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Flood risk assessments provide inputs for the evaluation of flood risk management (FRM) strategies. Traditionally, such risk assessments provide estimates of loss of life and economic damage. However, the effect of policy measures aimed at reducing risk also depends on the capacity of households to adapt and respond to floods, which in turn largely depends on their social vulnerability. This study shows how a joint assessment of hazard, exposure and social vulnerability provides valuable information for the evaluation of FRM strategies. The adopted methodology uses data on hazard and exposure combined with a social vulnerability index. The relevance of this state-of-the-art approach taken is exemplified in a case-study of Rotterdam, the Netherlands. The results show that not only a substantial share of the population can be defined as socially vulnerable, but also that the population is very heterogeneous, which is often ignored in traditional flood risk management studies. It is concluded that FRM measures, such as individual mitigation, evacuation or flood insurance coverage should not be applied homogenously across large areas, but instead should be tailored to local characteristics based on the socioeconomic characteristics of individual households and neighborhoods.  相似文献   

The FloodProBE project started as a FP7 research project in November 2009.Floods, together with wind related storms, are considered the major natural hazard in the EU in terms of risk to people and assets. In order to adapt urban areas (in river and coastal zones) to prevent flooding or to be better prepared for floods, decision makers need to determine how to upgrade flood defences and increasing flood resilience of protected buildings and critical infrastructure (power supplies, communications, water, transport, etc.) and assess the expected risk reduction from these measures.The aim of the FloodProBE-project is to improve knowledge on flood resilience and flood protection performance for balancing investments in flood risk management in urban areas. To this end, technologies, methods and tools for assessment purposes and for the adaptation of new and existing buildings and critical infrastructure are developed, tested and disseminated.Three priority areas are addressed by FloodProBE. These are: (i) vulnerability of critical infrastructure and high-density value assets including direct and indirect damage, (ii) the assessment and reliability of urban flood defences including the use of geophysical methods and remote sensing techniques and (iii) concepts and technologies for upgrading weak links in flood defences as well as construction technologies for flood proofing buildings and infrastructure networks to increase the flood resilience of the urban system.The primary impact of FloodProBE in advancing knowledge in these areas is an increase in the cost-effectiveness (i.e. performance) of new and existing flood protection structures and flood resilience measures.  相似文献   

中国县域单元生态脆弱性时空变化研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以中国2853个县(市、旗、区)为研究单元,以1980、1990、2000和2010年全国1 km格网土地利用数据和中国县级行政单元社会经济统计数据为基础,通过VSD模型,构建了基于自然和人为共同作用下的生态系统影响力指数和社会经济适应力指数,用以综合表达生态脆弱性空间分异,在此基础上对中国县域单元的生态脆弱性进行定量评价.结果表明:中国县域生态系统影响力指数持续降低,2000年之前呈现由"东北到西南"逐渐降低的趋势,2000年之后,基本呈现"中东部及新疆北部高、西南低"的格局.适应力指数空间分布差异十分明显,表现出东南沿海高于中部,中部又高于西部的格局.从生态系统脆弱性空间分布格局来看,东南部比西部地区更脆弱,从时间变化来看,中国生态脆弱度整体好转,局部恶化;从数量变化来看,1983个县域单元处于高度脆弱区和极度脆弱区,仅有327个县域单元于处于轻度和微度脆弱区.处于极度脆弱区和高度脆弱区的县域单元未来要合理规划土地利用,加强土地利用管理,调整用地布局并严格控制城镇规模扩张;对于轻度和微度脆弱区则应坚持以生态建设和环境保护为主,禁止污染型产业发展,有序引导人口转移,发展生态旅游业和高技术产业.  相似文献   

