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A few analytical methods of elemental carbon determination are described. The purpose of the work is to choose the best method for determination of its content in dust suspended in air in industrial regions. The reflectance and chromatographic methods were investigated. It was shown that the reflectance methods could be used only when the particle size and form of elemental carbons constant. The chromatographic method, which includes the step of combustion of the sample in oxygen and chromatographic determination of evolved CO2 is recommended, since it is independent of the form of carbon. Organic carbon is removed from dust samples by extraction with benzene-methanol mixture.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the spatial and temporal variability of atmospheric mercury (Hg) in Chongqing, China, gaseous elemental mercury (GEM) was measured from August 2006 to September 2007, using Lumex multifunctional mercury analyzer RA-915(+) (Lumex Ltd., Russia). The mean GEM concentration was 6.74 +/- 0.37 ng m(-3) in Chongqing, much higher than the accepted global background values (1.5-2 ng m(-3)). The GEM concentrations were different in different function areas. GEM in transport, industrial and commercial areas were 7.07 +/- 1.04, 7.05 +/- 0.96 and 6.71 +/- 1.10 ng m(-3), respectively, while GEM was 6.14 +/- 1.30 and 4.32 +/- 1.04 in the educational/recreational and nature conservation areas, suggesting that Hg emissions from mobile vehicles and industrial sources (specially coal combustion) were the most important contributors to atmospheric Hg in Chongqing. Mean Hg concentrations also had monthly variations with highest in November (8.24 +/- 0.50 ng m(-3)) and lowest values in August (5.36 +/- 0.70 ng m(-3)). Additionally, the diurnal variation of GEM concentrations was dependent on the local/regional atmospheric conditions. At Jinyun Mountain site (natural conservation area), hourly GEM concentrations had much higher values in daytime than at night. At Power Plant site, however, the hourly GEM concentrations were lower in daytime than at night. GEM concentrations in the air were correlated significantly with meteorological parameters except for barometric pressure.  相似文献   

建立了全自动烷基汞分析仪测定地下水中甲基汞分析方法。样品经衍生化反应后直接测定。结果表明,方法检出限为0.001 8 ng/L,精密度(RSD,n=5)的RSD为1.6%,加标回收率为105%,符合水环境监测有机组份测试质量控制的要求。方法应用于直接测定有机汞浓度范围在ng/L~μg/L级的实际地下水样品,具有样品前处理简单、干扰少、灵敏度和准确度高、测定快速、省事省力等优点。  相似文献   

气相色谱法测定水样中元素磷   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文研究了用气相色谱法测定水样中元素磷。该方法灵敏度高,再现性好,简便快速,水中各种污染物不干扰测定。本方法的检出浓度为0.25μg/L,适用于测定生产黄磷的行业排放的废水以及测定受元素磷污染的水体。  相似文献   

Tehran is one of the megacities of the world with a population of over eight million. Its air is highly polluted mainly due to the suspended particulate matters, which encompasses a wide spectrum of chemical elements. These elements based on their type, size, and impact on the life cycle have various environmental and heath risks. In this research, the neutron activation method is used to determine the concentration levels of Al, Ba, Fe, Mg, and V in the urban air. Thus, two districts of Tehran with different characteristics are selected. District 21 includes much of the industries located in Tehran metropolitan and is considered as an industrial area. In contrast, district 22 lacks any significant industrial activity. It is a newly established and expanding district adjacent to district 21 with a great deal of constructional activities. For the measurement of the suspended particulate matters in the air, the various sections of the aforesaid districts with industrial, residential, heavily congested traffic, residential/commercial, residential/heavily congested traffic, and residential/industrial classifications were identified. Subsequently, 24 sampling stations were selected. The sampling of the suspended particulate matters was conducted with the aid of a high volume pump containing 125 mm cellulose filters in two different time intervals. After completion of the sampling process, the samples were prepared and sent to the research reactor of the Iran Nuclear Energy Organization for Neutron Activation. During the next steps, the radiations emitted from the samples were registered, the radiation curves were plotted, and the amounts of the trace elements were determined. As a result, the average concentration levels of Al, Ba, Fe, Mg, and V were identified to be 3.301140, 2.273658 × 10, 4.0681696 × 10???1, 3.5525475 × 10???1, and 3.04075 × 10???2 μg/m3, respectively. Moreover, the emission sources of the aforesaid elements into the air were identified. The concentration levels of these elements in the industrial and heavily congested traffic sections were higher. Finally, it was concluded that the statistical analysis of these elements presents a meaningful correlation among them.  相似文献   

