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A field experiment was performed in an aquifer in order to study multicomponent cation-exchange processes under natural flow conditions. The aquifer is a glacial outwash plain with sandy aquifer material having a cation-exchange capacity (CEC) of 1.0 meg/100 g. A continuous injection of groundwater spiked with sodium and potassium as chlorides was accomplished over 37 days to resemble leachate contamination from landfills. The plume was monitored by sampling in a dense spatial network (length 100 m, width 20 m) over a period of 2.5 years in order to obtain breakthrough curves and spatial contour maps of the chemical compounds. Na and especially K showed a substantial retardation caused by cation-exchange processes despite the low CEC of the aquifer material. The average velocity of K+ was only 10% of the velocity of chloride (0.7 m day−1). The relative migration velocity of Na+ was not a constant in the plume, but apparently influenced by dilution. Ca2+ and Mg2+ were expelled from the cation-exchange sites of the aquifer material and subsequently transported with the same velocity as chloride. The breakthrough curves of the various compounds showed multiple peaks and low concentration zones. It was concluded by calculations with PHREEQE that changes in calcite equilibrium may occur in the lower part of the aquifer, while complexation processes seem to be of no importance. Cation exchange is then the most important process in this field experiment, and further evaluation of the data by a geochemical transport model including cation exchange is recommended.  相似文献   

Methods to characterize the organic solute sorption distribution coefficient, organic carbon content, and specific surface area of aquifer solids from the site of a field experiment on solute transport in groundwater were refined for application to small subsamples of 10-cm depth increments taken from 5-cm diameter cores. Initial results indicate that the average sorption characteristics of the Borden aquifer do not vary appreciably along the trajectory of the solute plumes. However, the sorption distribution coefficient of tetrachloroethylene varied over nearly an order of magnitude among 10-cm depth increments in one core sample. Preliminary evidence suggests that the sorption distribution coefficients for four halogenated organic solutes vary proportionally among core strata. However, the distribution coefficients for sorption of tetrachloroethylene on various depth increments are not well correlated with either organic carbon content or specific surface area, suggesting that as yet unidentified mineral phases may play a significant role in sorption of such solutes by the sandy aquifer solids.  相似文献   

To examine colloid transport in geochemically heterogeneous porous media at a scale comparable to field experiments, we monitored the migration of silica-coated zirconia colloids in a two-dimensional layered porous media containing sand coated to three different extents by ferric oxyhydroxides. Transport of the colloids was measured over 1.65 m and 95 days. Colloid transport was modeled by an advection-dispersion-deposition equation incorporating geochemical heterogeneity and colloid deposition dynamics (blocking). Geochemical heterogeneity was represented as favorable (ferric oxyhydroxide-coated) and unfavorable (uncoated sand) deposition surface areas. Blocking was modeled as random sequential adsorption (RSA). Release of deposited colloids was negligible. The time to colloid breakthrough after the onset of blocking increased with increasing ferric oxyhydroxide-coated surface area. As the ferric oxyhydroxide surface area increased, the concentration of colloids in the breakthrough decreased. Model-fits to the experimental data were made by inverse solutions to determine the fraction of surface area favorable for deposition and the deposition rate coefficients for the favorable (ferric oxyhydroxide-coated) and unfavorable sites. The favorable deposition rate coefficient was also calculated by colloid filtration theory. The model described the time to colloid breakthrough and the blocking effect reasonably well and estimated the favorable surface area fraction very well for the two layers with more than 1% ferric oxyhydroxide coating. If mica edges in the uncoated sand were considered as favorable surface area in addition to the ferric oxyhydroxide coatings, the model predicted the favorable surface area fraction accurately for the layer with less than 1% ferric oxyhydroxide coating.  相似文献   

The fate of selected pesticides (bentazone, isoproturon, DNOC, MCPP, dichlorprop and 2,4-D) and a metabolite (2,6-dichlorobenzamide (BAM)) was investigated under aerobic conditions in column experiments using aquifer material and low concentrations of pesticides (approximately 25 microg/l). A solute transport model accounting for kinetic sorption and degradation was used to estimate sorption and degradation parameters. Isoproturon and DNOC were significantly retarded by sorption, whereas the retardation of the phenoxy acids (MCPP, 2,4-D and dichlorprop), BAM and bentazone was very low. After lag periods of 16-33 days for the phenoxy acids and 80 days for DNOC, these pesticides were degraded quickly with 0.-order rate constants of 1.3-2.6 microg/l/day. None of the most probable degradation products were detected.  相似文献   

