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Effect of various concentrations of humic acid (0.2 to 1%) on thebioavailability of -HCH in vegetative clones of theaquatic fern Marsilea minuta was studied in a staticexperimental bioassay system on different photoperiods. Additionof humic acid showed the reduction in the bioavailability of-HCH in all the photoperiods (72 hr light to 144 hrlight) at the interval of 16 hr light (L) and 8 hr dark (D) inboth aerial and submerged portion as compared to controlindicating its protective role in toxicity.  相似文献   

Median hardness and sodium levels in groundwater were calculatedfor 244 Texas counties from measurements at 7728 water wells.The data were mapped and analyzed with a geographic informationsystem (GIS). County median hardness levels varied widely, from4–2304 mg L-1. More than 60% of the counties had hardnessmedians above 180 mg L-1. County medium sodium concentrationsranged from 6–1170 mg L-1, with more than 90% of those valuesexceeding 20 mg L-1. There was a significant positive correlationbetween hardness and sodium concentrations in six of Texas' ninemajor aquifers. A significant negative correlation betweenhardness and sodium was observed in two aquifers. Severalfactors control hardness and sodium variations in Texas aquifers including rock/sediment composition, groundwaterchemical evolution, and seepage from nearby formations. Probablehuman controls include agricultural return flow andpumping-induced saltwater intrusion.  相似文献   

It is argued that standard environmental economic and 'ecological economics', have the same fundamentals of valuation in terms of money, based on a demand curve derived from utilitymaximization. But this approach leads to three different measuresof value. An invariant measure of value exists only if the consumer has 'homothetic preferences'. In order to obtain a numerical estimate of value, specific functional forms are necessary, but typically these estimates do not converge. This is due to the fact that the underlying economic model is not structurally stable.According to neoclassical economics, any environmental remediation can be justified only in terms of increases in consumer satisfaction, balancing marginal gains against marginal costs. It is not surprising that the optimal policy obtained fromthis approach suggests only small reductions in greenhouse gases.We show that a unidimensional metric of consumer's utility measured in dollar terms can only trivialize the problem of global climate change.  相似文献   

The relationship between income growth and environmental quality has been frequently investigated in the literature. These investigations are not unified on a single point and have yielded in a broad spectrum of conflicting results. Major portion of the literature argues that there exists an inverted U-shaped relationship between per capita income and environmental quality. While another stream of research opposes these findings and rejects environmental Kuznets curve (EKC). To investigate these variations, the present study synthesizes the existing findings and conducting meta regression analysis on a broad level. The contribution of this study is twofold; first, a framework, Preferred Reporting Items for Meta Regression Analysis (PRIMRA), has been developed, which is aimed to provide a pathway for future meta-analyses. This study itself has been carried out in the light of this framework. Second, this is the very first attempt to synthesize EKC literature by using quantitative methods on a broad level. Reviewing 101 research papers published during 2006–2019, we have found a strong evidence in support of EKC. It has been found that this relationship is a long run phenomenon and irrelevant to the choice of econometric tools employed or type of data used. Although the results show variations with the choice of environmental degradation indicators.  相似文献   

The population of the caprellid Metaprotella sandalensis Mayer (Crustacea: Amphipoda) associated with the seaweed Turbinaria ornata (Turner) J. Agardh was studied on a spatial scale in relation to the influence of physico-chemical factors on the coral reef system at Mauritius Island. Some areas of the coast of Mauritius are currently subject to disturbance due to industrialisation and rapidly growing tourist development programmes, meanwhile other sites of the island are still unaltered. T. ornata was sampled at 12 stations, distributed around the whole island to represent the heterogeneous conditions. The density of Metaprotella sandalensis living on T. ornata was measured. The linear regression and the multivariate analysis showed a strong correlation between the densities of the caprellid and the physico-chemical parameters. The highest densities of M. sandalensis were found in the most stressed sites characterised by the highest values of nitrate, phosphate, chemical oxygen demand and silting. According to these results and taking into account that M. sandalensis and T. ornata are widely distributed in most of the tropical ecosystems, we preliminarily propose usage of the density of this caprellid as a new monitoring tool on coral reefs or, at least, as a first diagnosis for the detection of nutrient enrichment on these ecosystems.  相似文献   

