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Social insects rank among the most abundant and influential terrestrial organisms. The key to their success is their ability to form tightly knit social groups that perform work cooperatively, and effectively exclude non-members from the colony. An extensive body of research, both empirical and theoretical, has explored how optimal acceptance thresholds could evolve in individuals, driven by the twin costs of inappropriately rejecting true nestmates and erroneously accepting individuals from foreign colonies. Here, in contrast, we use agent-based modeling to show that strong nestmate recognition by individuals is often unnecessary. Instead, highly effective nestmate recognition can arise as a colony-level property from a collective of individually poor recognizers. Essentially, although an intruder can get by one defender when their odor cues are similar, it is nearly impossible to get past many defenders if there is the slightest difference in cues. The results of our models match observed rejection rates in studies of ants, wasps, and bees. We also show that previous research in support of the optimal threshold theory approach to the problem of nestmate recognition can be alternatively viewed as evidence in favor of the collective formation of a selectively permeable barrier that allows in nestmates (at a significant cost) while rejecting non-nestmates. Finally, this work shows that nestmate recognition has a stronger task allocation component than previously thought, as colonies can nearly always achieve perfect nestmate recognition if it is cost effective for them to do so at the colony level.  相似文献   

The caterpillars of Eucheira socialis westwoodi cooperatively spin and maintain a hollow silken nest and an elaborate network of silken foraging trails on their host plant, madrone (Arbutus spp.: Ericaceae). Nests typically contain several hundred larvae. Two populations are known to harbor a sex ratio distorter. The primary sex ratio in these two populations for four generations has been exceedingly male biased (64–79% male). Lepidoptera larvae are easily sexed using external morphology, allowing us to uniquely mark male and female larvae and to assemble larval groups of particular sex ratios. We report here the results of experiments on sex-specific larval behavior and physiology and the effect of colony sex ratio on individual behavior. We found that male larvae spent more time spinning silk on the nest and less time feeding than female larvae. Males were the first to emerge from the nest and the first to venture out along trails to feed. Male-biased nests had a significantly greater amount of silk deposited on their surfaces than female-biased nests. In the field, male-biased nests produced heavier male and female pupae than female-biased nests. Male and female larvae in 75% male nests became active earlier than males and females in other sex ratio treatments. Received: 11 September 1998 / Received in revised form: 24 February 1999 / Accepted: 27 March 1999  相似文献   

Summary Parasites of social insect workers can be transmitted within the colony to other, related host individuals or, alternatively, to unrelated workers of other colonies. Division of labour affects the probability of transmission, as young individuals often work inside the nest whereas older ones often leave the nest to forage. Therefore, the relative probabilities of transmission within-vs. between-nests is also affected by the delay between host infection and the shedding of propagules, i.e. the latent period of the parasite strain. We therefore hypothesized that strains of the flagellate parasite Crithidia bombi (Trypanosomatidae, Zoomastigophorea) infecting workers of the bumble bee Bombus terrestris (Hymenoptera, Apidae) could differ in their delays and coexist in a population. This would be the case if strains that are shed after a short time delay were more efficiently transmitted to other colony members, whereas strains with long delays were more efficiently transmitted to non-related workers in the population. We tested this hypothesis by experimentally varying time delay and by allowing transmission to either sister workers from the same nest or unrelated workers from other nests. Transmission of C. bombi was measured as the number of parasitic cells shed by the exposed workers after a standard period. The results showed that relatedness as such had no effect, but that delay and nest identity were highly significant effects to explain variation in transmission success. There was a significant interaction between nest identity and delay, such that bees of some colonies acted as efficient transmitters for C. bombi under short delays and vice versa. We discuss how division of labour may affect parasitism in social insects and, vice versa, how division of labour may be under selection from the effects of parasitism, using available evidence from the literature. Correspondence to: P. Schmid-Hempel  相似文献   

Division of labor, where thousands of individuals perform specific behavioral acts repeatedly and non-randomly, is the hallmark of insect societies. Virtually nothing is known about the underlying neurophysiological processes that direct individuals into specific behavioral roles. We demonstrate that sensory-physiological variation in the perception of sucrose in honeybees measured when they are 1 week old correlates with their foraging behavior 2–3 weeks later. Workers with the lowest response thresholds became water foragers, followed with increasing response thresholds by pollen foragers, nectar foragers, bees collecting both pollen and nectar, and finally those returning to the colony empty (water<pollen<nectar<both<empty). Sucrose concentrations of nectar loads were positively correlated with response thresholds measured on 1-week-old bees. These results demonstrated how the variable response thresholds of a sensory-physiological process, the perception of sucrose, is causally linked to the division of labor of foraging. Received. 28 June 1999 / Received in revised form: 2 November 1999 / Accepted: 20 November 1999  相似文献   

