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A hydrological model was constructed with the commercially available modelling environment ECoS for the calculation of mixing plots of dissolved pesticide concentrations in the Scheldt Estuary. The model was based on a one-dimensional advection-dispersion equation and dispersion coefficients were calculated from measured salinity profiles. The model could correctly predict the movement of water masses within the estuary. Nominal flushing times of the estuary were calculated with the fraction-of-freshwater method and ranged between 25 and 95 days, depending on the freshwater discharge. Model calculations demonstrated that the application-related time profiles of pesticide input may well induce curvature in the calculated estuarine mixing plot even if the pesticide behaves conservatively. Calculated mixing plots were compared with experimental data and good agreement was obtained between the measurements and the conservative mixing plot of atrazine. For metolachlor an additional direct emission had to be modelled to explain the differences between the experimental data and the conservative mixing plot. For dichlorvos and simazine. on the other hand, an estuarine loss constant had to be included in the model. Using a least-squares procedure the estuarine loss constants for dichlorvos and simazine were estimated at half-lives of five and 26 days, respectively. Because mixing plots were strongly influenced by the time profiles of pesticide input, standard procedures in which net fluxes are calculated from mixing plots, were not applicable. Therefore, net fluxes were calculated with a newly developed procedure in which the estuarine loss constants and the estuarine flushing time were combined. For the non-conservative compounds dichlorvos and simazine, the net fluxes to the North Sea were found to be 96 and 64%, respectively, lower than the gross fluxes transported by the River Scheldt.  相似文献   

Sediment and mysids from the Scheldt estuary, one of the largest and most polluted estuaries in Western Europe, were analyzed for a number of contaminants that have been shown to possess endocrine-disrupting activity, i.e. organotins, polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD), tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA), nonylphenol ethoxylates (NPE) and transformation products, nonylphenol (NP) and nonylphenol ether carboxylates (NPEC). In addition, in vitro estrogenic and androgenic potencies of water and sediment extracts were determined. Total organotin concentrations ranged from 84 to 348 ng/g dw in sediment and 1110 to 1370 ng/g dw in mysid. Total PBDE (excluding BDE-209) concentrations ranged from 14 to 22 ng/g dw in sediment and from 1765 to 2962 ng/g lipid in mysid. High concentrations of BDE-209 (240-1650 ng/g dw) were detected in sediment and mysid (269-600 ng/g lipid). Total HBCD concentrations in sediment and mysid were 14-71 ng/g dw and 562-727 ng/g lipid, respectively. Total NPE concentrations in sediment were 1422 ng/g dw, 1222 ng/g dw for NP and 80 ng/g dw for NPEC and ranged from 430 to 1119 ng/g dw for total NPE and from 206 to 435 ng/g dw for NP in mysid. Significant estrogenic potency, as analyzed using the yeast estrogen assay, was detected in sediment and water samples from the Scheldt estuary, but no androgenic activity was found. This study is the first to report high levels of endocrine disruptors in estuarine mysids.  相似文献   

The environmentally persistent perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) is a perfluoroalkylated acid (PFA), which has been found to accumulate and biomagnify through food webs all over the world. In the present investigation, the accumulation kinetics of PFOS was explored using the bioaccumulation model OMEGA. As accumulation behavior of PFOS may show similarities to fatty acids as well as to neutral organic compounds, different modeling approaches were used. Accumulation kinetics of PFOS was modeled similar to (1) moderately and (2) highly hydrophobic compounds, (3) metals and (4) as a combination of hydrophobic compounds and metals. Modeled elimination and uptake rate constants were compared to empirical rate constants from literature. Subsequently, model predictions were compared to field-based biota-suspended solids accumulation ratios (BSAF) in the estuarine food chain of the Western Scheldt, The Netherlands. Results show that uptake of PFOS is comparable to moderately hydrophobic compounds and elimination is best described by elimination kinetics of metals. These observations indicate that the accumulation behavior of PFOS is comparable to that of short and medium chained fatty acids.  相似文献   

