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Accurate determination of diet is important in ecological studies. Many macrobenthic predators fragment their prey so finely that identification of component organisms is difficult. Knowledge of the food available to masticatory predators such as lobsters can help in determining potential prey and enhance the accuracy of dietary assessments. With SCUBA divers limited by depth and submersion time, benthic analyses are becoming increasingly reliant on camera systems. Here, based on paired samples, we assess the relative merits of using removal-sampling by divers versus monochrome video photography to determine the prey spectrum available to macrobenthic predators. We also relate the results to the gut contents of rock lobsters (Jasus lalandii) that were collected simultaneously. Diver samples took on average four times longer to collect and process than video-image samples. No significant differences were evident between the number of species identified in diver samples and video-image samples (n = 21 paired samples, Student's t = 0.233, P > 0.1), although an analysis of similarity (ANOSIM) test revealed that the results obtained from the two sampling methods were significantly different in terms of species composition (global R = 0.203, P < 0.01). Cluster analysis based on Bray–Curtis similarity to compare diver and video-image samples revealed four clusters of samples with <35% similarity, confirming that the two techniques do sample different assemblages of species. Video images detected and allowed identification of all species of prey recorded in the rock lobsters' stomach contents, probably because rock lobsters prey mainly on relatively large prey which are readily detected by video. Diver-sampling underestimated or failed to detect two important prey types, namely small barnacles and encrusting coralline algae. We concluded that the camera system employed was adequate for assessing the prey assemblages available to macrobenthic predators such as lobsters, and that it was considerably more economical than using divers. Received: 10 September 1998 / Accepted: 6 May 1999  相似文献   

Capnella gaboensis Verseveldt, 1977 was sampled at four sites in Sydney Harbour, during 1981–1984. This soft coral has an annual cycle of gonad development, with gonad number reaching a peak in May several weeks prior to spawning, and gonad size reaching a peak in May–June at spawning. The gonads develop during the warm months, and colonies spawn their gametes in late autumn and early winter. Gonad development is neither synchronous within colonies nor within populations, possibly reflecting the protracted nature of spawning. The histology of the developing oocytes and spermaries is described in detail C. gaboensis is a surface-brooder. The planulae are similar in structure to the larvae of other octocorals. The larvae are benthic, settling quickly upon suitable substratum, metamorphosing into polyps with mouths, tentacles and spicules, approximately one week after settling.  相似文献   

This report documents the extent to which coral colonies show fluctuations in their associations with different endosymbiotic dinoflagellates. The genetic identity of Symbiodinium from six coral species [Acropora palmata (Lamarck), A. cervicornis (Lamarck), Siderastrea siderea (Ellis and Solander), Montastrea faveolata (Ellis and Solander), M. annularis (Ellis and Solander), and M. franksi (Gregory)] was examined seasonally over five years (1998 and 2000–2004) in the Bahamas and Florida Keys at shallow (1 to 4 m) fore-reef/patch reef sites and at deeper fore-reef (12–15 m) locations. Symbionts were identified genetically using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) fingerprinting of the internal transcribed spacer region 2 (ITS2) of ribosomal RNA gene loci. Repetitive sampling from most labeled colonies from the Bahamas and the Florida Keys showed little to no change in their dominant symbiont. In contrast, certain colonies of M. annularis and M. franksi from the Florida Keys exhibited shifts in their associations attributed to recovery from the stresses of the 1997–1998 El Niño southern oscillation (ENSO) event. Over several years, a putatively stress-tolerant clade D type of Symbiodinium was progressively replaced in these colonies by symbionts typically found in M. annularis and M. franksi in Florida and at other Caribbean locations. Greater environmental fluctuations in Florida may explain the observed changes among some of the symbioses. Furthermore, symbiotic associations were more heterogeneous at shallow sites, relative to deep sites. The exposure to greater environmental variability near the surface may explain the higher symbiont diversity found within and between host colonies.  相似文献   

