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The sponge Latrunculia magnifica was found to be toxic for fish. A toxin has been isolated from this sponge by organic extraction-column chromatography and thin-layer chromatography. Several chemical properties of the toxin were determined by spectroscopic analysis. Toxicity tests were performed on the fish Gambusia affinis. In vitro experiments showed the toxin to be a cholinesterase inhibitor.  相似文献   

Abstract:  The utility of a species can be divided into its direct, indirect, and options values. In the marine environment, direct consumptive values predominate and often lead to overexploitation at the expense of significant options values derived through bioprospecting for natural products. We surveyed the waters of the Egyptian Red Sea coast (Gulf of Aqaba [north] and the Red Sea [south]) for species of sea cucumbers and analyzed extracts from species for a range of bioactivities with potential biomedical applications. All habitat types were surveyed within these regions. We found 22 species of sea cucumber of which two, Holothuria fuscogilva and Holothuria flavomaculata , were recorded in Egypt for the first time. Although none of the species identified were unique to the Gulf of Aqaba, 10 species were only found in the Red Sea sector. Bioassay results showed that although no species had antibacterial activity, most extracts exhibited activity against Candida and Leishmania but were most active against a LoVo mammalian carcinoma cell line. Our most significant finding was the intraspecific variation in bioactivity in individuals collected from different habitat types and sectors of the coast. This variation may reflect the effect of environment on secondary metabolite production or may indicate significant genetic diversity between populations within a species. Our results indicate a potentially significant options value to sea cucumbers through bioprospecting. Given the importance of economic development in countries such as Egypt and the perceived low conservation value of invertebrates such as sea cucumbers, the linking of these factors to conservation is vital for the maintenance and sustainable exploitation of these animals .  相似文献   

Warmer, more acidic water resulting from greenhouse gas emissions could influence ecosystem processes like bioerosion of calcifying organisms. Based on summer-maxima values (temperature = 26 °C; pH = 8.1) at a collection site in New York (40°56″ N, 72°30″ W), explants of the boring sponge Cliona celata Grant, 1826 were grown for 133 days on scallop shells in seawater ranging from current values to one scenario predicted for the year 2100 (T = 31 °C; pH = 7.8). High water temperature had little effect on sponge growth, survival, or boring rates. Lower pH slightly reduced sponge survival, while greatly influencing shell boring. At pH = 7.8, sponges bored twice the number of papillar holes and removed two times more shell weight than at pH = 8.1. Greater erosion resulted in weaker scallop shells. This study suggests that lower seawater pH may increase boring rates of C. celata in shellfish, with potentially severe implications for wild and farmed shellfish populations.  相似文献   

Rising dissolved pCO2 is a mounting threat to coral reef ecosystems. While the biological and physiological impacts of increased pCO2 are well documented for many hermatypic corals, the potential effects on bioerosion processes remain largely unknown. Increases in pCO2 are likely to modify the direct interactions between corals and bioeroders, such as excavating sponges, with broad implications for the balance between biologically mediated deposition and erosion of carbonate in reef communities. This study investigated the effects of three levels of CO2 (present-day, mid-century and end-of-century projections) on the direct interaction between a bioeroding sponge, Cliona varians, and a Caribbean coral, Porites furcata. Increased pCO2 concentrations had no effect on the attachment rates of C. varians to the corals, and we observed no significant impact of pCO2 on the survival of either the coral or sponges. However, exposure to end-of-century levels of CO2-dosing (~750 μatm) reduced calcification in P. furcata and led to a significant increase in sponge-mediated erosion of P. furcata. These findings demonstrate that pCO2 can enhance erosional efficiency without impacting survival or competitive vigor in these two species. While few studies have considered the influence of pCO2 on the competitive outcomes of interactions between corals and other reef organisms, our study suggests that assessing the impacts of changing pCO2 on species interactions is crucial to adequately predict ecosystem-level responses in the future.  相似文献   

