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The effects of intraspecific density on life history traits and population dynamics of the nereid polychaete Neanthes arenaceodentata Moore were assessed in a laboratory experiment. Survival, growth, and fecundity were measured for one generation of worms at densities of 40, 80 and 160 worms per 840 cm2 (1x, 2x, and 4x treatments, respectively). Density did not affect size (prior to pairing), percentage of worms paired, time to pairing, or size of mature paired males. Density did have a significant negative effect on survival, size of mature paired females, time to spawning, percentage of females that reproduced, and number of eggs per reproducing female. As density increased, mean survival was 90.0, 80.8 and 74.0%; mean size of mature females was 52.2, 49.2 and 48.1 segments; mean time to spawning was 100.6, 102.4 and 109.4 d; and mean fecundity was 881, 622, and 598 eggs per female, for 1x, 2x and 4x treatments, respectively. Increased density reduced the potential population growth rate, ; for a given rate of larval survivorship, was lower in the 2x and 4x treatments than the 1x treatment. Analysis of sensitivity of to changes in survivorship indicated that population growth rate at the highest density was sensitive to both changes in larval survivorship and the probability of producing a successful brood, although at low densities, was sensitive only to changes in larval survivorship. We attribute these density effects to aggressive bahavioral interactions between the worms, primarily the adults. This experiment identifies key life history traits that could be measured in future experiments to test population level responses of N. arenaceodentata populations to pollutants, both in the laboratory and in the field.Contribution No. 820 of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Environmental Research Laboratory and Contribution No. 189 of the Marine Sciences Institute, University of Connecticut  相似文献   

This study examined the crucial prediction of the conditional-handicap theory, the relationship between male sexual trait size and male viability, in the wolf spider Hygrolycosa rubrofasciata. In this species, males court females by drumming dry leaves with their abdomen, and males with the highest drumming rate enjoy highest mating success. We determined male drumming rate, body mass, and mobility, which reflects mate-searching activity, in relation to male survival. Because it is often difficult to know how results obtained from laboratory studies reflect the natural world, particularly when the measured variable is survival, we repeated our study in both laboratory and field conditions. Males drumming at the highest rate survived better than males drumming at a lower rate in both laboratory and field conditions. These results are in accordance with the predictions of conditional-handicap models of sexual selection. Survival was independent of male body mass and there was no significant correlation between male drumming activity and body mass. However, large males moved further than smaller males, and males moving longer distances lost less mass than those moving shorter distances. These results suggest that, moving, and consequently mate-searching activity, may be a condition-dependent trait and that there may be a advantage for large males in mate searching. Received: 22 October 1998 / Received in revised form: 28 January 1999 / Accepted: 14 February 1999  相似文献   

Field observations and manipulative experiments in a nearshore cobble bed (2 to 3 m below mean low water) at Eagle Head, Nova Scotia, Canada, between 1984 and 1986, showed that small juveniles ofStrongylocentrotus droebachiensis (3 to 6 mm diam) sheltering beneath cobbles had a refuge from predators such as rock crabs, small lobsters, and fish. Sea urchins gradually outgrew these refuges and small adults (25 to 30 mm) required larger rocks as shelter from predators, particularly large cancrid crabs. Small juveniles were usually solitary and well dispersed beneath cobbles, whereas small adults tended to aggregate on the undersides and in the interstices of boulders. These aggregations may develop passively as sea urchins accumulate in suitablysized refuges. Chemotaxis experiments indicate that juvenileS. droebachiensis are repelled by waterborne stimuli from conspecifics. In a factorial experiment, effects of the presence of potential predators (rock crabs and lobsters) and/or food (kelp) on the behaviour of large juvenile (10 to 15 mm) and small adult sea urchins were examined in flowing seawater tanks. Both size classes formed exposed feeding aggregations when kelp was provided as food, irrespective of the presence or absence of predators. In the absence of kelp, each size class responded differently to the presence of a predator: juveniles became more cryptic, whereas adults aggregated on the tank sides. Increased movement to the sides of a tank in the presence of a predator may reflect a flight response, since chemotaxis experiments indicated thatS. droebachiensis is repelled by waterborne chemical stimuli from predators. Observational and experimental data suggest that predation at the late juvenile and early adult stages may influence population structure, distribution and abundance ofS. droebachiensis.  相似文献   

