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可持续发展战略与环境成本内部化   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20       下载免费PDF全文
环境成本内部化是实现可持续发展的重要手段。本文从环境经济学的角度出发,分析了可持续发展思想的产生争论背景、可持续发展与传统发展模式的差异以及现行国民经济核算体系的严重缺陷。在此基础上,根据经济过渡期和市场经济的特点和要求,提出了实现可持续发展战略的宏观、中观和微观的环境成本内部化政策和措施。   相似文献   

农业绿色转型已经成为乡村振兴与农业农村深化改革的关键路径,亟待探索农业生产转型与其环境效应的耦合关系与机制,从而推进农业的高质量发展。近年来,学者们基于不同的空间尺度,对农业生产转型及其环境效应的过程、格局、机理与优化调控开展了广泛探讨。为系统梳理该方面研究的相关进展,识别出相应的研究不足,本文采用文献分析与系统归纳相结合的方法,分析了农业生态环境问题的识别、测度与成因等方面的研究态势,从关键要素的视角解析了农业生产转型对生态环境影响的研究进展,并对农业经济增长与农业面源污染和农业生产转型与农业生态效率的相互关系进行了总结。研究指出:未来农业生产转型及其环境效应研究应加强从系统科学的视角解读二者的互馈关系,并关注二者互馈响应的区域异质性,深化基于土地系统科学视角的耕地利用转型的环境影响研究,通过多学科交叉融合加强对中国特色“小农”生产方式转型所引发的环境问题的微观机理探析。  相似文献   

区域环境风险区划理论与方法研究   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:6  
区域尺度上的产业发展已经成为我国经济新的增长点,探讨区域环境风险管理的理论和方法,确保区域环境安全已成为迫切需要解决的问题之一.以环境风险系统的组成及环境风险事件的发生过程为研究基础,探讨了区域环境风险管理的主要手段之一--区域环境风险区划的理论及方法.研究了环境风险区划应遵循系统性、一致性、主导性和动态性的原则,讨论了环境风险区划的步骤、指标体系和方法,提出环境风险区划是开展区域环境风险预防性研究,降低区域发展过程中可能存在的环境风险危害的主要措施之一.选取我国三大经济核心地区之一的长江(江苏段)沿江经济带为例,以该区域的开发区为研究单元,建立环境风险区划指标体系,采用综合评价法评价区域环境风险,并提出相应防范措施,为区域环境风险管理提供依据.   相似文献   

提出一种新的不确定性模糊多目标规划(IFMOP)模型。该模型将不确定性信息直接引入优化过程,从而得到以区间数表示的优化解;在模型优化解的解译过程中,将各个变量在区间内进行适当组合就能得到各种决策方案;模型能够与决策者直接进行交互,充分考虑决策者的反馈意见,以便获得最终满意的决策方案。该模型计算方便,其求解过程中不会生成复杂的中间模型。该模型已被成功地应用于云南洱海流域可持续发展环境规划研究  相似文献   

可持续环境与发展规划的途径及其有效性   总被引:34,自引:0,他引:34  
当人们对一些经典概念和模式,如经济最优化模式、生态最适模式、最低安全标准、承载力概念等提出疑问之后,环境与发展规划的方法论也随之面临着严峻的挑战。本文指出:①以经济最优化和生态最适模式指导规划都是非常局限和困难的,规划决不是一个环境和经济决定论的过程,而是一个可辩护的过程;②环境可能会对发展产生所谓的“顶极的”“绝对的”制约,对此,规划必须服从。但是,这种“顶极的”和“绝对的”界线是很难确切定义的,也往往是难以操作的,因而其在环境与发展规划中的意义是相当有限的。必须寻找一些新的有效的战略使规划过程具有可辩护性和可操作性。如何寻求和设计这种辩护战略是可持续发展规划方法论的一个重要领域。生态安全格局途径正是在这一方向上所做的努力。  相似文献   

Global food production and security rely heavily on finite reserves of newly mined phosphate for fertilizers. However, systemic inefficiencies result in the deposition in aquatic ecosystems of much of the phosphorus mined for food production causing costly eutrophication problems that damage aquatic ecosystems and human health. The Sustainable Phosphorus Alliance (SPA, formerly named North American Partnership for Phosphorus Sustainability) was created to implement sustainable phosphorus solutions through active engagement of stakeholders in both the private and public sectors. This paper describes a conceptual model of transformative change to a sustainable phosphorus system for the North American region. The model emerged from discussions at a series of formal and informal meetings held in conjunction with a ‘Future of Phosphorus’ event (National Science Foundation’s Phosphorus Sustainability Research Coordination Network) and an inaugural SPA Board meeting. Model development drew on the multi-level perspective of socio-technical transitions to develop a series of pathways to a transformed phosphorus system. The uses of the model and transition pathways are discussed in terms of their potential to form an important first step towards the development of a regional vision for improved phosphorus sustainability. The process provides an example of how research in sustainability science can contribute to action on environmental improvement.  相似文献   

