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The production of large quantities of wastes globally has created a commercial activity involving the transfrontier shipments of hazardous wastes, intended to be managed at economically attractive waste-handling facilities located elsewhere. In fact, huge quantities of hazardous wastes apparently travel the world in search of “acceptable” waste management facilities. For instance, within the industrialized countries alone, millions of tonnes of potentially hazardous waste cross national frontiers each year on their way for recycling or to treatment, storage, and disposal facilities (TSDFs) because there is no local disposal capacity for these wastes, or because legal disposal or reuse in a foreign country may be more environmentally sound, or managing the wastes in the foreign country may be less expensive than at home. The cross-boundary traffic in hazardous wastes has lately been under close public scrutiny, however, resulting in the accession of several international agreements and laws to regulate such activities. This paper discusses and analyzes the most significant control measures and major agreements in this new commercial activity involving hazardous wastes. In particular, the discussion recognizes the difficulties with trying to implement the relevant international agreements among countries of vastly different socioeconomic backgrounds. Nonetheless, it is also noted that global environmental agreements will generally be a necessary component of ensuring adequate environmental protection for the world community—and thus a need for the careful implementation of such agreements and regulations.  相似文献   

/ Siting hazardous waste facilities is an extremely complex and difficult endeavor. Public aversion to the construction of these facilities in or near their community often results in concerted opposition, referred to as the NIMBY syndrome. For the most part, siting processes do not fail because of inadequate environmental or technical considerations, but because of the adversarial decision-making strategies employed by the proponents. Innovative siting processes used in the provinces of Alberta and Manitoba offer tangible evidence of the successful application of an innovative siting approach based on the principles of decentralization of decision-making authority and full and meaningful public involvement. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate four Canadian siting processes from the perspective of public participation and access to decision-making authority. Examples of siting processes related to hazardous waste management facilities are provided from the provinces of Alberta, Manitoba, British Columbia, and Ontario. Siting has evolved from approaches dominated by top-down decision making to increasing decentralized and pluralistic approaches. Focusing on social and political concerns of potentially affected communities and on the process of decision making itself are fundamental to achieving siting success. In Alberta initially, and later in Manitoba, this new "open approach" to siting has resulted in the construction of the first two comprehensive hazardous waste treatment facilities in Canada.KEY WORDS: Hazardous waste facilities; Siting methodologies; Public participation  相似文献   

基于物联网的杭州市危险废物智能监管平台设计与应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为满足危险废物监管各种业务管理工作的需求,开展物联网技术在危险废物产生、转移、处置等过程中应用的研究,设计基于物联网技术的危险废物智能监管平台,建成由管理部门门户、产废单位门户、运输单位门户、处置单位门户等四大门户统领,危废监督管理系统、电子联单系统、GIS监控管理系统、污泥刷卡转运管理系统、危废视频监控系统、固废超市管理系统等六大系统组建的统一管理平台,在传统管理模式的基础上,以业务需求结合先进的物联网、移动互联、二维码、NFC、GPS等技术,创新性地形成"移动端电子联单模式、GPRS监管预警模式、IC卡刷卡转运模式、固废超市微循环管理模式"四大管理模式,实现涉危单位内部微循环管理,转运过程多手段监控,让危险废物从最初产生到最终处置的全过程业务流程呈现精细化、实时化的全闭环管理,实现对危险废物从"摇篮"到"坟墓"的全过程跟踪,并以此为基础建立一支业务处理迅速、信息统计分析及时、办事高效、危废监管全面的信息化管理队伍,为环保部门真实、细致、及时、动态地掌握危险废物的转移情况提供技术手段,为领导决策提供辅助支持。  相似文献   

Medical waste management in Korea   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The management of medical waste is of great importance due to its potential environmental hazards and public health risks. In the past medical waste was often mixed with municipal solid waste and disposed of in residential waste landfills or improper treatment facilities (e.g. inadequately controlled incinerators) in Korea. In recent years, many efforts have been made by environmental regulatory agencies and waste generators to better manage the waste from healthcare facilities. This paper presents an overview of the current management practices of medical waste in Korea. Information regarding generation, composition, segregation, transportation, and disposal of medical wastes is provided and discussed. Medical waste incineration is identified as the most preferred disposal method and will be the only available treatment option in late 2005. Faced with increased regulations over toxic air emissions (e.g. dioxins and furans), all existing small incineration facilities that do not have air pollution control devices will cease operation in the next few years. Large-scale medical waste incinerators would be responsible for the treatment of medical waste generated by most healthcare facilities in Korea. It is important to point out that there is a great potential to emit air toxic pollutants from such incinerators if improperly operated and managed, because medical waste typically contains a variety of plastic materials such as polyvinyl chloride (PVC). Waste minimization and recycling, control of toxic air emissions at medical waste incinerators, and alternative treatment methods to incineration are regarded to be the major challenges in the future.  相似文献   

