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In Asia, limited studies have been published on the association between daily mortality and gaseous pollutants of nitrogen dioxide (NO2), ozone (O3), and sulfur dioxide (SO2). Our previous studies in Wuhan, China, demonstrated long-term air pollution effects. However, no study has been conducted to determine mortality effects of air pollution in this region. This study was to determine the acute mortality effects of the gaseous pollutants in Wuhan, a city with 7.5 million permanent residents during the period from 2000 to 2004. There are approximately 4.5 million residents in Wuhan who live in the city's core area of 201 km2, where air pollution levels are highest, and pollution ranges are wider than the majority of the cities in the published literature. We used the generalized additive model to analyze pollution, mortality, and covariate data. We found consistent NO2 effects on mortality with the strongest effects on the same day. Every 10-microg/m3 increase in NO2 daily concentration on the same day was associated with an increase in nonaccidental (1.43%; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.87-1.99%), cardiovascular (1.65%; 95% CI: 0.87-2.45%), stroke (1.49%; 95% CI: 0.56-2.43%), cardiac (1.77%; 95% CI: 0.44-3.12%), respiratory (2.23%; 95% CI: 0.52-3.96%), and cardiopulmonary mortality (1.60%; 95% CI: 0.85-2.35%). These effects were stronger among the elderly than among the young. Formal examination of exposure-response curves suggests no-threshold linear relationships between daily mortality and NO2, where the NO2 concentrations ranged from 19.2 to 127.4 microg/m3. SO2 and O3 were not associated with daily mortality. The exposure-response relationships demonstrated heterogeneity, with some curves showing nonlinear relationships for SO2 and O3. We conclude that there is consistent evidence of acute effects of NO2 on mortality and suggest that a no-threshold linear relationship exists between NO2 and mortality.  相似文献   


Previous studies demonstrated that short-term exposure to gaseous pollutants (nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), and ozone (O3)) had a greater adverse effect on cardiovascular disease. However, little evidence exists regarding the synergy between gaseous pollutants and cardiovascular disease (CVD). Therefore, we aimed to estimate the effect of individual gaseous pollutants on hospital admissions for CVD and to explore the possible synergistic effects between gaseous pollutants. Daily hospitalization counts for CVD were collected from January 1, 2014, to December 31, 2015. We also collected daily time series on gaseous pollutants from the Environment of the People’s Republic of China, including NO2, SO2, and O3. We used distributed lag nonlinear models (DLNMs) to assess the association of individual gaseous pollutants on CVD hospitalization, after controlling for seasonality, day of the week, public holidays, and weather variables. Then, we explored the variability across age and sex groups. In addition, we analyzed the synergistic effects between gaseous pollutants on CVD. Extremely low NO2 and SO2 increase the risk of CVD in all subgroup at lag 7 days. The greatest effect of high concentration of SO2 was observed in male and the elderly (≥ 65 years) at lag 3 days. Greater effects of high concentration of O3 were more pronounced in the young (< 65 years) and female at lag 3 days, while the effect of low concentration of O3 was greater in male and the young (< 65 years) at lag 0 day. We found a synergistic effect between NO2 and SO2 for CVD, as well as between SO2 and O3. The synergistic effects of NO2 and SO2 on CVD were stronger in the elderly (≥ 65) and female. The female was sensitive to synergistic effects of SO2-O3 and NO2-O3. Interestingly, we found that there was a risk of CVD in the susceptible population even for gaseous pollutant concentrations below the National Environmental Quality Standard. The synergy between NO2 and SO2 was significantly associated with cardiovascular disease hospitalization in the elderly (≥ 65). This study provides evidence for the synergistic effect of gaseous pollutants on hospital admissions for cardiovascular disease.