S. Mariani  M.-J. Uriz  X. Turon 《Marine Biology》2000,137(5-6):783-790
 We performed an intensive year-round sampling with the aim of studying the abundance of sponge larvae in four Mediterranean benthic communities: photophilic algae, sciaphilous algae, semi-obscure (i.e. low light-intensity) caves and sandy bottoms. We record here for the first time, a larval bloom of Cliona viridis (Schmidt 1862), the most common excavating sponge in the Mediterranean, which took place simultaneously in several rocky communities of the Blanes sub-littoral (NE Spain), and discuss the role of restricted larval dispersal in the distribution of adult sponges. In the communities studied, C. viridis larvae bloomed synchronously once, in June. Spawning and consequent embryo development presumably occurred in May, when water temperature was 16 °C. The free larva is a small, evenly ciliated, weakly swimming parenchymella with low dispersal capabilities. The number of larvae m−3 and sponge abundance (as percent cover and biomass) were significantly higher in the community of sciaphilous algae than in the other communities studied. Because of limited larval dispersal, larval and adult abundance in the communities were positively correlated. Larvae developed into juvenile sponges 10 to 15 d after settlement. Settlers displayed distinctive features: a peripheral cuticle, vacuolar etching-like cells at the sponge base, absence of oscular chimneys, and the presence of zooxanthellae, which were presumably transmitted during oocyte maturation. Received: 24 January 2000 / Accepted: 4 July 2000  相似文献   

D. Rosell  M. J. Uriz 《Marine Biology》1992,114(3):503-507
Massive specimens of Cliona viridis, collected off the coast of Blanes (North-Western Mediterranean Sea) in January 1987, were exposed to different light (natural day-night irradiance/constant darkness) and substrata (calcareous/siliceous) conditions to assess their influence on growth, survival and attachment rates. Sponges cultured under natural irradiance displayed higher growth rates with increasing temperature; those cultured in the dark did not respond to increased temperature, but adapted faster to laboratory conditions. Differences in growth rates between these two culture conditions are ascribed to the presence of a healthy symbiotical zooxanthellae population on individuals cultured under conditions of natural irradiance. Attachment rates of the cut sides of the sponges which were in direct contact with the substratum, also increased with increasing temperature, whilst sponge survival was not significantly dependent on temperature. The chemical nature of the substratum clearly affected survival rates, which were higher on calcified than on siliceous substrata.  相似文献   

M. S. Hill 《Marine Biology》1996,125(4):649-654
Several species of boring sponges harbor symbiotic zooxanthellae, and it is believed that the symbiont enhances boring activity of host sponges. This hypothesis was tested using manipulative field experiments to assess the effect of intracellular zooxanthella populations on boring rates of the tropical sponge Anthosigmella varians forma varians. Portions of sponge were attached to 60 calcium carbonate blocks of known weight. Three sets of 10 blocks were grown at high light levels and three sets of 10 blocks were grown at low light levels for 105 d in the Florida Keys, Florida, USA. Boring rates, growth rates (lateral growth and within-substratum tissue penetration), and zooxanthella populations were measured at the end of the experiment. Absolute rates of boring and growth of A. varians forma varians were significantly greater when zooxanthella densities were higher. Boring rate and tissue penetration related to final surface area of sponge attachment was also enhanced when zooxanthella densities were higher, suggesting that the symbiont plays a physiological role in the decalcification process. This is in contrast to the role that zooxanthellae play in coral hosts. Based on the results of this study, it appears that the presence of zooxanthellar symbionts has important ecological and life-history consequences for host sponges. Ability to laterally overgrow competitors will be correlated with the size and activity of zooxanthella populations. In addition, the fitness of host sponges will be enhanced by algal symbionts, since greater penetration within substrata will result in an increase in production of tissue that can be converted into storage, feeding and reproductive functions.  相似文献   

Mesopelagic fish were collected from a cruise with the R.V. “Dr. Fridtjof Nansen” to the northern Red Sea and the interior Gulf of Aden off the Republic of Djibouti in March 1981. Off the Republic of Djibouti five species of mesopelagic fishes were caught and in the Red Sea six species. Benthosema pterotum (Alcock) were dominant in both areas. In the Red Sea Maurolicus muelleri (Gmelin) were also abundant. The mesopelagic fish caught in the Red Sea showed a pattern of vertical migration similar to that observed in other areas, in spite of the special hydrographical regime. The number of gill rakers of B. pterotum caught in the Red Sea differed significantly from that of all other populations studied. The number of photophores of M. muelleri apparently do not differ much from other populations. B. pterotum from the Red Sea mature at a larger size than other populations, while M. muelleri mature at a smaller size. The relative fecundity of M. muelleri is higher in the Red Sea than in other regions studied, while no significant difference was observed in B. pterotum. Both species appear to be opportunistic feeders. Their feeding chronology in the Red Sea seems to be similar to those observed in other areas.  相似文献   

