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结合燃煤电厂电袋复合除尘器的入口烟道气流分布的工程案例,采用计算流体动力学(简称CFD)数值模拟技术,对烟道内的速度场进行三维数值模拟;根据分析结果进行烟道的导流板的设置,改善烟道的流场,并使入口烟道的各分支烟道流量分配均匀。对比现场烟道流量分配的测试结果,验证了CFD模拟计算的准确性。  相似文献   

本文针对某钢厂高炉烟气旋转喷雾半干法脱硫及除尘项目,由于设备运行时,出气烟道阻力过大,发生了脱硫塔旋转雾化器顶部出现正压、动力电缆被烧坏的状况,导致设备无法正常运转,故采用CFD技术对其流场进行数值模拟,给出烟道的整改和导流板的布置方案。结果表明:科学合理的烟道布置形式及内部导流装置的应用对系统的良好运行发挥了重要作用,能保证烟道内烟气相对均匀,减少引风机出力,从而实现系统的正常运行并节能降耗。  相似文献   

耐蚀鳞片胶泥在脱硫烟道中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文介绍了在消化吸收国外鳞片烟道防腐内衬的基础上开发的国产鳞片胶泥材料,及其性能和应用情况。  相似文献   

由于部分火电厂燃煤锅炉采用低氮改造+SNCR或SCR脱硝技术的氮氧化物排放浓度达不到现行超低排放标准,因此就必须采用脱硝效率更高的SCR脱硝技术对原有系统进行改造,由于SCR对烟气温度的要求和厂区场地限制,SCR脱硝系统烟气的引出和接入位置空间狭小(2~4m),进出烟道甚至要共用烟道壁板,这样就产生烟气偏流和烟道内积灰现象。文章首先以某燃煤锅炉烟气脱硝工程的直角弯头改造为研究对象,采用FLUENT数值模拟方法研究直角弯头烟气的流动分布,在此基础上,对导流板进行优化设计,直角弯头在改造前积灰严重,影响锅炉工况,经改造后积灰状况得到极大改善,保证了系统正常运行。  相似文献   

烟尘的测定,通常是用采样管从烟道中抽取一定体积的烟气,通过捕集装置捕集尘粒,然后根据捕集的尘粒量和抽取的烟气量,求出烟尘浓度.根据烟尘浓度和烟气的流量计算其排放量.为了从烟道中取得有代表性的烟尘样品,需等速采样,即气体进入采样嘴的速度应与采样点的烟气速度相等.这样,样品浓度才与实际浓度相等.采样速度若大于或小于采样点的烟气速度都将使采样结果产生偏差.烟气压力参数的测定直接影响烟尘测定结果的准确性.根据《空气和废气监测分析方法》,烟尘采样有预测流速法、平行采样法和压力平衡法,三种方法中,常用压力平衡法,此法又分动压平衡法和静压平衡法,动压平衡法是利用装置在采样管上的孔板差压与皮托管指示的测点烟气动压相平衡来实现等速采样.动压平衡法的优点是不需要预先测出烟气流速和烟气状态参数和计算等速采样流量,而是通过调节动压达到平衡即可进行等速采样,不但操作简单,并且能跟踪烟气速度变化而随时保持等速条件,提高等速精度.但是,笔者运用此法测定烟尘多年,发现还有不足和局限性.  相似文献   

关于大气污染源监测采样孔开设位置的有关问题,国家环境保护总局经研究,近日做出解释,全文如下:一、为保证固定污染源排放烟尘监测取样的代表性,在企业立项、设计和建设过程中,应按有关污染物监测方法标准的要求,使采样孔位于合适的位置。二、对受场地限制,致使烟道较短,无法满足有关污染物监测方法标准中采样位置要求的火电厂和其他排放烟尘的固定污染源,应按照环境保护行业标准《火电厂烟气排放连续监测技术规范》(HJ/T75-2001)中烟尘监测孔位置的要求执行。国家环境保护总局排放烟尘固定污染源的监测采样位置应按照环保行业有关标准的…  相似文献   

王立颖 《青海环境》1999,9(3):119-122
电解槽密闭排烟系统包括排烟管道( 含水平烟道及支烟管) ,槽盖板及集气罩。目前集气罩内部阻力过大,造成对烟气吸抽量过小。改进的方法是:①水平烟道通过测试得出单台槽的负压变化量,调节支烟管蝶阀的开启角度平衡烟道负压;②进一步提高槽盖板完好率、盖放率及槽盖板的制作安装精度,以达到提高集气效率的目的。  相似文献   