We studied the sorption behaviour of fullerene nano-C(60) particles (nC(60)) in soil from binary solvent mixtures of ethanol-water in order to critically evaluate the previous reports in the literature that the partitioning mechanism explains the soil sorption of fullerene C(60) as hydrophobic molecules. The sorption of nC(60) particles was studied in a range of solvent mixtures by changing volume fractions of ethanol from 20 to 100 percent. Sorption and particle characteristics were found to be very different in ethanol : water mixtures above and below 60% ethanol. In the range of 20-60% ethanol, sorption increased from 1.2 to 14.6 L kg(-1) accompanied by a change in zeta (ζ) potential from -32.4 to -7.2 mV. This observation can be attributed to hydrophilic interactions that negatively charged nC(60) particles undergo with soil colloids and water molecules. From 60% to 100% ethanol volume fractions, hydrophobic interactions of weakly charged nanoparticles may control the overall extent of soil sorption. The findings of this study indicate the importance of hydrophilic forces in controlling the sorption behaviour of nC(60) particles which are stabilized in water dominated solvent mixtures. The validity of the partitioning mechanism and K(OC) modelling approach in describing and estimating the sorption of nC(60) particles in soil (previously suggested in the literature) are, therefore, questioned.  相似文献   

Technological innovation has generated much interest among scholars, practitioners, and policymakers as a critical instrument for achieving sustainable development. Although the relationship between technological innovation and sustainable development has been extensively discussed in the academic and policy circles, little studies have empirically examined the simultaneous impact of technological innovation on the three pillars of sustainable development. To fill this gap, the present study examines the ability of technological innovation to simultaneously promote economic progress and advance social and environmental conditions in the case of 75 low-, middle-, and high-income countries by demonstrating how this impact differs across the stages of economic development. From both long-run estimates and causality analysis, our findings reveal that technological innovation contributes simultaneously to the three pillars of sustainable development only in the case of rich countries; however, it only affects the economic and environmental dimensions in the middle-income countries, and no impact is found in the case of low-income countries. Future research directions, policy and managerial implications are also discussed.  相似文献   

Despite ample medical evidence of the adverse impacts of traffic noise on health, most policies for traffic noise management are arbitrary or incomplete, resulting in serious social and economic impacts. Surprisingly, there is limited information about citizen’s exposure to traffic noise worldwide. This paper presents the 2Loud? mobile phone application, developed and tested as a methodology to monitor, assess and map the level of exposure to traffic noise of citizens with focus on the night period and indoor locations, since sleep disturbance is one of the major triggers for ill health related to traffic noise. Based on a community participation experiment using the 2Loud? mobile phone application in a region close to freeways in Australia, the results of this research indicates a good level of accuracy for the noise monitoring by mobile phones and also demonstrates significant levels of indoor night exposure to traffic noise in the study area. The proposed methodology, through the data produced and the participatory process involved, can potentially assist in planning and management towards healthier urban environments.  相似文献   

This paper considers the use of meiofauna (benthic metazoa 45 to 500 m in size) as biological indicators for monitoring marine environmental health. To date, this abundant and ubiquitous group of invertebrates has been largely neglected in applied sampling programmes; instead, emphasis has been placed upon more conspicuous biological components such as seagrass, macrofauna and epiphytes. In an attempt to redress this balance, this paper sets out three objectives: (1) to explain the reasons for selecting biological response indicators from across the whole spectrum of phylogenetic organisation, (2) to summarise those aspects of meiofaunal life-history and demography that render this group suitable for monitoring anthropogenic pollution and disturbance, (3) to suggest how to optimise the inclusion of meiofauna in monitoring programmes so that they provide maximum information for management purposes. To achieve these objectives the environmental impact assessment framework of Ward and Jacoby (1992) is adopted as a matrix into which the relevant components of meiofaunal ecology are fitted. Using this matrix, meiofauna are shown to have advantages that include their sessile habit, high species diversity, short generation time, direct benthic development and ubiquitous distribution. Disadvantages include their small size, high level of spatial and temporal variability, the potential cost of sample processing and the limited taxonomic literature accessible to non-specialist workers. The paper concludes with a discussion of sampling strategies and methods of analysis that may be used to efficiently incorporate meiofauna as biological response indices into environmental monitoring. Emphasis is placed on cost-effective techniques such as taxonomic minimalism.  相似文献   