The surface sediment characteristics related to benthic microalgae primary production were studied at the Dogger Bank, North Sea, in order to evaluate the potential role of microphytobenthos as a food source for the macrobenthic fauna. Twenty-one stations were sampled in July 2001 and May 2002, with water depth ranging from 16.3 to 68.5 m. High-performance liquid chromatography pigment analyses revealed that concentrations of chlorophyll a, chlorophyll c and fucoxanthin are mainly associated with benthic diatom flora at most parts of the Dogger Bank. High percentage of phytopigments (>50%) was firmly attached to sand grains at the stations shallower than 40 m water depth. The deeper stations were characterized by a phytopigment composition originating from pelagic phytoplankton settled on the sea floor. Qualitative microscopy showed that the benthic microflora on top of the Bank mainly consists of small diatoms (5–10 μm), such as e.g., Diploneis spp., living attached to the sand grains. The results are discussed concerning possible implications for ecology and biogeochemistry of the Dogger Bank area.  相似文献   

The community structure of the macrobenthic (>1 mm) fauna of an intertidal soft-bottom estuary, the Ría de Foz (Galicia, Northwest Spain) was investigated on 99 occasions during June, September and December 1984 and March 1985. The infaunal data were subjected to classification and ordination techniques. The analyses indicated that sediment characteristics (grain size, percentage silt-clay and organic-matter content) and tidal height are the most important factors governing the distribution and abundance of the intertidal communities. Three faunal assemblages were identified and examined in terms of species dominance, constancy and fidelity. In the clean sands of the outer estuary two main assemblages were distinguished; one, corresponding to the boreal LusitanianTellina community, inhabited the middle and lower tidal levels; the other, typical of a biocoenosis of sands and slightly muddy mediolittoral sands, inhabited the upper tidal level. The third benthic assemblage occupied the muddy sands and mud of the inner estuary and displayed some features in common with theCardium edule-Scrobicularia community described by Thorson.  相似文献   

J. E. Cartes 《Marine Biology》1993,117(3):449-457
This study examines the feeding habits of Paromola cuvieri (Risso, 1816) and Geryon longipes A. Milne Edwards, 1881, the only two common deep-sea brachyuran crabs inhabiting the bathyal mud assemblages in the Catalan Sea (Western Mediterranean). Samples were obtained by bottom trawls at depths between 360 and 1871 m during 1983 to 1992. Both species had highly diverse diets, but very low feeding activity, as reflected by the high proportion of empty stomachs. Both characteristics may be important factors enabling deepsea crabs to adapt to bathyal zones, where trophic resources are scarce. The most important food items found in P. cuvieri were fish remains (teleost, sharks) and benthic decapods (Monodaeus couchii, Munida tenuimana). Scavenging activity plays an important role in this species. The diet of G. longipes included a broad range of benthic invertebrates. In the upper middle slope, the bivalve Abra longicallus, decapods (Calocaris macandreae and Monodaeus couchii), echinoderms and polychaetes were the dominant prey, with epibenthic peracarids as a secondary resource. On the lower middle slope, the incidence of decapod crustaceans (C. macandreae, Pontiphilus norvegicus) and peracarids in the diet declined. Small macrobenthic prey (glycerids, cumaceans or amphipods) were rare in the diet of both species, in accordance with the large size of the crab specimens studied. The absence of preferred prey items and the lack of food items of an optimum size on the lower slope may contribute to the progressive decline in abundance of P. cuvieri and G. longipes with increasing depth.  相似文献   

D. S. Stoner 《Marine Biology》1994,121(2):319-326
The rate at which larvae successfully recruit into communities of marine benthic invertebrates is partially dependent upon how well larvae avoid benthic predators and settle on appropriate substrata. Therefore, to be able to predict recruitment success, information is needed on how larvae search for settlement sites, whether larvae preferentially settle on certain substrata, and the extent to which there are adequate cues for larvae to find these substrata. This article describes how larvae of the colonial ascidian Diplosoma similis find settlement sites on a coral reef. Direct field observations of larval settlement were made on a fringing reef in Kaneohe Bay, Oahu, Hawaii, between September 1985 and April 1986. A comparison of the substrata that larvae contacted prior to settlement relative to the percentage cover of these substrata on the study reef suggests that larvae are using a non-contact mode of substratum identification to locate suitable settlement sites. This mode of substratum identification allowed 74% of larvae to evade predation by benthic organisms who would otherwise have eaten larvae if they had been contacted. Of those larvae that evaded predation, 88% subsequently settled on the same two substrata upon which most adults are found (dead coral or the green alga Dictyosphaeria cavernosa). This pattern of settlement was probably a result of active selection, since the two substrata cover only 14.4% of the reef's surface and currents had little effect on the direction in which larvae swam. An important contributing factor to the high success rate of larval settlement on suitable substrata was the lack of any temporal decay in substratum preference. It is concluded that for Diplosoma similis larval supply is a sufficient predictor of larval settlement rate. However, for marine invertebrates whose larvae are passively dispersed and exhibit a greater temporal decay in substratum preference, larval settlement should generally have a greater dependency on spatial variation in the abundance of benthic predators and suitable substrata.  相似文献   

