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Females in some mountain gorilla groups can be ranked on the basis of decided, non-aggressive approach-retreat interactions. However, data on four gorilla groups show that females do not form clear agonistic dominance hierarchies. Most aggressive interactions between females were undecided, and most dyads had undecided dominance relationships (Fig. 2). Females ignored aggression or responded to it aggressively more often than they responded submissively (Fig. 3). Moreover, directional inconsistency in aggression (including escalated contests) was high, and in some groups females showed significant bidirectionality in initiation of aggression (i.e., the more often they received aggression from partners, the more often they directed aggression at those partners; Fig. 4). Assigning ranks on the basis of aggressive interactions has limited power to explain variation in rates of initiating aggression and in responses and outcomes to aggression. Aggression was most common during feeding, but usually did not interrupt feeding bouts. It was proportionately more common in contexts that seem to involve competition for access to males (Figs 5, 6). This is consistent with the argument that females depend crucially on male services. As predicted by current models of female primate social relationships, agonistic relationships between gorilla females are unlike those typical in cercopithecine primates. They resemble those of some other primates and some equids in which contest competition for food is relatively unimportant and ecological costs of female transfer are low.  相似文献   

The fitness consequences of dispersal decisions are difficult to quantify, especially for long-lived species with complex social systems. To calculate those consequences for male mountain gorillas, from the perspective of both subordinate and dominant males, we used behavioral and demographic data obtained over 30 years from the Virunga Volcano population to develop an agent-based model that simulates the life history events, social structure, and population dynamics of the species. The model included variables for birth rates, mortality rates, dispersal patterns, and reproductive skew. The model predicted an average lifetime reproductive success (LRS) of 3.2 for philopatric males (followers) and 1.6 for emigrants. The benefits of philopatry were most sensitive to opportunities for social queuing and to female transfer preferences, but philopatry remained the best strategy over a wide range of group conditions and hypothetical simulations. The average LRS for dominant males was 4.5 when a subordinate stayed and 4.6 when the subordinate emigrated. The dispersal decision of the subordinate male had little impact on the fitness of the dominant male because it came relatively late in the dominant males reproductive life span, and it changed his group composition only incrementally. The fitness consequences for the dominant male were most sensitive to the degree of reproductive skew. Since subordinates suffer a fitness loss when they leave a group, they should accept whatever reproductive restraint is needed to avoid eviction, and the dominant male does not need to offer concessions for them to stay. The dominant male may offer reproductive concessions for other reasons, such as peace incentives or to confuse paternity, or he may not have complete control of reproduction within his group.Communicated by D. Watts  相似文献   

Socioecological models provide a framework for predicting how animals respond competitively to the abundance and distribution of food resources. Testing predictions of socioecological models requires analysis of relationships among food resource characteristics, competitive behaviors, and measures of rank-related skew in energy balance or reproductive success. A positive relationship between dominance rank and energy balance has been observed among female mountain gorillas in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, Uganda. This study examines the proximate mechanisms underlying feeding competition among those females. To assess the contestability of food resources, we measured the time a female spent feeding at a food site (food site residence time). We also examined the relationship between dominance rank and the access to resources, as well as the rate, context, and direction of aggression, and the number of neighbors in close proximity. As predicted, females had longer food site residence times and higher aggression rates with fruit and decaying wood than with herbaceous vegetation, suggesting that those resources may be contestable. Aggression was predominantly directed down the dominance hierarchy, although against expectation, rank was not significantly correlated with aggression rates or the time spent feeding on contestable foods. Higher-ranking females had significantly fewer neighbors, suggesting that lower-ranking females avoid higher-ranking ones. This study provides additional support for the claim that there is variability in how primates respond to the quality and distribution of food resources and that avoidance as a strategy to cope with feeding competition may result in similar skew in energy balance as rank-related aggression.  相似文献   