This paper introduces the use of nutrition profiles as a first step in the development of a concept that is suitable for evaluating forest nutrition on the basis of large-scale foliar surveys. Nutrition profiles of a tree or stand were defined as the nutrient status, which accounts for all element concentrations, contents and interactions between two or more elements. Therefore a nutrition profile overcomes the shortcomings associated with the commonly used concepts for evaluating forest nutrition. Nutrition profiles can be calculated by means of a neural network, i.e. a self-organizing map, and an agglomerative clustering algorithm with pruning. As an example, nutrition profiles were calculated to describe the temporal variation in the mineral composition of Scots pine and Norway spruce needles in Finland between 1987 and 2000. The temporal trends in the frequency distribution of the nutrition profiles of Scots pine indicated that, between 1987 and 2000, the N, S, P, K, Ca, Mg and Al decreased, whereas the needle mass (NM) increased or remained unchanged. As there were no temporal trends in the frequency distribution of the nutrition profiles of Norway spruce, the mineral composition of the needles of Norway spruce needles subsequently did not change. Interpretation of the (lack of) temporal trends was outside the scope of this example. However, nutrition profiles prove to be a new and better concept for the evaluation of the mineral composition of large-scale surveys only when a biological interpretation of the nutrition profiles can be provided.  相似文献   

This paper reports the PAHs levels in the atmosphere of an urbanised industrial site of India. A high-resolution capillary gas chromatograph with a mass spectrometric detector (HRCGC-MS) and a high performance liquid chromatograph (HPLC) equipped with a fluorescence detector were used for the identification and quantitation of PAHs. The atmospheric levels of PAHs were higher (4.66 ng/m3 yearly average) than most of the concentrations previously reported in the literature. Indian sites were found more contaminated with potently carcinogenic: four and above ringed PAHs. Based on a good correlation between the levels of lead, vanadium, BaP and BghiP, the vehicular emission appears to be a major source of the PAHs. Further, the higher levels of observed PAHs could be attributed to the vertical distribution of the aerosols, the preference of the PAHs for the particulate phase and the greater availability of the substrate in the atmosphere for their sorption. This paper also discusses the need for development of a PAHs monitoring protocol and related health effect studies in developing countries such as India.  相似文献   

The response of natural systems to atmospheric change may depend critically on species diversity and on the genetic diversity (variability) found within their respective populations. Yet, most surveys of aquatic invertebrates account for neither. This may be of particular concern for benthic populations in running waters because of the considerable variability and the fragmentary nature of these habitats (e.g. isolated watersheds). In such habitats, species with limited genetic variability and/or limited dispersal capabilities (genetically differentiated populations) may be unable to track rapid environmental change, and may be more susceptible to climatic perturbations. We present a conceptual framework to illustrate some of the potential problems of ignoring population genetics when considering the impacts of global atmospheric change. We then review a simple method to assess population genetic structure and we evaluate available data on the genetic structure of North American stream invertebrates. These data indicate that benthic taxa often consist of genetically differentiated local populations, or even previously unknown species. Accordingly, our limited knowledge of population structure among benthic invertebrates may result in the unwitting loss of genetic and/or species diversity. Enhanced taxonomic research incorporating molecular techniques is clearly warranted. Conservation strategies based on the preservation and remediation of a diversity of aquatic habitats are likely to be our best means of ensuring species and genetic diversity of invertebrate taxa.  相似文献   

