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如何降低水中VOC分析的检测限   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
环境中挥发性有机污染物(VOC)的存在很复杂,随着VOC治理的进步,环境水中VOC浓度有不断降低的趋势,要求VOC分析具有更低的检测限。通过对环境水前处理过程采用优化吹扫捕集条件来扩大试样量,选择高灵敏度的检测器以及降低前处理过程的空白值,提纯分析用水;优化VOC色谱分离条件,确保色谱峰良好分离来降低试样和空白值的标准偏差的研究,表明可以有效降低水中VOC分析方法的检测限。  相似文献   

Solid-phase microextraction (SPME) was studied for the measurement of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in indoor air. An adsorptive PDMS/Carboxen fibre was used and an analytical methodology was developed in order to overcome competitive adsorption. Kinetics and adsorption isotherms were investigated for different sample volumes and model compounds. In order to evaluate competitive adsorption on the fibre, these compounds were studied alone and in mixture. From the results obtained, the operating conditions allowing co-adsorption of the target compounds were determined: the air sample is enclosed in a 250 mL glass bulb where the SPME fibre is exposed until adsorption equilibrium. This procedure was combined with GC/MS analysis for the identification and quantification of VOCs in indoor air. The performances were determined by using a standard gas containing 10 VOCs representative of indoor environments (acetaldehyde, acetone, BTX, alpha-pinene, trichloroethylene, alkanes). The detection limits were determined in single ion monitoring mode and for a signal to noise ratio of 3. Except acetaldehyde (6 microg m(-3)), they are all below 0.5 microg m(-3). Calibration curves are linear up to 10 micromol m(-3) for all the compounds with good correlation coefficients (above 0.99). The reproducibility ranges from 6 to 12% according to the compound. The methodology was then applied to the comparison of the VOCs content in classrooms of two different schools.  相似文献   

Biogenic hydrocarbon emission rates from individual plant species have been estimated experimentally placing small plants or branches in enclosures and measuring the emission rates of the compounds. All-Teflon chambers (cuvettes) where air samples are drawn through tubes packed with adsorbents, have been commonly used for plant enclosure. Sampling of carbonyl compounds emitted from plants has been done using 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine coated particles and the derivative carbonyl compounds have been analyzed by HPLC-UV. In this work, the enclosure technique using a cuvette for measurements of carbonyl compound emissions from plants was evaluated. Blank measurements in an empty cuvette have revealed quite different results for experiments performed under laboratory and field conditions. Rigorous univariate statistical analysis of the data obtained indicate that the analytical procedure to determine carbonyl compounds at trace levels in emission samples using the cuvette may lead to positive artifacts during field sampling. This analysis applied to laboratory measurements showed no difference in the results for the cuvette and external lines. Multivariate statistical calculations point out that solar light intensity accounts for the high carbonyl compound levels, especially for acetaldehyde, in the empty cuvette.  相似文献   

The application of geostatistics to spatial interpolation of time-invariant properties in ground-water studies (such as transmissivity or aquifer thickness) is well documented. The use of geostatistics on time-variant conditions such as ground-water quality is also becoming more commonplace. Unfortunately, the detection of temporal changes in spatial correlation through direct comparison of experimental semivariograms is difficult due to the uncertainty in sample semivariograms constructed from field data. This paper discusses the use of the jackknife approach to estimate confidence limits of semivariograms of trichloroethane (TC) and other volatile organic compounds (VOC) in contaminated ground-water in northern Illinois. Examination of the spread of the confidence limits about the semivariograms created from two types of sampling networks are discussed.  相似文献   

The sustainable development of the limited groundwater resources in the tropical island requires a thorough understanding of detail hydrogeological regime including the hydrochemical behavior of groundwater. Detail analysis of chemical data of groundwater helps in assessing the different groundwater zone affected by formation as well as sea water. Groundwater and saline water interaction is better understood using groundwater major ion chemistry over an island aquifer. Multivariate methods to analyze the geochemical data are used to understand geochemical evolution of groundwater. The methods are successfully used to group the data to evaluate influence of various environs in the study area. Various classification methods such as piper, correlation method, and salinity hazard measurements are also employed to critical study of geochemical characteristics of groundwater to identify vulnerable parts of the aquifer. These approaches have been used to successfully evaluate the aquifer zones of a tiny island off the west coast of India. The most part of island is found to be safe for drinking, however some parts of island are identified that are affected by sea water ingress and dissolution of formation minerals. The analysis has successfully leaded to identification of that part of aquifer on the island which needs immediate attention for restoration and avoids further deterioration.  相似文献   