The effects of the stack height and thermal stratification on the transport and diffusion of pollutants are analyzed in a planetary boundary layer in which the fields of mean motion and temperature are horizontally homogeneous, and the Reynolds terms are assumed to be proportional to the vertical gradient of the mean quantities. Time dependent equations of diffusion, motion and thermodynamics are analyzed with appropriate initial and boundary conditions at the surface and the inversion height.Transport and diffusion of pollutants-from a fixed continuous point source located at two different heights in a planetary boundary layer with various thermal stabilities are considered. It is shown that the maximum concentration shifts clockwise (in the northern hemisphere) with increasing height as a consequence of the Coriolis effect, and the pollutants tend to diffuse downward from the source due to the effect of the strong velocity shear near the surface. It is also shown that the surface maximum concentration increases with decreasing thermal stability (increasing eddy diffusivity and inversion height). It is found that as the effective stack height increases by a factor of three, from 100 to 300 m, the surface concentration decreases by a factor of six, and the distance between the surface maximum concentration and the source increases by a factor of three.  相似文献   

A PLant-ATmosphere INteraction model (PLATIN) was developed for estimating air pollutant absorbed doses under ambient conditions. PLATIN is based on the canopy energy balance combined with a gas transport submodel. The model has three major resistance components: (1) a turbulent atmospheric resistance Rah(zm) that describes the atmospheric transport properties between a measurement height above the canopy and the conceptual height z=d+z0m which represents the sink for momentum according to the big-leaf concept; (2) a quasilaminar layer resistance R(b,A) that quantifies the way in which the transfer of sensible heat and matter (e.g. latent heat, ozone) differs from momentum transfer; (3) a canopy or surface resistance R(c,A) that describes the influences of the plant/soil system on the exchange processes. Soil water content is simulated by a Force-Restore model. By a simple interception submodel precipitation and dew are partitioned into intercepted water and water reaching the soil surface. PLATIN can be run in a prognostic or a diagnostic mode. It is also intended for on-line use in air quality monitoring networks.  相似文献   

A numerical model was developed to simulate gaseous diffusion in complicated terrain. This model calculates the air flow as a potential flow by the Boundary Element Method, and gaseous diffusion by an analytical Gaussian equation in the potential flow. Plume spreads σy and σz are modified by multiregression equations derived from wind tunnel experiments, and the terrain height is elongated depending on the atmospheric stability.First, tracer data from Cinder Cone Butte in the U.S. measured by the U.S.-EPA were predicted by the model in order to examine the prediction accuracy under stable conditions. The averaged ratio of the observed concentration to predicted concentration for 12 runs was better than a factor of 10. Next, tracer data from the Geysers area in the U.S. measured by the U.S.-DOE were used to examine the prediction accuracy under neutral conditions. The ratio of the observed concentration to predicted concentration for two runs under neutral conditions was better than factor of two at most locations, but prediction capability is poor in blocked or separated flow conditions.  相似文献   

Inoue K  Kawamoto K 《Chemosphere》2008,70(3):349-357
Adsorption characteristics of carbonaceous adsorbents were examined using 1,2,3,4-tetrachlorobenzene, naphthalene and 2,4,6-tribromophenol as adsorbates. The breakthrough and equilibrium adsorption characteristics were evaluated using laboratory-scale adsorption test equipment. A micropore volume of diameter less than 2 nm is the most important factor governing the adsorption capacity of all adsorbates. A kinetic analysis was performed and the adsorption behavior of the adsorbates was analyzed. Diffusion within porous particles controls the adsorption rate in this system, and the diffusion process is a function of pore diffusion. The operating conditions in working incineration facility adsorbers were reviewed and the breakthrough time of these adsorbents in actual adsorbers was estimated using the mass transfer zone method. Information on the optimal operating conditions of adsorbers was derived from the adsorption breakthrough characteristics.  相似文献   