The elemental contaminants in water and fish samples from Aba river were studied. The elements studied were Zn, Ni, As, Hg, Co and Mn. Three water samples and three samples of different fish species were collected from different locations in the river. The water and fish samples were analysed for elemental contaminants using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS). The elemental toxicants Zn and Mn were identified in appreciable amounts in fresh fish species namely, Lates niloticus and Oriochronis niloticus, of mean values 8.012 ppm and 0.861 ppm, respectively. The analysis also shows arsenic concentration of mean value 0.01 ppm in Lates niloticus. The analysis of frozen fish samples purchased from the Waterside market located near the river shows Ni and Hg levels of mean values 0.83 ppm and 0.02 ppm, respectively. The levels of elemental contaminants As, Zn, Hg and Mn from the water samples have mean values 0.082 ppm, 11.284 ppm, 0.201 ppm and 1.024 ppm, respectively. There are five industries that discharge waste products into Aba river. In view of this, there is a need to determine the level of pollution of the river, since the inhabitants depend on the river for their drinking water, fishing and other domestic uses. This study is aimed at determining the level of heavy metal toxicants in fish and water samples from the river. The effect of these elemental contaminants and the associated health hazards were examined.  相似文献   

We have examined the sensitivity of sequential two photon laser induced fluorescence (LIF) detection of elemental mercury, Hg(0) in the gas phase. The most sensitive approach involves an initial laser excitation of the 6(3)P1-6(1)S0 transition at 253.7 nm, followed by excitation with a second laser to the 7(1)S0 level. Blue shifted fluorescence is observed on the 6(1)P1-6(1)S0 transition at 184.9 nm. The excitation scheme, involving sequential excitation of two atomic transitions, followed by detection of the emission from a third is extremely specific and precludes detection of anything other than atomic mercury. Using our 10 Hz laser system we have achieved a detection sensitivity of 0.1 ng m(-3) at a sampling rate of 0.1 Hz, i.e. averaging 100 laser shots at a pressure of one atmosphere in air. At low concentrations we sampled simultaneously with an automated mercury analyzer (Tekran 2537A), to ensure accuracy. We have examined the linearity of the technique, generating flows containing mercury concentrations between 1 and 10,000 ng m(-3) using a permeation tube and dynamic dilution, but relying on the concentrations given by the Tekran at low levels and the concentration calculated from dilution at high levels. We find that the detection is linear over the five orders of magnitude that we were able to vary the concentration. Our measured detection limits in He and Ar are much lower as these gases are inefficient fluorescence quenchers.  相似文献   

原子荧光光度法测定水中汞的不确定度分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用原子荧光光度法对测定水中汞的不确定度进行分析,找出影响不确定的因素,对测量不确定度进行计算和评定,结果表明影响其测量不确定度主要因素是原子荧光光强度值带来的不确定度,其它因素是次要的.  相似文献   

The priority substances of List I, 76/464/EEC Directive, some of which belong to the new Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC, have been monitored in the surface waters of Greece through the developed network of 53 sampling stations. The analytical methods used for the determination of these substances included Purge and Trap-Gas chromatography-Mass spectrometry for volatile and semivolatile organic compounds, Gas Chromatography-Electron Capture Detection for organochlorine insecticides, High Performance Liquid Chromatography for pentachlorophenol and Atomic Absorption Spectrometry for metals. The results have shown the presence of several priority substances in Greek surface waters, in most cases at concentrations well below the regulatory limits. However, non-compliance was observed for a limited number of compounds. The monitoring network and the analytical determinations have to be expanded to more water bodies and more priority substances, in order to safeguard the quality of Greek surface waters.  相似文献   

研究了大气中低分子量酮类化合物的气相色谱测定方法 ,进行了线性范围、精密度和准确度实验。结果表明 ,该方法具有简便快捷、准确灵敏的特点 ,适合于大气污染事故应急监测  相似文献   

Sunfish and a minnow species were used as indicators of anthropogenic mercury contamination in an east Tennessee stream system receiving multiple point and non-point discharges. The monitoring of bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus) and redbreast sunfish (Lepomis auritus) identified bioavailable mercury near three geographically separate industrial facilities, and was able to detect decreases in contamination with distance away from these facilities. In general, total mercury concentrations in the tissue of sunfish in this study were low in comparison to the most commonly cited human health threshold limits, although concentrations at some sites exceeded 1 g/g. Caged blacknose dace (Rhinichthys atratulus) were monitored in conjunction with resident fish as an indicator of more discrete sources in selected headwater streams where fish movement was deemed a potential factor affecting mercury body burdens. Mercury concentrations in muscle tissue of caged dace after 12 weeks exposure were generally low (<0.2 g/g) at all sites but higher than in fish from reference streams. mercury accumulation varied between species (sunfish vs. dace) and monitoring method (caged vs. resident) at the same site, with sunfish tending to accumulate higher concentrations of mercury than resident dace which, in turn, contained about twofold higher concentrations than caged dace. However, the site-to-site pattern of mercury accumulation was similar. This study demonstrates the utility of using small stream dwelling fish with restricted home ranges as a tool for identifying and evaluating the bioavailability of mercury sources in large industrial or urbanized settings.  相似文献   

The paper presents the results of radon concentration measurements in the vicinity of water, indoor air and in contact to building walls. The investigations were carried out using CR-39 track detectors. Samples of ground water flowing out of many springs mostly in Arabian Gulf area except one from Germany have been studied. The results are compared with international recommendations and the values are found to be lower than the recommended value. Measuring the mean indoor radon concentrations in air and in contact to building walls in the dwellings of Kuwait University Campus were found 24.2 +/- 7.7, and 462 +/- 422 Bq m(-3) respectively. These values lead to average effective dose equivalent rates of 1.3 +/- 0.4 and 23 +/- 21 mSv year(-1), respectively.  相似文献   

