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IntroductionSafety management in construction is complicated due to the complex “nature” of the construction industry. The aim of this research was to identify safety management factors (e.g., risk management and site management), contextual factors (e.g., organisational complexity) and combinations of such factors connected to safety performance. Method: Twelve construction projects were selected to compare their safety management and safety performance. An analytical framework was developed based on previous research, regulations, and standards where each management factor was defined. We employed qualitative comparative analysis (QCA) to produce case knowledge, compare the cases, and identify connections between the factors and safety performance. The material collected and analyzed included, for example, construction planning documents, reports from OHS-inspections, safety indicators, and interviews with project leaders and OHS experts. Results and conclusions: The research showed that: (a) the average score on 12 safety management factors was higher among projects with high safety performance compared to projects with low safety performance; (b) high safety performance can be achieved with both high and low construction complexity and organizational complexity, but these factors complicate coordination of actors and operations; (c) it is possible to achieve high safety performance despite relatively poor performance on many safety management factors; (d) eight safety management factors were found to be “necessary” for high safety performance, namely roles and responsibilities, project management, OHS management and integration, safety climate, learning, site management, staff management, and operative risk management. Site management, operative risk management, and staff management were the three factors most strongly connected to safety performance. Practical implications: Construction stakeholders should understand that the ability to achieve high safety performance in construction projects is connected to key safety management factors, contextual factors, and combinations of such factors.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: The most effective means of preventing and controlling occupational injuries, illness, and fatalities is to "design out" hazards and hazardous exposures from the workplace. There is a long history of designing for safety for the general public and to a lesser degree for workers. METHOD: We now have the experience and insight from thoughtful, previous efforts to call for a comprehensive national strategy to implement a Prevention through Design (PtD) Initiative. RESULTS: This paper describes that initiative in terms of four overarching areas where action can be directed: practice, policy, research, and education. To obtain stakeholder input for issues in these four areas and to focus implementation efforts, eight sector divisions of the economy will be addressed. A seven year strategy is envisioned.  相似文献   

Introduction: Construction incidents occur due to system failures, not due to a single factor such as unsafe behavior or condition. Therefore, construction safety should be investigated using a systematic view capable of illustrating the complex nature of incidents. Construction projects are also often behind their planned schedule and suffer from various pressures caused by contractual deadlines or clients. Previous studies demonstrated that such pressures negatively affect safety performance; however, the process of how production pressure influences safety performance is not fully investigated. Method: The present research aimed to understand the feedback mechanism of how production pressure interactively affects safety performance and safety-related managerial components in a construction project. Ground theory method (GTM) is used to create a conceptual causal loop diagram that shows the relationship between incident rate and other variables such as labor hour, actual and planned progress, safety climate, rework, and safety training. Moreover, a power plant construction project was used as a case study to practically investigate the conceptual model; a case study is employed to build a System Dynamics (SD) model. The simulation model was then validated using behavior reproduction and sensitivity analysis. Results: The results of the inequality statistics show that the simulation model can be used to forecast trends in the incident rate.  相似文献   

In this research Risk Assessment of Safety and Health RASH method for building construction has been developed with risks classified into Safety Risks and Health Risks. 11 factors representing safety risks and 8 factors representing health risks were identified based on field survey in Oman. 40 Safety and Health specialists were involved in carrying out risk assessment using the existing method of risk analysis RA and the proposed RASH method. It was found that RASH method resulted in superior accuracy for assessment of risk zones than the existing RA method. The accuracy by RASH was almost twice the accuracy by RA. The overall percentages of the correct answers for the four scenarios using the RASH method and the RA method were 72.5 percent and 40 percent respectively. The proposed RASH method gave fewer errors than the existing RA method for all scenarios. Two scenarios were found to be the most problematic ones with largest overestimation of risks occur when using the existing RA method. Wilcoxon Ranked Test showed that the two methods are significantly different (z = −3.357, p > 0.01). The new method RASH is statistically acceptable and it resulted in better response in terms of estimating the risk than the RA method.  相似文献   

