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随着我国社会经济的快速发展,在发展过程中产生的污水也变得越来越多,污水数量的增长不仅仅会带来相应的污水处理厂数量和规模的增长,同时也会带来一系列的伴生问题,其中污水处理厂在运行中的无组织废气就是一个典型问题,污水处理厂集中了大量的社会经济生产生活污水,在处理中产生的废气问题对区域大气环境影响严重,对污水处理厂周围居民的生活质量有严重影响,本文将对此问题进行简要的分析。  相似文献   

随着经济的发展,化工企业的大量增加,企业环保投资力度的不够,导致了大量工业挥发性有机废气的排放,致使大气环境质量下降,给人体健康来严重危害,给国民经济造成巨大损失。本文通过光催化氧化法对挥发性有机废气处理的简要分析,提出有机废气处理的有效措施。  相似文献   

天津分公司污水处理场有机废气处理装置,采用“脱硫及总烃浓度均化——催化燃烧”联合处理工艺,废气处理能力为3000Nm^3/h。介绍了采用催化燃烧法处理污水场有机废气的工艺流程,并对装置运行情况进行总结。  相似文献   

为研发节能高效的苯系物工业异味气体处理方法,以甲苯为例,实验研究了吸收法—Fenton氧化/光催化氧化对其处理效果。结果表明:室内实验最佳甲苯进气流量为0.2 L/min、吸收时间为30 min;以4%BDO(1,4丁二醇)对甲苯废气的吸收效果最好,吸收浓度达到43.87 mg/L;含甲苯的BDO吸收液最优Fenton氧化条件为FeSO4400 mg/L,H2O24 m L/L,pH 4,反应时间30 min,此时,甲苯最大去除率达83.5%;甲苯BDO吸收液最优化光催化氧化条件为甲苯浓度9.2 mg/L,TiO23 g,反应时间40 min,紫外光强度300 W,甲苯最大去除率达83.97%。  相似文献   

活性炭纤维吸附—催化燃烧新装置处理有机废气   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了一种处理有机废气的吸附一催化燃烧新型装置,以活性炭纤维为吸附剂,结合多单元分流组合式吸附床,采用PLC电脑来实现整个系统的连续运行,实际运行结果表明,对于处理大风量、低浓度的有机废气,该技术与其它技术相比具有净化效率高、节能降耗、自动化水平高等优点。  相似文献   

介绍了催化氧化技术在处理过氧化二异丙苯(DCP)生产废气治理方面研究,工业侧线试验表明在平均空速低于20 000 h~(-1),反应器入口温度250~300℃的条件下,DCP废气经过催化氧化处理,净化气非甲烷总烃浓度小于70 mg/m~3,远低于国家废气排放标准,非甲烷总烃去除率在98%以上。  相似文献   

翟建  鲁秀国 《环境工程》2010,28(2):13-16
介绍了水解酸化-UBF-接触氧化组合工艺处理聚醚多元醇生产污水的工艺设计和运行效果。经一段时间的调试及运行表明:该工艺处理聚醚多元醇生产综合污水是切实可行的。在进水ρ(COD)为8000~12000mg/L,ρ(BOD5)为1200~1500mg/L的条件下,经过该工艺处理,出水ρ(COD)为250~300mg/L,ρ(BOD5)在50~80mg/L以下,出水水质达GB8978-1996《污水综合排放标准》Ⅲ级。  相似文献   

李德生  黄利 《中国环境科学》2012,32(7):1196-1202
通过现场中试实验对曝气微电解、强化混凝、催化电氧化作预处理提高兰炭污水的可生化性进行了探讨.并对通过预处理与生化处理的组合实现兰炭污水达到污水排放标准的可行性进行了研究.结果表明,原水首先调节pH值为3左右,在通过120min的曝气微电解处理后,可使有机物由25000mg/L下降到10000mg/L,氨氮由3000mg/L降到1200mg/L,COD和NH3-N的去除均可达到60%;然后调节曝气微电解出水的pH值为8~9,通过投加200mg/L PAC、4.5mg/L PAM强化混凝后,出水COD和NH3-N可去除50%;强化混凝后出水再通过120 min的催化电氧化反应器的高级氧化处理,废水中COD去除率可达65%,NH3-N去除率为60%;催化电氧化反应器出水最后通过厌氧/好氧生物接触处理,其出水COD<150mg/L,NH3-N<25 mg/L.  相似文献   