The ecological constraints model predicts that daily travel distance and home range size of social animals will increase as group size increases in order to meet the dietary needs of additional group members. This theory has been supported more predominantly by studies of frugivorous primate species than by studies of folivorous species. We examined the ranging patterns of mountain gorillas in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, Uganda, who include both herbaceous vegetation and fruit in their diet, to determine how ecological, behavioral, and social parameters influence movement patterns. Data were collected from three groups of gorillas with overlapping home ranges at a low-altitude location (1,450–1,800 m) and one group at a high-altitude location (2,100–2,500 m) in Bwindi from September 2001 to August 2002. We analyzed daily travel distance and home range size in relation to group size, while also considering patterns of frugivory, rainfall, and location (proxy for food availability) within the park. Both daily travel distance and home range size were positively related to group size. In addition, the degree of frugivory positively influenced daily travel distance and home range size, while rainfall negatively influenced daily travel distance only. Finally, groups at the low-altitude location, with higher fruit availability, traveled less than the group at the high-altitude location. These results demonstrate that mountain gorillas in Bwindi provide support for the ecological constraints model, but further studies are needed to determine how fine-scale spatial and temporal availability of food resources influence movement patterns. Ranging patterns of Bwindi gorillas are compared to those observed in other gorilla populations in the context of the ecological constraints model.Communicated by D. Watts  相似文献   

Over the past few decades, socioecological models have been developed to explain the relationships between the ecological conditions, social systems, and reproductive success of primates. Feeding competition, predation pressures, and risk of infanticide are predicted to influence how female reproductive success (FRS) depends upon their dominance rank, group size, and mate choices. This paper examines how those factors affected the reproductive success of female mountain gorillas (Gorilla beringei beringei) of the Virunga Volcanoes, Rwanda from 1967–2004. Reproductive success was measured through analyses of interbirth intervals, infant survival, and surviving infant birth rates using data from 214 infants born to 67 females. Mountain gorillas were predicted to have “within-group scramble” feeding competition, but we found no evidence of lower FRS in larger groups, even as those groups became two to five times larger than the population average. The gorillas are considered to have negligible “within-group contest” competition, yet higher ranked mothers had shorter interbirth intervals. Infant survival was higher in multimale groups, which was expected because infanticide occurs when the male dies in a one-male group. The combination of those results led to higher surviving birth rates for higher ranking females in multimale groups. Overall, however, the socioecological factors accounted for a relatively small portion of the variance in FRS, as expected for a species that feeds on abundant, evenly distributed foliage.  相似文献   

Socioecological models predict that contest competition for clumped foods can lead to higher energy intake and lower energy expenditure for higher-ranking individuals. Here, we examine the relationships between dominance rank and energy intake and expenditure of female mountain gorillas in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, Uganda (Gorilla beringei beringei). Bwindi gorillas have weak dominance relationships, feed on nonreproductive plant parts throughout the year, and consume fruit when it is seasonally available. We used behavioral observations on one group of gorillas and nutritional analysis of their major food items to calculate energy intake rates and estimated energy expenditure. Using linear mixed models, we found a significant positive relationship between dominance rank and energy intake rates, due to higher-ranking females having faster ingestion rates, rather than consuming foods with higher energy concentrations. Lower-ranking females did not spend significantly more time feeding to compensate for their lower energy intake rates. Lower-ranking females spent significantly more time traveling than higher-ranking females, leading to a negative relationship between dominance rank and energy expenditure. The combined results revealed a significant positive relationship between dominance rank and energy balance. Higher-ranking females did not spend longer feeding on fruit than lower-ranking ones, and the relationship between dominance rank and energy intake rates was not stronger when fruit was available. According to socioecological models, these results suggest that contest competition may be occurring with both fruit and nonreproductive plant parts, which would be consistent with growing evidence that nonreproductive plant parts can be contestable.  相似文献   

