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ABSTRACT: Under an approved remining program, a coal mine operator can remine abandoned sites without legally assuming treatment responsibilities of the previously degraded water, as long as these discharging waters are not further degraded. Determination of discharge degradation caused by remining of abandoned coal mines requires knowledge of mine water quality and discharge flow rate characteristics both before and after remining. Normality tests performed on the water quality and flow data from 57 mine discharges indicate generally nonnormal distributions and extreme right-skewness. Exploratory data analysis (notched box-and-whisker plots) of the differences among medians indicates that the water quality of underground mines was more highly degraded in terms of acidity, iron, and sulfate concentrations than that from surface mines. Spearman's rank correlation tests, normality testing, and exploratory data analysis indicate that discharge flow rate is the primary controlling factor on the variability of pollution load rate. Reduction of recharge from the surface and adjacent unmined strata should decrease the mine discharge flow rate and in turn the pollution load.  相似文献   

对于地下开采的有水矿山,矿床疏干需要排放和消耗大量的地下水资源。本文介绍了玉泉岭铁矿在矿床疏干过程中,合理利用和保护水资源的主要措施和方法。  相似文献   

Acid-base accounting (ABA) is an analytical procedure that provides values to help assess the acid-producing and acid-neutralizing potential of overburden rocks prior to coal mining and other large-scale excavations. This procedure was developed by West Virginia University scientists during the 1960s. After the passage of laws requiring an assessment of surface mining on water quality, ABA became a preferred method to predict post-mining water quality, and permitting decisions for surface mines are largely based on the values determined by ABA. To predict the post-mining water quality, the amount of acid-producing rock is compared with the amount of acid-neutralizing rock, and a prediction of the water quality at the site (whether acid or alkaline) is obtained. We gathered geologic and geographic data for 56 mined sites in West Virginia, which allowed us to estimate total overburden amounts, and values were determined for maximum potential acidity (MPA), neutralization potential (NP), net neutralization potential (NNP), and NP to MPA ratios for each site based on ABA. These values were correlated to post-mining water quality from springs or seeps on the mined property. Overburden mass was determined by three methods, with the method used by Pennsylvania researchers showing the most accurate results for overburden mass. A poor relationship existed between MPA and post-mining water quality, NP was intermediate, and NNP and the NP to MPA ratio showed the best prediction accuracy. In this study, NNP and the NP to MPA ratio gave identical water quality prediction results. Therefore, with NP to MPA ratios, values were separated into categories: <1 should produce acid drainage, between 1 and 2 can produce either acid or alkaline water conditions, and >2 should produce alkaline water. On our 56 surface mined sites, NP to MPA ratios varied from 0.1 to 31, and six sites (11%) did not fit the expected pattern using this category approach. Two sites with ratios <1 did not produce acid drainage as predicted (the drainage was neutral), and four sites with a ratio >2 produced acid drainage when they should not have. These latter four sites were either mined very slowly, had nonrepresentative ABA data, received water from an adjacent underground mine, or had a surface mining practice that degraded the water. In general, an NP to MPA ratio of <1 produced mostly acid drainage sites, between 1 and 2 produced mostly alkaline drainage sites, while NP to MPA ratios >2 produced alkaline drainage with a few exceptions. Using these values, ABA is a good tool to assess overburden quality before surface mining and to predict post-mining drainage quality after mining. The interpretation from ABA values was correct in 50 out of 52 cases (96%), excluding the four anomalous sites, which had acid water for reasons other than overburden quality.  相似文献   