杭州市交通干线空气中挥发性有机物研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
研究了杭州市四季交通干线空气中挥发性有机物分布和浓度特征,得出汽车尾气是市区交通干线空气中挥发性有机物的主要污染来源,且有机物浓度与交通干线繁忙程度成正比,杭州市交通干线空气中挥发性有机物污染以春季最为严重,秋季最轻。  相似文献   

Green performance measure is vital for enterprises in making continuous improvements to maintain sustainable competitive advantages. Evaluation of green performance, however, is a challenging task due to the dependence complexity of the aspects, criteria, and the linguistic vagueness of some qualitative information and quantitative data together. To deal with this issue, this study proposes a novel approach to evaluate the dependence aspects and criteria of firm??s green performance. The rationale of the proposed approach, namely green network balanced scorecard, is using balanced scorecard to combine fuzzy set theory with analytical network process (ANP) and importance-performance analysis (IPA) methods, wherein fuzzy set theory accounts for the linguistic vagueness of qualitative criteria and ANP converts the relations among the dependence aspects and criteria into an intelligible structural modeling used IPA. For the empirical case study, four dependence aspects and 34 green performance criteria for PCB firms in Taiwan were evaluated. The managerial implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Economic losses caused by tropical cyclones have increased dramatically. Historical changes in losses are a result of meteorological factors (changes in the incidence of severe cyclones, whether due to natural climate variability or as a result of human activity) and socio-economic factors (increased prosperity and a greater tendency for people to settle in exposed areas). This paper aims to isolate the socio-economic effects and ascertain the potential impact of climate change on this trend. Storm losses for the period 1950–2005 have been adjusted to the value of capital stock in 2005 so that any remaining trend cannot be ascribed to socio-economic developments. For this, we introduce a new approach to adjusting losses based on the change in capital stock at risk. Storm losses are mainly determined by the intensity of the storm and the material assets, such as property and infrastructure, located in the region affected. We therefore adjust the losses to exclude increases in the capital stock of the affected region. No trend is found for the period 1950–2005 as a whole. In the period 1971–2005, since the beginning of a trend towards increased intense cyclone activity, losses excluding socio-economic effects show an annual increase of 4% per annum. This increase must therefore be at least due to the impact of natural climate variability but, more likely than not, also due to anthropogenic forcings.  相似文献   

常州地区植被排放VOC的估算研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对2011年常州地区各类植物VOC排放因子,以及各类植被分布面积等数据统计分析,采用BEIS模型为参考的估算方法,建立起常州地区植被VOC的排放清单。结果表明,植被所排放VOC的变化规律既与植物本身有关又与气温和太阳辐射有关,区域内年植被VOC的总排放量为1.13×104 t。  相似文献   

环境空气中VOC s 的监测技术新进展   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
大气中的挥发性有机物(VOCs)严重威胁着人类的健康,目前对它的监测技术的研究越来越多.文章综述了近年来国内外在VOCs的采样及测试技术上的进展,重点介绍了固相微萃取、罐取样、吸附法等采样技术以及以气相色谱法为主的分析方法,并对一些非色谱法的分析技术进行了简单介绍.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess the impact of anthropogenic disturbance on the partitioning of plant communities (species spectra) across a landcover gradient of community types, categorizing species on the basis of their biogeographic, ecological, and conservation status. We tested a multinomial model to generate species spectra and monitor changes in plant assemblages as anthropogenic disturbance rise, as well as the usefulness of this method to assess the conservation value of a given community. Herbaceous and arborescent communities were sampled in five Azorean islands. Margins were also sampled to account for edge effects. Different multinomial models were applied to a data set of 348 plant species accounting for differences in parameter estimates among communities and/or islands. Different levels of anthropogenic disturbance produced measurable changes on species spectra. Introduced species proliferated and indigenous species declined, as anthropogenic disturbance and management intensity increased. Species assemblages of relevance other than economic (i.e., native, endemic, threatened species) were enclosed not only in natural habitats, but also in human managed arborescent habitats, which can positively contribute for the preservation of indigenous species outside remnants of natural areas, depending on management strategies. A significant presence of invasive species in margin transects of most community types will contribute to an increase in edge effect that might facilitate invasion. The multinomial model developed in this study was found to be a novel and expedient tool to characterize the species spectra at a given community and its use could be extrapolated for other assemblages or organisms, in order to evaluate and forecast the conservation value of a site.  相似文献   