Metal (i.e. Ag, As, Ca, Cd, Co, Cu, Mn, Pb and Zn) and metallothionein (MT) concentrations in the soft tissue of Littorina littorea were measured along the heavily polluted Western Scheldt (WS) and relatively clean Eastern Scheldt (ES) estuary. Along the WS metal and MT levels in periwinkles reflected the known downstream decreasing pollution gradient. Surprisingly in ES animals As, Mn and Zn concentrations decreased from east to west reflecting past pollution. Compared to the WS metal concentrations of ES periwinkles were significantly lower and both estuaries were maximally discriminated from each other based on their Cd soft tissue concentration using a canonical discriminant analysis. Furthermore, no overall difference was found in MT levels among animals from both estuaries. Using previously obtained condition data (i.e. dry/wet weight ratio and lipid content) the relation between soft tissue metal concentration (i.e. Cd, Cu and Zn) and fitness indicators (i.e. MT and condition data) was examined using a canonical correlation analysis. Periwinkles with a high metal load (i.e. Cd and Zn) also had high MT levels but were in a relatively poor condition.  相似文献   

As part of the Endis-Risks project, the current study describes the occurrence of the chlorotriazine pesticides atrazine, simazine and terbutylazine in water, sediment and suspended matter in the Scheldt estuary (B-Nl) from 2002 to 2005 (3 samplings a year, 8 sampling points). Atrazine was found at the highest concentrations, varying from 10 to 736 ng/l in water and from 5 up to 10 ng/g in suspended matter. Simazine and terbutylazine were detected at lower concentrations. Traces of the targeted pesticides were also detected in sediments, but these were below the limit of quantification. As part of an ecotoxicological assessment, we studied the potential effect of atrazine on molting of Neomysis integer (Crustacea:Mysidacea), a resident invertebrate of the Scheldt Estuary and a proposed test organism for the evaluation of endocrine disruption. Following chronic exposure ( approximately 3 weeks), atrazine did not significantly affect mysid molting at environmentally relevant concentrations (up to 1 microg/l).  相似文献   

PCB levels in sediments (bulk and fraction <63 microm), suspended matter and zooplankton from the Belgian continental shelf of the North Sea and the Scheldt estuary were evaluated in relation to their organic carbon content, their lipid content and, for sediments, their particle size distribution. PCB accumulation mechanisms are discussed, considering the importance of direct contamination (adsorption onto the cell surfaces, absorption through the cell walls and partitioning into the cell lipids) for suspended matter and sediments, and of indirect contamination through the food for zooplankton. Geographical and seasonal variations are described.  相似文献   

This study aimed to compare the contamination levels of various organohalogenated compounds in two migratory fish species in the Vilaine River in western France. Organochlorinated pesticides, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), dioxins (polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins/dibenzofurans (PCDDs/Fs)), and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) were analyzed in two diadromous species from the Vilaine estuary, the grey mullet (Liza ramada)—an amphihaline species, and the allis shad (Alosa alosa)—an anadromous species. Fish were collected in spring 2004 and spring 2005, upstream and downstream of the Arzal Dam. PCB contamination varied from 27 to 200 ng?g?1 dry weight (d.w.). PCDDs/Fs, expressed in toxicity equivalent quantity (TEQ) varied from 0.4 to 2.8 pg?g?1 d.w. Dioxins and dioxin-like PCBs expressed in total TEQ varied from 1.4 to 18.8 pg?g?1 d.w. PBDE47 was present at around 2–10 ng?g?1 d.w. and concentrations of the insecticide dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane breakdown product p,p′-dichlorodiphenylchloroethylene varied from 1 to 14 ng?g?1 d.w. For both species, specimens collected upstream were more contaminated. The grey mullet specimens were less contaminated than the allis shad when taken downstream of the dam but were more contaminated upstream. The allis shads presented intermediate contaminant concentrations with a less pronounced difference between upstream and downstream specimens. However, it is thought that shads do not feed when they spawn in the upstream parts of rivers, which should modify the contaminant concentrations. However, measurements in upstream shad samples show an unexpected increase of the contamination, which remains unexplained.  相似文献   

