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学术界从不同角度对十八届三中全会以来的"三权分置"改革展开了讨论、研究,然而对"三权分置"的界定仍众说纷纭、缺乏共识,其背后潜在的问题与风险亦值得关注。林地是土地的重要组成部分,应坚持集体林地所有权,保护林地,保障林农的利益。但林地使用权"价值饱和"存在权属不清、流转不规范、主体单一等问题。通过"三权分置"制度的改革,对经营主体进行规制,明晰相关的权利属性,规范程序、完善司法救济,可最终实现林地使用权"价值饱和"。  相似文献   

小产权房问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对当前我国存在的小产权房所涉及的法律问题进行了研究分析,从小产权的概念、产生的原因入手,主要论述了小产权房产生的现实原因及深层次的制度原因。小产权房产生的现实原因主要有:高房价的促使、政府监管的不到位、保障性住房的缺位。深层次的制度原因主要是我国农村集体土地使用权流转机制的缺失。因此,政府应通过调控抑制高房价,加强政府部门的监管力度,完善我国的保障性住房建设,以及在制度层面上对我国农村集体建设用地使用权流转制度进行变革。  相似文献   

段颀  章天乐 《绿叶》2012,(7):56-61
我国林地资源丰富,但既往产权不明晰、配套金融服务滞后等因素严重制约了林地资源的保护与开发。随着集体林权制度改革的深化,以林权抵押贷款为重要表现形式的林地综合金融体系开始逐步形成,而其进一步成熟需要构建林业信息服务平台、森林保险业务、林农合作组织等互补配套制度。  相似文献   

集体林权制度改革后,农户林地经营规模的大小关系着其收入的高低,并影响着森林经营效率.结合在甘肃省天水市进行的问卷调查,从农户意愿出发,采用统计方法对结果进行分析.研究表明,家庭户均林地面积、家庭劳动力数量和农户的职业是影响农户期望的林地经营面积的重要因素.研究建议相关部门制定有针对性的改革配套政策,促进农户林地经营的适度规模化,以实现农户的增收和林区的和谐发展.  相似文献   

河南省是我国农业大省,也是人口大省,人地矛盾较为突出,各地市农村集体建设用地自发进入土地市场隐形流转已相当普遍。实践发展迫切要求规范农村集体建设用地流转,创新集体土地使用制度,建立合理的农村集体建设用地流转配套制度。因此,研究河南省农村集体建设用地流转的现状、规律及其存在的问题,制定合理高效、符合河南省实际的集体建设用地流转措施,规范农村集体建设用地流转市场已成为当前最迫切的问题。选择以河南省农村集体建设用地流转为研究对象,通过理论研究与实证研究相结合,分析了河南省农村集体建设用地流转的现状,探讨了其存在的主要问题及制约因素,提出了规范河南省农村集体建设用地流转的对策和建议。  相似文献   

我国集体林权制度改革之后,林地细碎化程度不断加剧,农户的林地经营难度有所增加。林地细碎化、林地流转对林地资源配置效率的作用方式如何?基于福建省235户农户的调查数据,从林地细碎化、林地流转的角度分析了对林地资源配置效率的影响。结果表明:林地细碎化、林地流转对林地资源配置效率具有正向影响,户主年龄、户主身份、投资营林风险大小、林业劳动力占比、家庭总收入、林业收入占比、林地质量、申请采伐限额指标难易程度对林地资源配置效率具有显著的影响。  相似文献   

王宇浩 《四川环境》2022,(2):197-201
农用地土壤污染修复技术是新时代加强农用地土壤污染治理、推进农村地区生态文明建设的有效手段.然而,我国农用地土壤污染修复责任制度存在土地使用权人责任范围语焉不详、政府兜底责任立法缺位以及修复责任追究机制规定散乱的法律困境.对此,结合法学、环境管理学等相关学科内容,同时借鉴域外立法实践与理论经验,主张明确土地使用权人的责任...  相似文献   

