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Metabolic changes and toxic effects in Crangon crangon (collected during summer 1989 near Helsingør, Denmark and at Kulhuse in the Isefjord) were observed during exposure to different arsenate concentrations. Survival, respiration, and concentrations of hemolymph glucose, muscle glycogen andadenine nucleotides were measured. C. crangon was very tolerant of arsenate; survival was only affected at arsenate concentrations >25 ppm. Small individuals (0.2 to 0.29 g wet weight) were less tolerant than medium-sized and large individuals (0.5 to 0.59 g and 0.8 to 0.89 g wet weight), e.g. at 50 ppm the LT50 for small individuals was 180 h compared to 343 h and 360 h in middle-sized and large individuals. The relation between size and toxicity is probably due to the change in surface/volume ratio. Under clean conditions the respiration of C. crangon showed a clear relation between routine MO2 (O2 in mlg-1 h-1) and wet weight (r2=0.89; P<0.001). During shortterm exposure to arsenate (10 and 50 ppm), the respiratory rates (MO2) seemed to decrease in a size-dependent manner. The concentrations of blood glucose and muscle glycogen did not change in response to arsenate exposure. The concentrations of adenylate phosphates were high and constant throughout the experiments. C. crangon had maximal adenylate energy charge (AEC) values of ca. 0.8. No decrease in AEC due to the exposure to arsenate was observed.  相似文献   

Juvenile shrimp, Crangon crangon L., were maintained in water-soluble crude oil fractions at 10°, 15° and 20°C. During chronic exposure to oil fractions, a reduction in respiration and growth rate occurred which was related to strength of the extract. Mortality increased with strength of oil fraction and was highest at 20°C. Calculation of carbon budgets indicated that the extract reduced net carbon turnover at each temperature. Physiological consequences resulting from exposure to the oil fractions are discussed.  相似文献   

Common shrimp, Crangon crangon (L.), were exposed to inorganic arsenic (arsenate), trimethylarsine oxide, or arsenobetaine in sea water (100 μg As l−1) or in food (1 mg As g−1 wet wt) for up to 24 d, followed by 16 d depuration in clean sea water with undosed food, in order to determine the efficiency of uptake and retention of the compounds. Accumulation of arsenic in the tail muscle, gills, midgut gland, exoskeleton, and remaining tissues was found to depend on the chemical form of the arsenic and the route of exposure. No arsenic was accumulated by C. crangon exposed to arsenate or trimethylarsine oxide in sea water. Shrimps exposed to waterborne arsenobetaine initially accumulated a small amount of arsenic in their tail muscle and gills. After 16 d, C. crangon fed arsenate, trimethylarsine oxide, or arsenobetaine had accumulated arsenic in their tail muscle to levels ∼2-, 2-, or 40-times, respectively, that of the control group. A roughly linear rate of accumulation was shown by shrimps fed trimethylarsine oxide or arsenobetaine, but C. crangon fed arsenate accumulated arsenic for 16 d, then lost arsenic such that their concentration on Day 24 was not significantly different from that of the control group. Patterns of arsenic accumulation in the gills of shrimps fed the compounds were similar to those seen in the tail muscle. On a whole animal basis, C. crangon retained ∼1.2% of the arsenate, 1.6% of the trimethylarsine oxide, and 42% of the arsenobetaine consumed over the first 16 d of exposure, with roughly half present in the tail muscle in each case. Data obtained support the view that the direct uptake of arsenobetaine from sea water does not make a significant contribution to the relatively high concentrations of this compound in marine crustaceans, and that food is the primary source. Naturally occurring arsenic compounds in C. crangon and possible transformations of the administered arsenic compounds were examined by high performance liquid chromatography using an inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer as the arsenic-specific detector. Control C. crangon contained arsenobetaine as the major arsenic compound (>95% of total arsenic); tetramethylarsonium ion (0.7%) and an unknown arsenic compound (1.7%) were also present as minor constituents. Shrimp ingesting arsenobetaine accumulated it unchanged. Shrimp ingesting arsenate did not form methylated arsenic compounds; they appeared to contain their accumulated arsenic as unchanged arsenate only, although the possibility that some of the arsenic was reduced to arsenite could not be excluded. C. crangon ingesting trimethylarsine oxide biotransformed the compound predominantly to dimethylarsinate. Received: 9 October 1997 / Accepted: 11 February 1998  相似文献   

