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Duckweed (Lemna minor) a small vascular plant, grows rapidly, is sensitive to a wide variety of toxicants and is easy to culture. A method is described that measures duckweed frond growth, chlorophyll, protein and biomass content as indicator of growth inhibition. The physico-chemical analysis of anaerobically treated distillery effluent revealed high BOD (28,000 mg/l), COD (52,400 mg/l) and dark brown colour (180,000 Co. Pt.). This effluent showed high toxicity to Lemna minor after 96 h of exposure in laboratory condition. EC50 of the fronds for chlorophyll, protein and biomass was found to be 25%, however, the bacterial decolourised effluent showed reduction of BOD (87.50%), COD (84.50%) and colour (76%). Further the toxicity evaluation with Lemna minor showed toxicity reduction up to 63% for all tested parameters. The EC50 noted for chlorophyll, protein and biomass was 100% concentration of decolourised effluent.  相似文献   

In the present study effect of fertilizer factory effluent on seed germination, seedling growth and chlorophyll content of gram (Cicer aeritenum) has been carried out, at different concentration of the effluent and time intervals. The effluent is alkaline in nature with strong ammonia odour. The germination percentage of seed, seedling growth and chlorophyll content showed a gradual decline with increase in effluent concentration. At 25% concentration of the effluent, growth promotion in terms of root, shoot length and increase in chlorophyll content recorded at 21 days. However, at higher concentrations of the effluent toxic effects were observed at 21 days. The study suggests that the effluent can be used safely for Cicer aeritenum cultivation, only after proper treatment and dilution.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to see the impact of osmotic stress as it is one of the main cause in various soil and water disorders in agricultural field crops, speciallythe seed germination and seedling growth. The osmotic stress was generated using PEG-6000 and the seed germination, seedling growth were evaluated including the status of pigments i.e. chlorophyll (a, b and total), total carotenoids, pheophytin (a, b and total) and different enzymes like amylase, peroxidase, catalase and superoxide dismutase. The various osmotic potentials generated (-2, -5 and -10 bars) showed significant decrease in germination percentage as at the osmotic potential of -10 bars it was observed 70 in comparison to 90% of control. All the seedling growth parameter also showed inhibition with increase in osmotic potential. Increase in osmotic stress decreased Chlorophyll 'a', while Chlorophyll 'b' was increased in -5 bars while total chlorophyll showed decrease in -5 bars osmotic potential. Total carotenoids and pheophytin (a, b and total) were highly increased in -5 bars and decreased in -10 bars osmotic concentration. Enzymatic activity was found to be decreased in amylase while peroixidase, catalase and SOD were increased at different osmotic gradients in comparison to control. The data observed in the experiment can be helpful to assess the impact of any kind of osmotic stress on plant growth and development in crops.  相似文献   

The effect of copperchloride (CuCl2) on the level of chlorophyll (a+b), proline, protein and abscisic acid in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) seedlings were investigated Control and copper treated (0.4, 0.5 and 0.6 mM) seedlings were grown for ten days in Hoagland solution. Abscisic acid content was determined in root, shoot and leaf tissues of seedlings by HPLC. Copper stress caused significant increase of the abscisic acid contents in roots, shoots and leaves of seedlings. The increase was dependent on the copper salt concentration. Enhanced accumulation of proline in the leaves of seedlings exposed to copper was determined, as well as a decrease of chlorophyll (a+b) and total protein (p < 0.05 or p < 0.01). It was observed that the level of chlorophyll (a+b) and total protein (p < 0.05 or p < 0.01) remarkably decreased as copper concentration increased to 0.6 mM, although the levels of proline and abscisic acid in the leaves of plants were increased--a dose-depended behavior The same trends were also observed with the level of abscisic acid of stems and roots. Copper has dose- depended effects on chlorophyll, proline, protein and abscisic acid level of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) seedlings. Thus, we assumed that copper levels increase above some critical points seedling growth get negative effects. This assumption is in line with previous findings.  相似文献   

Assessment of agropotentiality of the effluent coming out from century pulp and paper mill, Ghanshyamdham, Lalkua (Uttaranchal) has been made on wheat (Triticum aestivum var. UP-2329) crop grown in two soils differing in texture with different effluent concentrations. Diluted effluent increased the chlorophyll content, plant height, shoot and root biomass, grain yield, protein, carbohydrate and lipid contents in wheat grains, while undiluted effluent caused inhibition in plant growth resulting in a sharp decline of yield. Pure soil provided better growth and yield results than those soil mixed with sand.  相似文献   