农村土地使用权流转问题不但是我国农村微观机制讨论的热点,而且是我国农地制度变革和完善的见证,也是农村结构调整、生产力水平提高的客观要求。在阐述了农村土地使用权的基本内涵及其多样形式的基础上,从分析我国农村土地使用权的现状出发,阐明了造成土地使用权流转及影响其有序推进的原因。立足于我国土地流转已取得的成效和存在的问题,提出了今后土地使用权流转应该注意的问题和应坚持的原则。  相似文献   

美国、欧盟、澳大利亚、日本等主要温室气体排放国家或地区为应对气候变化,制定了应对全球气候变化的法律法规,实施了各种税收政策。澳大利亚政府拟征碳税并逐步建立碳排放交易制度并计划与国际碳交易市场挂钩,既可抑制其国内高排放产业,优化产业结构,又有绿色发展和经济转型的考虑,但更多的是在于争取新能源和碳金融领域话语权。阐述了澳大利亚碳税制度的主要内容,分析了对我国产生的负面效应和存在的契机,为构建我国碳税制度提供有益借鉴。  相似文献   

建设用地使用权分层设立研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于历史、经济等各方面原因,我国建设用地使用权分层设立方面的研究刚刚起步,这方面的法律法规仍是空白,不足以保障我国土地空间资源分层开发利用的顺利进行.在对分层建设用地使用权内涵、性质进行深入阐述的基础上,在对我国建设用地使用权分层设立中可能产生的具体问题进行深入剖析,就建设用地使用权分层中存在的问题提出了切实可行的对策,以期对完善我国建设用地使用权分层设立的研究有所帮助.  相似文献   

The decentralization of property rights is the focus of the forest tenure reforms in several developing countries. In China, it was achieved by the launch of a new round of collective forest tenure reform beginning in 2003, which provided farmers with more integrated and secure forestland rights. Drawing on household data collected in Jiangxi province in 2011 and 2013, this paper examines the impacts of households’ recognition of property rights and improved tenure security on forestland rental activities. Our empirical results show that households with higher perceptions of more complete use rights and mortgage rights have a lower probability and intensity of renting‐in land, while households with lower expectations of future forestland redistribution or expropriation are more likely to rent in forestland and more of it. These results imply that the development of a forestland rental market leading to better forest management requires an integrated forestland management approach consisting of decentralization of property rights and village governance. In particular, the central government may further clarify the rights and obligations affiliated to forestland ownership, contractual rights, and management rights; while the village collective may shift from direct intervention in the integrity and security of forestland rights to the supervision and protection of decentralized forestland rights to increase efficiency from the decentralization of property rights.  相似文献   

Induced by high population density, rapid but uneven economic growth, and historic resource exploitation, China’s upper Yangtze basin has witnessed remarkable changes in land use and cover, which have resulted in severe environmental consequences, such as flooding, soil erosion, and habitat loss. This article examines the causes of land use and land cover change (LUCC) along the Jinsha River, one primary section of the upper Yangtze, aiming to better understand the human impact on the dynamic LUCC process and to support necessary policy actions for more sustainable land use and environmental protection. Using a repeated cross-sectional dataset covering 31 counties over four time periods from 1975 to 2000, we develop a fractional logit model to empirically determine the effects of socioeconomic and institutional factors on changes for cropland, forestland, and grassland. It is shown that population expansion, food self-sufficiency, and better market access drove cropland expansion, while industrial development contributed significantly to the increase of forestland and the decrease of other land uses. Similarly, stable tenure had a positive effect on forest protection. Moreover, past land use decisions were less significantly influenced by distorted market signals. We believe that these and other findings carry important policy implications.  相似文献   

浅谈地价评估和管理中的几个问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土地价格是土地价值和权益的具体表现,是调节土地利用的重要手段。地价管理在推进土地有偿使用、优化配置土地资源、促进土地市场建设等方面发挥着重要作用。而现行地价体系比较成熟的只有作为国有土地使用权出让标准的一种基准地价,为适应其它土地权利流转的需要,应建立以土地权利为核心的新型地价体系。  相似文献   