Temperate woodland ecosystems are believed to be both a source and sink for atmospheric methyl bromide and methyl chloride. To separate the gross production and consumption fluxes in this ecosystem, we applied a stable isotope tracer technique in field and laboratory-based experiments. Flux measurements were conducted in a California oak-savanna woodland ecosystem at several intervals throughout the day during the wet and dry seasons to observe the diurnal and seasonal variability of fluxes. While gross production was small and variable, gross consumption showed a clear difference between seasons, with much larger rates during the wet season and negligible rates during the dry season. Laboratory incubations confirmed that fluxes were strongly affected by soil moisture. Consumption rates of methyl bromide, however, are less than half of the previous estimates of temperate woodland soil uptake rates during the growing season. Nevertheless, woodlands cover a significant portion of the world's land surface area and may still be an important component of the soil sink for these methyl halides.  相似文献   

The contribution of gross riverine organochlorine pesticide (OCP) transport to estuaries of Russian seas and Lake Baikal was determined to help understand OCP transboundary transfer and to provide a basis for estimating Russia's contribution to global pollution by these pesticides. The official OGSNK/GSN data ranks sea/ocean/lake basins in the following order based upon the amounts of total OCPs received from agricultural use: Eastern Arctic>Western Arctic>Pacific>Baltic>Caspian>Azov/Black>Baikal. A similar ranking was obtained using an independent set of data: Eastern Arctic>Pacific>Caspian>Western Arctic>Baltic>Azov/Black. In terms of riverine flow-associated discharge of HCH isomers (i.e., sum of alpha-, beta- and gamma-HCH) estuaries of the Kara, Okhotsk and Beloye (White)/Barents seas received more pesticides than other seas. No HCH was discharged to estuaries of the Eastern Siberian and Bering seas. For DDT and its derivative (DDE), estuaries of the Kara, Caspian, Okhotsk and Baltic seas received the greatest amounts. During our study period (1988-1996), HCH transport was more prevalent in the majority of rivers reflecting both the official ban on the use of DDT in the former Soviet Union and the greater popularity of HCH as a pesticide. In general, it appears that Russian rivers play a significant role in OCP contamination of some estuaries of regional seas, especially those of the eastern Arctic basin, such as the Kara Sea.  相似文献   

Fifty fish samples were collected from the Pearl River estuary (PRE) and Daya Bay, South China and were analyzed for DDTs, HCHs, chlordanes and polybrominated biphenyl ethers (PBDEs). Except the high concentrations of DDT observed in fishes, the concentrations of HCHs, chlordanes and PBDEs were low when compared to other regions. BDE-47 was the predominant PBDE congener and the BDE-209 concentrations were relatively low, despite its high concentration in surface sediments. The absence of significant increase of DDT, HCH, chlordane and PBDE concentrations towards higher delta15N values, as well as the lack of a significant correlation (p<0.1) between log concentrations (lipid normalized) and delta15N, may indicate a weak biomagnification of these chemicals in the food webs. Good agreement was observed between their concentrations and lipid contents of the organisms. Bioconcentration was suggested to be responsible for the accumulation of OCPs and PBDEs in the lower trophic organisms in the studied subtropical waters.  相似文献   

The temporal evolution of pH values in precipitation over Europe during the period 1986-1997 is examined using panel data. The use of panel data techniques allows us to determine the temporal evolution of groups of stations rather than analyzing the temporal behavior of each of them. The analysis reveals three different temporal patterns: Peripheral, Central and French. We find a significant increasing trend (P < 0.00001) in both Peripheral and Central patterns. The annual increases are +0.057 pH-units yr(-1) and +0.022 pH-units yr(-1) respectively. However the French pattern is characterized by a significant decreasing trend (P < 0.004) and the annual decrease is -0.022 pH-units yr(-1). The standard errors of panel data estimates are around 47% smaller than those of classical pooling and 32% smaller than aggregate time-series regression. The use of panel data produces higher R2 values than classical pooling and aggregate data. This technique takes into account the individual heterogeneity, allows a larger number of data points and improves the efficiency of the estimates. In general, the policies of governments to reduce pollutant emissions seem to be effective.  相似文献   