This paper presents data on the dispersal patterns and reproductive success of western lowland gorilla females from a long-term study at Mbeli Bai in the Nouabalé-Ndoki National Park, Republic of Congo. We find that female natal and secondary transfer is common. Female immigration rates are negatively related to group size, and emigration rates are positively related to group size, with the net result that larger groups are losing females and smaller groups are gaining females. Furthermore, females transferring between known groups show a preference for significantly smaller groups. However, there is no effect of group size on female reproductive success. Male protection and male quality are considered important in determining female transfer decisions. The case for infanticide is argued and females exhibit strategies that appear to minimise the probability of infanticide following the death of the silverback. Exclusively single-male groups and group formation through female acquisition by solitary males may bias female transfer to lone silverbacks and small groups. The effects of group size on female dispersal and reproductive success are not wholly consistent with an argument for increased foraging costs, and group size effects are more parsimoniously explained by demographic factors. Male protection from intra-group aggression is the most likely factor underlying grouping patterns across gorilla taxa, but differences in population structure and male reproductive strategies may account for inter-specific variation. We stress the need for intra-specific comparisons and more complete data sets on western lowland gorilla feeding behaviour.Communicated by S. Boinski  相似文献   

A study of otolith aging and growth-rate variation in the flyingfish Hirundichthys affinis (Günther) was conducted in the eastern Caribbean (10–16°N; 58–62°W) in 1987–1989. Daily otolith-increment formation was validated in laboratory-reared larvae, confirming the usefulness of otolith-increment counts for age determination of H. affinis juveniles (<150 mm fork length, FL). A mark-recapture programme to validate increment formation in wild adults was unsuccessful due to tetracycline-linked mortality and insufficient tetracycline uptake in slow-growing adult otoliths. A von Bertalanffy growth curve fitted to juvenile size-at-age data gave preliminary growth-curve parameters of t 0=2.85 d and k=0.00854 on a daily basis, with an asymptotic length, L, of 245 mm FL, for eastern Caribbean flyingfish. Juvenile growth rate in H. affinis is sensitive to spatial and temporal variation in temperature. Growth rates were higher where sea-surface temperatures were higher, and were higher for juveniles hatched in warmer months (April–July) than in colder months (November–March). Growth rates were also higher near islands than at more oceanic locations. Variation in juvenile growth rates may influence the spatial and temporal variation in spawning frequency observed in H. affinis.  相似文献   

Raising chickens for eggs in urban areas is becoming increasingly common. Urban chickens may be exposed to lead, a common urban soil contaminant. We measured lead concentrations in chicken eggs from New York City (NYC) community gardens and collected information on factors that might affect those concentrations. Lead was detected between 10 and 167 μg/kg in 48 % of NYC eggs. Measures of lead in eggs from a henhouse were significantly associated (p < 0.005) with lead concentrations in soil. The association between soil and egg lead has been evaluated only once before, by a study of a rural region in Belgium. In our study, the apparent lead soil-to-egg transfer efficiency was considerably lower than that found in Belgium, suggesting that there may be important geographic differences in this transfer. We developed models that suggested that, for sites like ours, lead concentrations in >50 % of eggs from a henhouse would exceed store-bought egg concentrations (<7–13 μg/kg; 3 % above detection limit) at soil lead concentrations >120 mg/kg and that the concentration in one of six eggs from a henhouse would exceed a 100 μg/kg guidance value at soil lead concentrations >410 mg/kg. Our models also suggested that the availability of dietary calcium supplements was another influential factor that reduced egg lead concentrations. Estimates of health risk from consuming eggs with the lead concentrations we measured generally were not significant. However, soil lead concentrations in this study were <600 mg/kg, and considerably higher concentrations are not uncommon. Efforts to reduce lead transfer to chicken eggs and associated exposure are recommended for urban chicken keepers.  相似文献   