The hormones present in the water extract of the eyestalks of Crangon crangon (L.) were separated by gel filtration on Sephadex G-25 fine in 0.1 M acetic acid. Chromatophorotropic activity was present in 3 separate fractions. Peak II (Fig. 1) contained Black Pigment Dispersing Hormone (BPDH); a concentrating activity, especially towards the pigment of leucophores, was present in fraction IIIA (WPCH). Peak IV contained Red Pigment Concentrating Hormone (RPCH). Combining BPDH with RPCH in the ratio 5:1, effects of lightening of the body and darkening of the telson and uropods were observed. A similar effect was produced when BPDH and WPCH were combined in the ratio 1:1. Such effects have not been previously described for eyestalk hormones, but only for the hormones of the tritocerebral commissure. In the crude water extract of the eyestalk, BPDH is inhibited by the remaining 2 hormones (WPCH and RPCH), and shows no dispersing effect when tested on eyestalkless C. crangon.  相似文献   

The annual cycle of ovarian activity and eyestalk effects on the ovary in different phases of its activity were examined in the crab Rhithropanopeus harrisii Gould ssp. tridentatus Maitland, and the sand shrimp Crangon crangon L. In both species, the annual ovarian cycle consists of two phases of vitellogenesis and the resting phase. In R. harrisii, the eyestalks exert an inhibitory effect on vitellogenesis during the phase of vitellogenesis outside the breeding season, and are necessary for the process of oviposition during the breeding season. In C. crangon, ovary-inhibiting hormone is present in the eyestalks outside the breeding season, and has not been detected during this season. The resting phase of the ovary after the breeding season is caused by the ovary-inhibitiing hormone. Females of C. crangon are a suitable material for testing ovary-inhibiting hormone activity, while female R. harrisii are not.  相似文献   

The material examined consisted of adult specimens (male and female) of the shrimp Crangon crangon (L.) collected during the summer of 1967 from the Gdask Bay of the Baltic Sea. Column and thin-layer chromatography was used for the separation of the carotenoids. The ester compounds and protein complexes of carotenoids were hydrolized with 15% KOH in methanol at room temperature in a nitrogen atmosphere for 48 h. The absorption maxima of the various fractions and spots were determined on the spectrophotometer Specol after eluation. The identification of the carotenoids was based mainly on the absorption maxima in appropriate organic solvents and on the Rt values. The acetone extract from the Crangon crangon specimens gave a light blue fluorescence and absorption maxima at wavelengths of 447, 463, 595 to 596 and 667 m. The following carotenoids were found to be present in the adult specimens of Crangon crangon: -carotene, cantaxanthin, astaxanthin, free and esterified lutein, zeaxanthin, and a form of xanthophyll which was not precisely identified. In addition to the above, biliary dyes were also found, probably of the mesobiliviolin and mesobilirhodin type.  相似文献   

The brown shrimp Crangon crangon was collected in the Penzé estuary, Bretagne, in April 1994 and exposed to hypoxia, anoxia and combinations of hypoxia and sulfide. Exposure to sulfide induced total anaerobic metabolism even at an oxygen saturation which would otherwise permit totally aerobic metabolism. In addition to preventing aerobic metabolism there was a direct toxic effect of sulfide. Haemocyanin oxygen affinity (p50) values from non-stressed C. crangon were relatively low. The p50 values all exceed those where environmentally induced lactate accumulation occurs. It seems unlikely that lactate is an affinity modulating factor under environmental hypoxia.  相似文献   

