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C3H8是液化石油气(LPG)的主要成分,其火焰结构的数值预测对于消防等相关行业具有重要意义。单步或总包反应过于简单,不能描述碳氢燃料的氧化机制,而耦合燃料详细机理的燃烧模拟计算量大,且描述反应的数学系统具有极强的“刚性”,限制了反应机理的实际应用,而去除冗余反应和组分的简化机理具有描述燃烧的全面性优点,且降低了数学系统的“刚性”,因此耦合简化机理的火焰结构数值预测具有优势。本文采用基于矩阵分析的主成分(PCA)分析技术,分析研究了wang等发展的469步C3H8详细反应动力学机理,获得了组分的重要性排序,基于此分别构筑了320步和214步两个简化机理,针对典型扩散火焰的计算,表明建立的两个简化机理具有较高的模拟可靠性,同时也提供了一种框架简化机理的构筑方法。  相似文献   

Transient computations with full hydrogen chemistry were performed to reveal the flame structure and extinguishment process of co-flow, hydrogen diffusion flame suppressed by water vapor. As the concentration of water vapor was increased, the flame detached away from the burner brim and formed an edge flame at the flame base. Water vapor showed larger chemical inhibition effect than nitrogen when extinguishing hydrogen flame, which was attributed to its enhanced third body effect in the reaction H + O2 + M = HO2 + M. The minimum extinguishing concentration (MEC) of water vapor and nitrogen was predicted by Senecal formula and perfectly stirred reactor (PSR) model respectively. The MECs predicted by PSR model agree with the MECs calculated by Fluent, which shows that 1) the flame extinction is controlled by the flame base, and 2) radiation absorption is negligible. The measured MECs are in a reasonable agreement with the values calculated by Fluent, which demonstrates the accuracy of the CFD model. A simple model was used to investigate the relative importance of extinguishing mechanisms of water vapor. The results show that in a co-flow configuration the thermal cooling and chemical inhibition effect are the main extinguishing mechanisms in suppressing hydrogen diffusion cup burner flame.  相似文献   

空气中水的存在会严重影响烷烃类扩散火焰中烟黑的生成,研究氧化剂流中水对烷烃类火焰的影响,对污染物控制及火灾扑救具有重要意义。模拟采用24步简化机理的有限速率化学反应模型、Moss-Brookes烟黑模型及Discrete Ordinates(DO)辐射模型,研究在空气中加入水对甲烷/空气层流伴流扩散火焰的影响,其中烟黑模型包括烟黑的成核、表面增长和氧化。结果表明,伴流空气中的水蒸气会降低火焰的温度、抑制烟黑的生成。这是因为:一方面,水蒸气降低了甲烷燃烧的温度,火焰温度的降低导致化学反应速率减慢,烟黑成核和表面生长速率随之降低,火焰中烟黑质量分数便减少;另一方面,由于水蒸气的加入使化学反应OH+H_2 H+H_2O(R(15))逆向反应加速,继而导致OH生成量增加。但由于氧气浓度降低使火焰体积增大,OH的浓度降低。从而导致烟黑的氧化速率降低,烟黑生成量增加。由于水蒸气的化学效应小于其温度效应,总体上烟黑质量分数降低。最后对比了模拟结果和试验结果。  相似文献   

为了得到核电厂厂区实验室乙炔在复杂气流环境下的泄漏扩散规律及事故的危险范围,在建立了乙炔实际泄漏环境条件下物理模型的基础上,采用CFD对厂区实验室两类乙炔泄漏扩散过程进行数值模拟,得到乙炔泄漏后的室内扩散过程,以及在不同时间内室内存在爆炸极限的区域和达到爆炸极限的范围,同时给予了讨论和分析.研究结果为实验室可燃气体探测、管道布局与实验室风口设计配合、泄漏实验室危险处置和安全技术管理提供理论依据.  相似文献   

The paper aims at revealing the effect of blockage ratio (BR) on the flame acceleration process and the flame-vortex mechanism in an obstructed chamber based essentially on the experimental and numerical methods. In the experiments, high-speed video photography and pressure transducer are used to study the flame shape changes and pressure dynamics. In the numerical simulations, large eddy simulation (LES) with the flame surface density (FSD) model is applied to investigate the interaction between the moving flame and vortices induced by obstacle. The results demonstrate that the flame propagation process can be divided into four stages, namely spherical flame, finger-shaped flame, jet flame and volute flame for three obstacle BR configurations, and a small recirculation zone is observed above the obstacle only for BR = 0.5. The peak of flame tip speed and pressure growth rate increases with the blockage ratio. The generation and evolution of the vortex behind the obstacle can be attributed to the initial flame acceleration, while the subsequent flame deceleration is due to the flame-vortex interaction. In addition, the transition from a “thin reaction zones” to a “broken reaction zones” is also observed in the simulation.  相似文献   

