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Extra-pair paternity is common in socially monogamous passerines; however, despite considerable research attention, consistent
differences in fitness between within-pair offspring (WPO) and extra-pair offspring (EPO) have not been demonstrated. Recent
evidence indicates that differences between maternal half-siblings may depend on environmental conditions, but it is unclear
whether the influence of paternal genetic contribution should be most apparent under comparatively poor or favourable conditions.
We compared phenotypic characteristics of WPO and EPO in 30 mixed-paternity broods of the tree swallow (Tachycineta bicolor) in relation to experimentally increased nest temperature (n = 13 heated nests; 17 control nests) and natural abundance of haematophagous parasites (Protocalliphora spp.). This allowed us to test the hypothesis that genetic benefits of extra-pair mating are environment dependent. EPO grew
their ninth primary feathers faster than WPO regardless of nest temperature or parasite load and had significantly longer
ninth primary feathers at fledging when parasite abundance was low, and when they were positioned early in the hatching sequence
relative to WPO. In contrast, WPO under similar conditions did not differ from EPO in any phenotypic trait measured. These
results indicate that the fitness benefits of extra-pair mating are likely to be context dependent, and that genetic effects
on some phenotypic traits may be more apparent when conditions are relatively favourable. 相似文献
Extrapair paternity in birds has been the focus of an increasing number of studies over the last decades. Nevertheless, there is little knowledge about extrapair copulation (EPC) behavior. In this study, we investigate whether female bluethroats (Luscinia s. svecica) with no extrapair offspring (EPO) in their broods really have been sexually monogamous or if they have copulated with extrapair males. We used an experimental approach to prevent transfer of sperm from the social male during copulation by fitting a rubber tube around the cloaca of randomly chosen males. If the females mated to these males do not participate in EPCs, they will produce infertile eggs, whereas females that copulate with extrapair males will only produce EPO. We found that 87% (n=15) of the experimental pairs compared to only 36% (n=51) of unmanipulated pairs produced EPO. Our result therefore suggests that females having no EPO may still have copulated with extrapair males and that promiscuity may be an obligate sexual strategy among bluethroat females.Communicated by S. Pruett-Jones 相似文献
Melanie Schubert Carsten Schradin Heiko G. Rödel Neville Pillay David O. Ribble 《Behavioral ecology and sociobiology》2009,64(2):257-264
Mate guarding is predicted to be one of the driving forces for the evolution of monogamy, but supporting evidence in free-living
mammals is rare. The goals of our study were three-pronged. First, we tested if mate guarding, measured as intrapair distance,
occurs as a behavioral tactic in round-eared sengis (Macroscelides proboscideus), a socially monogamous species lacking paternal care and in which females breed asynchronously, producing 2–3 litters during
an 8-month long breeding season. Second, we determined if mate guarding involves costs which we identified as changes in male
body mass. Third, we investigated whether variation in individual investment in mate guarding depended on the males’ body
mass and the number of neighboring males. Field data were collected in a semidesert in South Africa using radio-tracking,
trapping, and direct observations during three successive breeding seasons. Mate guarding strongly depended on the females’
reproductive state, and all males started to guard their mates prior to and during estrus, as exemplified by reduced intrapair
distance. Mate guarding incurred costs: overall, males lost about 5% of body mass. Male body mass loss and initial body mass
were negatively related to the intensity of precopulatory mate guarding. Furthermore, during estrus intrapair distance was
inversely correlated with the number of neighboring males. The results show that mate guarding is the predominant male tactic
in round-eared sengis. However, since mate guarding imposed costs, males may balance benefits and costs associated with guarding
by varying their effort in relation to their physical capabilities and the competitive environment. 相似文献
Extra-pair paternity and the opportunity for sexual selection in a socially monogamous bird (Dendroica petechia) 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
Stephen M. Yezerinac Patrick J. Weatherhead Peter T. Boag 《Behavioral ecology and sociobiology》1995,37(3):179-188
