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Chenfang Lin is with the Department of Soil and Environmental Science at National Chung Hsing University.Municipal solid waste (MSW) management is a major concern for highly urbanized societies. Among proposed MSW management systems, regionalization programs generally have received considerable attention. This study analyzes real-world operational data to assess different MSW management policies, especially regionalization strategies, and their impact on MSW management systems in the Taipei metropolitan area. Linear programming is also used to identify the minimum costs sustained by each policy. The linear programming results show that regionalization programs are more economical and also improve incinerator operation efficiency. Sensitivity analysis indicates that the minimum treatment requirement of incinerators is a very sensitive influence on the MSW flows distributed through the entire region. The MSW of several “sensitive” administrative districts will be allocated to different treatment facilities according to different management strategies. A list of preferential sequences of MSW treatment and disposal facilities can also be identified by the model presented in this study. The results of this study may provide a useful tool for aiding decision-making related to real-world MSW management problems.  相似文献   

Although regionalization policies have been proven as good strategies for municipal solid waste (MSW) management in previous studies, the optimal allocation of the waste stream is significantly affected by several influential factors, thus further investigation of the impacts of these factors on regional MSW management strategies is necessary. This study demonstrated the impacts of waste-to-electricity transformation coefficient (WETC) of incinerators and the fluctuation of unit tipping fees on the regional MSW flow/allocation of the Taipei metropolitan area from practical and economic perspectives. Real-world data and linear programming were used to obtain the least-cost alternatives under different scenarios. Analytical results indicated some treatment facilities had geographic superiority and their priorities changed when actual WETCs of incinerators were considered. Treatment facilities located at weighted centers were identified. The allocation of MSW among incinerators and landfills is affected by fluctuation of unit tipping fees within a certain range. Treatment facilities sensitive to the changes in unit tipping fees were also identified. Regression equations were also established that can estimate the cost items of MSW management scenarios with different unit tipping fees. The results of this study are very useful for daily basis regulation of MSW administration.  相似文献   


Although regionalization policies have been proven as good strategies for municipal solid waste (MSW) management in previous studies, the optimal allocation of the waste stream is significantly affected by several influential factors, thus further investigation of the impacts of these factors on regional MSW management strategies is necessary. This study demonstrated the impacts of waste-to-electricity transformation coefficient (WETC) of incinerators and the fluctuation of unit tipping fees on the regional MSW flow/allocation of the Taipei metropolitan area from practical and economic perspectives. Real-world data and linear programming were used to obtain the least-cost alternatives under different scenarios. Analytical results indicated some treatment facilities had geographic superiority and their priorities changed when actual WETCs of incinerators were considered. Treatment facilities located at weighted centers were identified. The allocation of MSW among incinerators and landfills is affected by fluctuation of unit tipping fees within a certain range. Treatment facilities sensitive to the changes in unit tipping fees were also identified. Regression equations were also established that can estimate the cost items of MSW management scenarios with different unit tipping fees. The results of this study are very useful for daily basis regulation of MSW administration.  相似文献   

Municipal solid waste management (MSWM) is an important environmental challenge and subject in urban planning. For sustainable MSWM strategies, the critical management factors to be considered include not only economic efficiency of MSW treatment but also life-cycle assessment of the environmental impact. This paper employed linear programming technique to establish optimal MSWM strategies considering economic efficiency and the air pollutant emissions during the life cycle of a MSWM system, and investigated the correlations between the economical optimization and pollutant emissions. A case study based on real-world MSW operating parameters in Taichung City is also presented. The results showed that the costs, benefits, streams of MSW, and throughputs of incinerators and landfills will be affected if pollution emission reductions are implemented in the MSWM strategies. In addition, the quantity of particulate matter is the best pollutant indicator for the MSWM system performance of emission reduction. In particular, this model will assist the decision maker in drawing up a friendly MSWM strategy for Taichung City in Taiwan.

