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Rapid changes are occurring in the rhetoric and practice of transport planning in the UK. Driven by ever increasing road congestion and growing awareness of the impact of road transport on the environment, a consensus is said to be emerging over the implementation of a new approach to UK transport planning centred on managing the demand for road travel rather than catering for it. This paper explores the depth and breadth of the penetration of this new consensus in relation to policy making in central government and in three local case-study areas. The paper charts the factors that have shifted transport policy direction and are contributing to and inhibiting the adoption of a new demand management approach. It concludes by stating that whilst definitive shifts in transport-planning rhetoric and practice have occurred in recent times, shifts toward demand management have been slow due in particular to local cultural and political difficulties. These persist in many localities and in similar policy areas and an awareness of these is useful in highlighting difficulties in the adoption of environmental sustainability agendas in other policy fields.  相似文献   

The Norwegian Integrated Land Use and Transport Planning Scheme TP10 was launched in 1991 as a responseto growing concern about the environmental effects of road transport in Norway's largest cities. Its main goal was to develop transport and land use policies leading to reductions in the growth of car use and transport demand. The purpose of this paper is to explain and discuss why the scheme on the whole failed to produce the intended policies. One reason was that the planning process in the scheme was dominated by the traditional transport planning and implementation authorities. The scheme was also linked to the national roads planning process in a way which diverted TP10 from its stated environmental goals. The paper concludes that radical changes in existing policies should be accompanied by institutional reform.  相似文献   

This paper assesses the contribution of land-use planning to the objectives of local sustainable development in some of the UK's most urbanized areas. Sustainable development provides the context within which local planning policies are now being prepared, and can be seen to be a potentially important aspect of central government's proposals for modernizing local government. Using the results from a comprehensive survey of development plans in metropolitan authorities, the paper assesses both the strengths and the weaknesses of land-use planning in terms of sustainable development and speculates upon the lessons they may offer to the government's more recent proposals on modernizing local government.  相似文献   

The second round of the Local Transport Plan (LTP2) process in England presents unique challenges and opportunities for integrating Local Air Quality Management (LAQM) within current transport planning policy. Using content analysis of LTP2 documents from nine English authorities, and results from a questionnaire survey of local government officers undertaken in late 2007, this paper charts the changes in the integration of air quality management within the transport planning process since 1997. While substantial improvements in policy integration were observed within the selected case studies, the paper demonstrates that such improvements are often constrained by institutional complexities that create implementation gaps between national objectives and local decision-making outcomes.  相似文献   

可持续发展与区域环境规划   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
可持续发展理论对区域环境规划提出了新的要求。本文介绍了可持续发展与传统发展模式的不同之处,并对如何将可持续发展理念融入到区域环境规划的各个阶段中,提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

This paper explores the debate about the pursuit of an integrated and participatory approach to sustainable development within the UK planning system, using the Examination in Public (EiP) of the Hertfordshire Structure Plan as a case-study. The Hertfordshire Structure Plan incorporated a concept called 'whole settlement strategies', requiring that the major settlements in the county were planned holistically to assess their potential to meet development needs. The debate at the EiP sheds light on issues associated with the operationalism of key themes of sustainable development in planning, and on the relationship between emerging approaches to Local Agenda 21 and the development plan system. It also highlights the contested meanings of sustainable development between those promoting a strong approach and those holding to a weak definition based on meeting development needs.  相似文献   

Insight into land developers’ perspectives on alternative residential developments and the barriers they experience in trying to develop them can be crucial in efforts to change environmentally damaging low-density, large-lot, and automobile-dependent residential patterns. Using a semi-structured interview instrument followed by short surveys, I examined the views of 16 developers in Waukesha County, WI, USA, a county that has experienced significant development pressures and widespread implementation of conservation subdivision design. The land developer investigation focused on conservation subdivision design familiarity and implementation, and identified a number of barriers that developers experienced in implementing the design. While the majority of the developers appeared familiar with the design and had experience developing conservation subdivisions, their motivations for developing them varied, as did their on-site conservation practices. The barriers included the lack of land use regulations supporting the design, economic factors, community opposition, and a lack of knowledge about sustainable residential development practices. Strategies to promote more environmentally sustainable residential land development patterns include providing a more supportive institutional environment, enacting different regulations and guidelines for natural resources protection, and offering education on ecologically sound development and planning practices.  相似文献   