We developed a systematic process to evaluate state/tribal bioassessment programs to provide information about the rigor of the technical approach. This is accomplished via on-site interviews to produce an evaluation that assigns one of four levels of rigor as an outcome. Level 4 is the most rigorous and reflects a technical capacity to accurately determine incremental condition and support management programs. The remaining three levels are less able to assess incremental condition and are appropriate for only some management support needs. Accurately determining impairment and diagnosing pollution-specific stressors are fundamental tasks that states/tribes must accomplish to provide management support. This goal is fulfilled to varying degrees by most states/tribes. The evaluation employs a checklist and a sliding scale of rigor for 13 technical elements. Feedback is provided to each state/tribe via a technical memorandum that describes the technical components of the monitoring program, highlights strengths, and recommends improvements for specific technical issues. This can be used to refine the bioassessment and monitoring programs to better support management programs. The results of 14 state/tribal evaluations are included here. The majority (nine states, one tribe) revealed that most operate at level 2 with developmental activities that will elevate the level of program rigor already underway. Two states operate level 4 programs and each have numeric biocriteria and refined designated uses in their water quality standards. This is the ultimate goal of the process of engaging states in the development of bioassessment programs in the U.S.  相似文献   

The development of biomonitoring programs based on the macroinvertebrate community requires the understanding of species distribution patterns, as well as of the responses of the community to anthropogenic stressors. In this study, 49 metrics were tested as potential means of assessing the condition of 29 first- and second-order streams located in areas of differing types of land use in São Paulo State, Brazil. Of the sampled streams, 15 were in well-preserved regions in the Atlantic Forest, 5 were among sugarcane cultivations, 5 were in areas of pasture, and 4 were among eucalyptus plantations. The metrics were assessed against the following criteria: (1) predictable response to the impact of human activity; (2) highest taxonomic resolution, and (3) operational and theoretical simplicity. We found that 18 metrics were correlated with the environmental and spatial predictors used, and seven of these satisfied the selection criteria and are thus candidates for inclusion in a multimetric system to assess low-order streams in São Paulo State. These metrics are family richness; Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera (EPT) richness; proportion of Megaloptera and Hirudinea; proportion of EPT; Shannon diversity index for genus; and adapted Biological Monitoring Work Party biotic index.  相似文献   

The present work deals with the assessment of bacteriological contamination along with some physico-chemical parameters of water samples from Lahore canal. ANOVA showed that the observed p values of log-transformed viable plate counts, total suspended solids, turbidity, and biological oxygen demand are 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, and 0.000, respectively, which are <0.05, while the p value of total coliforms, total fecal coliforms, and Escherichia coli are 0.728, 0.827, and 0.081, respectively which are >0.05. Significant correlation was observed between log-transformed viable plate counts (CFU), biological oxygen demand, total suspended solids, and turbidity. Further regression analysis revealed that simple line regression model is fit for log-transformed viable plate counts and total suspended solids, log-transformed viable plate counts and turbidity, turbidity and total suspended solids, biological oxygen demand and total suspended solids, biological oxygen demand and log-transformed viable plate counts, and biological oxygen demand and turbidity.  相似文献   

Distinguishing between soluble and particulate lead in drinking water is useful in understanding the mechanism of lead release and identifying remedial action. Typically, particulate lead is defined as the amount of lead removed by a 0.45-μm filter. Unfortunately, there is little guidance regarding selection of filter membrane material and little consideration to the possibility of the sorption of dissolved lead to the filter. The objective of this work was to examine the tendency of 0.45-μm syringe filter materials to adsorb lead. Tests were performed with water containing 40 and 24 μg/L soluble lead at pH 7 buffered with 50 mg C/L dissolved inorganic concentration (DIC). The amounts of lead sorbed greatly varied by filter, and only two filter types, polypropylene and mixed cellulose esters, performed well and are recommended. Great care must be taken in choosing a filter when filtering soluble lead and interpreting filter results.  相似文献   

Diffusion is an important process for sediment-water exchange and plays a vital role in controlling water quality. Fugacity fraction (ff) was used to estimate the sediment-water diffusion of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) between seawater and surficial sediment. A total of 33 surface sediment and sea water samples were collected concurrently from the northeast coastal area in China and 25 PAHs were analyzed including the alkylated and chlorated PAHs. Fugacity fraction was calculated based on the PAH concentrations in water and sediment, octanol-water partition coefficient of PAHs, organic matter content in sediment, and density of sediment. The calculated results showed that ff increased with decreasing molecular weight of PAHs. The low molecular weight PAHs (2-3 rings) transferred from sediment to water and the sediment acted as a secondary source to the water. The medium molecular weight PAHs (4-5 rings) were close to the sediment-water equilibrium and the transfer tendency shifted between sediment and water. The high molecular weight PAHs (5-6 rings) transferred from water into sediment and the sediment acted as a sink. Soot carbon and the difference of PAH concentrations between sediment and water were found to be important factors affecting the sediment-water diffusion. This study provided new insight into the process of sediment-water diffusion, which has a great influence on the quality of water, especially in severely-polluted sediment areas.  相似文献   