用蒙脱石、稻草、鸡粪作为改良剂 ,研究不同改良剂对铜矿尾矿砂与菜园土混合土壤pH、有效态重金属含量、脲酶和磷酸酶活性以及混合土壤上种植的黑麦草生长的影响。结果表明 :添加蒙脱石对不同生长期黑麦草的生长量没有显著影响 ;使用稻草和鸡粪处理尽管在开始阶段不利于黑麦草 (第 1茬和第 2茬 )的生长 ,但随时间延长 ,黑麦草的生物量 (第 3茬和第 4茬 )明显增加 ,表现出很好的后效。黑麦草的根重与鸡粪的添加量关系显著 ,施用稻草的纯尾矿砂处理组 (处理 2 2 )根重最大 ,而且蚯蚓只能在使用适量稻草的处理条件下才能在混合土壤中生长。土壤酶的分析发现 ,磷酸酶的活性除了在蚯蚓能够生长的处理组表现出较高外 ,其它处理之间无明显差异 ,但脲酶的活性则随着稻草和鸡粪施用量的增加而显著提高。各处理之间土壤的 pH值变化不大。添加稻草减少了土壤中有效态重金属的含量 ,而使用鸡粪处理明显增加了土壤中包括铜、铅和锌等有效态重金属的含量 ,说明在施用含有重金属的畜禽粪便时务必小心谨慎 ,以防二次污染。  相似文献   

Bioassay studies were carried out to assess the toxicity of distillery effluent on seed germination, seedling growth and pigment contents. Higher concentrations (> 5%) of effluent were found to be toxic but however, can be used for irrigational purpose after proper dilution.  相似文献   

Comparative toxicological studies of textile dye wastewater (untreated and treated) on a freshwater fish, Gambusia affinis, revealed a marked reduction in mortality and cytotoxic effects on RBCs, measured as reduction in their counts and percent changes in their shape (poikilocytosis) and variation in their size (anisocytosis)}, after subjecting them to both physicochemical and biological treatments. On comparing the data of mortality and the cytotoxic effects on RBCs, we found poikilocytosis is a better indicator for toxicity measurement of both untreated as well as treated wastewater, especially at their lowest concentrations where percent mortality was found to be either nil or lowerer than the percentage of poikilocytic RBCs. Although percent reduction in RBC counts and changes in their size (anisocytosis) indicated toxic effects of wastewaters, but EC5o values for RBC counts were usually higher than those for poikilocytosis and mortality, and non-calculable for anisocytosis suggesting their lesser sensitivity to pollutants. In view of these findings, we recommend monitoring of toxic effects of wastewaters during fish bioassay on both mortality and variation in RBC shape.  相似文献   

Zoospores, gametophytes, young sporophytes and discs cut from mature sporophytes of Laminaria digitata, L. hyperborea and L. saccharina were exposed in the laboratory to UV-radiation, with a spectral composition and irradiance similar to natural sunlight, for periods ranging from 15 min to 8 d, and were then returned to white light. Germination of zoospores and the growth of gametophytes were reduced after exposures to UV longer than 1 h, whereas UV had little effect on the growth of young or mature sporophytes unless exposure continued for more than 48 h. The variable fluorescence (F v:Fm) of all stages was strongly reduced immediately after short exposures to UV, but recovered almost completely within 24 h. However, exposure of gametophytes to UV for >4 h resulted in little or no recovery of F v:Fm, whereas >16 h of UV were required to produce this result in young sporophytes, and >48 h in mature sporophytes. Thus, sensitivity to UV-radiation decreased from gametophytes to sporophytes, and with increasing age of sporophytes, but, in gametophytes, growth appeared to be a more sensitive indicator of UV-damage than F v:Fm after 24 h recovery. The responses to UV of the zoospores and gametophytes of all three species were similar, but both growth and fluorescence measurements suggested that the sporophytes of L. saccharina were more sensitive to UV than those of the other two species.  相似文献   

Excessive air pollution may adversely affect plant growth and development. The overall objective of this research was to elucidate some microscopic effects of diesel exhaust particles (DEP) on the formation, development, and structure of pollen grains and its proteins in Phaseolus vulgaris L. Bean plants were grown in experimental pots and treated with different concentrations of the water-soluble fraction of DEP. Flowers and young buds were removed, fixed in FAA70 (formalin?:?acetic acid?:?ethanol, 2?:?1?:?17), and subjected to developmental studies. Our results show that DEP cause some abnormalities during pollen development. Pollen grains in normal plants are spherical in equatorial view and triangular in polar view; in DEP-treated plants, they were changed into irregular shapes in equatorial view and asteroidal in polar view. Delay in degeneration of the tapetum layer of the anther, and formation of giant, irregular, and non-fertile pollen grains are other results of DEP treatment. Gel electrophoretic studies revealed that a new protein with a molecular mass of 80?kD was formed in the DEP-treated group. Some pollen proteins may act as allergens, considering the fact that pollen allergy frequency is increased in polluted areas; the possibility arises that DEP could be an effective agent entail formation of detoxifying proteins which, on the other hand, can also act as allergens.  相似文献   

