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为解决传统潜水推流器故障率高、可靠性低、使用寿命短的技术问题,对主机和安装系统进行多方面的技术提升,原创"玻璃钢叶轮、微型潜水式减速机构、V锥夹固式吸振耦合座"三大核心技术和"内外组合式动密封机构、电缆进线密封防损坏装置、水上悬挂式安装系统"三大应用技术,使设备主机结构、水力结构、安装结构有了大的创新和突破,极大地提高了设备的机械性能,水力性能,同时工况适应性和降耗节能性大大增强。  相似文献   

本文对国内外污水处理设备中的潜水搅拌器(机)和倒伞曝气机在能耗和效率方面进行了对比,应用实践证明,国产污水处理设备的能效比远远优于引进及仿制的国外同类产品。  相似文献   

Humans can dive with critically endangered grey nurse sharks (Carcharias taurus) along the east coast of Australia. This study investigated both compliance of tourist divers to a code of conduct and legislation and the behaviour of grey nurse sharks in the presence of divers. A total of 25 data collection dives were conducted from December 2008 to January 2009. Grey nurse shark and diver behaviour were documented using 2-min scan samples and continuous observation. The proportion of time spent observing human–shark interactions was 9.4% of total field time and mean human–shark interaction time was 15.0 min. Results were used to gauge the effectiveness of current management practices for the grey nurse shark dive industry at Fish Rock in New South Wales, Australia. Grey nurse shark dive tourists were compliant to stipulations in the code of conduct and legislation (compliance ranged from 88 to 100%). The research detailed factors that may promote compliance in wildlife tourism operations such as the clarity of the stipulations, locality of the target species and diver perceptions of sharks. Results indicated that grey nurse sharks spent the majority of their time milling (85%) followed by active swimming (15%). Milling behaviour significantly decreased in the presence of more than six divers. Distance between sharks and divers, interaction time and number of sharks were not significantly correlated with grey nurse shark school behaviour. Jaw gaping, rapid withdrawal and stiff or jerky movement were the specific behaviours of grey nurse sharks that occurred most frequently and were associated with distance between divers and sharks and the presence of six or more divers. Revision of the number of divers allowed per interaction with a school of grey nurse sharks and further research on the potential impacts that shark-diving tourism may pose to grey nurse sharks is recommended.  相似文献   

The adoption of the Convention on the Law of the Sea in April 1982 and the signature of the treaty by 117 countries in December of the same year marked the conclusion of lengthy negotiations which had taken more than 10 years. However, not all problems related to the exploitation of deep-sea mineral resources, with which this article is concerned, have been solved. These problems will be dealt with by the Preparatory Commission set up under the terms of the Convention and related resolutions. In particular, questions related to pioneer investment activities and possible impact on land-based producers will be discussed. The author, who was directly involved in many of the negotiations, concludes that legal and institutional as well as technical and market factors will influence the future course of ocean mining activities. L'adoption de la Convention sur le droit de la mer en avril 1982 et la signature du traité par 117 pays en décembre de la même année ont marqué la fin de longues négociations qui ont duré plus de 10 ans. Toutefois, tous les problèmes concernant l'exploitation des ressources minières d'origine marine profonde, qui font l'objet de cet article, n'ont pas été résolus. Ils seront examinés par la Comission préparatoire établie selon les termes de la Convention et les résolutions connexes. En particulier, les questions ayant trait aux premiers investissements et leurs répercussions sur les producteurs conventionnels seront étudiées. L'auteur qui a été directement engagé dans plusieurs de ces négociations conclut en disant que le cours futur des activités minières marines sera influencé par des facteurs d'ordre légal, institutionnel, technique ainsi que par les conditions de marché. La adopción de la Convención sobre el Derecho del Mar en abril de 1982 y la firma del tratado por 117 países en diciembre del mismo an?o marca la conclusión de largas negociaciones que tomaron más de 10 an?os. Sin embargo no todos los problemas relacionado con la explotación de minerales en mar profundo han sido resueltos. Estos problemas serán tratados por la Comisión Preparatoria establecida bajo los términos de la Convención y resoluciones relacionadas. En particular se discutirán asuntos relacionados con inversiones pioneras y el posible impacto sobre los productores en tierra firme. El autor, quien ha participado directamente en muchas de estas negociaciones, concluye que los factores legales, institucionales así como técnicos y de mercado influenciarán el uso futuro de la minería en mar profundo.  相似文献   

Summary An earlier version of this paper was originally presented at The American Association of University Women, Michigan, State Division, USA. The paper deals with two main issues: In the first place that there is no single energy source that will solve the energy problem. The solution will come through what has been called An Energy Family Approach. Secondly, that government regulations, which were primarily written in the days when America was viewed as a country with no limits, must be relaxed.Gerald T. Westbrook works for Dow's Hydrocarbons Department as Energy Project Manager. Prior to this current assignment he had been Project Manager in Dow's Functional Products and Systems Department for Business Development concentrating on water purification technologies for the energy industries. He has had over twenty years experience in various technical and functional areas with Dow Chemical in the United States and Imperial Oil Ltd. in Canada. Experience in the energy field has included petroleum refinery design and operations analysis; electric power plant planning, and water systems development; new advanced battery development; and energy economics and forecasting.  相似文献   