Traditional flood protection methods have focused efforts on different measures to keep water out of floodplains. However, the European Flood Directive challenges this paradigm (Hartmann and Driessen, 2013). Accordingly, flood risk management plans should incorporate measures brought about by collaboration with local governments to develop and implement these measures (Johann and Leismann, 2014). One of the challenges of these plans is getting and keeping stakeholders involved in the processes related to flood risk management. This research shows that that this challenge revolves around how flood risks are socially constructed.Therefore it is essential to understand and explain the risk perception of stakeholders. System Theory by Luhmann provides the analytical distinction between ‘internal risk’ and ‘external danger’ as key concepts to understand whether or not stakeholders will take action (Luhmann, 1993). While perceptions of ‘external danger’ will not lead to action, perceptions of ‘internal risk’ urge stakeholders to take action.The cases of the rivers Lippe and Emscher in the dense populated region between Duisburg and Dortmund in Germany illustrate how these theoretical concepts materialise in practice. This contribution shows how flood risks are socially constructed and how this construction is influenced by the European flood risk management plan. While clearing up some of the difficulties from the Flood Directive, the research shows a gap between the Flood Directive and the current theory and planning practice, which needs to be addressed in further research.  相似文献   

甘孜州东部是我国矿产资源富集区和生态地质环境脆弱区之一,生态地质环境承载力呈现出南优北差、西优东差的格局。据矿业历史及现状影响,建立承载力—矿业活动关系模式,将承载力分为正荷载、等荷载和超荷载三种状态。采用生态地质环境危险性与潜在损失承载体求积运算的方式获取风险值,并进行四级风险区划。风险空间分布大体呈现出东高西低、北高南低的形态,矿业活动区及其缓冲区、小流域、大流域都处于风险联动的系统内,风险区划与承载力区划成正相关关系。针对生态地质环境风险提出加强小矿有序开发、加强勘查和开发过程管理、提高矿产资源利用效率、构建监测系统和加强矿山环境问题治理等应对措施。  相似文献   

Adaptation is typically conceived uniquely in positive terms, however for some populations, investments in risk management can entail significant tradeoffs. Here we discuss the burden for households of coping with, and adapting to, adverse water conditions in economically marginal areas of Mexico City. We argue that households’ efforts to adapt in conditions of marginality can come at the expense of households’ investment in other aspects of human welfare, reinforcing poverty traps. Both economic theory and social-ecological systems analysis point to the importance of cross-scalar investments and institutional support in breaking down persistent poverty traps. Using data from twelve focus groups conducted in Mexico City, we illustrate how such cross-scale connectivity is failing as a result of lack of trust and transparency, the difficulty of collective action, and the devolution of some responsibilities for risk management from the public sector to the household level. We conclude our analysis by arguing for greater attention to these tradeoffs in public policy to help ensure that adaptation does not come at the cost of more generic welfare gains among the most vulnerable populations.  相似文献   

生态系统脆弱性受到自然与人文因素双重影响。以广西西江经济带为例,采用VSD模型,通过暴露度、敏感性和适应能力分解脆弱性,构建包含自然和人为因素25 个指标的评价体系,开展脆弱性评价与分区。结果表明,不脆弱区、一般区、脆弱区、很脆弱区和极脆弱区分别占11.31%、22.63%、27.60%、24.39%和14.07%,东西部地区脆弱性较高,中部地区脆弱性较低;自然因素导致的脆弱区主要分布于东西部山区,人为因素主导的脆弱区分布于中部盆地的城镇及其周边;经济带约53%的建设用地分布于很脆弱区和脆弱区,未来新增建设用地需要重点向不脆弱区和一般区转移。根据分区结果和诱因差异,提出了不同类型区开发与保护的相关建议。  相似文献   

The governance of flood risks varies considerably in different parts of the world. Obviously this is due to the nature and characteristics of flood risks, but in part governance approaches vary because of political differences in the nature of governance itself. What is ‘appropriate’ in this respect depends partly on the prevailing conceptions of the public interest in a country. By applying Alexander’s (2002) categorization of public interest to flood risk management practices in The Netherlands, we show that the strongly unitary conception of the public interest (a historic ‘flood risk safety for all’), is intertwined with a state-based, sector-based, hydro-technical governance and expertise system. Although this conception is very strong it is no longer self-evident. Because of changing conceptions of governance in general and because of the felt necessity to adapt to climate change, Dutch flood risk management is gradually changing. Increasingly, the Dutch government has to deal with more dialogical and utilitarian approaches to public interest in the governance of flood risks. The Dutch approach is rooted in community-based interests in flood protection and was centralized and rationalized during the 19th and 20th century. The current flood risk standards are based upon a coarse utilitarian benefit-cost analysis, but evolved into mostly a unitary idea of national safety materialized in law by statutory flood risk standards. The findings show that this unitary concept and status of the public interest of flood risk safety has not diminished; it must, however, increasingly take into account the importance of both processes of decision making (dialogues, deliberations) and neighboring public interests. We conclude that the Dutch conception of the public interest on flood safety is still strong but nevertheless gradually changing, not the least because of a general availability of the information and technology to calculate and differentiate risks.  相似文献   