Allelopathic effect of Ageratum conyzoides L., Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers., Parthenium hysterophorus L., and Solanum nigrum L. were examined on seed germination, seedling growth, total protein content and protein profile on Ankur, Bhatt, Bragg, PK -416, PS-1042 and Shilajeet varieties of soybean (Glycine max (L) Merill). Aqueous extracts of weeds (10% w/v) showed both inhibitory and stimulatory influence on percent seed germination and seedling growth in different varieties of soybean. On the basis of per cent reduction in different parameters, the variety Bragg and PS-1042, and Shilajeet were resistant and susceptible respectively to different weed extracts, and among weed extracts, S. nigrum was most effective followed by P. hysterophorus compared to others. The total protein content (mg/g f wt.) in different varieties was increased with all the weed extracts except Bragg with C. dactylon and P. hysterophorus, PS-1042 with A. conyzoides and Shilajeet with C. dactylon, in which it was decreased. The protein banding pattern in different varieties not only differ between control and treatments but also among treatments. The order of susceptibility of different varieties with different weed extracts followed the order: Ankur > PK-416 > Bhatt > Shilajeet > Bragg and > PS-1042.  相似文献   

Two non-heterocystous, filamentous solar saltern extreme halophilic cyanobacteria viz., Phormidium tenue and Phormidium fragile were allowed to grow in different concentrations of phytohormones. Among the phytohormones, Indole-3 acetic acid and Indole-3-butyric acid at 0. l ppm concentration enhanced the growth, pigments and carbohydrate content in P. fragile. The phycobiliprotein production was found higher at 0. l ppm concentration of Indole-3-acetic acid in P. tenue, whereas Indole-3-butyric acid at 50 ppm and 0. 1 ppm concentrations proved to be inhibitory in the protein and carbohydrate contents in P. tenue.  相似文献   

Alterations in the levels of lipid metabolites, total lipids and free fatty acids, were studied in physiologically important tissues viz; liver, muscle, kidney and ovary of a freshwater edible fish Clarias batrachus. The fish was exposed to sublethal concentration (1/3 of LC50 value for 96?h) of a synthetic pyrethroid insecticide, cypermethrin for 1, 5 and 10 days. After 10 days of exposure, fish were released into fresh water and total lipids and free fatty acids were determined at intervals of 1, 5 and 10 days to assess fish recovery response after cessation of cypermethrin exposure. Fish showed an increased rate of lipogenesis in liver, muscle, kidney and ovary during the exposure period followed by a decrease after transfer of fish into fresh water. There was also an elevation in liver and kidney free fatty acids contents, while the muscle and ovary free fatty acid contents were reduced during exposure period. The alterations in free fatty acids were restored to near normal values after 10 days of cessation of exposure.  相似文献   

White clover potted experiments were performed to investigate the effects of seven indigenous arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) communities isolated from different test plots subjected to long-term fertilisation on soil enzyme activities, number of soil bacteria and fungi. The results showed that the inoculation of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi communities increased the mycorrhizal infection rate of the plants and promoted the growth of plants. The Mnp treatment was most effective. The shoot biomass, root biomass, potassium and nitrogen uptake of the white clover in Mnp treatment group were increased by 61.54%, 84.00%, 62.50% and 46.71% respectively, compared with those in non-inoculation treatment. The inoculation of AMF communities had little effect on the number of bacteria in the soil, but significantly increased the number of soil fungi. Mnk treatment group had the highest number of fungi in the soil, which was 9.91 times that of the non-inoculation treatment group. The catalase and dehydrogenase activities were both significantly improved in Mnp treatment by 28.12% and 205.38% respectively, compared with those of the control treatment (-M). The urease, invertase and cellulase activities reached the highest levels in the Mck treatment; they were increased by 142.79%, 41.17% and 77.62% respectively, compared with those of the control treatment. Pearson correlation analysis showed that the soil enzyme activity was not correlated with the mycorrhizal infection rate, but correlated with the spore number of the AMF community. The impact of AMF community on soil quality is important for us to understand the function of the ecosystems. Relevant study provides important guidance for maintaining the balance of the soil-plant system and the development of sustainable agriculture.  相似文献   