Degradation rates of light and heavy oil in permeable carbonate sands from the Gulf of Aqaba were investigated to evaluate the ability of sediments to degrade oil compounds. Silicate sands that are less permeable and different properties from carbonate sands were used for comparison. Estimates of oil degradation rates were based on oxygen consumption rates, calculated by incubating natural carbonate sands with oil. The degradation rates of light oil were twofold higher than those of heavy oil, which may be attributed to the presence of a higher carbon number in heavy oil compared with light oil. Degradation rates of light oil in carbonate sands were twofold higher than in silicate sands. Oil degradation rates calculated using the bottle incubation technique were three- to fourfold higher than rates from chamber incubations, indicating the importance of adequate mixing between oil particles and sediments during degradation processes. This study suggests that permeable sands, through their chemical and physical properties, increase oil biodegradation rates by enhancing flow through sediment particles and positively impacting bioturbation processes.  相似文献   

The population dynamics of zooxanthellae living in the mantle of a giant clam, Tridacna derasa, was studied. The giant clams with shell lengths of 5 to 6 cm which had been reared in the Palau Mariculture Demonstration Center, in the Republic of Palau, were transferred to aquaria on deck of the R.V. “Sohgen-maru” and kept in running sea water at 29 to 30 °C. Two clams were removed from the aquaria, and zooxanthellae in the mantle were isolated every 2 h for 24 h. Numbers of the zooxanthellae in or not in the cell division stage were counted for calculations of the zooxanthellae population in the mantle and their mitotic index (MI). The MI increased after sunset and reached the maximum values of 6.1 to 11.5% at 03:00 to 05:00 hrs. The specific growth rate, μ, estimated from the MI was 0.083 to 0.14 d−1. Five clams were kept in each of 2 Plexiglas containers in the aquarium for collection of the discharged feces every 3 to 4 h. The discharged zooxanthellae in the feces were counted. The zooxanthellae discharged in 24 h were 0.38 to 1.46% of the total zooxanthella population in the mantle, and 2.7 to 16.9% of the newly formed zooxanthella population in a day. Increase of zooxanthella population in the mantle was estimated from clam shell growth rate and from the correlation between zooxanthella population and clam shell size. Daily increase of zooxanthella population in the mantle was estimated to be approximately 7.6 to 19% of the newly formed zooxanthella population. Therefore, the sum of zooxanthellae populations accounting for daily increase in the mantle and discharge in the feces was 11 to 36% of the newly formed population. About 64 to 89% of the newly formed cells were missing; some of these may have been digested by the clam. Received: 14 July 1996 / Accepted: 19 August 1996  相似文献   

Chambers and canal system in the shells of Operculina ammonoides (Gronovius) and Heterostegina depressa d'Orbigny contain different protoplasm. The connections between the two main parts of the protoplasmic body are much smaller than the connections from chamber to chamber by the stolo system. The connections between chamber and canal system are located in the marginal sulcus and at the base of the chamber. The chamber protoplast (including the stolo system) is protected by a relatively thick, lamellar, mucopolysaccharide membrane — called organic lining — which represents also the template for the mineralization of the shell. Together, organic lining and shell form the cell wall. Over the pore holes in the lateral chamber walls, the organic lining thins out, but is not perforated. The plasma membrane below the organic lining seems to be differentiated by a bossy surface with comparatively coarse granules. The symbionts are concentrated below the lateral wall of the chambers, nestling against 2 or 3 pore-hole depressions. The differentiation of the organic lining, the plasma membrane below the pore holes, and the position of the symbionts in the chamber plasma point to a physiologic relationship between pores and symbionts. The cell organelles in the chamber protoplasm indicate the mainly metabolic function of the chamber protoplast. The protoplasm in the canal system is covered only by the plasma membrane, and is particularly rich in microtubuli similar to ordinary foraminiferal rhizopods. The canal system is, therefore, interpreted as consisting of a system of invaginations of the cell wall determining the morphology of proximal parts of the pseudopods.  相似文献   

The aim of this work is to investigate the activity of the antioxidant enzyme superoxide dismutase in the cosmopolitan sponge Cliona celata (Grant, 1826), since this enzyme has been described as a useful biomarker for marine pollution in other marine invertebrates. The quantification of the catalytic activity for superoxide dismutase is quite complex because its substrate is an unstable free radical. Several methods have been developed for this enzymatic activity determination; most of them are based on inhibition of a redox reaction involving the superoxide radical. In this work, two methods are compared, for crude sponge extracts, as far as repeatability, reproducibility and sensibility are concerned. The adrenaline oxidation method seems to be the most adequate for these determinations. Statistical treatment of the data indicates that the reference value for the specific superoxide dismutase activity in C. celata should be in the interval [0–535.5] U/mg of total protein in wet tissues, for normal populations.  相似文献   