The Deckers Creek watershed in northern West Virginia (USA), containing a land area of 166 km2 (63 mi2), has a long history of industrial development and attendant environmental abuses from both land and water pollution practices. The water in Deckers Creek was sampled in 1974 at 29 locations along the main stem and resampled in 1999-2000 to determine water quality changes over this 25-year period. Water samples were analyzed for pH, acidity, alkalinity, iron, and calcium at both times, while aluminum, manganese, zinc, and fecal coliform (FC) bacteria densities were added in 1999-2000. Water at almost all sampling points showed lower acidity and metal contents in 1999-2000 compared with 1974. Water pH increased at the mouth from 5.4 in 1974 to 6.0 in 1999-2000. Acidity and iron concentrations were decreased an average of 70% in the upper stretches of the creek. However, one major untreated point source of water from an abandoned underground mining complex continues to degrade the quality of the creek in its lower stretches. In the upper section, the water quality in Deckers Creek has improved due to decreased surface and underground coal mining activities, reclamation of abandoned and recently permitted surface mined lands, and natural healing of past land use scars from timbering and mining over time. The decrease in mineral extraction activities and the reclamation of disturbed lands has occurred due to the passage and enforcement of water quality and land reclamation laws and regulations. More time and additional reclamation projects will continue to enhance the water quality in the creek. Improved water chemistry in the majority of the creek, however, shows the previously unnoticeable biological contamination from sewage inputs.  相似文献   

In this paper, a field study was carried out to examine the effect of flue gas desulfurization (FGD) by-product on water quality at an underground coal mine in central-eastern Ohio. Flue gas desulfurizalion by-product was injected into the down-dip portions of the Robert-Dawson mine in an attempt to seal major seeps exiting the mine and to coat exposed pyritic surfaces. Immediately following grout injection, significant increases in acidity, iron, aluminum, sulfur, and calcium were observed at most surface and ground water locations near where grouting was carried out. Following this initial flush of elements, concentrations of most constituents have decreased to near pre-grouting levels. Data from the site and geochemical modeling suggest that an increase in water level or rerouting of drainage flow resulted in the dissolution of iron and aluminum sulfate salts and ferrihydrite. Dissolution of the FGD grout material resulted in increases in calcium and sulfate concentrations in the drainage waters. Water within the mine voids was saturated with respect to calcium sulfate and gypsum immediately following grout injection. Based on an analysis of core samples obtained from the site, acid mine drainage (AMD) was in contact with at least some portions of the grout and this resulted in grout weathering. Subsequent transport of calcium and sulfate to the underclay, perhaps by fracture flow, has resulted in the deposition of gypsum and calcium sulfate solids.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Water samples collected from 14 underground coal mines in Colorado were analyzed for major dissolved constituents. The data indicate the water quality of 13 of the samples has developed by the interaction of calcite saturated ground water with sodium rich marine shales. Those samples that displayed evidence of being most completely reacted were composed almost entirely of sodium and bicarbonate ions and had a calcium to sodium activity ratio of 0.16, similar to that of seawater. The one sample that was not saturated with respect to calcite was saturated with respect to gypsum. The dissolved solids concentration attainable by dissolution of gypsum is much less than that attainable by the calcite marine shale equilibration, or approximately 2,500 milligrams per liter. By considering the maximum predicted concentrations of dissolved solids in relation to promulgated water quality criteria, it is possible to predict the hazards of reuse of this mine drainage. The primary problems would be damage or destruction of crops if the drainage water was used for irrigation. In addition, some samples contained concentrations of chloride and sulfate in excess of recommended standards for public water supplies.  相似文献   

As part of the process of drafting environmental guidelines for mining, a study of the impact of mining on the environment was undertaken by the Ghanaian Minerals Commission. The study evaluated the impact of underground mines and surface mines on the physical environment as well as their socio-economic impact. Among its conclusions: for both types of mines, drainage emptying out into rivers is a major cause of pollution; mine roads open up uninhabited regions to farming and other uses. Underground mines employ more workers than surface mines; the socioeconomic benefits of the surface mines to local people are less than those of underground mines.  相似文献   