Open-focused microwave-assisted extraction and ICP-OES determination of As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn from surface sediments of the estuary of Bilbao (Basque Country, North of Spain) was carried out. All the samples were collected at three different tributaries of the estuary (Asua, Galindo and Nerbioi-Ibaizabal) every two months during 1999. The digestion procedure was proposed from the conclusions of a fractionated factorial design, and the precision and accuracy of the method was verified using a certified reference sediment (RTC008-050). The results of the analysis were statistically treated by means of principal component analysis and correlation analysis. The principal component analysis of sediment data (32 samples × 9 metals) indicated different patterns of contamination regarding the tributary and sampling station. The two main patterns observed were a steady increment of the metal concentration along all the campaigns in the samples collected in the Galindo River and a seasonal variation in the Nerbioi-Ibaizabal River, with higher metallic content during summertime and lower content during wintertime.  相似文献   


Cochin estuary (CE) is one of the largest tropical estuaries along the southwest coast of India, sustaining rich bio-resources. Several studies enlighten the environmental changes in the CE caused by anthropogenic activities. In the present study, an attempt has been made to quantify the heavy metal (dissolved and particulate) fluxes brought by the six rivers into the CE with their exchange into the coastal ocean through the major inlet at Cochin during a steady flow period (October–November 2015). The water flux across the inlet was quantified using an acoustic doppler current profiler. The measured daily input of dissolved metals from the rivers was 2.43?×?103 kg Fe, 334 kg Zn, 259 kg Ni, and 83 kg Cr, while that of particulate metals were 85.30?×?103 kg Fe, 8. 6?×?103 kg Mn, 236.9 kg Cr, and 111.9 kg Zn. The net export of metals through the Cochin inlet (per tidal cycle) was 3.3?×?103 kg Fe, 515 kg Cr, 150 kg Zn, and 5 kg Ni in dissolved form and 3.32?×?105 kg Fe, 1747 kg Mn, 1636 kg Cr, 1397 kg Zn, and 586 kg Ni in particulate form. The high concentrations of metals during ebb tides are clear indications of their contribution from the industrial conglomerates (industrial units of metallurgy, catalyst, fertilizer, and pesticides) located in the Periyar River. The significance of this study is that the export fluxes may increase further during the summer monsoon (June to September), which may impact the abundant fishery emanating in the coastal environment during the period due to intense upwelling.


Zhou JL  Liu YP  Abrahams PW 《Chemosphere》2003,51(5):429-440
The distribution of trace metals Zn, Ni, Mn, Fe, Cu, Pb, Cd and Cr between suspended particulate matter (SPM) and water in the Conwy estuary, North Wales, has been studied in three surveys in 1998. Dissolved Cu and Mn showed some monthly variations. Most of the dissolved trace metals displayed a negative association with salinity, indicating rivers as a major source of inputs for them. Particulate Zn, Mn and Fe showed a decreasing concentration seaward, whilst the levels of Ni, Cu, Cr and Pb increased with salinity. SPM concentration was the most important variable significantly related to trace metal concentrations in SPM, with an inverse relationship between the two parameters. This was explained by the relative enrichment of trace metals in fine particles at low SPM concentrations and relative depletion of trace metals in coarse particles at high SPM concentrations. Particulate Zn, Mn and Pb were dominated by the fraction available to acetic acid (non-detrital), whilst particulate Ni, Fe and Cr were dominated by the fraction available to nitric acid (detrital). The partition coefficient of trace metals between SPM and water declined with increasing SPM concentration, consistent with the so-called "particle concentration effect". Such a phenomenon may be explained by the presence of fine particles (including colloids) enriched with trace metals at low SPM concentrations, and the salinity-induced desorption.  相似文献   