Implications: Recently, life-cycle assessments of municipal solid waste management (MSWM) strategies have been given more considerations. However, what seems to be lacking is the consideration of economic factors and environmental impacts simultaneously. This work analyzed real-world data to establish optimal MSWM strategies considering economic efficiency and the air pollutant emissions during the life cycle of the MSWM system. The results indicated that the consideration of environmental impacts will affect the costs, benefits, streams of MSW, and throughputs of incinerators and landfills. This work is relevant to public discussion and may establish useful guidelines for the MSWM policies.  相似文献   

Municipal solid waste management (MSWM) is an important environmental challenge and subject in urban planning. For sustainable MSWM strategies, the critical management factors to be considered include not only economic efficiency of MSW treatment but also life-cycle assessment of the environmental impact. This paper employed linear programming technique to establish optimal MSWM strategies considering economic efficiency and the air pollutant emissions during the life cycle of a MSWM system, and investigated the correlations between the economical optimization and pollutant emissions. A case study based on real-world MSW operating parameters in Taichung City is also presented. The results showed that the costs, benefits, streams of MSW, and throughputs of incinerators and landfills will be affected if pollution emission reductions are implemented in the MSWM strategies. In addition, the quantity of particulate matter is the best pollutant indicator for the MSWM system performance of emission reduction. In particular this model will assist the decision maker in drawing up a friendly MSWM strategy for Taichung City in Taiwan. Implications: Recently, life-cycle assessments of municipal solid waste management (MSWM) strategies have been given more considerations. However, what seems to be lacking is the consideration of economic factors and environmental impacts simultaneously. This work analyzed real-world data to establish optimal MSWM strategies considering economic efficiency and the air pollutant emissions during the life cycle of the MSWM system. The results indicated that the consideration of environmental impacts will affect the costs, benefits, streams of MSW, and throughputs of incinerators and landfills. This work is relevant to public discussion and may establish useful guidelines for the MSWM policies.  相似文献   

The purpose of this investigation is to evaluate the current status and to identify the problems of municipal solid waste (MSW) management in China to determine appropriate remedial strategies. This is the second of two papers proposed on this topic. Major problems or difficulties identified in MSW management in China include MSW land, air, and water pollution, commingled collection, poor administration, shortage of funds, lack of facilities, and problems of training and public awareness. In order to solve these problems and to improve MSW management in China, remedial strategies in three areas are recommended: institutional reform, technology development, and legislation and administrative improvement. The primary principle involved in institutional reform is unifying legislative responsibilities into one body and developing a market mechanism for handling MSW. Composting, landfills, and incineration should be equally developed in accordance with China's needs. The feasibility of developing technology to handle MSW in China is discussed. Also recommended is the establishment of sound regulatory systems, including a service fee system, a source separation system, and a training program. China is presently undergoing economic and institutional reform at the national and local levels. Results of this study will provide useful information on MSW management in China.  相似文献   


The purpose of this investigation is to evaluate the current status and to identify the problems of municipal solid waste (MSW) management in China to determine appropriate remedial strategies. This is the second of two papers proposed on this topic. Major problems or difficulties identified in MSW management in China include MSW land, air, and water pollution, commingled collection, poor administration, shortage of funds, lack of facilities, and problems of training and public awareness.

In order to solve these problems and to improve MSW management in China, remedial strategies in three areas are recommended: institutional reform, technology development, and legislation and administrative improvement. The primary principle involved in institutional reform is unifying legislative responsibilities into one body and developing a market mechanism for handling MSW. Composting, landfills, and incineration should be equally developed in accordance with China's needs. The feasibility of developing technology to handle MSW in China is discussed. Also recommended is the establishment of sound regulatory systems, including a service fee system, a source separation system, and a training program. China is presently undergoing economic and institutional reform at the national and local levels. Results of this study will provide useful information on MSW management in China.  相似文献   