This paper intends to present a critical review of the planning models that can be used for sustainable water resource development. Three types of models are identified and assessed: (1) economic analysis models; (2) decision analysis models; and (3) systems analysis models. The methodology adopted in this paper is based on first describing the different types of models and then synthesizing and evaluating these models in terms of their theoretical underpinnings, applications, strengths and weaknesses. Each model is investigated with respect to its utility in addressing sustainability in water resource management. The study concludes that decision-based and system-based models may offer a wider spectrum of concepts than economic models in addressing multi-objective, multi-actor or 'wicked' problems in water management and resource sustainability.  相似文献   


Recent concerns surrounding the growth of mobility and associated increases in journey length and number of motorised journeys for an increasingly diverse pattern of trips have placed demands on the planning system in terms of the need to consider the land use-transport interaction. This paper first provides a review of relevant national planning policy in Scotland in particular. It then goes on to report findings from a recent survey which highlights the attitudes held by Scottish planning professionals to managing transport demand through land-use planning. The paper outlines the trade-offs encountered in practice between competing policy objectives. In Scotland there is no planning guidance equivalent to Planning Policy Guidance Note 13, which applies to England and Wales, around which there has been much debate on its impact on development control decisions and planning strategy. Draft guidance for Scotland was produced in 1996 for consultation and again in 1998, but at the time of writing has yet to be finalised. The findings from this study are timely in that they enable an assessment of the extent to which the planning system is being used to manage transport demand. Recent local government reorganisation in Scotland has resulted in significant changes to ways in which strategic planning and development control policy are likely to proceed. The paper focuses on the extent to which local authority policy emphasises the need to reduce travel through planning.  相似文献   


The important role that non-motorised transport plays in urban sustainability is discussed with particular reference to the developing world and to the links between environmental and poverty issues. The significance of non-motorised transport in terms of reduced pollution, income maintenance for the poor and providing transport for vulnerable groups is stressed and placed within the general context of sustainable development. More specifically, evidence is presented for rickshaws in Calcutta, which demonstrates the vital role that non-motorised transport must play if sustainable development objectives are to be met. This evidence indicates that if rickshaws were to disappear from Calcutta's streets there would not only be significant increases in air pollution but also a substantial increase in the numbers of people living in poverty.  相似文献   

Recent concerns surrounding the growth of mobility and associated increases in journey length and number of motorised journeys for an increasingly diverse pattern of trips have placed demands on the planning system in terms of the need to consider the land use-transport interaction. This paper first provides a review of relevant national planning policy in Scotland in particular. It then goes on to report findings from a recent survey which highlights the attitudes held by Scottish planning professionals to managing transport demand through land-use planning. The paper outlines the trade-offs encountered in practice between competing policy objectives. In Scotland there is no planning guidance equivalent to Planning Policy Guidance Note 13, which applies to England and Wales, around which there has been much debate on its impact on development control decisions and planning strategy. Draft guidance for Scotland was produced in 1996 for consultation and again in 1998, but at the time of writing has yet to be finalised. The findings from this study are timely in that they enable an assessment of the extent to which the planning system is being used to manage transport demand. Recent local government reorganisation in Scotland has resulted in significant changes to ways in which strategic planning and development control policy are likely to proceed. The paper focuses on the extent to which local authority policy emphasises the need to reduce travel through planning.  相似文献   

The important role that non-motorised transport plays in urban sustainability is discussed with particular reference to the developing world and to the links between environmental and poverty issues. The significance of non-motorised transport in terms of reduced pollution, income maintenance for the poor and providing transport for vulnerable groups is stressed and placed within the general context of sustainable development. More specifically, evidence is presented for rickshaws in Calcutta, which demonstrates the vital role that non-motorised transport must play if sustainable development objectives are to be met. This evidence indicates that if rickshaws were to disappear from Calcutta's streets there would not only be significant increases in air pollution but also a substantial increase in the numbers of people living in poverty.  相似文献   