Since the publication of Rachel Carson's Silent Spring in 1962 there has been a rapidly growing public concern over widespread contamination of the environment with hazardous wastes. In recent years scientific findings on the ecological effects of various hazardous substances have posed several important questions. What exactly are hazardous wastes? Can these substances be disposed of in a technically feasible, economical, and safe way with assurance that they have been permanently eliminated from the ecosystem? What compositional alterations or movements of the hazardous wastes occur in water, soil, or air systems? What effect will these wastes have on the water, soil, or air systems? What effect will these wastes have on the water, soil, or air properties? Consequently, a University of Louisville study has developed a relevant definition of hazardous wastes for the Environmental Engineering profession together with priority of concern rating systems to delineate the degree of environmental impact imposed on a total ecosystem by a hazardous waste and the feasibility of disposing of hazardous substances at specific landfill sites. It is felt that refinements of the priority of concern rating systems offered here may provide a sound basis from which procedural decisions may be structured to establish future national hazardous waste disposal sites.  相似文献   

A current approach to the process of siting hazardous waste facilities is to seek 'willing host' communities that will not oppose but rather voluntarily accept risky facilities. Voluntary siting strategies have been put forward as the solution to hazardous waste location problems, and there have indeed been a small number of siting successes achieved voluntarily. This paper argues that, despite claims about voluntary processes, there are indications that few 'willing host' sites will be found in response to the many that are proposed. Instead, it suggests that the limited success of siting attempts, voluntary or otherwise, signals a new phase in hazardous waste management, a shift in focus from where to site a facility to whether a good is worth producing at all if its wastes are not siteable. A characteristic of this phase is the growing influence that the disposal potential of the generated waste can have on future management decisions to produce a good. In practice, siting failure may be one of the critical turning points on the road to sustainable production. It can accomplish what technology and environmental assessments have generally been unable to do: foresee the sustainability of a good. In this way, siteability can be seen as one indicator of sustainable production. A good can be considered sustainable if the wastes associated with its production are siteable.  相似文献   

建立有效回收网络,防治危险废物污染环境   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
工业废弃物中,废酸碱、重金属、废矿物油等都属于危险废物,我们日常生活中的废电池、灯管、显像管、空调、冰箱等都含有大量成分的危险废物。开展危险废物的有效回收,建立有效回收网络,才能从根本上防治危险废物进入环境,防治危险废物给人类与环境造成严重灾难。  相似文献   

/ Animal burrowing is critical to the formation of soils and contributes to the interface between geological materials and organic life. It also influences the management of hazardous materials at nuclear waste facilities and elsewhere. For example, residues and waste products from the production of nuclear weapons are released onto the ground surface and within engineered burial structures. Soil bioturbation has exposed radionuclides and other hazardous materials to wind and rain, thereby risking inhalation and injury to humans and wildlife on and off site. Soil bioturbation can expand soil depths and spatial distributions of the source term of hazardous waste, potentially increasing chronic exposures to wildlife and humans over the long term. Ample evidence indicates that some of the large quantities of hazardous materials around the world have been released from soil repositories, where they have also contaminated and harmed biota. Key burrowing parameters influencing these outcomes include the catalog of resident species, and their abundance, typical burrow volumes (void space created by soil displacement), burrow depth profiles, maximum depth of excavation, constituents and structural qualities of excavated soil mounds, and proportion of the ground covered by excavated soil. Other important parameters include rate of mound construction, depth of den chambers, and volume of burrow backfill. Soil bioturbation compromised the integrity of some hazardous waste management systems using soil, but the environmental impact remains largely unknown. Designers and operators of waste management facilities, as well as risk assessors, need to understand how burrowing animals influence hazardous waste storage.KEY WORDS: Burrowing; Environmental impact; Radioactivity; Risk; Soil bioturbation; Hazardous waste  相似文献   