杨红飞  王友保  李建龙 《生态环境》2011,(10):1470-1477
通过盆栽试验,系统研究了Cu、Zn重金属污染对油菜(Brassica chinensis L.)生长、SOD保护酶活性、脯氨酸、可溶性糖及Cu、Zn在油菜体内吸收富集的影响。结果表明:Cu、Zn污染对油菜生物量和生理生化指标(SOD保护酶活性、脯氨酸和可溶性糖)均有影响。随着Cu、Zn质量分数的升高,植株干物重和SOD保护酶活性表现为先增后降;当Cu质量分数达到1 000 mg?kg-1时,油菜干物重和SOD酶活性分别比对照下降36.79%、66.67%;当Zn质量分数达到3 000 mg?kg-1时,油菜干物重和SOD酶活性分别比对照下降55.21%、82.05%。Cu污染下,油菜叶片脯氨酸质量分数逐渐下降,总可溶性糖质量分数表现为先增后降;Zn污染下,脯氨酸和总可溶性糖质量分数均表现为先增后降。Cu、Zn污染使油菜幼苗叶片及根中的Cu、Zn质量分数明显增加,根部的积累尤其明显。当Cu处理为1 000 mg?kg-1时,油菜茎叶和根中质量分数分别为57.6、424.162 mg?kg-1;当Zn处理为1 000 mg?kg-1时,油菜茎叶和根中质量分数分别为240、608.54 mg?kg-1。与Zn相比,Cu主要积累在油菜的根部,向茎叶迁移累积的量很少,并且随着添加质量分数的增加,茎叶吸收Cu的量变化不大。总之,重金属Zn相对于Cu更容易积累于油菜的地上部分,从而更易进入食物链,它们在油菜体内富集都对其生理生化和营养产生了明显毒害作用。  相似文献   

为了揭示钾浓度对植物生长发育和次生代谢产物——精油累积的影响特性及其内在关系,采用水培方法,以日本园试配方中钾含量为标准1K,设计1/8K、1/4K、1/2K、1K和2K处理,研究了不同钾浓度对茴香Foeniculum vulgare Mill.生长发育、精油含量和组分的影响.结果表明:不同钾浓度处理对植株形态(茴香分枝数、节数和花序数)、生物量(地上部鲜质量、全株鲜质量和全株干质量)、碳、氮含量(全氮、蛋白氮、全碳、可溶性糖、C/N)、精油含量、单株精油产量和色素含量(Chl.a、Chl.b、CAR.、Chl.a+b、Chl.a/b)影响显著,综合认为1K为利于茴香初生代谢产物累积(生长发育)的最佳处理,而1/4K、1/8K和1K为利于次生代谢产物累积(精油含量)的较好处理;相关分析表明,精油含量与全碳含量(r=0.72)、可溶性糖含量(r=0.70)成极显著正相关;单株精油产量与全氮含量(r=0.49)呈显著正相关.不同钾浓度处理茴香精油均鉴定出23种成分,其中17种成分的相对含量差异显著.精油第一主要成分反式-茴香脑含量为74.75%~79.15%,第二主要成分柠檬烯含量为8.25%~14.81%,第三主要成分莳萝芹菜脑相对含量2.04%~3.82%,处理间均差异显著.结论:钾浓度不但影响茴香的生长发育,还影响着茴香次生代谢产物精油的含量、产量和成分组成比例;适宜的钾浓度(1K)可以实现茴香初生代谢产物累积(生长发育)与次生代谢产物累积(精油产量)均高的结果.  相似文献   