Despite the demonstrated utility of the Australian River Assessment Scheme (AUSRIVAS) to provide national-scale information on the biological condition of rivers, there is no commensurate scheme that can provide standardised information on physical habitat. Existing habitat assessment methods are not suitable for implementation on a national scale, so we present a new habitat assessment protocol that incorporates favorable elements of existing methods. Habitat Predictive Modelling forms the basis for the protocol because it can predict the occurrence of local-scale features from large-scale data, uses the reference condition concept, can be modified to incorporate a range of biologically and geomorphologically relevant variables, and employs a rapid survey approach. However, the protocol has been augmented with geomorphological variables and incorporates principles of hierarchy and geomorphological river zonation. There are four sequential components to the implementation of the protocol: reference site selection, data collection, predictive model construction and assessment of test sites using the predictive models. Once implemented, the habitat assessment protocol will provide a standardised tool for the assessment of river habitat condition at a variety of governance levels.  相似文献   

A new sampling system has been developed for the measurement of time-averaged concentrations of organic micropollutants in aquatic environments. The system is based on the diffusion of targeted organic compounds through a rate-limiting membrane and the subsequent accumulation of these species in a bound, hydrophobic, solid-phase material. It provides a novel and robust solution to the problem of monitoring in situations where large temporal fluctuations in pollutant levels may occur. Accumulation rates are regulated by choice of diffusion-limiting membrane and bound solid-phase material and have been found to be dependent on the physico-chemical properties of individual target analytes. Two separate prototype systems are described: one suitable for the sampling of non-polar organic species with log octanol/water partition coefficient (log P) values greater than 4, the other for more polar species with log P values between 2 and 4. Both systems use the same solid-phase material (47 mm C18 Empore disk) as a receiving phase but are fitted with different rate-limiting membrane materials (polysulfone for the polar and polyethylene for the non-polar analytes). The two systems complement each other and together can be used for sampling a wider range of organic analytes than generally possible using current passive sampling techniques. Calibration data are presented for both devices. In each case, linear uptake kinetics were sustained, under constant conditions, for deployment periods of between 1 and 9 days. The effects of water temperature and turbulence on sampling rates have been quantitatively assessed. The performance of the system was further investigated by means of field exposures for one and two weeks in marine environments where calibrated samplers were used to determine the time-averaged concentrations of the polar biocides diuron and irgarol 1051. The quantitative results obtained using the passive sampler were compared with those obtained using spot sampling.  相似文献   

A municipal solid waste management (MSW) expert group was consulted in order to mirror how government officials might reach an effective solution regarding municipal solid waste management in Metro Manila. A critical issue regarding this is how the expert group can better evaluate and select a favorable MSW management solution using a series of criteria. MSW management solution selection is a multiple criteria decision-making (MCDM) problem, which requires the consideration of a large number of complex criteria. A robust MCDM method should consider the interactions among these criteria. The analytic network process (ANP) is a relatively new MCDM method which can deal with all kinds of interactions systematically. The Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL) not only can convert the relations between cause and effect of criteria into a structural model, but also can be used as a way to handle the inner dependences within a set of criteria. Hence, this paper applies an effective solution based on a combined ANP and DEMATEL method to assist the expert group evaluating different MSW management solutions. According to the results, the best solution is for each city to have its own type of thermal process technology and resource recovery facility before landfill rather than entering a joint venture with enterprises or going into build-operate-transfer projects in order to be able to construct thermal process technologies and resource recovery facilities.  相似文献   

Impacts on soil invertebrates are an important aspect of environmental risk assessment and post-release monitoring of transgenic insect-resistant plants. The purpose of this study was to research and survey the effects of transgenic insect-resistant cottons that had been planted over 10 years on the abundance and community structure of soil invertebrates under field conditions. During 3 consecutive years (2006-2008), eight common taxa (orders) of soil invertebrates belonging to the phylum Arthropoda were investigated in two different transgenic cotton fields and one non-transgenic cotton field (control). Each year, soil samples were taken at four different growth stages of cotton (seedling, budding, boll forming and boll opening). Animals were extracted from the samples using the improved Tullgren method, counted and determined to the order level. The diversity of the soil fauna communities in the different fields was compared using the Simpson's, Shannon's diversity indices and evenness index. The results showed a significant sampling time variation in the abundance of soil invertebrates monitored in the different fields. However, no difference in soil invertebrate abundance was found between the transgenic cotton fields and the control field. Both sampling time and cotton treatment had a significant effect on the Simpson's, Shannon's diversity indices and evenness index. They were higher in the transgenic fields than the control field at the growth stages of cotton. Long-term cultivation of transgenic insect-resistant cottons had no significant effect on the abundance of soil invertebrates. Collembola, Acarina and Araneae could act as the indicators of soil invertebrate in this region to monitor the environmental impacts of transgenic plants in the future.  相似文献   

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