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我国GB 20952-2007《加油站大气污染物排放标准》首次提出加油站安装油气处理装置,但是部分油气回收从业人员对油气处理装置的作用存在一些认识误区.通过对美国加州加油站油气处理装置的发展历程进行回顾,阐述加油站油气处理装置的作用,并对油气处理装置VOCs(挥发性有机物)的排放现状进行全口径检测和分析.结果表明:①油气处理装置是加油站油气回收系统的重要组成部分,主要用于控制Stage Ⅰ(卸油油气回收系统或第一阶段油气回收系统)和Stage Ⅱ(加油油气回收系统或第二阶段油气回收系统)工作时埋地油罐压力增加所导致的无组织排放,但它不能取代Stage Ⅰ.②2016-2018年北京市油气处理装置NMHC(非甲烷总烃)排放浓度分别为5.43、3.67和2.30 g/m3,达标率由98.5%升至99.7%;春、夏、秋、冬四季NMHC平均排放浓度分别为3.54、4.68、3.13和1.64 g/m3,其中夏季NMHC排放浓度最高;"吸附"和"冷凝+膜"处理效果略优于"膜分离".③2017年北京市油气处理装置NMHC排放浓度相对于排放标准(≤ 20 g/m3)的达标率为97.6%,NMHC排放浓度≤ 10 g/m3的比例为90.4%.研究显示,加油站油气处理装置是埋地油罐压力控制装置,为减少油罐及其附属设施的无组织排放发挥了重要作用,值得进一步开展研究. 相似文献
中国加油站VOC排放污染现状及控制 总被引:8,自引:9,他引:8
应用排放因子法估算了2002年度全国加油站VOC的排放量.在综合考虑经济,社会,人口等各方面因素后,通过调整现有的活动水平估算了未来20a内全国的燃油消耗情况,以及VOC排放的增长趋势.结果表明:2002年我国加油站VOC排放量为187.6×103t,由此造成的经济损失达到了7.5×108元人民币.在维持现有控制水平情况下,到2030年VOC排放量将达到1196×103t,经济损失高达47.8×108元人民币.比较了StageⅠ、StageⅡ油气回收系统以及ORVR的回收效率和成本,并对其可行性和经济适用性进行分析.结果表明:这3种回收技术的引进将会大规模的消减加油站VOC的排放,并且选择性的措施组合能够取得更好的效果.相对于StageⅡ回收系统,ORVR的效率更高费用更低.但是ORVR的引进需要比StageⅡ更长的时间,为了达到80%的普及率至少需要11a左右.为在短期内达到一定的控制要求,可优先考虑StageⅡ回收技术;但是从长期的环境和经济效应来看,ORVR才是最终的选择. 相似文献
吸附法加油站 油气排放处理装置研发 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
吴锋棒 《安全.健康和环境》2011,11(10):30-32
在对吸附法油库油气回收装置分析的基础上,提出了活性炭吸附法在加油站油气回收中的应用工艺,较好地解决了吸收装置占用场地的限制,增加了吸附的效率。 相似文献
通过对国内外加油站油气排放处理工艺方法调研,结合国内加油站实际情况,进行膜组件筛选、实验室测试、工业化测试,完成了带净化器的膜式冷凝加油站油气排放处理装置的研发,在北京15座加油站应用效果较好。 相似文献
加油站汽油销售量随机动车保有量同步快速增长,并已成为北京市VOCs主要来源之一. 为准确估算加油站VOCs排放,在比较国内外加油站VOCs排放因子的基础上,结合北京市加油站油气治理过程,估算北京市1990—2014年加油站VOCs排放清单,并预测2015—2030年排放清单. 结果表明:①中国、US EPA(美国国家环境保护局)和EEA(欧洲环境署)的加油站VOCs未控制排放因子分别是CARB(美国加州空气资源委员会)排放因子的1.78、1.38和0.85倍;②根据CARB排放因子和北京本地油气治理措施计算得到北京市2003年、2008年和2030年VOCs加权排放因子,分别为2 103、263和80 mg/L,2008年和2030年控制效率分别为2003年的88%和96%;③2003年加油站VOCs排放量达到峰值(5 134 t/a),在北京市实施DB 11/208—2003《加油站油气排放控制和限值》后,2008年VOCs排放量减至1 195 t/a,城六区排放量约占全市的60%;④《北京市2013—2017年清洁空气行动计划》实施后,预测2017年、2022年和2030年的VOCs排放量分别为1 252、976和531 t/a,2030年汽油消费量是1990年的8.8倍,但VOCs排放量仅为1990年的34%. 研究显示,北京市加油站油气回收工作为加油站VOCs减排做出了巨大贡献. 相似文献
介绍了美国CARB加油站油气回收法规的现状和核心内容,简述了其发展历程、出现的问题和产生的影响。对比了美国与中国加油站油气回收法规,并重点研究了CARB关于油气回收系统效率和排放因子的检测方法,对国内相关标准、规范的修订提出了建议,指出我国油气回收发展应设立产品认证体系,加强国内相关法律法规的研究,建设高水平的实验室,在国标和行标的编制中做好充分的调研论证和综合分析。 相似文献
The Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC 2008/1/EC) directive emphasises the use of a permit system to protect the environment as a whole from unwanted emissions in the specified industrial activities. The directive advocates the implementation of Best Available Techniques (BAT). Today, it is essential to select appropriate techniques, especially when an operating company is functioning in an environmentally sensitive area. On these grounds, companies encounter challenges to fulfill the IPPC guidelines as well as to qualify techniques for a specific