G. D. Edkins   《Safety Science》1998,30(3):275-295
A number of recent and highly publicised fatal aircraft accidents, within the Australian regional airline industry, has highlighted the need for operators of regular public transport aircraft to be more proactive in identifying and addressing aviation safety hazards. Despite this need, there are currently few proactive safety management programs that are practical, simple, cost effective and which reliably demonstrate improvements in airline safety performance. This paper outlines a new proactive airline safety program called INDICATE (Identifying Needed Defences In the Civil Aviation Transport Environment) that has been applied within the Australian regional airline industry. To evaluate the INDICATE program, a major Australian regional airline agreed to implement the program in one of its operational bases while another base was used as a control group. Five evaluation criteria were applied to determine whether the program would have a positive influence on the airline's safety performance. These criteria included airline safety culture, staff risk perception of aviation safety hazards, willingness of staff to report safety hazards, action taken on identified safety hazards and staff comments about safety management within the airline. Results from the trial suggest that the program can have a positive influence on airline safety performance, specifically: improving staff confidence in how safety is managed, increasing staff willingness to report safety hazards and incidents, improving organisational safety culture and reducing staff perceptions of the severity and likelihood of safety hazards occurring within the airline. The success of the trial has resulted in a number of Australian and International airlines adopting the program.  相似文献   

This study presents a framework of decision analysis on fire safety design alternatives based on evaluating building fire risk to life. A probabilistic risk assessment method for occupant life is presented with consideration of some uncertainties of evacuation process and fire development at first. For occupant evacuation time assessment, occupant pre-movement time is characterized by normal distribution. For onset time to untenable conditions assessment, its uncertainty is considered as probability distribution according to the range of design fires. Based on event tree technique, probable fire scenarios are analyzed with consideration of the effect of fire protection systems, employees extinguishing, etc. It is difficult to make a precise assessment on probability and consequence of every fire scenario, but their lower bound and upper bound can be achieved based on statistical data. Therefore, Supersoft Decision Theory [Malmnäs, P.E., 1995. Methods of Evaluation in Supersoft Decision Theory. Department of Philosophy, Stockholm University, 365 Stockholm; Johansson, H., Malmnäs, P.E., 2000. Application of supersoft decision theory in fire risk assessment. Journal of Fire Protection Engineering 14, 55–84] that allows decision maker to utilize vague statement is utilized to integrate with risk assessment to make decision on different fire safety design alternatives. To express how to make decision on different fire safety design alternatives based on evaluating building fire risk to life, two hypothetical fire safety design alternatives for a commercial building are presented.  相似文献   

As industrial operations expand, major incidents continue to affect people, damage facilities, and impact the environment. In the last 20 years, about 50% of these incidents occurred in facilities that had implemented some form of Process Safety Management (PSM) and 50% came about in smaller facilities that did not include such planning (Demichela et al., 2004). The objective of this article is to use PSM principles to create practical recommendations at the regional level, to complement those previously developed for singular facilities. This article compares Strathcona County Emergency Service (SCES) in Alberta with Technical Standards & Safety Authority (TSSA) in Ontario, with respect to safety, facility licensing, permit requirements, risk assessment procedures and land use planning aspects to determine PSM enhancements for SCES. Furthermore, for a better overview, two supplemental provincial organisations in Alberta, namely Alberta Boiler Safety Association (ABSA) and Safety Codes Council (SCC), were also considered. We proposed that SCES could develop more detailed facility-specific licensing procedures, auditing, and inspection. SCES could also provide details of accredited organisations that carry out inspections and audits on their behalf. When reviewing the quantitative risk assessment processes for SCES and TSSA, we recommend that SCES should update their probability data sources used in their cumulative risk assessment study. Based on the authors’ experience and gathered data, the use of additional facility practices such as safety management system, internal audits, and checklists can enhance incident prevention.  相似文献   

桥梁工程规划设计阶段施工安全风险评估的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究表明,有相当大比例的工程事故原因可以追溯到规划设计的不当。将工程的规划设计纳入施工安全管理全过程,就是将事故防控的"关口前移"和"源头管理"的创新思路。本研究以桥梁工程领域为例,探讨了我国在规划设计阶段进行施工安全风险评估的发展思路,包括:完善基础理论、将工程实践和立法推动相结合、从在建工程的施工安全现状反推其规划设计等,为提升我国工程建设施工安全提供借鉴。崇启大桥及泰州大桥工程实践表明,安全是可"构建"的,通过施工风险评估,能够改善规划设计,降低施工安全的风险,从而减少施工过程人员的伤亡或健康危害。  相似文献   

为了提升国内石油化工企业过程安全管理水平,借鉴国内外过程安全管理经验和优秀实践,提出了一种应用于石油化工企业过程安全管理的评估思路和方法。根据石油化工行业特点,构建了由16个要素组成的过程安全管理评估体系框架。同时,介绍了该评估体系的评估准则设计、评估方法设计,以及评估系统的应用。实践表明,此石油化工企业过程安全管理评估系统,既能评估石油化工企业过程安全管理绩效,又能指导企业设计和运行一套过程安全管理系统。  相似文献   