古尔班通古特沙漠公路扰动带植被恢复研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
古尔班通古特沙漠区域伴随多条沙漠公路的修筑,公路沿线形成了生态扰动带(包括施工扰动带和运营扰动带)。它使地表空气流场改变、地表覆被剥离、风沙源出现、地表径流过程受阻、地表水分重分配以及生境隔离。野外考察和样品分析表明,扰动带的植被恢复取决于消面稳定性、降水的地表分配、时间、地下水位、种源和风场等因素,并初步总结出如下规律:①草方格内部表面沙层的有机质随时间逐渐增多;②草方格固沙措施加速了植被恢复的速度;③迎风坡自然覆沙,种子易于着床和萌发;④路肩上形成长营养期的中生植物,边坡形成旱生植物,路边优动带内的植被恢复情况因水分条件而变化;⑤植被恢复与时间成正比,演替过程为:短命植物、三芒草→蒿类→梭梭或白梭梭。最后提出改进草方格沙障的材料、增加土壤的有机质含量、使用干水、适时播种等恢复措施。  相似文献   

本文通过对转轴材质分析、表面腐蚀产物分析、关键工艺环节分析和模拟试验,系统讨论了南车电机公司某型牵引电机转子制作过程中转轴腐蚀的主要原因,着重于寻找影响电机转轴腐蚀的主要工艺环节.最终,针对影响电机转轴腐蚀的主要工艺环节提出了相应的防腐蚀措施建议.  相似文献   

“绿色化税制”通常使用两项指标来进行测量:环境相关税收入占GDP的百分比和环境相关税收入占国家税收总收入的百分比。但是,这两个指标也存在着一个很大的缺点:当污染税增加时,税收收入也增加。因此,本文通过探讨测量绿色税制的指标,建立一个简单的分析框架,通过有效性、数据的可用性、全时段的比较、国际相似性、易聚合性、免税和减税、有限的复杂性七个指标来进行评价。最后,基于四种类型的指标的优缺点来做总结,对绿色税制的优化给出建议。  相似文献   

张绵林 《绿色视野》2012,(11):58-62
很多事情,谋划了三个月,决定时,不要三分钟。 这次,去木兰围场,就是印证。这么热的天,出门远足,完全是因为孩子。孩子说,他的主张一贯被我们否定,言毕,小眼睛变成泉眼,泉水涌流,顺利地泡软了他娘老子的心,当即决定洗心革面,抛陈去腐,做一双尊重孩子,言必行,行必果的新式好爸妈!  相似文献   

青海湖生态环境恶化现状及原因分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
文章通过立足青海湖流域生态现状实地考察及相关资料的研究,阐述了湖区生态环境恶化的趋势,通过综合分析得出湖区生态环境恶化的原因是由气候、人为活动等因素共同作用的结果。其中气候暖干化是引起湖水下降、湿地萎缩的主要因素;人为活动则是引起草场退化、土地沙化以及生物多样性遭破坏的主要因素。  相似文献   

对美术教育的一些带有倾向性的动势的认识和把握,从而为我们在一些更为具体的方面采取相应对策来适应和推动这种发展。  相似文献   

董振旗  王彦召  尚爱国 《环境技术》2004,22(6):17-18,33
在利用光离子化检测器监测单推三推进剂贮存环境时,必须首先要知道单推三相对于光离子化检测器校准气体的校正系数。通过简要介绍了校正系数的测量计算原理,并进行实验测量计算,求得单推三的校正系数。  相似文献   

试论环保产业在西部开发中的战略地位   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在我国西部地区新一轮的开发中,人口、资源、环境与经济社会的协调发展、西部地区战略群体作用发挥和环保产业内在要求的实现,都需要将环保产业放在一个重要的战略位置上加以认真对待。本文对此进行了深入思考。  相似文献   

气相防锈剂在牵引电机制造过程中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文通过防锈性能试验(湿热试验)、防锈理化性能试验、实际验证试验研究了可剥离塑胶气雾剂(Y1)、气相防锈粉(Y2)、快干型防锈油(F1)以及气相防锈剂(F2)四种气相防锈剂对牵引电机产品材料的防锈效果,结果表明:Y1防锈效果好,但理化性能差;Y2不可长时间与明水接触,适用于短期防锈的产品;F1涂刷时应注意涂抹均匀,不可漏涂,适用于中短期防锈的产品;F2防锈效果最好,在高湿环境下防锈效果尤为突出,适用于长期防锈的产品。从而为牵引电机产品工序寻找出了合适的气相防锈剂,解决了牵引电机等产品制造工序中防锈需求问题。  相似文献   

在分析粤东沿海地区的概况、区域发展的优劣势条件基础上,结合粤东沿海地区的发展机遇,提出了区域发展的构思:扩大区域开放与协调、进行产业调整和升级、优化城镇体系和空间格局及人口发展对策.  相似文献   

对油田采出水进行处理以净化水质,达到各种目的所要求的水质标准,可采用污水回注的处理工艺,污水作为热采锅炉给水处理工艺,污水外排处理工艺。由于不同的水质要求,具体选择最佳的水处理工艺,达到净化水质保护环境的目的。  相似文献   

文章在分析朝阳村部分危房成因的基础上,阐述了地下水位变化对地质环境容量的影响。  相似文献   

In the paper the theoretical framework is that of credit rationing theory, the regional differences being examined in terms of both financial markets and the real economy. Empirically the focus is upon regional trends in market conditions and the timelags experienced in the effects of monetary policies in two different regions. The period of time examined is from 1970 to 1978, the changes in the marginal interest on central bank credit issued to the commercial banks being taken as the indicator of monetary policy and data on employment opportunities vacant in the regions as representing market conditions and the delay‐effects of monetary policy. The methods used are those of cross‐correlation analysis.  相似文献   

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