The increase in global consumption of illicit drugs has produced not only social and medical problems but also a potential new environmental danger. Indeed, it has been established that drugs consumed by humans end up in surface waters, after being carried through the sewage system. Although many studies to measure concentrations of several drugs of abuse in freshwater worldwide have been conducted, no data have been available to evaluate their potentially harmful effects on non-target organisms until now. The present study represents the first attempt to investigate the cyto-genotoxic effects of cocaine, one of the primary drugs consumed in Western Countries, in the biological model Dreissena polymorpha by the use of a biomarker battery. We performed the following tests on Zebra mussel hemocytes: the single cell gel electrophoresis (SCGE) assay, the apoptosis frequency evaluation and the micronucleus assay (MN test) for the evaluation of genotoxicity and the lysosomal membranes stability test (neutral red retention assay; NRRA) to identify the cocaine cytotoxicity. We exposed the molluscs for 96 h to three different nominal concentrations in water (40 ng L−1; 220 ng L−1; and 10 μg L−1).Cocaine caused significant (p < 0.05) primary DNA damage in this short-term experiment, but it also caused a clear increase in micronucleated cells and a marked rise in apoptosis, which was evident in samples from even the lowest environmental cocaine concentration. Because cocaine decreased the stability of lysosomal membranes, we also highlighted its cytotoxicity and the possible implications of oxidative stress for the observed genotoxic effects.  相似文献   

基于大同盆地地形和气象站数据对山区复杂地形下的近地面风场特征进行分析,发现大同盆地内特殊的地形构造所形成的气流通道对其主导风向存在明显影响.在不开展实地气象观测、仅引用周边气象站数据的条件下,CALPUFF模拟的电厂处西南、东北风向风频分别为40.5%、14.9%,AERMOD模拟的电厂处西南、东北风向风频分别为19....  相似文献   

A Lagrangian stochastic model (MicroSpray), able to simulate the airborne dispersion in complex terrain and in presence of obstacles, was modified to simulate the dispersion of dense gas clouds. This is accomplished by taking into account the following processes: negative buoyancy, gravity spreading and the particle's reflection at the bottom computational boundary. Elevated and ground level sources, continuous and instantaneous emissions, time varying sources, plumes with initial momentum (horizontal, vertical or oblique in any direction), plumes without initial momentum are considered. MicroSpray is part of the model system MSS, which also includes the diagnostic MicroSwift model for the reconstruction of the 3-D wind field in presence of obstacles and orography. To evaluate the MSS ability to simulate the dispersion of heavy gases, its simulation performances are compared in detail to two field experiments (Thorney Island and Kit Fox) and to a chlorine railway accident (Macdona). Then, a comprehensive analysis considering several experiments of the Modelers Data Archive is presented. The statistical analysis on the overall available data reveals that the performance of the new MicroSpray version for dense gas releases is generally reliable. For instance, the agreement between concentration predictions and observations is within a factor of two in the 72% up to 99% of the occurrences for the case studies considered. The values of other performance measures, such as correlation coefficient, geometric mean bias and geometric variance, mostly set in the ranges indicated as good-model performances in the specialized literature.  相似文献   

A biological testing system for the monitoring of stack gas condensates of municipal waste incinerators has been developed using Euglena gracilis as a test organism. The motility, velocity and cellular form of the organisms were the endpoints, calculated by an image analysis system. All endpoints showed statistically significant changes in a short time when organisms were exposed to samples collected during combustion situations with increased pollutant concentrations. The velocity of the organisms proved to be the most appropriate endpoint. A semi-continuous system with E. gracilis for monitoring stack gas condensate is proposed, which could result in an online system for testing stack gas condensates in the future.  相似文献   

A load model based on antecedent dry periods for pollutants in stormwater.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A load model for stormwater constituents is proposed that describes mass retained on the drainage area after previous storms, as a function of a weighted sum of previous antecedent dry periods. It was used to compute the event load for 14 constituents--zinc, copper, cadmium, nickel, chromium, lead, mercury, silver, total suspended solids (TSS), E. coli, fecal coliform, total soluble phosphorus, total phosphorus, and 5-day biochemical oxygen demand. The results show acceptable fits for most constituents based on over 400 rain events (2000 to 2004) in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Considering the retained pollutant mass after one previous storm rather than assuming the area to be clean after the previous storm gives more accurate results for all constituents, except TSS and silver. The model can be used for mixed land-use areas. The ratios of deposition fluxes of zinc and individual metals were determined at a major parking lot producing a profile characteristic of automobile emissions.  相似文献   