Summary. The quality of tree leaves as food for herbivores changes rapidly especially during the spring and early summer. However, whether the quality of an individual tree in relation to other trees in the population changes during the growing season and between years is less clear. We studied the seasonal and annual stability of chemical and physical traits affecting leaf quality for herbivores. Rankings of trees in terms of the contents of two major groups of phenolics in their leaves, hydrolyzable tannins and proanthocyanidins (condensed tannins), were very stable from the early spring to the end of the growing season. There were also strong positive within-season correlations in the levels of some other groups of phenolics in the leaves (kaempferol glycosides, myricetin glycosides and p-coumaroylquinic acid derivatives). The contents of individual sugars and the sum content of protein-bound amino acids showed patterns of seasonal consistency in mature leaves, but not in young developing leaves. The seasonal correlations in leaf water content and toughness were also strongest in mature leaves. The correlations between two years at corresponding times of the growing season were strongly positive for the major groups of phenolics throughout the season, but were more variable for the contents of proteins and some sugars. Leaf toughness and water content showed strong positive correlations in mature leaves. Despite the consistency of tree ranking in terms of leaf phenolics, the relative resistance status of trees may, however, change during a growing season because there was a negative correlation between the content of hydrolyzable tannins (early-season resistance compounds) in leaves early in the season and the content of proanthocyanidins (late-season resistance compounds) late in the season, and vice versa. Thus, assuming that phenolics affect herbivore preference and performance, different plants may suffer damage at different times of the growing season, and the overall variation between trees in the fitness consequences may be low. In addition, the adaptation of herbivorous insects to mountain birch foliage in general, as well as to specific tree individuals, may be constrained by variation in the relative resistance status of the trees.  相似文献   

Sleeper sharks are a poorly studied group of deep-sea sharks. The subgenus, Somniosus, contains three morphologically similar species: S. microcephalus found in the Arctic and North Atlantic; S. pacificus in the North Pacific; and S. antarcticus in the Southern Ocean. These sharks have been reported mainly in temperate to polar waters and occasionally in subtropical locations. They have not been recorded in tropical waters. This study investigates the relationships among the accepted species of Somniosus through analysis of mitochondrial cytochrome b sequence variation. Seventy-five samples were examined from four sampling locations in the North Pacific, Southern Ocean and North Atlantic. Twenty-one haplotypes were found. A minimum spanning parsimony network separated these haplotypes into two divergent clades, an S. microcephalus and an S. pacificus/antarcticus clade, strongly supporting the distinction of S. microcephalus as a separate species from the Pacific sleeper shark species. Analysis of genetic structure within the S. pacificus/antarcticus clade (analysis of molecular variance, allele frequency comparisons, and a nested clade analysis) showed limited or no differences amongst three populations. Further examination of genetic variation at more variable mtDNA and nuclear markers is needed to examine the species status of S. pacificus and S. antarcticus.  相似文献   

Summary Populations of baboon (Papio sp.) at geographic and climatic extremes for the genus show a tendency to one-male organization, whereas most baboons live in multimale social groups; this effect has been attributed largely to limitation of food supply, but baboons' complex diet has hindered proper nutritional analyses. To test these optimal-diet explanations of social variation, we quantified intake and used phytochemical analysis of foods to compare the nutrition, during seasonal changes, of two groups of mountain baboons (P. ursinus) living at different altitudes of a continuous grassland habitat. The majority of plant foods were eaten uniquely by one or other group, though their altitudinal separation was only 400 m, and the time budget of feeding choices varied with age-sex class as well as season. Converting to a common currency of nutrients reveals that baboons gained the same yield from a unit time spent foraging (whether this is measured in edible dry weight, or simply protein) in both groups, despite their differing mean altitude, whereas seasonal variation was large and statistically significant. Increased feeding time at the winter bottleneck made no effective compensation for the poorer food yields: in late winter there was a minimum for daily nutrient gain at both altitudes. Apparently this population is already at an extreme for the time animals devote to foraging in winter, when they rely on inconspicuous and slow-to-harvest swollen shoot bases and underground plant storage organs. Since an individual's nutrient yield does not vary with altitude, we conclude that socioecological parameters are effectively optimized for feeding. Since contest competition is absent, this adjustment of foraging efficiency is largely through the effect of differential density on scramble competition. Differences in social structure are considered to be a secondray consequence of optimal foraging, mediated through altitudinal variation in either population density or in day range limits.  相似文献   