In this study, a stochastic fractional inventory-theory-based waste management planning (SFIWP) model was developed and applied for supporting long-term planning of the municipal solid waste (MSW) management in Xiamen City, the special economic zone of Fujian Province, China. In the SFIWP model, the techniques of inventory model, stochastic linear fractional programming, and mixed-integer linear programming were integrated in a framework. Issues of waste inventory in MSW management system were solved, and the system efficiency was maximized through considering maximum net-diverted wastes under various constraint-violation risks. Decision alternatives for waste allocation and capacity expansion were also provided for MSW management planning in Xiamen. The obtained results showed that about 4.24 × 106 t of waste would be diverted from landfills when p i is 0.01, which accounted for 93% of waste in Xiamen City, and the waste diversion per unit of cost would be 26.327 × 103 t per $106. The capacities of MSW management facilities including incinerators, composting facility, and landfills would be expanded due to increasing waste generation rate.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the characterization of energy consumption and contaminant emissions from a municipal solid waste (MSW) treatment system that comprises transfer station, landfill site, combustion plant, composting plant, dejecta treatment station, and an integrated MSW treatment plant. The consumed energy and energy medium materials were integrated under comprehensive energy consumption (CEC) for comparison. Among typical MSW disposal methods such as combustion, composting, and landfilling, landfilling has the minimum CEC value. Installing an integrated treatment plant is the recommended MSW management method because of its lower CEC. Furthermore, this method is used to ensure process centralization. In landfill sites, a positive linear correlation was observed between the CEC and contaminant removal ratios when emitted pollutants have a certain weight coefficient. The process should utilize the minimum CEC value of 5.3702 kgce/t MSW and consider energy consumption, energy recovery, MSW components, and the equivalent of carbon dioxide emissions.  相似文献   

城市固体废物优化管理模型及管理成本影响因素研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用不确定性多目标动态优化模型,以优化环境和经济为目标,对中国佛山市固体废物管理进行规划.结果表明,该模型能大幅度降低固体废物管理与处理成本,节省财政支出.研究得出影响固体废物总处理费用的3个重要影响因素为产生量、回收量、处理容量.针对以上3个因素深入分析比较,提出了广义和狭义的综合处理技术,这是经济、环保、可行的技术策略:首先,将广义综合处理应用到实际中,采用分类回收、压缩收集、优化模型对废物进行合理配置,尽量降低经济成本和环境影响;其次,从狭义角度出发,采用多种技术组合,达到处理率高、资源化程度高、环境影响小的目的.  相似文献   


The purpose of this investigation is to evaluate the current status and identify the problems of municipal solid waste (MSW) management in China in order to determine appropriate remedial strategies. This is the first of two papers, discussing primarily the general characteristics of MSW and its management in China. The second paper focuses on specific remedial strategies. MSW generation in China has increased rapidly in the past 20 years from 31.3 million tons in 1980 to 113.0 million tons in 1998. The annual rate of increase is 3–10%. The average generation per capita is 1.0 kg/day (0.38 t/year). Nearly one-half of the waste generated is dumped in the suburbs, where the accumulated quantity has reached 6 billion tons, which has caused heavy environmental pollution. This paper provides information on MSW management in China, such as MSW generation and its physical, chemical, and biological properties. Low calorific value and high moisture content characterize China's municipal waste. Other issues related to MSW management in China are also discussed, including the factors that influence MSW generation quantity and quality, MSW collection, transfer and transport, treatment and disposal, material recovery, legislation, enforcement, and administration.  相似文献   

随着中国长江流域水电开发进入高峰期,大量的建设人员进入水电站施工营地,导致施工区的生活垃圾处理处置问题日益凸显。通过对金沙江HPS1水电站、雅砻江HPS2水电站和HPS3水电站、大渡河HPS4水电站施工区生活垃圾状况的调查表明,水电站施工生活区生活垃圾人均产量平均值约为0.68kg/d;以厨余、渣土、纸类塑料和橡胶为主,电池等危险废物含量甚微;容重、低位热值、生物可降解物质量分数的平均值分别为358kg/m3、5 234kJ/kg、43.22%。结合施工区所处的环境条件和周围的市政设施现状,采用层次分析法和最小成本法,构建了长江流域水电站施工区生活垃圾处理处置决策模型,可为大型水电站开发过程中施工区生活垃圾全过程管理提供指导。根据决策模型计算得出,HPS1、HPS2、HPS4水电站施工区生活垃圾最优处理处置技术为卫生填埋,HPS3水电站以外运综合处理最优。  相似文献   