碱液吸收-催化氧化湿式脱硫是一种工艺流程简单的处理硫化氢的方法,这种方法能在脱除硫化氢的同时回收单质硫。本文研究碱液吸收-催化氧化湿式脱除硫化氢过程中,工艺条件对硫化氢脱除效果的影响。  相似文献   

文章以煤制气项目为例,介绍了煤化工项目生产中有机废水的来源及特性,探讨了三种常用的煤化工废水处理方法。总结出多级生物处理法在煤制气有机废水处理的实用性,对今后煤制气有机废水处理的工作起到一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

工业废水处理装置中的废气治理技术   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
工业废水中排出的废气对环境的污染,是石化及化工行业需关注的新焦点,本文介绍了国外工业废水处理装置排出的废气情况及国内外相关治理技术的发展概况和最新进展,并探讨了国内开发废气治理技术的紧迫性、可行性及应优先考虑的方向。   相似文献   

As one of the largest human activities, World Expo is an important source of anthropogenic Greenhouse Gas emission (GHG), and the GHG emission and other environmental impacts of the Expo Shanghai 2010, where around 59,397 tons of waste was generated during 184 Expo running days, were assessed by life cycle assessment (LCA). Two scenarios, i.e., the actual and expected figures of the waste sector, were assessed and compared, and 124.01 kg CO2-equivalent (CO2-eq.), 4.43 kg SO2-eq., 4.88 kg NO3--eq., and 3509 m3 water per ton tourist waste were found to be released in terms of global warming (GW), acidification (AC), nutrient enrichment (NE) and spoiled groundwater resources (SGWR), respectively. The total GHG emission was around 3499 ton CO2-eq. from the waste sector in Expo Park, among which 86.47% was generated during the waste landfilling at the rate of 107.24 kg CO2-eq., and CH4, CO and other hydrocarbons (HC) were the main contributors. If the waste sorting process had been implemented according to the plan scenario, around 497 ton CO2-eq. savings could have been attained. Unlike municipal solid waste, with more organic matter content, an incineration plant is more suitable for tourist waste disposal due to its high heating value, from the GHG reduction perspective.  相似文献   

As one of the largest human activities, World Expo is an important source of anthropogenic Greenhouse Gas emission (GHG), and the GHG emission and other environmental impacts of the Expo Shanghai 2010, where around 59,397 tons of waste was generated during 184 Expo running days, were assessed by life cycle assessment (LCA). Two scenarios, i.e., the actual and expected figures of the waste sector, were assessed and compared, and 124.01 kg CO2-equivalent (CO2-eq.), 4.43 kg SO2-eq., 4.88 kg NO3-eq., and 3509 m3 water per ton tourist waste were found to be released in terms of global warming (GW), acidification (AC), nutrient enrichment (NE) and spoiled groundwater resources (SGWR), respectively. The total GHG emission was around 3499 ton CO2-eq. from the waste sector in Expo Park, among which 86.47% was generated during the waste landfilling at the rate of 107.24 kg CO2-eq., and CH4, CO and other hydrocarbons (HC) were the main contributors. If the waste sorting process had been implemented according to the plan scenario, around 497 ton CO2-eq. savings could have been attained. Unlike municipal solid waste, with more organic matter content, an incineration plant is more suitable for tourist waste disposal due to its high heating value, from the GHG reduction perspective.  相似文献   

