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Multiple factors may affect the scale-up of laboratory multi-tracer injection into structured porous media to the field. Under transient flow conditions and with multiscale heterogeneities in the field, previous attempts to scale-up laboratory experiments have not answered definitely the questions about the governing mechanisms and the spatial extent of the influence of small-scale mass transfer processes such as matrix diffusion. The objective of this research is to investigate the effects of multiscale heterogeneity, mechanistic and site model conceptualization, and source term density effect on elucidating and interpreting tracer movement in the field. Tracer release and monitoring information previously obtained in a field campaign of multiple, conservative tracer injection under natural hydraulic gradients at a low-level waste disposal site in eastern Tennessee, United States, is used for the research. A suite of two-pore-domain, or fracture-matrix, groundwater flow and transport models are calibrated and used to conduct model parameter and prediction uncertainty analyses. These efforts are facilitated by a novel nested Latin-hypercube sampling technique. Our results verify, at field scale, a multiple-pore-domain, multiscale mechanistic conceptual model that was used previously to interpret only laboratory observations. The results also suggest that, integrated over the entire field site, mass flux rates attributable to small-scale mass transfer are comparable to that of field-scale solute transport. The uncertainty analyses show that fracture spacing is the most important model parameter and model prediction uncertainty is relatively higher at the interface between the preferred flow path and its parent bedrock. The comparisons of site conceptual models indicate that the effect of matrix diffusion may be confined to the immediate neighborhood of the preferential flow path. Finally, because the relatively large amount of tracer needed for field studies, it is likely that source term density effect may exaggerate or obscure the effect of matrix diffusion on the movement of tracers from the preferred flow path into the bedrock.  相似文献   

Contamination has occurred many non-indurated and bedrock systems wherein the groundwater flows almost exclusively through a network of connected, open fractures. The matrix surrounding the fractures often possesses porosity which allows contaminant diffusion into the matrix. If the diffusion rates are fast relative to the fracture groundwater velocity, transport effects may be predicted by considering the system to be an equivalent porous medium (EPM). The rapidity with which fracture/immobile-matrix equilibrium is established will be determined in part by the: fracture aperture (2b); interfracture spacing (2B); porosity in the immobile matrix im); and the matrix diffusion coefficient (D′). Two systems which are characterized by very different values of the above parameters have been studied by our laboratories. At Alkali Lake, Oregon, the EPM approach describes contaminant transport well. At Bayview Park, Ontario, the EPM approach is not appropriate. Several features of the two sites are compared to illustrate the different nature of these two sites. These features include: (1) natural characteristics of the groundwater systems; (2) contaminant distributions; (3) observed transport; and (4) computed fracture/immobile-matrix diffusion times.  相似文献   

Heterogeneous diffusion in different regions of a fractured granodiorite from Japan has been observed and measured through the use of X-ray absorption imaging. These regions include gouge-filled fractures, recrystallized fracture-filling material and hydrothermally altered matrix. With the X-ray absorption imaging technique, porosity, relative concentration, and relative mass of an iodine tracer were imaged in two dimensions with a sub-millimeter pixel size. Because portions of the samples analyzed have relatively low porosity values, imaging errors can potentially impact the results. For this reason, efforts were made to better understand and quantify this error. Based on the X-ray data, pore diffusion coefficients (Dp) for the different regions were estimated assuming a single diffusion rate and a lognormal multirate distribution of Dp. Results show Dp for the gouge-filled fractures are over an order of magnitude greater than those of the recrystallized fracture-filling material, which in turn is approximately two times greater than those for the altered matrix. The recrystallized fracture-filling material was found to exhibit the greatest degree of variability. The results of these experiments also provide evidence that diffusion from advective zones in fractures through the gouge-filled fractures and recrystallized fracture-filling material could increase the pore space available for matrix diffusion. This evidence is important for understanding the performance of potential nuclear waste repositories in crystalline rocks as diffusion is thought to be an important retardation mechanism for radionuclides.  相似文献   