提出了一种新型的用于脱硝反应前的高效除尘装置;该装置包含与烟气进口相连接的烟气管道和与烟气管道输出口连接的脱硝反应器,在烟气管道靠近烟气进口位置设有两级预除尘器。一级预除尘器为设置在竖直烟道最底部的锥形灰斗,二级预除尘器包括设置在水平烟道扩径处的角形挡板和平形挡板。经预除尘装置后使烟气的烟尘含量大大减少,可显著提高脱硝效果。  相似文献   

苏州市环保局在市中级人民法院的支持、帮助下,建立环境污染纠纷调解、仲裁组织,依照仲裁程序对一些环境污染纠纷进行了调解和仲裁,有效她调整了矛盾双方的关系,维护了国家、集体、个人的利益,有力地推动了工矿企业对于污染源的治理。下面列举几个用仲裁方式解决环境污染纠纷的案例: (一) 苏州市柳巷17号居民陈长乐在一九八一年十月十四日正式向苏州市环境保护局提出申诉:被告苏州乳胶厂因锅炉烟道紧贴原告的墙壁,由于烟道散热和烟道壁(包括墙壁)裂缝,使原告紧靠烟道的一间住房(约13.5m~2),室内温度升高,空气受  相似文献   

<正>对固定污染源中烟气进行采样与监测的主要目的,是为了对烟气中的污染物以及有害物质进行检查,判断其是否存在超标问题,进而采取相应防治措施与净化手段,以降低污染源对周边环境的影响。所谓污染源,指的就是对环境造成污染的污染物发生源。按照污染源状态,可分为流动污染源和固定污染源两种。其中,固定污染源主要为固定的排气筒、烟道以及烟囱等,在其排放的烟气中,不仅拥有固态的颗粒物,同时也涵盖气溶胶态以及气态等有害物质,会对环境以及民众身体健康形成直接影响,因此对其进行采样、监测是很有必要的。  相似文献   

In this paper, we review the physical characteristics of agricultural non point pollution and discuss the implications for setting appropriate pollution control objectives and designing incentive-based pollution control policies. First, we discuss that policy objectives must be designed carefully to ensure positive economic net benefits can be expected from pollution control. Next, we review several classes of incentives and recommend the use of design-based incentives (i.e., incentives based on variable input use, management practices, and land use) for controlling non point pollution. Cost-effectiveness requires that incentives elicit three types of responses from farmers: (1) use variable inputs at appropriate levels, (2) adopt appropriate management practices, and (3) make appropriate land use decisions at the extensive margin of production. If a set of incentives fails to induce the correct responses, the resulting runoff levels and hence ambient pollution levels and damages will be too large relative to policy goals. A review of existing programs suggests that greater program coordination and improved targeting of incentives are needed for further water quality improvements. Alternatively, properly designed market-based systems may be effective alternatives. These systems would reduce overall pollution control costs by allowing markets to allocate point source and non point source control costs more efficiently.  相似文献   

What size sample is sufficient for spatially sampling ambient groundwater quality? Water quality data are only as spatially accurate as the geographic sampling strategies used to collect them. This research used sequential sampling and regression analysis to evaluate groundwater quality spatial sampling policy changes proposed by California's Department of Water Resources. Iterative or sequential sampling of a hypothetical groundwater basin's water quality produced data sets from sample sizes ranging from 2.8% to 95% coverage of available point sample sites. Contour maps based on these sample data sets were compared to an original (control), mapped hypothetical data set, to determine at which point map information content and pattern portrayal are not improved by increasing sample sizes. Comparing series of contour maps of ground water quality concentration is a common means of evaluating the geographic extent of groundwater quality change. Comparisons included visual inspection of contout maps and statistical tests on digital versions of these map files, including correlation and regression products. This research demonstrated that, down to about 15% sample site coverage, there is no difference between contour maps produced from the different sampling strategies and the contout map of the original data set.  相似文献   

The integration of the phosphorus (P) bioavailability concept into a P loading analysis for Cayuga Lake, New York, is documented. Components of the analyses included the: (1) monitoring of particulate P (PP), soluble unreactive P (SUP), and soluble reactive P (SRP), supported by biweekly and runoff event‐based sampling of the lake's four largest tributaries; (2) development of relationships between tributary P concentrations and flow; (3) algal bioavailability assays of PP, SUP, and SRP from primary tributaries and the three largest point sources; and (4) development of P loading estimates to apportion contributions according to individual nonpoint and point sources, and to represent the effects of interannual variations in tributary flows on P loads. Tributary SRP, SUP, and PP are demonstrated to be completely, mostly, and less bioavailable, respectively. The highest mean bioavailability for PP was observed for the stream with the highest agriculture land use. Point source contributions to the total bioavailable P load (BAPL) are minor (5%), reflecting the benefit of reductions from recent treatment upgrades. The BAPL represented only about 26% of the total P load, because of the large contribution of the low bioavailable PP component. Most of BAPL (>70%) is received during high flow intervals. Large interannual variations in tributary flow and coupled BAPL will tend to mask future responses to changes in individual inputs.  相似文献   