Ship auxiliary engines contribute large amounts of air pollutants when at berth.Biodiesel,including that from waste cooking oil(WCO),can favor a reduction in the emission of primary pollutant when used with internal combustion engines.This study investigated the emissions of gaseous intermediate-volatile organic compounds(IVOCs) between WCO biodiesel and marine gas oil(MGO) to further understand the differences in secondary organic aerosol(SOA) production of exhausts.Results revealed that WCO ex...  相似文献   

线路板生产废气的治理   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过实际工程设计参数的选择和运行条件的控制及试验研究 ,结果表明 :采用填料吸收塔处理线路板生产废气是经济和有效的 ,以 Na OH水溶液作吸收剂 ,经一级吸收处理废气中污染物去除 90 %以上 ,排气浓度小于无组织排放限值 ,再加上以醋酸和表面活性剂的水溶液作为吸收剂作二级吸收 ,废气中有机成分苯、甲苯、二甲苯、甲醛及铅的去除率可达 99.7%以上 ,总运行费小于 5 5元 /万 m3/h废气  相似文献   

利用风洞试验、模式预测和现场监测的方法,对某城市中心街道交通隧道汽车废气的扩散特征作了模拟研究。结果表明,环境中汽车尾气污染程度与隧道中汽车行驶工况、车流量、气象条件(温度、风速、风向)等诸多因素有关。随着环境风速减小或环境气温升高,隧道外废气浓度显著增加。隧道出口至离出口90m处的引道范围是污染物高浓度区域,但废气排放对引道两侧离地面较高的匝道影响较小。对模式预测结果和风洞测量结果、现场监测结果作了比较,一致性良好  相似文献   

Heterogeneous agglomeration (HA) is a very potential technology for coal-fired flue gas treatment.In this paper,the distribution and migration mechanisms of trace elements (TEs such as Se,As and Pb in CFPPs were studied on a 30,000 m3/hr pilot-scale experimental plat form.The influences of HA on the removal efficiency of gaseous and particulate TEs were well analyzed.The results showed that Se,As and Pb were enriched in fly ash,and their sen sitivity to particle size is quite differen...  相似文献   

烟气脱氮体系中络合吸收剂的氧化还原过程   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在填料吸收塔中,考察NO和O2共存时,NO浓度、O2含量对脱氮效率、FeII(EDTA)氧化速率以及FeIII(EDTA)生物还原速率的影响,并对该系统的主要反应过程进行了分析.结果表明,同时吸收NO可促进FeII(EDTA)的氧化,当进气NO浓度由0增至500cm3/m3时,表观氧化反应速率常数由0.00451min-1增至0.00604min-1;FeII(EDTA)的氧化反应对于O2含量为1级反应,表观氧化速率常数与O2含量成线性关系;增加气体中NO浓度或O2含量均会使FeIII(EDTA)的生物还原反应速率下降;微生物对氧化中间产物的还原可以减缓NO对FeII(EDTA)氧化的促进作用,因而气相中NO和O2共存时对FeIII(EDTA)生物还原的影响小于各单一组分存在时的影响之和.  相似文献   

研究了某市10座生活垃圾焚烧炉烟气中二噁英的排放特性,对比了焚烧炉炉型、焚烧处理量、烟气净化系统对二噁英排放特性的影响.结果表明:10座生活垃圾焚烧炉二噁英的排放浓度为0.016~0.104 ng·Nm~(-3)(以I-TEQ计),9座垃圾焚烧炉二噁英排放满足国家相应的排放标准(0.1 ng·Nm~(-3)(以I-TEQ计)).根据二噁英排放浓度排序对应的烟气净化系统分别为SNCR(Selective Non-Catalytic Reduction)+半干法+活性炭喷射+布袋湿法+活性炭喷射+布袋半干法+活性炭喷射+布袋,表明安装SNCR装置有利于二噁英的减排.另外,不同垃圾焚烧炉排放的二噁英指纹特性不仅与烟气净化系统和炉型有关,还与垃圾来源有一定关联.  相似文献   

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