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For years now, there has been a growing consensus that US national economic problems, such as inflation and industry down-turn, are closely linked to innovation and technology; and there has been growing concern that US capability in both these areas has been steadily declining, particularly the propensity for innovation. Accordingly, the sixth Henniker National Materials Conference (held in Henniker, New Hampshire, 28 July–1 August, 1980) was designed to face the problem of innovation in the materials field.  相似文献   

Based on in-depth interviews, this article presents findings of a study centred on public communication regarding Tiengemeten, a Dutch island previously occupied by farmers. An answer is sought to the question of how visitors to Tiengemeten evaluate, according to their own experiences, the discourse of people involved in Tiengemeten from a policy and communication perspective. This study showed that visitors’ experiences do not always match the emotions appealed to in public communication materials. It is also suggested that people involved from a policy and communication perspective should refrain from using ‘heavily value-laden’ phraseology. For reasons of trust, this article suggests aligning public communication with genuine experiences of visitors. This is also necessary for avoiding scepticism of visitors as policy makers and communication professionals run a risk that public communication regarding nature becomes counterproductive.  相似文献   

The Ontario Government has recently released its latest Provincial Policy Statement (PPS), which includes a policy concerning wetland protection. This paper uses interviews with key respondents and the results of three separate case studies that examined the former PPS in order to assess the ability of the new policy to improve wetland conservation efforts in Ontario. The case studies include wetland conservation and urban stormwater management in the City of London for the periods 1978-1999 and 1978-2000, respectively. As well, agricultural drainage that occurred in the Township of Zorra for the period 1978-1997 is used to address this management dimension. While progress is evident, the current policy will be difficult to implement effectively because it inadequately deals with the fundamental aspects of management: fragmented jurisdiction, interagency communication, financial arrangements, enforcement, and promoting informed decision making.  相似文献   

In 1968, Redwood National Park was created in an atmosphere of controversy and compromise to preserve remnants of the coastal redwood (Sequoia sempervirens) ecosystems and the streams and seashores with which they are associated. The 1968 boundary included the lower portions of several watersheds in the park, which meant that potential impacts from upstream, privately owned lands might occur. Between 1968 and 1978, controversy continued between preservation and forest industry interests over the impacts of harvesting old growth timber upslope and upstream from the park. In 1978, the southern portion of the park around Redwood Creek was expanded by 48,000 acres, moving the boundary from a narrow, one-half mile riparian corridor to ridgelines, but still leaving two-thirds of the total watershed outside of the park. The park expansion has generated biological and social impacts and opportunities. Meeting the objectives of the 1978 legislation will require close coordination between federal and state government and local communities.  相似文献   

This article is an abridged version of a report on the status of world mineral production and consumption in 1978. Various indexes are used to assess the position in 1978 in comparison with that of earlier periods (1950 and 1973). The data given in this article are based on the calculation of mining production in terms of value. 51 major minerals are dealt with — six fuel materials, 22 metal materials, and 23 non-metal materials.  相似文献   

Contributing to the debate on the causes of Himalayan environmental degradation, the status and management of four watersheds in the Upper Pokhara Valley were studied using information available from land use analysis, household surveys conducted in 1989 and 1992, deliberations held with villagers, and field observations. Accordingly, areas under forests and grazing lands were found being depleted at relatively high rates between 1957 and 1978 due mainly to the government policy of increasing national revenue by expansion of agricultural lands, nationalization of forests, steadily growing population, and dwindling household economy. Despite the steady growth of population, this process had remarkably slackened since 1978, owing primarily to remaining forests being located in very, steep slopes and implementation of the community forestry program. Forests with relatively sparase tree density, however, and grazing lands in the vicinity of settlements have been undergoing degradation due to fuelwood and fodder collection and livestock grazing. In many instances, this is aggravated by weak resource management institutions. Being particularly aware of the economic implication of land degradation, farmers have adopted assorted land management practices. Still a substantial proportion ofbari lands in the hill slopes is vulnerable to accelerating degradation, as the arable cropping system is being practiced there as well. The perpetuation of the local subsistence economy is certain to lead, to a further deterioration of the socioeconomic and environmental conditions of watersheds. To facilitate environmental conservation and ecorestructuring for sustainable development, a broad watershed management strategy is outlined with focus on alleviating pressure on natural resources.  相似文献   

This work addresses several policy questions arising from indirect power losses due to navigation of the Snake-Columbia Rivers. Losses incurred in 1978–79 are given, and these losses are then compared to current conservation efforts, new power projects, and present replacement costs associated with the system.  相似文献   

In 1978 the USA used non-fuel processed mineral materials valued at over $200 billion (109). Non-fuel mineral imports caused a trade imbalance of $8 billion. Imports supplied more than half of US supplies of 20 important minerals. The US stockpile of strategic materials is valued at over $11 billion. While world reserves of most minerals are now deemed adequate until 2000, demand for high temperature and special property materials requires careful monitoring and anticipation of disruptions in vulnerable sources.  相似文献   

In the paper the theoretical framework is that of credit rationing theory, the regional differences being examined in terms of both financial markets and the real economy. Empirically the focus is upon regional trends in market conditions and the timelags experienced in the effects of monetary policies in two different regions. The period of time examined is from 1970 to 1978, the changes in the marginal interest on central bank credit issued to the commercial banks being taken as the indicator of monetary policy and data on employment opportunities vacant in the regions as representing market conditions and the delay‐effects of monetary policy. The methods used are those of cross‐correlation analysis.  相似文献   