The current status of the treatment and disposal of hazardous wastes in China is summarized on the basis of the results of the Declaring and Registration Project initiated nationally in 1995. A principle framework for the sound management of hazardous wastes is proposed, which includes three levels of technical solutions. Large-scale enterprises are encouraged to recycle, to treat, and to dispose of wastes by means of constructing facilities, and to have their extra capacities available to the public for a reasonable fee. Municipal governments, provincial governments, and the Central Government are to plan and construct centralized facilities to recycle, treat, and dispose of wastes. For a solution at the manufacturing level, recycling is identified as the main approach. Centralized facilities at the municipal level will mainly focus on special wastes that are unsuitable to transport and store, such as hospital waste, and for the technical solution at this level, incineration and recycling are identified as the main approaches. For the technical solution at the provincial and national levels, landfill and incineration are identified as the main approaches. Based on this principle and the current available data on hazardous wastes, a preliminary plan for the spatial distribution of cross-provincial centralized treatment and disposal facilities of hazardous wastes is presented. The construction of approximately nine cross-provincial comprehensive facilities is proposed. A priority list for the construction of these planned facilities is also presented.  相似文献   

邓鹂 《新疆环境保护》2011,33(3):35-36,49
医院污水来源及成分复杂,含有病原性微生物、有毒、有害的物理化学污染物和放射性污染等,需建设配套的废水治理设施.为检验治理效果,加强监管,需对治理设施进行验收监测和监督性监测.在排除废水治理过程一系列问题后即可做到,监测科学合理顺利开展,废水治理设施处理的废水稳定达标排放.  相似文献   

Through a qualitative case study, this paper describes the everyday experience of conflict as a serious impact of noxious facilities. It describes intra-community conflict over two existing waste facilities (a regional landfill and a low-level hazardous waste facility) in Ryley, Alberta, Canada. Twenty-seven in-depth face-to-face interviews and one focus group reveal deep conflict presented as frustration, anger, social isolation and strained social relations between locals who ‘support’ the facilities as a means of bolstering the local economy and those who do not (mainly long-time resident farmers). Although the type of hazard exposure (i.e. existing facilities) is important for explaining why conflict developed and became entrenched, it is argued that the nature of community, and in particular differences in ways of life, are also critical determinants. The findings are compared to theory and other case studies concerning why social conflict develops over technological hazards. Implications for environmental impact assessment and environmental appeals are discussed, as well as compensation as one avenue for equitably reducing conflict.  相似文献   

李宇斌  王恩德 《四川环境》2006,25(5):107-111
结合辽宁省危险废物排放现状,提出辽宁省危险废物污染控制战略。建立全省危险废物管理与登记交换中心,建设省级危险废物安全填埋处置中心、危险废物焚烧中心、省级危险废物污染事故预警系统。提出全省医疗废物处置设施建设布局和技术路线选择方案、硼泥和铬渣处置技术路线。在大城市或经济较发达城市,可采取回转炉方法集中焚烧医疗废物,而运输半径之外偏远山区或经济欠发达城市可采用高温灭菌方法处置本辖区内的医疗废物。硼泥、铬渣则优先采用资源化技术进行处置。  相似文献   

All businesses are continually seeking ways to increase productivity, improve customer satisfaction, reduce waste, and minimize costs. However, small businesses are frequently overlooked in discussions of the implementation of environmental quality improvements in conjunction with management practice improvements. Humes Collision Center incorporated new waste reduction techniques when it expanded its old facilities in 1992, and it was able to achieve the benefits of cost and waste reduction. Humes Collision Center repairs an average of 500 cars annually and is a very small quantity generator of hazardous waste, as defined by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. This case study documents the waste minimization and economic benefits at the new autobody repair facility in Hermantown, Minnesota.  相似文献   

采用清罐含油污泥资源化综合利用技术,处理后的含油污泥经检测其灰渣重金属含量均小于我国GB 15618-1995《土壤环境质量标准》和GB 4284-84《农用污泥中污染物控制标准》,灰渣浸出液达到GB5085.3-2007《危险废物鉴别标准浸出毒性鉴别》二级标准、燃烧后产生的废气和烟尘达到GB 13271-2001《锅炉大气污染物排放标准》。解决了清罐油泥处理难的问题,同时符合国家推行清洁生产,大力发展循环经济的要求,使生产过程中的废物减量化、资源化、无害化,减小了油泥排污费用,具有显著环境效益和社会效益。  相似文献   