China’s new Classification-Based Forest Management (CFM) is a two-class system, including Commodity Forest (CoF) and Ecological Welfare Forest (EWF) lands, so named according to differences in their distinct functions and services. The purposes of CFM are to improve forestry economic systems, strengthen resource management in a market economy, ease the conflicts between wood demands and public welfare, and meet the diversified needs for forest services in China. The formative process of China’s CFM has involved a series of trials and revisions. China’s central government accelerated the reform of CFM in the year 2000 and completed the final version in 2003. CFM was implemented at the provincial level with the aid of subsidies from the central government. About a quarter of the forestland in China was approved as National EWF lands by the State Forestry Administration in 2006 and 2007. Logging is prohibited on National EWF lands, and their landowners or managers receive subsidies of about 70 RMB (US$10) per hectare from the central government. CFM represents a new forestry strategy in China and its implementation inevitably faces challenges in promoting the understanding of forest ecological services, generalizing nationwide criteria for identifying EWF and CoF lands, setting up forest-specific compensation mechanisms for ecological benefits, enhancing the knowledge of administrators and the general public about CFM, and sustaining EWF lands under China’s current forestland tenure system. CFM does, however, offer a viable pathway toward sustainable forest management in China.  相似文献   

当前发展环保产业需要重新认识的几个问题   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文就当前在社会主义市场经济体制下如何更好地加快环保产业的发展,提出了如下看法:目前环保产业应是以服务业为重点内容,以市场化、产业化为其发展方式的一个综合性新兴产业,要开展以企业为主体的经济活动,建立政府激励机制,改变以政府为主体的投资机制,并加强对环保设施运营的监督管理。  相似文献   

随着城市建设和经济发展,划拨土地使用权将进入市场流通。明确划拨土地使用权的财产权性质、合理评估其价格已很必要。与出让土地使用权相比,划拨土地使用权具有特殊性,其价格不宜采用先评估出让土地使用权后扣除出让金的方式评估。作为尝试,可以先评估划拨土地基准地价,用以指导划拨土地价格评估,衡量评估结果。  相似文献   

如何科学评估国有土地使用权挂牌底价,是国有土地使用权以挂牌方式出让工作中极为重要的环节。通过分析挂牌出让底价评估特点、地价内涵,探讨挂牌出让底价的评估方法,指出挂牌出让底价评估宜重点选用市场比较法和假设开发法两种评估方法,明确了市场比较法和假设开发法评估国有土地使用权挂牌出让底价的实施步骤和参数选取标准。  相似文献   

Slurry management is a central topic in the agronomic and environmental analysis of intensive livestock production systems. The objective of this study is to compare the environmental performance of two scenarios of collective slurry management for the disposal of excess nitrogen from animal manure. The scenarios are the transfer of slurry and its injection to crop land, and the treatment of slurry in a collective biological treatment station. The study is based on a real case in the West of France, where a group of farmers is developing a collective plan for the disposal of almost 7000 m(3) of excess pig slurry. The evaluation is carried out by Life Cycle Assessment, where emissions and resource consumption are quantified and aggregated into four environmental impact categories: eutrophication, acidification, climate change, and non-renewable energy use. Ammonia emitted is the most important contributor to acidification and eutrophication, while methane contributes most to climate change. Both ammonia and methane are mostly emitted during the storage of slurry and, in the case of the treatment scenario, also during composting the solid fraction of the slurry. The two management strategies are similar with respect to climate change, whereas eutrophication and acidification are twice as large for treatment relative to transfer. Electricity needed for the treatment process is the main contributor to non-renewable energy use for the treatment scenario, while the transfer scenario represents a net energy saving, as energy saved by the reduction of mineral fertiliser use more than compensates for the energy needed for transport and injection of slurry. The overall environmental performance of transfer is better than that of treatment, as it involves less acidification, eutrophication and non-renewable energy use. The method employed and the results obtained in this study can provide elements for a transparent discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of contrasting excess slurry management scenarios as well as the identification of the main aspects determining their environmental performance.  相似文献   

从加强基础教育、提高产品标准及规范招投标市场等方面阐述了目前大多环保装备在技术含量上得不到升华的原因;介绍了一种拥有自主知识产权、节能、降耗、增效的新型倒伞曝气机;为节能、增效、减排、推动和优化发展我国环保装备产业提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

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