The objective of the research is to quantify the relative contributions of physical and chemical mass transfer to the movement of Co(II/III)EDTA (chelates of Cobalt and Ethylene Diamine Tetraacetic Acid or EDTA) through a limestone-shale saprolite soil. Saprolite is a collective term referring to partially-weathered bedrock. It exists extensively in the subsurface. Because the parent bedding structures are maintained during the weathering process, saprolite soils are characterized by intensive fractures and secondary deposits of minerals such as Al-, Fe- and Mn-oxides on the fracture surfaces. Movement of reactive species through the soils may be influenced by diffusion into the rock matrix, a physical mass transfer (PMT) process, and interfacial chemical reactions, a chemical mass transfer (CMT) process. The PMT and CMT processes are phenomenologically similar but mechanistically different. In this research, previous laboratory observations from a Br and Co(II)EDTA tracer injection into an undisturbed saprolite soil column were used. Mechanistic reactive transport models were formulated to quantify the PMT and CMT processes. The PMT process was independently characterized by using the non-reactive tracer Br. Model parameters thus obtained were subsequently used as constraints to quantify the CMT processes involving Co(II)EDTA and its oxidation product Co(III)EDTA. Our calculations indicated that the PMT rates of the less reactive Co(III)EDTA were comparable with their theoretical CMT rates. In contrast, for the more reactive species Co(II)EDTA, CMT rates are higher than PMT rates. Evaluations of alternative CMT process models further confirmed one of our hypotheses on the basis of previous experimental understandings. The hypothesis suggested that competition from Fe-oxide for Co(II)EDTA may account for the majority of the decrease of Co(III)EDTA effluent concentrations that resulted in the separation of total Co and Co(III)EDTA breakthrough curves. Because Co(III)EDTA is more mobile than Co(II)EDTA in the subsurface, the results of this research suggest independent quantifications of CoEDTA PMT and CMT processes if laboratory results are to be interpreted correctly and scaled up for field and predictive uses.  相似文献   

The couplings among chemical reaction rates, advective and diffusive transport in fractured media or soils, and changes in hydraulic properties due to precipitation and dissolution within fractures and in rock matrix are important for both nuclear waste disposal and remediation of contaminated sites. This paper describes the development and application of LEHGC2.0, a mechanistically based numerical model for simulation of coupled fluid flow and reactive chemical transport, including both fast and slow reactions in variably saturated media. Theoretical bases and numerical implementations are summarized, and two example problems are demonstrated. The first example deals with the effect of precipitation/dissolution on fluid flow and matrix diffusion in a two-dimensional fractured media. Because of the precipitation and decreased diffusion of solute from the fracture into the matrix, retardation in the fractured medium is not as large as the case wherein interactions between chemical reactions and transport are not considered. The second example focuses on a complicated but realistic advective-dispersive-reactive transport problem. This example exemplifies the need for innovative numerical algorithms to solve problems involving stiff geochemical reactions.  相似文献   

The vertical diffusion of NaI solution from a horizontal fracture into and within the surrounding matrix was tracked and quantified over time using an artificially fractured chalk core (30x5 cm) and a second-generation X-ray computed tomography (CT) scanner. The different tracer-penetration distances imaged in the matrix above and below the horizontal fracture are indicative of a greater tracer mass penetrating into the lower matrix. The enhanced transport in the matrix below the fracture was related to the Rayleigh-Darcy instability induced by the density differences between the heavier tracer solution in the fracture (1.038) and the distilled water that had initially resided in the matrix. Our observations suggest that below the fracture, the tracer is propagated by an advection-diffusion process that is characterized by both higher rates and higher concentrations relative to its propagation by diffusion above the fracture. The experimental results suggest that the prediction of contaminant migration in a rock intersected by both vertical and horizontal (e.g. along bedding planes) fractures is difficult because of density effects that result in different solute-penetration rates.  相似文献   

The sorption of radionuclides on natural colloids may significantly modify their transport behaviour through fractured media, since radionuclides bound to colloids may not be subject to the important retardation mechanisms of matrix diffusion and sorption onto pore surfaces. This paper reports on theoretical and experimental work aimed at assessing the relevance of colloid-facilitated transport to repository safety analyses, with specific reference to the Swiss case. Transport models are presented, developed in conjunction with field- and laboratory-based studies of deep groundwater in the crystalline basement of northern Switzerland, in which colloid size distributions, compositions and sorption properties have been measured. Various potential mechanisms giving rise to both reversible and irreversible sorption are discussed. In the first case, a simple approach is examined which is based on previously reported models of colloid transport and assumes reversible, linear sorption on colloids, for which experimental data have been obtained. It is shown that transport of radionuclides would not, in general, be significantly enhanced because of this process. A more recently developed and more complex model is then described incorporating irreversible sorption, in which case the transport of radionuclides tends to be strongly dependent on the extent of colloid-fracture wall interaction.  相似文献   