Ennaceur S  Ridha D  Marcos R 《Chemosphere》2008,71(7):1335-1339
The possible genotoxic potential of 1,1-dichloro-2,2-bis(p-chlorophenyl)ethylene (DDE), which is a metabolite of dichlorobiphenyltrichloroetane (DDT), and hexachlorobenzene (HCB), which are organochlorine pesticides have been evaluated in vitro by using human lymphocytes as test system. Genetic damage was determined by scoring the frequency of micronuclei (MN) in primary lymphocyte cultures obtained from different donors. The results indicated that, under the experimental conditions used, the DDT metabolite DDE was able to induce significant increases in the frequency of micronucleated cells, which indicate a certain clastogenic and/or aneugenic potential. DDE was tested in the range of 10-80 mM, but the only concentration producing a significant genotoxic effect was 80 mM. On the other hand, HCB was unable to induce a significant increase in the MN frequency in the range of concentrations assayed, from 0.005 to 0.1mM. The selected concentrations of DDE and HCB were chosen according to their toxicity in cell blood cultures; higher concentrations reduced significantly cell proliferation and produced a low frequency of binucleated cells. In conclusion, the results indicate that a genotoxic risk is associated with the exposure to DDE at concentrations 80 mM and above.  相似文献   

Chang SM  Doong RA 《Chemosphere》2006,62(11):1869-1878
The concentration and fate of persistent organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) in estuarine surface sediments in Erh-jen and Lan-yang rivers, Taiwan were investigated using headspace solid-phase microextraction (HSSPME) method to evaluate the possible pollution potential and guideline for OCP concentrations in Taiwan. The HSSPME method exhibits a good analytical performance with low detection limits for OCP determination in sediment. In addition, results obtained using the developed HSSPME method were in good agreement with those obtained using Soxhlet extraction in a certified sample. The developed analytical method was further applied to the determination of concentrations of OCP residues in surface sediments from the estuaries of the selected rivers in Taiwan. A total of 20 surface sediments from each river was collected from 10 sampling stations. The total OCP concentrations in sediments from Erh-jen River ranged from 0.17 to 5.04 ng/g-dw with the mean values of 0.25–1.24 ng/g-dw for HCHs, 0.10–0.89 ng/g-dw for cyclodienes and 0.16–0.64 ng/g-dw for DDTs. The concentrations of OCPs in sediments from Lan-yang River were in the range 0.37–0.9 ng/g-dw with an average of lower than 0.5 ng/g-dw. HCHs and DDTs were abundant in the estuarine sediments from the selected rivers. Results obtained in this study show that the origin of OCPs in the surface sediments from Erh-jen River is a combination of erosion of the weathered soils and long-range atmospheric transport, while the OCP concentrations found in Lan-yang River could be regarded as the background levels of OCPs in Taiwan.  相似文献   

Total HCHs' and total DDTs' levels in surface sediments (SS) ranged from 0.5 to 17.5 ng g−1 and from 0.9 to 33.1 ng g−1, averaged 6.0 and 8.2 ng g−1, respectively. Total HCHs' and total DDTs' levels in suspended particulate matters (SPM) varied from 6.2 to 14.8 ng g−1 with a mean value of 12.3 ng g−1 and were from 3.4 to 25.7 ng g−1 with an average of 16.4 ng g−1, respectively. Lindane is the main HCHs' source and continuing use in the Yangtze Delta areas of ‘pure’ γ-HCH (lindane) rather than technical HCH (a mix of largely α- and some γ-HCH). DDTs in SS are mainly accumulated in history. However, high DDT fractions in SPM are indicators of new input of typical dicofol type DDT from 2002 to 2004. It can be seen that most samples from the Yangtze estuary were in ranges where adverse biological effects are expected, either occasionally or frequently.  相似文献   