The fate of nine trace organic compounds was evaluated during a 12month large-scale laboratory column experiment. The columns were packed with aquifer sediment and evaluated under natural aerobic and artificial anaerobic geochemical conditions, to assess the potential for natural attenuation of these compounds during aquifer passage associated with managed aquifer recharge (MAR). The nine trace organic compounds were bisphenol A (BPA), 17β-estradiol (E2), 17α-ethynylestradiol (EE2), N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA), N-nitrosomorpholine (NMOR), carbamazepine, oxazepam, iohexol and iodipamide. In the low organic carbon content Spearwood sediment, all trace organics were non-retarded with retardation coefficients between 1.0 and 1.2, indicating that these compounds would travel at near groundwater velocities within the aquifer. The natural aerobic geochemical conditions provided a suitable environment for the rapid degradation for BPA, E2, iohexol (half life <1day). Lag-times for the start of degradation of these compounds ranged from <15 to 30days. While iodipamide was persistent under aerobic conditions, artificial reductive geochemical conditions promoted via the addition of ethanol, resulted in rapid degradation (half life <1days). Pharmaceuticals (carbamazepine and oxazepam) and disinfection by-products (NDMA and NMOR) did not degrade under either aerobic or anaerobic aquifer geochemical conditions (half life >50days). Field-based validation experiments with carbamazepine and oxazepam also showed no degradation. If persistent trace organics are present in recycled waters at concentrations in excess of their intended use, natural attenuation during aquifer passage alone may not result in extracted water meeting regulatory requirements. Additional pre treatment of the recycled water would therefore be required.  相似文献   

This paper describes the modeling of the hydrogeochemical effects of deep well recharge of oxic water into an anoxic pyrite-bearing aquifer. Kinetic expressions have been used for mineral dissolution-precipitation rates and organic matter oxidation. Hydrological and chemical parameters of the model were calibrated to field measurements. The results showed that oxidation of pyrite (FeS(2)) and, to a lesser extent, organic matter dominate the changes in quality of the recharged water during its passage through the aquifer. The recharge leads to the consumption of oxygen and nitrate and the formation of sulfate and ferrihydrite. Complexation reactions, cation exchange and precipitation and dissolution of calcite, siderite and rhodochrosite were also identified through the modeling. Despite problems of non-uniqueness of the calibrated parameters, the model was used successfully to depict the geochemical processes occurring in the aquifer. Non-uniqueness can be avoided by constraining the model as much as possible to measurements and/or data from literature, although they cannot be considered always as fixed values and should be considered as stochastic variables instead.  相似文献   

从受氮污染的浅层地下水含水层介质中分离、纯化得到一株具有好氧反硝化能力的细菌PJ21,经过形态、生理生化特性及分子生物学鉴定为假单胞菌属门多萨菌(Pseudomonas mendocina)。菌株PJ21能在好氧(DO=6.9~7.8mg/L)条件下快速脱氮,最大硝酸盐氮脱氮速率可达27.98mg/(L·h),平均脱氮速率为4.41mg/(L·h),60h的总氮和硝酸盐氮脱氮率分别可达65.42%、95.55%。菌株PJ21的最佳碳源为柠檬酸三钠,适宜生长温度为25~35℃,最适温度为30℃,适宜生长的初始pH为6.0~8.0,最佳为7.0。培养期间菌株PJ21快速脱氮的同时未出现明显的亚硝酸盐氮累积现象,最大比生长速率、Monod生长半饱和系数分别为4.30×10~(-4)s~(-1)、142.99mg/L,衰亡速率系数为7.90×10~(-5)s~(-1),硝酸盐降解过程的产率系数为1.26。该菌株在浅层地下水氮污染修复方面具有潜在工程应用价值。  相似文献   