运用GIS技术的空间分析与建模功能构建洪涝灾害风险评估模型,以长沙市地理基础数据、遥感数据、气象水文、社会统计数据为基础,从洪涝灾害的危险性、暴露性、敏感性三个角度出发,对长沙市洪灾风险进行动态评价.结果表明:与1994年相比,2010年长沙市洪灾敏感性有所增加,暴露性上升,洪灾风险增大;从空间分布上看,长沙市区及望城区由于地势平坦,湘江干流贯穿其中,加之经济发达,因而洪灾风险较高;而西部的宁乡县和东部的浏阳市洪灾风险较低;提出了有针对性的防洪措施.该评价结果与实际情况相符,可为洪灾风险管理与决策提供科学依据.  相似文献   

This article introduces a tradeable permit system concerning flood mitigation. The proposed economic instrument aims at encouraging collaboration between upstream and downstream zones and that between public and private sectors on flood management. It can also serve as a channel for burden-sharing among flood management, spatial planning and conservation easement in terms of both finance and strategies. The existing research and applications on tradeable permits for environmental management, together with principles of flood management, lay the groundwork for developing the tradeable flood mitigation permit (TFMP) system.  相似文献   

地下水生态水位、地下水水质和地下水水源地是地下水环境的关键敏感属性,而现有关于地下水环境保护的研究多侧重于污染风险评价,常忽视地下水生态水位作为环境要素综合风险的重要性.为突破以往地下水风险评价中以污染要素为主的现状,在区域尺度针对地下水污染及地下水水位变化导致地下水系统生态服务功能失衡等问题,提出以地下水生态水位、地下水水质和地下水水源地作为风险受体,综合研究地下水系统对地下水风险源的暴露途径及响应关系,采用地下水防污性能指数指征地下水环境的空间差异性,构建了基于“生态水位-水质-水源地”协同作用的GERRM模型(地下水环境相对风险模型,groundwater environmental relative risk model),定量描述地下水污染和地下水水位突变耦合的地下水环境风险,并将建立的方法在下辽河平原进行案例研究.结果表明:①Ⅳ、Ⅴ级风险区主要位于化工企业、危险废物填埋场周围一定范围区域及沈阳市地下水水源地保护区和生态水位敏感性较高区,面积为2 107.33 km2,占总面积的8.93%.②Ⅰ、Ⅱ级风险区主要为农田种植区、林地种植区和农业城镇建设区,面积为17 704.51 km2,占总面积的75.01%.研究显示,GERRM模型适用于区域地下水环境风险评价,下辽河平原区化工企业、危废填埋场周围一定范围区域以及沈阳地下水水源地保护区相对风险最高,需采取相应的管理保护措施.   相似文献   

选择地处苏北平原农区的淮安市所有15510个自然村和872414户农户全样本入户调查数据为分析对象,采用占比统计法和GIS空间分析,对村民居住空间特征与迁居意愿进行研究。主要结论如下:(1)在村落层面,平均规模小,单村独户多且村落分散,多数自然村远离镇区,近一半自然村位居“九靠近一滞洪”区域内。该格局是自然地理条件和人文因素综合影响形成的。(2)在住房层面,农村老旧住房比例高,全市40%农户在城乡同时拥有住房,但在城镇拥有住房率与到城区距离呈负相关,而农村住房空关率则呈现相反的空间格局。(3)在迁居意愿方面,54.1%的农户愿意集中居住且多意向实物安置,较低补偿标准和不便务农是不愿迁居的主要原因;移居城镇是货币安置农户的主要去向,留村和入镇集中居住是实物安置农户的主要去向。在迁居意向农户中,近90%选择政府统建方式,近80%愿意有偿退出宅基地和流转承包地。(4)村民居住空间特征和迁居意愿都存在明显的空间差异,两者之间存有内在联系且均受多种因素影响。  相似文献   