An epidemiological survey was conducted in the Seine estuary and in two smaller and relatively preserved estuaries on the French Atlantic coast in order to estimate the occurrence of liver lesions in European flounder, Platichthys flesus, and also to seek putative risk factors for the recorded pathologies. Four hundred and seventy-eight fish of both sexes and of different size ranges were sampled in the three studied areas, 338 of which in the Seine estuary. All fish were examined for histopathological liver lesions, while DNA adducts and otoliths were analyzed on a subsample. Five categories of hepatic lesions were recorded with the following prevalence for the Seine estuary: 36.7 % inflammations, 8 % parasites (mainly encysted nematodes), 6.5 % foci of cellular alteration (FCA), 5.3 % foci of necrosis or regeneration (FNR), and 1.5 % tumors. Inflammation occurrence increased according to age, contrary to parasitic infestations and FCA which were more prevalent in young fish, notably those of <1 year old (group 0). Tumors were only observed in females of more than two winters. Females exhibited a higher prevalence of tumors (3.0 %) and FCA (6.5 %) than males (0 and 2.6 %, respectively). Parasitic and infectious lesions and FNR were equally distributed in males and females. The prevalence of FNR was also shown to vary according to sampling season, with significantly more occurrences of liver necrosis in the fish collected in summer than in spring. Spatial differences were observed with a higher occurrence of encysted parasites in flounders from the upper Seine estuary, while inflammations predominated in flounders living downstream. Temporal trends were also noted, with an increased prevalence of parasitic infestations, inflammations, and FCA in the 2002–2003 period in comparison to the 1996–1997 one. The three flounder populations from the Seine estuary (Normandy), Ster estuary (Brittany), and Bay of Veys (Normandy) showed different spectra of hepatic lesions. Flounders from the Bay of Veys had relatively few liver lesions as compared to flounders from the two other estuaries. Flounders from the Ster estuary exhibited the highest prevalence of parasites (37.2 %) and inflammations (51.1 %). Finally, FCA and liver tumors occurred at very similar levels in both flounder populations from the Seine and the Ster estuaries. Group 0 flounders inhabiting the upper Seine estuary were more prone to parasitic and pre-neoplastic hepatic lesions and had higher levels of liver DNA adducts than the older ones living downstream. It was postulated that group 0 European flounders may serve as valuable bioindicators for assessing the quality of estuarine waters and the health status of euryhaline fish populations.  相似文献   

Analyses of methyl- and butyl-tin levels in freshwater, estuarine and marine sediments from the Sado estuarine system, and in mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) from its adjacent coast, have been performed in order to detect the contaminated areas. The main inputs of tributyl-tin (TBT), along with degradation products di- and monobutyl-tin (DBT and MBT), were detected in the estuarine zone, due to high discharge from shipyards located in this area. These levels are sometimes very high, ranging from 235 to 12,200 ng g(-1) total butyl-tins in sediments. Such inputs lead to higher bioconcentration values in mussels in the estuarine zone, as well as in a harbour located along the adjacent coast. The bioconcentration of organo-tins in mussel tissues could be enhanced in estuarine turbid waters, due to an ingestion of butyl-tins adsorbed onto fine particles, in comparison with non-turbid coastal waters. Debutylation processes occur in both sediments and mussel tissues; in organisms, these processes may lead to the formation of inorganic tin, which may be methylated differently according to the period of the year.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to survey the alluvial plains of the Sea Scheldt river in Belgium for the presence of old sediment-derived soils, and to appraise the heavy metal contamination at these sites. Historically, sediments of periodical dredging operations have been disposed in the alluvial plain without concern for the potential presence of contaminants. Up to 96% of the areas that were affected by sediment disposal (ca. 120 ha) was found to be polluted by at least one of the metals Cd, Cr, Zn or Pb. Concentrations of Cd, Cr and Zn were, in 10% of the cases, higher than 14, 1400 and 2200 mg/kg DM, respectively. Based on the Flemish decree on soil sanitation, Cu and Ni concentrations were of less environmental concern on any site. The pollution in the Sea Scheldt alluvial plain nevertheless is lower than for the Upper Scheldt alluvial plain. The sediment-derived soils in the most upstream part near Ghent were used for disposal of sediments from dredging operations elsewhere. Metal concentrations were explored and both spatial and temporal trend were analysed. The pollution levels encountered warrant caution as most of the soils affected by historical dredged sediment disposal are currently in use for pasture.  相似文献   

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