Horizontal starch gel electrophoresis was employed to investigate levels of genetic differentiation between 13 samples of the neritic squid species Loligo forbesi Steenstrup obtained from throughout the majority of its known geographical range. Six enzyme loci identified in a preliminary study as being polymorphic were screened for variation between samples. No significant differences in allele distribution were detected between any of the samples obtained from the Faroe Bank in the north to Lisbon in the south, suggesting that squid throughout this range in the vicinity of the continental shelf are able to maintain panmixia, and effectively belong to a single population sharing a common gene pool. No clinal variation in allele distribution was detected throughout this range, a result which complements the findings of a detailed morphological companion study of the same individuals. Comparison of this homogenous European continental shelf population with squid from the Azores revealed highly significant (P<0.01) differences in allele distribution at five of the six polymorphic enzyme loci studied. A genetic identity value (I) equivalent to 0.93 over 33 loci was obtained. Analysis of F-statistics suggested migration rates between sites to be as low as one individual per five generations, a rate deemed insufficient under most models to prevent divergence by random genetic drift. The large distance and oceanic depths separating the Azores from continental Europe seem to present an effective barrier to gene flow to L. forbesi, a squid belonging to a family considered to be confined in distribution to relatively shallow, near coastal waters. The two populations of squid in the Azores and along the European continental shelf currently both ascribed to L. forbesi should therefore probably best be regarded as relative subspecies.  相似文献   

Post-copulatory sexual selection (PCSS) is thought to be one of the evolutionary forces responsible for the rapid and divergent evolution of sperm design. However, whereas in some taxa particular sperm traits are positively associated with PCSS, in other taxa, these relationships are negative, and the causes of these different patterns across taxa are poorly understood. In a comparative study using New World blackbirds (Icteridae), we tested whether sperm design was influenced by the level of PCSS and found significant positive associations with the level of PCSS for all sperm components but head length. Additionally, whereas the absolute length of sperm components increased, their variation declined with the intensity of PCSS, indicating stabilising selection around an optimal sperm design. Given the diversity of, and strong selection on, sperm design, it seems likely that sperm phenotype may influence sperm velocity within species. However, in contrast to other recent studies of passerine birds, but consistent with several other studies, we found no significant link between sperm design and velocity, using four different species that vary both in sperm design and PCSS. Potential reasons for this discrepancy between studies are discussed. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

A study of gonadal state in 39 small specimens of Arctica islandica Linné collected in April 1976 from the Middle Atlantic shelf of North America suggests that sexual maturity is reached at a later age than has been reported for other shelf bivalves. Eight of the specimens had gonads in the undifferentiated state. On the basis of annual internal growth banding in the shells of these immature specimens, age ranged between 4 and 14 years. Average age was 9.38 years (standard deviation, s,= 3.54). Shell length ranged from 24 to 47 mm (average 38.85 mm, s=9.25). Differentiated gonads were found in specimens as young as 6 years. Age of maturity shows a wide range and may be dependent upon growth rate and locality.  相似文献   

Variance in male reproductive success is expected to be high in sexually dimorphic mammals, even when it is modulated by the costs and benefits of group living. Here, we investigate the variance in reproductive success of male western gorillas (Gorilla gorilla), a highly dimorphic primate with long-term male–female associations, using 12.5 years of data collected at Mbeli Bai in northern Congo. Access to mates and offspring survival were both major sources of variance in male reproductive success. Males with larger harems had lower offspring mortality with no apparent reduction in female fertility or observed tenure length, so the size of harems did not seem to be limited by female feeding competition or by the risk of takeovers and infanticide by outsider males. The lower mortality in larger harems may reflect improved vigilance against predators, and females may cluster around males that enhance offspring survival. Thus, this study illustrates how a detailed analysis of the components of male reproductive success can shed light on the interrelated social and ecological aspects that affect it.  相似文献   