Bacteriophage removal by soil passage in two field studies was re-analyzed with the goal to investigate differences between one- and two-dimensional modeling approaches, differences between one- and two-site kinetic sorption models, and the role of heterogeneities in the soil properties. The first study involved removal of bacteriophages MS2 and PRDI by dune recharge, while the second study represented removal of MS2 by deep well injection. In both studies, removal was higher during the first meters of soil passage than thereafter. The software packages HYDRUS-ID and HYDRUS-2D, which simulate water flow and solute transport in one- and two-dimensional variably saturated porous media, respectively, were used. The two codes were modified by incorporating reversible adsorption to two types of kinetic sites. Tracer concentrations were used first to calibrate flow and transport parameters of both models before analyzing transport of bacteriophages. The one-dimensional one-site model did not fully describe the tails of the measured breakthrough curves of MS2 and PRD1 from the dune recharge study. While the one-dimensional one-site model predicted a sudden decrease in virus concentrations immediately after the peaks, measured data displayed much smoother decline and tailing. The one-dimensional two-site model simulated the overall behavior of the breakthrough curves very well. The two-dimensional one-site model predicted a more gradual decrease in virus concentrations after the peaks than the one-dimensional one-site model, but not as good as the one-dimensional two-site model. The dimensionality of the problem hence can partly explain the smooth decrease in concentration after peak breakthrough. The two-dimensional two-site model provided the best results. Values for k(att2) and k(det2) could not be determined at the last two of four monitoring wells, thus suggesting that either a second type of kinetic sites is present in the first few meters of dune passage and not beyond the second monitoring well, or that effects of soil heterogeneity and dimensionality of the problem overshadowed this process. Variations between single collector efficiencies were relatively small, whereas collision efficiencies varied greatly. This implies that the nonlinear removal of MS2 and PRD1 is mainly caused by variations in interactions between grain and virus surfaces rather than by physical heterogeneity of the porous medium. Similarly, a two-site model performed better than the one-site model in describing MS2 concentrations for the deep well injection study. However, the concentration data were too sparse in this study to have much confidence in the fitted parameters.  相似文献   

The potential for aerobic biodegradation of MTBE in a fractured chalk aquifer is assessed in microcosm experiments over 450 days, under in situ conditions for a groundwater temperature of 10 °C, MTBE concentration between 0.1 and 1.0 mg/L and dissolved O2 concentration between 2 and 10 mg/L. Following a lag period of up to 120 days, MTBE was biodegraded in uncontaminated aquifer microcosms at concentrations up to 1.2 mg/L, demonstrating that the aquifer has an intrinsic potential to biodegrade MTBE aerobically. The MTBE biodegradation rate increased three-fold from a mean of 6.6 ± 1.6 μg/L/day in uncontaminated aquifer microcosms for subsequent additions of MTBE, suggesting an increasing biodegradation capability, due to microbial cell growth and increased biomass after repeated exposure to MTBE. In contaminated aquifer microcosms which also contained TAME, MTBE biodegradation occurred after a shorter lag of 15 or 33 days and MTBE biodegradation rates were higher (max. 27.5 μg/L/day), probably resulting from an acclimated microbial population due to previous exposure to MTBE in situ. The initial MTBE concentration did not affect the lag period but the biodegradation rate increased with the initial MTBE concentration, indicating that there was no inhibition of MTBE biodegradation related to MTBE concentration up to 1.2 mg/L. No minimum substrate concentration for MTBE biodegradation was observed, indicating that in the presence of dissolved O2 (and absence of inhibitory factors) MTBE biodegradation would occur in the aquifer at MTBE concentrations (ca. 0.1 mg/L) found at the front of the ether oxygenate plume. MTBE biodegradation occurred with concomitant O2 consumption but no other electron acceptor utilisation, indicating biodegradation by aerobic processes only. However, O2 consumption was less than the stoichiometric requirement for complete MTBE mineralization, suggesting that only partial biodegradation of MTBE to intermediate organic metabolites occurred. The availability of dissolved O2 did not affect MTBE biodegradation significantly, with similar MTBE biodegradation behaviour and rates down to ca. 0.7 mg/L dissolved O2 concentration. The results indicate that aerobic MTBE biodegradation could be significant in the plume fringe, during mixing of the contaminant plume and uncontaminated groundwater and that, relative to the plume migration, aerobic biodegradation is important for MTBE attenuation. Moreover, should the groundwater dissolved O2 concentration fall to zero such that MTBE biodegradation was inhibited, an engineered approach to enhance in situ bioremediation could supply O2 at relatively low levels (e.g. 2–3 mg/L) to effectively stimulate MTBE biodegradation, which has significant practical advantages. The study shows that aerobic MTBE biodegradation can occur at environmentally significant rates in this aquifer, and that long-term microcosm experiments (100s days) may be necessary to correctly interpret contaminant biodegradation potential in aquifers to support site management decisions.  相似文献   

When applied to agricultural soils, phosphate fertilizers and the mineral or organic compounds present in solid and/or liquid waste may raise phosphorus (P) content and increase soil P saturation. The degree of phosphorus saturation (DPS) is a good indicator of potential P loss from agricultural soils. The purpose of this study was to calculate the DPS of samples from an Oxisol amended for 5 years with biosolids and mineral fertilizer. DPS was calculated based on P, iron, and aluminum extracted by ammonium oxalate and oxalic acid (DPSox) or by Mehlich-1 solution (DPSM1). Treatments included NPK mineral fertilization (175 kg ha?1 of P), B1?=?19.02 t ha?1 of biosolids (350 kg ha?1 of P), B2?=?38.17 t ha?1 of biosolids (703 kg ha?1 of P), B3?=?76.26 t ha–1 of biosolids (1,405 kg ha?1 of P), and a control (no P added). Water-extractable P (WEP) was also measured. Critical levels of DPSox and DPSM1 (21 and 24 %, respectively) were only achieved in the topsoil (0–0.1 m) at the highest biosolid dose. Concentration of WEP was positively correlated to DPSox and DPSM1. The DPSM1 method may be an alternative to DPSox for assessing the environmental risk of P loss from soil into surface runoff.  相似文献   