Many simulations of collective behavior have been presented in recent years. Recently, a pioneering study by [Ballerini et al., 2008a] and [Ballerini et al., 2008b] suggested that the interactions of birds in a flock should be modeled using the topological distance rather than the metric distance. The concept of topological distance is deemed important for explaining collective behavior. However, few studies have discussed the distinctions between the metric and topological distances. In this paper, we clarify the difference between models based on the topological and metric distances and propose a new hybrid model of these models. The agent of our model switches between these two interactions by tuning the threshold parameters. We show that this hybrid flocking model has the medium property between the metric and the topological distance. In other words, the agents of our hybrid model can dramatically make and divide flock by tuning their neighborhoods. This result suggests that making and dividing flock would be deeply connected with animal's cognition.  相似文献   

Social animals are extraordinarily diverse and ecologically abundant. In understanding the success of complex animal societies, task differentiation has been identified as a central mechanism underlying the emergence and performance of adaptive collective behaviors. In this study, we explore how individual differences in behavior and body size determine task allocation in the social spider Stegodyphus dumicola. We found that individuals with high body condition indices were less likely to participate in prey capture, and individuals’ tendency to engage in prey capture was not associated with either their behavioral traits or body size. No traits were associated with individuals’ propensity to participation in web repair, but small individuals were more likely to engage in standard web-building. We also discovered consistent, differences among colonies in their collective behavior (i.e., colony-level personality). At the colony level, within-colony variation in behavior (aggressiveness) and body size were positively associated with aggressive foraging behavior. Together, our findings reveal a subtly complex relationship between individual variation and collective behavior in this species. We close by comparing the relationship between individual variation and social organization in nine species of social spider. We conclude that intraspecific variation is a major force behind the social organization of multiple independently derived lineages of social spider.  相似文献   

Social-insect males are often regarded as being merely short-lived "flying sperm containers", which ignores their potential influence on females and paternity patterns as found in other animals. Consequently, social-insect males have received only marginal attention and sexual selection has almost never been studied in these species. Here I present a review of the mating biology of bumblebees (Bombus spp.), which are the best-studied social insects to date. I follow a male's pathway from his birth until he successfully contributes to the next generation, and show that males have evolved adaptations and behaviors to influence paternity patterns at various stages of their life, which are similar to those exhibited by males of non-social insects. By comparing the available bumblebee data with more sparse studies of male reproductive behavior in other social Hymenoptera, I argue that such male adaptations may indeed be widespread in social insects. I suggest that current paradigms on sexual selection should be challenged by using social insects as model systems, because they offer unique features, and a solid theoretical background in which clear predictions can be made and appropriate experimental tests of them can be designed.Communicated by A. Cockburn  相似文献   

Understanding the origin of disease resistance in social insects is difficult due to the lack of well-established phylogenies of presocial and eusocial species and the absence of extant basal and intermediate forms. Moreover, comprehensive accounts of infection-control traits in social insect lineages are not available. Therefore, to explore the evolution of pathogen control in social insects we used cellular automata models to analyze the efficacy of immunity and nest hygiene, which we assumed were basal traits, and allogrooming, which likely followed the transition to eusociality, and their interactions with colony demography and patterns of worker spatial distribution. Models showed that nest hygiene provided an immediate survival benefit and that immunity lowered overall disease susceptibility under both constant and periodic exposure scenarios. Allogrooming increased survivorship in chronically challenged colonies but also increased pathogen transmission rates under conditions of periodic exposure. Colonies having demographies biased towards young or old individuals had slightly higher mortality than those with heterogeneous demographies. The distribution of older individuals relative to the nest center had no significant effect on susceptibility and provided only a minor survival advantage. Models indicated that nest hygiene and immunity function on different temporal scales and can interact with demography to lower disease risks. Our results suggest how infection control systems in social insects could have been built upon the inducible immune defenses and nest hygienic behaviors of solitary and presocial ancestors and served as important preadaptations to manage disease exposure and transmission in colonies of eusocial species.  相似文献   