US government regulations require that all effluents from industrial operations, including mining, meet certain water quality standards. Constructed wetlands have proven to be useful in helping to attain those standards. Application of this biotechnology to mine water drainage can reduce water treatment costs and improve water quality in streams and rivers adversely affected by acidic mine water drainage from abandoned mines. Over 400 constructed wetland water treatment systems have been built on mined lands largely as a result of research by the US Bureau of Mines. Wetlands are passive biological treatment systems that are relatively inexpensive to construct and require minimal maintenance. Chemical treatment costs are reduced sufficiently to repay the cost of construction in less than a year. The mine waste water is typically treated in a series of excavated ponds that resemble small marsh areas. The ponds are engineered to facilitate bacterial oxidation of iron. Ideally, the water then flows through a composted organic substrate supporting a population of sulphate-reducing bacteria which raises the pH. Constructed wetlands in the USA are described - their history, functions, construction methodologies, applicabilities, limitations and costs.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Stream water during fair weather (base flow) is largely ground water discharge, which has been in contact with minerals of the underlying aquifer. Base flow water quality should therefore reflect aquifer mineralogy as well as upstream land use. Three upstream mining categories (unmined lands, abandoned coal mines, and reclaimed coal mines) differed in pH, specific conductance, sulfate, iron, aluminum, and alkalinity for 122 streams in eastern Ohio. Aquifer rock type influenced pH, specific conductance, sulfate, iron, and alkalinity. Reclamation returned many components of acid mine drainage to near unmined levels, although sulfate and specific conductance were not improved. Acid mine drainage problems were less severe in watersheds underlain by the calcareous Monogahela Formation. These results should ayply to other Appalachian coal regions having similar rock units. The water quality data distributions were neither consistently normal nor lognormal. Statistical tests utilizing ranks of the water quality data, instead of the data themselves, proved useful in analyzing the influences of mining category and rock type.  相似文献   

对废弃煤矿矿井涌水的水化学特征及成因进行分析,可为保护矿区地下水环境提供理论支撑.基于地质背景,通过对比枯水季节川北高台原区废弃煤矿矿井涌水与背景泉点水化学指标,并采用聚类分析方法对矿井涌水中离子指标进行统计,进而对其特征及成因进行了研究.结果表明:地层中黄铁矿中硫元素氧化是矿井涌水水化学特征变化的开端,受研究区矿井涌...  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The determination of probable ground water impacts of proposed deep coal mining is required as part of permit applications. Impact prediction generally involves well production test analysis and modeling of ground water systems associated with coal seams. Well production tests are often complicated due to the relatively low permeabilities of sandstones and shales of ground water systems. The effects of the release of water stored within finite diameter production wells must be considered. Well storage capacity appreciably affects early well production test time drawdown or time recovery data. Low pumping rates, limited cones of depression, and length of required pumping periods ate important well production test design factors. Coal seam ground water system models are usually multilayered and leaky artesian. Mine drafts partially penetrate the ground water system. Simulation of coal mine drainage often involves the horizontal permeability and storage coefficient of the coal seam zone, vertical permeabilities of sandstones and shales (aquitard) above and below the coal seam zone, and the hydrologic properties of the source bed above the aqultard overlying the coal seam zone. Ground water level declines in both the coal seam zone and source bed near land surface are necessary factors in impact analysis. An example of evaluation studies in southwest Indiana will illustrate factors involved in deep coal mine drainage modeling efforts.  相似文献   

The performance of a wetland system in treating lead (Pb)/zinc (Zn) mine drainage was evaluated by using the polyurethane foam unit (PFU) microbial community (method), which has been adopted by China as a standardized procedure for monitoring water quality. The wetland system consisted of four cells with three dominant plants: Typha latifolia, Phragmites australis and Paspalum distichum. Physicochemical characteristics [pH, EC, content of total suspended solid (TSS) and metals (Pb, Zn, Cd, and Cu)] and PFU microbial community in water samples had been investigated from seven sampling sites. The results indicated that the concentrations of Pb, Zn, Cd, Cu, and TSS in the mine drainage were gradually reduced from the inlet to the outlet of the wetland system and 99%, 98%, 75%, 83%, and 68% of these metals and TSS respectively, had been reduced in concentration after the drainage passed through the wetland system. A total of 105 protozoan species were identified, the number of protozoa species and the diversity index (DI) gradually increased, while the heterotrophic index (HI) gradually decreased from the inlet to the outlet of the wetland system. The results indicated that DI, HI, and total number species of protozoa could be used as biological indicators indicating the improvement of water quality.  相似文献   

