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改善青海生态刻不容缓   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
徐明 《青海环境》2000,10(3):125-129
青海生态形势严峻,努力搞好生态环境的保护和建设,是青海大开发、大发展的根本。全社会务必高度重视,迅速行动,抓紧综合治理。  相似文献   

广西喀斯特岩溶石山面积占全区总面积的33.3%,森林植被的严重破坏是这些地区贫困落后的主要原因。对广西喀斯特地区的综合治理开发,要重视对森林植被及珍稀濒危植物的保护。该区至少有290种石山植物为珍稀濒危植物,它们中许多有重要经济用途,在保护的基础上,引种发展一些种类是山区脱贫致富的一条途径。  相似文献   

“四荒”资源的开发与管理段兴勤,叶洪伦(武隆县国土局,武隆648500)搞好“四荒”资源的开发利用,对贫困山区脱贫致富奔小康有着重要现实意义。为了避免盲目开发对资源造成新的破坏,必须对“四荒”资源进行综合有序地管理;因此对资源的开发提出了新的管理要求...  相似文献   

分析了土地整理对区域生态安全的影响以及影响土地整理的基础条件,提出了基于生态恢复重建的3种土地整理模式。研究结果表明,平原丘陵地震灾区土地整理应以农村居民点整理为主,科学选址,注重地质灾害的防治和避让;地处山区的地震灾区土地整理应搞好山区小流域土地综合整治,以水土流失治理为核心,突出生态效益,搞好损毁耕地的复垦、恢复,重建土地生态环境。  相似文献   

开发利用荒山(坡)、荒草地和荒水资源是当前农业向深度开发的重要内容。本文分析了铜梁县“四荒”资源的现状、开发“四荒”资源的措施和经验,提出了开发利用“四荒”资源的主要途径。  相似文献   

山东省临朐县冶源镇位于青石山区,有36个行政村,4.6万人,总面积80.5km~2,耕地2.85万亩,荒山3万多亩。1989年以来,这个镇统一规划,集中会战,大搞青石山综合开发。在裸露的岩石上垒堰填土,新造梯田6520亩,垒砌高标准石堰156万 m,植树173万株,建水利配套工程72处,修环山生产路106km,开发治理面积达2.5万亩。基本实现了田水林路综合开发,粮果林牧合理  相似文献   

我们所说的营林大户,是指人工造林面积在100亩以上的户。实行家庭联产承包责任制后,一批有胆有识的农民,由两眼紧盯责任田转向荒山,把资金和劳动力投向荒山,由此,开发性承包大户应运而生,从而加速了山区荒山资源的开发利用。我们认为,营林大户的兴起,确是振兴山区林业的一种好形式。  相似文献   

1前言山区小流域的可持续发展就是在时间和空间上,自然—经济—社会的连续、稳步、协调发展,其意义在于持久和永续。随着社会主义市场经济体制的建立,小流域可持续发展如何适应新形势,以达到改善山区生态环境、发展山区经济的目的,对此,笔者提出了以下建议。2建议山区小流域的可持续发展应重视;①解决经济开发的滞后性.追求近、远期效益的兼容性和持续性.目前在小流域的治理过程中,只注重生态效益,大搞生态建设.而忽视资源开发的经济效益,造成群众长期得不到实惠,影响了治理的积极性,不利于巩固、完善和提高治理成果。因此在…  相似文献   

本文针对在当前农业走向市场经济的大好形势下,提出搞好土地资源的开发必须引入市场竞争机制,才能加大开发力度;必须坚持以市场为导向、科技领先的原则,才能激发农民的积极性.同时根据山区的实际状况,总结了开发土地的经验与措施。  相似文献   

<正>哈尔滨工业大学环保科技股份有限公司(以下简称工大环保)成立于2000年12月28日,是由黑龙江省经济贸易委员会批准设立的股份制公司,注册资本为8370万元,黑龙江省电力开发公司为工大环保的控股股东。工大环保的营业范围为:承接水处理、大气污染治理、垃  相似文献   

