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PROBLEM: Work on aerial lift platforms exposes workers to fall hazards. The objective of this study was to identify the most common injury scenarios and determine current research gaps for addressing fall incidents associated with aerial lifts. METHODS: Three databases were searched: Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries (CFOI), NIOSH Fatality Assessment and Control Evaluation (FACE) reports, and OSHA Incident Investigation Records. RESULTS: The majority of falls/collapses/tipovers were within the height-category of 10-29 feet. Tipovers comprised 44-46% of boom-lift falls and 56-59% of scissor-lift falls. Constructing and repairing activities were most commonly associated with fall/collapse/tipover incidents. DISCUSSION: CFOI and OSHA/FACE show convergent data, suggesting similar scenarios for aerial lift tipovers. IMPACT ON INDUSTRY: The analysis provides the aerial lift industry information to prioritize their efforts on aerial lift design.  相似文献   

在升船机施工过程中,由于建筑物多为高坝垂直型,致使上下施工、内外施工和不同性质的施工同时进行,增加了作业条件的危险性,这给升船机施工中的安全管理带来很大困难.以升船机施工为出发点,分析升船机施工中的作业单元流程.按照事故分类的标准,将升船机施工的危险源按照高处坠落、物体打击、垮塌三类事故进行风险辨识.运用LEC-M法确定升船机施工各类危险源的安全风险等级评价,依据危险源评价所涉及到的具体条款,提出降低危险源风险的有效措施.该方法在三峡升船机筒体工程上得到具体应用,并取得良好效果.  相似文献   

为了平衡操作人员的精力和体力,在保证人安全的前提下,提高生产力。采用NIOSH(National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health)提举方程对机加工车间缸盖搬运上线工位进行人机工程安全评估,通过对操作工作业的水平距离(H)、垂直距离(V)、提升距离(D)以及频率(F)进行研究,并对修订版NIOSH提举方程的重量常量与高度系数进行了修正。结果表明,经过合理调整四大参数,可在不设起吊、机器人等设备的情况下,保证人的身心健康,节约成本,提高人的工作效能。  相似文献   

升船机工程施工具有工期长、任务紧、电力生产与工程建设并行、临工作业队伍多、人员和机械设备流动性大、多工种立体交叉作业等特点,加之不安全因素随着工程形象进度的延伸而不断变化,导致升船机工程施工安全事故呈现随机性、多样性和突发性等特征。提出一种目视安全管理在升船机工程施工中的应用方法,通过对施工现场的人、机、料、法、环(4M1E)进行目视安全管理,从"人身安全"、"安全信号"、"安全心理"三个方面的需要,利用视觉化的工具,通过安全色、标签、标牌等可视化方式传达必要的安全信息,达到现场作业人员进行自主管理、自我控制的效果。实践证明,这种方法不仅可以提高施工现场安全管理工作效率,减小安全事故发生机率,还可以为其他水利水电工程安全管理提供借鉴。  相似文献   

本文基于煤矿安全规程要求,通过对煤矿提升钢丝绳的现状分析和钢丝绳电脑探伤仪的简要介绍及其在晋城矿区的应用实践,从技术研究的角度,提出保证钢丝绳运行安全的解决方案。  相似文献   



The objective of this study was to evaluate the circumstances leading to fall from equipment injuries in the mining industry.


The 2006 and 2007 Mine Safety and Health Administration annual injury databases were utilized for this study whereby the injury narrative, nature of injury, body part injured, mine type, age at injury, and days lost were evaluated for each injury.


The majority of injuries occurred at surface mining facilities (∼ 60%) with fractures and sprains/strains being the most common injuries occurring to the major joints of the body. Nearly 50% of injuries occurred during ingress/egress, predominately during egress, and approximately 25% of injuries occurred during maintenance tasks. The majority of injuries occurred in relation to large trucks, wheel loaders, dozers, and conveyors/belts. The severity of injury was independent of age and the median days lost was seven days; however, there was a large range in severity.