国土空间格局对协调区域保护与开发具有重要保障作用,其基本前提在于厘清国土空间格局内涵并构建科学有效的传导路径。由此提出国土空间格局多维度分解与传导路径研究框架,围绕生态保护、农业生产和城镇建设三个方面开展适宜性评价,基于国土空间潜在冲突识别与调解机制实现国土空间重构,运用区位熵识别优势功能分区,进而构建战略格局,并以东营市为例开展案例研究。研究发现:东营市国土空间适宜性表现为“生态保护重要、农业生产和城镇建设适宜”,潜在冲突以中度为主;国土空间重构包括农业空间、生态空间和城镇空间,地理单元的空间分异和行政单元的面积占比差别明显;优势功能分区包含重要生态功能区、农产品生产区、城市化发展区和弹性发展区,提供了分区分类的差别化管控策略;国土空间保护与开发战略格局包括“一心一屏一廊”的生态保护格局、“一圈两区”的开发利用格局和“两带”的弹性发展格局,树立了可持续国土空间利用的目标引领。研究结果可为新时期国土空间规划编制与实施以及协调区域国土资源有效配置提供有益借鉴。  相似文献   

为维护我国西北地区生态安全,引导煤炭资源有序开发利用,以甘肃省、青海省、新疆维吾尔自治区为研究区域,结合西北地区典型内陆河流域地下水形成特征及区域生态环境特点,选取与区域煤炭综合开发活动具有重要关联的地下水资源、生态环境等指标,利用专家打分法确定评价指标权重,构建煤炭综合开发生态风险管控评价指标体系,通过对指标体系分级结果的空间转化,划分禁止开发区、限制开发区、适度开发区3个煤炭开发的生态风险管控区.结果表明:①禁止开发区面积约131.6×104 km2,占西北三省(自治区)总面积的46%,主要分布在柴达木、塔里木、准噶尔三大盆地的盆周及周边地区,总体上呈"三环"分布,禁止开发区应禁止一切煤炭开发活动.②限制开发区1区主要分布在新疆维吾尔自治区南部地区及天山北麓以及甘肃省河西走廊的人工绿洲,煤炭开发利用过程中要兼顾保护农田、地下水,维持防风固沙功能方可进行;限制开发区2区主要分布在甘肃省酒泉地区黑河流域,新疆维吾尔自治区阿克苏地区、喀什地区及和田地区的荒漠生态系统内以及环塔里木盆地外围地区,煤炭开发利用过程中需兼顾防风固沙功能及生态系统保护方可进行.③适度开发区分布较为分散,在保护特定生态系统功能的前提下可适度开发.研究显示,需针对上述不同类型的生态风险管控区提出差别化管理要求,重点对限制开发区、适度开发区的煤炭开发提出相应的生态保护要求,提出由限制为主转向优化发展为主的管理方略.   相似文献   

基于熵信息扩散理论的中国农业水旱灾害风险评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农业水旱灾害是制约中国农业生产的重要因素。针对信息扩散理论模型存在的不足,论文构建了评估中国农业水旱灾害风险的熵信息扩散理论模型,依据1985-2013年数据资料,运用熵信息扩散理论模型对中国大陆30个省、市、自治区(重庆包含在四川中计算)的农业水旱灾害进行了风险评估,根据农业水旱灾害风险评估结果对中国农业水旱灾害风险进行了综合对比分析。评估和分析结果表明:中国面临着较大的农业水旱灾害风险压力;中国农业旱灾风险明显大于农业水灾风险;农业水旱灾害空间风险特征明显;农业水灾高中风险区域主要集中在长江中下游地区和东北地区,农业旱灾高风险区域主要集中在中国北部地区和东北地区,总体上看,中国农业水旱灾害的空间分布格局是南方地区易出现水灾,而北部地区易出现旱灾,东北地区面临水旱灾害重叠的双重压力。  相似文献   