The amount of household refuse has steadily increased in Sweden. Strategies for household waste reduction include sorting, recycling, re-use and repair. Two categories of motivational factors determine disposal behaviour, external and internal. The external factors include administrative, economic, information and physical measures. The internal factors include knowledge, values and attitudes of individuals. Environmentally friendly disposal behaviour is best achieved when both external and internal motivational factors argue for performing activities benign to the environment. The data were collected by interviewing households and stakeholders in a metropolitan area and by studying the facilities for recycling and re-use there. The results show that over 80% of the inhabitants sorted most paper and glass; they were satisfied with the facilities and considered the behaviour important for the environment. The external motivational factors for this behaviour were very strong, with numerous bins and ample information. National policy, formulated in the eco-cycle bill with specified achievement levels, local responsibilities for organising waste management, supporting citizens with physical facilities, information and moti vational arguments, seems to be a successful combination when implementing environmental policy in this sector.  相似文献   

In 1998 the Minister for the Regions, Regeneration and Planning issued a statement which argued that the European context for planning had been largely missing from the planning system in England. This paper explores the impact of European Union (EU) membership on the practice of local authority planning in the UK. The research was based on nine local planning authorities in England, Scotland and Wales. The results indicate that EU membership has exerted a direct and indirect influence on planning at the local level. A classification of EU influences on local planning activities is developed. The research also indicates that the scope and structure of the UK planning system are being influenced by EU membership. There is considerable emphasis on the role of planning as a tool for sustainable development, and the development of environmental quality standards, coupled with existing policies in the sphere of nature conservation, present a challenge to the traditional approach of the UK planning system of balancing all material considerations.  相似文献   


This paper describes some of the insights gained by the authors in the development of an approach for systemic sustainability analysis to arrive at sustainability indicators (SIs) for development. The paper describes the problems of perspective and mindset which such research involves, and the necessity to rethink both the purpose and content of SIs as well as taking into account the perspective of the researcher. The result represents a new perspective on the classification of SIs that serves to highlight one of the central difficulties encountered so far with these tools, namely their limited use in management and the setting of policy. We argue that this is due in large part to the nature of the SI frameworks created to date, even if carried out in a 'participative' mode. The framework itself is representative of a mindset or paradigm of understanding which, when applied as the sole device, we find less than adequate in achieving useful SIs. SIs arising from this mindset tend to be quantitative and explicit (clearly stated and with a defined methodology), while in practice most people's and institutions' use of SIs tends to be more qualitative and implicit ('understood' to apply in vaguer terms, with no defined methodology). These two paradigms or mindsets are represented here as the reductionist and the conversational : the first is characterised by quantitative and explicit indicators (or QNE* indicators); and the second is characterised by qualitative and implicit indicators (QLI* indicators). We suggest that what is required is far more research on the evolution and use of QLI* SIs (and the mindset which is necessary to develop them), in order to best appreciate how they can be hybridised with the QNE* group. The result may be termed 'multiple perspective' SIs. Este documento describe algunas de las ideas obtenidas por los autores en el desarrollo de un acercamiento por análisis de sostenimiento sistemático para llegar a los indicadores de sostenimiento (SIs) por desarrollo. El documento describe los problemas de perspectiva y patrones que dicha investigación involucra, y la necesidad de repensar tanto en el propósito como en el contenido de los SIs así como tambien toma en cuenta la perspectiva del investigador. El resultado representa una nueva perspectiva en la clasificación del los SIs la cual sirve para resaltar una de las dificultades centrales encontradas hasta ahora con estas herramientas; especificamente su limitado uso en el manejo y establecimiento de políticas. Nosotros argumentamos que ésto se debe en gran parte a la naturaleza de las estructuras de los SIs creadas hasta la fecha, incluso si se lleva a cabo en un modo 'participativo'. La estructura por si misma es representativa de un patron o paradigma de entendimiento el cual cuando es aplicado al esquema único encontramos menos adecuado alcanzar SIs útiles. Los SIs que surgen de este patrón tienden a ser cuantitativos y explícitos (claramente señalados y con una metodología definida), mientras que en la practica el uso de los SIs por parte de la mayoria de la personas e instituciones tiende a ser mas cualitativo e implicito ('entendido' a aplicar en terminos mas vagos, con metodología mas definida). Estos dos paradigmas o patrones son representados aquí como el reduccionista y el coloquial — uno es caracterizado por indicadores cuantitativos y explícitos (o indicadores QNE*), el otro por indicadores cualitativos e implícitos (QLI*) respectivamente. Nosotros sugerimos que lo que se requiere es mucha mas investigación en la evolución y uso de SIs de QLI* (y el patrón que es necesario para desarollarlo), para apreciar mejor como ellos pueden ser mezclados con el grupo de QNE*. El resultado puede ser denominado indicadores de sostenimiento de perspectiva multiple.  相似文献   

