess soil quality under differing degrees of human disturbance and land use. The alpine grasslands were studied at different levels of degradation [i.e., severely degraded grassland, heavily degraded grassland, moderately degraded grassland, and non-degraded grassland (NDG)] in a case study conducted in Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau (QTP) to test the feasibility of using the SQI. Fifteen chemical, physical, and biological soil parameters were measured in each type of grassland. Significant variations in SQI were found across the different types of grasslands according to severity of human disturbance and changes in land use. Urease, the ratio of microbial biomass nitrogen to total nitrogen, proteinase, and soil organic carbon were found to be the most important indicators for assessing soil quality. NDG had a higher SQI than the other three types of grasslands. It was concluded that SQI is effective for assessing the soil quality of alpine grasslands in the QTP. The intensity of human disturbance had a negative effect on soil quality in the QTP.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to explore the spatial variability of soil salinity in coastal saline soil at macro, meso and micro scales in the Yellow River delta, China. Soil electrical conductivities (ECs) were measured at 0–15, 15–30, 30–45 and 45–60 cm soil depths at 49 sampling sites during November 9 to 11, 2013. Soil salinity was converted from soil ECs based on laboratory analyses. Our results indicated that at the macro scale, soil salinity was high with strong variability in each soil layer, and the content increased and the variability weakened with increasing soil depth. From east to west in the region, the farther away from the sea, the lower the soil salinity was. The degrees of soil salinization in three deeper soil layers are 1.14, 1.24 and 1.40 times higher than that in the surface soil. At the meso scale, the sequence of soil salinity in different topographies, soil texture and vegetation decreased, respectively, as follows: depression >flatland >hillock >batture; sandy loam >light loam >medium loam >heavy loam >clay; bare land >suaeda salsa >reed >cogongrass >cotton >paddy >winter wheat. At the micro scale, soil salinity changed with elevation in natural micro-topography and with anthropogenic activities in cultivated land. As the study area narrowed down to different scales, the spatial variability of soil salinity weakened gradually in cultivated land and salt wasteland except the bare land.  相似文献   

Different studies have shown that the effect of land use conversion on soil nutrients and soil organic carbon (SOC) is variable, which indicates that more investigations that focus on different specific geographical locations and land use types are required. The objectives of this study were (1) to evaluate the effect of grazing land (GL) conversion into Grevillea robusta plantation and exclosure (EX) on soil nutrients and soil organic carbon (SOC) and (2) to examine the impact of soil organic matter (SOM) on soil nutrients. To achieve these objectives, soil samples were taken from a soil depth of 20 cm (n?=?4) in each of the studied land areas. Each soil sample was analysed in a soil laboratory following a standard procedure. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Pearson’s correlation coefficient were used for the data analysis. The result indicated that conversion of GL into EX improved the soil electrical conductivity (EC), exchangeable K, cation exchange capacity (CEC), total N and available P (p?<?0.05), while the exchangeable Mg, SOC, available K and SOM were decreased (p?<?0.05). Conversion of GL into G. robusta improved the soil EC, exchangeable (K, Ca, Mg), CEC, SOC, total N, available K and SOM (p?<?0.05). There was a significant relationship between SOM and available P, total N, SOC and EC. There were no significant relationships between SOM and pH, available K and CEC. Finally, the results indicate that both land uses, established in acidic Nitosols, have variable impacts on soil chemical properties and that G. robusta plantation improved most of the soil nutrients and SOC much better than the EX land use.  相似文献   

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