purpose. The situation is challenging when applying new techniques or in the case of where a technique is considered new. However, technique qualification provides the evidence that BATs function within specific limits for an intended use whilst delivering an acceptable level of confidence. This paper explains how the concept of the Best Qualified Techniques (BQTs) is implemented using BAT approach. It also discusses a framework for broadening the BAT concept to include BQTs, drawing upon case studies of the offshore oil and gas industry. 相似文献
Tuhkanen Sami Lehtilä Antti Savolainen Ilkka 《Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change》1999,4(2):91-112
The reduction of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions may be quite expensive and it is necessary to consider reduction measures for other anthropogenic greenhouse gases, such as methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) as well. Their contribution to the total GHG emission from Finland is about 15–20%. In Finland most of the CH4 emissions are due to waste management, agriculture and burning processes. N2O emissions originate from burning processes, agriculture, industry and atmospheric deposition of nitrogen. The cost-effective reduction of the Finnish GHG emissions has been studied with the EFOM-ENV model, which is a quasi-dynamic linear energy system optimisation model. The target function to be minimised is the total discounted cost for the modelled system. In this study the model has been expanded to cover all well-known anthropogenic CO2, CH4 and N2O sources and reduction measures. The results indicate it is economic to reduce the emissions of CO2, CH4 and N2O in Finland. It is profitable to exploit the economic reduction potential of CH4 and N2O, because then the abatement of CO2 emissions does not need to be as extensive as when the reduction is aimed only at CO2 emissions. The inclusion of CH4 and N2O decreases the annual reduction costs about 20% in the year 2010. 相似文献
海上油气田工程油气泄漏事故风险分析 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
以渤海某工程项目为例研究海上油气田工程油气泄漏的事故及其风险.文章指出井喷、平台火灾事故和海底管道泄漏是海上油气田工程油气泄漏的主要事故源,并通过类比性分析得到三种事故的发生概率.油气泄漏的最严重后果是溢油事故,文章对各种事故的溢油规模进行分析,并根据井喷、平台火灾和海底管道泄漏三种事故发生的概率和规模对其环境影响进行评价. 相似文献
Contaminated stormwater runoff from oil and gas (O&G) operations can pose a significant threat to surface waters. The purpose of this study is to examine the extent of this threat and identify more specific permitting requirements to protect surface waters. To better understand the extent of the threat, this paper identified and characterized the use of waste surface impoundments at O&G facilities as well as the threat level from O&G spills in California. To assess the efficacy of the current federal and California state-permitting regime, the paper evaluated stormwater permit compliance in two California counties. It also reviewed selected spill cases and associated Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure Plans and Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans to identify the adequacy of current industry practices.The analysis showed that contaminated stormwater from O&G facilities can be better regulated. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency does not require O&G facilities to file for an Industrial Stormwater General Permit even though many O&G industry practices have the potential to contaminate stormwater runoff from the site. When O&G facilities discharge a Reportable Quantity of a hazardous chemical or violate a water quality standard, they are required to enroll in the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit program. Spills, although not a direct indication of stormwater runoff, can highlight polluted runoff discharges that should have been regulated. Medium and large spills that reached waterways were such a risk for which operators did not file for a permit. In California new filing requirements for the oil and gas industry require all facilities that discharge stormwater that has come into contact with any overburden, raw material, or intermediate products located on the site, to file for an Industrial Stormwater General Permit. As this study showed, there has been an increase in enrollment since the enactment of the new requirements. Having all facilities enroll in the general permit program, as done in California, would require minimum monitoring and maintenance that could help prevent spills. A further step to ensure better protocol is to require specific pollution control practices in addition to the current general permit requirements. Such permitting regimes not only can be implemented on the US federal level but also internationally. 相似文献
新能源公交车是未来城市公交行业节能及温室气体减排的重点发展方向.新能源公交车在行驶阶段具有良好的节能及温室气体减排效果,而汽车制造、能源生产等相关生命周期阶段的能耗及温室气体排放常被忽视,且目前新能源公交车的乘客运载功能相对较弱,可能对节能及温室气体减排的潜力造成较为显著的影响.因此,本文基于北京市公交车的运营特征,采用生命周期评价(LCA)方法,选择客运周转量作为功能单位,核算了天然气公交车、混合动力公交车和纯电动公交车等新能源公交车相对于柴油公交车的节能及温室气体减排效益.结果表明:发展新能源公交车对促进北京市公交行业及城市节能低碳发展具有积极的作用,但相对于基于运营里程的核算结果,本研究新能源公交车节能及温室气体减排潜力均较低,主要原因是新能源公交车的实际载客量相对较低;混合动力公交车和纯电动公交车在空调开启时的节能潜力与温室气体减排潜力均远低于天然气公交车;通过发展情景分析,建议北京市现阶段应优先发展天然气公交车,适当发展纯电动公交车和混合动力公交车,以减少北京市公交车的总体能耗,同时降低温室气体排放强度. 相似文献
通过最新的遥感油气勘查,结合已有的油气地质和油气地球化学资料,对藏北地区油气资源进行了初步评价,认为该地区油气资源总量为40~60亿t左右。勘查重点放在羌塘地区的西北部,尤其是地球化学异常低值区具有大型推覆体构造的复合部位,最有希望找到亿吨以上整装油气田。 相似文献
在对深海中泄漏的油气混合物在海洋环境中的输运过程及行为变化的分析基础上,建立三维深海溢油输移扩散模型。该模型采用拉格朗日积分法模拟溢油在近区的水下浮射扩散过程,应用粒子追踪法模拟油滴在水下远区的对流扩散以及油膜在海面的漂移扩散过程,并考虑了油气分离输移、气体溶解、天然气水合物形成与分解等复杂行为对溢油运动轨迹的影响。应用该模型数值模拟了两个大型深海溢油现场试验,结果显示溢油在水下环境中的时空分布模拟结果与现场监测数据符合较好,表明该模型具有较高的准确性和实用性,能够为深海溢油的防治管理提供理论与技术支持。 相似文献