Summary Females of the tiger blue butterfly (Tarucus theophrastus) fly upwind in search of the larval hostplant. Males perch or patrol the downwind edges, searching for incoming females or those already on the bush. A model of competitive mate-searching is developed for the case where not all receptive females are contacted by searching males: the model differs from the earlier ones of Parker (1970, 1974), particularly when few males are involved. Observed distributions of males upon bushes of different sizes agree better with the predictions of the game theory model than with a random distribution of males. The described model may be widely applicable to populations where females remate, but frequently evade detection by searching males.  相似文献   

Acoustic displays are known to advertise aspects of male quality and to affect female choice of mates in a variety of birds, including not only songbirds but some seabirds as well. Male great frigatebirds (Fregata minor) produce a rapid warble vocalization that forms a prominent part of their courtship display. We investigated the relationships between aspects of this vocalization and male quality and pairing success in 103 great frigatebirds from a population in the northwestern Hawaiian Islands. We found that across males, frequency bandwidth of the display was negatively related to repetition rate, enabling us to use deviation from the upper bound regression of bandwidth on rate (??vocal deviation??) as one measure of vocal performance. We used vocal consistency, defined as the coefficient of variation of the time interval between successive peaks in the warble, as a second measure of performance. Vocal deviation was significantly positively associated with body condition of male great frigatebirds, but vocal consistency was not. We found that peak frequency of the warble was not significantly associated with body size but was negatively associated with size of the gular pouch, the most prominent visual ornament. Male great frigatebirds showed significant individual differences in all three vocal measures??peak frequency, vocal deviation, and vocal consistency??but none of these measures was a significant predictor of pairing success in our study population. These results suggest that vocalizations provide honest information about male body condition and gular pouch size in great frigatebirds but do not influence male success in pairing with females.  相似文献   

Caprella danilevskii Czerniavski, an epifaunal amphipod crustacean, was successfully reared for two generations under laboratory conditions. Amphipods were maintained in pairs or fours in a Petri dish. Temperature and photoperiod were maintained at 20°C, and 14 h light: 10 h dark, respectively. Colonies of the diatomCylindrotheca closterium (Ehrenberg) Reumann and Lewin were provided as food source. The red algaGelidium amansii (Lamouroux) Lamouroux was used to provide an attachment substrate for the caprellids. Juveniles that emerged from the brood pouch were described as instar I. Subsequent instars were identified by molts. Juveniles molted successively at 2.5 to 6.5 d intervals. The body length of males at each instar increased exponentially, while that of females followed a sigmoid curve. A different pattern of flagellar segment addition in the antenna I of males and females was revealed. At the age of 20.8 d, females reached instar VII, and produced their first embryos. After 5.1 d, juveniles emerged from the brood pouch. On average, females produced 5.4 clutches successively at 5.0 d intervals. The number of offspring per spawning increased from 6.3 at instar VII to 22.0 at instar XII. The total number of offspring was 69.0 for a female throughout her life span.  相似文献   

Demersal 0-group Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.) were collected in Trinity Bay, Newfoundland, Canada, between August 1993 and January 1994. Diet composition and simple indices of condition (hepato-somatic index, condition factors and body ash content) were determined. Laboratory experiments were also conducted to determine whether simple indices of condition reflect differences in energy intake (ration level) and to determine minimum index of condition values, assessed from 0-group cod that died due to exhaustion of their energy reserves. Determination of lower critical indices of condition provided a meaningful interpretation of field data on feeding, condition and survival of 0-group cod. In the wild, indices of condition reflecting variation in liver and muscle energy reserves of cod increased rapidly with the consumption of Calanus finmarchicus, which exhibited a high incidence of oil sacs, and declined abruptly when this lipid-rich prey was no longer consumed. Liver and muscle condition of 0-group cod from the field varied seasonally, but their condition was consistently above that of cod that died in the laboratory. Laboratory studies, using three ration levels, revealed that condition indices differed over time and among ration levels. Indices of condition representing variation in muscle energy reserves exhibited a steady decline once the hepato-somatic index fell below about 2.0. We interpret this as evidence for depletion of lipids first and then proteins, a pattern similar to that of larger juveniles and adults. We conclude that as long as 0-group cod are above a “safe” level of condition their body length can still increase even when condition is declining. Received: 2 September 1997 / Accepted: 8 December 1998  相似文献   