本文结合现代管理思想,对如何促进环境信息化与环保业务相互融合进行思考,通过对两者关系的比较论证与作用分析,指出业务流程管理、管理模式创新以及环境信息化是实现环境管理转型、促进环保事业发展、推进环境保护现代化的有效途径。  相似文献   

1 UrbanizationandtransitionofurbanenvironmentalproblemsItiswellknownthatChinaisnowexperiencingrapidurbanizationandindustriali?..  相似文献   

The increasing demand for environmental performance evaluation of industry requires development of sector-specific environmental performance indicators (EPIs). For the consumer product manufacturing industry, in this case the textile industry, the need to evaluate environmental performance both from process and product life cycle perspectives leads to development of EPIs of process and product dimensions. Such types of EPIs have been developed, with best achievable values being identified, by this study for cotton woven products and wet processing. An in-depth discussion has been presented concerning problems in developing and applying EPIs, while areas for further research are also recommended.  相似文献   

1995-2015年江苏省土地利用功能转型特征及其协调性分析   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:10  
土地利用功能转型可实现土地利用功能协调,是实施区域可持续发展的重要路径。从功能协调角度构建土地利用功能转型分析框架,利用江苏省1995年、2000年、2005年、2010年和2015年5期遥感影像及相关资源利用和社会经济数据,构建三级土地利用功能评价体系,以县域为评价单元,通过三角模型和空间相关分析等方法,定量解析江苏省土地利用功能时空演变特征及其与土地可持续利用目标的协调状况。研究结果显示:(1)研究期内,江苏省土地利用功能总水平提升减慢,其中生产、生活功能不同程度提升,生态功能明显下降。(2)生产、生活功能空间集聚不突出,生态功能的热点、冷点区域呈“Y”型集聚分布。(3)不同功能区功能协调性态势不一,重点开发区和限制开发区可持续发展态势总体良好,优化开发区可持续发展程度较弱并持续恶化。建议江苏省在落实发展蓝图和空间规划的过程中,应优先推进苏南现代化示范区建设,重点实施重点开发区生活功能转型、Ⅰ类限制开发区生产功能转型策略,并严格落实禁止开发区的生态保护责任等差别化管理策略。  相似文献   

针对氧化铝生产过程中的环境问题,建立了氧化铝生产环境负荷的资源消耗指标、能源消耗指标和环境排放指标。并就多产品环境负荷的分摊原则进行了说明。提出了定量计算氧化铝整个生产过程环境负荷的数学模型。用该模型不仅能计算出最终产品氧化铝的环境负荷,而且也可计算出各中间工序产品的环境负荷,这为改善氧化铝的环境负荷提供了依据。  相似文献   

应用不确定性模糊多目标规划(IFMOP〕模型对云南洱海流域进行了可持续发展环境规划研究.通过对流域内各种有关的人类行为时空分布的建模与求解.得到了在不同子区和不同时段的优化方案.由于IFMOP充分考虑了各种不确定性因素.并将其直接引入建模与求解过程.因此得到的解不仅能够为决策者提供经济与环境协调发展的优化框架.而且给决策者留下了发挥经验与才智的空间.  相似文献   

The Osnabruck model, and another under development by the South Carolina Sustainable Universities Initiative, are the only two EMS models that have been proposed specifically for colleges and universities, although several guides are now available. The Environmental Management System Implementation Model for U.S. Colleges and Universities detailed in this paper, an adaptation of the ISO 14001 standard and USEPA recommendations, has been tailored to U.S. colleges and universities for use in streamlining the implementation process. In using this three-phased implementation model created for the U.S. research and academic setting, it is hoped that these highly specialized institutions will be provided with a clearer and more cost-effective path towards the implementation of an EMS and greater compliance with local, state and federal environmental legislation.  相似文献   

以2003-2015年的中国资源型地级城市为研究对象,利用全局主成分分析、耦合协调模型和面板VAR模型对中国不同类型的资源型城市精明发展与环境质量的耦合关系及交互响应机制进行综合测度。研究发现:(1)资源型城市精明发展水平相对较低,各地区间差异有所减弱;环境质量亟待改善,各地区间差异在波动中有所增加。(2)二者间的耦合协调关系有待提升,耦合协调度由高到低排名依次为成长型、衰退型、再生型和成熟型。(3)不同类型资源型城市的精明发展与环境质量均有自我增强和惯性增长趋势。资源型城市精明发展对环境质量呈现先正后负的作用机制,成熟型资源城市精明发展提升对环境质量具有正向增强机制,而衰退型资源城市环境质量对精明发展、再生型资源城市精明发展对环境质量均呈现先负后正的交替作用机制。未来15期,成熟型和再生型资源城市精明发展将会促进环境质量提升。针对不同类型资源城市提出了差异化的对策与转型发展建议。  相似文献   