We used multi-locus DNA fingerprinting to characterise the genetic mating system of the socially monogamous yellow warbler (Dendroica petechia). Over 2 years there were no instances of brood parasitism, but 59% of families (n = 90) contained extrapair sired young and 37% of offspring (n = 355) were of extra-pair paternity. Most hypotheses for extra-pair mating in monogamous species assume a paternity benefit to extra-pair sires, and focus on the benefit(s) to females. However, the assumption of male benefit has been little tested. Among yellow warblers, known extra-pair sires were just as likely to be cuckolded as any male in the population, and there was at least one reciprocal exchange of extra-pair paternity. Nevertheless, among known extra-pair sires, the paternity gains from extra-pair paternity were, on average, greater than the losses in their own families. These results show there is a paternity benefit to certain males. However, the benefit is not absolute but relative and therefore more difficult to measure. The results also suggest that patterns of extra-pair fertilisation are not determined by female choice alone. Most confirmed extra-pair mates were territorial neighbours, but some resided as far as three territories apart, and greater spatial separation was implied in other cases. Thus, the opportunity for extra-pair mating is great. We estimate that as a result of extra-pair fertilisations, variance in male mating success is increased somewhere between 3-fold and 15-fold over that which would result from within-pair reproduction alone. These findings affirm the potential importance of extra-pair reproduction for sexual selection in monogamous species and they support earlier suggestions that extra-territorial forays by male yellow warblers are for the purpose of extra-pair mating. 相似文献
Alejandra G. Ramos Schyler O. Nunziata Stacey L. Lance Cristina Rodríguez Brant C. Faircloth Patricia Adair Gowaty Hugh Drummond 《Behavioral ecology and sociobiology》2014,68(10):1603-1609
Females sometimes obtain older sires for their offspring through extra-pair interactions, but how female age influences paternity is largely unexplored and interactive effects across the age span of both sexes have not been analyzed. To test whether female choice of sire age varies with female age in the blue-footed booby (Sula nebouxii), we examined associations between ages of both partners and the probability of extra-pair paternity (EPP) in 350 broods of parents up to 22 years old in a single breeding season. Extra-pair paternity enables a female to select an alternative sire for her offspring and could function to avoid or achieve particular combinations of parental ages. A male age?×?female age interaction revealed that in young females (≤4 years), EPP decreased with increasing age of the social partner, whereas in old females (≥8 years), it increased. Moreover, sires of extra-pair (EP) chicks of young females paired to young males were on average 6.33 years older than the females’ social partners. Since female boobies control copulatory access, this pattern could imply that young females choose old sires for their proven genetic quality and that old females avoid very old males because matings with them may risk infertility or genetic defects in offspring. Taking female age into account and observing across the whole age span may be necessary for understanding female age-based mate choice. 相似文献
S. Sommer 《Behavioral ecology and sociobiology》2005,58(2):181-189
A growing number of studies indicate that females can increase the viability of their offspring by gaining direct benefits such as parental care or genetic advantages through selective mating with certain males. Among the best candidates for the genetic basis of mate choice in vertebrates are the genes of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) because these highly polymorphic genes may increase offspring viability and provide direct cues for mate choice. A free-ranging, pair-living rodent was used as an example to investigate MHC-dependent mate choice in an obligate monogamous species, the Malagasy giant jumping rat Hypogeomys antimena. Two possible mechanisms of mate choice were tested. First, mate choice may occur to increase the heterozygosity of MHC genes in the progeny and, second, mates might choose each other according to the degree of dissimilarity of their functional MHC DRB (exon 2) proteins in order to maximise the allelic divergence in their offspring. Analyses of 65 Hypogeomys couples failed to confirm associations of mating patterns with the MHC genotype to increase heterozygosity or MHC allelic divergence in the progeny. Also, no evidence for mechanisms to increase the allelic divergence was found in sex-specific analyses where a male or female, respectively, migrated to and was accepted by a territory and burrow holder of the opposite sex. However, the frequency distribution of 0, 1 or 2 new alleles potentially available for the progeny differed significantly when a new male was chosen by a territory-holding female. In contrast to current models, genetically similar instead of dissimilar mates seem to be the preferred choice. This is the first study investigating the role of the MHC in mate selection in an obligate monogamous rodent.Communicated by G. Wilkinson 相似文献
Parental investment, adult sex ratios, and sexual selection in a socially monogamous seabird 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
Although most birds are monogamous, theory predicts that greater female parental investment and female-biased adult sex ratios
will lower the polygyny threshold. This should result in polygynous mating, unless obligate biparental care or the spatial
and temporal distribution of fertilizable females constrains a male’s ability to take advantage of a lowered polygyny threshold.