Impact on industry

From the data obtained in this study, several different research areas have been identified for future work, which include balance and stability control when descending ladders and equipment design for maintenance tasks.  相似文献   

Introduction: A regulatory training standard for construction workers using fall protection equipment became mandatory in 2015 in the province of Ontario, Canada. By the end of the transition period in 2017, 418,000 workers had been trained to the new standard. Two primary research questions were posed: (1) To what extent does the WAH training affect practices at the worksite? and (2) Has there been a change in the incidence of fall-from-height injuries coincident with the introduction of the WAH Training Standard? Materials and methods: A longitudinal survey of 633 learners was conducted in 2017 at one-, four- and seven-week post-training. A quasi-experiment estimated the incidence of lost-time injuries attributed to falls from heights in 2017 compared to 2012–2014 for a census of construction workers insured for work disability in Ontario, Canada. Results: Learners self-reported substantial increases in knowledge of and improvements in safe work practices when working at heights. The incidence rate of lost-time claim injuries attributed to falls targeted by the training declined by 19.6% (95% CI: 10.7, −27.6), compared to corresponding declines of 2.1% (95% CI: −6.3, 9.9) for other fall injuries and 7.2% (95% CI: 1.8, 12.3) for non-fall traumatic injuries. The observed decline was largest among the smallest employers (<5 full-time equivalent employees). Conclusion: The evaluation findings provide consistent support for a conclusion that the mandatory training standard was effective in reducing the incidence of injuries targeted by the training. However, the effects were modest and did not eliminate the problem. Practical application: A mandatory training standard should be considered as one approach to preventing traumatic injuries. However, other approaches higher in the hierarchy of risk controls should also be considered.  相似文献   

针对一起电动单梁起重机吊具冲顶并引发起升电机坠落的起重作业事故,分析了事故起重机电气控制系统和现场紧急处置中存在的问题,指出了导致事故发生的直接原因和主要原因;并从完善起重机电气控制系统本质安全性和加强起重机械使用安全管理的角度提出了相应建议和意见,对预防类似事故的发生具有借鉴作用.  相似文献   

In this study, a new rubber surface pattern for a footwear sole was developed to prevent slip-related falls. This pattern shows a high static coefficient of friction (SCOF) and a high dynamic coefficient of friction (DCOF) when sliding against a liquid contaminated surface. A hybrid rubber block, in which a rubber block with a rough surface (Ra = 30.4 μm) was sandwiched between two rubber blocks with smooth surfaces (Ra = 0.98 μm), was prepared. The ratio of the rough surface area to the whole rubber block surface area r was 0%, 30%, 50%, 80%, and 100%. The coefficient of friction of the rubber blocks was measured when sliding against a stainless steel plate with Ra of 0.09 μm contaminated with a 90% aqueous solution of glycerol. While the SCOF increased with an increase of the rough surface area ratio r, the DCOF during steady-state sliding decreased with an increase of the rough surface area ratio r. The rough surface area ratio of 50% achieved a SCOF value around 0.5 or more and a DCOF value greater than 0.5. Furthermore, the difference in the value of the SCOF and DCOF was the smallest for the rubber block with r of 50%. The results indicated that the rubber block with r of 50% would be applicable to a footwear sole surface pattern to prevent slip and fall accidents on contaminated surfaces.  相似文献   

This paper describes a new dynamic testing procedure of individual lift capability and its laboratory evaluation with 39 subjects. In test-retesting, the isoinertial “LIFTEST” proved to be less variable than standard isometric lift tests.  相似文献   

联合装置催化单元中故障安全控制系统的硬件构成   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
主要从硬件的角度介绍了一种FSC系统.该系统结构简单,使用方便,利用组态软件进行编程,十分便利,是目前运用得较好的一种故障安全控制系统.  相似文献   



The purpose of this investigation was to compare commercial roofers and residential roofers in terms of their behaviors, beliefs, working conditions, and attitudes toward the use of fall protection devices, which could lead to fall accidents.