L. M. Joll 《Marine Biology》1976,36(4):327-333
Observations on mating, egg-laying and hatching of aquarium-held individuals of Octopus tetricus Gould, 1852 are described. Females were able to store viable spermatozoa for periods up to 114 days, and laid many small eggs in strings 10 to 12 cm long. The duration of embryonic development varied inversely with temperature. The newly hatched planktonic larvae were 2.5 mm long by 1.1 mm wide, but attempts to rear them were unsuccessful, the longest survival being 21 days. The females died following egg hatching.  相似文献   

Starch-gel electrophoresis of allozymes was used to differentiate the two red mullet species (Mullus barbatus L. and M. surmuletus L.) in the Mediterranean Sea and, further, to investigate the genetic stock structure of M. barbatus in the eastern Mediterranean area. Twenty putative enzyme-coding loci were examined in eight M. barbatus samples caught in the Aegean and Ionian Seas (Greece) and in the Gulf of Lion (France), and two M. surmuletus samples caught in the Aegean and Gulf of Lion. A high degree of genetic polymorphism was found in both species. Species-specific electrophoretic patterns were found in PGI* and PGM*. Estimates of variance of allele frequencies among samples (F ST) and 2 analyses both revealed significant differences (P < 0.05) among the M. barbatus samples. Most of the genetic variation was among samples regardless of region. The mean value of Nei's genetic distance between the two species was 0.329. Genetic distance among M. barbatus samples was low (maximum Nei's D = 0.012), with the sample from Platania differing most from other M. barbatus samples. This is probably be due to founder effects existing at this area. These results suggest that allozyme analysis may provide important information on the genetic structure of the red mullet to ensure sustainable management of this species. Received: 7 May 1997 / Accepted: 13 October 1997  相似文献   

Summary D-Pulegone, a monoterpene present in pennyroyålMentha sp. is repellent to a number of vertebrates, decreasing consumption of feed and granular particles. In the present study, several tests were used to determine the reliability of this substance as a feeding deterrent. D-Pulegone (10mM—1M) applied as a coating to apple pieces significantly (P < 0.001) decreased ingestion by deer mice,Peromyscus maniculatus, and prairie voles,Microtus ochrogaster. The deterrent effect of d-pulegone was not diminished following multiple exposures suggesting that this compound may be a promising candidate for use a a general vertebrate repellent. The inhibitory effect of 1M d-pulegone on apple ingestion in voles was abolished when contact was prevented by encasing the stimulus solution in plastic mesh capsules. We conclude that while d-pulegone has repellent properties following direct contact, volatile exposure alone may not be sufficient to elicit avoidance behavior.  相似文献   

Many colourful sexually selected signals in animals are carotenoid-dependent and, because carotenoids function as antiradicals and immunostimulating molecules, carotenoid-dependent signals may honestly reflect the health state of individuals. Some others nutrients like vitamin A may also enhance health and colouration, but these have rarely been tested alongside carotenoids in colourful birds. Here, we examined whether beak colour of the spotless starling (Sturnus unicolor) reflected circulating levels of carotenoids and/or vitamin A (retinol). Spotless starlings are polygynous, sexually dimorphic birds (i.e. length of chest feathers). The tip of the beaks of male and female spotless starlings is more intensely coloured at the beginning of the breeding season and becomes dull after mating, which may suggest a sexual function. We found that females have a more intensely coloured beak and higher plasma carotenoid concentration than males during mating, and, despite the finding that carotenoid and vitamin A levels were not significantly related; colour intensity was positively correlated with plasma concentration of carotenoids and vitamin A in both sexes. However, adult beak coloration was not associated with carotenoid and vitamin A concentrations after nestlings were hatched. Therefore, beak colouration of spotless starlings provides information about circulating levels of carotenoids and vitamins during the mating season and may potentially function as a reliable signal of physiological status in the context of sexual selection.  相似文献   