Floating macroalgae are common dispersal vehicles for associated benthic invertebrates. In order to investigate the importance of kelp rafts for species dispersal in the Patagonian Fjord Region (PFR), the abundance and distribution pattern of floating kelps (Macrocystis pyrifera, Durvillaea antarctica) and of the invertebrate fauna associated with M. pyrifera were evaluated during austral spring of 2002–2005, 2008 and 2010. In the southernmost Magellan Region (MR), benthic M. pyrifera were additionally sampled to compare the community structures in both conditions. Floating kelps were abundant throughout the entire PFR, harbouring a diverse and abundant invertebrate fauna. The density of floating kelps increased towards the south. In the MR, a loss of species was observed between benthic and floating condition (e.g. decapods, echinoderms, several peracarid species), but a high diversity of organisms from all major phyla were observed on rafts. Throughout the PFR, the predominant rafting species belonged to the peracarids, molluscs and annelids, but the community composition differed between floating samples from the northern and southern zones of the PFR. Relative abundances of peracarids were higher in northern zones, whereas molluscs and annelids dominated in the southern areas. Species of the peracarid genera Peramphithoe, Gondogeneia, Bircenna and Limnoria were shared between all areas. The results suggest that kelp rafts not only contribute to local population connectivity in the PFR, but could also be an important dispersal vehicle for rafting species along the PFR in north–south direction, crossing the biogeographic boundary around Taitao Peninsula. Furthermore, the MR appears to be an important stepping stone for species dispersal via kelp rafting in the subantarctic region.  相似文献   

A regional benthic survey was conducted in 1994, and the data were used to assess the relationship among three habitat factors (depth, sediment grain size, and latitude) and the distribution of benthic infaunal assemblages on the southern California coastal shelf. Benthic samples were collected with a 0.1 m2 Van Veen grab from 251 sites on the continental shelf (10–200 m deep) from Point Conception, California, to the United States–Mexico international border. The relationship between habitat and assemblages was investigated by conducting a Q-mode cluster analysis to define groups of stations with similar species composition and then examining whether differences were present in physical habitat attributes among those groups of stations. Analysis of data from 175 uncontaminated sites yielded four habitat-related benthic infaunal assemblages along the southern California coastal shelf: a shallow-water assemblage from 10–32 m, a mid-depth assemblage between 32 and 115 m, and two deep-water (115–200 m) assemblages, one in fine and one in coarse sediments. These empirically defined points in the depth and sediment grain size gradients can be used to define reference habitats for the development of biocriteria. Benthic abundance and diversity were greatest in the mid-depth assemblage, conforming to predictions for benthic assemblages in regions of upwelling. Within the 500 km of coastline examined, latitude was not an important factor in defining assemblages. Received: 3 December 1999 / Accepted: 9 October 2000  相似文献   

Parrotfishes exhibit a range of feeding modes. These species vary in both feeding morphology and behaviour, but the vast majority of species leave distinctive scars on the substratum when feeding. Although the role of parrotfishes in reef resilience is well documented, the basis of this role and the effect of their grazing scars on the benthic community structure remain unclear. This study evaluated the dynamics of grazing scars of large adult Scarus rivulatus and Chlorurus microrhinos on an inshore reef in the Great Barrier Reef (GBR). These species represent the most abundant scraping and excavating parrotfish species on inshore reefs. Grazing scars of each species were marked, measured and observed for seven consecutive days. S. rivulatus grazing scars were smaller in area and volume and more rapidly reoccupied by algae than those of C. microrhinos. However, because of the higher abundance and feeding frequency of S. rivulatus at the study site, this species had higher algal removal rates than C. microrhinos. These species appear to play distinctly different functional roles in shaping the benthic community of inshore GBRs. S. rivulatus is primarily responsible for algal dynamics dominated by vegetative regrowth. In contrast, C. microrhinos opens relatively large areas which remain clear for several days. These scars may represent settlement sites which are relatively free from algae and sediment. This study provides new information on the differences between scraping and excavating parrotfishes and, in a system with just one abundant large excavating species, emphasizes the potential for low functional redundancy in high diversity coral reef systems.  相似文献   