发达国家和地区危险废物名录管理实践   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
危险废物名录制度是危险废物环境管理的基础。2016年6月14日,环境保护部、国家发改委、公安部联合公布了《国家危险废物名录》(2016年版),对2008年版危险废物名录进行了调整。本文介绍了主要发达国家和地区危险废物名录制度的基本情况,对其优缺点进行了对比分析,以期为更好的理解新版危险废物名录提供参考。主要发达国家和地区的危险废物名录管理体系具有以下优点:一是完善的危险废物豁免排除制度加强了企业和管理部门的责任意识。二是危险废物和一般固体废物共享分类体系便于对废物的统筹管理,废物代码内容翔实,增加了名录的可操作性。三是基于不同处理责任主体进行分类,避免了名录方式或列举方式造成的"漏分"现象。四是根据环境风险实行分级管理,重点突出。同时存在几点不足:一是鉴别程序繁琐,降低了危险废物处置效率;二是存在部分行业产生的废物遗漏、同类危险废物分类过细等问题;三是部分国家危险废物分类过于笼统,不利于企业对危险废物种类及属性的识别。  相似文献   

危险废物对环境或者人体健康会造成有害影响,有效地预测其产量是优化管理和合理处置的重要依据。以2008~2016年成都市危险废物产生量为基础,通过数据带入和整合及综合各参数因子的影响,利用人工神经网络模型预测方法客观反映并预测成都市危废产量的变化趋势。结果表明该模型预测2017~2018年成都市危险废物年产量分别达到24.46万t和26.88万t,模拟精度偏差低。因此,人工神经网络模型可以作为一种预测危险废物产生量的工具,其预测结果可以为职能部门提供决策参考。  相似文献   

Management of hazardous waste is an increasing problem for both the companies that generate the waste and for the communities that eventually experience the consequences of the management decisions. Thus, both social and political aspects must be considered when solving these problems. It is thus important that waste management technologies are evaluated by a panel of experts with various backgrounds. The methodology for developing an expert system for waste treatment technology evaluation was discussed. An expert system was developed to select the “best” waste treatment alternatives. This expert system includes two different knowledge bases: one for the economic and technical parts of the problem and another for the social and political aspects. This expert system was developed on an IBM personal computer using Turbo Prolog™. The pulp and paper industry was selected as an example problem for developing this expert system, which system was tested using two example waste streams from the pulp and paper industry. The results agree with the current treatment facilities the companies are using.  相似文献   

More than 50,000 tons of hazardous waste are imported and exported worldwide each year. Over 50% of hazardous waste is exported to Southeast Asia, of which leather waste is the major component. The exportation quantities of hazardous waste to Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) countries are decreasing while they are on the increase to non-OECD countries. Some of these wastes are intended for recycling purposes but the usage of some others is not stipulated. The hazardous waste importation quantity kept fairly steady from 1997 to 2000, of which ash or residues containing copper or copper compounds were the major component. Under existing regulations and measures, the transboundary movement of hazardous waste cannot be effectively controlled and monitored. In order to ensure environmentally sound hazardous waste management, EPA-Taiwan revised the Waste Disposal Act in 2001 and cooperated with the Industrial Development Bureau (IDB) to promote industrial waste reduction and recycling projects. Strategies were proposed based on evaluation according to the 3Es Principles and the site investigation in this study.  相似文献   

Indicators and indices are important tools that assist decision makers to formulate and implement plans for management at local, national and international levels. Four indicators for hazardous waste management are described that have recently been adopted within the United Nations framework of Indicators of Sustainable Development. Although these four indicators will be useful tools, the need for a broader range of policy-relevant qualitative and quantitative indicators, proxy indicators and indices is outlined. The argument is advanced that in order for all nations to better manage the range of hazardous waste issues, including waste generation, export/import and disposal, a set of innovative indicators and indices is required. Useful indicators and indices are described that could be used to link and quantify likely environmental, ecosystem and health impacts and risks especially from hazardous waste disposal. Indicators are also suggested that could be used to illustrate the shift in industrial strategy away from end-of-pipe processes towards waste recycling, cleaner production and integrated life-cycle analysis. It was concluded that until the lack of reliable and harmonized data on hazardous waste is addressed, indicator development and use by national and international decision makers cannot readily be implemented.  相似文献   

EPA's Maximum Achievable Control Technology rule for secondary aluminum production is intended to substantially reduce emissions of hazardous air pollutants. It may also impose significant costs on affected facilities. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

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