Results of a fault test performed in the unsaturated zone of Yucca Mountain, Nevada, were analyzed using a three-dimensional numerical model. The fault was explicitly represented as a discrete feature and the surrounding rock was treated as a dual-continuum (fracture-matrix) system. Model calibration against seepage and water-travel-velocity data suggests that lithophysal cavities connected to fractures can considerably enhance the effective fracture porosity and therefore retard water flow in fractures. Comparisons between simulation results and tracer concentration data also indicate that matrix diffusion is an important mechanism for solute transport in unsaturated fractured rock. We found that an increased fault-matrix and fracture-matrix interface areas were needed to match the observed tracer data, which is consistent with previous studies. The study results suggest that the current site-scale model for the unsaturated zone of Yucca Mountain may underestimate radionuclide transport time within the unsaturated zone, because an increased fracture-matrix interface area and the increased effective fracture porosity arising from lithophysal cavities are not considered in the current site-scale model.  相似文献   

Measurements of groundwater velocity in discrete rock fractures   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Estimating groundwater velocity in fracture networks using a Darcy or cubic law calculation is complicated by the wide distribution of fracture aperture often found in these systems and by the difficulty in measuring hydraulic head in discrete fracture features. Although difficult to conduct in a fractured rock setting, the point dilution method can be utilized to collect direct measurements of groundwater velocity in individual fractures. To compare measured against calculated velocities, more than 100 point dilution experiments were conducted within a 35 x 35 m area of a single fracture and in discrete fracture features within a fracture network at a larger scale. The dilution experiments were conducted by isolating a fracture feature in a borehole, measuring the hydraulic aperture, and measuring the decay of an injected tracer due to the advective groundwater flux across the fracture. Groundwater velocity was estimated using the hydraulic aperture and the rate of decay of the injected tracer. Estimates of the local hydraulic gradient were calculated via the cubic law using the velocity estimate and the hydraulic aperture. The results of the tests conducted in the single fracture show variable (1 to 33 m/day) but on average higher velocities in comparison to that measured during a natural gradient tracer experiment conducted previously (in which the effects of matrix diffusion were accounted for) and to that which would be calculated using the cubic law. Based on these results, it was determined that the best estimate of the average groundwater velocity, at the scale of the measurement area used for the cubic law calculations, could only be obtained using the largest apertures in the aperture distribution. Variability of the velocity measurements was also observed over time. Increases in velocity were attributed to the effect of rainfall although concurrent increases in hydraulic gradient were not detected (likely within the tolerance of the measuring devices). The groundwater velocities measured in the fracture network varied over a wider range than at the scale of the single fracture (from 2 to 388 m/day). No correlation, however, was observed between the size of the fracture aperture and measured velocity.  相似文献   

Matrix diffusion is an important process for solute transport in fractured rock, and the matrix diffusion coefficient is a key parameter for describing this process. Previous studies have indicated that the effective matrix diffusion coefficient values, obtained from a large number of field tracer tests, are enhanced in comparison with local values and may increase with test scale. In this study, we have performed numerical experiments to investigate potential mechanisms behind possible scale-dependent behavior. The focus of the experiments is on solute transport in flow paths having geometries consistent with percolation theories and characterized by multiple local flow loops formed mainly by small-scale fractures. The water velocity distribution through a flow path was determined using discrete fracture network flow simulations, and solute transport was calculated using a previously derived impulse-response function and a particle-tracking scheme. Values for effective (or up-scaled) transport parameters were obtained by matching breakthrough curves from numerical experiments with an analytical solution for solute transport along a single fracture. Results indicate that a combination of local flow loops and the associated matrix diffusion process, together with scaling properties in flow path geometry, seems to be an important mechanism causing the observed scale dependence of the effective matrix diffusion coefficient (at a range of scales).  相似文献   