Here we present data on the extent of male sexually dimorphic plumage, adult sex ratios and breeding season synchrony in three
populations of a socially monogamous seabird, the brown booby Sula leucogaster. For one of these populations, San Pedro Mártir Island, we also present data on differences in male and female parental investment,
mortality and probability of pairing. The extent of plumage dimorphism varied among populations. Sex ratios were female biased in all populations. On San Pedro
Mártir Island, parental investment was female biased, females failed more often than males to find a mate, but there was no
polygyny. We suggest that on San Pedro Mártir: (1) a period of obligate biparental care coupled with a relatively synchronous
breeding season constrained the ability of males to take advantage of a high environmental polygamy potential and (2) the
resulting socially monogamous mating system, in combination with the female-biased adult sex ratio, caused females to be limited
by the availability of males despite their greater parental investment.
Received: 18 November 1999 / Accepted: 24 January 2000 相似文献
M. G. Brooked I. Rowley M. Adams P. R. Baverstock 《Behavioral ecology and sociobiology》1990,26(3):191-199
Summary Paternity likelihood was tested in a population of splendid fairy-wrens Malurus splendens by allozyme electrophoresis. A total of 91 offspring of 24 dams and 37 putative sires were typed at 10 polymorphic loci. All young were compatible with their dams but at least 65% were not fathered by any of the males in their group. A long-term study of this wren population has shown that the males are sedentary, show little evidence of dispersal and help care for the nestlings and fledglings in their group. Had the senior male sired all the offspring in his group, there would have been a high incidence of close inbreeding. The promiscuous mating system demonstrated here would reduce the level of inbreeding in the population but still allow individuals the security of group-living in a stable year-round territory.
Offprint requests to: M.G. Brooker 相似文献
A. Cohas N. G. Yoccoz A. Da Silva B. Goossens D. Allainé 《Behavioral ecology and sociobiology》2006,59(5):597-605
Extra-pair paternity (EPP) can be influenced by both social setting and female mate choice. If evidence suggests that females
try to obtain extra-pair copulations (EPCs) in order to gain genetic benefits when mated to a homozygous and/or to a related
male, females may not be able to choose freely among extra-pair mates (EPMs) as the social mate may constrain female access
to EPMs. In this study, we investigated, first, how EPP depended on social setting and specifically on the number of subordinate
males in the family group in a highly social and monogamous mammal, the alpine marmot. Second, we investigated how EPP depended
on female mate choice for genetic benefits measured as male mate-heterozygosity and within-pair relatedness. Our results reveal,
first, that EPP depended on the social setting, increasing with the number of subordinate males. Second, EPPs were related
to relatedness between mates. Third, EPMs were found to be more heterozygous than within-pair males. Thus, social setting
may constrain female choice by limiting opportunities for EPC. However, after accounting for social confounding factors, female
choice for genetic benefits may be a mechanism driving EPP in monogamous species. 相似文献
Experimentally induced polygyny in a monogamous bird species: prothonotary warblers and the polygyny threshold 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Lisa J. Petit 《Behavioral ecology and sociobiology》1991,29(3):177-187
Summary Hypotheses regarding evolution of polygyny were tested using prothonotary warblers (Protonotaria citrea), through experimental manipulations of habitat quality. Two experiments were performed. Experiment 1 involved supplying nest boxes in different breeding habitats: flooded riparian areas (high food availability) and adjacent dry bottomland (low food availability). Nine bigamous matings were induced in this experiment, all occurring in flooded habitats even though monogamous mating opportunities existed in dry areas. Costs of polygyny for secondary females in flooded habitat were similar to costs incurred by monogamous females in dry habitat. Thus, a polygyny threshold apparently existed, possibly based on differences in food abundance in the two habitats. However, male quality covaried with habitat quality, as males in flooded areas were older and larger than males in dry habitat. Secondary females may have chosen polygyny in the best breeding situation, a combination of male and territory quality. In Experiment 2 nest box density was varied within flooded habitat to allow males to monopolize different numbers of nest-sites. Monogamous females settled earlier on territories with a large number of nest-sites, and males that defended many nest-sites were more likely to become polygynous. Male physical characteristics were not related to occurrence of polygyny in flooded habitat. Limitation of suitable nest-holes ultimately constrains occurrence of polygyny in prothonotary warblers. 相似文献
Summary This study presents the first direct evidence of benefit derived from the male's parental effort during rearing of young in a monogamous, precocial bird species. We compared mothers accompanied by a mate (paired mothers) with single mothers, some of which were artificial widows, in a semicaptive flock of bar-headed geese (Anser indicus). Paired mothers were less often displaced by other birds and suffered fewer interruptions of brooding. Their goslings spent more time grazing and survived with a higher probability. Although one beneficial result of the male's parental effort may be the continued availability and survival of his mate, a more direct benefit arises from higher offspring survival between hatching and fledging. 相似文献
Susan L. Balenger L. Scott Johnson Brian S. Masters 《Behavioral ecology and sociobiology》2009,63(3):403-411
Ornamental traits are thought to evolve because they give individuals an advantage in securing multiple mates. Thus, the presence
of ornamentation among males in many monogamous bird species presents something of a conundrum. Under certain conditions,
extra-pair paternity can increase the variance in reproductive success among males, thus increasing the potential for sexual
selection to act. We addressed this possibility in the mountain bluebird (Sialia currucoides), a socially monogamous songbird in which males possess brilliant ultraviolet (UV)-blue plumage. Specifically, we asked whether
a male’s success at siring offspring within his own nest and within the nests of other males was related to his coloration.
