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黄河流域是我国重要的生态屏障和经济地带,流域内各区域的绿色发展问题研究显得尤为重要。基于2006—2020年黄河流域60个城市的面板数据,采用非期望Super-SBM模型对该区域城市绿色发展效率进行测度,并通过修正的引力模型和社会网络分析方法深入探究绿色发展效率的关联网络结构特征及影响因素。结果表明:(1)黄河流域绿色发展效率总体处于波动上升状态,空间上呈现为上游地区>下游地区>中游地区的梯性差异;(2)黄河流域绿色发展效率关联网络在一定程度上突破了地理邻近效应,并表现出复杂的网络结构,但整体网络密度仍处于较低水平,具有较大的发展潜力;(3)黄河流域城市绿色发展效率关联网络包括净溢出、经纪人、双向溢出和净受益4个板块,关联路径以板块间为主;(4)城市间地理临近、经济发展水平、科技创新水平和产业结构差异等自然和社会经济因素对黄河流域绿色发展效率关联网络的形成具有显著影响。  相似文献   

数字经济是中国未来长效发展的重点,研究黄河流域数字经济能够为其高质量发展提供新机遇。基于数字经济内涵,构建数字经济发展水平评价指标体系,以黄河流域为案例研究区域,采用Kernel核密度估计、Moran′s I、GTWR模型定量测度2011—2019年黄河流域数字经济发展水平时空分异格局与影响因素。结果发现:(1)黄河流域三大地区数字经济发展水平不断提升,发展差异持续扩大,上中下游地区之间存在显著阶梯递增效应;(2)黄河上游数字经济发展存在“中心—外围”现象,中游地区呈现层级分化特征,下游地区地级市间发展差距有减小趋势;(3)黄河流域数字经济发展空间相关性显著,局部呈现HH集聚和LL集聚两极分化格局;(4)黄河流域生态环境、产业结构、信息化水平、政府干预程度及人力资本水平均对黄河流域的数字经济发展产生影响,且各影响因素存在显著的地区差异。  相似文献   

正确认识和恰当处理旅游经济与生态环境的关系是实现区域生态保护和旅游业高质量发展的重要议题。采用耦合协调度模型和空间回归分析方法,评价2007—2017年我国黄河流域9省区旅游经济与生态环境的耦合协调度及影响因素。结果表明:①2007—2017年,黄河流域旅游经济和生态环境两大系统的评价值均呈增长趋势,旅游经济的增长速度明显高于生态环境。②2007—2017年,黄河流域各省区旅游经济与生态环境耦合协调度呈上升态势。③政府控制力、产业结构(第三产业占比)、人口规模和人民生活水平4个因素对本地区旅游经济与生态环境耦合协调发展具有显著正向影响,工业研发投入对本地区旅游经济与生态环境耦合协调具有显著负向影响。  相似文献   

黄河流域是我国重要的生态功能区,是实现国家粮食安全的重点区域。本文梳理了近期黄河流域的相关研究,从粮食安全视角下分析了黄河流域现阶段在流域水效率、流域水管理机制、流域水生态文明三方面的问题,并提出了关于黄河流域大保护与高质量发展的两方面建议。一是创新流域水管理机制,服务国家粮食安全。积极改进水资源管理方式,加大节水宣传教育力度,加强黄河流域水土流失综合治理,合理调控水价,完善黄河流域水权市场建设。二是践行"两山"理论,提升流域水生态文明。建设"四大体系"和"七大区域",推进生态廊道建设;转变经济发展方式;提前布局水生态文明建设。  相似文献   