Abstract: The effects of natural flow restoration on metals fate and transport in the Upper Tenmile Creek Watershed, Montana, were modeled using the Water Quality Analysis Simulation Program developed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). This 50‐km2 watershed has over 150 historic abandoned mines, including mine waste rock and tailings, as well as adits discharging acid mine drainage, and is the primary drinking water supply for the City of Helena. Water supply diversions almost completely dewater some stream reaches during summer low flows, but the city is considering a new drinking water source and restoration of natural flows in Tenmile Creek as part of acid mine drainage remediation and broader aquatic habitat restoration. One dimensional steady‐state simulation of total recoverable cadmium, copper, lead, and zinc in the mainstem was performed, and the model was calibrated to June 2000 base‐flow data. Representative low‐flows in August and high‐flow snowmelt conditions in June were modeled using mean monthly natural flow estimates from the U.S. Geological Survey and representative USEPA metals concentrations data. The modeling showed that total recoverable metals concentrations, and especially loads, can vary significantly among input locations and over time in the watershed. Some data gaps limit evaluation of variability and increase uncertainty in several locations. Model results indicated, however, that natural low‐ and high‐flow restoration by itself can reduce some metals concentrations in the mainstem compared to June 2000 values, which were influenced by significant water diversion. Some values (such as Zn) may still exceed standards during natural August low flow due to the remaining high concentrations and loads in the primary inputs to the mainstem. Others (such as Cu) can increase during high flow due to remaining mine waste sources and loading of particulate Cu associated with erosion and transport of solids. Greater than 50% reduction in concentrations and loads from some of the main tributaries may be necessary to meet all standards, especially for potential particulate loads with higher flows in June.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: For more than 30 years, a program of continuous monitoring of pH, acidity, alkalinity, and other parameters has been maintained on a network of large streams degraded by acid mine drainage in the northern Appalachian high sulfur coal region. Continuous records since 1952 are available at a number of stations, and at several stations, acidity records date back to 1930. Comparable analysis techniques were maintained over the period of record, assuring the long term continuity of the database. This monitoring program has captured integrated long term trends within large and complex watersheds with numerous and varied types of mine discharges. The focus of this paper is a historical trend analysis of lightly to severely acid degraded major tributaries of the Allegheny River. Over the past three decades, all of the Allegheny River drainage basin stations have demonstrated steady and substantial declines in acidity and associated increases in pH and alkalinity. The average recorded decline in total acidity at four stations monitored since the 1950s was 94 percent. Since the 1970s, acidity declined by an average of 63 percent at 10 stations. Oxidative exhaustion of pyritic minerals exposed by mining is proposed as a major factor influencing these trends.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Samples were collected from the drainages of inactive deep coal mine sites located in eight states. Drainage quality was found to be highly variable, with a majority of sites exceeding federal effluent quality guidelines. Concentrations of trace metals including cadmium, mercury, zinc, and nickel were low. The presence of overburden calcareous material was shown to affect drainage quality. A consistent pattern of pH-acidity response was found to exist for the mine sites monitored. An empirical formula was developed to characterize this response.  相似文献   