R. Perger  A. Temming 《Marine Biology》2012,159(6):1209-1222
Shrimps are economically and ecologically very important, yet a lack of ageing techniques and hence unknown growth rates often impairs analytical assessments and management. A new method for the determination of in situ growth rates of shrimps is presented, based on dry weight condition. Since this index oscillates from low values directly after moult to highest values prior to moult in constantly feeding shrimp, the lowest observed pre-moult condition followed by a moult was introduced as a reference value to separate growing and starving individuals in field data. Experiments with Crangon crangon confirmed that (1) post-moult condition varies in a narrow physiologically optimal range, regardless of recent growth increments, and (2) dry weight condition prior to moult is closely related to the subsequent length increment. The method was applied to estimate growth increments from in situ dry weight condition data of C. crangon. The new method can easily be applied to other related species, since the required data can be obtained from very simple short-term experiments.  相似文献   

Three chromatophorotropic neurohormones, present in the aqueous extract of acetone-dried and powdered eyestalk of the shrimp Crangon crangon (L.), were separated by gel filtration on a Sephadex G-25 column in 0.1 M acetic acid containing 1 mM mercaptoethanol (Fig. 1). Gel filtration was performed in a cold room at 4°C. The red-pigment-concentrating hormone, after gel filtration on Sephadex G-25 column, was pooled and freeze-dried. The increase in total activity of red-pigment-concentrating hormone after gel filtration through Sephadex G-25 as compared with the total activity of this hormone in aqueous extract (Table 1) was caused by removal of black-pigment-dispersing hormone. Purification of red-pigment-concentrating hormone was achieved by repeated gel filtration on a Sephadex G-15 column. Red-pigment-concentrating hormone appeared as a symmetrical peak (the fourth peak in Fig. 3) when the absorbance of effluent was measured at 235 nm. Red-pigment-concentrating-hormone purified on Sephadex G-15 column has a specific activity about 9000 times greater than in the initial material.  相似文献   

Brown shrimp (Crangon crangon, L.) are subjected to a huge annual temperature range, and certain thermal conditions during winter have been identified to affect the brown shrimp population. Despite that, little is known about its thermal biology with regard to critically low temperatures. In the present study, we determined the critical thermal minima (CTmin) and the critical lethal minima (CLmin) of male and female brown shrimp of different body sizes in laboratory-based experiments. For the CTmin trials, shrimp were acclimated to 4.0, 9.0, and 14.0 °C and exposed to a cooling rate of ?0.2 °C min?1. In the CLmin trials, brown shrimp were exposed to a cooling rate of ?1.0 °C day?1 without prior thermal acclimation. Acclimation temperature significantly affected the temperature tolerance of brown shrimp (p < 0.001). CTmin among the experimental groups just varied slightly, and no clear effect of gender or body size was observed. In the CLmin trials, brown shrimp even tolerated the coldest temperature of ?1.7 °C that could be established in the experimental setup. However, we observed a negative relationship between temperature and reactivity within the range of 7.0 and 1.0 °C that was determined by means of the flicking response. This relationship suddenly broke between 1.0 and 0.0 °C where an abrupt drop in the reactivity of the shrimp became apparent. The results of this study revealed that brown shrimp hold a wider thermal range as originally reported and that it can cope with subzero temperatures. Implications of low-temperature tolerance are discussed in the context of the brown shrimp’s ecology as well as stock assessment.  相似文献   