《中国环境政策报告——生态移民》新吉乐图主编,内蒙古大学出版社2005年9月第一版,20.00元以恢复已遭破坏的生态系统或者以防患于未然为目的,停止地区居民原有的生产和生活方式,把地区居民迁移到其他地区,即为“生态移民”。“生态移民”的实施状况如何?它能否实现其初衷?围绕这一主题,这本论文集主要从生态、经济、文化三个角度进行了考察和分析研究。令人忧虑的是,一些牧民家庭迁移之后的收入在降低,而发展集中饲舍牧业需要大规模的灌溉,这导致了地下水资源枯竭、生态环境进一步恶化;而在有的地区,“生态移民”导致了新的草原开垦。此外,这本论文集对文化多样性问题予以特别的关注。书中指出: “生态移民”政策将使多种多样的生产及生活方式单一化,使“异质”的文化走向“均质”;环境问题和文化问题互为表里,游牧文化消失的代价正是沙尘暴的肆虐;“以人为本”可理解为“以文化为本”,文化的多样性应该受到重视。  相似文献   

采用灰色关联法研究了巢湖流域产业结构与水污染之间的关系,查找分析对巢湖水质影响较大的行业,以期为巢湖水污染治理提供新思路.通过分析2001-2006年合肥市和巢湖市产业结构,表明合肥市在工业方面的电力、食品、冶金等行业对水污染影响较大;巢湖市对水污染的影响更多体现在牧业、渔业.因此,巢湖流域应加大产业结构调整,优化升级第一、第二产业内部结构,大力发展第三产业,以保护流域内水资源环境,促进流域区域经济社会可持续发展.  相似文献   

黄河流域环境污染与高质量发展已成为当前国内关注的重要问题,我国为应对黄河流域生态恶化带来的挑战制定了一系列环保政策。本文立足生态补偿政策并构建准自然实验,以 2005-2019年黄河流域 A股制造业上市公司为研究对象,运用多期双重差分法实证检验生态保护补偿政策对黄河流域制造业高质量发展的影响。研究发现:生态保护补偿政策的实施促进了黄河流域制造业高质量发展水平的提高且存在明显的区域异质性和产权异质性,具体表现在对黄河流域上游和国有企业制造业高质量发展促进作用明显高于中下游地区和非国有企业。社会责任承担和政府补助增加是生态保护补偿政策推进黄河流域制造业高质量发展的重要方式,上述研究结论在经过 PSM-DID、更换被解释变量、安慰剂检验后仍然具有稳健性。研究全面考虑了生态保护补偿政策在流域内不同区域发挥作用的渠道,有利于充分发挥生态保护补偿政策在黄河流域生态治理和高质量发展中的功效。  相似文献   

高吉喜 《绿色视野》2008,(12):18-19
生态省概念是在国内外循环经济、可持续发展理论基础上,结合中国生态市、生态县、生态乡镇、生态村发展实践提出的,是区域可持续发展的有效途径,具有典型的中国特色。生态省建设是以科学发展观为指导,以促进经济增长方式的转变和改善环境质量为目的,发展循环经济,促进产业结构调整,推动整个区域走上生产发展、生活富裕、生态良好的文明发展道路。  相似文献   

"草牧业"概念首现于2015年中央"一号文件",加快发展"草牧业"是实现我国草地资源可持续利用的有效途径。随着各级政府相关政策的出台,对政策落实情况、实施效果进行评估具有重要的学术价值与现实意义。基于社会网络分析方法,通过绘制草牧业社会网络图,并结合草牧业内涵,从草地生态、生产功能两个方面对政策实施效果进行评估。研究发现,保护草原生态、提高人民生活水平是草原工作的核心,"粮改饲"试点工程等方面虽然取得了一定的成效,但也存在草牧业发展缺乏产业链总体设计、土地流转成本高、科学技术水平薄弱、支撑力度小等问题。通过辨识政策缺口,为后续政策调整及制定提供科技支持。  相似文献   