In Finland the number of potentially contaminated sites totals ca. 20?000. The annual costs of remediation are 60–70 million euros. Excavation combined with disposal or off-site treatment is the most common soil remediation method. To define which factors make contaminated land management (CLM) eco-efficient and to study whether eco-efficiency has been considered in CLM decisions we carried out a literature survey, two stakeholder seminars, thematic interviews and a questionnaire study on economic instruments. Generally speaking, eco-efficiency means gaining environmental benefits with fewer resources. To assess its realization in CLM, it is necessary to have a more specific definition. In our study, we arrived at a list of several qualifications for eco-efficiency. It was also shown that eco-efficiency has hardly been a real issue in the selection of remediation techniques or generally, in the decision-making concerning contaminated sites. The existing policy instruments seem to be insufficient to promote eco-efficiency in CLM. Several concrete barriers to eco-efficiency also came up, urgency and lack of money being the most important. The scarcity of the use of in situ remediation methods and the difficulties involved in recycling slightly contaminated or treated soil were considered to be major problems. Insufficient site studies, inadequate or unsuitable methods for risk assessment and cost evaluation, and deficient and mistimed risk communication can also hinder the realization of eco-efficiency. Hence, there is a need to promote the use of more eco-efficient remediation techniques and to develop CLM policy instruments, guidelines, and participatory processes and methods to assess the eco-efficiency of CLM options.  相似文献   

干旱区的山地是平原区河流的水源聚积地,而山地森林更是水源的涵养林,对保证和供给山下绿洲资源水源有重要调节作用,山地森林还在保持水土、生物多样性保护、旅游、文化、教育等多方面有重要生态作用。其生态经济价值是其本身木材价值的许多倍。但过去我们对森林的生态价值认识不足,林业部门只把它当资源进行过度砍伐,以获取直接经济效益,新疆天山及阿尔泰山水源涵养林自50年代以来能砍的几乎全部砍完,仅剩两条山脉西端小面积残存未砍伐的原始森林。为了子孙后代,为了环保工程,应立即停伐。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Accurate assessment of preplanting soil moisture conditions is necessary for good agricultural management, and can have a significant influence on crop yield in the Texas Panhandle region. The Texas High Plains Underground Water Conservation District invests considerable time and money in developing a soil moisture deficit map each year in the hopes of achieving optimal use of irrigation water. Microwave sensors are responsive to surface soil moisture and, if used in this application, can provide timely and detailed information on root zone soil moisture. For this reason, an experiment was conducted in 1984 to evaluate the potential of aircraft-mounted passive microwave sensors. Microwave radiometer data were collected over a 2700 km2 area near Lubbock, Texas, with a processed resolution of 0.32 km2. These data were ground registered and converted to estimates of soil moisture using an appropriate model and land cover and soil texture information. Analyses indicate that the system provides an efficient means for mapping variations in soil moisture over large areas.  相似文献   

Many recent trail degradation problems have been attributed to mountain biking because of its alleged capacity to do more damage than other activities, particularly hiking. This study compared the effects of experimentally applied mountain biking and hiking on the understory vegetation and soil of a deciduous forest. Five different intensities of biking and hiking (i.e., 0, 25, 75, 200 and 500 passes) were applied to 4-m-long × 1-m-wide lanes in Boyne Valley Provincial Park, Ontario, Canada. Measurements of plant stem density, species richness, and soil exposure were made before treatment, two weeks after treatment, and again one year after treatment. Biking and hiking generally had similar effects on vegetation and soil. Two weeks after treatment, stem density and species richness were reduced by up to 100% of pretreatment values. In addition, the amount of soil exposed increased by up to 54%. One year later, these treatment effects were no longer detectable. These results indicate that at a similar intensity of activity, the short-term impacts of mountain biking and hiking may not differ greatly in the undisturbed area of a deciduous forest habitat. The immediate impacts of both activities can be severe but rapid recovery should be expected when the activities are not allowed to continue. Implications of these results for trail recreation are discussed.  相似文献   

/ This study intended to explore the perceptions of mountain bikingmanagement through a mail survey of state park directors in all 50 states.With a 100% response rate, it was found that 47 states permit mountainbiking in their state parks, however, few state parks have formalized plansto manage this outdoor activity. The management policies that do exist arenot followed on a statewide basis but vary within each state and at eachstate park. Many states have worked cooperatively with local mountain bikingclubs to develop and maintain mountain bike trails, promote rider education,and provide volunteer patrols on trails. The issue of user conflict surfacedwith almost three-fourths of the managers responding that conflict existedbetween mountain bikers and other trail users. This preliminary study shouldprompt further research with on-site managers focusing on the use ofmanagement plans for mountain biking, cooperation between managers and usergroups, and user conflict. It is recommended that an Internet-basedinformation clearinghouse or discussion group be made available to landmanagers by a national bicycling organization.KEY WORDS: Mountain biking; State parks; State park directors;Recreation resource management  相似文献   