Oh  C.-W.  Hartnoll  R. G. 《Marine Biology》2004,144(2):303-316
Aspects of the reproductive biology of the common shrimp Crangon crangon (L.) were studied in Port Erin Bay, Isle of Man, Irish Sea. Size at sexual maturity was determined from the proportions of ovigerous females and of females with maturing ovaries. The size at which 50% of females are mature is estimated (±95% confidence intervals) as 12.5±0.48 mm carapace length. Based on the proportions of ovigerous females and of mature females, the main breeding season was from January to June. Mean ovarian dry weights indicated two broods (winter and summer), with females bearing winter broods (WB) having higher gonad indices than those with summer broods (SB). WB females with non-eyed eggs and with eyed eggs differed in the regression of ovarian dry weight on carapace length, indicating preparation for laying a second brood. In both broods the moult stages of berried females were related to egg stage. Moulting will occur following the release of the brood. During embryonic development, mean egg length and egg volume were larger in all stages, and the mean dry weight of individual eggs of all stages heavier, in WB than in SB; there was no difference in egg number, however. Consequently, reproductive investment, the proportion of female weight devoted to egg production, was 67% higher in WB (0.20±0.04) than in SB (0.12±0.03). There is a significant effect of egg volume on brood weight, but not on egg number. In both broods, egg number was a negatively allometric function of female body size in non-eyed eggs and an isometric function of female body size in eyed eggs. Brood mortality during incubation was higher in SB (17%) than WB (10%). Differences in the reproductive variables and investment between the two broods of C. crangon are discussed in the light of reproductive strategies and life history.Communicated by J.P. Thorpe, Port Erin  相似文献   

This study provides a comprehensive examination of the life cycle dynamics of the brown shrimp (Crangon crangon L.) in the Mondego estuary, Portugal, a habitat located near the southern edge of the range of this species in European waters. The phenology of all life stages was documented (from the occurrence of ovigerous females, developing embryos, planktonic larvae and benthic post-larvae), and migration patterns of larvae into and out of the estuary were examined. Temperature-dependent functions of egg and larval development were combined with data on field abundance to predict the timing and magnitude of occurrence of larvae and recruits. Compared to brown shrimp at higher latitudes, southern conspecifics grow slower, mature earlier and have smaller brood sizes, and larvae have a more protracted settlement period. The Mondego estuary, besides acting as nursery area, is a dynamic platform for C. crangon to use in different stages, sizes and seasons.  相似文献   

The Crangon crangon (L.) population of the Solway Firth displays a mean incidence of shell disease of 13.2%, which is some 1.5 times more than any other crustacean species in this area. The condition is characterized by superficial pitting and cracking of the carapace leading to the formation of blackened erosions which are commoner in larger individuals and, in all, are lost at the moult. Visually identical damage appears within 4-5 days of mechanical abrasion of the exoskeleton, but is inhibited if the abraded animals are maintained in an antibiotic medium.

Disease incidence fluctuates throughout the year with minima in March and August and maxima during the winter months. Apparently the activity of the local commercial shrimp fishery is the primary cause of the high incidence of shell disease amongst these shrimp. Mechanical damage to the exoskeleton, incurred as a result of abrasion by fishing instruments, facilitates penetration of the epicuticle by chitinoclastic bacteria which then induce chitinolysis of the underlying calcified exoskeletal layers. The condition does not seem to cause a significant mortality of the shrimp population nor does it affect the value of the commercial catch.  相似文献   

The effect of purified preparations of ovine hypophyseal gonadotropins NIH-FSH-S12 and NIH-LH-S19 on the histological structure of the ovaries of the sand shrimp Crangon crangon (L.) (Crustacea: Decapoda) was studied. All experiments were carried out on sexually mature females, out of the breeding season. The individuals treated with the gonadotropins included intact females as well as those in which the eyestalks were ligated to eliminate a source of gonad-inhibiting hormone (GIH). The results obtained indicate that both FSH and LH have a stimulating effect on the ovaries of the common shrimp, FSH causing growth in the number of somatic cells of the ovary, and LH — meiosis in the sex cells. The effect of each of the 2 gonadotropins was similar in intact and eyestalkless females which indicates its independence from the presence or absence of GIH. The response of crustacean ovaries to mammalian FSH and LH indicates that gonadotropins may act upon invertebrates.  相似文献   