In a field experiment, two inorganic tracers and five organic solutes were injected into an unconfined sand aquifer. Breakthrough response curves were obtained at several points downgradient of the injection zone. These response curves are analyzed using a model which assumes equilibrium sorption and two models which postulate physical nonequilibrium. The physical nonequilibrium models hypothesize the existence of zones of immobile water, which act as diffusion sources and sinks for the solutes. The physical nonequilibrium models better simulate the sharp breakthrough and extended tailing exhibited by the experimental responses than does the model assuming equilibrium sorption. The reasonableness of parameters obtained from curve-fitting the data is assessed. The two physical nonequilibrium models are compared.  相似文献   

Equations expressing the spatial moments of solute concentration distributions simulated by various models, in terms of model parameters, have recently been presented. Using independently obtained parameter values, these equations are used to compare simulations of physical non-equilibrium models with spatial moment data collected in a large-scale natural gradient experiment on solute transport. The physical nonequilibrium models examined postulate the existence of layered zones of immobile water through which solute is transported by a diffusion mechanism. It is found that the qualitative aspects of the measured moment behavior are simulated by the physical nonequilibrium models if the independently obtained parameters are modified somewhat on the basis of reasonable corrective assumptions. It is further demonstrated that the physical nonequilibrium models, using parameter values obtained from spatial data, can qualitatively simulate temporal behavior at individual well points in this relatively homogeneous aquifer.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional, coupled variably saturated flow and biogeochemical reactive transport modeling of a 2008 in situ uranium bioremediation field experiment is used to better understand the interplay of transport and biogeochemical reactions controlling uranium behavior under pulsed acetate amendment, seasonal water table variation, spatially variable physical (hydraulic conductivity, porosity) and geochemical (reactive surface area) material properties. While the simulation of the 2008 Big Rusty acetate biostimulation field experiment in Rifle, Colorado was generally consistent with behaviors identified in previous field experiments at the Rifle IFRC site, the additional process and property detail provided several new insights. A principal conclusion from this work is that uranium bioreduction is most effective when acetate, in excess of the sulfate-reducing bacteria demand, is available to the metal-reducing bacteria. The inclusion of an initially small population of slow growing sulfate-reducing bacteria identified in proteomic analyses led to an additional source of Fe(II) from the dissolution of Fe(III) minerals promoted by biogenic sulfide. The falling water table during the experiment significantly reduced the saturated thickness of the aquifer and resulted in reactants and products, as well as unmitigated uranium, in the newly unsaturated vadose zone. High permeability sandy gravel structures resulted in locally high flow rates in the vicinity of injection wells that increased acetate dilution. In downgradient locations, these structures created preferential flow paths for acetate delivery that enhanced local zones of TEAP reactivity and subsidiary reactions. Conversely, smaller transport rates associated with the lower permeability lithofacies (e.g., fine) and vadose zone were shown to limit acetate access and reaction. Once accessed by acetate, however, these same zones limited subsequent acetate dilution and provided longer residence times that resulted in higher concentrations of TEAP reaction products when terminal electron donors and acceptors were not limiting. Finally, facies-based porosity and reactive surface area variations were shown to affect aqueous uranium concentration distributions with localized effects of the fine lithofacies having the largest impact on U(VI) surface complexation. The ability to model the comprehensive biogeochemical reaction network, and spatially and temporally variable processes, properties, and conditions controlling uranium behavior during engineered bioremediation in the naturally complex Rifle IFRC subsurface system required a subsurface simulator that could use the large memory and computational performance of a massively parallel computer. In this case, the eSTOMP simulator, operating on 128 processor cores for 12h, was used to simulate the 110-day field experiment and 50 days of post-biostimulation behavior.  相似文献   