In pairwise comparisons, males that sired extra-pair offspring were not more colorful than the males that they cuckolded.
However, males that sired at least one extra-pair offspring were, on average, brighter and more UV-blue than males that did
not sire extra-pair offspring. Brighter, more UV-blue males sired more offspring both with their own mate and tended to sire
more offspring with extra-pair mates and thus sired more offspring overall. Our results support the hypothesis that the brilliant
UV-blue ornamental plumage of male mountain bluebirds evolved at least in part because it provides males with an advantage
in fertilizing the eggs of multiple females. 相似文献
Summary In this paper we develop a dynamic programming model to explore the optimal organization of daily routines of singing and foraging in a small bird. While singing the bird may attract a mate but uses up energy. Most of the patterns of daily variation in singing generated have basic features very characteristic of typical passerine song output. The predictions are remarkably robust to changes in a wide range of parameters, showing which parameters are important. A peak of singing at dawn can result from variability in overnight energy expenditure in the absence of any circadian patterns in the environment. 相似文献
Susan Lappan 《Behavioral ecology and sociobiology》2008,62(8):1307-1317
While male parental care is uncommon in mammals, siamang (Symphalangus syndactylus) males provide care for infants in the form of infant carrying. I collected behavioral data from a cohort of five wild siamang
infants from early infancy until age 15–24 months to identify factors affecting male care and to assess the consequences of
male care for males, females, and infants in a population including socially monogamous groups and polyandrous groups. There
was substantial variation in male caring behavior. All males in polyandrous groups provided care for infants, but males in
socially monogamous groups provided substantially more care than males in polyandrous groups, even when the combined effort
of all males in a group was considered. These results suggest that polyandry in siamangs is unlikely to be promoted by the
need for “helpers.” Infants receiving more care from males did not receive more care overall because females compensated for
increases in male care by reducing their own caring effort. There was no significant relationship between indicators of male–female
social bond strength and male time spent carrying infants, and the onset of male care was not associated with a change in
copulation rates. Females providing more care for infants had significantly longer interbirth intervals. Male care may reduce
the energetic costs of reproduction for females, permitting higher female reproductive rates. 相似文献
Variance in female quality, operational sex ratio and male mate choice in a bushcricket 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
Male bushcrickets, Kawanaphila nartee, exercise mate choice when nutrients are limited. Male mate choice is associated with a female-biased operational sex ratio
(OSR) that arises from an increased relative paternal investment under nutrient limitation. However, increased male choosiness
could be attributable to the fact that females vary more in fecundity, and consequently in mate quality, when nutrient limited.
Our objective was to experimentally partition the influences of OSR (male or female bias) and variance in mate quality (high
or low) and to assess their relative influence on the intensity of mate choice by male bushcrickets. Female quality was manipulated
by controlled feeding regimes that directly affected female fecundity. We found that males and females engaged in sexual interactions
sooner under a male-biased than a female-biased OSR. Males were more likely to reject females on their first encounter when
variance in female quality was high. However, the effect of quality variance on the total number of rejections during a 4-h
observation period was dependent on the perceived OSR. A male's prior experience of variance in female quality did not influence
male choosiness. Our observed rates of mate rejection conformed well with those predicted from recent theoretical models of
sexual differences in choosiness. In conclusion, our results show that the opportunity for selection via male mate choice
is influenced by an interaction between OSR and the variance in mate quality that arises within nutrient-limited populations
of females.