: A method is described for obtaining surface slope information for analysis with other land resource and water quality data in hydrologic models of nonpoint sources of water pollution. The method described requires a point sampling scheme, topographic maps, and a coordinate digitizer. Sample point elevation, slope direction, and slope magnitude are calculated from locations of the sample point and the nearest upper and lower contour lines. Details of the data collection methodology and associated problems are discussed.  相似文献   

彭建兰  王丽娟  谢详龙 《环境技术》2007,25(3):35-37,39
本文通过对低温系统露点温度控制技术的分析,指出该控制模式存在的不足,提出采用露点模式和时间程序模式相结合的露点节能控制模式对空气的干燥度和使用工况进行监控,从而实现对低湿度干燥空气的露点温度的智能监控.同时对两种控制模式耗能进行比较,指出露点节能控制模式明显优于单纯的时间程序控制模式,为低温系统露点控制提供了新的测控手段.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The design of monitoring programs often serves as one of the major sources of error or uncertainty in water quality data. Properly designed programs should minimize uncertainty or at least provide a means by which variability can be partitioned into recognizable components. While the design of sampling programs has received recent attention, commonly employed strategies for limnological sampling of lakes may not be completely appropriate for many reservoirs. Based on NES data, reservoirs are generally larger, deeper, and morphologically more complex than natural lakes. Reservoirs also receive a majority of their inflow from a single tributary located a considerable distance from the point of outflow. The result is the establishment of marked physical, biological, and chemical gradients from headwater to dam. The existence of horizontal as well as vertical gradients, and their importance in water quality sampling design were the subject of intensive transect sampling efforts at DeGray Lake, a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers reservoir in southern Arkansas. Data collected were used to partition Variance, identify areas of similarity, and demonstrate how an equitable sampling program might be designed.  相似文献   

以加权平均抛物线拟合法为例,研究了顾及后期地形曲线光滑模型的采样点布设规则的确定问题.研究表明,对需要光滑拟合处理的地形曲线,除了传统的适当增加冗余采样点(采集质量检测点)外,还需要依据后期的光滑拟合模型,合理规划这些检测点的布点位置,才能有效保障地形曲线的科学采样与高保真重构.  相似文献   

多轴向振动试验能真实模拟实际产品经历的振动环境,是振动试验的主要发展方向,多轴向振动试验技术难度大是制约多轴向试验应用的关键因素。分析了多轴向振动试验两大类型:多轴向单点激励试验和多轴向多点激励试验,阐述了多轴向振动试验实施涉及的关键技术,包括模态试验、激振方式确定、控制方案设计等,可为开展多轴向振动试验提供参考。  相似文献   

Ribaudo, Marc O. and Jessica Gottlieb, 2011. Point‐Nonpoint Trading – Can It Work? Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 47(1):5‐14. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752‐1688.2010.00454.x Abstract: Water quality trading between point and nonpoint sources is of great interest as an alternative to strict command and control regulations on point sources for achieving water quality goals. The expectation is that trading will reduce the costs of water quality protection, and may speed compliance. The United States Environmental Protection Agency has issued guidance to the States on developing point‐nonpoint trading programs, and United States Department of Agriculture is encouraging farmer participation. However, existing point‐nonpoint trading programs have resulted in very few trades. Supply side and demand side impediments seem to be preventing trades from occurring in most trading programs. These include uncertainty over the number of discharge allowances different management practices can produce, high transactions costs of identifying trading partners, baseline requirements that eliminate low‐cost credits, the reluctance of point sources to trade with unfamiliar agents, and the perception of some farmers that entering contracts with regulated point sources leads to greater scrutiny and potential future regulation. Many of these problems can be addressed through research and program design.  相似文献   

采用Li-6400型便携式光合作用测定系统测定了女贞的光合特性.结果表明,女贞叶片净光合速率日变化呈双峰曲线,存在光合“午休”现象;最高峰出现在10:00时左右,次高峰出现在13:00时,日最大净光合速率为10.8umol/m2·s.植物的净光合速率(Pn)与气孔导度(Cond)及蒸腾速率(Tr)呈正相关,而与胞间CO2浓度(Ci)呈负相关.女贞的光补偿点为为8.806umol/m2·s,光饱和点为1499μmol/m2·s,是具有一定耐荫能力的植物.  相似文献   

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