可持续农地整理是实现耕地总量动态平衡的重要手段,也是改善农村生态环境、增加土地产出、促进农业及农村发展的重要举措.从介绍可持续农地整理的概念入手,在分析一般农地整理项目规划设计与可持续农地整理项目规划设计差别的基础上,重点阐述了当前农地整理项目规划设计中存在的问题,并从可持续的角度提出了相应对策.  相似文献   


Climate change is a major issue for all levels of government, global, national and local. Local authorities' responses to climate change have tended to concentrate on their role in reducing greenhouse gases. However, the scientific consensus is that we also need to adapt to unavoidable climate change. Spatial planning at a local level has a critical anticipatory role to play in promoting robust adaptation. This paper reviews the shift in local authorities' planning policies for climate change adaptation in the UK since 2000, and provides evidence of underlying attitudes amongst planning professionals to climate change. It shows that, while the issue of climate change is becoming recognized with respect to flood risk, the wider implications (for instance, for biodiversity and water resources) are not yet integrated into plans. The reasons for this lie in lack of political support and lack of engagement of the planning profession with climate change networks. But the paper also argues there are difficulties in acknowledging the need for adaptation at the local level, with the short-term horizons of local plans at odds with perceptions of the long-term implications of climate change.  相似文献   

Climate change is a major issue for all levels of government, global, national and local. Local authorities' responses to climate change have tended to concentrate on their role in reducing greenhouse gases. However, the scientific consensus is that we also need to adapt to unavoidable climate change. Spatial planning at a local level has a critical anticipatory role to play in promoting robust adaptation. This paper reviews the shift in local authorities' planning policies for climate change adaptation in the UK since 2000, and provides evidence of underlying attitudes amongst planning professionals to climate change. It shows that, while the issue of climate change is becoming recognized with respect to flood risk, the wider implications (for instance, for biodiversity and water resources) are not yet integrated into plans. The reasons for this lie in lack of political support and lack of engagement of the planning profession with climate change networks. But the paper also argues there are difficulties in acknowledging the need for adaptation at the local level, with the short-term horizons of local plans at odds with perceptions of the long-term implications of climate change.  相似文献   

随着经济全球化、城市化进程的加剧,城市生态的规划建设对社会经济发展起着至关重要的作用。从可持续发展视域探讨当前城市规划建设中存在的由规划滞后、规划重复、规划片面、执法不严等造成的城市规划环境污染、资源浪费和生态破坏的问题,提出构建城市生态规划的现实必然性和基本原则,从强化机制、转变观念、以人为本、健全法制、合理规划等角度探讨可持续发展视阈下城市生态规划的途径。  相似文献   

There is currently only one large coastal quarry, or superquarry as they are often called, in Britain. The scale of these developments means that they raise concerns about their environmental impact. At present there is a proposal to develop a coastal superquarry on the Isle of Harris, in the Outer Hebrides. This paper discusses the concept of superquarries and focuses in detail on the Harris proposal which was the subject of a recent public inquiry.  相似文献   

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