A seasonal study of sand movement and the benthic intertidal organisms at Bound Rock, New Hampshire, USA was conducted between November, 1973 and February, 1975. The site is subjected to irregular sand fluctuations, as well as diurnal, neapspring and major summer sand intrusions. The abundance and distribution of intertidal species was interrelated with the historical sand fluctuations at the area. For example, the lower limits of Mytilus edulis, Balanus balanoides and Porphyra umbilicalis approximated the highest summer sand elevations. Highly abraded rock surfaces in the lower intertidal zone were dominated by opportunistic annuals (e.g. Enteromorpha spp.) and perennial psammophytic or sand-loving seaweeds (e.g. Ahnfeltia plicata and Sphacelaria radicans). Overall, the intertidal seaweed populations at Bound Rock showed a lower number of perennials and fewer species than adjacent rocky shores. The low species diversity of seaweeds at the study site is attributable to unstable environmental conditions and a limited number of habitats. Even so, several psammophytic microhabitats are evident at Bound Rock depending upon the extent of sand burial and abrasion. The morphological and reproductive adaptations of several psammophytic species are discussed.Published with the approval of the Director of the New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station as Scientific Contribution No. 812.Scientific Contribution No. 53 of the Jackson Estuarine Laboratory.  相似文献   

Polyclads are mobile predators and possibly an important functional component of hard substrate marine environments globally. To understand the natural patterns of spatial differences, polyclad assemblages were sampled in seven coastal regions across the wider Caribbean spanning 15° latitude and 24° longitude between May and June 2005 and May and September 2006. In total, 67 species in 28 genera and 17 families were recorded from 62 sites. Only two species were found in all surveyed regions, Melloplana ferruginea and Pseudoceros bicolor. Conversely, 41 species were restricted to one or two sites, and 34 species were represented by one or two individuals. The distribution and abundance of species varied between the two suborders. Cotyleans were most species rich and had a higher number of species of restricted range, while Acotylea showed a higher proportion of rare species; however, two species were highly abundant comprising over half of the individuals counted. In most habitats, polyclads were rare, but in some intertidal habitats two species, Styloplanocera fasciata and Boninia divae were densely aggregated and dominant members of the benthic epifauna. Alpha diversity was variable but showed no evidence of a relationship with latitude, longitude or depth. Beta diversity increased with the number of habitats sampled and was highest for cotyleans. Highest gamma diversity was recorded in Jamaica and the US Virgin Islands and was not significantly correlated to alpha diversity. Overall assemblages from the seven regions were similar, revealing faunal homogeneity across the wider region. Reef assemblages were distinct from other habitats dominated by species of the Cotylea. Reefs from Panama and the US Virgin Islands were the most species rich. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Between 2002 and 2008, samples of the cold-water scleractinian coral Lophelia pertusa were collected from the Trondheim Fjord in Norway to examine reproductive periodicity. Collections were made from three locations: Tautra, (63°35.36′N, 10°31.23′E at 40–70 m), Stokkbergneset (63°28.18′N, 09°54.73′E at 110–500 m), and Røberg (63°28.88′N, 09°59.50′E at 250 m). Populations of L. pertusa from the Trondheim Fjord initiated oogenesis in January and spawning occurred from late January to early March the following year. Gametogenic cycles of the female L. pertusa samples overlapped by approximately 2 months, with oogonia visible in January, but this was not evident in the males. This paper provides the most complete gametogenic cycle to date and spawning observations for this important structure-forming species. The results from fjord populations are compared with published and preliminary data from other regions and are discussed in the context of regional differences in physical and biological variables, particularly food supply. Differences in gametogenic cycles within a single species provide a rare opportunity (especially in deep-sea species) to examine potential drivers of reproduction.  相似文献   