伊犁河谷水土资源开发使得土地利用/土地覆盖类型这一区域生态环境演变的重要因素处在变化之中,由此产生的生态环境问题还没有得到有效控制。在解析2000和2005年伊犁河谷的Landsat TM遥感影像基础上,分析、探讨土地利用/土地覆盖现状和动态变化及其特征,揭示生态环境问题。为了防止生态环境问题进一步恶化,使生态环境效益与经济效益同步协调发展,提出调整产业结构、建设草业、设计生态用水、实行环境保护工作“一把手”负责制的建议。  相似文献   

王修川 《资源开发与市场》2007,23(11):1025-1028
运用循环经济理论,针对畜禽排泄物治理和科学利用,提出了畜禽粪便减量化、资源化措施。畜禽粪便作为新的资源在降低自然资源消耗的同时,给农业经济增长提供了有力的支撑。在循环经济模式下,人、畜禽养殖与生态环境之间互动影响已不再是破坏生态环境、限制经济发展的障碍,而是表现为一种社会、经济和环境"共赢"的有利局面。  相似文献   

A unique pastoral community uses the arid rangelands of eastern Ladakh, known as Changthang, northern India. The nomadic people rear a variety of livestock such as sheep, goats, horses and yaks, which provide them with various goods and services. Nevertheless, the needs and aspirations of the people are changing. There is a trend towards increasing the livestock population, especially of a breed of goat that produces one of the finest natural fibres: Pashmina, which is the mainstay of their economy. This increase in goat population, however, is jeopardising the long‐term survival of the wild herbivores in the region, and as such is not sustainable. We present information on the current trends in socio‐economy, Pashmina production, wildlife conservation, and the conflicts of interest between wildlife and nomads in the region. On the basis of this information, we make suggestions for the conservation of natural resources in the region. We recommend preserving the historical societal norms and notions of the people, and capitalising on them to manage natural resources. We also recommend joint management of natural resources by the local people, State and non‐governmental organisations. Our findings provide a platform on which a grazing policy for the region may be formulated.  相似文献   

In recent years, animal welfare has become an important element of sustainable production that has evolved along with the transformation of animal production systems. Consumer attitudes towards farm animal welfare are changing around the world, especially at emerging markets of Asia, Africa and Latin America. Survey-based research on consumer attitudes towards farm animal welfare has increased. However, the geographical coverage of studies on consumer attitudes and perceptions about farm animal welfare has mostly been limited to Europe, and North America. Until now, Latin American consumers’ attitudes towards animal welfare have not been well studied. Despite the fact that Mexico, Chile and Brazil belong to the same region (according to international organizations), there are marked differences between these countries in terms of their economical and geographical characteristics among other factors. Those differences potentially have an impact on consumer attitudes towards animal welfare and livestock production systems in general. Given the evidence from the literature review, it seems advisable that Latin American producers and food industry who engage in animal welfare-enhancing practices should clearly label their products with information on the type of husbandry system to reach those consumers who want to make an informed choice. Therefore, there are some aspects that need to be studied and cannot be worked separately in order to promote and understand consumer attitudes towards dairy and beef systems, such as geography, economic development, and politics.  相似文献   

除了作为资源的物质生产功能外,草原还有生态服务功能、社会保障功能和文化承载功能等。日益严重的生态环境问题,要求必须全面认识草原的多功能性,转变生产方式,因地制宜发展以保护为主的放牧畜牧业、草畜耦合高效高产畜牧业、草原生态旅游业以及草原特色产业等多种草原经济发展模式。草原经济的可持续发展需要从法制、产权制度、保护制度、生态补偿机制、评价体系建设等多方面予以保障。  相似文献   