The codisposal of toxic metals and radionuclides with organic chelating agents has been implicated in the facilitated transport of the inorganic contaminants away from primary waste disposal areas. We investigated the transport of Co(II)NTA through undisturbed cores of fractured shale saprolite. Experiments were conducted across the pH range 4 to 8 by collecting cores from different locations within the weathering profile. Aqueous complexation, adsorption, dissociation and oxidation reactions influenced Co(II)NTA transport. The suite of reaction products identified in column effluent varied with experimental pH. At low pH and in the presence of abundant exchangeable aluminum, Co transport occurred predominantly as the Co2+ ion. At higher pH, Co was transported primarily as Co(II)NTA and the Co(III) species Co(III)(HNTA)2 and Co(III)(IDA)2. The formation of the geochemical oxidation products (Co(III) species) has far reaching implications as these compounds are kinetically and thermodynamically stable, are transported more rapidly than Co(II)NTA, and are resistant to biodegradation. These results demonstrate that natural minerals, in the physical structure encountered naturally, can be more important in the formation of mobile, stable contaminant forms than they can be for the retardation and dissociation of the contaminants.  相似文献   

The heterogeneity of hydrogeologic properties at different scales may have different effects on flow and transport processes in a subsurface system. A model for the unsaturated zone of Yucca Mountain, Nevada, is developed to represent complex heterogeneity at two different scales: (1) layer scale corresponding to geologic layering and (2) local scale. The layer-scale hydrogeologic properties are obtained using inverse modeling, based on the available measurements collected from the Yucca Mountain site. Calibration results show a significant lateral and vertical variability in matrix and fracture properties. Hydrogeologic property distributions in a two-dimensional, vertical cross-section of the site are generated by combining the average layer-scale matrix and fracture properties with local-scale perturbations generated using a stochastic simulation method. The unsaturated water flow and conservative (nonsorbing) tracer transport through the cross-section are simulated for different sets of matrix and fracture property fields. Comparison of simulation results indicates that the local-scale heterogeneity of matrix and fracture properties has a considerable effect on unsaturated flow processes, leading to fast flow paths in fractures and the matrix. These paths shorten the travel time of a conservative tracer from the source (repository) horizon in the unsaturated zone to the water table for small fractions of total released tracer mass. As a result, the local-scale heterogeneity also has a noticeable effect on global tracer transport processes, characterized by an average breakthrough curve at the water table, especially at the early arrival time of tracer mass. However, the effect is not significant at the later time after 20% tracer mass reaches the water table. The simulation results also verify that matrix diffusion plays an important role in overall solute transport processes in the unsaturated zone at Yucca Mountain.  相似文献   

Werner K  Bosson E  Berglund S 《Ambio》2006,35(8):425-434
Safety assessment related to the siting of a geological repository for spent nuclear fuel deep in the bedrock requires identification of potential flow paths and the associated travel times for radionuclides originating at repository depth. Using the Laxemar candidate site in Sweden as a case study, this paper describes modeling methodology, data integration, and the resulting water flow models, focusing on the Quaternary deposits and the upper 150 m of the bedrock. Example simulations identify flow paths to groundwater discharge areas and flow paths in the surface system. The majority of the simulated groundwater flow paths end up in the main surface waters and along the coastline, even though the particles used to trace the flow paths are introduced with a uniform spatial distribution at a relatively shallow depth. The calculated groundwater travel time, determining the time available for decay and retention of radionuclides, is on average longer to the coastal bays than to other biosphere objects at the site. Further, it is demonstrated how GIS-based modeling can be used to limit the number of surface flow paths that need to be characterized for safety assessment. Based on the results, the paper discusses an approach for coupling the present models to a model for groundwater flow in the deep bedrock.  相似文献   