By means of multivariate techniques, we studied: (1) the differences in the structure of bentho-demersal, non-cryptic, fish assemblages associated with unvegetated sandy substrates, vegetated meadows constituted by the seagrass Cymodocea nodosa and the bottoms under the influence of sea-cage fish farms; as well as (2) the persistence of these patterns with regard to different scales of spatial variability, across three islands of the Canarian Archipelago (Central East Atlantic). Our sampling strategy (involving three islands, with five locations per island, and two sites within each location) detected significant changes in the composition and structure of the fish assemblages between the three habitats. Fish assemblages associated with the unvegetated and vegetated bottoms were similar among the surveyed islands. In contrast, we observed a significant inter-island variability in the fish populations associated with the sea-cage fish farms. The presence of the sea-cage fish farms increased the overall fish abundance (184.8±49.8 ind 100 m−2) as compared to both the vegetated (38.8±9.7 ind 100 m−2) and unvegetated habitats (1.1±0.4 ind 100 m−2). Differences within and between the habitats were found to be associated with the relative abundance of a few fish species. The most abundant species were Xyrichthys novacula in the unvegetated bottoms and Diplodus annularis, Spondyliosoma cantharus and Mullus surmuletus on the seagrass meadows. Finally, we recorded an increase in the abundance of Heteroconger longissimus, Trachinus draco and Pagellus acarne in the bottoms beneath the sea-cage fish farms. These species, in addition to a group of large benthic chondrichthyes, were responsible for the differences between islands in the composition and structure of the demersal ichthyofauna beneath the sea-cage fish farms.  相似文献   

Experimental trawl surveys were performed in the Gulf of Lions. A multicompartmental approach was used to study the spatial distribution of demersal assemblages and to estimate their associations with two other components of the ecosystem: the benthic macrofauna and substratum type. At the Gulf scale, we found that these components explained 38 and 19% of the total variability of the spatial organization of groundfishes, respectively. Our results showed that groundfish and benthic macrofauna species were primarily distributed along a coast–open sea gradient and secondarily along a longitudinal axis. The longitudinal variability of the spatial organisation of species was maximal in the shelf area, whereas the upper-slope and coastal areas were characterized by strong homogeneity. Although no partitioning could be made based on their spatial distribution, the coastal groundfish assemblages were split into two groups. In the first group, groundfishes were strongly associated with both benthic macrofauna and type of substratum; in the second group, they were strongly independent of these two components. Furthermore, in the Gulf of Lions, the presence of productive zones associated with the Rhône river plume or with shelf-break upwelling seemed to attract some groundfishes. This study illustrates how useful such a multicompartmental approach can be for both fisheries management and community ecology.  相似文献   

K. Walters 《Marine Biology》1991,108(2):207-215
The emergence of meiobenthic copepods in subtidal sand and seagrass sites in Tampa Bay, Florida (USA), was investigated on nine dates from March 1983 to August 1984. Numbers of emerging copepods were dependent on habitat, date and diel sampling period. Greater numbers typically emerged in seagrass sites, and differences between habitats may be related to lower copepod abundances in sand sites. Both copepod abundance and behavior significantly affected numbers emerging among dates. An increase in emergent behavior alone resulted in consistently greater numbers emerging during postsunset periods. Over 30 species in 15 families were found to emerge. Total numbers of emerging copepods were affected by the sporadic presence and seasonal behavior of certain species. Numbers of the predominant speciesParadactylopodia brevicornis, Tisbe furcata, Parategastes sp.,Mesochra pygmea, Laophontid sp., andHarpacticus sp. emerging depended on differences in both species abundance and behavior. The emergent behavior ofParategastes sp.,Harpacticus sp., andT. furcata also was influenced by total copepod densities in the sediment. Juvenile copepods constituted only a small proportion of the total numbers emerging. The consistent postsunset entry of between 103 to 105 copepods m?2 into the water column in subtidal sand and seagrass habitats will contribute to the increased probability of copepod dispersal and reassortment of the benthic community, while providing a pathway for benthic-pelagic exchange.  相似文献   