The chlorinated hydrocarbon pesticide Kelthane was assayed for effects on food consumption, molting rate, cannibalism, respiration, mortality and behavior of the estuarine shrimp Crangon franciscorum Stimpson. The test system was a single-pass pulse-flow apparatus employing a modified Mount-Brungs style diluter. Treatment levels were 0, 14, 33 and 81 g l-1 Kelthane at 16.6°C and 19 S over an exposure period of 317 h. Exposure to Kelthane reduced food consumption, molting rate, cannibalism, and respiration. Behavior also was abnormal in exposed shrimp. They spent more time swimming, were less coordinated and had feeble escape reactions. Kelthane was very toxic to C. franciscorum with LT50 values of 163, 196 and 264 h for shrimp exposed to 81, 33 and 14 g l-1 respectively. The incipient lethal level of Kelthane is probably below 14 g l-1.  相似文献   

To elucidate the life history of neustonic animals, growth and reproductive patterns were investigated in the hermaphroditic pedunculate barnacle Lepas anserifera in field and laboratory experiments in Wakayama, western Japan from 2006 to 2008. The effects of temperature (19, 24 or 29°C) and food availability (once or twice a week) on growth and reproduction were also studied in the laboratory. The barnacles grew and matured rapidly, especially in the field: individuals on the average grew from 3 mm to more than 12 mm in capitulum length within 15 days and some were brooding. High temperature and high food availability resulted in greater growth. High temperature also resulted in earlier maturation of both testes and ovaries, whereas the effect of food availability was less clear. The rapid growth and maturation, together with earlier maturation at higher temperatures, may be an adaptation to ephemeral floating objects to which they attach.  相似文献   

Although coral dwelling fishes are common on coral reefs, the nature of their effect on the host corals is poorly understood. The present study, conducted in the Gulf of Eilat (Red Sea) between July 1989 and August 1990, demonstrated that the branching coral Stylophora pistillata (Esper) benefits, in two components of coral fitness, from the presence of the damselfish Dascyllus marginatus (Rüppell), an obligate coral dweller. The growth rate of damselfish-inhabited corals was significantly higher than that of corals without damselfish. This was observed, using two growth assessment methods, in long-term (>7 mo) comparisons between: (1) corals where the damselfish were experimentally removed versus corals with unaltered fish groups; and (2) naturally inhabited versus non-inhabited corals. The presence of damselfish did not affect the coral's specific (per surface area) reproductive output, whether it was assessed by the number of female gonads per polyp or by the number of planulae released cm-2 surface area d-1. However, the more rapid increase in branch size in damselfish-inhabited corals resulted in an apparent increase in the total reproductive output, with age, in growing corals. These findings demonstrate that the association between the damselfish D. marginatus and its host coral, S. pistillata, is mutualistic.  相似文献   

To determine the effects food ration and feeding regime on growth and reproduction of Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis (Müller), sea urchins in laboratory aquaria were fed kelp (Laminaria longicruris) supplied at either a high (H, ad libidum daily) or a low (L, ad libidum 1 d wk−1) ration in two successive 12-wk intervals during the reproductive period. After 24 wk, urchins fed the high ration continuously (HH) or for the last 12 wk only (LH) had a significantly greater mean gonad index [(gonad weight/total body weight) × 100] and body weight than urchins fed the low ration continuously (LL) or for the last 12 wk only (HL). Urchins in the HL treatment had a significantly greater gonad index than those in the LL treatment; there was no significant difference in gonad index between the LH and HH treatments. Females had a greater gonad index than males in the low ration (LL and HL) treatments at the end of the experiment; there was no significant difference between sexes in the high ration (LH, HH) treatments. Gametogenesis proceeded to maturation in all treatments and some individuals spawned at the end of the experiment. Females in the high ration (HH and LH) treatments had a greater proportion of nutritive phagocytes in their ovaries than females in the low ration treatments, but there was no effect of feeding treatment on oocyte or ovum size. Feeding treatment had no effect on the relative abundance of nutritive phagocytes in the testes, although the proportion of spermatocytes was higher (and that of spermatozoa lower) in the high ration than in the low ration treatments. Urchins in the high ration treatments had a lower mean jaw height index [(jaw height/test diameter) × 100] and greater mean test diameter than those in the low ration treatments at the end of the experiment, although these differences were not statistically significant. Feeding rate on kelp at the end of the experiment was significantly greater for urchins in the low ration than in the high ration treatments. Our experimental results show that even relatively low rations of kelp support somatic and gonadal growth in S. droebachiensis. Increasing the supply of kelp, particularly during the period of active gametogenesis, results in maximal rates of growth and reproduction. These results suggest that populations of S. droebachiensis in barrens may derive a substantial proportion of their nutrition from drift kelp, which may contribute to their persistence in these habitats. They also explain the large body size, high reproductive effort and fecundity of urchins grazing on kelp beds. These findings have important implications for understanding the dynamics of natural populations of S. droebachiensis and for development of effective aquacultural practices. Received: 17 February 1997 / Accepted: 5 March 1997  相似文献   