Division of labor in social insects is determinant to their ecological success. Recent models emphasize that division of labor is an emergent property of the interactions among nestmates obeying to simple behavioral rules. However, the role of evolution in shaping these rules has been largely neglected. Here, we investigate a model that integrates the perspectives of self-organization and evolution. Our point of departure is the response threshold model, where we allow thresholds to evolve. We ask whether the thresholds will evolve to a state where division of labor emerges in a form that fits the needs of the colony. We find that division of labor can indeed evolve through the evolutionary branching of thresholds, leading to workers that differ in their tendency to take on a given task. However, the conditions under which division of labor evolves depend on the strength of selection on the two fitness components considered: amount of work performed and on worker distribution over tasks. When selection is strongest on the amount of work performed, division of labor evolves if switching tasks is costly. When selection is strongest on worker distribution, division of labor is less likely to evolve. Furthermore, we show that a biased distribution (like 3:1) of workers over tasks is not easily achievable by a threshold mechanism, even under strong selection. Contrary to expectation, multiple matings of colony foundresses impede the evolution of specialization. Overall, our model sheds light on the importance of considering the interaction between specific mechanisms and ecological requirements to better understand the evolutionary scenarios that lead to division of labor in complex systems. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s00265-012-1343-2) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The age at which worker honey bees begin foraging varies under different colony conditions. Previous studies have shown that juvenile hormone (JH) mediates this behavioral plasticity, and that worker-worker interactions influence both JH titers and age at first foraging. These results also indicated that the age at first foraging is delayed in the presence of foragers, suggesting that colony age demography directly influences temporal division of labor. We tested this hypothesis by determining whether behavioral or physiological development can be accelerated, delayed, or reversed by altering colony age structure. In three out of three trials, earlier onset of foraging was induced in colonies depleted of foragers compared to colonies depleted of an equal number of bees across all age classes. In two out of three trials, delayed onset of foraging was induced in colonies in which foragers were confined compared to colonies with free-flying foragers. Finally, in three out of three trials, both endocrine and exocrine changes associated with reversion from foraging to brood care were induced in colonies composed of all old bees and devoid of brood; JH titers decreased and hypopharyngeal glands regenerated. These results demonstrate that plasticity in age-related division of labor in honey bee colonies is at least partially controlled by social factors. The implications of these results are discussed for the recently developed ‘‘activator-inhibitor” model for honey bee behavioral development. Received: 8 November 1995/Accepted after revision: 10 May 1996  相似文献   

Empirical evidence suggests that division of labor in insect societies is positively related to group size both within and across taxa. Response threshold models (RTM) have been commonly used to analyze patterns of division of labor. However, these models have been explored empirically and theoretically for only a limited number of tasks, and few studies have examined predictions of the model as colony size and work availability change. We theoretically examine how group size influences division of labor using a fixed response-threshold model. We simultaneously explore how expected by-products of increased colony size, including demand (total work need relative to total work force available) and task number, affect this relationship. Our results indicate that both low demand and high task number positively influence division of labor. We suggest that these changes parallel what is observed within social groups as their size increases, and that, in part, the commonly observed increased division of labor with increasing group size is emergent.  相似文献   

Summary Two types of workers were recognized in colonies of Pristomyrmex pungens: extranidal workers (which characteristically walk outside the nest) and intranidal workers (which characteristically stay inside the nest). The ovaries of extranidal workers showed little activity, whereas those of intranidal workers showed high activity and often contained mature oocytes. I therefore conclude that only the intranidal workers reproduce. A behavioral repertoire of 103 individuals was obtained and used to infer group subdivision using cluster analysis; in addition, principal component analysis was performed on the intranidal workers in this set. These data enabled objective separation of extranidal and intranidal workers. Intranidal workers were larger in size on average than extranidal workers; however, the distributions overlapped. Three tests for further subdivision within the group of intranidal workers indicated that such subdivision is weak, and it is also likely that all intranidal workers lay eggs. There was no significant correlation between body size and reproductive status. The number of mature oocytes per ant fitted a Poisson distribution, and the first two principal component factors scores of behavior showed significant correlation with head width. All extranidal workers had resorbed ovaries and also had yellow bodies (which indicated a history of oviposition). When and how the differentiation between the reproductive intranidal workers and the non-reproductive extranidal workers occurred is discussed. The best-supported hypothesis is that extranidal workers are old intranidal ones. Neither males nor inseminated workers were found in any smaples collected in the field or studied in the laboratory, which greatly strengthens earlier suggestions that Pristomyrmex pungens is the first-known ant to be obligately thelytokous. These findings indicate that Pristomyrmex pungens is no longer eusocial, although it has the highest form of social behavior of any thelytokous species; they also raise the question of whether or not there are factors promoting the loss of eusociality and sexuality in this species. Ecological factors are tentatively indicated, namely, the need to maintain large colonies in the face of a nomadic lifestyle involving frequent colony fragmentation.  相似文献   