A cross-sectional sample of 252 roofers participated in the survey in the Midwest (Wisconsin, Illinois, Michigan, Indiana, and Iowa).


Residential roofers were more likely to fall (adjusted prevalence ratio = 1.57, 95% CI = 0.86, 2.27) than commercial roofers. Existence of fall protection programs, enforcement of fall protection device use, actual use of fall protection devices, work type, company size, and race/ethnicity were significantly associated with fall accidents.

Impact on industry

This study adds insight into fall accidents from roofs in the construction industry and provides industry-specific cautions against fall accidents that can be reflected in regulatory agency implementation.  相似文献   



Fall-related occupational injuries and fatalities are serious problems in the U.S. construction industry, especially incidents related to unguarded holes. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Division of Safety Research, Morgantown, WV conducted a project to evaluate the effectiveness of guardrail systems to prevent falls through roof and floor holes.


Two commercial edge-protection products were evaluated when used as perimeter guarding around a roof hole. Installations of the commercial products were compared to job-built guardrails constructed of 2 × 4 construction-grade lumber. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations require that “a force of at least 200 pounds” must be supported by the top rail of a guardrail system “in any outward or downward direction at any point along the top edge.” A laboratory testing system was developed to evaluate this requirement. A dynamic 200-lb force was generated against the top rail using a weighted manikin mounted on a hinged steel frame. Nine construction workers, who served as test subjects, each built five different guardrail configurations.


All 45 configurations met the 200-lb OSHA requirement. Installation time for one commercial product was 32% quicker than the job-built configuration (25.6 min vs. 37.9 min).

Impact on Industry

This study: (a) indicates that the two edge-protection products can be used as perimeter guarding; (b) highlights the importance of using proper materials and fasteners to construct guardrails to protect workers from falling into unguarded roof and floor holes; and (c) discusses an overall-strength-testing methodology that can be used by fall-protection researchers.  相似文献   



As the evidence-based movement has advanced in public health, changes in public health practices have lagged far behind creating a science to service gap. For example, science has produced effective falls prevention interventions for older adults. It now is clearer WHAT needs to be done to reduce injury and death related to falls. However, issues have arisen regarding HOW to assure the full and effective uses of evidence-based programs in practice.


Lessons learned from the science and practice of implementation provide guidance for how to change practices by developing new competencies, how to change organizations to support evidence-based practices, and how to change public health systems to align system functions with desired practices. The combination of practice, organization, and system change likely will produce the public health benefits that are the promise of evidence-based falls prevention interventions.

Impact on public health

For the past several decades, the emphasis has been solely on evidence-based interventions. Public health will benefit from giving equal emphasis to evidence-based implementation.

Impact on Industry

We now have over two decades of research on the effectiveness of fall prevention interventions. The quality of this research is judged by a number of credible international organizations, including the Cochrane Collaboration (http://www.cochrane.org/), the American and British Geriatrics Societies, and the Campbell Collaboration (http://www.campbellcollaboration.org/). These international bodies were formed to ponder and answer questions related to the quality and relevance of research. These developments are a good first step. However, while knowing WHAT to do (an evidence-based intervention) is critical, we also need to know HOW to effectively implement the evidence. Implementation, organization change, and system change methods produce the conditions that allow and support the full and effective use of evidence-based interventions. It is time to focus on utilization of implementation knowledge in public health. Without this focus the vast amount on new evidence being generated on the prevention of falls and related injuries among older adults will have little impact on their health and safety.  相似文献   

煤矿液压提升机的安全功能与安全隐患分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
液压提升机是较为复杂的机电液一体化产品 ,是煤矿井下作业提升物料和运送人员的关键设备 ,素有矿井咽喉之称。液压提升机的防爆、提升过程中的超速、过卷保护、液压系统的高、低压保护及升降与制动工作协同性是其安全性设计的核心与关键。笔者概要介绍了液压提升机的主要安全保护功能 ,分析并探讨了液压提升机存在的安全隐患与对策  相似文献   