Growth of the shrimp Crangon vulgaris was studied by following the evolution of its nucleic acid concentration and total content. Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and ribonucleic acid (RNA) analysis were effected on homogenates of whole shrimps. Cell multiplication was estimated from evolution of total DNA content, and cell size increment from evolution of fresh weight: DNA ratio. DNA puric bases ratio and RNA monoribonucleotides percentages were constant throughout the investigation period. A decrease in DNA concentration was observed from 50 to 20 M/g dry defatted weight (DDP), when fresh weight increases from 40 to 570 mg. This decrease was more marked in the first half of the period studied (prepuberal phase). The DNA content in the whole shrimp increases with fresh weight without slowing down at sexual maturity. However, at the beginning of the prepuberal phase the cell-multiplication rate seems to be graduated rather than continuous; this is still to be explained. Cell size, calculated from fresh weight: DNA ratio, increases until the shrimp weighs 300 mg; beyond this weight, cell increment proceeds much more slowly. The weight gain of shrimps throughout the growth period studied is mainly attributable to hyperplasia — which occurs constantly — while hypertrophy insures only 21% weight increment in the largest shrimps. As protein content, RNA content is a linear function of shrimp weight. RNA:DNA ratio evolution is similar to that of cell size and protein content. We suggest that cells have attained a physiological balance when shrimps reach a weight of 300 mg.  相似文献   

Glasshouse experiments were conducted twice to assess the ash amendments (0, 20, and 40% with soil), a phosphate solubilizing microorganism Pseudomonas striata and a root-nodule bacterium Rhizobium sp on the reproduction of root-knot nematode Meloidogyne incognita and on the growth and transpiration of pea. Amendments of fly ash with soil had no effect on transpiration. However, M. incognita reduced the rate of transpiration from 1st week onward after inoculation while inoculation of Rhizobium sp and P. striata increased transpiration from 1st week onward after their inoculation both in nematode inoculated and uninoculated plants. Increase in transpiration was greater when both organisms were inoculated together. Addition of 20 and 40% fly ash with soil was beneficial for plant growth both in nematode inoculated and uninoculated plants. Inoculation of above organisms also increases plant growth of nematode inoculated and uninoculated plants in different fly ash soil mixture but increase in growth was greater when both organisms were inoculated together. Use of 20% fly ash increased galling and nematode multiplication over plants grown in without fly ash while 40% fly ash had adverse effect on galling and nematode multiplication. Rhizobium sp had greater adverse effect on galling and nematode multiplication than P. striata. Use of both organisms together had greater adverse effect on galling and nematode multiplication than caused by either of them alone. Highest reduction in galling and nematode multiplication was observed when both organisms were used in 40% fly ash amended soil. However, highest transpiration was observed in plants without nematodes and inoculated with both organisms together both in with or without fly ash amended soil.  相似文献   

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