The contribution of wastewater from a tannery industry to the pollution of a stream was investigated. The main parameters studied were biochemical oxygen demand, chemical oxygen demand, chromium, dissolved oxygen, fecal and total coliforms, nitrogen, oils and greases, pH, phosphorous, sulfides, suspended solids, turbidity, and volatile solids. Three sampling points were located: (1) at the discharge point of tannery wastewater, (2) 50 m upstream, and (3) 80 m downstream of discharge point. Also was investigated the pollution at the stream source.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the size and composition of atmospheric aerosols in the downtown area of the city of S?o Paulo, Brazil, for a polluted and an unpolluted period. Aerosols were sampled with a portable air sampler (PAS), Micro-Orifice Uniform Deposit Impactor (MOUDI), and Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer. At the study site, air quality is poor, especially during the winter, high concentrations of pollutants being emitted primarily by the light- and heavy-duty vehicle fleet. We analyzed mass, black carbon (BC), Al, Si, P, S, Cl, K, Ca, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, Br, Rb, Sn, Zr, and Pb. During the polluted period, diurnal PM10 was higher than nocturnal PM10, whereas the inverse was true during the unpolluted period. The FPM was rich in BC, S, and Pb, whereas CPM was rich in Al, Si, Ca, Ti, and Fe. Mass balance was performed by category: ammonium sulfate, sodium chloride, crustal material, BC, and other. The PAS-determined FPM was mainly BC. The MOUDI-determined FPM crustal material explained more mass than did ammonium sulfate and BC during the polluted period, whereas ammonium sulfate had the largest mass during the unpolluted period. Crustal material was the major CPM component, followed by ammonium sulfate and BC. During the unpolluted period, FPM concentrations were lower, whereas those of ammonium sulfate were relatively higher, especially at night, and particle number was inversely proportional to particle size. Aerosol growth was more intense during the polluted period.  相似文献   

This article extends previous sustainability literature by demonstrating the effectiveness of good governance in rebalancing the economic, environmental, and social components of sustainable development. Good economic, political, and institutional governance are considered as conditional variables, which allow rebalancing these three components in the case of 20 selected MENA economies for the period 1996–2014. Using simultaneous-equation modeling approach, we find that (i) political and institutional governance positively contribute to the three components of sustainable development; (ii) there exists a two-way linkages between human development and economic growth, meaning that they are interrelated and may very well serve as complements to each other; (iii) increased economic growth conducts to further emissions, which, in turn, decreases economic growth; (iv) enhancing human development conducts to a reduction in carbon dioxide emissions, which, in turn, negatively affects human development; (v) improving both political and institutional governance permits MENA governments to moderate both the negative impacts of carbon emissions on economic growth and human development and the positive impact of economic growth on increasing emissions, and as a result sustainable development.  相似文献   

During the summers of 1991–1994, the Environmental Monitoringand Assessment Program (EMAP) sampled 344 lakes throughout thenortheastern United States using a proportional stratified sampling design based on lake size. Approximately one-quarter ofthe 344 lakes were sampled each year (4 years) for totalphosphorus to determine the proportion (and associated95% confidence intervals) of the northeast lake population 1ha (11,076 ± 1,699 lakes) that was in oligotrophic,mesotrophic, eutrophic, or heupereutropic (4 classes) conditionaccording to the total phosphorus criteria of the North AmericaLake Manegement Society. Estimates for the second, third, andfourth yr were developed as cumulative of the previous yrsamples and the current yr samples for the northeast as a wholeand for each of its three ecoregions (4 regions). New confidence intervals were computed for each cumulative yrcondition estimate. This produced a total (4 years × 4classes × 4 regions) of 64 cumulative yr tropic conditionestimates. Confidence intervals for 21% of these estimates didnot shorten with increased sample size. This phenomena raisedquestions about the accuracy of estimates based on cumulativesampling procedures. We explain why and how the phenomenon comesabout with both straight random and proportional randomsampling. Further, we present an example of the effects thisphenomenon has on lake tropic state condition estimates in thenortheastern United States.  相似文献   

Recent articles have investigated with integrated assessment models the possibility that climate damage bears on productivity (TFP) growth and not on production. Here, we compare the impact of these alternative representations of damage on the social cost of carbon (SCC). We ask whether damage on TFP growth leads to higher SCC than damage on production ceteris paribus. To make possible a controlled comparison, we introduce a measure of aggregate damage, or damage strength, based on welfare variations. With a simple climate-economy model, we compare three damage structures: quadratic damage on production, linear damage on growth and quadratic damage on growth. We show that when damage strength is the same, the ranking of SCC between a model with damage on production and a model with damage on TFP growth is not unequivocal. It depends on welfare parameters such as the utility discount rate or the elasticity of marginal social utility of consumption.  相似文献   

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