Received: 5 January 1998 / Accepted after revision: 25 October 1998 相似文献
Verena Dietrich-Bischoff Tim Schmoll Wolfgang Winkel Sven Krackow Thomas Lubjuhn 《Behavioral ecology and sociobiology》2006,60(4):563-571
Females of many socially monogamous bird species commonly engage in extra-pair copulations. Assuming that extra-pair males are more attractive than the females’ social partners and that attractiveness has a heritable component, sex allocation theory predicts facultative overproduction of sons among extra-pair offspring (EPO) as sons benefit more than daughters from inheriting their father’s attractiveness traits. Here, we present a large-scale, three-year study on sex ratio variation in a passerine bird, the coal tit (Parus ater). Molecular sexing in combination with paternity analysis revealed no evidence for a male-bias in EPO sex ratios compared to their within-pair maternal half-siblings. Our main conclusion, therefore, is that facultative sex allocation to EPO is absent in the coal tit, in accordance with findings in several other species. Either there is no net selection for a deviation from random sex ratio variation (e.g. because extra-pair mating may serve goals different from striving for ‘attractiveness genes’) or evolutionary constraints preclude the evolution of precise maternal sex ratio adjustment. It is interesting to note that, however, we found broods without EPO as well as broods without mortality to be relatively female-biased compared to broods with EPO and mortality, respectively. We were unable to identify any environmental or parental variable to co-vary with brood sex ratios. There was no significant repeatability of sex ratios in consecutive broods of individual females that would hint at some idiosyncratic maternal sex ratio adjustment. Further research is needed to resolve the biological significance of the correlation between brood sex ratios and extra-pair paternity and mortality incidence, respectively. 相似文献
Although the extensive variation in divorce rates among monogamous bird species has stimulated several theoretical accounts, the mechanisms underlying divorce strategies remain poorly understood. Here, we use an individual-based simulation model to investigate the adaptiveness of mechanisms of mate choice in the context of remating. Our model compares the fitness of females that choose a mate during each breeding season using one of two different decision rules; best-of-n females sample n potential partners and then select the male with the highest quality, whereas better option females choose a mate whose quality is maximal among the non-mated individuals they sampled the season before. It is assumed in the model that best-of-n females have no a priori information about the quality of potential partners and systematically decide to divorce at the beginning of each breeding season before searching for a new mate. Conversely, better option females use the information they gained the season before, and may retain their previous partner if they have no opportunity to mate with an individual of better quality. Results from simulations indicate that the best-of-n decision rule should be favoured when there is a large variation in male quality and low costs of mate sampling. On the other hand, the probability that the better option rule may invade the population is predicted to increase with male survival rate. However, changes in male mortality had no marked influence on the expected proportion of divorcing pairs, contrary to previous theoretical expectations.Communicated by H. Kokko 相似文献
Loïc A. Hardouin Dominique Robert Vincent Bretagnolle 《Behavioral ecology and sociobiology》2008,62(12):1909-1918
The dawn chorus is a striking feature of spring mornings and a characteristic behaviour of many bird species, particularly
the passerines. Dawn singing has been considered a reliable signal of male quality for mate and rival assessment. Singing
is presumed to be relatively costly at dawn both because air temperatures are relatively low and because birds have not fed
overnight. Models of optimal daily routine predict the existence of a “dusk chorus” in nocturnal birds, although this prediction
has received little empirical attention. Nocturnal birds at dusk may be energy-limited because of a lack of daytime feeding,
and singing at dusk may thus ensure signal reliability. Here, we used an observational and experimental approach to study
vocal behaviour at dusk and dawn in a nocturnal raptor, the little owl Athene noctua. We assess whether male little owls adjust their vocal behaviour according to feeding stage (i.e. period of the night), ambient
air temperature and territorial context (i.e. spontaneous calling behaviour vs elicited calling by intrusion). Across different
temperatures, we find that both spontaneous vocal activity and inter-individual variability in call duration increased at
dusk, clearly indicating a dusk chorus phenomenon. Results from playback presentations suggest that food, rather than air
temperature, is likely to be more constraining at dusk. We discuss how comparing dusk and dawn choruses in nocturnal and diurnal
species can provide insights into both mechanistic and functional aspects of signalling behaviour. 相似文献