Acidification of the World’s oceans may directly impact reproduction, performance and shell formation of marine calcifying organisms. In addition, since shell production is costly and stress in general draws on an organism’s energy budget, shell growth and stability of bivalves should indirectly be affected by environmental stress. The aim of this study was to investigate whether a combination of warming and acidification leads to increased physiological stress (lipofuscin accumulation and mortality) and affects the performance [shell growth, shell breaking force, condition index (Ci)] of young Mytilus edulis and Arctica islandica from the Baltic Sea. We cultured the bivalves in a fully-crossed 2-factorial experimental setup (seawater (sw) pCO2 levels “low”, “medium” and “high” for both species, temperature levels 7.5, 10, 16, 20 and 25 °C for M. edulis and 7.5, 10 and 16 °C for A. islandica) for 13 weeks in summer. Mytilus edulis and A. islandica appeared to tolerate wide ranges of sw temperature and pCO2. Lipofuscin accumulation of M. edulis increased with temperature while the Ci decreased, but shell growth of the mussels only sharply decreased while its mortality increased between 20 and 25 °C. In A. islandica, lipofuscin accumulation increased with temperature, whereas the Ci, shell growth and shell breaking force decreased. The pCO2 treatment had only marginal effects on the measured parameters of both bivalve species. Shell growth of both bivalve species was not impaired by under-saturation of the sea water with respect to aragonite and calcite. Furthermore, independently of water temperatures shell breaking force of both species and shell growth of A. islandica remained unaffected by the applied elevated sw pCO2 for several months. Only at the highest temperature (25 °C), growth arrest of M. edulis was recorded at the high sw pCO2 treatment and the Ci of M. edulis was slightly higher at the medium sw pCO2 treatment than at the low and high sw pCO2 treatments. The only effect of elevated sw pCO2 on A. islandica was an increase in lipofuscin accumulation at the high sw pCO2 treatment compared to the medium sw pCO2 treatment. Our results show that, despite this robustness, growth of both M. edulis and A. islandica can be reduced if sw temperatures remain high for several weeks in summer. As large body size constitutes an escape from crab and sea star predation, this can make bivalves presumably more vulnerable to predation—with possible negative consequences on population growth. In M. edulis, but not in A. islandica, this effect is amplified by elevated sw pCO2. We follow that combined effects of elevated sw pCO2 and ocean warming might cause shifts in future Western Baltic Sea community structures and ecosystem services; however, only if predators or other interacting species do not suffer as strong from these stressors.  相似文献   

Phytoremediation studies were carried out on the waste of Kalakhunta manganese (Mn) mines located in Banswara, Rajasthan, which is rich in Mn and iron. Various treatments, including the addition of soil, farmyard manure, sawdust, and biogas slurry, as well as differing quantities of NPK and capping with 10% soil were undertaken to ameliorate the effects of inhospitable waste. The effect of unamended and variously treated amended waste was studied on the growth, nodulation, yield, leaf area, and enzymatic activity of the test plants to ascertain the degree of toxicosis that plants may encounter during the process of phytostabilization. The levels of proline and activities of polyphenol oxidase, peroxidase, acid phosphatase, and nitrate reductase were affected by the treatments applied. Data showed that addition of 10% soil + 3 NPK is the most suitable treatment for the purpose of revegetation of Mn-mine waste, as the plants displayed the highest growth under this treatment condition.  相似文献   

The lengths, wet and dry weights, nitrogen and carbon contents of fresh, frozen and formaldehyde-fixed specimens of Calanus helgolandicus (Claus) were determined. Samples were collected during May 1980 in the Celtic Sea. Individual Copepodite Stages 3, 4, 5, and Adult Male and Female Stage 6 were measured and analysed, and 36 linear regression equations derived for these variables together with mean values, standard deviations and 95% confidence limits. The range of nitrogen values in the fresh material, expressed as a percentage of dry weight, ranged from 8.08%±0.80 (Copepodite Stage 3) to 10.89%±0.27 (adult female); carbon values changed from 41.6%±3.05 (mean ±95% confidence limits) for Copepodite Stage 3 to 50.97%±2.63 in Copepodite Stage 5. The adult females had a high nitrogen and relatively low carbon content, while the converse was true for Stage 5 copepodites. There was a loss of dry weight from the frozen samples (57%) and the fixed samples (38%) compared with the mean of the fresh dry weight of all stages. The material lost from the copepods was rich in nitrogen, thus, artificially high percentage carbon values were determined from the frozen and fixed samples (52.0 to 60.3% and 44.7 to 58.5%, respectively).  相似文献   

This study evaluates the possibility of using contaminated soil by treated tannery wastewater and the use of tannery sludge in agriculture. The plants of Vigna radiata var. PDM 54 grown on contaminated soil and irrigated with ground water have not shown the translocation of toxic metal (Cr) in the upper part. The biomass of the plant increased when irrigated with treated tannery wastewater compared to ground water, whereas no significant change was observed in chlorophyll and protein contents. In both the varieties (var. PDM 54 and var. NM 1) of V. radiata grown on tannery sludge amendments, the growth parameters exhibited a pronounced positive growth response up to 35% tannery sludge amendments compared with the plants grown on garden soil. Despite the Cr accumulation at lower amendments, no toxicity symptoms were observed in both the varieties of the plants. Higher amendments affected various growth parameters, NR activity, and carbohydrate content of the plants. The results suggest that the plants of V. radiata (var. PDM 54) may be grown on contaminated soil or lower sludge amendments and irrigated with ground water. No translocation of toxic metal Cr was found in the seeds of the plants grown in up to 25% tannery sludge. However, periodical monitoring is required before the consumption of seeds. Overall, the results showed that plant growth patterns were influenced to some extent by the level of soil contamination and the water used for irrigation.  相似文献   

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