The author discusses the concept of a national materials policy for the UK and focuses on the implications for such a policy to be derived from analysis of the UK balance of payments. The position of materials in the overall trade balance, the role of individual commodities, the form of metal imports and the sources of supplies are all examined statistically to consider what are the major trends in materials trade.  相似文献   

‘Fracking’ was on New York's agenda since 2008, yet no decision was made about it until late 2014. The gridlock is an intriguing puzzle given that the Marcellus shale is considered a ‘world class’ energy supply, and development has been aggressive in other US states. While policy scholars typically conceptualize gridlock as policy stability, this paper examines it as a dynamic process by which competing discourse coalitions engage in interactive framing processes that (re)structure the discussion. This suggests that the interaction between contending coalitions influences gridlock. Yet, we lack knowledge about interactive framing between competing coalitions during policy controversies. Our main finding is that a central mechanism of gridlock is the production of conflict through interactive framing dynamics that deny a shared discursive space capable of ushering in a consensus, or reasoned agreement. In New York, this contest evolved from a policy consensus about the economic benefits of fracking to policy negotiation that incorporated environmental threats, and to prolonged policy controversy in which competing discourse coalitions contested notions of fracking in relation to energy production, environmental protection, public health, economic development, and governance. While a ban has been instituted, the failure to bridge discourse coalitions suggests that controversy will persist unless meaning disputes are resolved.  相似文献   

A comparative study of water pollution emissions of pulp and paper companies for the period 1978–1983 indicates a reduction in emissions for most firms. This improvement in pollution performance is attributed to the federal government's water pollution policy. Although there is an overall decline in water pollution, some firms have actually increased their emissions. Furthermore, there is still a wide disparity in each company's performance, although the differences are narrowing.  相似文献   

Contemporary food supply chains are generating externalities with high economic and social costs, notably in public health terms through the rise in diet-related non-communicable disease. The UK State is developing policy strategies to tackle these public health problems alongside intergovernmental responses. However, the governance of food supply chains is conducted by, and across, both private and public spheres and within a multilevel framework. The realities of contemporary food governance are that private interests are key drivers of food supply chains and have institutionalized a great deal of standards-setting and quality, notably from their locations in the downstream and midstream sectors. The UK State is designing some downstream and some midstream interventions to ameliorate the public health impacts of current food consumption patterns in England. The UK State has not addressed upstream interventions towards public health diet at the primary food production and processing stages, although traditionally it has shaped agricultural policy. Within the realities of contemporary multilevel governance, the UK State must act within the contexts set by the international regimes of the Common Agricultural Policy and the World Trade Organization agreements, notably on agriculture. The potential for further upstream agricultural policy reform is considered as part of a wider policy approach to address the public health externalities issuing from contemporary food supply chains within this multilevel governance context.  相似文献   

On June 6, 1978, President Carter presented his Federal Water Policy Initiatives to the Congress. These were based on a year-long and sometimes controversial study by the Water Resources Council, the Office of Management and Budget, and the Council on Environmental Quality. Reforms were proposed relative to cost sharing, planning procedures, project evaluation, and environmental protection. Omitted from the policy were recommendations on water pollution control, planning coordination, and water resources research.The views expressed are the author's, and not necessarily those of the Library of Congress.  相似文献   

The Senior Advisory Group of the US government's Resource Conservation Committee is holding public hearing on two prominent materials conservation policy options - a national mandatory deposit system on beverage containers to eliminate ‘throwaways’, and a national system of ‘product charges’ on goods produced from virgin materials. A national hearing was held on 19 October 1977 to hear views on the controversial mandatory deposit issues, and is reported below.  相似文献   

This article summarizes some of the results from the application of the indicators for sustainable energy development (ISED) tool for analyzing Lithuania's energy sector, in terms of trends, setting energy policy goals and monitoring progress towards these goals. This experience illustrates the potential applicability of the ISED methodology for energy policy development in economies in transition, using Lithuania as an example. The article presents a summary of the results achieved and conclusions arrived at from the analysis of six priority areas in the context of the research project coordinated by the International Atomic Energy Agency, and provides recommendations for the development of sustainable energy policy using the ISED approach.  相似文献   

An assessment of floodplain regulation by the Upper Thames River Conservation Authority in the City of London for the period 1978–1989 was undertaken. Utilizing a mix of data sources available through the conservation authority office, questionnaires administered to flooplain residents, interviews with relevant government officials, and housing statistics, the study concludes that regulations have been administered in an equitable and efficient manner. However, regulations have had some problems in controlling all development activity and in addressing policy objectives. Problems arise from weaknesses in the Conservation Authorities Act, an ensuing lack of judicial and participating municipal support in prosecuting violations, and inadequate monitoring and enforcement of development activity. Without addressing these issues, the basic problems associated with floodplain management in Ontario will remain.  相似文献   

Indonesia is a major exporter of tropical hardwoods. The country's goal is to establish integrated wood industries by reducing the export of unprocessed sawlogs. The value of hardwood sawlog exports has decreased by twothirds in 1986 dollars since 1978, while the value of hardwood sawnwood and plywood exports has increased sixfold. Sawlog exports are now banned. This article contrasts the official governmental policy on forest industry development with the operational realities of doing business in Indonesia.  相似文献   

This paper describes a general programme to develop a national policy for materials in the USA, under the leadership of the Committee on Science and Technology of the US House of Representatives. The paper discusses the evolving need for a policy, and describes the foundation for policy provided by the National Science and Technology Policy, Organization and Priorities Act of 1976, and policies proposed in a draft national materials bill. Possible ways of implementing the proposed policy are considered.  相似文献   

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