This paper reviews principal concepts, tools, and metrics for risk management and Inherently Safer Design (ISD) during the conceptual stage of process design. Even though there has been a profusion of papers regarding ISD, the targeted audience has typically been safety engineers, not process engineers. Thus, the goal of this paper is to enable process engineers to use all the available design degrees of freedom to mitigate risk early enough in the design process. Mainly, this paper analyzes ISD and inherent safety assessment tools (ISATs) from the perspective of inclusion in conceptual process design. The paper also highlights the need to consider safety as a major component of process sustainability. In this paper, 73 ISATs were selected, and these tools were categorized into three groups: hazard-based inherent safety assessment tools (H-ISATs) for 22 tools, risk-based inherent safety assessment tools (R-ISATs) for 33 tools, and cost-optimal inherent safety assessment tools (CO-ISATs) for 18 tools. This paper also introduces an integrated framework for coordinating the conventional process design workflow with safety analysis at various levels of detail.  相似文献   

Alarm flooding is a major safety issue in today's processing facilities. Important recommendations are available for alarm management; however, they are often violated in practice, especially in the alarm systems implemented through the distributed control system. An effective process alarm prioritization and management system is desired for a safe and effective operation of a process facility.In present work, authors address two main issues related to an alarm system – the reliability and the prioritization of the alarms. The main objective is to deal with the alarm-flooding problem in process facilities. A multi alert voting system based on sensor redundancy approach is proposed to improve the reliability. A quantitative risk-based alarm management approach is proposed to address the flooding issue. In the risk-based approach, an integrated model consisting of the probability (P), the impact (I) of the potential hazards, and the process safety time is proposed to prioritize these raised alarms.The proposed approach is further explained by a reactor system with pressure and temperature variable monitoring and controls, where the hazards associated with two alerts caused by over high pressure and over high temperature are analyzed and integrated with response time for alarms generation and prioritization.  相似文献   

危险源辨识和风险评价是GB/T28001职业健康安全管理的基本方法,通过危险源辨识找出与职业健康安全有关的管理点(危险源),评价出职业健康安全管理需要管理的重点(中度和高度风险),制定适宜的方法,即制定目标指标方案、运行控制或应急预案加以控制和改善,体现职业健康安全管理的基本原则和思路。只有正确运用危险源辨识和风险评价的方法,才能做到合理策划危险源的控制方法,集中力量抓主要矛盾解决主要问题,兼顾次要矛盾和一般问题的管理;根据不同危险源的具体情况选择适宜合理的方法,既保证危险源的有效控制,又保证采用的任何危险源控制方法和措施与危险源产生后果的严重性和伴随的风险相适应,尽量避免危险源控制的盲目性和不经济,达到追求最佳职业健康安全绩效的目的,提高整体和系统管理的有效性。  相似文献   

泰州大桥工程项目建设单位安全管理实践探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
建设单位做好安全管理工作,对保障大型工程项目建设的顺利进行,以及施工现场安全有着举足轻重的作用。泰州大桥项目作为特大桥梁工程,参建单位及人员众多,施工管理及组织非常复杂,安全管理工作面临着众多难点。本文从建设单位的角度出发,探讨了泰州大桥安全管理工作中的安全生产氛围、现场安全防护、高处作业、特种设备、特种作业人员、临时用电等八个重点内容,严把设计关、狠抓招标准入、强化制度建设、落实各级安全检查、实施安全生产风险抵押金考核等五种管理手段,以及委托专业机构提供现场安全管理及咨询、在全桥范围内建立和推行职业健康安全管理体系的探索性工作。此安全管理模式对其他大型工程项目建设单位抓好安全管理工作具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to determine the influential safety factors that governed the success of a safety management system for construction sites. The number of incidences among construction workers and the level of awareness on matters concerning safety were also determined. The study involved a self-administered three-part questionnaire among the workers and interviews with industry experts involved in brick-laying, concreting and in related assorted trades. Part A of the questionnaire concerned personal particulars, Part B involved training and experience and Part C was based on 28 industry-accepted safety factor elements. The construction sites ranged from high rise buildings, landed houses and infrastructure renovation. The sample size was 275. From the survey it was found that the most influential safety factor was personal awareness followed closely by communication. Suggestions and recommendations on equipment design and improved work practices and procedures to improve the efficiency and productivity of construction workers were proposed. Management was urged to get their workers better informed about safety matters.  相似文献   