Production methods for food from U.K. livestock industries (milk, dairy products, meat, eggs, fibre) are undergoing substantial change as a result of the need to respond to environmental and animal welfare awareness of purchasing customers, and to espouse the principles of environmental protection. There appears to be a strong will on the part of livestock farmers to satisfy the environmental imperative, led by the need to maintain market share and by existing and impending legislation. There has been support forthcoming in the form of Government-sponsored scientific research and technological development to provide the necessary framework for new environmentally sensitive practices. The agricultural community has itself made substantial responses to market demand through the inception of Farm Assured Quality Assurance Schemes. These appear to have a more sustainable future than the extremes of organic farming and free-range practices. Pollution of agricultural land with nitrate and phosphate by intensive livestock industries is a greater problem in some parts of continental Europe than it is in the U.K. The distribution of livestock out of intensive units and into mixed farming systems, would require substantial restructuring of the industry. Many of the animal welfare requirements which have been forwarded as a part of the environmental agenda for agriculture have been voluntarily accepted by livestock producers. However, some major aspects, such as alternative housing systems for pigs and poultry, remain unresolved. Analysis of the science and technology support for the environmental imperative, especially from Government sources, would suggest that, although dramatically increased in recent years, environmentally orientated research remains a relatively small proportion of the whole. Whilst a movement away from governmental funding of volume production appears to be justifiable, there has not been an equivalent balancing of effort toward funding for product quality, sustainability, environmental protection and animal welfare. Nevertheless, the university education system is producing a generation of more environmentally aware agricultural science graduates who are opting to pursue Government-sponsored environmentally orientated postgraduate research programs.  相似文献   

Recent policy developments in the area of livestock husbandry have suggested that, from the perspective of optimizing animal welfare, new animal husbandry systems should be developed that provide opportunities for livestock animals to be raised in environments where they are permitted to engage in “natural behavior.” It is not known whether consumers regard animal husbandry issues as important, and whether they differentiate between animal husbandry and other animal welfare issues. The responsibility for the development of such systems is allocated jointly between farmers, regulators, different actors in the food chain, and consumers. This research focuses on understanding consumer attitudes and preferences regarding the development and introduction of such systems, to ensure that they are acceptable to consumers as well as producers, regulators, and scientists. Consumer perceptions of animal welfare and animal husbandry practices were evaluated using quantitative consumer survey, which focused on two animal husbandry issues – farmed pigs and farmed fish. Following pilot work, 1000 representative Dutch consumers were sampled about their attitudes to either pig or fish husbandry. The results indicated that consumers think about animal welfare in terms of two broad categories related to their health and living environment, but do not think about welfare issues at a more detailed level. Greater concern was expressed about the welfare of pigs compared to fish. Consumer trust in labeling also emerged as an important issue, since consumers need to trust different food chain actors with responsibility for promoting animal welfare, and are reluctant to consider the details of animal husbandry systems. As a consequence, a transparent, enforceable, and traceable monitoring system for animal welfare friendly products is likely to be important for consumers.  相似文献   

Livestock production today faces thedifficult task of effectively meeting emergingconsumer concerns while remaining competitive on majortarget markets. Meeting consumer concerns aboutproduct safety and animal welfare are identified askey attention points for future livestock production.The relevance of these issues pertains to productionefficiency and economic benefits and tore-establishing meat sector image and consumer trust.The current paper analyses consumer concerns about theethical issues of meat safety and animal welfare fromcurrent livestock production. The research methodologyis based on literature review, secondary data sources,and primary research through focus group discussionsand a survey of 320 meat consumers in Belgium.Objectives were to assess importance attached byconsumers to product safety and animal welfare asethical issues in commercial livestock production, andto evaluate consumer perception of these issues forbeef, pork, and poultry. Significant differences inissue importance and perception are identified amongconsumer groups based on socio-demographic andbehavioral characteristics. From the analysis, meatsafety emerges as an absolute but minimum requirementfor future success of livestock and meat production.Additionally, animal welfare can be expected to becomea critical theme especially for pork and poultryacceptance.  相似文献   