The benefit of group living is a fundamental question in social evolution. For sociality to evolve, each individual must gain in terms of some fitness component by living in larger groups. However, in social insects, a decrease in per capita success in brood production has been observed in larger groups. While it has been proposed that this decrease could be outweighed by an increase in the predictability of success, a functional basis to this hypothesis has so far never been demonstrated. In this paper, using foraging economics as a functional proxy to colony productivity, we construct a model to explore how number of foragers in the colony interacts with the ecology of resources to influence per capita foraging success and its predictability. The results of the model show that there is no increase in per capita foraging success in larger colonies under most circumstances, though there is an increase in its predictability. We then test the model with empirical data on the foraging behavior of the primitively eusocial wasp, Ropalidia marginata. The consistency between the data and the model suggests that foraging economics could provide a robust functional basis in explaining the relationship between colony size and productivity.  相似文献   

The daily patterns of task performance in honey bee colonies during behavioral development were studied to determine the role of circadian rhythmicity in age-related division of labor. Although it is well known that foragers exhibit robust circadian patterns of activity in both field and laboratory settings, we report that many in-hive tasks are not allocated according to a daily rhythm but rather are performed 24 h per day. Around-the-clock activity at the colony level is accomplished through the performance of some tasks by individual workers randomly with respect to time of day. Bees are initially arrhythmic with respect to task performance but develop diel rhythmicity, by increasing the occurrence of inactivity at night, prior to becoming foragers. There are genotypic differences for age at onset of rhythmicity and our results suggest that these differences are correlated with genotypic variation in rate of behavioral development: genotypes of bees that progressed through the age polyethism schedule faster also acquired behavioral rhythmicity at an earlier age. The ontogeny of circadian rhythmicity in honey bee workers ensures that essential in-hive behaviors are performed around the clock but also allows the circadian clock to be engaged before the onset of foraging. Received: 6 October 1997 / Accepted after revision: 28 March 1998  相似文献   

Age polyethism is widespread among social insects and, as a rule, safe tasks are performed by workers earlier in life than are risky ones. Mathematical models were used to compare expected longevity of workers in colonies with and without age polyethism. The results of the models suggest that if aging does not depend on activity then age polyethism is profitable when safer tasks are performed earlier in life. If, however, aging depends on activity, age polyethism is profitable when safer tasks are performed earlier in life and if they are associated with higher aging-related mortality. On the other hand, age polyethism is not profitable if safer tasks are performed later in life, and if they are associated with lower aging-related mortality. Furthermore, if there is no aging, then age polyethism does not bring any benefits. Electronic supplementary material to this paper can be obtained by using the Springer Link server located at http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00265-001-0429-z  相似文献   

Social networks are critical to the success of behavioral interventions in conservation because network processes such as information flows and social influence can enable behavior change to spread beyond a targeted group. We investigated these mechanisms in the context of a social marketing campaign to promote a wildlife poisoning hotline in Cambodia. With questionnaire surveys we measured a social network and knowledge and constructs from the theory of planned behavior at 3 points over 6 months. The intervention initially targeted ∼11% (of 365) of the village, but after 6 months ∼40% of the population was knowledgeable about the campaign. The likelihood of being knowledgeable nearly doubled with each additional knowledgeable household member. In the short term, there was also a modest, but widespread improvement in proconservation behavioral intentions, but this did not persist after 6 months. Estimates from stochastic actor-oriented models suggested that the influences of social peers, rather than knowledge, were driving changes in intention and contributed to the failure to change behavioral intention in the long term, despite lasting changes in attitudes and perceived norms. Our results point to the importance of accounting for the interaction between networks and behavior when designing conservation interventions.  相似文献   

Honeybee division of labor (DOL) has become a model system for exploring the genetic basis of complex traits and phenotypic plasticity. Although many highly informative behavioral studies have been conducted on this topic (both at the cohort and individual levels), most studies have focused on a few behavioral acts, such as the age of first foraging. Few studies have recorded large numbers of relatively complete individual-level patterns of DOL. Such fine-scale patterns would lay the foundation for rigorous molecular analyses of this phenomenon and allow us to differentiate between competing mechanistic models of DOL. Here, we record over 100 individual-level DOL patterns of bees living under natural conditions. We found that the transitions between castes (polyphenism states) are often gradual, with bees being in multiple castes at once. This is contrary to the traditional view that changes are abrupt. We also found that bees often skip castes, a key prediction of a recent model of DOL. We further confirm variation in the rate at which bees pass through castes and the age of first foraging. Taken together, these results greatly improve our understanding of this model system and allow for a strong revision of current models of honeybee DOL.  相似文献   

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