Accidents in university laboratories not only create a great threat to students’ safety but bring significant negative social impact. This paper investigates the university laboratory safety in China using questionnaire and Bayesian network (BN) analysis. Sixteen influencing factors for building the Bayesian net were firstly identified. A questionnaire was distributed to graduate students at 60 universities in China to acquire the probability of safe/unsafe conditions for sixteen influencing factors, based on which the conditional probability of four key factors (human, equipment and material, environment, and management) was calculated using the fuzzy triangular theory and expert judgment. The determined conditional probability was used to develop a Bayesian network model for the risk analysis of university laboratory safety and identification of the main reasons behind the accidents. Questionnaire results showed that management problems are prominent due to insufficient safety education training and weak management level of management personnel. The calculated unsafe state probability was found to be 65.2%. In the BN analysis, the human factor was found to play the most important role, followed by equipment and material factor. Sensitive and inferential analysis showed that the most sensitive factors are personnel incorrect operation, illegal operation, and experiment equipment failure. Based on the analysis, countermeasures were proposed to improve the safe management and operation of university laboratories.  相似文献   

水利水电工程施工安全分析与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
安全管理分析作为事故预防的基本手段,促使水利水电施工单位建立自我约束、保持持续改进安全管理的长效机制;通过分析安全管理,增长安全生产知识,提高安全生产意识,具备避免事故发生的能力,制定有效的实施控制程序,不断总结、改进和提高分析安全事故及分析预控水平.  相似文献   

The growing scale and complexity of process industries have brought safety, health, and environmental issues to the forefront. As a result, proactive risk reduction strategies (RRSs) are commonly employed to address these issues by reducing the frequency or mitigating the consequences of potential incidents. Among these strategies, inherent safety, which is a proactive measure of loss prevention and risk management, is considered to be the most effective method. This review aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of RRSs for achieving inherency, as well as techniques for evaluating the performance of inherent safety, health, and environmental aspects. Background information is presented, including the development and implementation of the inherently safer process design, as well as the approaches for achieving inherently healthier and environmentally friendlier processes. Subsequently, the execution approaches and practical applications of other RRSs are discussed to highlight the distinctiveness and benefits of inherent safety. Next, this study examined the characteristics of inherency assessment tools (IATs) based on available information at different process stages. Furthermore, the evaluation methods and historical development of IATs are investigated from the perspectives of safety, occupational health, and environmental considerations, followed by a statistical analysis of IATs. It is concluded that the no-chemical hazards-based IATs have not been extensively studied yet, which may improve the safety level of process plants from the perspective of comprehensive inherency risk reduction. As a way forward, future research opportunities are proposed to promote the implementation of greater optimized risk management.  相似文献   

国内外优秀企业安全文化建设分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
安全文化作为一种新的安全管理模式,正在被越来越多的企业所重视和接受。国内外优秀的大型企业集团,纷纷依据自身安全管理工作的特点,建立了特色鲜明的安全文化模型,为提升企业的安全管理水平中发挥了重要作用。从安全文化的基本内涵出发,分析了国内外几家优秀企业安全文化建设情况,并通过比对总结了优秀企业安全文化应具备的五个特点。研究结果有利于企业更好的结合自身实际开展安全文化建设工作,提高企业安全文化体系的科学性和实效性。  相似文献   

The paper focuses on risk sources under no legislative pressure in the field of prevention of major accidents. Despite this, they can represent significant sources of risk of accidents.The aim of the paper is to present the results of the risk assessment associated with the operation of enterprises not regulated by the SEVESO III Directive (the so-called subliminal enterprises), to provide information on possible operational problems and to verify the applicability of recognized risk analysis methods for these specific sources of risk. Last but not least, its purpose is to point out that subliminal enterprises, due to their location close to residential areas or areas with a high concentration of population, pose a serious risk to the population.The paper summarizes the results of the quantitative risk assessment of a specific enterprise not included in the Seveso Directive – a filling station. Filling stations are frequently located in built-up areas with a dense coefficient of habitability. Due to their number, location (e.g. close to residential areas), frequency of occurrence of persons in the area and handling of dangerous substances during normal operation, they can have negative or even tragic consequences to the life and health of the population.Due to the non-existent risk assessment methodology for enterprises with subliminal quantities of dangerous substances and the lack of a systematic search for risk sources, a risk assessment procedure for these companies is designed.  相似文献   

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