Flood risk management is becoming increasingly important, because more people are settling in flood-prone areas, and flood risk is increasing in many regions due to extreme weather events associated with climate change. It has been proposed that appropriately designed flood risk communication campaigns can stimulate floodplain inhabitants to prepare for flooding, and encourage adaptation to climate change. However, such campaigns do not always result in the desired action, and the effectiveness of communication in raising flood risk awareness and improving flood preparedness has hardly been studied. We evaluate different flood risk communication strategies, using an agent-based modelling approach, which is especially suitable for examining the effect of communication on each individual, and how flood risk communication can propagate through an individual’s social network. Our modelling results show that tailored, people-centred, flood risk communication can be significantly more effective than the common approach of top-down government communication, even when tailored communication reaches fewer individuals. Furthermore, communication on how to protect against floods, in addition to providing information about flood risk, is much more effective than the traditional strategy of communicating only about flood risk. Another main finding is that a person’s social network can have a significant effect on whether or not individuals take protective action. This leads to the recommendation that flood risk communication should aim at exploiting this natural amplifying effect of social networks, for instance, through the use of social media.  相似文献   

以新的国土空间规划语境为背景,基于核密度估计、标准差椭圆法和分类统计对我国2006—2018年省级以上开发区的密度分布特征变化、发展重心轴向的变化和主体功能区视角下的分布变化做了分析。研究表明:该阶段我国省级以上开发区空间分布的东西差距得到一定缓解,仍存在东部连片集聚、西部据点集中的模式差异。开发区分布的总体重心已经向西北方向移动,发展轴向则由原来的南北轴向转向了东南—西北轴向。从主体功能区视角来看,开发区空间分布格局呈现出外围扩散与局部缩减的动态调整。开发区规模的增长主要集中在重点开发区域,缩减主要发生在生态功能区域。这些新变化将为我国国土空间土地利用优化和国土空间管控实践提供重要参考。  相似文献   

依托GIS技术,采用自然灾害风险评价的理论和方法,建立早稻洪涝灾害风险评价模型,研究了衡阳市早稻洪涝灾害风险等级。结果表明:综合分析早稻洪涝灾害的致灾因子危险性、孕灾环境敏感性、承灾体易损性和防灾减灾能力,绘制了衡阳市早稻洪涝灾害综合风险区划图,并分析了衡阳市早稻洪涝灾害风险区划的空间分布规律和特点。衡东县早稻洪涝灾害风险等级最高,祁东县早稻洪涝灾害综合风险等级最低。  相似文献   

Climate change is expected to increase the frequency and intensity of natural disasters. Adaptation investments are required in order to limit the projected increase in natural disaster risks. Adaptation measures can reduce risk partially or completely eliminate risk. The literature on behavioural economics suggests that individuals rarely undertake measures that limit risk partially, while they may place a considerable value on measures that reduce risk to zero. This is studied for a case of adaptation to climate change and its effects on flood risk in the Netherlands. In particular, we examine whether households are willing to invest in elevating newly built structures when this is framed as eliminating flood risk. The results indicate that a majority of homeowners (52%) is willing to make a substantial investment of €10,000 to elevate a new house to a level that is safe to flooding. Differences between willingness to pay (WTP) for flood insurance and WTP for risk elimination through elevation indicate that individuals place a considerable value on the latter adaptation option. This study estimates that the “safety premium” which individuals place on risk elimination is approximately between €35 and €45 per month. The existence of a safety premium has important implications for the design of climate change adaptation policies. The decision to invest in elevating homes is significantly correlated with the expected negative effects of climate change, perceptions of flood risks, individual risk attitudes, and living close to a main river.  相似文献   

赵丹丹  周宏  高富雄 《自然资源学报》2020,35(12):2956-2967
在不完全要素市场和农户分化背景下,探索不同类型农户、耕地保护技术约束与技术选择之间内在行为逻辑,以期为保障我国耕地质量可持续发展提供参考。利用Probit和Logit方法,通过微观数据剖析不同类型农户技术选择意愿、行为逻辑及不同约束条件下的技术选择差异。研究表明:纯农户、I类兼业户和II类兼业户在耕地保护意愿方面具有统一性,但随着非农收入的增加农户耕地保护意愿逐渐降低;在行为逻辑方面,异质性农户耕地保护技术选择上差异显著,不同类型农户的禀赋特征与不同耕地保护技术间存在非对称性和偏差,主要受不同技术属性和风险偏好的约束。因此在耕地保护技术实施与推广应用时,应当更多地考虑不同农户禀赋优势与农户风险偏好程度。  相似文献   

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