The US Department of the Army, Baltimore District Corps of Engineers, oversees a long-term monitoring study to assess and evaluate effects of the Jennings-Randolph reservoir on biota in the North Branch Potomac River. The reservoir was intended, in part, to mitigate effects of acid mine drainage originating in upstream and headwater areas. The present study assessed recovery of benthos and fish in this system, six years after completion of the reservoir. Higher pH and lower iron and sulfate concentrations were observed upstream of the reservoir compared to preimpoundment conditions, suggesting better overall water quality in the upper North Branch. Water quality improved slightly directly downstream of the reservoir. However, the reservoir itself was poorly colonized by macrophytes and benthic organisms, and plankton composition suggested either metal toxicity and/or nutrient limitation. One large tributary to the North Branch and the reservoir (Stony River) was shown to have high (and possibly toxic) levels of manganese, iron, zinc, and aluminum due to subsurface coal mine drainage. Macroinvertebrate diversity and number of taxa were higher in sites downstream of the reservoir in the present study. Compared with previous years, the present study suggested relatively rapid recovery in the lower North Branch due to colonization from two major unimpacted tributaries in this system: Savage River and South Branch Potomac. Abundance of certain mayfly species across sites provided the most clear evidence of longitudinal gradients in water quality parameters and geomorphology. Fish data were consistent with macroinvertebrate results, but site-to-site variation in species composition was greater. Data collected between 1982 and 1987 suggested that certain fish species have unsuccessfully attempted to colonize sites directly downstream of the reservoir despite the more neutral pH water there. Our results show that recovery of biota in the North Branch Potomac was attributed to decreased acid inputs from mining operations and dilution from the Savage River, which contributed better water quality. Continued improvement of North Branch Potomac biota may not be expected unless additional mitigation attempts, either within the reservoir or upstream, are undertaken.  相似文献   

Surface coal mining in Appalachia has caused extensive replacement of forest with non-forested land cover, much of which is unmanaged and unproductive. Although forested ecosystems are valued by society for both marketable products and ecosystem services, forests have not been restored on most Appalachian mined lands because traditional reclamation practices, encouraged by regulatory policies, created conditions poorly suited for reforestation. Reclamation scientists have studied productive forests growing on older mine sites, established forest vegetation experimentally on recent mines, and identified mine reclamation practices that encourage forest vegetation re-establishment. Based on these findings, they developed a Forestry Reclamation Approach (FRA) that can be employed by coal mining firms to restore forest vegetation. Scientists and mine regulators, working collaboratively, have communicated the FRA to the coal industry and to regulatory enforcement personnel. Today, the FRA is used routinely by many coal mining firms, and thousands of mined hectares have been reclaimed to restore productive mine soils and planted with native forest trees. Reclamation of coal mines using the FRA is expected to restore these lands’ capabilities to provide forest-based ecosystem services, such as wood production, atmospheric carbon sequestration, wildlife habitat, watershed protection, and water quality protection to a greater extent than conventional reclamation practices.  相似文献   

章丘市水资源储量丰富,但由于人工开采、工农业生产、矿坑排水等原因造成了严重的泉水断流,现已成为严重的资源型缺水地区。为了保证国民经济的持续发展,保护和改善生态环境,根据章丘市水文地质情况,提出了合理开采地表水与地下水、节水与提高重复利用率、加强地下水资源污染的防治与保护等措施。这些措施可以从根本上解决章丘市水资源短缺和水环境质量恶化的问题,并最终实现以水资源的可持续利用来支撑整个国民经济可持续发展的目的。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The decline of many fish populations within the mid-Appalachian region has been attributed to stream acidification as a result of acid precipitation. Many previous attempts to examine relationships between fish occurrence and acidification have been hindered by a lack of data on water quality and fish distributions. To assess relationships between water quality and bedrock type in the upper Cheat River drainage, we used EPA STORET water quality data (1969–1993) and calculated mean pH and mean alkalinity of streams associated with four bedrock types (Hampshire, Chemung, Mauch Chunk, and Pottsville). We examined the relationship between fish occurrence and bedrock type for 53 headwater streams. We found that acidity in headwater streams associated with Pottsville and Mauch Chunk groups often exceeded biological thresholds for acid-sensitive fish species (pH < 5.5). Streams associated with the Pottsville group typically had fewer cyprinid species and fewer total species than those associated with Mauch Chunk, Chemung, and Hampshire bedrock types. The congruent occurrence of streams with low buffering capacity, streams with pH > 5.5, and streams with low fish species richness indicate that acidification has influenced fish distributions in the upper Cheat River drainage.  相似文献   

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