Passive samplers were used to monitor ammonia concentrations at rural inner alpine and pre-alpine, as well as urban, sites in Austria and Bavaria. Elevated concentrations were measured both at farms (up to 36 microg NH3 m(-3)) and at urban locations (up to 28 microg NH3 m(-3)). At urban locations a linear relationship between the traffic density and the NH3 concentration was found, but there was no marked seasonal trend. The highest ammonia concentrations were measured in a traffic tunnel (up to 78 microg NH3 m(-3)). The presence of livestock breeding or small scale alpine pastures resulted in elevated concentrations at the rural sites (8.1-12 and 2.5-4.6 microg NH3 m(-3), respectively), compared to the surrounding areas (3.1 and 0.9 microg NH3 m(-3)). Agriculture related sources are usually limited either spatially or seasonally. As the emissions were moderate in our case, a rapid removal and dilution of ammonia was possible and therefore the NH3 burden was only local. Sources related to traffic are more evenly distributed both geographically and seasonally. The WHO guideline, annual average concentration of 8 microg m(-3) for the protection of vegetation, was only exceeded at farms, at the urban station with the heaviest traffic and in the Tauerntunnel.  相似文献   

Permethrin drift from two aerial applications at each of two sites in a potato growing area in Ontario were measured to a maximum distance of 61 m outside the treatment area. Droplet drift did not enter the adjacent surface water streams at either study site, since there was little or no wind on the four occasions. The concentration of the insecticide in soil as a result of drifting off site was significantly lower than the amount deposited on the treatment area. The spray drifting off-target was generally made up of droplets <100 m. Permethrin residues were detected in the water and sediment samples collected after treatment along the Bailey Creek and Beeton Creek; however, these levels did not cause lethal or sublethal effects to aquatic invertebrates and fish species. Based on the conditions and results of this study, it is concluded that a buffer zone of 65 m around sensitive and productive bodies of water would be effective and practical.  相似文献   

A procedure is outlined to make a rapid across-the-board estimate of the quantities of air, water and land pollution in a given region or country. Such inventories, though not as detailed as one would eventually need, provide a first integrated view of the magnitude and quantity of pollution and can contribute to effective and comprehensive pollution control planning.This article is abstracted from Rapid Assessment of Air, Water and Land Pollution Sources, WHO Internal Document EFP/81.14, World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland, 1981.  相似文献   

Mercury is a heavy metal which has garnered attention recently in India. Minamata Convention on mercury was established on October 2013 and was joined by India on September 30, 2014. India is seen as a major mercury pollution source after China according to many studies in the past. Various mercury pollution sites that are currently recognized in India are Kodai Lake, Kodaikanal, Tamil Nadu, and Thane Creek, Mumbai. Since 1992, chlor-alkali plants have been regulated to eliminate mercury cell process of manufacturing. Also, medical and health care facilities are discarding mercury-containing equipment and processes. Various anthropogenic sources of mercury to the atmosphere include combustion of fossil fuels, processing and mining of primary metal ores, cement manufacturing units, chlor-alkali plants, and use of mercury in various products like paints, electric switches, and relays. The hazard associated with mercury pollution becomes extremely serious when we consider its ability to be transported over long-range distances. Various atmospheric transport models suggest India and other Asian countries to be a major source of long-range transport of mercury to North America. Considering the hazards of mercury and its widespread presence in our life, a study on mercury pollution in an urban water body is conducted. This study deals with Mithi River located in Mumbai Metropolitan Region (19.0760° N, 72.8777° E) to study the total mercury in water and derive its relationship with other pollution parameters.  相似文献   

Two and a half years of data of ambient concentrations of elemental mercury (Hg(0)), reactive gaseous mercury (RGM), and particle-bound mercury (Hg(p)) were collected at measurement sites at Elizabeth, New Jersey and New Brunswick, New Jersey with Tekran sampling units. The data were processed, summarized, and analyzed from a variety of perspectives. Data quality control and quality assurance procedures are described. Wind direction and wind speed data for each of the sites were also collected. Significant temporal variations in concentrations of all three species were observed. Some significant directional variations were also seen. The sporadic nature of many of the temporal variations is consistent with and could reflect highly variable emissions patterns from anthropogenic mercury sources. Overall mean concentrations of all species were determined. These were, for Hg(0), Hg(p), and RGM respectively; 2.25 +/- 0.04 nanograms per cubic meter (ng/m(3)), 8.21 +/- 0.39 picograms per cubic meter (pg/m(3)), and 8.93 +/- 0.31 pg/m(3) (arithmetic means and 95% confidence intervals) at Elizabeth, and 2.15 +/- 0.02 ng/m(3), 10.73 +/- 0.45 pg/m(3), and 6.04 +/- 0.30 pg/m(3) at New Brunswick. Mean concentrations were determined for 16 different sectors representing wind directions. The impact of one known large source is suggested by these data. Reasons for some directional variations are not apparent and suggest a need for further investigation.  相似文献   

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