A. Zsolnay 《Marine Biology》1975,29(2):125-128
Total labile organic carbon was estimated in the euphotic zone of the Baltic Sea by a method based on the determination of the biological oxygen demand (BOD); the method is extremely simple, requires little sample water, and is quite precise (±4.5 μmol O2/l or ±40.4 μgClab/l). The amount found was 1,150 μgClab/l, or about 29% of the total organic carbon. At 1 m, a relationship between biological activity, as measured by chlorophyll content, and the amount of labile carbon was found: ln Clab (μg/l)=ln 6.87 (μg/l) +0.272 ln chlorophyll (μg/l), with a correlation coefficient of 0.86, which is significantly greater than zero at the 0.001 level.  相似文献   

Panulirus penicillatus (Olivier, 1791) (Decapoda: Palinuridae) is the most common spiny lobster in the Red Sea and is widely distributed in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. Lobsters (n=377) were collected on four occasions during 1986 on the coral reef at Dahab, Sinai, Egypt. Average size of the collected individuals was 70.5±24.6 mm carapace length (CL) for males and 63.2±15.9 mm CL for females. The sex ratio was 1:1.64 males to females. Length increment per molt was inversely correlated with size and ranged from 2.1 mm per molt in the 40 to 50 mm CL size class to less than 1 mm in the 60 to 70 mm CL size class. Average intermolt period was ca. 136 d for all size classes. The relationship between carapace length and body weight was expressed by the equation:W b=6.43 × 10–4 × (CL)2.89.P. penicillatus from Dahab differ in size, sex ratio and growth rate compared to other palinurid populations throughout their range. This might represent the effect of isolation and location at the edge of the geographical range for this species. It may also indicate an adaptation to their unique habitat in the coral reef in comparison to other palinurid species.  相似文献   

Seaweeds belonging to 14 different genera of Chlorophyta, Phaeophyta, and Rhodophyta were analysed to determine the levels of heavy metals in two areas of the Egyptian Red Sea coast. Among the trace metals analysed, Mn and Zn showed the highest mass concentrations in the surface sea waters of the two studied areas. However, algae obtained from the Suez area had higher concentrations of the investigated heavy metals than those collect in the Mars Alam area. Nevertheless, a high variability of the metal levels occurs among the studied algae and also between the investigated areas. Moreover, Zn was the most abundant metal in the seaweeds of the Suez area, while Pb was predominant in the Mars Alam area in red and brown algae. Liagora spp. had the highest average concentration factor of Zn in Suez (29 161-fold), while the average concentration factor in Enteromorpha spp. at Mars Alam was 20 091-fold. The highest Metal Pollution Index (MPI) value was recorded in Liagora spp. (22.0) at Suez. This represents a 4.6-fold higher value than that recorded in Liagora spp. at Mars Alam. Among green, brown, and red algae in Suez, the highest values of MPI were recorded in Cladophora spp. and Halimeda spp. (18.2 and 18.3), Padina spp. (16.2), and Liagora spp. (22.1), respectively; while at Mars Alam, the highest values of MPI were recorded in Cladophora spp. (6.6), Padina spp. (3.4) and Liagora spp. (4.8), respectively.  相似文献   

In situ measurements of seagrass photosynthesis in relation to inorganic carbon (Ci) availability, increased pH and an inhibitor of extracellular carbonic anhydrase were made using an underwater pulse amplitude modulated (PAM) fluorometer. By combining the instrument with a specially designed Perspex chamber, we were able to alter the water surrounding a leaf without removing it from the growing plant. Responses to Ci within the chamber showed that subtidal plants of the seagrasses Cymodocea serrulata and Halophila ovalis had photosynthetic rates that were limited by the ambient Ci concentration depending on the irradiance that was available during short-term photosynthesis–irradiance trials. Relative electron transport rates (RETRs) at light saturation (up to 500 μ mol photons m−2 s−1) increased by 66–100% when the Ci concentration was increased from ca. 2.2 to 6.2 mM. On the other hand, intertidal plants of the same species exhibited a much lesser limitation of photosynthesis by Ci at any irradiance (up to 1500 μ mol photons m−2 s−1). Both species were able to use HCO 3 efficiently, and there was stronger evidence for direct uptake of HCO 3 rather than extracellular dehydration of HCO 3 to CO2 prior to Ci uptake. Subtidally, H. ovalis and C. serrulata grew to 10 and 12 m, respectively, where ambient irradiances were approximately 16 and 11% of those at the surface. Maximum RETRs (at light saturation) were lower for these deep-growing plants than for the intertidally growing ones. For both species, the onset of light saturation of photosynthesis (E k) occurred at approximately 100 μ mol photons m−2 s−1 for the deep water populations, which was four and two times lower than for the shallow populations of C. serrulata and H. ovalis, respectively. This, and the differences in maximal photosynthetic rates (RETR max), reflects an acclimation of the deep-growing populations to the lower light environment. The results presented here show that photosynthesis, as measured in situ, was limited by the availability of Ci for the deeper growing plants in Zanzibar, while the intertidally growing plants photosynthesised at close to Ci saturation. The latter result is contrary to previous conclusions regarding Ci limitations for these intertidal plants, and, in general, our findings highlight the need for performing similar experiments in situ rather than under laboratory conditions. Received: 4 April 2000 / Accepted: 31 August 2000  相似文献   