Antarctic krill,Euphausia superba, often exhibit abnormal behavior in laboratory aquaria, usually hovering in a stationary position, unresponsive to most external stimuli. In the austral summer of 1985–1986 at Palmer Station on Anvers Island, Antarctica, we provided laboratory conditions which inducedE. superba to school in large aquaria. Captive krill swam horizontally and exhibited the full spectrum of behaviors normally displayed while schooling at sea. Schooling krill avoided visually contrasting stimuli, with avoidance distances correlated with stimulus size. Schools responded in qualitatively different ways to presentations of food, chemical compounds, and abrupt increases in light intensity. We describe the conditions necessary for aquarium schooling and discuss the importance of an appropriate social environment for displays of escape, avoidance, and feeding behaviors and of positional preference within the school.  相似文献   

The association between spatial proximity and paternity was studied in a population of the striped plateau lizard, Sceloporus virgatus. The relationship between estimated mating success and male phenotypic traits was examined for a sample of 55 males. DNA samples were obtained from 13 female-offspring families. The males with the closest spatial proximity to each female were tested as possible sires within each family. Fingerprinting with two multilocus hypervariable minisatellite probes revealed a strong correspondence between male-female spatial proximity and actual paternity. Paternity could be assigned for 72 of the 100 hatchlings. Most hatchlings with identifiable sires were attributed to a male with the highest category of spatial proximity to the mother. However, there was a low to moderate level of multiple paternity within clutches, and for some clutches probable sires could not be identified even though the most likely behavioural candidates were tested. Thus, nonterritorial males or other males lacking strong social and spatial relationships with females may achieve some degree of reproductive success. Analysis of mating success revealed that male success increased with body size, up to a point beyond which larger size conferred no advantage. Received: 7 January 1997 / Accepted after revision: 16 June 1997  相似文献   

Diets and food selectivity of two stichaeid fishes (Cebidichthys violaceus and Xiphister mucosus) from the rocky intertidal zone of the central California coast (USA) were studied at each season of the year by gut content analysis and abundance measurements of potential macrophyte food items. Both fishes, after reaching a standard length of about 44 mm, were almost exclusively herbivorous. The bulk of the diet consisted of 8 to 10 species of chlorophytes and rhodophytes. These main dietary components were chiefly annual seaweeds with high surfaceto-weight ratios (sheetlike forms or small, highly branched forms). Perennial seaweeds were eaten in relatively large amounts only during the winter. Macrophytes eaten in only trace amounts included about 20 species of chlorophytes, chrysophytes, phaeophytes, rhodophytes and a spermatophyte. The small amount of animal material in the diet (never more than 2% by weight) could well have been ingested incidentally while the fishes were feeding on seaweeds. Food preference tests with up to 19 macrophyte species in the laboratory revealed that both fishes chose to eat three annual rhodophytes (Smithora naiadum, Porphyra perforata and Microcladia coulteri) in preference to Ulva lobata, an annual chlorophyte that was more abundant in the diets of field-caught specimens.  相似文献   

Toxicity of cassava effluent in water on aquatic lives was examined via acute and chronic bioassay experiments on Clarias gariepinus (I) and Oreochromis niloticus (II) under laboratory conditions, using standard procedures. The effluent cyanide concentration exceeded the WHO limit for wastewater. Fish body weights and haematological parameters (HMP) significantly decreased with increasing effluent concentration at p≤0.05. Toxicity on HMP for the respective (I) and (II) varied from 5.4 to 52.8; 4.8 to 51.9% for packed cell volume, 4.1 to 43.9; 5.3 to 64.0% for red blood count, 0.0 to 15.7; 0.0 to 61.4% for white blood count, 3.6 to 45.9; 5.2 to 49.5% for haemoglobin, 11.6 to 71.9; 28.4 to 63.8% for total protein, 11.5 to 75.5; 15.0 to 58.2% for albumin and 11.8 to 75.0; 46 to 83.9% for globulin. Acute exposure yielded 96-h LC50 values of 0.45% for (I) and 0.25% for (II) and chronic exposure caused reduced growth and poor blood quality.  相似文献   

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