新疆罗布泊野骆驼国家级自然保护区位于哈密、巴州、吐鲁番三地州.罗布泊是塔里木盆地最低的断陷洼地,也是第四纪以来盆地地表水的集水中心和积盐中心.1970年干涸后4000 km2的湖盆成为平坦的岩盐地,其外围分布着各种类型的盐壳、棕漠土、风沙土等极旱荒漠土壤,局部地段分布有草甸土、盐土等,山地分布有棕钙土、高寒荒漠土,各种土壤有其不同的特征.  相似文献   

Abstract: Multilevel or hierarchical models have been applied for a number of years in the social sciences but only relatively recently in the environmental sciences. These models can be developed in either a frequentist or Bayesian context and have similarities to other methods such as empirical Bayes analysis and random coefficients regression. In essence, multilevel models take advantage of the hierarchical structure that exists in many multivariate datasets; for example, water quality measurements may be taken from individual lakes, lakes are located in various climatic zones, lakes may be natural or man‐made, and so on. The groups, or levels, may effectively yield different responses or behaviors (e.g., nutrient load response in lakes) that often make retaining group membership more effective when developing a predictive model than when working with either all of the data together or working separately with the individuals. Here, we develop a multilevel model of the impact of farm level best management practices (BMPs) on phosphorus runoff. The result of this research is a model with parameters which vary with key practice categories and thus may be used to evaluate the effectiveness of these practices on phosphorus runoff. For example, it was found that the effect of fertilizer application rate on farm‐scale phosphorus loss is a function of the application method, the hydrologic soil group, and the land use (crop type). Further, results indicate that the most effective method for controlling fertilizer loss is through soil injection. In summary, the resultant multilevel model can be used to estimate phosphorus loss from farms and hence serve as a useful tool for BMP selection.  相似文献   

根据在营房地区开展的土壤氡浓度的调查工作,以实测结果与地质背景及现场特征分析相结合,推断该地区总体土壤氡浓度及其分布状况。简要叙述了RaA法测氡的基本原理,野外工作方法及数据处理方法;对不同地质单元、不同测量对象、不同人居环境分类的土壤氡浓度进行统计。分析了土壤氡浓度的干扰因素和氡高背景区的分布特征与形成原因,给出了氡高背景区危害的防治对策。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Many hydrologic models have input data requirements that are difficult to satisfy for all but a few well-instrumented, experimental watersheds. In this study, point soil moisture in a mountain watershed with various types of vegetative cover was modeled using a generalized regression model. Information on sur-ficial characteristics of the watershed was obtained by applying fuzzy set theory to a database consisting of only satellite and a digital elevation model (DEM). The fuzzy-c algorithm separated the watershed into distinguishable classes and provided regression coefficients for each ground pixel. The regression model used the coefficients to estimate distributed soil moisture over the entire watershed. A soil moisture accounting model was used to resolve temporal differences between measurements at prototypical measurement sites and validation sites. The results were reasonably accurate for all classes in the watershed. The spatial distribution of soil moisture estimates corresponded accurately with soil moisture measurements at validation sites on the watershed. It was concluded that use of the regression model to distribute soil moisture from a specified number of points can be combined with satellite and DEM information to provide a reasonable estimation of the spatial distribution of soil moisture for a watershed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: An extensive hammer seismic refraction survey was carried out in three contiguous watersheds (217, 89, and 190 acres) on a laccolith near Sturgis, South Dakota to test its utility in rugged mountain terrain. Isopachs (lines connecting points of equal mantle thickness), area-elevation curves (hypsometry), and structure contours were used together with drill cores, petrography, hydrographs, and soil information to interpret the nature and role of porous mantle in the waterflow behavior of the watersheds. Refraction profiles produced only one geologically meaningful seismic contrast within the loccolith. Drill cores indicated a shallow stony profile on a sheeted horizon terminating on isotropic crystalline rock impervious except for tight joints. Means of refraction and core interpretations were not statistically different. Apparent seismic discontinuities deeper within the bedrock lacked geological identity. Storm hydrographs and water yields are better related to soil type differences and porous mantle distribution than to average porous mantle depth. On the other hand, slope of flow-duration curves correlate with average porous mantle depth. Porous mantle isopachs also indicate that measured flow from each basin is total area flow. Thus, porous mantle isopachs and hypsometry, and soil type delineation are complimentary in our interpretation of watershed behavior.  相似文献   

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