Numerical simulations of colloid transport in discretely fractured porous media were performed to investigate the importance of matrix diffusion of colloids as well as the filtration and remobilization of colloidal particles in both the fractures and porous matrix. To achieve this objective a finite element numerical code entitled COLDIFF was developed. The processes that COLDIFF takes into account include advective-dispersive transport of colloids, filtration and remobilization of colloidal particles in both fractures and porous matrix, and diffusive interactions of colloids between the fractures and porous matrix. Three sets of simulations were conducted to examine the importance of parameters and processes controlling colloid migration. First, a sensitivity analysis was performed using a porous block containing a single fracture to determine the relative importance of various phenomenological coefficients on colloid transport. The primary result of the analysis showed that the porosity of the matrix and the process of colloid filtration in fractures play important roles in controlling colloid migration. Second, simulations were performed to replicate and examine the results of a laboratory column study using a fractured shale saprolite. Results of this analysis showed that the filtration of colloidal particles in the porous matrix can greatly affect the tailing of colloid concentrations after the colloid source was removed. Finally, field-scale simulations were performed to examine the effect of matrix porosity, fracture filtration and fracture remobilization on long-term colloid concentration and migration distance. The field scale simulations indicated that matrix diffusion and fracture filtration can significantly reduce colloid migration distance. Results of all three analyses indicated that in environments where porosity is relatively high and colloidal particles are small enough to diffuse out of fractures, the characteristics of the porous matrix that affect colloid transport become more important than those of the fracture network. Because the properties of the fracture network tend to have greater uncertainty due to difficulties in their measurement relative to those of the porous matrix, prediction uncertainties associated with colloid transport in discretely fractured porous media may be reduced.  相似文献   

Rock column experiments were performed to examine the effects of matrix diffusion and hydrodynamic dispersion on the migration of radionuclides at the laboratory scale. Tritiated water and chloride transportation was studied in intact mica gneiss and in altered more porous tonalite columns with narrow flow channels. The column diffusion properties were estimated prior to water flow experiments using the gas diffusion method with helium as the tracer gas. The numerical compartment model for advection and dispersion, with and without matrix diffusion, was used to interpret the tracer transport in the columns. Matrix diffusion behavior was also distinguished from dominating hydrodynamic dispersion in rock column experiments at the slowest water flow rates.  相似文献   

The geochemical suitability of a deep bedrock repository for radioactive waste disposal is determined by the composition of geomatrix and groundwater. Both influence radionuclide solubility, chemical buffer capacity and radionuclide retention. They also determine the chemical compatibility of waste forms, containers and backfill materials. Evaluation of different groundwater-host rock systems is performed by modeling the geochemical environments and the resulting radionuclide concentrations. In order to demonstrate the evaluation method, model calculations are applied to data sets available for various geological formations such as granite, clay and rocksalt. The saturation state of the groundwater-geomatrix system is found to be fundamental for the evaluation process. Hence, calculations are performed to determine if groundwater is in equilibrium with mineral phases of the geological formation. In addition, corrosion of waste forms in different groundwater is examined by means of reaction path modeling. The corrosion reactions change the solution compositions and pH, resulting in significant changes of radionuclide solubilities. The results demonstrate that geochemical modeling of saturation state and compatibility of the host formation environment with the radioactive waste proves to be a feasible tool for evaluation of various sites considered as deep underground repositories.  相似文献   

Field data of physical properties in heterogeneous crystalline bedrock, like porosity and fracture aperture, is associated with uncertainty that can have a significant impact on the analysis of solute transport in rock fractures. Solutions to the central temporal moments of the residence time probability density function (PDF) are derived in a closed form for a solute Dirac pulse. The solutions are based on a model that takes into account advection along the fracture plane, diffusion into the rock matrix and sorption kinetics in the rock matrix. The most relevant rock properties including fracture aperture and several matrix properties as well as flow velocity are assumed to be spatially random along transport pathways. The mass transport is first solved in a general form along one-dimensional pathways, but the results can be extended to multi-dimensional flows simply by substituting the expected travel time for inert water parcels. Based on data obtained with rock samples taken at Asp? Hard Rock Laboratory in Sweden, the solutions indicate that the heterogeneity of the rock properties contributes to increasing significantly both the variance and the skewness of the residence time probability density function for a pulse travelling in a fracture. The Asp? data suggests that the bias introduced in the variance of the residence time PDF by neglecting the effect of heterogeneity of the rock properties on the radionuclide migration is very large for fractures thinner than a few tenths of a millimetre.  相似文献   