To test whether coral planulae recruit randomly to different coral reef habitats or have specific substratum preferences, the settling behavior of planulae from two shallow water coral species from Pago Bay, Guam (13°25.02N, 144°47.30E) were examined in the laboratory in June and July of 1995. Goniastrea retiformis is generally restricted to the shallow reef front (<10 m depth) in areas dominated by crustose coralline algae (CCA), while Stylaraea punctata is abundant on inner reef flats were CCA coverage is low and sand and carbonate rubble covered by biofilms is common. When presented with four substrata (1) carbonate rock scrubbed free of biofilm and dried as a control, (2) the CCA Hydrolithon reinboldii, (3) the CCA Peyssonelia sp., and (4) naturally conditioned carbonate rubble covered by a biofilm, G. retiformis larvae showed a significant preference for H. reinboldii, and S. punctata larvae for the carbonate biofilm treatment. The preference shown by S. punctata larvae for biofilmed surfaces did not diminish with increasing larval age up to 11 days. These results suggest that the larvae of both species are capable of habitat selection, and that the preferred substrata among those tested bears a relationship to the habitats in which adult colonies were found. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

To examine the suitability of benthic foraminifera and their test deformations as bioindicators of pollution in coastal marine environments, we studied foraminifera and metal concentrations in 72 marine sediment samples, collected from the inner shelf along the Sicilian coast (Gulfs of Palermo and Termini) and on the south-eastern coast of Lampedusa Island. These areas are characterised by different environmental conditions. On the basis of pollution sources and foraminiferal assemblages, we recognised different zones in the Gulf of Palermo. The most polluted zones showed high metal concentrations, and low diversity of benthic foraminifera with species typical of stressed environments. By contrast, the lowest polluted zones showed a high population density and the highest percentages of epiphytes. Epiphytes were abundant where a Posidonia oceanica meadow was present and decreased in the most polluted zones. Sediments of the Gulf of Termini and Lampedusa exhibited high percentages of benthic foraminifera typical of well-oxygenated waters and low concentrations of metals, with the exception of sites located near sewage outfalls and harbour areas. Furthermore, even though deformed tests are commonly known in natural stressed environmental conditions, this study shows that in the most polluted zones, benthic foraminifera were characterised by the highest percentages of deformed individuals.  相似文献   

Patterns of habitat association and foraging were examined for a group of tropical goatfishes (family Mullidae) that feed on mobile benthic invertebrates at Lizard Island (Great Barrier Reef). All goatfish possess barbels that disturb the substratum during feeding. Foraging methods were examined for the six most common species and used in conjunction with data on habitat associations to estimate the distribution and potential impact on the benthic invertebrate assemblage of foraging-related disturbance. Particular species exhibited broad habitat associations which differed little over two surveys (January 1989, January 1990). All species showed different preferences for the substrata they foraged. Preferences for substrata exhibited by the most common reef-associated species, Parupeneus multifasciatus, differed among locations separated by 1 km, between sites 150 m apart, and between depths (shallow and deep). Habitat preferences changed with ontogeny. Based on their habitat associations and foraging preferences, species were divided into habitat generalists and specialists. Specialists associated primarily with soft sediments. Habitat generalists, such as P. multifasciatus and P. cyclostomus, are likely to have an impact on their mobile invertebrate prey that is localised, diffuse and transitory, making any experimental analysis difficult and expensive. Habitat specialists form a guild of fishes with complementary feeding modes that efficiently exploit soft sediments and are more amenable to experimental manipulation. Experiments designed to detect the impact of foraging by these fishes must be repeated at different locations and times and must account for depth differences in foraging pressure.  相似文献   

In the rocky subtidal ecosystem of the western North Atlantic outbreaks of the introduced epiphytic bryozoan Membranipora membranacea cause defoliation of kelp beds and facilitate the introduction of other non-native benthic species. We quantified size- and temperature-dependent growth rates of M. membranacea colonies in the field and the laboratory for durations of 8–23 days. Also, we examined the interaction between food abundance and temperature on growth rates of newly settled colonies in the laboratory. Growth rates were positively related to temperature and increased exponentially with size of colonies over the ranges examined (5.7–16.2°C and 0.5–192 mm, respectively), and were significantly higher in the field than in the laboratory. There was an interactive effect between food and temperature on the size and growth rates of colonies, with the most pronounced effects of food limitation on colonies grown at the warmest temperatures, and no effect of food on colonies grown at the coldest temperatures. Quantifying the growth rates of introduced species is essential to understanding their population dynamics, particularly when outbreaks can have severe impacts on the native community.  相似文献   

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