J. Mauchline 《Marine Biology》1994,120(4):561-570
Studies of the biology of oceanic copepods are few relative to those of coastal species. Females of the genus Euchaeta have spermatophores attached to the genital somite by the male and carry their broods of eggs attached to this somite, so defining the breeding season. Populations of E. norvegica in the fjordic environment of Loch Etive (collected between 1971 and 1974 and from 1978 to 1979), Scotland and in the marginal oceanic region of the Rockall Trough, northeastern Atlantic Ocean (collected between 1973 and 1976) and of a further eight species of Euchaeta in the Trough are examined. Seasonal changes in the incidence of egg masses and spermatophores attached to the females, sex ratio and population numbers are determined. Sampling errors in the estimation of these parameters are larger in the oceanic Rockall Trough. The Loch Etive populations of E. norvegica produce two generations per year with a proportion, variable between years, of the population producing a third generation. This species produces a single annual generation in the Rockall Trough as do E. acuta and E. pseudotonsa. Two generations per year are probably passed through by E. gracilis in the Trough while the large bathypelagic E. sarsi may produce a single generation in the autumn of every second year. The other bathypelagic species, E. barbata, E. scotti, E. abbreviata and E. longissima, breed continuously throughout the year and no estimate of their generation times is possible. Consequently, this approach to population analysis is useful where breeding is seasonal, but resolving generation time in bathypelagic crustaceans remains a problem.  相似文献   

Population structure and reproductive ecology of the burrowing ghost shrimp Callianassa filholi Milne-Edwards, 1878 were studied in populations along a latitudinal gradient throughout New Zealand during the breeding season. Size-frequency distributions revealed unimodal populations, with predominantly sexually mature shrimp. All populations showed an unbiased sex-ratio, and there appeared to be no significant difference in size (carapace length, CL) between sexes. At the same time, CL and size at maturity differed significantly between populations; however, a general increase in sizes from north to south was not consistent throughout the latitudinal range studied. The timing of the breeding cycle differed significantly between populations, and breeding started earlier in southern populations. Number of embryos (fecundity) increased linearly with female CL at each location, but rates differed significantly between populations. Embryo size was not related to number of embryos, and the former increased significantly with latitude. With the exception of embryo size, observed differences in body size/size at maturity and reproductive timing between C. filholi populations are thought to be determined by food availability rather than temperature. Thus, further study is suggested on these aspects of thalassinid reproductive biology. Received: 17 June 1999 / Accepted: 8 January 2000  相似文献   

Kelp species show substantial intraspecific morphological variation. The annual kelp, Costaria costata (C. Agardh) Saunders, is found in the lower intertidal and subtidal regions of shores which vary in exposure from strongly wave-exposed to sheltered. Phenotypic variation was studied in this monotypic genus. Individuals of C. costata were collected from two morphologically-distinct populations (one wave-exposed and the other wave-sheltered) at Cape Beale and Stanley Park, Vancouver, Canada, in May 1985. Analysis of morphological variation, using multivariate statistical techniques, indicated significant differentiation between plants from the two sites. Blade widths and thicknesses were the major discriminating variables. Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis of nuclear DNA with 42 anonymous probes demonstrated one polymorphism. Most of the probes are hypothesized to encode highly repeated, dispersed sequences. These repeat sequence probes comprised 80.9% of all cloned fragments. Primary sequence analysis of 1595 base pairs of small-subunit ribosomal DNA and 204 base pairs of upstream sequence (probe pCc 18) failed to show any divergence between plants from the two sites.  相似文献   

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