城市生活垃圾卫生填埋场恶臭的防治技术进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
恶臭污染已成为垃圾处理和处置过程中的严重公害。在分析中,介绍了填埋场各区域恶臭的控制措施,综述了卫生填埋场恶臭的常规防治技术,重点讨论了生物技术在填埋场脱臭中的应用,这些防治技术对各类环境卫生设施,如垃圾收集站、中转站、焚烧场、堆肥厂及粪便处理厂的臭气治理均有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Municipal solid waste characteristics and management in China   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The purpose of this investigation is to evaluate the current status and identify the problems of municipal solid waste (MSW) management in China in order to determine appropriate remedial strategies. This is the first of two papers, discussing primarily the general characteristics of MSW and its management in China. The second paper focuses on specific remedial strategies. MSW generation in China has increased rapidly in the past 20 years from 31.3 million tons in 1980 to 113.0 million tons in 1998. The annual rate of increase is 3-10%. The average generation per capita is 1.0 kg/day (0.38 t/year). Nearly one-half of the waste generated is dumped in the suburbs, where the accumulated quantity has reached 6 billion tons, which has caused heavy environmental pollution. This paper provides information on MSW management in China, such as MSW generation and its physical, chemical, and biological properties. Low calorific value and high moisture content characterize China's municipal waste. Other issues related to MSW management in China are also discussed, including the factors that influence MSW generation quantity and  相似文献   

Disposal practices for bottom ash and fly ash from waste-to-energy (WTE) facilities include emplacement in ash monofills or co-disposal with municipal solid waste (MSW) and residues from water and wastewater treatment facilities. In some cases, WTE residues are used as daily cover in landfills that receive MSW. A recurring problem in many landfills is the development of calcium-based precipitates in leachate collection systems. Although MSW contains varying levels of calcium, WTE residues and treatment plant sludges have the potential to contribute concentrated sources of leachable minerals into landfill leachates. This study was conducted to evaluate the leachability of calcium and other minerals from residues generated by WTE combustion using residues obtained from three WTE facilities in Florida (two mass-burn and one refuse-derived fuel). Leaching potential was quantified as a function of contact time and liquid-to-solid ratios with batch tests and longer-term leaching tests using laboratory lysimeters to simulate an ash monofill containing fly ash and bottom ash. The leachate generated as a result of these tests had total dissolved solid (TDS) levels ranging from 5 to 320 mg TDS/g ash. Calcium was a major contributor to the TDS values, contributing from 20 to 105 g calcium/kg ash. Fly ash was a major contributor of leachable calcium. Precipitate formation in leachates from WTE combustion residues could be induced by adding mineral acids or through gas dissolution (carbon dioxide or air). Stabilization of residual calcium in fly ashes that are landfilled and/or the use of less leachable neutralization reagents during processing of acidic gases from WTE facilities could help to decrease the calcium levels in leachates and help to prevent precipitate formation in leachate collection systems.  相似文献   


In this study, a dynamic inexact waste management (DIWM) model is developed for identifying optimal waste-flow-allocation and facility-capacity-expansion strategies under uncertainty and is based on an inexact scenario-based probabilistic programming (ISPP) approach. The DIWM model can handle uncertainties presented as interval values and probability distributions, and it can support assessing the risk of violating system constraints. Several violation levels for facility-capacity and waste-diversion constraints are examined. Solutions associated with different risks of constraint violation were generated. The modeling results are valuable for supporting the planning of the study city’s municipal solid waste (MSW) management practices, the long-term capacity expansion for waste management system, and the identification of desired policies regarding waste diversion. Sensitivity analyses are also undertaken to demonstrate that the violations of different constraints have varied effects on the planning of waste-flow allocation, facility expansion, and waste management cost.  相似文献   

In this paper, methane emissions from municipal wastewater treatment plants and municipal solid waste (MSW) landfills in Jordan for 1994 have been estimated using the methodology developed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). For this purpose, the 14 domestic wastewater treatment plants in the country were surveyed. Generation rates and characterization of MSW components as well as dumping and landfilling practices were surveyed in order to estimate 1994 CH4 emissions from these sites. Locally available waste statistics were used in cases where those of the IPCC guidelines were not representative of Jordan's statistics. Methane emissions from domestic wastewater in Jordan were estimated at 4.66 gigagrams (Gg). Total 1994 CH4 emissions from MSW management facilities in Jordan are estimated at 371.76 Gg--351.12 Gg (94.45%) from sanitary landfills, 19.83 Gg (5.33%) from MSW open dumps, and 0.81 Gg (0.22%) from raw sewage-water dumping ponds. Uncertainties associated with these estimations are presented.  相似文献   