A model is proposed to estimate the effect of long term meteorology on maximum daily acid gas levels for each year of 10 years of data for Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia. The model assumes that (1) the probability density functions of both air pollution data and wind speed are lognormally distributed and (2), on average, an inverse relationship exists between air pollution levels and wind speed. Two acid gas monitoring stations in Newcastle and a nearby wind speed station have data which satisfy both these requirements. The maximum acid levels at both stations vary by a factor of about 3–4 over a ten-year period and the model shows that about half of this variation is directly related to fluctuations in the wind speed distribution, leaving the rest of the variation to be explained either by changes in emissions or more meteorological change. It is clear that, if the two prerequisite conditions hold, a significant proportion of the effect of long-term meteorological fluctions on maximum air pollutant levels may be explained by the model to within a reasonable accuracy.  相似文献   

A model for computing daily mean SO2 concentrations in Bergen, Norway, is developed and tested using SO2 measurements from seven winter seasons during the 1970s. The meteorological predictors used are daily mean temperature, wind speed and temperature at two levels. Source strength is estimated from daily mean temperature. Correlations between observed and estimated SO2 concentrations ranged between 0.8 and 0.9. Observed SO2 levels declined by about 40 % from beginning to end of the observation period due to decreased SO2 emission.  相似文献   


It is widely accepted that some air pollutants are related to lung cancer prevalence. An effective method is proposed to quantitatively evaluate the effects of air pollutants and the interactions between them. The method consisted of three parts: data decomposition, comparable data generation and relationship inference. Firstly, very limited monitoring data published by Geographic Information System were applied to calculate the inhalable air pollution of relatively massive patient samples. Then the investigated area was partitioned into a number of districts, and the comparable data containing air pollutant concentrations and lung cancer prevalence in all districts were generated. Finally, the relationships between pollutants and lung cancer prevalence were concluded by an information fusion tool: Choquet integral. As an example, the proposed method was applied in the investigation of air pollution in Tianjin, China. Overall, SO2, O3 and PM2.5 were the top three factors for lung cancer. And there was obvious positive interaction between O3 and PM2.5 and negative interaction among SO2, O3 and PM10. The effect of SO2 on men was larger than on women. O3 and SO2 were the most important factors for the adenocarcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma, respectively. The effect of SO2 or NO2 on squamous cell carcinoma is obviously larger than that on adenocarcinoma, while the effect of O3 or PM2.5 on adenocarcinoma is obviously larger than that on squamous cell carcinoma. The results provide important suggestions for management of pollutants and improvement of environmental quality. The proposed method without any parameter is general and easily realized, and it sets the foundation for further researches in other cities/countries.

Implications: For total lung cancer prevalence, male and female lung cancer prevalence, and adenocarcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma prevalence, the proposed method not only quantify the effect of single pollutant (SO2, NO2, CO, O3, PM2.5, and PM10) but also reveals the correlations between different pollutants such as positive interaction or negative interaction. The proposed method without any geographic predictor and parameter is much easier to realize, and it sets the foundation for further research in other cities/countries. The study results provide important suggestions for the targeted management of different pollutants and the improvement of human lung health.  相似文献   

A new dispersion model for dense gas which is released into the atmosphere on the flat terrain is constructed within the Lagrangian framework. Using the hydrostatic assumption for pressure distribution within cloud due to density variation, slumping motion is successfully incorporated into the Lagrangian model with entrainment effect naturally considered. Turbulence suppression due to stable stratification within cloud is also taken into consideration in the model formulation. Various results including time variant and maximum concentration predictions by the proposed model are compared with the available measured data in the experiment conducted in Thorney Island in 1984 with good agreement.  相似文献   

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