短程反硝化技术将硝酸盐还原的同时实现亚硝酸盐积累,不仅为厌氧氨氧化反应提供底物且能有效利用其反应产生的硝酸盐。因有机碳源需求少、反应速率高、污泥产量低及运行稳定等优点,短程反硝化具有重要的科学和工程意义,成为近年来的研究热点。介绍了短程反硝化技术的发展历程,从影响亚硝酸盐积累的环境因素及微生物群落结构等方面阐述了短程反硝化的原理,同时对现阶段短程反硝化存在的问题以及应用前景进行总结。最后对我国如何实现传统工艺向新兴高效的短程反硝化工艺的实践应用转型提出了建议。  相似文献   

The development of methods for process analysis has contributed to the improvement of production systems. In this context, many models and methodologies have been established in the literature in order to evaluate environmental performance of industrial processes, since it has become an important issue for society. However, few of them analyze environmental impacts and related costs simultaneously. So, this work presents an integrated methodology to perform this evaluation, based on Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and Activity-Based Costing (ABC) principles. The proposed methodology was applied in a metallurgical industry in Brazil. As result, it allowed to identify the production process stages which have critical environmental impacts and greatest contribution to increase environmental costs of the company.  相似文献   

Among the numerous health conditions environmental pollutants can cause, chronic exposure to pollutants including persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and heavy metals has been shown to disturb a specific biological homeostatic process, the iron metabolism in human body. Disorders of iron metabolism are among the common diseases of humans and encompass a broad spectrum of diseases with different clinical manifestations, ranging from anemia to iron overload, and possibly to neurodegenerative diseases and cancer. Hepcidin–ferroportin (FPN) signaling is one of the key mechanisms responsible for iron supply, utilization, recycling, and storage, and recent studies demonstrated that exposure to environmental pollutants including POPs and heavy metals could lead to disruption of the hepcidin–FPN axis along with disordered systemic iron homeostasis and diseases. This article introduces and highlights the accompanying review article by Drs. Xu and Liu in this journal, which elaborates in detail the adverse effects of environmental pollutants on iron metabolism, and the mechanisms responsible for these toxicological outcomes. It also points out the knowledge gaps still existing in this subject matter. Research that will fill these gaps will improve our understanding of the issue and provide useful information to prevent or treat diseases induced by environmental pollutants.  相似文献   

自《京都议定书》生效以来,国际碳市场取得了长足的发展,并在推动各国低碳转型方面发挥了积极作用。由于受国际气候制度演变带来的政策不确定性影响,以及欧洲主权债务危机的冲击,当前国际碳市场的发展陷入停滞。未来国际碳市场将何去何从?本文立足主要国家国内碳市场发展、国际气候谈判进程以及德班气候变化会议成果,对国际碳市场的未来发展走势进行了系统分析,提出2012年后的国际碳市场将由联合国气候公约缔约方会议相关决定和议定书第二承诺期两个框架同时驱动,同时还将在很大程度上受到主要国家国内政策取向的影响。本文同时还介绍了中国国内碳交易市场的建设进展及其面·临的主要挑战,最后针对环境保护部门在国内碳市场建设中可发挥的作用提出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

The U.S. General Accounting Office estimates that there may be as many as 650000 underutilized or abandoned properties across the country owing to perceived or actual releases of hazardous materials. Liabilities presented by these properties, referred to as Brownfields sites, create substantial limitations to property acquisition and employment opportunities, particularly in economically distressed areas. Several federal and state programs have been developed to evaluate and cleanup such sites, but the number of projects funded are far outnumbered by the sites remaining to be investigated. An innovative approach to Brownfields site assessment has been developed that relies on a unique partnership between academia, state and federal environmental regulators, and municipalities. Students in environmental programs are provided the necessary skills to conduct Phase I environmental site assessments pursuant to ASTM guidelines. The reports produced provide a comprehensive evaluation of the environmental value of potential Brownfields sites and form a basis for making future informed decisions regarding site usage and/or necessary remedial actions. A model for the effective development of Brownfields partnerships is introduced. Several case histories are presented where this program has been implemented.  相似文献   

混合整变量线性规划模型在国外许多行业和我国环境规划领域得到广泛应用。Benders分解算法是求解大规模混合整变量线性规划问题的一种先进技术,该技术在国外求解运输问题和网络问题范畴的实际问题得到了成功。我们应用Benders技术研制开发了大型计算机软伴;这是在我国系统工程领域和国际环境规划工作中的首次应用。在程序库开发工作中,引进和采用了当今国际上先进的运筹学方法和计算机技术。程序库在求解实际的环境规划问题中获得了初步的成功。我们应用所开发的程序库和数学模型求解了一个具有635个约束条件,1087个变量(其中0—1整变量为126个)的实际城市综合整冶规划问题。这是至今国内所求解的最大规模的混合整变量线性规划问题,也是国际上用Benders方法求解的最大的环境规划问题。  相似文献   

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