Accurate estimations of municipal solid waste (MSW) generation are vital to effective MSW management systems. While various single-point estimation approaches have been developed, the non-linearity and multiple site-specific influencing factors associated with MSW management systems make it challenging to forecast MSW generation quantities precisely. To address these concerns, this study developed a two-stage modeling and scenario analysis procedure for MSW generation and taking Shanghai as a test case demonstrated its viability. In the first stage, nine influencing factors were selected, and a hybrid novel forecasting model based on a long short-term memory neural network and an improved particle swarm optimization (IPSO-LSTM) was proposed for the forecasting of the MSW generation quantities, after which actual Shanghai data from 1980 to 2019 were used to test the performance. In the second stage, the future influencing variable values in different scenarios were predicted using an improved grey model, after which the predicted Shanghai MSW generation quantities from 2025 to 2035 were evaluated under various scenarios. It was found that (1) the proposed IPSO-LSTM had higher accuracy than the benchmark models; (2) the MSW generation quantities are expected to respectively increase to 9.971, 9.684, and 9.090 million tons by 2025 and 11.402, 11.285, and 10.240 by 2035 under the low, benchmark, and high scenarios; and (3) the MSW generation differences between the high and medium scenarios were decreasing.


A study design procedure was developed and demonstrated for the deployment of portable onboard tailpipe emissions measurement systems for selected highway vehicles fueled by gasoline and E85 (a blend of 85% ethanol and 15% gasoline). Data collection, screening, processing, and analysis protocols were developed to assure data quality and to provide insights regarding quantification of real-world intravehicle variability in hot-stabilized emissions. Onboard systems provide representative real-world emissions measurements; however, onboard field studies are challenged by the observable but uncontrollable nature of traffic flow and ambient conditions. By characterizing intravehicle variability based on repeated data collection runs with the same driver/vehicle/route combinations, this study establishes the ability to develop stable modal emissions rates for idle, acceleration, cruise, and deceleration even in the face of uncontrollable external factors. For example, a consistent finding is that average emissions during acceleration are typically 5 times greater than during idle for hydrocarbons and carbon dioxide and 10 times greater for nitric oxide and carbon monoxide. A statistical method for comparing on-road emissions of different drivers is presented. Onboard data demonstrate the importance of accounting for the episodic nature of real-world emissions to help develop appropriate traffic and air quality management strategies.  相似文献   

In Korea, the amount of greenhouse gases released due to waste materials was 14,800,000 t CO2eq in 2012, which increased from 5,000,000 t CO2eq in 2010. This included the amount released due to incineration, which has gradually increased since 2010. Incineration was found to be the biggest contributor to greenhouse gases, with 7,400,000 t CO2eq released in 2012. Therefore, with regards to the trading of greenhouse gases emissions initiated in 2015 and the writing of the national inventory report, it is important to increase the reliability of the measurements related to the incineration of waste materials.

This research explored methods for estimating the biomass fraction at Korean MSW incinerator facilities and compared the biomass fractions obtained with the different biomass fraction estimation methods. The biomass fraction was estimated by the method using default values of fossil carbon fraction suggested by IPCC, the method using the solid waste composition, and the method using incinerator flue gas.

The highest biomass fractions in Korean municipal solid waste incinerator facilities were estimated by the IPCC Default method, followed by the MSW analysis method and the Flue gas analysis method. Therefore, the difference in the biomass fraction estimate was the greatest between the IPCC Default and the Flue gas analysis methods. The difference between the MSW analysis and the flue gas analysis methods was smaller than the difference with IPCC Default method. This suggested that the use of the IPCC default method cannot reflect the characteristics of Korean waste incinerator facilities and Korean MSW.

Implications: Incineration is one of most effective methods for disposal of municipal solid waste (MSW). This paper investigates the applicability of using biomass content to estimate the amount of CO2 released, and compares the biomass contents determined by different methods in order to establish a method for estimating biomass in the MSW incinerator facilities of Korea. After analyzing the biomass contents of the collected solid waste samples and the flue gas samples, the results were compared with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) method, and it seems that to calculate the biomass fraction it is better to use the flue gas analysis method than the IPCC method. It is valuable to design and operate a real new incineration power plant, especially for the estimation of greenhouse gas emissions.  相似文献   

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