Modelling radionuclide transport for time varying flow in a channel network   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Water flowrates and flow directions may change over time in the subsurface for a number of reasons. In fractured rocks flow takes place in channels within fractures. Solutes are carried by the advective flow. In addition, solutes may diffuse in and out of stagnant waters in the rock matrix and other stagnant water regions. Sorbing species may sorb on fracture surfaces and on the micropore surfaces in the rock matrix. We present a method by which solute particles can be traced in flowing water undergoing changes in flowrate and direction in a complex channel network where the solutes can also interact with the rock by diffusion in the rock matrix. The novelty of this paper is handling of diffusion in the rock matrix under transient flow conditions. The diffusive processes are stochastic and it is not possible to follow a particle deterministically. The method therefore utilises the properties of a probability distribution function for a tracer moving in a fracture where matrix diffusion is active. The method is incorporated in a three dimensional channel network model. Particle tracking is used to trace out a multitude of flowpaths, each of which consists of a large number of channels within fractures. Along each channel the aperture and velocity as well as the matrix sorption properties can vary. An efficient method is presented whereby a particle can be followed along the variable property flowpath. For stationary flow conditions and a network of channels with advective flow and matrix diffusion, a simple analytical solution for the residence time distribution along each pathway can be used. Only two parameter groups need to be integrated along each path. For transient flow conditions, a time stepping procedure that incorporates a stochastic Monte-Carlo like method to follow the particles along the paths when flow conditions change is used. The method is fast and an example is used for illustrative purposes. It is exemplified by a case where land rises due to glacial rebound. It is shown that the effects of changing flowrates and directions can be considerable and that the diffusive migration in the matrix can have a dominating effect on the results.  相似文献   

Water-conducting faults and fractures were studied in the granite-hosted Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory (SE Sweden). On a scale of decametres and larger, steeply dipping faults dominate and contain a variety of different fault rocks (mylonites, cataclasites, fault gouges). On a smaller scale, somewhat less regular fracture patterns were found. Conceptual models of the fault and fracture geometries and of the properties of rock types adjacent to fractures were derived and used as input for the modelling of in situ dipole tracer tests that were conducted in the framework of the Tracer Retention Understanding Experiment (TRUE-1) on a scale of metres. After the identification of all relevant transport and retardation processes, blind predictions of the breakthroughs of conservative to moderately sorbing tracers were calculated and then compared with the experimental data. This paper provides the geological basis and model calibration, while the predictive and inverse modelling work is the topic of the companion paper [J. Contam. Hydrol. 61 (2003) 175].The TRUE-1 experimental volume is highly fractured and contains the same types of fault rocks and alterations as on the decametric scale. The experimental flow field was modelled on the basis of a 2D-streamtube formalism with an underlying homogeneous and isotropic transmissivity field. Tracer transport was modelled using the dual porosity medium approach, which is linked to the flow model by the flow porosity. Given the substantial pumping rates in the extraction borehole, the transport domain has a maximum width of a few centimetres only. It is concluded that both the uncertainty with regard to the length of individual fractures and the detailed geometry of the network along the flowpath between injection and extraction boreholes are not critical because flow is largely one-dimensional, whether through a single fracture or a network. Process identification and model calibration were based on a single uranine breakthrough (test PDT3), which clearly showed that matrix diffusion had to be included in the model even over the short experimental time scales, evidenced by a characteristic shape of the trailing edge of the breakthrough curve. Using the geological information and therefore considering limited matrix diffusion into a thin fault gouge horizon resulted in a good fit to the experiment. On the other hand, fresh granite was found not to interact noticeably with the tracers over the time scales of the experiments.While fracture-filling gouge materials are very efficient in retarding tracers over short periods of time (hours–days), their volume is very small and, with time progressing, retardation will be dominated by altered wall rock and, finally, by fresh granite. In such rocks, both porosity (and therefore the effective diffusion coefficient) and sorption Kds are more than one order of magnitude smaller compared to fault gouge, thus indicating that long-term retardation is expected to occur but to be less pronounced.  相似文献   

Transport and retardation of non-sorbing tritiated water and chloride and slightly sorbing sodium was studied in Syyry area SY-KR7 mica gneiss, in altered porous tonalite and in fresh tonalite. Experiments were performed using dynamic fracture and crushed rock column methods. Static batch method for sodium was introduced to compare retardation values from static and dynamic experiments. The 14C-PMMA method was used to study the pore structure of matrices. The pore aperture distribution was evaluated from Hg-porosimetry determinations and the surface areas were determined using the B.E.T. method. The flow characteristics and transport behavior of tracers were interpreted using a numerical compartment model for dispersion. The effect of matrix diffusion was calculated using an analytical solution to the advection-matrix diffusion problem in which surface retardation was taken into account. Radionuclide transport behavior in rock fractures was explained on the basis of rock structure.  相似文献   

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