Retractable type fall arresters are part of the equipment used for protecting people against falls from a height. They are an intermediate part between full body harness worn by a man and the structural anchor at the worksite. The most important task of retractable type fall arresters is to arrest people’s falls and to reduce their harmful consequences. Information received from users as well as laboratories testing protective equipment indicates that the performance of such equipment is incorrect under specific conditions. The paper is concerned with an analysis of the conditions in which retractable type fall arresters demonstrate intermittent performance and with an explanation of that phenomenon. The results of tests investigating anchor devices and the performance of retractable type fall arresters are presented. External and internal factors contributing to intermittent performance have been determined and guidelines for safer use of these devices have been developed.  相似文献   

针对附有三板式螺旋侧板的立管水动力影响问题展开三维数值模拟研究,采用CFD大涡模拟方法,对不同的螺旋侧板高度h和螺距P在雷诺数分别为3 900,10 000和20 000条件下进行模拟分析,得到立管后方阻力系数CD、升力系数CrmsL、斯特劳哈尔数St及其频谱等特性。模拟结果表明:螺旋侧板对立管升力和阻力有明显的抑制效果,升力系数均方根值CrmsL较光滑立管降幅最大达到95.8%,但随着螺旋高度h的增加,会引起立管的阻力增加,螺旋高度h为0.1D~0.2D(D为立管直径)时的抑制效果较好,并且h为0.1D时的抑制效果最为理想;CD值和CrmsL值均随螺距P的增大而增大并保持在较低值范围,两者均在P=12.5D附近出现了随螺距P的增大而减小的现象,侧板螺距P在取值为5D~17.5D范围内的选择对立管的升力和阻力抑制效果较好。  相似文献   

为了研究深海钻井过程中不同海况下海流对隔水管振动情况的影响,利用COMSOL软件,建立了圆柱绕流二维仿真模型,对刚性圆柱展开绕流仿真,研究了不同雷诺数(2.5×104Re4.0×105)下隔水管绕流的漩涡脱落形态、升力系数和阻力系数、涡泄频率,斯特哈尔数(Strouhal)的变化规律。结果表明,随雷诺数增大,升、阻力系数减小,涡泄频率增大且近似呈线性关系,斯特哈尔数(Strouhal)在亚临界流区域及亚临界流向临界流过渡区域内基本不变。仿真结果与相关文献及经验值吻合良好,验证了仿真方法对隔水管振动研究的适用性。  相似文献   

水库大坝建设会对鱼类洄游造成阻隔影响,为减少大坝阻隔对鱼类遗传交流的影响,大坝应建设过鱼设施。福建省泉州白濑水利枢纽工程采用升鱼机过鱼设施,而进鱼口位置选择是影响过鱼设施设计成败的关键因素。根据白濑水利枢纽布置特点,从坝下流场、工程条件、过鱼效果等方面进行进鱼口位置比选研究,为类似水库工程过鱼设施进鱼口位置选择提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

为了研究螺杆钻具传动轴在三维井眼轨迹空间中的受力状态,根据螺纹连接的有限元控制方程,建立1种带螺旋升角的直扣螺纹力学模型,采用有限元方法对其进行计算,研究相应工况下连接螺纹的强度,结果表明:分别在压缩、扭转、弯扭组合载荷作用下,公扣螺纹端整体受到的应力比母扣螺纹要大3~4倍;压缩载荷也是连接螺纹粘扣的重要原因;传动轴接头受到弯扭组合作用的影响最大,其次为扭矩载荷,影响最小的是压缩载荷;长期在弯扭载荷作用下工作,会导致螺纹接头发生屈服破坏。以上结论有助于对传动轴的力学强度进行定性和定量判断,为进一步研究传动轴连接螺纹的受力提供了1种新的认识。  相似文献   

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