刘欣 《四川环境》2021,40(2):240-245
我国畜禽养殖行业中的规模化养殖单位,养殖畜禽品类繁多且污染产生量巨大,而现行的排污许可证申请制度却无法起到畜禽养殖污染防治的效果。为制定更加具体的最佳可行技术标准,完善畜禽养殖行业排污许可证的申请与核发程序,故而通过域外比较瑞典相关立法规定提供参考。瑞典自其环境保护事业开展半个世纪以来,已经形成了由畜禽养殖许可证申请人提交环境影响报告,郡行政议事会同时参考畜禽养殖业最佳可行技术标准,审核资质并发放许可证的畜禽养殖许可制度体系。借鉴瑞典的立法经验,我国畜禽养殖业污染防治应以预防为主,并快相关专项立法的制定进程,以建立畜禽养殖行业排污许可综合管理制度。  相似文献   

In 2005, The International Federation of Organic Agricultural Movements (IFOAM) developed four new ethical principles of organic agriculture to guide its future development: the principles of health, ecology, care, and fairness. The key distinctive concept of animal welfare in organic agriculture combines naturalness and human care, and can be linked meaningfully with these principles. In practice, a number of challenges are connected with making organic livestock systems work. These challenges are particularly dominant in immature agro-ecological systems, for example those that are characterized by industrialization and monoculture. Some of the current challenges are partly created by shortages of land and manure, which encourage zero-grazing and other confined systems. Other challenges are created in part by the conditions for farming and the way in which global food distribution systems are organized, e.g., how live animals are transported, how feed is traded and transported all over the globe, and the development of infrastructure and large herds. We find that the overall organic principles should be included when formulating guidelines for practical organic animal farming. This article explores how the special organic conceptions of animal welfare are related to the overall principles of organic agriculture. The aim is to identify potential routes for future development of organic livestock systems in different contexts and with reference to the specific understanding of animal welfare in organic agriculture. We include two contrasting cases represented by organic livestock systems in northwestern Europe and farming systems in tropical low-income countries; we use these cases to explore the widely different challenges of organic livestock systems in different parts of the world.  相似文献   

The recent development and growth oforganic livestock farming and the relateddevelopment of national and internationalregulations has fueled discussions amongscientists and philosophers concerning theproper conceptualization of animal welfare.These discussions on livestock welfare inorganic farming draw on the conventionaldiscussions and disputes on animal welfare thatinvolve issues such as different definitions ofwelfare (clinical health, absence of suffering,sum of positive and negative experiences,etc.), the possibility for objective measuresof animal welfare, and the acceptable level ofwelfare. It seems clear that livestock welfareis a value-laden concept and that animalwelfare science cannot be made independent ofquestions of values and ethics. The questioninvestigated here is whether those values thatunderpin organic farming, in particular, alsoaffect the interpretation of livestock welfare,and, if so, how. While some of the issuesraised in connection with organic farming arerelatively uncontroversial, others are not. Theintroduction of organic farming values seems tointroduce new criteria for what counts as goodanimal welfare, as well as a different ethicalbasis for making moral decisions on welfare.Organic farming embodies distinctive systemicor communitarian ethical ideas and the organicvalues are connected to a systemic conceptionof nature, of agriculture, of the farm, and ofthe animal. The new criteria of welfare arerelated to concepts such as naturalness,harmony, integrity, and care. While the organicvalues overlap with those involved in theconventional discussion of animal welfare, someof them suggest a need to set new prioritiesand to re-conceptualize animal welfare – forexample, with respect to ``naturalness,' inrelation to the possibilities for expression ofnatural behavior and in relation to animalintegrity as a concept for organismic harmony.The organic perspective also seems to suggest awider range of solutions to welfare problemsthan changes in farm routines or operations onthe animals. The systemic solutions include thechoice and reproduction of suitable breeds,changes in the farm structure, and changes inthe larger production and consumption system – including consumer perceptions andpreferences. But the organic values may alsocall for sacrifices of individual welfare in aconventional sense in order to advance welfarefrom the perspective of organic farming.Whether this is good or bad cannot be decidedwithout entering into an inquiry and discussionof the values and ethics involved.  相似文献   

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