Seaweeds belonging to 14 different genera of Chlorophyta, Phaeophyta and Rhodophyta were analyzed to determine the levels of heavy metals in two areas of the Egyptian Red Sea coast. Among the trace metals analyzed, Mn and Zn showed the highest mass concentrations in the surface seawaters of the two studied areas. However, algae obtained from Suez area had the highest concentrations of the investigated heavy metals than those collected from Mars Alam area. Nevertheless, a high variability of the metal levels occurs among the studied algae and also between the investigated areas. Moreover, Zn was the most abundant metal in the seaweeds of the Suez area, while Pb was predominant in Mars Alam area in red and brown algae. L. farinosa had the highest average concentration factor of Zn in Suez (29161 fold), while it was 20091 fold in E. intestinalis at Mars Alam. The highest value of metal pollution index (MPI) was recoded in L. farinosa (22.0) at Suez. It represents 4.6 fold of that value recorded in L. farinosa at Mars Alam. Among green, brown and red algae in Suez, the highest values of MPI were recorded in Cladophora (mixed sub-species) and H. comuto (18.2 and 18.3), P. pavonia (16.2) and L. farinosa (22.1), respectively; while at Mars Alam, they were recorded in Cladophora (mixed sub-species) (6.6), P. pavonia (3.4) and L. farinosa (4.8), respectively.  相似文献   

Cyanobacterial symbionts in the sponge Diacarnus erythraenus from the Red Sea were identified in both adult sponges and their larvae by 16S rDNA sequencing. A single cyanobacterial type was found in all samples. This cyanobacterial type is closely related to other sponge cyanobacterial symbionts. The cyanobacterial rDNA, together with the morphological analysis by electron and fluorescence microscopy, provided evidence for vertical transmission of the symbionts in this sponge. In addition, we show phenotypic plasticity of the symbionts inside the sponge, probably as a result of variability in light availability inside the sponge tissue. Finally, the reproduction of Diacarnus erythraenus is also described.Matan Oren, Laura Steindler have contributed equally to the work.  相似文献   

S. Beer  M. Ilan 《Marine Biology》1998,131(4):613-617
Photosynthetic responses to irradiance by the photosymbionts of the two Red Sea sponges Theonella swinhoei (Gray) and Clionavastifica (Hancock) growing under dim light conditions were measured in situ (in September 1997) using a newly developed underwater pulse amplitude modulated (PAM) fluorometer. Relative rates of photosynthetic electron transport (ETR) were calculated as the effective quantum yield of photosystem II (Y ) multiplied with the photosynthetic photon flux (PPF). Photosynthesis versus irradiance (P-I ) curves, obtained within minutes, showed that individual specimens of both sponges, growing under very low light conditions, feature lower light saturation points as well as lower maximal ETRs than individuals growing under higher light. Evaluations of such curves using low irradiances of the actinic light source (20 to 130 μmol photons m−2 s−1) showed a general decrease in Y, with a shoulder from the lowest irradiance applied till 20 to 30 μmol photons m−2 s−1. Point measurements yielded ETRs close to what could be estimated from the P-I curves. These point measurements also revealed good correlations between the diurnally changing ambient irradiances (1 to 50 μmol photons m−2 s−1) and average ETR values for both species. Further analysis showed that although Y values varied considerably between the different point measurements, they did not decrease significantly with light under these very low irradiances. Therefore, PPF rather than Y seems to determine the in situ diel photosynthetic performance at the low ambient irradiances experienced by these sponges. Received: 22 November 1997 / Accepted: 8 April 1998  相似文献   

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