为了研究N_2和CO_2气体灭火剂在抑制煤明火燃烧特性方面的不同,通过搭建受限空间煤明火燃烧试验,分别开展了11.97%、16.81%、20.76%的N_2和10.79%、14.89%、20.32%的CO_2作用下煤明火燃烧抑制试验。鉴于火焰表面积变化与热释放速率变化呈正相关,基于火焰图像分析法开展试验研究。试验过程中,首先,通过数码摄像仪记录不同体积分数惰性气体作用下煤燃烧火焰面积的变化,然后利用Matlab软件进行火焰图像特征提取和"对比度增强"预处理,消除图像记录过程中存在的噪声,以便于有效进行火焰目标识别;其次,基于"阈值法"原理,利用Image-Pro Plus软件对预处理过的火焰目标进行识别和计算,进而实时获得试验过程中火焰表面积;最后,使用小波变换理论对火焰表面积变化曲线进行消噪处理,以获得火焰表面积变化趋势及主要波动信息。结果表明,CO_2比N_2具有更好的熄灭煤明火燃烧的能力,CO_2作用下煤火火焰表面积呈现指数下降,而N_2作用下呈现直线下降,且CO_2的灭火时间比N_2缩短了25%以上。该试验结果明确了N_2和CO_2在熄灭煤明火特性上的不同,弥补了CO_2仅比N_2具有更好的抑爆特性的认识。  相似文献   

为充分了解20#钢在塔河油田集输管线工况环境中的腐蚀行为,采用高温高压釜研究CO2/H2S分压比、温度和pH值对20#钢在CO2/H2S环境中的腐蚀规律的影响,并利用扫描电镜(SEM)分析腐蚀产物形貌特征。结果表明:CO2分压不变时,随着H2S分压的增加,20#钢的腐蚀速率先增大后减小,H2S分压为0.01 MPa时的腐蚀速率达到最大0.435 mm/a;随着温度的升高,20#钢的腐蚀速率逐渐增大,在100℃时腐蚀速率高达2.280 mm/a;CO2控制下20#钢的腐蚀速率随着pH值的增大而减小;H2S控制下20#钢的腐蚀速率随着pH值的增大而增大。  相似文献   

在自行设计和搭建的模拟湿法脱硫烟气系统中,研究了基于控制冷凝法原理的SO_3/硫酸雾采集装置对湿法脱硫后SO_3/硫酸雾的捕集性能,重点考察了螺旋管与石英棉冷凝温度、采样枪温度、采样流量、采样时间和SO_3/硫酸雾质量浓度对SO_3/硫酸雾捕集性能的影响。结果表明,在研究范围内,湿法脱硫后SO_3/硫酸雾采集装置优化的操作参数为:螺旋管及石英棉冷凝温度95℃,采样枪温度280℃,采样流量17 L/min,采样时间30 min。SO_3/硫酸雾质量浓度较高时,螺旋冷凝管对SO_3/硫酸雾的捕集起主要作用,其捕集的SO_3/硫酸雾比例在75.8%~80.8%,远高于螺旋冷凝管与石英棉捕集SO_3/硫酸雾的比例;SO_3/硫酸雾质量浓度较低(约1mg/m3)时,采样枪对SO_3/硫酸雾的捕集起主要作用,其捕集SO_3/硫酸雾的比例大于50%。  相似文献   

Progressive cavity pump (PCP), which has problems such as invalid and leakage of rubber bushings, is employed in heavy oil field exploitation. In this paper, based on the thermal aging mechanical test of rubber and the fitting precision evaluation result of the constitutive model, the rubber constitutive model is optimized; the finite element model of PCP is established; the deformation law of stator bushing inner wall is quantitatively analyzed by numerical simulation method; and the phenomenon that temperature field distribution and thermal aging failure of stator rubber bushings is revealed. As results: The increase in well depth, which leads to the increase in the overall temperature of the stator bushing and the decrease of the thermal hysteresis, have greatest influence on the temperature of the stator bushing; the interference, which leads the maximum temperature increases first and then decreases, has a great impact on the thermal hysteresis; and the eccentricity have little effect on the thermal hysteresis of the stator bushing. The research results provide theoretical support to optimize stator and rotor parameter matching, recommending applicable working conditions, improving invalid of stator bushing, pump leakage and other issues.  相似文献   

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