岩溶水系统中微生物迁移机制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对桂林罗锦响水岩岩溶水系统雨前、雨中和雨后水中及悬浮物上携带的细菌数量变化规律分析表明,在雨期,岩溶地下河水质变化对地表水质响应迅速,表现为在一定时期内地下水与地表水中的细菌总数可达到同一个数量级;地下水中TSS与细菌总数的变化具有一致性,即细菌总数随TSS的升降而升降,说明细菌大多是附着在悬浮颗粒物运移的;同时,岩溶区地下河局部存在的溶潭等蓄水构造对污染物具有明显的纳污与稀释效应,是岩溶地下河系统产生自净作用的主要场所。TSS与地下水流速呈正相关,而附着在悬浮颗粒物上的细菌占地下水中细菌总数的比例与流速呈负相关。地下河洞口的堆积物对微生物具有明显的截留作用,其对微生物的吸附和缓慢释放,是导致地下河在很长一段时间内都会受到微生物污染的主要原因。  相似文献   

In situ, sequential, anaerobic to aerobic treatment of groundwater removed perchloroethene (PCE, 1.1 microM) and benzene (0.8 microM) from a contaminated aquifer. Neither aerobic nor anaerobic treatment alone successfully degraded both the chlorinated and non-chlorinated organic contaminants in the aquifer. After the sequential treatment, PCE, trichloroethene (TCE), vinyl chloride (VC), chloroethane (CA), and benzene were not detectable in groundwater. Desorption of residual aquifer contaminants was tested by halting the groundwater recirculation and analyzing the groundwater after 3 and 7 weeks. No desorption of the chlorinated contaminants or daughter products was observed in the treated portion of the aquifer. Sequential anaerobic to aerobic treatment was successful in remediating the groundwater at this test site and may have broad applications at other contaminated sites. Over the 4-year course of the project, the predominant microbial environment of the test site varied from aerobic to sulfate-reducing, to methanogenic, and back to aerobic conditions. Metabolically active microbial populations developed under all conditions, demonstrating the diversity and robustness of natural microbial flora in the aquifer.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Analytical models of solute transport have been widely used to aid the understanding of the physical and chemical processes undergone by substances...  相似文献   

High resolution direct-push profiling over short vertical distances was used to investigate CH(4) attenuation in a petroleum contaminated aquifer near Bemidji, Minnesota. The contaminant plume was delineated using dissolved gases, redox sensitive components, major ions, carbon isotope ratios in CH(4) and CO(2), and the presence of methanotrophic bacteria. Sharp redox gradients were observed near the water table. Shifts in δ(13)C(CH4) from an average of -57.6‰ (±1.7‰) in the methanogenic zone to -39.6‰ (±8.7‰) at 105m downgradient, strongly suggest CH(4) attenuation through microbially mediated degradation. In the downgradient zone the aerobic/anaerobic transition is up to 0.5m below the water table suggesting that transport of O(2) across the water table is leading to aerobic degradation of CH(4) at this interface. Dissolved N(2) concentrations that exceeded those expected for water in equilibrium with the atmosphere indicated bubble entrapment followed by preferential stripping of O(2) through aerobic degradation of CH(4) or other hydrocarbons. Multivariate and cluster analysis were used to distinguish between areas of significant bubble entrapment and areas where other processes such as the infiltration of O(2) rich recharge water were important O(2) transport mechanisms.  相似文献   

This study was designed to provide high-density data on spatial distribution of three herbicides with different physiochemical characteristics in a sludge-amended and non-amended control field over the course of an irrigation season. The field experiment was carried out on a sandy loam Hamra Red Mediterranean soil (Rhodoxeralf) at Bet Dagan, Israel. After a single 50 mm irrigation event, the mean centers of mass (COM) in the control field were at 15.6, 14.9, and 17 cm for bromacil, atrazine and terbuthylazine, respectively; in the sludge-amended field, mean COMs were at 28.8, 31.2, and 34.1 cm, respectively. After 500 mm of irrigation in the control field, the COM depth distribution of the three pesticides was inversely correlated with octanol-water (Kow) distribution coefficients and soil sorption coefficients (Koc), and positively correlated with aqueous solubilities. After 500 mm irrigation in the sludge-amended field, the mean terbuthylazine COM was at 19.8 cm versus 13.8 cm for the control field, demonstrating a sustained enhanced effect on terbuthylazine transport. Downward transport of atrazine was also enhanced by sludge amendment, albeit less than terbuthylazine. Bromacil was preferentially accumulated in the upper soil layers of the sludge-amended field as compared with the control field after 500 mm irrigation. The enhanced transport of all three pesticides in the sludge-amended field after a single irrigation event is attributed to development of preferential flow pathways around hydrophobic clods of sludge. Enhanced transport of terbuthylazine, and to a lesser extent, atrazine, throughout the irrigation season, is attributed to their transport as complexes with dissolved, colloidal and suspended organic matter derived from sludge degradation.  相似文献   

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